Big encyclopedia of oil and gas. Installed capacity of the power plant

Low growth rates in electricity consumption have led to the emergence of large excess capacities. In 1971, it was expected that the maximum load in the winter of 1976/77 would be 54 GW, but in fact it reached only 49 GW. In this regard, the installed capacity of power plants in the Central Electricity Generation Authority system was 45% higher than the maximum load expected even in 1982/83. The standard reserve capacity is 20%.  

In operation, a distinction is also made between installed average annual capacity, installed available capacity, operating capacity, maximum capacity and reserve capacity. The difference between the two can best be understood using the example of a power plant.  

The number of large power plants with an installed capacity of over 300 thousand kilowatts has increased 25 times compared to 1940. The maximum installed capacity of individual thermal power plants increased from 350 to 1,800 thousand kWh, and of hydroelectric power plants - from 560 to 3,600 thousand kWh.  

Otherwise, the power of the power plant is determined, for which the production of electricity is the main thing. production, and electric generators are the main production facilities, equipment. The power of a power plant is characterized by the total effective maximum continuous power of the electric generators installed at this station. But this is no longer the power used in the production process, but the production itself, the power of the power plant. When calculating the total energy. industrial capacity enterprises do not take into account the power of power plants at all. The total power of all power plants is determined independently and has great value not only in connection with the industrial process. production, because the energy of power plants is used not only in industry, but also in rural areas. x-ve, in transport, in other industries. of the country and in everyday life.  

Where possible, equipment at substations is placed in such a way as to provide maximum protection from damage to switching equipment, but unscheduled switching on of uneconomical power plants is not performed for this purpose alone. To meet the requirements of category 1, if necessary, emergency switching on of uneconomical power plants is carried out after the long-term or short-term overload capacity of power transmission lines has been used. The output of power from any part of the system should not cause temporary or permanent acceleration of the machines, which is possible in the event of separation of this part from the main system. To comply with this condition, operational training is carried out to ensure a rapid reduction in the frequency in the separated part of the system to the established limits.  

When drawing up a calendar schedule of repairs, they strive to bring approximately equal capacities of steam generators and turbine units into repair; observe, if possible, the same frequency of major repairs for individual units; concentrate repairs of thermal power plants with a predominant heating and ventilation load for the summer period, and repairs of peat power plants - by spring in power systems with powerful hydroelectric power plants strive to make maximum use of the high-water period to repair equipment at thermal power plants, large, most economical CPPs are put out for repairs during the period greatest reduction electrical load of the power system (in this case, there is less excess fuel consumption in the power system when the underproduction of large units taken out for repair is compensated for by the production of less economical ones)... Based on the deadlines established by the power system,  

All of the listed types of energy reserves constitute the full reserve of the energy system (REPS, IPS, UES). Thus, the full reserve of active power should be understood as the difference between the power of power plants and the total maximum load of consumers in the region (for the coldest winter day). Note that the total reserve of the power system is estimated as a percentage of the maximum load, and not of the installed capacity of power plants.  

Thus, the more expensive the power plant and the greater the fuel efficiency it has, the more sensitive the cost of energy is to changes in the production (consumption) mode. In this regard, large nuclear and thermal power plants using supercritical steam parameters tend to be used in the base part of the power system load schedule, i.e. with the maximum possible annual number of hours of use of the installed capacity (h). Conversely, low-capital-intensive, but low-efficiency gas turbine units, which at the same time have high maneuverability, are advisable to use to cover short-term maximum loads, i.e. use in peak mode with low h. Since the maneuverability factor often plays the main role when choosing the type of peaking plant, these power plants often turn out to be expensive or inefficient (PSPP, gas turbine unit, etc.). Therefore, the cost  

The capacity of auxiliary power plants (ESS) of gas production and transportation facilities varies widely. At compressor stations of medium-diameter gas pipelines (without gas cooling), for every 1000 kW of installed GPU capacity, an average of up to 0.025 kWh of electricity is consumed, and the operating power of power plants ranges from 500 to 3000 kW. On large gas pipelines and fields, especially where it is necessary to cool gas in air coolers both to ensure the operability and increase the throughput of gas pipelines, and to prevent the thawing of soil near pipelines in permafrost conditions, the maximum power of power plants reaches 20-25 thousand kW.  

During the period of maximum load, part of the installed capacity of the generators will not be in a state of readiness. As stated above, the total availability of power plants during this period is currently estimated at 90% when planning for 6 years ahead. This requires the creation of a power reserve, which, expressed in terms of the load for a period of average cold weather, can be determined by the reciprocal of the estimated overall availability for work,  

In a hydropower system, stations are built to maximize the use of available water flow or to obtain cheap peak power in the presence of regulating reservoirs, so there is no direct relationship between the installed capacity of the stations and the demand of the system. In Switzerland, for example, only 47% of installed plant capacity was used during the European load peak in January 1966 (69% during the national load peak in September 1965, with more than one third of this capacity destined for export). Since Western European hydroelectric power stations usually have the highest output from May to September, i.e., during the period of seasonal reduction in consumption, one can expect that the sum of their non-simultaneous load peaks will give significantly lower total power reserves, but the effect, as follows from the table. 1 (as of 1964), barely noticeable. Excess capacity of power plants depends on the seasonal effect, but is not completely determined by it.  

