Diffuse changes in the liver. Diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma on ultrasound: what does this mean, echographic signs

Moderate diffuse changes in the liver, as well as pronounced ones, are not considered by doctors as separate disease. They just indicate that the parenchyma is swelling and increasing in size.

The processes occurring with the tissues of the organ in question can be of different nature. There are, in particular:

  • hypertrophic;
  • swelling;
  • dystrophic;
  • sclerotic.

They can also develop as hepatosis.

In order to begin treatment, first of all, it is necessary to identify and diagnose the underlying disease that provoked the changes in question.

Common reasons

The pathology in question is often found in people:

  • alcohol abusers;
  • smokers;
  • non-compliance with healthy eating rules.

Promotes the development of changes in the structure of the organ also:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • poor environmental situation in the region of residence;
  • long-term use of antibiotics and some other medications.

Damages the parenchyma to no less extent:

  • liver metabolic disorder;
  • infection with viruses;
  • autoimmune hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • sudden weight gain or loss.

Not only adults, but also children can face a similar problem. Most often, in the latter case, diffuse changes are a consequence of previous jaundice.

General symptoms

The problem is that the condition in question in the vast majority of cases occurs without any symptoms.

The following symptoms are very rarely observed:

  • minor pain in the right side of the body under the ribs;
  • you can feel the heaviness there;
  • the skin around the eyes and their mucous membranes turn yellow.

Sometimes the pain radiates to the right forearm.

Diabetes mellitus is often the culprit of diffuse changes. In this case, the liver enlarges in all lobes, and the echogram also reveals:

  • heterogeneity of structure;
  • smoothness of blood vessels;
  • increased echogenicity of tissues with noticeable attenuation deep in the organ.

Diffuse changes affecting, in addition to the liver, other organs

As is known, all organs involved in digestive process, connected into a single system by ducts. And this, in turn, means that a functional disorder that has arisen in one of them will ultimately affect the work of the other.

The condition of the pancreas often worsens due to:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • infections;
  • vascular diseases.

The organ often suffers from steatosis, when dead tissue is replaced by fatty tissue. An undoubted provocateur is also pancreatitis, both acute and chronic. The destructive processes in question sometimes affect, in addition to the liver:

  • spleen;
  • kidneys

Pronounced and moderate changes

Changes of any magnitude are almost always preceded by the impact of negative external factors. The depth of the destructive lesion is determined by the level of swelling of the parenchyma.

There are several reasons that contribute to the launch of a dangerous process:

  • unhealthy (mainly fatty foods);
  • poisoning;
  • infection with various viruses.

If the disease is detected in time, treatment will reverse it. First of all, you need to eliminate the action harmful factors. Serious liver dysfunction requires special blood purification procedures. Removing the breakdown products of alcohol and other dangerous substances from it will reduce the load on the organ and increase the effectiveness of treatment.

At moderate changes A course of multivitamin preparations will also be useful.


The most accurate diagnostic method today is ultrasound. But this type of diagnosis in the vast majority of cases does not allow identifying the primary pathology, therefore a number of laboratory tests are almost always required.

Analyzes are carried out:

  • blood for biochemistry and general;
  • urine.

IN controversial situations A biopsy is also prescribed. CT and MRI also help determine the cause.

The presence of diffuse changes is indicated by the following signs:

  • high density of liver structures over its entire surface;
  • union of blood vessels.


The effectiveness of therapy largely depends on identifying the exact cause that triggered the process of change. Almost any pathology internal organs as a result, leads to minor or moderate diffuse disorders.

Diet No. 5 helps speed up the recovery process. The patient must also give up smoking and alcohol. If the problem is only an incorrect lifestyle, then this will be quite enough.

Hepatoprotectors based on plant materials are also prescribed. The most effective folk remedies include:

  • plum juice;
  • chicory (root decoction);
  • pumpkin baked with honey;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • I'll milk thistle.

