Lifespan of dental crowns. Metal crowns on teeth: which ones are better?

IN modern dentistry Dental restoration is possible with the help of dentures or crowns, and one of the most popular materials for restoration is metal-ceramics. Such designs combine attractive appearance with convenience and durability, and the installation cost is relatively low. Like any other variety, metal-ceramic crowns have their own service life, which can vary from 7 to 15 years. This difference is due to the type of materials, care, individual characteristics and the level of professionalism of the doctor who installed the crowns. To extend the life of the products, it is necessary to follow a number of care recommendations.

Although there are various pre-treatment procedures for all of these changes, in many cases the final treatment will be through the placement of a crown - a shell that wraps around the tooth or several cases bonded together. The goal in both cases is to restore the patient's smile, mimicking natural teeth and without revealing dental procedures that were carried out to achieve it.

Hence the evolution and appearance in recent years new materials used for making crowns. We have moved from the original crowns made entirely of metal, which showed dental restoration, to crowns with a metal core covered with ceramic.

Types of metal-ceramic crowns

The structures consist of several parts. The top one, imitating the appearance of a tooth, is made of solid or pressed ceramics, and the base of the crown can be made of the following metals.

This ceramic coating wraps an internal metal cap that replicates the shape and color of a natural tooth, producing much more aesthetic results. But even in this case, the fact of continuing to wear metal, even domestically, does not allow achieving an optimal aesthetic result, because the metal with its grayish color gives a feeling of opacity that is not characteristic of natural teeth, which are much more transparent.

In addition, over time, if the girdle undergoes a slight recession, it will show an antistatic gray line that belongs to the edge of the crown. So now we have taken it one step further and we have porcelain crowns, without a metal cover, inside which we can find different types, being one or the other according to each case and patient.

Pros and cons of metal-ceramics for prosthetics

This type of crown has its advantages and disadvantages; So, the advantages include the following points.

They give excellent aesthetic results and are mainly used for the preparation of veneers on the front teeth, since they do not respond necessary requirements strengths that must be used for back teeth or for the manufacture of crowns or bridges.

They include aluminum oxide in their composition, due to which they have twice the resistance, like feldsaktika, but at the expense of increasing the opacity of the ceramics. Therefore, they are used to create a very resistant inner core, which, unlike ceramic crowns, white and is covered with polar-laminated ceramic layers that give the crown its appropriate shape. We can create durable single crowns to complement aesthetics or even bridges of up to three.

The disadvantages include the following properties.

What is the service life of metal-ceramic structures?

According to the results of a study by the WHO organization, such crowns retain their quality for 7-9 years on average, and can have an impact on their service life negative impact the following factors:

The material that is included in its composition is zirconium oxide, achieving a resistance that has been called “ceramic steel”. In this case the opacity is also high, so they are also used for the white core of the crown and covered with feldspathic ceramic. The advantage in this case is that it allows you to create bridges more pieces than in the case of alumina ceramics because it is a more stable material.

These materials not only promote aesthetic improvement, but also greater biocompatibility with soft tissues, which we must not diminish their importance, since they must be in good condition to achieve optimal results. If good crown adaptation is not obtained, the glands may swell and appear thickened and enlarged, far from the rosy image of gum health.

  • Improper care, careless attitude towards oral hygiene;
  • individual physiological characteristics;
  • frequent consumption of solid and junk food(nuts, seeds, soda, etc.).

In 90% of cases, patients experience atrophy of the gum tissue, which is why crown replacement is required after 6-7 years; in some cases, the loss of adjacent teeth occurs, due to which it is necessary to make another structure to restore the row. Gum recession usually occurs due to age-related changes in the body - this is a natural process, as a result of which food particles, liquid and other small elements can get under the crown, eroding the cementing composition and destroying the product.

Various dental materials always combine health, well-being and aesthetics. To provide best quality in your orders, our production system allows us to save on the final product using the techniques used with the stereo microscope that we achieve.

We reduce intermediate steps

High productivity Low processing costs Fast turnaround Minimal delivery delays. The results obtained using the stereomicroscopic method make it possible to reduce the intermediate stages of prosthesis implementation. With this technique, the visualization of the subgingival margins and the entire periphery of the stump is accurate and precise, ensuring a perfect fit.

