If the x-ray showed a shadow in the lungs. Darkening in the lungs on a fluorographic image. Darkening of the pulmonary field or part of it

Lung pathology is detected by X-ray examination in direct and lateral projections. The results may reveal various shadows. These include extensive types, limited, rounded shadows. Various lung diseases give different shapes changed areas. The image allows you to assess the condition of the respiratory system, make a diagnosis, a professional doctor will determine what this or that deviation means and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Main reasons

Darkening in the lungs on an x-ray - this could be inflammatory changes, neoplasms, infectious diseases. A similar picture is given by pathologies from the outside cardiovascular system, mediastinal organs, metastases from other parts. Let's look at the main reasons that can cause spots on the lungs on X-rays.


It is the most common pathology of the respiratory system. For this reason, when characteristic symptoms appear, the doctor sends the patient for testing. The main and main manifestation of inflammation in the lungs is darkening. They differ according to the type of infiltration, process activity, prevalence and localization. Pneumonia can occur for the following reasons:

  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • fungal flora;
  • protozoa;
  • mycoplasma.

This is far from full list possible reasons for the development of this pathology. The darkening in the image depends on the stage of development of the disease:

  1. Tidal stage: decreased transparency of an uneven nature, without clear boundaries.
  2. Hepatization stage: distinct darkening with pronounced boundaries.
  3. Resolution stage: reducing the severity of infiltration in the image.

The outcome of this disease is complete normalization of the X-ray picture. But usually some changes in the pattern remain, deformation of the roots of the lungs, etc.

The X-ray picture of pneumonia does not have a pronounced specific character. Therefore, when diagnosing, they rely on general complaints, anamnesis and the effectiveness of the treatment.

Lung abscess

It is a formation that is filled with pus. More often it is the outcome of inflammatory lung disease. The infection can also enter through the blood and lymph. Dark spots in the image depend on the stage.

At the very beginning:

  • intense uniform shadow;
  • fuzzy outlines.

As the abscess develops:

  • formation of a cavity with smooth edges;
  • slight clearing in the middle;
  • area of ​​inflammation around.

Often, a horizontal liquid level is considered in the cavity. Focal shadows in the lungs due to an abscess can turn into chronic form. In this case, the image will reveal an irregularly shaped cavity with a zone of inflammation (sclerosis) around.


This group includes lung diseases that are accompanied by diffuse changes. Frequent pathology- chronic obstructive bronchitis- in smokers (black lungs), workers of hazardous enterprises. Detection of darkening is possible against the background of noticeable thickening of the walls of the bronchi. In this case, an intensification of the pattern and its mesh deformation will be formed in the image.

Bronchiectasis often develops with bronchitis. Main signs on x-ray:

  • strengthening of the pulmonary pattern;
  • cellular or looped seals with an area of ​​inflammation.

Symptoms indicating the development of COPD are persistent cough, phlegm, chest pain, difficulty breathing.


Accompanied by increased airiness of the lungs. Is an outcome of COPD, a pathology of the cardiovascular system. The image of emphysema shows increased pneumatization, depletion of the pulmonary pattern or its complete disappearance along the periphery.

Bronchial asthma

This disease also causes some changes when taking x-rays. TO characteristic features include:

  • swelling of the lung tissue;
  • low diaphragm dome;
  • increase in length of the respiratory organs.

Also, X-rays can reveal complications of asthma in the form of atelectasis. They represent areas where tissue collapse occurs.

If emphysema is suspected, bronchial asthma or COPD, CT is preferred. This method provides more information regarding these pathologies.

Lung cancer

When performing an X-ray, it is not possible to determine the histology (that is, the cellular composition) of the tumor. A dark spot on the lung due to cancer can be central, peripheral or bronchoalveolar.

Signs that there may be cancer of central origin:

  • the presence of a tumor originating from the large bronchi;
  • characteristic expansion and deformation of the root;
  • obstruction of the bronchial tree.

With this type, growth can be observed in the lumen of the bronchus, beyond it, or of a mixed type.

Peripheral cancer:

  • more often in the form of a single education;
  • the contours are lumpy and irregular in shape;
  • the presence of a “path” to the root of the lung.

Pancoast tumor may occur in the upper lobes of the lungs. Is a variety peripheral type. It quickly spreads to the pleura, collarbone, and plexus of the shoulder, which leads to severe pain.

Symptoms of cancer may not appear long time. They are often preceded by exposure to unfavorable factors environment(ecology), long-term smoking, presence genetic predisposition. Also, suspicion of a tumor may appear due to poor fluorography.


Most neoplasms metastasize to the lungs. It is not difficult to identify them with x-rays. They can appear in different lobes, in the lower right or left lung. In this case, the lesions usually have a round shape. Spread from the primary tumor occurs through the blood or lymph. Therefore, neoplasms of the brain, liver, and mammary gland often metastasize to the respiratory organs.

Diffuse diseases

This group includes diseases that are accompanied by fibrosis and sclerosis. These concepts mean the replacement of healthy lung tissue with connective tissue or its reduction in size. They act as an outcome of other pathologies. Signs include:

  • strengthening and mesh deformation of the pattern;
  • high diaphragm position.

The honeycomb lung phenomenon is also revealed. X-rays can already detect late stages diseases.


Includes a group of occupational pathologies. These include asbestosis, silicosis, and talcosis. Occurs when exposed to dust of various origins. Fibrosis gradually develops in the lungs. Signs:

  • small outlined nodes;
  • thickening of the pleura.

There is also an increase peripheral nodes with deposition of calcium salts.


Darkening of the lungs on fluorography is a suspicion of tuberculosis. This type of study is carried out to screen the population. Each type has its own characteristics on an x-ray. IN clinical medicine there is a classification. Tuberculosis intoxication is accompanied by changes general functions body, a sharp increase in the size of the papule, and is practically not reflected in the image.

Primary has its own characteristics:

  • increase lymph nodes;
  • enlargement of mediastinal organs;
  • the lung tissue remains unchanged.

Tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes is also distinguished. According to its classification, it belongs to primary. Accompanied by compaction and pockets of calcifications. Additionally, a complex is isolated, which includes all the above-described signs, plus the appearance of an inflammatory reaction track.

Disseminated tuberculosis:

  • multiple lesions in the lungs;
  • round shape;
  • size 1-2 mm;
  • arrangement in the form of a chain.

Such lesions can merge with long term. The classification distinguishes focal tuberculosis, which is characterized by:

  • single or multiple lesions;
  • size up to 1 cm;
  • fuzzy outlines.

Then there is a form of infiltrative tuberculosis. It is characterized by the presence of shadows larger than 1 cm. When fused, such lesions can occupy several lobes of the lung at once. Caseous pneumonia is characterized by many confluent foci.

Tuberculoma is distinguished separately in the classification. Signs:

  • lesion larger than 1 cm;
  • clear contours;
  • pronounced capsule.

The worst variants of tuberculosis are cavernous and fibrous. They are characterized by darkening in the form of a cavity with dense walls, without areas/with areas of fibrosis around.

Symptoms: fever, prolonged cough, positive test sputum, unsatisfactory results of fluorescence.


Effusion into the pleural cavity occurs in the presence of various types of respiratory diseases. Normally, this area contains a small amount of fluid, which allows the pleura to move freely. X-rays can detect this disease. The image shows the liquid level as a concave shape. As a rule, it is bilateral in nature.

Changes on an x-ray may have a different shape and character, but in any case, this display is a reason to contact a specialist for correct decoding picture. The identified pathology in this case will undergo immediate treatment.

