Vaxigrip, Influvac, Grippol Plus, Sovigripp, Ultrix - which flu vaccine is better? Who is recommended to get vaccinated? Which strain will prevail in Russia

Hi all!

I am a pediatrician. I work on the site. And in addition to appointments, once a week I go to kindergarten to examine and vaccinate children.

This year (early September) to our clinic A new vaccine has arrived - Sovigflu. Before this, more than 3 years ago flu plus. Influenza has already been tested; I was vaccinated with it even during pregnancy. What kind of co-flu is it?

SOVIGRIPP: composition, indications

This vaccine is without a preservative. It is intended for children over 6 months, pregnant women in the 2nd-3rd trimester, teenagers and also for adults.

Vaccine without preservative:
- hemagglutin of influenza virus subtype A (H1N1) - 5 µg;
- hemagglutin of influenza virus subtype A (H3N2) - 5 µg;
- hemagglutin of influenza virus type B - 11 µg;
- adjuvant SOVIDON - 500 mcg;
- phosphate-saline buffer solution - up to 0.5 ml.

There is also a Sovigripp vaccine with a preservative. It is vaccinated for adults over 18 years of age.


WHAT'S IN THE Vaccine Box???

In the box with the vaccine: instructions, a sealed bag with a syringe and vaccine (1 dose) and instructions.

1 dose = 0.5 ml.

Method of administration: intramuscular (thigh or shoulder).

Production: Russia

Shelf life - 1 year.


How is the SOVIGRIPP vaccine tolerated by children? SIDE EFFECTS

She has already vaccinated more than 150 children at the site and in the gardens. I would like to note that after receiving this vaccine, 10 children had a single increase in temperature to 37.2 - 37.5 (it fell on its own), several children had a runny nose, which also went away in 1-2 days. Two of them have had a cough for 3-4 days, and I’m more inclined to think that this is a contact with ARVI (such a side effect as a cough is simply not in the annotation)

The vaccine is a highly purified drug and is well tolerated by the vaccinee.
The following reactions may develop:
Very common(>1/10):
- local reactions: pain on palpation, compaction, swelling and hyperemia of the skin at the injection site;
- systemic reactions: low-grade fever, malaise, headache. sore and sore throat, slight runny nose.
These local and systemic reactions are transient in nature and disappear after 1-2 days without specific therapy.
Very rarely (<1/10 000):
- with high individual sensitivity, allergic reactions may occur: anaphylactic shock, angioedema, urticaria, rash (erythematous, papular), etc.

My son I had a sore throat during the day and that was all. Further, no one even remembered about vaccination. More than 3 weeks have passed since the vaccination. Immunity is just being formed. I think it will definitely have time to form before the epidemic.

I was even surprised that there are so few adverse reactions to this vaccine. There were more “complaints” from mothers about influenza plus.

I would still like to say that refusals to vaccinate against influenza are often written by those mothers whose children either “fell ill” after vaccination, or who heard about the possibility of getting sick. But I explain to them that it is impossible to get sick from vaccines (for influenza), they are inactivated. Which is most likely children caught the virus while standing in line at the clinic, waiting for an appointment. But such mothers cannot be convinced, Yes, I don’t insist. This is a personal choice for each mother.

THERE ARE A LOT OF REFUSIONS TO VACCINATE THE FLU, in schools, in kindergartens, and in clinics.

I myself am only “FOR!!!” flu vaccination. This vaccine:


VERY well tolerated by children

After 3 years, single vaccination (in the shoulder)

Children can be vaccinated from 6 months (from 6 months to 3 years, double vaccination with an interval of 1 month - in the thigh IM IN HALF DOSE = 0.25 ml).


The flu vaccine does not provide a 100% guarantee that a child will not get the flu. If immunity against a given strain of influenza has time to develop, then even if the body encounters the influenza virus, the disease will either not develop or will be mild. The flu is not so much scary as its complications. And the flu vaccine will help prevent them.

Earns reviews from doctors and patients. This drug is extremely important for modern man. After all, it is he who helps fight viral infections, epidemics of which are so common. True, before administering an injection, you really need to find out what doctors and patients think about this. Maybe it’s better to use old vaccines altogether? Or pay attention to a new one? Let's look into this issue.