To calculate the differentiated cost of electricity, we can recommend a method of dividing the production costs of power plants (energy systems) according to their intended purpose. In this case, the fuel component of the cost of energy should be calculated by differentiating the specific fuel consumption for night, day and peak loads, and the fuel (heat) consumption for maintaining the hot (rotating) reserve at night is advisable to attribute to the day or peak load. The calculation of the constant component cost of electricity should be made by differentiating it for base, daily and maximum loads, taking into account the difference in the number of hours of use of installed capacity. The night load must correspond in the number of hours of use to the base load and, therefore, will have the smallest value of the term of fixed costs per 1 kWh. The constant component of the cost of electricity for the daytime load is calculated as the weighted average of two load modes - base and lo-lupic (in terms of power, exceeding the base load).  

To characterize the power of a set of units (workshop, power plant, power system), the following indicators are used: installed power, which at a power plant is determined by turbine units as the sum of the powers of all installed generators (it can only change when installing new ones, dismantling old ones or re-labeling existing generators) available power - the greatest power that can be used without overloading the equipment when complete absence repairs taking into account restrictions under average climatic and hydrometeorological conditions for a given period (as a rule, equal to the installed capacity) operating capacity, i.e. the maximum electrical power that can be used in a given period to ensure power supply to consumers and flows (equal to the available power or less than the power of a piece of equipment undergoing repair or revision).  

Before determining the capacity structure, it is necessary to determine the installed capacity of all power plants, which consists of 1) the maximum load, determined from the load graph on the maximum winter day or as a result of dividing the electricity required per year by the number of hours of use of the maximum load. When determining the number of hours of maximum use in the future, it is necessary to take into account the change in the structure of electricity consumption in industry and by industry. x-va, as well as changing the industrial operating mode. enterprises (length of the working week, number of days off, shifts, etc.) 2) r e-  

See pages where the term is mentioned Maximum installed power of the power plant

:             Industrial Statistics Vol. 6 (1963) -- [

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The installed capacity of a power plant is the sum of the nameplate capacities of installed generators; it can only change when new generators are installed, old ones are dismantled, or existing generators are re-marked.  

The installed capacity of a power plant is the sum of the nameplate capacities of installed generators; it can only change when new generators are installed, old ones are dismantled, or existing generators are relabeled.  

The installed capacity of power plants increases throughout the year in steps as new units are installed.  

The installed capacity of power plants and electricity production in the USSR are continuously increasing.  

The installed capacity of power plants in the system must be sufficient to cover the maximum loads of consumers. In addition, based on the requirements for the reliability of systems operation, backup power of generators must be provided. When power plants operate in parallel, reserve power can be reduced.  

The installed capacity of the power plant, which has 4 turbogenerators with a capacity of 25 thousand kW each, is equal to W 109 thousand kW. The maximum load of station W is 70 thousand kW - the operating power is made up of the power of three operating turbogenerators and is equal to Wpa6 3 - 25: 75 thousand kW. During the period of maximum load, scheduled repairs of turbogenerators are not carried out and WpeM Q. The explicit electrical reserve corresponds to the power of one unit Wf.  

The installed capacity of power plants in the system must be sufficient to cover the maximum loads of consumers. In addition, based on the requirements for the reliability of system operation, backup power of generators must be provided.  

The installed capacity of power plants is estimated at 430 MW.  

The installed capacity of power plants in developing countries is expected to double every 7-8 years, including in Asia - 6 years, in Africa - 9-10 years. In 1971 - 1980 in these countries it is necessary to build power plants with a total capacity of 150,000 - 200,000 MW, and costing approximately 35 billion dollars.  

The installed capacity of Russian power plants increased slightly: from 213 3 million kW in 1990 to 214 1 million kW in 1998. At the same time, electricity production over these years fell by more than 23%: from 1082 1 billion kWh in 1990 to 827 billion kWh in 1998. The fall in electricity production from 1990 to 1998 turned out to be significantly less than the fall in gross domestic product (GDP) (by more than 40%) and industrial production(by more than 50%), which led to a significant increase in the energy intensity of the national economy.  

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of electricity. Rather, we subconsciously underestimate it. After all, almost all the equipment around us runs on electricity. There is no need to talk about basic lighting. But we are practically not interested in electricity production. Where does electricity come from and how is it stored (and in general, is it possible to save)? How much does it actually cost to generate electricity? And how safe is it for the environment?

Economic significance

We know from school that power supply is one of the main factors in achieving high labor productivity. Electric power is the core of all human activity. There is not a single industry that can do without it.

The development of this industry indicates the high competitiveness of the state, characterizes the growth rate of production of goods and services, and almost always turns out to be a problematic sector of the economy. The cost of generating electricity often consists of a significant initial investment that will be recouped for many years. Despite all its resources, Russia is no exception. After all, energy-intensive industries make up a significant share of the economy.

Statistics tell us that in 2014, Russia's electricity production has not yet reached the level of the Soviet 1990. Compared to China and the USA, the Russian Federation produces - respectively - 5 and 4 times less electricity. Why is this happening? Experts say that this is obvious: the highest non-production costs.