Conventional fluorography

Fluorography is a method of x-ray examination that involves photographing an x-ray image of the object under study from the screen. Darkening in the lungs on fluorography - what is it? This question is asked by many people whose fluorographic images are ambiguous.

An eclipse can simultaneously speak about a lot or nothing at all, so if the radiologist gives such a conclusion, you should not be nervous - because such patients are prescribed a pre-examination. Darkening on fluorography can be either a sign of pathology or a simple defect in the image.

Causes of eclipses

It is recommended to take a fluorography photo once a year (see How often can a fluorography be done: examination features). Detecting dark spots on fluorography makes it possible to identify dangerous diseases and prescribe treatment in a timely manner.

Darkening in the lungs can be due to: pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, tumors, cancer, trauma, foreign objects, abscesses, fluid accumulation and prolonged smoking. In medicine, these are the most common causes of eclipses.

Digital codes used in fluorogram evaluation

Code Decoding
1 Ring shadow
2 Darkening in the projection of the lungs
3 Focal shadows in the projection of the lungs
4 Widening of the mediastinal shadow
5 Pleural effusions
6 Fibrous change in lung tissue (common)
7 Fibrous change in lung tissue (limited)
8 Increased transparency of lung tissue
9 Pleural changes (common)
10 Pleural change (limited)
11 Petrifications in the lung tissue are large, numerous (more than five)
12 Petrifications in the roots of the lungs are large, numerous (more than five)
13 Petrifications in the lung tissue are small, numerous (more than five)
14 Petrifications in the roots of the lungs are small, numerous (more than five)
15 Large petrifications in lung tissue (single)
16 Petrificates in lung roots large (single)
17 Petrifications in lung tissue are small (single)
18 Petrifications in the roots of the lung are small (single)
19 Changes in the diaphragm not associated with pleural pathology
20 Condition after lung surgery
21 Changes in the chest skeleton
22 Foreign body
23 Cardiovascular disease
24 Other
25 Norm
26 Marriage

Darkening in the picture is not necessarily a pathology

Darkening in the picture does not necessarily mean oncology or tuberculosis, although this, of course, can also indicate a serious pathology. In addition, an eclipse may appear in the image when smoking cigarettes for a long time (see What does fluorography of a smoker’s lungs show: are changes visible?).

Hence, it is difficult to immediately determine what darkening in the lungs may mean on fluorography. Maybe a foreign object got there?

This often happens with curious children. Note that the types of eclipses are not directly related to pathologies, and the problem cannot be immediately determined by the shape of the spot.

Healthy human lungs x-ray

A dark spot on the lung on fluorography is divided by number and size. Single spots indicate tumors; they can be malignant or benign.

If there is not one darkening in the lungs on fluorography, but several, then this indicates the presence of several pathologies. The location of the spots is also important.

So, if darkening in the lungs on fluorography shows darkening of the top of the lung, then this may indicate tuberculosis, but the doctor must prescribe, in addition to the tests that are prescribed in such cases, a repeat image.

Fluorography of a smoker

Interpretation of a fluorography image

If there are shadows, the doctor writes out a presumptive diagnosis.

Strengthening the vascular pattern

Typically, the increased vascular pattern is caused by shadowing of the pulmonary arteries or veins. Its increased appearance is a sign of bronchitis, the early stages of cancer or pneumonia. Also, this may indicate shortcomings in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Compaction and expansion of roots

Compaction and expansion of roots are characteristic of: pneumonia, bronchitis and other chronic and inflammatory pathologies.

Pleural sinus

The pleural sinus is a cavity that is formed by pleural folds. The sinus is free in normal lungs, and, conversely, sealed in pulmonary pathology.

Fibrous tissue

The presence of fibrous tissue indicates that the patient has already suffered from pneumonia.


The presence of adhesions indicates that the person has had inflammation of the pleura in the past.

Adhesions in the lungs


Safe dense round shadows. They say that the person had contact with someone who was sick: tuberculosis or pneumonia.

In other words, an infection entered the lungs, but it was localized and did not develop, and was isolated by deposits of calcium salts.

Calcifications in the lungs

Aperture changes

Changes in the diaphragm indicate an abnormal diaphragm. Usually this pathology develops due to poor genetics, deformation due to adhesions, excess weight, and past illnesses.

Focal shadows

Patch shadows are dark spots approximately 1 centimeter in size. This may indicate that this is the first sign of pneumonia or tuberculosis.

Displacement of the mediastinal shadow

The mediastinum is the space between the lungs and other organs. Enlargement indicates high blood pressure, enlarged heart, myocarditis or heart failure.

Mediastinal shadow

Types of shading

Darkening with pneumonia

Pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa is characterized by an acute onset, severe general condition, high temperature body, shortness of breath, cyanosis, tachycardia, signs of intoxication, focal dullness percussion sound, crepitus, the presence of wheezing. Pneumonia can be complicated by pleurisy.

On fluorography of the chest organs, focal darkening is detected (foci of inflammatory infiltration), in the case of abscess formation, cavities with a horizontal level are found, and in the presence of exudative pleurisy, intense homogeneous darkening. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is cultured from sputum, contents of the pleural cavity, and discharge from wounds.


Darkening with paragonimiasis

The initial stage of paragonimiasis occurs as an acute allergic disease. Changes are detected in the lungs (“volatile” infiltrates, pneumonia, pleurisy).

Allergic myocarditis and meningoencephalitis are quite often observed. Mostly initial stage the disease is asymptomatic. With the transition to the subacute and then to the chronic stage, changes in the lungs predominate: chest pain, cough with sputum, effusion in the pleural cavity, fever.

Later, focal fibrous changes in the lungs develop; fluorograms reveal foci with characteristic radial darkening and light vacuoles in the center, foci of infiltration in the lung tissue, calcification, and sometimes diffuse pneumosclerosis.

Darkening with candidiasis

With a mild course of the disease, candiosis resembles the clinical picture of bronchitis. The x-ray reveals an increased bronchovascular pattern. IN late dates and in severe cases, pulmonary candidiasis is manifested by focal or lobar pneumonia and unstable “volatile” infiltrates.

On fluorography, there will be a spotty eclipse caused by small pneumonic foci and atelectasis. Sometimes miliary shadowing (“snow flakes”) occurs. Candidiasis pneumonia can be complicated by pleurisy.

Darkening with diffuse pneumosclerosis

Peculiarities clinical course diffuse pneumosclerosis. Patients complain of cough with sputum production (as a result of concomitant bronchitis), shortness of breath, which first occurs during physical activity, later at rest and finally becomes constant, general weakness, sometimes if the inflammatory process is activated, fever occurs. Upon examination, cyanosis (as a result of hypoventilation of the alveoli), swelling of the jugular veins, and shortness of breath (symptoms of pulmonary heart failure) are revealed.

The chest may be compacted, but more often the presence of emphysema is determined by widened intercostal spaces - the emphysematous form of the chest. The respiratory excursion of the lungs and the mobility of the lower pulmonary edge are limited. On percussion, as a result of concomitant emphysema, a box sound is detected.

When auscultating the lungs, hard, sometimes weakened, vesicular breathing is heard (with pulmonary emphysema), dry and moist rales. Using X-ray examination, increased transparency of the peripheral pulmonary fields in combination with severity, focal darkening and increased bronchovascular pattern, and sometimes signs of bronchiectasis are determined.