Let's start with the fact that Sovigripp (vaccine) has been receiving reviews since its description. That is, as soon as patients find out what it is, they write their opinions about the medication. This is not entirely correct. But the fact remains a fact.

The thing is that Sovigripp is a kind of new Russian flu vaccine. A certain concentrated solution in ampoules that contains killed and weakened influenza bacteria different types. To be honest, there is nothing special about it. Only “Sovigripp” (vaccine) does not receive the best reviews from consumers simply because it is domestic. Modern population is skeptical about Russian vaccines. Especially new ones. This is exactly what our today's drug is.


Of course, it is impossible to do without special indications for use. And this flu vaccine "Sovigripp", reviews of which will be presented to our attention a little later, has a number of both recommendations and contraindications. You need to pay attention to them close attention. After all, virus injections and vaccinations are no joke.

"Sovigripp" - which is recommended for administration to the entire adult population who want to increase their immunity and protect themselves from various types of influenza. Suitable for use by people over 18 years of age. As the manufacturers assure, even during pregnancy and lactation (the most vulnerable categories of citizens, by the way), you can be vaccinated with the drug. “Sovigripp” (vaccine), which has received mixed reviews, is highly recommended for those who have reduced immunity and also have a risk of developing serious complications after past illness. Sometimes this remedy also applicable for routine vaccinations against flu in schools. But it applies exclusively to senior schoolchildren (grades 8-11).


We must also not forget about contraindications. It's not enough to want to protect yourself from viral diseases and flu. You also need to have an idea of ​​when injections should not be given. Otherwise, you can simply harm your own health. reviews and the effectiveness of which are presented to our attention, this is not just some kind of injection. A really serious injection. And for this reason, contraindications should not be overlooked.

The Sovigripp flu vaccine, reviews of which are of interest to many patients, is not recommended for use by people with hypersensitivity, as well as those who are generally intolerant to any vaccinations. Such cases are rare, but they do occur. Also for viral diseases, elevated temperature and any ailment, Sovigripp is prohibited. Small children and primary schoolchildren should also not receive this injection. If you are inclined to allergic reactions(including protein), you can also forget about the domestic method of protection against ARVI and influenza.

The restrictions don't end there. Strong post-vaccination reactions of the body and chronic diseases in the patient are also reasons for refusing vaccination with the drug. Thus, we can conclude that the medication has more than enough contraindications. There is no need to be alarmed - similar restrictions are imposed on most vaccines. After all, a person should receive a weakened or killed virus when the body is in excellent condition. Otherwise, there is a risk not of developing immunity, but of disease.

Doctors' opinion

An important point is what doctors think about domestic vaccine. It is not in vain that before any vaccination it is advisable to consult a specialist. The vaccine "Sovigripp" earns, oddly enough, very good reviews from doctors.

Many claim that this remedy Russian production helps fight the flu and its viruses faster than others. In addition, doctors say that the risk of complications in this case is reduced to almost zero. Allegedly, almost all patients tolerate the injection calmly and without consequences.

Plus, sometimes this drug is prescribed to children. This means there is every reason to trust the vaccine. A pediatrician will never prescribe a drug that can harm a child. Yes, doctors also emphasize that for maximum effect it is necessary to give Sovigrip injections annually. But this is a necessary measure, and it applies to all flu vaccinations. So there is nothing to be afraid of.

Patients say

But the opinions of patients do not always coincide with the words of doctors. The population is structured in such a way that domestic medicine lately There is not much trust. And therefore, Sovigripp (vaccine) does not earn the best reviews from patients.

For example, the main reason for this is the manufacturer. He's Russian. And this fact is already making people doubt the effectiveness and safety of vaccination. It’s no secret that in Russia, despite the country’s development, testing is not particularly effective medical supplies. And therefore the risk of complications after injections remains high. But all this is carefully hidden. After all, doctors’ main task is to promote domestic medicine.

In addition, patients indeed repeatedly emphasize that after the vaccine their symptoms worsen dramatically. general condition health for a few days. All this is attributed to the side effects of the drug. Only these cases occur extremely often. And this does not make the population happy. Sometimes after vaccination you can feel really sick. This is exactly what people who have already tried Sovigripp say.