Who consumes electricity

Of course, the answer is obvious: every person. But now we are interested in industrial scales, which means those industries that primarily need electricity. The main share falls on industry – about 36%; Fuel and energy complex (18%) and the residential sector (slightly more than 15%). The remaining 31% of electricity generated comes from non-manufacturing sectors, railway transport and network losses.

It should be taken into account that depending on the region, the consumption structure varies significantly. Thus, in Siberia, more than 60% of electricity is actually used by industry and the fuel and energy complex. But in the European part of the country, where it is located more settlements, the most powerful consumer is the residential sector.

Power plants are the backbone of the industry

Electricity production in Russia is provided by almost 600 power plants. The power of each exceeds 5 MW. The total capacity of all power plants is 218 GW. How do we get electricity? The following types of power plants are used in Russia:

  • thermal (their share in total production is about 68.5%);
  • hydraulic (20.3%);
  • atomic (almost 11%);
  • alternative (0.2%).

When it comes to alternative sources of electricity, romantic pictures of wind turbines and solar panels come to mind. However, in certain conditions and locations these are the most profitable types of electricity generation.

Thermal power plants

Historically, thermal power plants (TPPs) occupy the main place in production process. On the territory of Russia, thermal power plants providing electricity production are classified according to the following criteria:

  • energy source – fossil fuel, geothermal or solar energy;
  • type of generated energy – heating, condensation.

One more the most important indicator The degree of participation in covering the electrical load schedule is considered. Here we highlight basic thermal power plants with a minimum time of use per year of 5000 hours; semi-peak (they are also called maneuverable) - 3000-4000 hours per year; peak (used only during peak load hours) – 1500-2000 hours per year.

Technology for producing energy from fuel

Of course, mainly the production, transmission and use of electricity by consumers occurs through thermal power plants running on fossil fuels. They are distinguished by production technology:

  • steam turbine;
  • diesel;
  • gas turbine;
  • steam-gas.

Steam turbine units are the most common. They operate on all types of fuel, including not only coal and gas, but also fuel oil, peat, shale, firewood and wood waste, as well as processed products.

Organic fuel

The largest volume of electricity production occurs at Surgut State District Power Plant-2, the most powerful not only in the Russian Federation, but also on the entire Eurasian continent. Running on natural gas, it produces up to 5,600 MW of electricity. And of the coal-fired ones, the Reftinskaya GRES has the largest power – 3800 MW. More than 3000 MW can also be provided by Kostroma and Surgutskaya GRES-1. It should be noted that the abbreviation GRES has not changed since the times of the Soviet Union. It stands for State District Power Plant.

During industry reform, the production and distribution of electricity at thermal power plants must be accompanied by technical re-equipment operating stations, their reconstruction. Also among the priority tasks is the construction of new energy generating capacities.

Electricity from renewable resources

Electricity generated by hydroelectric power plants is the most important element stability of the unified energy system of the state. It is hydroelectric power plants that can increase the volume of electricity production in a matter of hours.

The great potential of Russian hydropower lies in the fact that almost 9% of the world's water reserves are located in the country. This is the second place in the world in terms of the availability of hydro resources. Countries such as Brazil, Canada and the United States have been left behind. The production of electricity in the world through hydroelectric power plants is somewhat complicated by the fact that the most favorable places for their construction are significantly removed from populated areas or industrial enterprises.

Nevertheless, thanks to the electricity produced at hydroelectric power stations, the country manages to save about 50 million tons of fuel. If it were possible to harness the full potential of hydropower, Russia could save up to 250 million tons. And this is already a serious investment in the country’s ecology and the flexible capacity of the energy system.

Hydroelectric power stations

The construction of hydroelectric power stations solves many issues not related to energy production. This includes the creation of water supply and sanitation systems for entire regions, and the construction of irrigation networks, which are so necessary for agriculture, and flood control, etc. The latter, by the way, is of no small importance for the safety of people.

The production, transmission and distribution of electricity is currently carried out by 102 hydroelectric power stations, the unit capacity of which exceeds 100 MW. The total capacity of Russian hydraulic installations is approaching 46 GW.

Electricity producing countries regularly compile their rankings. So, Russia now ranks 5th in the world in generating electricity from renewable resources. The most significant objects should be considered the Zeya hydroelectric power station (it is not only the first of those built in the Far East, but also quite powerful - 1330 MW), the Volga-Kama cascade of power plants (the total production and transmission of electricity is more than 10.5 GW), the Bureyskaya hydroelectric power station ( 2010 MW), etc. I would also like to mention the Caucasian hydroelectric power stations. Of the several dozen operating in this region, the new (already commissioned) Kashkhatau hydroelectric power station with a capacity of more than 65 MW stands out the most.

The geothermal hydroelectric power stations of Kamchatka also deserve special attention. These are very powerful and mobile stations.

The most powerful hydroelectric power stations

As already noted, the production and use of electricity is hampered by the remoteness of the main consumers. However, the state is busy developing this industry. Not only are existing hydroelectric power stations being reconstructed, but new ones are also being built. They must master the mountain rivers of the Caucasus, the high-water Ural rivers, as well as the resources of the Kola Peninsula and Kamchatka. Among the most powerful, we note several hydroelectric power stations.