All dishes must be consumed moderately warm. Meals are fractional - the daily food intake is divided into 5 or 6 parts. Cook food in a double boiler or oven without fat, spices and herbs. Use a minimal amount of salt - no more than a teaspoon per day.

Excluded from the diet:

  • fatty poultry (duck, goose), meat (pork, lamb), fish;
  • eggs in any form;
  • all offal;
  • rich broths, including mushroom ones;
  • fresh bread and baked goods;
  • kvass and okroshka;
  • milk and products increased content fats;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages (even boiled);
  • sweets with rich cream;
  • chocolate;
  • ice cream;
  • garlic;
  • sorrel;
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach;
  • radish.

At the same time, you are allowed to eat:

  • natural honey;
  • jam;
  • stale bread;
  • pies and buns cooked in the oven;
  • non-acidic fruits and berries;
  • weak black tea and coffee (preferably with milk);
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • vegetable purees;
  • omelette made from only whites;
  • vegetable soups;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • lean (without visible layers of fat) meat.

What are diffuse changes?

Very often in the clinic you can hear such a phrase - diffuse changes in the liver. Most patients who come for an ultrasound examination do not know what diffuse changes in the liver are, so they are justifiably alarmed by such a diagnosis. This means that the pathology can provoke serious illnesses, and in itself is a symptom of an already existing illness.

Diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma cannot be identified as an independent disease, since this condition is a symptom of a number of pathologies affecting the liver. In general, diffuse changes tend to increase the parenchyma. The nature of such changes is very diverse. They can be sclerotic, fibrous, dystrophic or hypertrophic in nature, but such changes always indicate one thing - liver damage to a serious illness. To determine what kind of illness led to this pathology and what diffuse changes in the liver mean, you need to undergo a thorough examination by a doctor.

Signs and causes

Diffuse changes in the structure of the liver occur due to various ailments. Most noticeable negative consequences bring chronic illnesses, during which the liver undergoes destructive changes for a long time. Among the reasons that affect this organ, we note the following:

  1. hepatitis of various types;
  2. cirrhotic lesion;
  3. obesity;
  4. fluctuations in body weight;
  5. alcohol abuse;
  6. long-term medication use;
  7. autoimmune pathologies.

Similar liver diseases and disorders of its functioning occur in people of both sexes at any age, so changes in the structure of the liver threaten all people suffering from the above pathologies. For example, in children, most often moderate diffuse changes in the liver may appear after suffering from jaundice or drug treatment, but adults are more susceptible to cirrhosis or fatty damage to the organ. In some cases, the causes of diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma cannot be determined. Therefore, doctors here suspect the influence of ecology on humans, and a hereditary factor is also possible. In any case, diffuse changes in the liver require careful and competent diagnosis.

Manifestations of diffuse changes may not be observed for a very long time. The liver does not make itself felt characteristic symptoms– pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium, so most patients are not at all aware of what is happening to the tissue of the organ.

Even with pronounced disorders, the liver gives the expected symptoms, which include nausea and constant severity. With severe lesions (cirrhosis, hepatitis), this organ gives more obvious signs of diffuse changes in the liver:

  1. yellowing of the skin and sclera;
  2. permanent painful sensations on the right side;
  3. pain radiating to the right shoulder.


Diffuse changes are classified according to several criteria. Depending on the volume of organ damage, focal, local and total forms are distinguished. In the focal form, structural changes occur in a small area; it can be delimited by healthy parenchyma and the pathology will stop in its development. In the local form of diffuse lesions, the volume is much larger - disturbances are observed over a significant area, and can completely cover one of the organ lobes. The most severe form is total, when the entire liver is affected and no healthy parenchyma remains.


Changes in the structure of the liver can be diagnosed echoscopically using an ultrasound examination of the patient, as well as by biopsy. An ultrasound can determine the size of the organ and establish deviations from the norm, and examine irregularities in its structure. Upon receipt of the test results, the doctor will make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe medications to treat the pathology.