What conclusion can be drawn from all this? "Sovigripp" (vaccine) receives dubious and ambiguous reviews. The opinions of doctors and patients were divided. And here everyone has the right to decide who to believe more. In principle, if you do not suffer from viral diseases, and are also not afraid of new drugs, then our current option is quite suitable for an injection.

"Sovigripp" (vaccine), the instructions, reviews, recommendations and contraindications of which were presented to our attention, is a domestic product, first of all. There is no need to be afraid of him. Yes, it is not worth experimenting if you suffer from side effects. And children also do not need to be given such injections until this drug is considered a “new word” in medicine. Otherwise nothing visible reasons for fear no.

It is very difficult to protect your child from the flu because the virus is highly contagious. IN kindergarten and at school, in transport and in stores, on the street, in the sports section during a period of mass morbidity, a child may well become infected with the flu. There is only one measure specific prevention- vaccination. In this article we will talk about the features of the Sovigripp vaccine, which has long proven itself as excellent remedy for the prevention of influenza in children.

Calculate your vaccination schedule

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Why should you do it?

Influenza is considered one of the most dangerous illnesses for children, the elderly, pregnant women and those suffering chronic diseases. The fact is that the immune system of an adult has enough strength and ability to cope with the virus that caused the disease without significant “losses.”

Natural protection child's body weak and imperfect, she has yet to get stronger. Therefore, it is not even the virus itself that causes influenza that is considered dangerous, but the possible complications that can develop after acute stage diseases.

They do not develop as rarely as it seems, and can significantly worsen the baby’s quality of life, and even lead to fatal outcome. Among the most severe complications are meningitis, pneumonia, myocarditis, lesions of the central nervous system. Often spicy viral disease ends with the development of sinusitis, otitis, bronchitis and other diseases that become possible due to the addition of a secondary bacterial or other infection.

During periods of mass morbidity, large-scale preventive measures, which include limiting attendance at crowded gatherings, especially indoors, wearing gauze bandages (the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets), saturating the child’s diet with vitamins and protein foods. But the only one current method Prevention is considered a vaccination.

It is very important to understand that getting a child vaccinated does not guarantee that influenza infection will not occur. But the likelihood of infection even through contact with a patient will be significantly lower, and the disease itself, if it happens, will proceed faster and easier, the risks of complications after the flu will be reduced to minimal levels.

The purpose of vaccination is to create a small supply of antibodies to the virus in the child’s body. This supply will be temporary and not permanent, but it will help the immune system cope with the disease if infection does occur. Russian doctors use two types of vaccines for vaccinations. Live vaccine contains a certain amount of living virus particles - this amount is not enough to cause illness, but it is quite enough to activate the immune system, which will begin to produce specific antibodies.

Inactivated vaccines contain virus particles that have been rendered harmless in a laboratory. Since live vaccines are the most reactogenic, inactivated influenza vaccines are prescribed for use in children and other members of the risk group. “Sovigripp” belongs to just such a group.

About the vaccine

"Sovigripp" - domestic inactivated vaccine against influenza, the composition of which varies depending on the recommendations World Organization healthcare and the Russian Ministry of Health. The fact is that the influenza virus is constantly mutating, so every year it is necessary to make adjustments to the composition of vaccines, supplementing them or replacing one component with another.

In the basic version, the vaccine contains surface proteins - glycoproteins of the virus, which in the laboratory genetic engineers isolate from previously neutralized and purified particles of the pathogen: viruses type A and B. Before this, chicken embryos are infected with these viruses in order to obtain a virus-containing liquid as a raw material.

"Sovigripp" can be produced in two forms: with the addition of the preservative thiomersal and without it. The second option is considered optimal for children and women expecting the birth of a child. For adult patients, the use of both types of product (both with and without a preservative) is allowed.

Sovigripp is administered exclusively intramuscularly and is available in an appropriate injection solution; the vaccine does not exist in other forms. The drug is purchased annually centrally from state program, and comes in medical institutions, from where it is distributed to schools, kindergartens, and children's clinics of regional subordination.