Sayano-Shushenskaya named after. PS Neporozhniy was built in 1985 on the Yenisei River. Its current capacity has not yet reached the estimated 6000 MW due to reconstruction and repairs after the 2009 accident.

The production and consumption of electricity at the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is designed for the Krasnoyarsk aluminum smelter. This is the only “client” of the hydroelectric power station, which was commissioned in 1972. Its design capacity is 6000 MW. The Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station is the only one on which a ship lift is installed. It ensures regular navigation on the Yenisei River.

The Bratsk hydroelectric power station was put into operation back in 1967. Its dam blocks the Angara River near the city of Bratsk. Like the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, the Bratsk hydroelectric station serves the needs of the Bratsk aluminum smelter. All 4,500 MW of electricity goes to him. And the poet Yevtushenko dedicated a poem to this hydroelectric station.

There is another hydroelectric power station on the Angara River - Ust-Ilimskaya (with a capacity of just over 3800 MW). Its construction began in 1963 and ended in 1979. At the same time, the production of cheap electricity began for the main consumers: the Irkutsk and Bratsk aluminum smelters, the Irkutsk aircraft building plant.

The Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station is located north of Volgograd. Its capacity is almost 2600 MW. This largest hydroelectric power station in Europe has been in operation since 1961. Not far from Tolyatti, the oldest of the large hydroelectric power stations, Zhigulevskaya, operates. It was put into operation back in 1957. The hydroelectric power station's capacity of 2330 MW covers the electricity needs of the Central part of Russia, the Urals and the Middle Volga.

Here's what you need for your needs Far East Electricity production is provided by the Bureyskaya HPP. We can say that it is still quite “young” - commissioning took place only in 2002. The installed capacity of this hydroelectric power station is 2010 MW of electricity.

Experimental offshore hydroelectric power plants

Numerous oceanic and sea bays also have hydroelectric potential. After all, the height difference during high tide in most of them exceeds 10 meters. This means that huge amounts of energy can be generated. In 1968, the Kislogubskaya experimental tidal station was opened. Its power is 1.7 MW.

Peaceful atom

Russian nuclear energy is a full cycle technology: from the extraction of uranium ores to the production of electricity. Today, the country has 33 power units at 10 nuclear power plants. The total installed capacity is just over 23 MW.

The maximum amount of electricity generated by the nuclear power plant was in 2011. The figure was 173 billion kWh. Electricity production per capita nuclear power plants increased by 1.5% compared to the previous year.

Of course, the priority direction in the development of nuclear energy is operational safety. But nuclear power plants also play a significant role in the fight against global warming. Environmentalists constantly talk about this, emphasizing that only in Russia it is possible to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere by 210 million tons per year.

Nuclear energy developed mainly in the North-West and in the European part of Russia. In 2012, all nuclear power plants generated about 17% of all electricity produced.

Nuclear power plants in Russia

The largest nuclear power plant in Russia is located in the Saratov region. The annual capacity of the Balakovo NPP is 30 billion kW/h of electricity. At the Beloyarsk NPP (Sverdlovsk region), only the 3rd unit is currently operating. But this allows us to call it one of the most powerful. 600 MW of electricity is obtained thanks to a fast neutron reactor. It is worth noting that this was the world's first fast neutron power unit installed to produce electricity in industrial scale.

The Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant is installed in Chukotka, which produces 12 MW of electricity. And the Kalinin NPP can be considered recently built. Its first unit was put into operation in 1984, and the last (fourth) only in 2010. The total capacity of all power units is 1000 MW. In 2001, the Rostov NPP was built and put into operation. Since the connection of the second power unit - in 2010 - its installed capacity has exceeded 1000 MW, and the capacity utilization factor was 92.4%.

Wind energy

The economic potential of Russian wind energy is estimated at 260 billion kWh per year. This is almost 30% of all electricity produced today. The capacity of all wind turbines operating in the country is 16.5 MW of energy.

Particularly favorable for the development of this industry are such regions as the ocean coasts, foothills and mountainous regions of the Urals and the Caucasus.


the sum of the rated powers of the power plant generators. For example, Konakovskaya GRES has a U. m.e. 2400 MW (8 turbo generators with a capacity of 300 MW each), Bratsk HPP - 4500 MW (20 hydro generators with a capacity of 225 MW each).

Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary. 2004 .

See what "INSTALLED POWER PLANT CAPACITY" is in other dictionaries:

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Before the 2008 reform, most of the energy complex Russian Federation was under the control of RAO UES of Russia. This company was created in 1992 and by the beginning of the 2000s it became almost a monopolist Russian market generation and energy transportation.

The reform of the industry was due to the fact that RAO UES of Russia was repeatedly criticized for improper distribution of investments, as a result of which the accident rate at electric power facilities increased significantly. One of the reasons for the disbandment was an accident in the power system on May 25, 2005 in Moscow, as a result of which the activities of many enterprises, commercial and government organizations, the work of the metro has been stopped. In addition, RAO UES of Russia was often accused of selling electricity at obviously inflated tariffs in order to increase its own profits.

As a result of the dissolution of RAO UES of Russia, natural state monopolies in network, distribution and dispatch activities were created. The private one was involved in the generation and sale of electricity.