Features of the clinical course of diffuse pneumosclerosis

A biochemical blood test reveals an increase in the content of alpha-2 and gamma globulins, fibrinogen; There is moderate proteinuria in the urine. X-ray of the respiratory organs allows us to identify eclipse of the corresponding part of the lung, areas of infiltration. With gangrene of the lungs, pronounced symptoms are observed respiratory failure and signs of intoxication.

Darkening with fever

Complaints (remitting fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, cough with purulent sputum with an unpleasant odor in an amount from 200 ml to 1-2 liters per day, sweating). X-ray of the chest organs (large focal eclipse with uneven edges and unclear contours - in the infiltration phase and the presence of cavity formation syndrome with a horizontal fluid level in another period).

Darkening in cancer

Lung cancer is more common in men who are over 40 years old and smokers long period. Against the background of eclipse of part of the lungs, there is mainly clearing, which indicates the collapse of the lung tissue, as well as bronchogenic focal metastasis to neighboring areas of the lungs.

Lung cancer

Darkening of exudative pleurisy

Very often, exudative pleurisy in the early stages of detection is perceived as pneumonia, since they have many of the same symptoms. A small amount of fluid in the pleural cavity is often very difficult to determine from a fluorographic image.

In this case, complications are very easily resolved by ultrasound examination of the lungs, which detects 150-200 ml of effusion in the pleural cavity. In addition, exudative pleurisy is characterized by a specific cough with the release of mucous and purulent sputum.

Sometimes, to take care of health, there is not enough time, responsibility, desire, and finally, awareness of the importance of this task. That is why in medical institutions, both public and private, there is a requirement to undergo a number of mandatory examinations, regardless of the reason for the application. One of these procedures is annual fluorography. Doctors recommend undergoing a chest x-ray to detect diseases such as lung cancer or tuberculosis. Early detection of these and other diseases improves the effectiveness of treatment and increases the likelihood of a positive outcome.

There are cases when darkening is recorded in the final picture of the lungs, which causes feelings close to panic in patients. Let's figure out what darkening on the lungs looks like on an X-ray, where it comes from, what it could be and what the reason for its formation is. There are quite a few factors contributing to the appearance of black and white spots in photographs. But before moving on to considering the causes of darkening and analyzing them, you must first find out what a standard x-ray looks like.

What does a classic x-ray look like?

The classic photograph is a reverse (negative) image. The difference between a negative and a positive radiograph is that there is an inverse shadow correspondence. That is, the light parts in the picture show organs with maximum density, which retain and absorb X-rays, and darker areas, respectively, less thick fabrics and voids that allow radiation to pass through unhindered.

Healthy lungs in the picture look like this: the right one is short and wide, the left one is long and narrow, which corresponds to the norm. These areas should be transparent, as they contain a large volume of air and practically do not interfere with the passage of X-rays.

Reasons for the appearance of spots in the photo

There can be many reasons for the appearance of spots. Only a qualified radiologist can give a complete transcript. Nevertheless, we can identify the main reasons why darkening occurs in a fluorography image:

  • foci of active tuberculosis and post-tuberculosis changes;
  • the occurrence of a benign or malignant tumor;
  • consequences of smoking;
  • post-traumatic lesions;
  • accumulation of intrapleural fluid;
  • bronchitis types of diseases;
  • the presence of abscesses.

The location of the spot plays a big role. Depending on its location - on the right or left lung, in the lower or upper part - the value of this darkening may also change. To find out the real reason If a shadow appears in the image, consultation with a specialized specialist is necessary.

Types of shading

The spots in the lungs in the fluorography image are noticeably different from each other in appearance. It may be a dark or white spot. There are such deviations as increased (with acute bronchitis, pneumonia) or stringy roots (which indicate chronic bronchitis, smoking), as well as bilateral linear shadows (with tuberculous infiltrate and cavity). It may not even be a stain, but simply white dot. In medicine, it is customary to classify darkening into several main types:

  • focal;
  • focal;
  • segmental;
  • indefinite shape;
  • shared;
  • with the presence of liquid.

Based on the type of darkening, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

Focal darkening in the lungs

Shadows of this type arise due to inflammatory, tumor, scar processes that affect the respiratory organs, or due to vascular pathology. Despite the fact that the size of such darkening does not exceed one and a half centimeters, they can cause serious illnesses. They look like a small clear shadow on a fluorography image, the so-called nodule spot. The cause of their occurrence is often impossible to determine, as is the nature; in such cases, additional examinations are necessary. Focal, or focal-like, darkening varies in size, location, intensity, and can be single, multiple, scattered and disseminated. If focal darkening is found along with symptoms such as fever, headache, cough, or a feeling of heaviness in the chest, this may be the first sign of bronchopneumonia.

Ring shadow syndrome

A darkening in the form of a ring-shaped shadow on an x-ray is a sign of a decay cavity. It may indicate several pathologies. The main and most common means that there was contact with a person with tuberculosis, but the body was able to enclose the tuberculosis bacillus in a calcium shell and prevent it from developing, that is, calcification was formed. The reasons for such a shadow can also be:

  • abscess;
  • air cyst;
  • disintegrating tumor.

To make an accurate diagnosis, you will need to undergo further examination.

Circular focal shades

Focal, or circular, eclipses often exceed the size of one centimeter and are also one of the signs of the onset of the disease. Focal shadows require careful investigation, as they can be signs of dangerous conditions such as:

The causes of the appearance of focal or spherical shadows can be cysts (congenital or acquired). They may even indicate the appearance of the following types of tumor processes:

  • sarcoma and metastases are malignant;
  • hamartochondroma, adenoma and fibroma are benign.

Segmental and lobar darkening

The darkening present in a fluorography image can be localized in the form of single segments with very different contours. Often segmental darkening has the shape of a triangle. There may be more than one area with similar shadows. In order to determine the exact cause of their occurrence, you will need to undergo a full examination. The presence of single segments may indicate:

  • endobronchial tumors;
  • presence of a foreign body or mechanical damage.

But the appearance of a group of segments is much more dangerous and may indicate:

  • pneumonia;
  • the presence of tuberculosis or other inflammations;
  • central cancer;
  • metastases of malignant tumors in other organs.

Lobar darkening, although similar to segmental darkening, still has differences. The contours of the shadow are clearly visible and easily defined. They can have different shapes. The presence of such spots means:

  • chronic lung disease;
  • the presence of bronchial obstruction.

If the bottom or middle is darkened part of the lung, this indicates the presence of a malignant or benign tumor.

Shading of an indeterminate shape

If the image reveals a spot on the lungs of an indeterminate shape, in most cases this indicates the presence of staphylococcal pneumonia. This disease has several forms:

  • primary - may occur due to an inflammatory process in the tissues of the lung or bronchi;
  • secondary - may manifest itself due to the development of a purulent focus in the body.

Nowadays this disease is quite common. In addition to pneumonia, this type of darkening indicates tissue swelling, the presence of a tumor, hemorrhage and other pathologies. The exact source of the stain can be determined after the necessary laboratory tests.

If the appearance of this kind of spots is accompanied by the presence of metastases, fever, weakness and cough, this may mean a cancerous tumor, inflammation of the lung or the presence of pleurisy.

If fluid is visible on fluorography, this indicates swelling of the organ. This condition occurs due to increased pulmonary capillary pressure or decreased protein levels in the body. Edema is divided into two types, it is divided according to the causes of its occurrence:

  • hydrostatic edema. Its cause is increased intravascular pressure, as a result of which fluid enters the alveoli and fills the lung. The cause of such edema may be diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • membranous edema. It occurs due to the accumulation of toxins in the body, as a result of which fluid also enters the lung.