Each of both types of “Sovigrippa” contains in one dose protein particles that form immunity to such types of influenza as A (H1N1) in the amount of 5 mcg, subtype A (H3N2) in the same amount and proteins of the influenza virus type B in the amount of 11 mcg. This composition helps protect the child from the most dangerous subtypes and strains that most often cause severe consequences: "swine" flu and "Hong Kong" flu.

The liquid in single-use bottles is usually colorless or has a slight yellowish tint, which is fully acceptable by the manufacturer.

Indications and contraindications

Influenza vaccination is not mandatory in Russia, but is strongly recommended for all children over six months of age. During the first six months of a child’s life, innate “maternal” immunity protects the child. But as early as six months, babies become very susceptible to the viral threat.

Childhood is therefore considered important indication to use Sovigrippa, but parents must decide whether to vaccinate their child or not. Therefore, mothers of schoolchildren and kindergarteners fill out informed consent for vaccination or write a refusal. Parents of children under 3 years of age will be offered such consent at the children's clinic at their place of residence.

Special attention Parents of children from the so-called risk group should be alerted to the risk of contracting influenza and the need to participate in vaccination. This includes children who are often ill, children who have any chronic illnesses, children who have already suffered from influenza or ARVI with subsequent complications, as well as those who often visit crowded places (kindergarten and school).

The instructions for use of the drug also indicate some contraindications to the use of Sovigrippa:

  • You cannot use a product with a preservative if the child is underage;
  • The child should not be allergic to chicken protein;
  • It is prohibited to vaccinate children under six months of age;

If at the time of vaccination the child has signs of any disease: runny nose, cough, headache, exacerbation chronic illness, then the administration of the drug may worsen his condition.

If during the previous administration in the last epidemic season the child had a pronounced reaction to the vaccine: fever above 40.0 degrees, development of swelling in the area where the vaccine was administered, convulsions, then the manufacturers also do not recommend using the drug. Such a child can be given another vaccine, for example, Grippol, but the reaction should still be closely monitored by medical professionals. When repeated negative experience You will have to temporarily refuse to vaccinate your baby.

Parents can always ask a pediatrician for a description of the drug and tips for use or read official instructions on one's own.

Advantages of the drug for children's use

Sovigripp provides a high degree of protection, which has been proven in clinical trials. This is partly due to a special component that enhances the degree of the immune response. This component is called “Sovidon”. Other flu vaccines usually add Polyoxidonium as such an “enhancer”.

Due to the composition of the vaccination liquid thought out to the smallest detail, it is possible to achieve long period protection - after vaccination, specific immunity lasts from 6 to 9 months. This is quite enough to protect the child from dangerous disease throughout the entire epidemiological season. Therefore, vaccination in August-October will help provide protection almost until next summer.

The advantage of the drug for children is the absence of a preservative, and therefore vaccination is less likely than other anti-influenza vaccines to cause a negative reaction in the child’s body.

Parents who doubt the safety of the drug should remember that the same vaccine is administered to pregnant women, because clinical trials showed the absence of teratogenic or other effects of the composition on the fetus developing in the womb.

How to vaccinate?

Instructions for use of the drug describe the rules by which vaccination should be carried out. They are agreed upon and approved by the Russian Ministry of Health. Here are the key rules for using Sovigrippa to protect children.

  • A vaccination campaign should be carried out every year in the fall and winter, preferably before cases of infection appear.
  • Vaccinations cannot be ruled out at the start of the epidemiological season, when the first cases indicating an increase in morbidity are already occurring.
  • The vaccine is given in the arm - in top part the outer surface of the shoulder (in the area of ​​the anatomical location of the deltoid muscle).
  • For children aged 3 years and older, a single dose of 0.5 ml is sufficient.
  • Children from six months to 3 years old need to be vaccinated twice per season - 0.25 ml of the drug is administered the first time, and the same amount exactly a month later. Unlike older children, children are not vaccinated in the arm; it is allowed to be administered intramuscularly to the anterior outer part of the thigh.

The ampoule with the drug can only be opened under sterile conditions and in compliance with all hygienic requirements. After the injection, the remains of the drug cannot be stored; they must be disposed of immediately.