Today the structure of the energy complex is as follows:

  • OJSC "System Operator of the Unified Energy System" (SO UES) - carries out centralized operational dispatch management of the Unified Energy System of the Russian Federation.
  • Non-profit partnership “Market Council for Organization effective system wholesale and retail Electric Energy and Power" - brings together sellers and buyers of the wholesale electricity market.
  • Electricity generating companies. Including state-owned ones - RusHydro, Rosenergoatom, managed jointly by the state and private capital OGK (wholesale generating companies) and TGK (territorial generating companies), as well as representing completely private capital.
  • OJSC "Russian Grids" - management of the distribution network complex.
  • Energy sales companies. Including JSC Inter RAO UES, a company owned by government agencies and organizations. Inter RAO UES is a monopolist in the import and export of electricity to the Russian Federation.

In addition to dividing organizations by type of activity, there is a division of the Unified Energy System of Russia into technological systems operating on a territorial basis. Integrated energy systems (IES) do not have one owner, but unite energy companies of a particular region and have a single dispatch control, which is carried out by SO UES branches. Today there are 7 IPS operating in Russia:

  • IPS Center (Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Vologda, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Tver, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Moscow, Oryol, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tambov, Tula, Yaroslavl energy systems);
  • IPS of the North-West (Arkhangelsk, Karelian, Kola, Komi, Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov and Kaliningrad energy systems);
  • IPS of the South (Astrakhan, Volgograd, Dagestan, Ingush, Kalmyk, Karachay-Cherkess, Kabardino-Balkarian, Kuban, Rostov, North Ossetian, Stavropol, Chechen energy systems);
  • IPS of the Middle Volga (Nizhny Novgorod, Mari, Mordovian, Penza, Samara, Saratov, Tatar, Ulyanovsk, Chuvash energy systems);
  • IPS of the Urals (Bashkir, Kirov, Kurgan, Orenburg, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Udmurt, Chelyabinsk energy systems);
  • Unified Energy System of Siberia (Altai, Buryat, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kuzbass, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Khakassia, Transbaikal power systems);
  • UES of the East (Amur, Primorsk, Khabarovsk and South Yakut energy systems).

Key performance indicators

The key performance indicators of the energy system are: installed capacity of power plants, electricity generation and electricity consumption.

The installed capacity of a power plant is the sum of the nameplate capacities of all generators in the power plant, which may change during the process of reconstruction of existing generators or installation of new equipment. At the beginning of 2015, the installed capacity of the Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia was 232.45 thousand MW.

As of January 1, 2015, the installed capacity of Russian power plants increased by 5,981 MW compared to January 1, 2014. The growth was 2.6%, and this was achieved due to the introduction of new capacities with a capacity of 7,296 MW and an increase in capacity operating equipment, by re-marking at 411 MW. At the same time, generators with a capacity of 1,726 MW were taken out of service. In general, for the industry, compared to 2010, the growth in production capacity was 8.9%.

The distribution of capacities across the interconnected energy systems is as follows:

  • IPS Center - 52.89 thousand MW;
  • IPS North-West - 23.28 thousand MW;
  • IPS South – 20.17 thousand MW;
  • IPS of the Middle Volga - 26.94 thousand MW;
  • IPS of the Urals - 49.16 thousand MW;
  • IPS of Siberia – 50.95 thousand MW;
  • IPS East – 9.06 thousand MW.

In 2014, the installed capacity of the IPS of the Urals increased the most - by 2,347 MW, as well as the IPS of Siberia - by 1,547 MW and the IPS of the Center by 1,465 MW.

At the end of 2014, 1,025 billion kWh of electricity was produced in the Russian Federation. According to this indicator, Russia ranks 4th in the world, behind China by 5 times, and the United States by 4 times.

Compared to 2013, electricity generation in the Russian Federation increased by 0.1%. And in relation to 2009, the growth was 6.6%, which in quantitative terms amounts to 67 billion kWh.

The most electricity in 2014 in Russia was produced by thermal power plants - 677.3 billion kWh, hydroelectric power plants produced - 167.1 billion kWh, and nuclear power plants - 180.6 billion kWh. Electricity production via interconnected energy systems:

  • IPS Center -239.24 billion kWh;
  • IPS North-West – 102.47 billion kWh;
  • IPS South – 84.77 billion kWh;
  • IPS of the Middle Volga – 105.04 billion kWh;
  • IPS of the Urals – 259.76 billion kWh;
  • IPS of Siberia – 198.34 billion kWh;
  • IPS East – 35.36 billion kWh.

Compared to 2013, the largest increase in electricity generation was recorded in the IPS of the South - (+2.3%), and the smallest in the IPS of the Middle Volga - (- 7.4%).

Electricity consumption in Russia in 2014 amounted to 1,014 billion kWh. Thus, the balance amounted to (+ 11 billion kWh). And the largest consumer of electricity in the world at the end of 2014 is China - 4,600 billion kWh, the second place is occupied by the USA - 3,820 billion kWh.

Compared to 2013, electricity consumption in Russia increased by 4 billion kWh. But in general, consumption dynamics over the past 4 years have remained approximately at the same level. The difference between electricity consumption for 2010 and 2014 is 2.5%, in favor of the latter.