Practice knows a number of cases when patients did not change metal-ceramic crowns for 12-15 years; sometimes this can be explained by careful care and good physical condition gum tissue, but more often we're talking about about visiting a doctor too late. Often, teeth under crowns that have not been replaced for more than 10 years are almost completely destroyed due to the development of caries. Since the enamel and dentin are hidden by a ceramic surface, the patient may not be aware of the presence of the disease for a long time.

That's why our products come with a two-year warranty. Thanks to the stereo microscope, we work better, more reliably, faster and more economically because we avoid intermediate steps that make the final product more expensive. Dental veneers create smiles natural beauty, while maintaining the original dental structure. They are very thin, custom-made pieces of porcelain that adhere directly to the surface of the tooth. This means we can transform smiles without even having to extract teeth, thereby respecting natural teeth.

When replacing, there are often cases when instead of crowns it is necessary to install a tooth implant, which cannot be restored in any other way.

Most clinics provide an official guarantee for metal-ceramic crowns; its validity period is 1-3 years, depending on the specific institution and materials. The warranty requires that the crown be intact and not destroyed under mechanical loads during the specified period, and if it fails prematurely, the structure can be replaced free of charge.

Dental veneers are changing the way many dentists approach cosmetic dentistry. This is especially effective in cases where you need to increase the size of your teeth or improve a narrow arch width. Porcelain metal restorations remain the most prescribed alternative rehabilitation treatment. Various types alloys can be used to produce a substructure that the dental laboratory can easily provide to clinicians with wide range porcelain metal crowns and bridges.

Extremely durable, they can be used for bridges and anterior and posterior crowns. Porcelain margin is recommended to significantly improve the aesthetic outcome and allow natural light to penetrate the gingival margins. They provide a great fit and your foundation is one step away.

Table. Service life comparison different types dental crowns.

Crown typeComponentsService lifePrice
Metal ceramics on implantsBase – metal, ceramic coating8-12 years15 thousand and above
Based on precious metal alloysPlatinum, gold and palladium alloy, ceramic coating10-12 years25 thousand and more; cost base based on precious metals assessed individually
Zirconium basedZirconium base with ceramic coating10-15 yearsFrom 25-27 thousand rubles

Zirconium zincs consist of a unique individual tooth shade and high transparency. Virtually indestructible, this completely universal restoration is suitable for posterior dental restorations. The required minimum separation is 1.0 mm, but in some cases it may accept less. Its cementation is common, as any cement for porcelain metal serves.

They are also easily adjustable thanks to the diamond kit and zirconium polisher. For over 500 years, gold has been a restorative material for dentistry. Very useful in the processing of crowns, bridges, veneers and implants, as well as in cases of advanced cosmetics. A diagnostic wax-up plan provides dental reconstruction and provides a three-dimensional representation of the natural appearance of the final result. Thus, it becomes a powerful tool for communicating with the patient.

Teeth are normal Dental prosthetics Metal crowns with spraying and their advantages

Probably everyone remembers the times when a “golden” smile was considered a prestigious and spectacular accessory, beneficially complementing the appearance of every second resident of our country. Nowadays, metal crowns with spraying are no longer as incredibly popular as they once were, but nevertheless firmly hold their position among more modern methods restoration of teeth.

In addition to providing visual support for the preparation of the corresponding tooth, it can also be used as a template for definitive restorations or as temporary implants fast production. It is a flexible and self-bending splint made of thermoplastic material, so it adapts to all prostheses. Better fit reduces post-operative time and is as simple as placing it in hot water before putting it into your mouth. Thanks to its optical clarity, this tire is invisible to the eye while in use.

Advantages and disadvantages of coated metal dental crowns

Expert opinion. Dentist Ivnitsky A.L.: “To this day, people of the older generation trust metal alloys, giving them preference when it comes to dental prosthetics. Metal dental structures have truly earned trust. high level wear resistance and biocompatibility, thanks to which their owners forgot about dental problems for many years.”

Hard acrylic treads and tires

It is ideal for combating bruxism problems and even allergies as it does not contain methyl methacrylate.

Temporary partial acrylic

We design and manufacture low-cost acrylic partial dentures as a temporary solution to lost teeth. It is an economical and functional solution for the placement of temporary implants.