In order to determine the cause of the spot, an x-ray in additional projections is required, computed tomography and deciphering the obtained sections by a professional.

Total blackout syndrome

By total darkening we mean darkening of the entire lung field on an x-ray. The darkening can be one-sided or two-sided.

Double-sided dimming most often indicates:

  • toxic or cardiac pulmonary edema;
  • staphylococcal pneumonia;
  • pleural moorings.

One-sided darkening is also divided into several subtypes:

  • homogeneous;
  • total;
  • intense.

Homogeneous darkening may indicate atelectasis of the lung or complete absence of the organ (for example, with congenital disease). Total shadows are observed with inflammatory infiltration or pleural scarring. The presence of intense darkening indicates encysted pleurisy or an extensive pulmonary cyst.

In general, total darkening indicates serious health problems, so taking a second X-ray and consulting an independent doctor is the best decision.

What dark spots look like on an x-ray in various diseases

X-ray allows you to visually study the condition of the lung tissue, based on the presence or absence of shadows, the correspondence of their shape and concentration to the normal picture, which may mean the presence or exclusion of pathological processes. If the darkening is accompanied characteristic symptoms, then additional blood tests may not be needed.


If a linear darkening of the lung in the upper part is detected on fluorography, the conclusion is disappointing - it is most likely tuberculosis. But if there is no cough, an accurate diagnosis can only be made with a complete examination of the patient. There is no point in delaying this, since detecting tuberculosis in the early stages is the key to a quick and successful recovery.


If fluorography shows dark areas in the lower part of the lung, this is most likely pneumonia. You can see the symptoms of the disease more clearly in the photograph taken at the culmination point of its course. On film, such specific spots look fuzzy and have a very heterogeneous structure.

The presence of such shadows in a healthy person indicates that he has had pneumonia or bronchitis. At full recovery these spots will disappear completely.

Lung cancer

One of the most terrible diagnoses What remains, of course, is cancer. A characteristic spot in the lungs, visible on an x-ray, may indicate the development of this disease. It is worth noting that as long as the size of the formations is less than 2 mm, it is difficult to make a medical conclusion using fluorography, but when they reach 3 mm, it becomes possible to establish a diagnosis; for this, the image is taken in two different projections: frontal and lateral.

About availability cancer indicates the presence of a shadow with a blurring outline. A large white spot stands out against its background, which indicates the disintegration of the tumor.

To make a final diagnosis, just an image will not be enough; you will need to undergo a full range of examinations prescribed by specialists.


During their work, doctors have to deal with various common symptoms, such as cough, fever or, for example, weakness in the body. Patients, as a rule, do not give them of great importance, but it is precisely these ordinary signs that may be indicators of fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity. In photographs this phenomenon is not expressed by any rigid geometric contours. Darkening of an unclear form represents pathological changes in the tissues of the lungs and may turn out to be nothing more than staphylococcal pneumonia.

According to medical statistics, staphylococcal pneumonia is becoming more common. The darkening itself in the image indicates tissue edema, internal hemorrhage, pulmonary infarction, tumor and the very appearance of pleural fluid, as well as other diseases that can be detected through laboratory tests.

Nicotine addiction

Many patients who seek help from doctors suffer nicotine addiction, and today this is not uncommon. If the x-ray shows darkening, smoking may be the cause. This is due to the fact that cavities form in the bronchi, and the biggest difficulty is that at first glance it is difficult to determine the structural boundaries of the roots of the lungs. They are usually too blurry. This is explained by the fact that the pulmonary vessels begin to enlarge due to respiratory failure, which is why blurring is observed on the contours of the roots. But despite this, an X-ray of a smoker has a chance to reveal various diseases of the respiratory system, including tuberculosis and lung cancer.

With paragonimiasis

In the initial stages, paraganimosis occurs as an acute allergic disease. During this period, it is difficult to make a diagnosis, since there are practically no symptoms. Later, specific symptoms appear, such as cough and chest pain.

Fluorography shows characteristic foci with radial shadows.

For candidiasis

A spot on the picture may indicate the presence of candidiasis. In some cases, miliary opacities occur.

The symptoms of the disease are similar to bronchitis. A complication of the disease can be pleurisy.

For diffuse pneumosclerosis

If the image shows increased transparency of the lung tissue, this may indicate the presence of diffuse pneumosclerosis. It is often combined with focal eclipses.

Symptoms of the disease are cough with sputum, shortness of breath and general weakness.

For fever

If the darkening on fluorography has a large focus and uneven edges, these are symptoms of fever. Often it has pronounced symptoms, so a picture with such signs is already an additional confirmation of the disease.

Excessive sweating, chest pain and shortness of breath are the first signs of this condition.

Presence of a foreign body in the lungs

It happens that a spot on an x-ray in the lungs indicates the presence of a foreign body. Most often, this affects children, who tend to taste everything and, through negligence, can swallow an object. To the chagrin of doctors, such foreign bodies cannot always be detected using x-rays, so in such cases it is recommended to resort to endoscopic methods diagnostics One of the main signs of foreign elements in the lungs is the presence of light spots. It is also important that it is not possible to make a diagnosis based on a fluorogram of the lungs alone, in similar situations This issue must be dealt with by a highly qualified radiologist.

What to do if spots are detected on an x-ray

The most correct decision in this situation would be not to panic. It is not necessary to treat spots detected during fluorography of the lungs until a full examination has been completed. As has already become clear, there can be many reasons for their appearance, so you cannot make a diagnosis yourself without consulting a specialized doctor.

If abnormalities in the pulmonary pattern are detected, you should contact a specialist: a pulmonologist or a phthisiatrician. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood and urine;
  • X-ray in the necessary projections;
  • Diaskintest or sputum culture to detect the presence of tuberculosis pathogens;
  • computed tomography of the lungs;
  • bronchoscopy of the lungs or tracheobronchoscopy, when the respiratory organs are examined using a probe that is inserted through the nose.

There is no point in postponing treatment, especially if darkening is detected on the child’s lungs. A timely, accurate diagnosis will help quickly defeat the disease.

Quite often, to provide the most informative and accurate state of the respiratory organs, doctors prescribe such a common study as an x-ray. This procedure is often indicated in order to clarify the result of previously performed fluorography or on the basis of general clinical picture the patient's condition. For example, when certain diseases lungs, the density of some lung tissues becomes increased. In the resulting images, each of which shows the condition of the lungs, similar phenomena are noted in the form of spots and darkening in the lungs on the X-ray.

If the patient is informed about the discovery of spots, the first reaction of most is fear, many think that this is a malignant formation. Cancer gives some darkening, but is far from the only reason for the appearance of spots. In order to avoid wasting unnecessary nerves, and also to begin to act as quickly as possible when blackouts are detected, it is worth studying their types, as well as becoming familiar with the main reasons for their occurrence.

Causes of spots on the received images

The main reasons for the appearance of spots or darkening in an X-ray photo may be following reasons dark spots in the lungs:

If such shadows are detected, doctors usually prescribe additional forms of examination. This is based precisely on large quantities reasons that can lead to their formation. Competent treatment is prescribed only after the nature of the formations and the causes of darkening in the lungs have been fully established. Taken into account usual symptoms and health status.

When diagnosed with pneumonia, an x-ray is the only option to identify a serious illness.

What spots might there be in the picture?