Based on the results of 2014, electricity consumption by integrated energy systems is as follows:

  • IPS Center -232.97 billion kWh;
  • IPS North-West –90.77 billion kWh;
  • IPS South –86.94 billion kWh;
  • IPS of the Middle Volga – 106.68 billion kWh;
  • IPS of the Urals -260.77 billion kWh;
  • IPS of Siberia – 204.06 billion kWh;
  • IPS East – 31.8 billion kWh.

In 2014, 3 IPS had a positive difference between produced and generated electricity. The best indicator is for the IPS of the North-West - 11.7 billion kWh, which is 11.4% of the generated electricity, and the worst is for the IPS of Siberia (- 2.9%). The electricity balance for the Unified Energy System of the Russian Federation looks like this:

  • IPS Center – 6.27 billion kWh;
  • IPS North-West – 11.7 billion kWh;
  • IPS South – (- 2.17) billion kWh;
  • IPS of the Middle Volga – (- 1.64) billion kWh;
  • IPS of the Urals – (- 1.01) billion kWh;
  • IPS of Siberia – (- 5.72) billion kWh;
  • IPS East – 3.56 billion kWh.

The cost of 1 kWh of electricity, based on the results of 2014 in Russia, is 3 times lower than European prices. The average annual European figure is 8.4 Russian rubles, while in the Russian Federation average cost 1 kWh – 2.7 rub. The leader in the cost of electricity is Denmark - 17.2 rubles per 1 kWh, Germany takes second place - 16.9 rubles. Such expensive tariffs are primarily due to the fact that the governments of these countries abandoned the use of nuclear power plants in favor of alternative sources energy.

If we compare the cost of 1 kWh and the average salary, then among European countries the residents of Norway can buy the most kilowatt/hour per month - 23,969, second place is occupied by Luxembourg - 17,945 kWh, the third is the Netherlands - 15,154 kWh. The average Russian can buy 9,674 kWh per month.

All Russian energy systems, as well as energy systems of neighboring countries, are interconnected by power lines. To transmit energy over long distances, high-voltage power lines with a capacity of 220 kV and higher are used. They form the basis of the Russian energy system and are operated by intersystem power grids. The total length of power lines of this class is 153.4 thousand km, and in total, 2,647.8 thousand km of power lines of various capacities are operated in the Russian Federation.

Nuclear energy

Nuclear energy is energy industry, which generates electricity through the conversion of nuclear energy. Nuclear power plants have two significant advantages over their competitors - environmental friendliness and efficiency. If all operating standards are observed, the nuclear power plant practically does not pollute the environment, and nuclear fuel is burned in disproportionately smaller quantities than other types and fuels, and this allows saving on logistics and delivery.

But despite these advantages, many countries do not want to develop nuclear energy. This is primarily due to the fear of an environmental disaster that could occur as a result of an accident at a nuclear power plant. After the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, attention was drawn to nuclear power facilities around the world close attention world community. Therefore, nuclear power plants are operated mainly in technically and economically developed countries.

According to 2014 data, nuclear energy provides about 3% of global electricity consumption. Today, power plants with nuclear reactors operate in 31 countries around the world. In total, there are 192 nuclear power plants with 438 power units in the world. The total capacity of all nuclear power plants in the world is about 380 thousand MW. The largest number of nuclear power plants is located in the United States - 62, second place is occupied by France - 19, third by Japan - 17. There are 10 nuclear power plants in operation in the Russian Federation and this is the 5th indicator in the world.

Nuclear power plants in the United States of America produce a total of 798.6 billion kWh, this is the best figure in the world, but in the structure of electricity generated by all US power plants, nuclear power accounts for about 20%. The largest share in electricity generation is from nuclear power plants in France; nuclear power plants in this country generate 77% of all electricity. The output of French nuclear power plants is 481 billion kWh per year.

At the end of 2014, Russian nuclear power plants generated 180.26 billion kWh of electricity, which is 8.2 billion kWh more than in 2013, a percentage difference of 4.8%. Electricity production by nuclear power plants in Russia accounts for more than 17.5% of total number of all electricity produced in the Russian Federation.

As for the generation of electricity by nuclear power plants in integrated energy systems, the largest amount was generated by the Center NPP - 94.47 billion kWh - this is slightly more than half of the country’s total output. And the share of nuclear energy in this unified energy system is the largest - about 40%.

  • IPS Center – 94.47 billion kWh (39.8% of all generated electricity);
  • IPS of the North-West – 35.73 billion kWh (35% of all energy);
  • IPS South – 18.87 billion kWh (22.26% of all energy);
  • IPS of the Middle Volga -29.8 billion kWh (28.3% of all energy);
  • IPS of the Urals - 4.5 billion kWh (1.7% of all energy).

This uneven distribution of output is due to the location of Russian nuclear power plants. Most of the nuclear power plant capacity is concentrated in the European part of the country, while it is completely absent in Siberia and the Far East.