A dental laboratory prosthesis provides a customized and unique arrangement of a full arch of denture teeth based on the patient's age, the color of the desired tooth, male or female characteristics, and natural tissue contours. We personalize each case to provide a comfortable and functional device that provides patients with a natural smile that is incorporated into their individual characteristics.

“Iron teeth,” as they were once called, have all the properties of the metal from which they are made. There are several types of alloys that are used in dentistry:

  • gold-containing;
  • titanium;
  • chromium-cobalt;
  • silver-palladium;
  • steel.

Their common disadvantage is the lack of naturalness - in accordance with the color of the base metal, they have a silver, gold or steel tint. They have the most neat and attractive appearance: the properties of this metal make it possible to produce durable crowns with a perfectly smooth surface that does not accumulate bacteria and is a natural antiseptic in the oral cavity.

By sending the case to the dental laboratory, our experienced team designs a removable partial denture using your clinical information and personal preferences. We pay special attention details that, together with quality materials, lead to precise adaptation of closure and retention for each frame. Partial dentures for the dental laboratory can be designed using conventional metal or esthetic closure options, as well as crowns that are combined with accessories.

They do not contain nickel and beryllium to avoid allergies. Therefore, it is a non-invasive treatment that provides a long-term and very cost-effective solution. With aesthetic and hygienic improvements, it is no wonder that flexible partials are the primary choice for physicians and patients. Aesthetic results are assessed immediately. It is a denture with flexible closures in a fabric curtain, resistant to stains, discoloration and odors, thin and transparent for better hygiene and aesthetics. The materials are completely hypoallergenic and biocompatible, and flexible for easy installation and subsequent removal.

However, ordering artificial teeth made entirely of gold is an expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford. In this case, it is advisable to install a structure made of a cheaper alloy - the cost of a metal crown coated with precious metals is several times lower. In addition, they have several significant advantages:

Monolithic restorations - solid white ceramic with 4 and 5 milling shafts. These ceramic restorations are usually fired to establish their durability and natural appearance. Characterization of the final restoration, if required by the laboratory, is completed manually to establish the desired esthetics.

Removable, partial and preventative devices

Scanning of removable, partial and prophylactic devices is used to create a digital model of the patient. Dental crowns are cap-like teeth that cover damaged or damaged teeth, such as those that have been broken. Dental cements, which are used to hold crowns on teeth, are made by combining powdered materials with liquids. There are several types of dental crown cements available to temporarily or permanently cement a crown.

Metal crowns are highly durable and reliable.

  • have durability;
  • imitate well anatomical shape native teeth;
  • less allergenic than non-coated crowns;
  • look more beautiful and presentable;
  • fit tightly and do not create unpleasant sensation presence of a foreign object in the mouth.

An undoubted advantage of such dental structures is that they do not spoil the taste of the products - the taste from spraying on a metal crown is completely absent, which cannot be said about products made from simple dental steel.

The zinc phosphate mixture is exothermic, meaning heat is generated when mixed. For this reason, zinc phosphate should be mixed with a spatula and a slab of fresh, dry, thick glass at 68 degrees. Zinc phosphate can also be used in the preparation of deep cavities to protect the tooth from thermal shock, which occurs when the temperature of the tooth changes suddenly. The main component of the liquid part of zinc phosphate is phosphoric acid, which can irritate the cellulose, the radicular part of the tooth with blood vessels and nerves.

What teeth are coated crowns placed on?

The scope of application of coated metal depends solely on the wishes and tastes of patients and has practically no boundaries. At the same time, there are some established stereotypes that allow you to navigate what metal orthopedic products are suitable for.

Solid crown for chewing teeth- ideal option.

  • Front teeth. To restore them, you can use any type of structure, but for aesthetic reasons, dentists advise patients to opt for a metal crown coated with white zirconium. This is a type of material used in the production of metal-ceramic structures, but it differs favorably from them more long term services.
  • Chewing teeth. For their restoration, it is better not to use crowns with porcelain (ceramic) coating: they are too fragile for this level of load. But solid crowns, on the contrary, they perfectly withstand chewing even the coarsest food and for a long time do not lose their functional qualities.

Considering the availability and high quality of metal crowns, they will be in demand for a long time, and perhaps someday the fashion for a gold-toothed smile will return again.