In the process of conducting an additional medical examination and carefully studying the resulting images, the specialist evaluates the darkening according to the following parameters:

  • The location of the spot is the upper, lower or middle part of the lung. It can also be external, internal and average share of this body. This way you can get a clear picture of the disease;
  • The size makes it possible to determine the total area of ​​pathology;
  • Level of expression. Based on this feature, the degree of density of the lesion present can be determined. The severity can be moderate, weak and intense;
  • General outline. Pay attention to whether the stain has smooth or uneven edges. Often on this basis it is possible to determine the nature of education.

In addition to the differences listed above, spots in the image can be classified according to other criteria. Doctors must take them into account in order to establish a more accurate diagnosis.

Spots and dark spots that occur in the lungs and trachea can be characterized by their location, but also by appearance and general form. The distribution is as follows:

  1. Share. The spot has a clear outline and can be particularly concave or significantly convex. Darkening can develop against the background of inflammation, cirrhosis or destruction. If a spot of this type is located in the middle or lower part of the lung, the doctor may suspect a malignant formation.
  2. Focal. These are relatively small centimeter formations that can prove the presence of inflammation, the development of pathology of veins and blood vessels, as well as the development of a peripheral form of cancer, dangerous tuberculosis and with suddenly developed pulmonary infarction. If such lesions were found against the background of headache, cough and pain, bronchial pneumonia can be judged.
  3. Indefinite in form. These are special spots that do not have a bright expression or outline. To give the patient the most accurate diagnosis, more modern views examinations such as CT or MRI. Such white spots often indicate pathologies such as pleurisy, pneumonia, hemorrhage, as well as various types of tumors. The diagnosis is confirmed not only by CT scan, but also by laboratory tests.
  4. Liquid. This is direct evidence of pulmonary edema. The fluid collected in the lungs may be due to increased pressure in numerous vessels and the degree of permeability of their alveolar wall. In this case, the liquid immediately enters the lung tissue, disrupting their functionality.
  5. Segmental. It's about about the darkening in the form of a triangle. This is evidence of pathologies such as cancerous tumor, various benign formations, pneumonia, the presence of metastases coming from other organs, tuberculosis and fluid accumulation. The doctor’s competence is very important here, since the earlier measures are taken, the greater the chance the patient will have if a fatal pathology is detected.
  6. Focus. As a rule, these are single spots, the size of which is on average 1 cm. Such lesions arise against the background of pneumonia, with increased fluid content in the organs, breathing, tuberculosis, and they can also be cysts and purulent abscesses.

Making an accurate diagnosis based on the type and location of spots alone is impossible. It is for this reason that additional high-quality examination is required.

If darkening is visible in the picture, you should immediately consult a doctor who can identify or exclude the presence of a dangerous disease.

Decoding of received images

A few minutes after the fluorography examination, a person receives a picture and its detailed transcript. The comments to the image may contain the following information in the form: medical terms, each of which characterizes certain health problems:

  • Enlargement of the roots of the right or left lung, which may indicate bronchitis or pneumonia; Heavy roots are special pathological changes that occur due to smoking or acute bronchitis;
  • The presence of an in-depth pattern of the vessels of the right or left lung indicates a violation of blood circulation in the respiratory organs, various problems with blood vessels and the heart, bronchitis, as well as inflammation in the lungs, which may be the initial stage of the oncological process;
  • Fibrosis and fibrous tissue are a consequence of previous surgical interventions and injuries;
  • Focal shadows, which are specific shadows. If such shadows are accompanied by an increase in the general vascular pattern, the doctor can judge pneumonia;
  • Calcifications of the right or left lung - means that the person had contact with a patient with tuberculosis. At the same time healthy body an uninfected person enclosed the stick in a calcium shell. It is the power of immunity that prevents the spread of infection;
  • Changes in the diaphragm - all this can be the consequences of problems such as obesity, pleurisy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Spots and shadows found in the image can be evidence of several dozen of the most various diseases, it is for this reason that after the x-ray you need to continue a high-quality medical examination of the right or left lung.

Follow-up examination

To conduct further examination, the doctor may send the patient to a pulmonologist or oncologist, where he will be shown to undergo certain specific procedures. Here are the most common ones:

  1. This may be a diaskintest, which can determine the presence of tuberculosis. If we compare this procedure with Mantoux, which quite often gives a false and inaccurate result, such an examination does not respond to BCG, which often shows in a child complete absence problems. This is an ideal opportunity to diagnose tuberculosis as accurately as possible.
  2. The study of sputum of children and adults is another mandatory analysis that is carried out in the laboratory. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to detect tubercle bacilli, the presence of malignant cells, as well as various impurities that may be characteristic of certain pathological conditions.
  3. Quite often, doctors prescribe a more modern examination method - computed tomography of the lungs. It's extra, informative method diagnosis of diseases of the lung tissue, pleura and mediastinum. It turned out that this is the most reliable method.
  4. Lung bronchoscopy or tracheobronchoscopy may also be used. This procedure is performed using medical endoscopes that are quite flexible in design and are inserted through the nose. Through this form of examination, you can see the lungs and also take material, completely painlessly. The collected material, as a rule, is subjected to subsequent diagnostics - bacterial, histological and cytological.

If a doctor suspects lung cancer based on an x-ray, a tumor marker test may be prescribed. The analysis makes it possible to detect specific proteins that are usually produced by emerging malignant tumors.

Summing up

If darkening or light spots are found in the picture, do not panic when you see the picture. The optimal solution in this case, there will be strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations. The specialist will conduct a more detailed additional examination to clarify the diagnosis. This is the only way to develop the highest quality treatment, take timely measures and thereby prevent quite serious complications.

Preventative medical examinations must be completed annually. One of mandatory events periodic medical examination is a fluorographic examination of the lungs - this is done for early detection diseases. Alarm signal pathological darkening in the lungs will serve. The reasons for such manifestations may be different, and in order to identify them accurately, the doctor will definitely prescribe an additional examination. The symptom of darkening of the lungs established during fluorography is not a diagnosis of the disease, but an indicator of the presence of a variety of diseases.

Darkening of the lungs on an x-ray

What is darkening of the lungs?

Pulmonary diseases are mainly accompanied by compactions in the tissues of the lungs; this occurs due to a decrease or absence of air permeability in certain areas of the organ, which appears on X-ray examination as darkened spots. Such a symptom may indicate pathological processes both in the lung itself and beyond.

Blackouts, the causes of which lie in pulmonary pathologies, may differ in their intensity, clarity, quantity and size. Darkening may show:

  • Inflammatory processes and tissue compaction.
  • Nodes of tumor formations.
  • An area impassable for air is a collapsed lung.
  • Development of tuberculosis.
  • The presence of fluid in the pleural area of ​​the lungs (the pleura is the membrane that covers the lungs and chest cavity).
  • Inflammation in the pleural area, possibly purulent (abscesses).

Pulmonary opacities that appear due to problems with other organs may also be visible on imaging and may include:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Masses on the ribs or spine.
  • Problems with the esophagus, such as enlargement.

Types of shading

The location of the dark spots, their size and shape depend on the developed pathological lung lesions. Several types of organ darkening are classified:

  • Focal.
  • Focus.
  • Segmental.
  • Darkening of an indeterminate shape.
  • Share.
  • Darkening with the presence of liquid.