The largest nuclear power plant in the world is the Japanese Kashiwazaki-Kariwa, its capacity is 7,965 MW, and the largest European nuclear power plant is Zaporozhye, whose capacity is about 6,000 MW. It is located in the Ukrainian city of Energodar. In the Russian Federation, the largest nuclear power plants have a capacity of 4,000 MW, the rest from 48 to 3,000 MW. List of Russian nuclear power plants:

  • Balakovo NPP – capacity 4,000 MW. Located in the Saratov region, it has been repeatedly recognized as the best nuclear power plant in Russia. It has 4 power units and was put into operation in 1985.
  • Leningrad NPP – capacity 4,000 MW. The largest nuclear power plant in the North-West Unified Energy System. It has 4 power units and was put into operation in 1973.
  • Kursk NPP – capacity 4,000 MW. Consists of 4 power units, began operation in 1976.
  • Kalinin NPP – capacity 4,000 MW. Located in the north of the Tver region, it has 4 power units. Opened in 1984.
  • Smolensk NPP – capacity 3,000 MW. Recognized as the best nuclear power plant in Russia in 1991, 1992, 2006, 2011. It has 3 power units, the first one was put into operation in 1982.
  • Rostov NPP – capacity 2,000 MW. Largest power plant south of Russia. The station put into operation 2 power units, the first in 2001, the second in 2010.
  • Novovoronezh NPP – capacity 1880 MW. Provides electricity to about 80% of consumers in the Voronezh region. The first power unit was launched in September 1964. Currently there are 3 power units in operation.
  • Kola Nuclear Power Plant – capacity 1760 MW. The first nuclear power plant in Russia built beyond the Arctic Circle provides about 60% of the electricity consumption of the Murmansk region. It has 4 power units and was opened in 1973.
  • Beloyarsk NPP – capacity 600 MW. Located in Sverdlovsk region. It was put into operation in April 1964. It is the oldest currently operating nuclear power plant in Russia. Currently, only 1 power unit out of three provided by the project is operational.
  • Bilibino NPP – capacity 48 MW. It is part of the isolated Chaun-Bilibino energy system, generating about 75% of the electricity it consumes. It was opened in 1974 and consists of 4 power units.

In addition to the existing nuclear power plants, 8 more power units are being built in Russia, as well as a low-power floating nuclear power plant.


Hydroelectric power plants provide a fairly low cost per kWh of energy generated. Compared to thermal power plants, the production of 1 kWh at hydroelectric power plants is 2 times cheaper. This is due to quite simple principle operation of hydroelectric power stations. Special hydraulic structures are being built to provide the necessary water pressure. Water falling on the turbine blades sets it in motion, which in turn powers generators that produce electricity.

But widespread use of hydroelectric power stations is impossible, since a necessary condition operation is the presence of a powerful moving water flow. Therefore, hydroelectric power plants are built on large, deep rivers. Another significant disadvantage of hydroelectric power stations is the blocking of river beds, which makes it difficult for fish to spawn and flood large volumes of land resources.

But despite negative consequences for the environment, hydroelectric power stations continue to operate and are built on the world's largest rivers. In total, hydroelectric power stations with a total capacity of about 780 thousand MW operate in the world. It is difficult to calculate the total number of hydroelectric power stations, since there are many small hydroelectric power stations in the world that work for the needs of an individual city, enterprise, or even private enterprise. On average, hydropower produces about 20% of the world's electricity.

Of all the countries in the world, Paraguay is the most dependent on hydropower. In the country, 100% of electricity is generated from hydroelectric power plants. In addition to this country, Norway, Brazil, and Colombia are very dependent on hydropower.

The largest hydroelectric power stations are located in South America and China. The world's largest hydroelectric power station is Sanxia on the Yangtze River, its capacity reaches 22,500 MW, the second place is occupied by the hydroelectric power station on the Parana River - Itaipu, with a capacity of 14,000 MW. The largest hydroelectric power station in Russia is Sayano-Shushenskaya, its capacity is about 6,400 MW.

Besides Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP There are another 101 hydroelectric power plants in Russia with a capacity of more than 100 MW. The largest hydroelectric power stations in Russia:

  • Sayano-Shushenskaya - Capacity - 6,400 MW, average annual electricity production - 19.7 billion kWh. Commissioning date: 1985. The hydroelectric power station is located on the Yenisei.
  • Krasnoyarsk - Capacity 6,000 MW, average annual electricity production - about 20 billion kWh, put into operation in 1972, also located on the Yenisei.
  • Bratskaya – Capacity 4,500 MW, located on the Angara. On average, it produces about 22.6 billion kWh per year. Commissioned in 1961.
  • Ust-Ilimskaya – Capacity 3,840 MW, located on the Angara. Average annual productivity 21.7 billion kWh. It was built in 1985.
  • Boguchanskaya HPP – Capacity of about 3,000 MW, was built on the Angara in 2012. Produces about 17.6 billion kWh per year.
  • Volzhskaya HPP – Capacity 2,640 MW. Built in 1961 in the Volgograd region, average annual productivity 10.43 kWh.
  • Zhigulevskaya HPP – Capacity is about 2,400 MW. It was built in 1955 on the Volga River in the Samara region. Produces about 11.7 kWh of electricity per year.

As for interconnected energy systems, largest share The IPS of Siberia and the East are responsible for generating electricity using hydroelectric power stations. In these IPS, hydroelectric power plants account for 47.5 and 35.3% of the total electricity generated, respectively. This is explained by the presence in these regions of large, full-flowing rivers of the Yenisei and Amur basins.