Before vaccinating a child with Sovigripp, a medical professional must make sure that the vaccine is not expired, that the integrity of the packaging is not compromised, and that the color and transparency of the drug inside the ampoule correspond to the standards stated by the manufacturers.

Vaccination rooms in a clinic, school or kindergarten must be equipped with antishock therapy. After vaccination, doctors should observe the child for at least half an hour. Administering the drug intravenously, drip-wise, or in any other way is strictly prohibited.

On the day of vaccination, the child must be examined by a pediatrician or paramedic - measure body temperature, examine the condition of the throat and nasal passages, and skin.

After vaccination, the injection site can be wetted, but on the first day it is not recommended to walk with the child, as well as engage in physical education and sports. A gentle regime during the day will help the child’s immune system to more gently adapt to the new operating mode.

At home, parents also need to monitor their child. If an increase in temperature is detected, skin reactions or other symptoms of deterioration, you should definitely contact your doctor.

Side effects and reactions

Sovigripp is a highly purified drug, and therefore the drug is usually well tolerated. But clinical trials conducted on this drug still revealed the possibility of negative reactions. Therefore, after vaccination, it is sometimes possible for a child to develop the following symptoms post-vaccination reaction:

  • more often- redness and thickening at the injection site, slight swelling skin, increased body temperature above 37.0 degrees, mild nasal congestion, headaches, pain when swallowing, malaise, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • often– joint pain, muscle pain, dizziness;
  • rarely- anaphylactic shock, rashes and other allergic reactions.

Parents should not worry too much about most side effects - most of them go away on their own after 1-2 days, and there is no special treatment not required. With other vaccines, if the timing of other vaccinations is suitable, the drug is completely compatible. The only exceptions are rabies vaccines.

If a child receives two vaccinations on the same day, the following must be taken into account: side effects several drugs at once, and it is also necessary to inject drugs with different syringes into different parts of the body.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

According to the famous pediatrician and TV presenter Evgeniy Komarovsky, parents should not neglect the flu vaccine. But with age, he calls for more caution - to vaccinate not from six months of age, but from one year of age. Until this time, the best protection for the child will be breast-feeding and members of the baby’s family vaccinated with Sovigripp or another means.

The pediatrician recommends vaccinating older children in advance. It takes 3 to 5 weeks to form stable immunity.

Every year, with the onset of cold weather, mass vaccination against influenza is carried out in the country. One of the proven domestically produced drugs is the Sovigripp vaccine. Produced Russian company Microgen, which specializes in the production of vaccination drugs. Feature this drug is to use domestic components for production and carry out all processes exclusively at the company’s enterprises.

Sovigripp - description of the drug

The drug contains inactivated or weakened viruses of various influenza strains. It is a concentrated colorless solution. Every year, depending on the predicted flu strains. The most common are influenza A and B viruses, but their frequent mutations make it impossible to use the same vaccinations all the time.

The vaccine contains elements of the surface shell of viruses; in addition, to enhance the effect, adjuvants are introduced into the drug - substances that make the body’s ability to resist diseases longer. Unlike other vaccines, Sovidon is used for this purpose, the action of which enhances the immune system due to its membrane-stabilizing and antioxidant effect.

The vaccine has been produced by Microgen since 2013. Conducted clinical trials indicate the absence of toxicity and pyrogenicity (increase in temperature) when the vaccine is used in those people who have sufficient ability to form immunity against the virus.

Pharmacological action of the vaccine, composition and group

The effect of the drug is to form specific immunity against influenza. The research results determine the number of people with protective titers of antibodies to influenza viruses in the amount of 75–92% of the total number of people who received the vaccine.

The drug contains glycoproteins (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase) obtained from influenza A and B viruses. Additional component, which enhances the effect of the drug is the adjuvant “Sovidon”, which may contain the preservative thiomersal.

Since the Sovigripp vaccine consists of inactivated viruses, its effect does not exceed 1 year, in contrast to vaccinations using live vaccines, where immunity is created for 5-7 years (smallpox, tularemia vaccine). However, live vaccines have a number of disadvantages - allergenicity, severe complications, high reactogenicity.