Focal darkening in the lungs

Focal darkening is small, up to one centimeter, nodular spots. They appear during inflammatory and tumor processes, as well as in connection with vascular disorders. This could very well be the beginning of some kind of lung disease. It is impossible to accurately determine the cause of the lesion and its nature from one image, so additional examinations are prescribed, in particular, computed tomography and additional radiography. Laboratory tests are prescribed, which examine sputum, urine and blood.

If focal darkening is accompanied by fever, weakness, headache, wet or dry cough, chest pain, these signs may indicate bronchopneumonia.
If the blood test shows no changes, this may be a sign focal tuberculosis, while the patient complains of loss of appetite, weakness, dry cough, irritability and chest pain. If this diagnosis is suspected, targeted studies are prescribed.

Pulmonary infarction most often manifests itself as thrombophlebitis lower limbs, cardiac pathology, pain in the side and even hemoptysis.
"Small" peripheral lung cancer usually immediately determined by fluorography.

These are the most common diseases, the onset of which can be indicated by focal shadows, but they can also indicate other pulmonary pathologies.

Circular (focal) shades

Single focal shadows, round in shape and measuring more than one centimeter, can also be signs of various diseases. They require a more thorough examination to establish an accurate diagnosis.

The causes of round spots can be acquired or congenital cysts. They can be filled with air or liquid.

Such darkening may indicate tumor formations:

  • benign - fibromas, adenomas, lipomas, hamartochondromas;
  • malignant - metastases, sarcoma.

Callus (spherical) - this can be a rib fracture or island areas on it. This factor also needs to be taken into account when deciphering a photo with focal shadows.

Segmental shading

Darkening can be localized in individual segments various shapes, mostly in the shape of a triangle. There may be several such areas on the lung, and the diagnosis is made after comprehensive examination. Darkening of individual segments on one or both lungs may indicate diseases such as:

Single segments:

  • endobronchial tumors (benign or malignant);
  • foreign body or mechanical damage to lung tissue.

The presence of several darkened segments:

  • acute or chronic pneumonia (pneumonia);
  • tuberculosis or other inflammatory processes;
  • central cancer;
  • stenosis (narrowing) of the central bronchus;
  • accumulation of a small amount of fluid in the pleura;
  • metastases of malignant tumors in other organs.

Blackouts of indeterminate shape

Such darkening in X-ray images does not form geometric shapes and does not have definite boundaries.

These pathological changes in lung tissue are most often staphylococcal pneumonia. This disease has primary and secondary forms:

  • The primary form occurs as a result of inflammatory processes in the bronchi or lung tissues.
  • The secondary form of the disease manifests itself due to hematogenous spread from some purulent focus in the body (this could be osteomyelitis, adnexitis or other similar diseases). Recently, staphylococcal pneumonia has become quite common.

Such darkening may indicate swelling of the tissue, pulmonary infarction, hemorrhage, tumor, accumulation of pleural fluid and other diseases that can be accurately determined after laboratory tests.

Such darkening may occur due to pneumonia(pneumonia) or fluid effusion into the pleura (exudative pleurisy). These diseases are accompanied by fever, cough, weakness, and headaches.

Lobar dimming

With lobar darkening in the lung, its contours are clearly visible and clearly defined in the photographs. They can have convex, concave, rectilinear and other shapes.

  • Lobar darkening can be signs of any chronic pulmonary disease. Tomography can easily identify diseases such as cirrhosis, bronchiectasis (expansion of part of the bronchus due to damage to its wall), purulent lesions and other diseases.
  • All of these pathological processes can be easily distinguished from cancerous formations on tomographic images. Therefore the need precise definition A malignant tumor occurs if bronchial obstruction (inflammatory or scar formation) is detected.

Malignant and benign tumors usually form in the intermediate bronchus. In this case, the lower and middle lobes of the organ are darkened.

Darkening with liquid

This type of darkening of the lungs may indicate developing edema organ. This can occur when pressure in the pulmonary capillaries increases or when protein levels in the blood decrease. Water in the lungs prevents normal operation organ. Swelling can be of two types and depends on the reasons that caused it.

  • Hydrostatic edema can occur when intravascular pressure increases, which increases the risk of fluid escaping from the vessel and entering the alveoli ( end part breathing apparatus) fills the lung. This pathology can occur if there is coronary disease heart or other cardiovascular diseases.
  • Membranous edema occurs under the influence of toxins that can disrupt the wall of the same alveoli and leave the extravascular space of the lung.
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The structure of the lungs, as well as the air inside them, allows the use x-ray radiation for medical diagnostics. A fairly common problem is darkening of the lungs on x-rays. However, there is no need to panic right away. This may indicate problems not with the lungs, but, for example, with some other organs that are located directly next to them. This is because the images are simply superimposed on each other. That is why, when a similar phenomenon is detected on an x-ray, it is necessary to delve deeper into the understanding of what darkening in the lungs means. It is thanks to this that you can choose the right therapy and get rid of the source of inflammation.


On an x-ray, if taken from the front, you can see the outline of the lungs. They form special fields that are intersected by edges. There is a close-up view of the heart and arteries superimposed on each other. In addition, you can notice a slight darkening in the lungs in the image, which is located near the 2nd and 4th ribs. It speaks of a rich vascular network. Next, let's look at the abnormal changes that can be seen on x-rays.


Darkening appears in the image in cases where a healthy place in the lungs is affected. This is due to the fact that due to pathological changes air is forced out. This is observed with blockage of the bronchi, accumulation of fluid, that is, pneumonia, as well as with tumors.

Problems with pulmonary pattern

Similar problems are the most common. They occur in various types of diseases. It should be noted that several groups are included in such violations. There are dark spots in the lungs of a focal type, a shadow of a round shape, total or subtotal, limited.


Clearing indicates the presence of any problems associated with a decrease in the volume and density of lung tissue. This is associated with the development of a disease such as pneumothorax. It is characterized by the fact that an air cavity has appeared in the lung. On an x-ray, areas that are easily visible will have more dark color, otherwise, there is a light color. It should be noted that when we talk about darkening in the lungs on an x-ray, we are actually talking about a light area in the image.

Total blackout

If we talk about what darkening in the lungs means, it is necessary to consider the main problems. One of these is the total type of shadow. It represents partial or complete coverage of the lung. Gaps may be observed either in the lower or in the upper part of the organ. The reason for this is the lack of air, an increase in tissue density, and the presence of liquid.

A similar phenomenon can cause cirrhosis, pleurisy and some other diseases. This also includes pneumonia.

Darkening in the lungs is diagnosed quite easily. First, it is necessary to assess the location of the organs, because sometimes some displacement may be observed. The reference point is the shadow of the heart. The second feature is an assessment of the uniformity of shading. If it is homogeneous, then most likely there is a problem with the occurrence of atelectasis, heterogeneous - cirrhosis. After receiving the image, the interpretation of the result always depends entirely on the condition of the person and directly on the characteristics of his body.

Limited dimming

Next, we will consider the causes of darkening in the lungs of a limited type. In order to understand what factors led to this, it is necessary to take an x-ray in two directions. Be sure to scan the front and sides. After the images are taken, it is important to pay attention to where the darkening is located. If it is located inside the pulmonary field, then most likely we are talking about diseases associated with the lungs. If the darkening is slightly adjacent to the diaphragm, then other diseases that are in no way related to this organ can be diagnosed.

Another important criterion for diagnosis is size. The darkening can follow the contours of the lung, which indicates inflammation. If we are talking about cirrhosis or blockage, then its size will be less than normal. Sometimes in the latter case there are small gaps. They may appear due to the presence of fluid. That is why it is necessary to take a series of photographs in different poses to understand how serious condition. If fluid is present, then the person most likely develops an abscess; if not, then tuberculosis. However, these diagnoses are imprecise. For each patient, they will be set depending on the characteristics of his body and complaints.