At the end of 2014, Russian hydroelectric power plants produced more than 167 billion kWh of electricity. Compared to 2013, this figure decreased by 4.4%. The largest contribution to the generation of electricity using hydroelectric power stations was made by the Unified Energy System of Siberia - about 57% of the all-Russian total.

Thermal power engineering

Thermal power engineering is the basis of the energy complex of the vast majority of countries in the world. Despite the fact that thermal power plants have a lot of disadvantages related to environmental pollution and high cost electricity, they are used everywhere. The reason for this popularity is the versatility of TPP. Thermal power plants can operate on various types of fuel, and when designing, it is necessary to take into account which energy resources are optimal for a given region.

Thermal power plants produce about 90% of the world's electricity. At the same time, thermal power plants using petroleum products as fuel account for the production of 39% of all global energy, thermal power plants running on coal – 27%, and gas thermal power plants – 24% of the generated electricity. In some countries, thermal power plants are highly dependent on one type of fuel. For example, the vast majority of Polish thermal power plants run on coal, and the situation is the same in South Africa. But most thermal power plants in the Netherlands use natural gas.

In the Russian Federation, the main types of fuel for thermal power plants are natural and associated petroleum gas and coal. Moreover, the majority of thermal power plants in the European part of Russia operate on gas, and coal thermal power plants predominate in southern Siberia and the Far East. The share of power plants using fuel oil as the main fuel is insignificant. In addition, many thermal power plants in Russia use several types of fuel. For example, Novocherkassk State District Power Plant in Rostov region uses all three main types of fuel. The share of fuel oil is 17%, gas – 9%, and coal – 74%.

In terms of the amount of electricity produced in the Russian Federation in 2014, thermal power plants firmly hold the leading position. In total for last year, thermal power plants produced 621.1 billion kWh, which is 0.2% less than in 2013. In general, electricity generation by thermal power plants in the Russian Federation decreased to the 2010 level.

If we consider the generation of electricity in the context of the IPS, then in each energy system the share of thermal power plants is the largest production of electricity. The largest share of thermal power plants is in the UES of the Urals - 86.8%, and the smallest in the UES of the North-West - 45.4%. As for the quantitative production of electricity, in the context of the UES it looks like this:

  • IPS of the Urals – 225.35 billion kWh;
  • IPS Center – 131.13 billion kWh;
  • IPS of Siberia – 94.79 billion kWh;
  • IPS of the Middle Volga – 51.39 billion kWh;
  • IPS South – 49.04 billion kWh;
  • IPS North-West – 46.55 billion kWh;
  • IPS of the Far East – 22.87 billion kWh.

Thermal power plants in Russia are divided into two types: thermal power plants and state district power plants. A combined heat and power plant (CHP) is a power plant with the ability to extract thermal energy. Thus, the thermal power plant produces not only electricity, but also thermal energy, used for hot water supply and space heating. GRES – thermal power plant producing only electricity. The abbreviation GRES remained from Soviet times and meant state district power plant.

Today, there are about 370 thermal power plants operating in the Russian Federation. Of these, 7 have a capacity of over 2,500 MW:

  • Surgutskaya GRES - 2 - capacity 5,600 MW, fuel types - natural and associated petroleum gas - 100%.
  • Reftinskaya GRES - capacity 3,800 MW, fuel types - coal - 100%.
  • Kostroma State District Power Plant - capacity 3,600 MW, fuel types - natural gas -87%, coal - 13%.
  • Surgutskaya GRES – 1 – capacity 3,270 MW, fuel types – natural and associated petroleum gas – 100%.
  • Ryazanskaya GRES - capacity 3070 MW, fuel types - fuel oil - 4%, gas - 62%, coal - 34%.
  • Kirishskaya GRES - capacity 2,600 MW, fuel types - fuel oil - 100%.
  • Konakovskaya GRES - capacity 2,520 MW, fuel types - fuel oil - 19%, gas - 81%.

Industry development prospects

The last few years in Russian energy complex a positive balance is maintained between generated and consumed electricity. As a rule, the total amount of energy consumed is 98-99% of the energy generated. Thus, we can say that the existing production capacities completely cover the country’s electricity needs.

The main activities of Russian power engineers are aimed at increasing the electrification of remote areas of the country, as well as updating and reconstructing existing capacities.

It should be noted that the cost of electricity in Russia is significantly lower than in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, so the development and implementation of new alternative energy sources is not given due attention. Share in general production electricity from wind energy, geothermal energy and solar energy in Russia does not exceed 0.15% of the total. But if geothermal energy is very limited territorially, and solar energy in Russia is not developing on an industrial scale, then neglecting wind energy is unacceptable.

Today in the world, the power of wind generators is 369 thousand MW, which is only 11 thousand MW less than the power of the power units of all nuclear power plants in the world. The economic potential of Russian wind energy is about 250 billion kWh per year, which is equal to approximately a quarter of all electricity consumed in the country. Today, electricity production using wind generators does not exceed 50 million kWh per year.

It is also necessary to note the widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies in all types economic activity, which is observed in recent years. In factories and households, various devices are used to reduce energy consumption, and in modern construction thermal insulation materials are actively used. But, unfortunately, despite the adoption in 2009 Federal Law“On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in the Russian Federation”, in terms of energy savings and energy efficiency, the Russian Federation lags very far behind European countries and the USA.

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