Indications and contraindications

The use of the drug for vaccination is prescribed from the age of 18. It is recommended that vaccinations be carried out primarily for the following population groups:

  • Elderly people (over 60 years old) whose immunity is weakened due to age;
  • People suffering from immunodeficiency (AIDS, oncology, atypical pneumonia);
  • Persons with internal organs, allergies, anemia, diabetes mellitus, frequent acute respiratory infections;
  • Health workers, social workers, military;
  • People working in the service sector, security and management agencies.

In some cases, with the permission of a doctor, vaccination of high school students (8th – 11th grade) is carried out.

Vaccination is carried out 3-4 weeks before the outbreak of the epidemic.. It takes 14-21 days for the body to form an immune response. After vaccination, it is not advisable to have contact with infected people during this period. After the injection, you should not leave the clinic for 30 minutes, in case of unforeseen adverse reactions.

If the epidemic has already begun, the vaccine will not fully protect against the flu, but the risk of complications will be significantly lower. The anti-influenza effect of vaccination with Sovigripp lasts from 7 to 9 months.

The use of the drug Sovigripp is possible only after studying the instructions for use and consultation medical worker. In addition to the indications, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications and the possibility of side effects.

Like any drug, the Sovigflu vaccine has a number of contraindications for use. And first of all, these are children under 18 years of age. A number of other prohibited conditions include:

  • Local nonspecific reactions (hyperemia more than 8 cm in diameter, swelling, high temperature) with previous vaccination;
  • Allergy to chicken protein or other components of the drug;
  • Post-vaccination complications with a previous vaccination (anaphylactic shock, loss of consciousness, convulsions).

Not carried out for any infectious or non-communicable diseases V acute form. To get vaccinated, at least 2 weeks must pass from the moment of recovery. The possibility of vaccination in each specific case is determined by the attending physician strictly individually.

During pregnancy

When not detected negative impact on the fetus in preparations that do not contain a preservative. Therefore, the Sovigripp vaccine is approved for use in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters if the benefits exceed the possible harm to health.

The final decision on the possibility of vaccination should be made by the attending physician, taking into account individual characteristics the health of the pregnant woman and the nature of the pregnancy, as well as the degree of risk of infection in the region and the speed of development of the epidemic.

Childhood vaccination (at what age can a child be vaccinated)

The instructions for use state that the drug is for use for vaccination of persons over 18 years of age. However, with the release of a drug that does not contain a preservative, age possible application children's vaccine has dropped to 6 months.

For children over 3 years of age and adults, the drug is administered intramuscularly into the outer third of the shoulder area in a single dose of 1 dose - 0.5 ml. Children from 6 months. up to 3 years of age, the practice is to administer the drug twice, half a dose, with a break of 4 weeks. The vaccine is administered intramuscularly into the anterior outer region of the thigh.

Vaccination is carried out in compliance with safety measures: the expiration date of the vaccine, the integrity of the packaging are checked, and antiseptic rules are observed. There must be anti-shock therapy equipment in the room. Before vaccination, a doctor's examination and temperature measurement are required.

The drug is not administered intravenously, only intramuscularly.

Possible complications caused by the drug

So far, no serious complications have been identified with the use of the Sovigflu vaccine. The safety of the drug is evidenced by the fact that it is approved for use by pregnant women and young children.

However, local adverse reactions observed in approximately 10% of vaccinated:

  • Swelling and hyperemia at the injection site;
  • Pain on palpation;
  • Low-grade fever;
  • Headache;
  • General malaise;
  • Very rarely: urticaria, rash, anaphylaxis.

As a rule, adverse reactions disappear 2-3 days after administration of the vaccine without treatment. medications. It is allowed to vaccinate with Sovigripp simultaneously with other vaccinations, only in different parts of the body and with different syringes. The exception is the tetanus vaccine.


This video will tell you about the Sovigripp vaccine.


Sovigflu is up to 90%, which means the same percentage of exceptions possible complications, which is mainly what causes influenza. Vaccination is a purely individual and voluntary matter. However, when looking at the statistics, it is clear that the likelihood of harm is many times higher.

A special conversation about children - after all, they, as a rule, are the first to be hit. Especially those who get sick often. Vaccination prepares the immune system for a possible battle with the flu and increases the chances of victory. And Sovigripp is pure domestic drug, which has been used for vaccination for many years.