Round shadow

Round-shaped dark spots in the lungs are diagnosed in cases where the shadow has an oval outline. In order to decipher the results, it is necessary to rely on several factors at once. It's about clarity, thickness, location, shape and structure. Sometimes the shadow may not relate to the pulmonary field, so by assessing the shape, a lot of information can be obtained for diagnosis. More often round shape occurs with various intrapulmonary formations. It could be a cyst, tumor, and so on. If a person has heterogeneity, it means that we are talking about cancer or tuberculosis. Clear and flat contours are characteristic of the cyst. Round blackouts include only those that have a diameter of at least 1 centimeter. In other cases they are called foci.

Ring shadow

Ring-shaped darkening in the lungs is the simplest when it comes to diagnosis. This happens because a person develops a cavity in the lungs that contains air. A ring-shaped shadow is such only if the shape of a closed ring is preserved in any projection. If there is no closed ring in one of the pictures, then the darkening is an optical illusion.

When such a cavity is discovered in the lung, it is necessary to examine it in detail. Particular attention should be paid to uniformity and thickness. Tuberculosis can be suspected if the image shows a large and uniform thickness of the walls. With an abscess, a similar picture is observed. However, the latter disease is confirmed quite rarely. This is due to the fact that pus is removed through the bronchi on its own quite rarely, so it cannot cause darkening of a similar shape in the picture.

If the ring has wide walls, then the person has lung cancer. Tumor formations can cause similar effects on images. However, due to the fact that the necrosis is uneven, the ring may not be perfectly even.

It is also important to pay attention to the location of this ring. The fact is that it often speaks of various diseases, have nothing to do with the lungs.

Patchy darkening

It is necessary to consider what focal opacities are. Foci are considered to be spots that are larger than 1 mm and smaller than 1 cm. Sometimes in the picture you can see several similar formations at once, which are either next to each other or chaotically. If the distribution of foci does not exceed 2 spaces between the ribs, then such focal inflammation is limited, otherwise it is diffuse. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to consider the contours, intensity and area over which the lesions are distributed. If in upper sections lungs have similar symptoms, then most likely the person develops tuberculosis. With pneumonia, the image will show a huge number of lesions. A round or ring-shaped shadow may also appear.

If we are talking about a single darkening, then the doctor may assume that these are metastases from a tumor or cancer. If the contours are as clear as possible, then this confirms the diagnosis. Fuzzy outlines indicate the development of inflammation. In order to assess the intensity of the darkening, it is necessary to compare it with the vessels that are visible in the image. If the severity of the darkening is less, then we are talking about focal type pneumonia.

Quite often, to provide the most informative and accurate state of the respiratory organs, doctors prescribe such a common study as an x-ray. This procedure is often indicated in order to clarify the result of previously performed fluorography or based on the general clinical picture of the patient’s condition. For example, with certain lung diseases, the density of some lung tissues becomes increased. In the resulting images, each of which shows the condition of the lungs, similar phenomena are noted in the form of spots and darkening in the lungs on the X-ray.

If the patient is informed about the discovery of spots, the first reaction of most is fear, many think that this is a malignant formation. Cancer gives some darkening, but is far from the only reason for the appearance of spots. In order to avoid wasting unnecessary nerves, and also to begin to act as quickly as possible when blackouts are detected, it is worth studying their types, as well as becoming familiar with the main reasons for their occurrence.

Causes of spots on the received images

The main reasons for the appearance of spots or darkening in an x-ray photo can be the following causes of darkening in the lungs:

If such shadows are detected, doctors usually prescribe additional forms of examination. This is based precisely on a large number of reasons that can lead to their formation. Competent treatment is prescribed only after the nature of the formations and the causes of darkening in the lungs have been fully established. Normal symptoms and health status are taken into account.

When diagnosed with pneumonia, an x-ray is the only option to identify a serious illness.

What spots might there be in the picture?

In the process of conducting an additional medical examination and carefully studying the resulting images, the specialist evaluates the darkening according to the following parameters:

  • The location of the spot is the upper, lower or middle part of the lung. It can also be the outer, inner and middle lobe of this organ. This way you can get a clear picture of the disease;
  • The size makes it possible to determine the total area of ​​pathology;
  • Level of expression. Based on this feature, the degree of density of the lesion present can be determined. The severity can be moderate, weak and intense;
  • General outline. Pay attention to whether the stain has smooth or uneven edges. Often on this basis it is possible to determine the nature of education.

In addition to the differences listed above, spots in the image can be classified according to other criteria. Doctors must take them into account in order to establish a more accurate diagnosis.

Spots and dark spots that occur in the lungs and trachea can be characterized by their location, but also by appearance and general shape. The distribution is as follows:

  1. Share. The spot has a clear outline and can be particularly concave or significantly convex. Darkening can develop against the background of inflammation, cirrhosis or destruction. If a spot of this type is located in the middle or lower part of the lung, the doctor may suspect a malignant formation.
  2. Focal. These are relatively small centimeter-sized formations that can prove the presence of inflammation, the development of pathology of veins and blood vessels, as well as the development of peripheral cancer, dangerous tuberculosis and sudden pulmonary infarction. If such lesions were found against the background of headache, cough and pain, bronchial pneumonia can be judged.
  3. Indefinite in form. These are special spots that do not have a bright expression or outline. To give the patient the most accurate diagnosis, more modern types of examination, such as CT or MRI, are prescribed. Such white spots often indicate pathologies such as pleurisy, pneumonia, hemorrhage, as well as various types of tumors. The diagnosis is confirmed not only by CT scan, but also by laboratory tests.
  4. Liquid. This is direct evidence of pulmonary edema. The fluid collected in the lungs may be due to increased pressure in numerous vessels and the degree of permeability of their alveolar wall. In this case, the liquid immediately enters the lung tissue, disrupting their functionality.
  5. Segmental. We are talking about darkening in the form of a triangle. This is evidence of pathologies such as a cancerous tumor, various benign formations, pneumonia, the presence of metastases coming from other organs, tuberculosis and fluid accumulation. The doctor’s competence is very important here, since the earlier measures are taken, the greater the chance the patient will have if a fatal pathology is detected.
  6. Focus. As a rule, these are single spots, the size of which is on average 1 cm. Such lesions arise against the background of pneumonia, with increased fluid content in the organs, breathing, tuberculosis, and they can also be cysts and purulent abscesses.

Making an accurate diagnosis based on the type and location of spots alone is impossible. It is for this reason that additional high-quality examination is required.

If darkening is visible in the picture, you should immediately consult a doctor who can identify or exclude the presence of a dangerous disease.

Decoding of received images

A few minutes after the fluorography examination, a person receives a picture and its detailed transcript. Comments on the image may contain the following information in the form of medical terms, each of which characterizes certain health problems:

  • Enlargement of the roots of the right or left lung, which may indicate bronchitis or pneumonia; Heavy roots are special pathological changes that occur due to smoking or acute bronchitis;
  • The presence of an in-depth pattern of the vessels of the right or left lung indicates a violation of blood circulation in the respiratory organs, various problems with blood vessels and the heart, bronchitis, as well as inflammation in the lungs, which may be the initial stage of the oncological process;
  • Fibrosis and fibrous tissue are a consequence of previous surgical interventions and injuries;
  • Focal shadows, which are specific shadows. If such shadows are accompanied by an increase in the general vascular pattern, the doctor can judge pneumonia;
  • Calcifications of the right or left lung - means that the person had contact with a patient with tuberculosis. At the same time, the healthy body of an uninfected person encloses the rod in a calcium shell. It is the power of immunity that prevents the spread of infection;
  • Changes in the diaphragm - all this can be the consequences of problems such as obesity, pleurisy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Spots and dark spots found in the image can be evidence of several dozen different diseases; it is for this reason that after the x-ray it is necessary to continue a high-quality medical examination of the right or left lung.

Follow-up examination

To conduct further examination, the doctor may send the patient to a pulmonologist or oncologist, where he will be shown to undergo certain specific procedures. Here are the most common ones:

  1. This may be a diaskintest, which can determine the presence of tuberculosis. If we compare this procedure with Mantoux, which quite often gives a false and inaccurate result, such an examination does not respond to BCG, which often shows a complete absence of a problem in the child. This is an ideal opportunity to diagnose tuberculosis as accurately as possible.
  2. The study of sputum of children and adults is another mandatory analysis that is carried out in the laboratory. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to detect tubercle bacilli, the presence of malignant cells, as well as various impurities that may be characteristic of certain pathological conditions.
  3. Quite often, doctors prescribe a more modern examination method - computed tomography of the lungs. This is an additional, informative method for diagnosing diseases of the lung tissue, pleura and mediastinum. It turned out that this is the most reliable method.
  4. Lung bronchoscopy or tracheobronchoscopy may also be used. This procedure is performed using medical endoscopes that are quite flexible in design and are inserted through the nose. Through this form of examination, you can see the lungs and also take material, completely painlessly. The collected material, as a rule, is subjected to subsequent diagnostics - bacterial, histological and cytological.

If a doctor suspects lung cancer based on an x-ray, a tumor marker test may be prescribed. The analysis makes it possible to detect specific proteins that are usually produced by emerging malignant tumors.

Summing up

If darkening or light spots are found in the picture, do not panic when you see the picture. The best solution in this case would be to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. The specialist will conduct a more detailed additional examination to clarify the diagnosis. This is the only way to develop the highest quality treatment, take timely measures and thereby prevent quite serious complications.

Once a year, all residents of the country are invited to undergo preventive medical examination. It definitely includes. This is done in order to prevent the appearance and development of tuberculosis at the very beginning.

The fact is that in our country the number of people suffering from tuberculosis is increasing every year. Although the mortality rate from this disease is gradually decreasing.

Sometimes the image shows some darkening of the lungs. Many people, upon learning about this, panic. But in vain. First we need to find out the reason. After all, spots on the lungs during fluorography may not always mean serious illness. Darkness in the lungs occurs for many reasons.

What are the types of blackouts?

First you need to understand what types of dark spots there are and what their origin is.

There are several types of dark spots in the lungs on X-ray:

  • focal;
  • focal;
  • segmental;
  • equity;
  • containing liquid;
  • indefinite form.

What is meant by focal opacities? These are small spots in the form of nodules. They can manifest themselves in tumors and inflammations, vascular disorders. But one cannot draw a conclusion about the disease from just one image. It is necessary to undergo an additional full examination. This includes: x-ray, computed tomography, blood and urine tests,.

With a combination of focal darkening and cough with elevated temperature, one can assume the development of bronchopneumonia.

Sometimes blood tests are normal, but a patient with such dark spots complains of weakness, lack of appetite, severe cough. This may be a sign of the development of focal tuberculosis. Also, focal darkening in the lungs on fluorography can be a manifestation of oncological processes in the lung and many other diseases.

Focal shadows are dark spots of a round shape, having a diameter of more than ten millimeters. Their presence indicates many diseases, for example:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • a cyst filled with air;
  • tuberculoma;
  • abscess.

The presence of tumors can also be assumed. Sometimes this phenomenon indicates a rib fracture.

Segmental darkening in the lungs on fluorography indicates that this is:

  • pneumonia;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the lung;
  • tuberculosis;
  • metastases in other organs.

It all depends on how many such segments there are and what shape they are. Often segmental darkening in the lungs on fluorography appears in the form of a triangle. Sometimes children inhale small parts of toys, and this can be seen on a fluorographic image as a segmental spot on the lungs.

With lobar darkening, the outlines are clearly visible. They come in different shapes: convex, concave, rectilinear, etc. This phenomenon may indicate:

  • possible chronic pulmonary disease;
  • cirrhosis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • tumors.

If the darkening contains liquid, this means that it is developing. It comes in two types:

A dark spot in the lungs of an indeterminate shape indicates development. This may also indicate a pulmonary infarction, edema, tumor, hemorrhage, accumulation of pleural fluid and other diseases that need to be confirmed with a full examination.

It must be said that there are not only dark spots in the pictures; with emphysema, for example, a white spot in the lungs can be seen on an x-ray. White spots also occur when foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract.

How to decipher the results of fluorography and what to do next?

Often the location of the shadows can tell a lot. Single spot often indicates a tumor. Multiple spots on the lungs indicate the presence of tuberculosis, inflammation, and fluid accumulation.

If the darkening is in the upper part of the lung, it is most likely tuberculosis. A spot with unclear boundaries indicates the development of pneumonia. Some form of opacity indicates pulmonary infarction or hemorrhage. If a person smokes for a long time, there will also be changes in the FLG. A smoker's lungs are usually covered with dark spots.

Usually, after undergoing fluorography, a person receives a picture with a transcript. It contains phrases that sometimes frighten the patient.

We need to consider what they mean.

  1. The expansion of the roots in the picture indicates the development of bronchitis or pneumonia.
  2. Fibrous tissue indicates previous inflammatory processes in the lungs, as well as operations or injuries.
  3. Heavy roots occur in smokers or patients with bronchitis.
  4. The presence of calcifications indicates that the person had an encounter with a patient with tuberculosis. But no infection occurred.
  5. The diaphragm is altered in patients with obesity, pleurisy or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Focal shadows are various shadings.
  7. The pattern of blood vessels is aggravated, which means there are diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as bronchitis or pneumonia. One can even assume oncology.
  8. Sinus means there are air cavities. Usually healthy people they fill with air, and in patients with pneumonia or tuberculosis - with liquid.
  9. The mediastinum is displaced (widened). This means there is a pathology of the cardiovascular system. This may be myocarditis, heart failure, hypertension.

First, we need to put aside panic. Sometimes it happens that the equipment makes mistakes or there is a defect on the film. As a result, the lungs in the image may also be darkened. Therefore, you should not immediately give in to despair.

Secondly, you should contact a specialist. It’s good if there is a pulmonologist in the city. If not, then you need to go to a phthisiatrician. They work in any populated areas. The attending physician will refer you for a full examination. It may also include Diaskintest.

Diaskintest is the newest effective research method human body for the presence of tuberculosis. It is done in the same way as the Mantoux test, but is an improved version of it. When performing this test, errors are minimal.

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical tests;
  • X-ray;
  • sowing

Tracheobronchoscopy may also be prescribed. In this case, the upper respiratory tract and lungs are examined using a probe that is inserted through the nose. The procedure is harmless and painless.

This is a very effective examination and gives a complete picture of the condition of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. You should not refuse it if your doctor has prescribed this procedure.

After a complete examination of the patient, the diagnosis and how to treat it immediately become clear. Therefore, the sooner the examination is carried out, the sooner appropriate treatment will begin.