Moderately diffuse changes are most common - this disorder occurs as a result poor nutrition, after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection, in case of poisoning. For most people, they go away on their own if the person after past illness is restored correctly.

Echo signs of diffuse changes in the liver can be more threatening - pronounced. In this case, they are provoked by severe pathologies - hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis. Improper structure of the bile ducts, the common hepatic duct, their narrowness, can also cause diffuse changes.

In addition to the ultrasound examination, the attending physician also prescribes additional diagnostic measures, which will help clarify the picture of the pathology. This means that ultrasound alone may not be enough. Additional studies are prescribed:

  1. computed tomography;
  2. X-ray examination;
  3. blood test;
  4. analysis for antibodies to hepatitis.

Changes in the echostructure at the initial stage may not require treatment - it will only be enough to adjust the patient’s diet and habits. Ductal changes in the liver in some cases can be a variant of the norm; most often this is diagnosed in children. With properly organized child care, echographic signs of diffuse disorders disappear after some time.


Diffuse changes in liver tissue can also be caused by non-inflammatory pathologies, which are combined into one general group and are called hepatosis. Are they caused by either harmful external factors, or are provoked by heredity. Feature hepatosis - a metabolic disorder in the organ and degeneration of its cells, as well as the absence of inflammatory processes. Like most organ pathologies, hepatosis is manifested by dyspeptic disorders, jaundice and inability to perform its functions. Hepatosis can also be diagnosed using ultrasound or MRI.

Among all hepatoses, it holds a confident lead fatty degeneration– its signs are found in every fourth biopsy result, and in people with excess body weight, fatty organ damage occurs in almost one hundred percent of cases.

Doctors are least likely to encounter bilirubin metabolism disorders - this is a rare hereditary pathology, for which there is no treatment today.

Among the causes of hepatosis are:

  • toxic effects on the organ;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • overweight;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes mellitus

These diseases lead to necrosis of liver hepatocytes, which immediately leads to the replacement of hepatocytes with fat cells, and they can be deposited both in the parenchyma itself and outside it.

Hereditary hepatoses are most often associated with impaired metabolism of bilirubin or bile acids. The leading role in this case will be played by deficiency of enzyme production. Such disorders do not occur often - on average in 3 percent of cases of all hepatosis.


Treatment of diffuse changes in the liver should be aimed primarily at eliminating the cause that caused the disorders. The treatment method is selected depending on what pathology is diagnosed in a particular patient. If the causes are exogenous, then it is enough to just eliminate minor diffuse changes in the liver - switch to a balanced diet, stop drinking alcohol, and go in for sports. After these causes are eliminated, the slow restoration of the parenchyma will begin. Additionally, hepatoprotectors can be prescribed - their composition has a beneficial effect on hepatocytes.

For serious pathologies, doctors prescribe special drugs– hepatoprotectors that will help protect organ cells from adverse external influence. Hepatoprotector – good remedy for the treatment of pathologies, however, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, and compliance may be needed special diet. The treatment of the organ must be taken very seriously.

If diffuse changes in the liver cannot be treated conservatively, then the patient is operated on. This is a necessity for tumors, cysts, metastases, and portal hypertension.

It is important to remember that work disorders appear even when the organ is seriously damaged, so treatment with folk remedies cannot be used - it will only aggravate the course of the disease and you can miss precious time for drug therapy.


To prevent a person from developing changes in the parenchyma, the prevention of diseases that cause such pathological abnormalities is extremely important. In this case, you don’t need to take mountains of pills or take other medications - you just need to follow simple rules:

  1. eat right, balance your diet according to the main indicators - proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  2. exclude freeze-dried foods, do not use preservatives and thickeners, give up fast food and fatty foods;
  3. drink enough water;
  4. eat small and often meals;
  5. play sports, walk daily in the fresh air;
  6. Avoid alcohol as much as possible and stop smoking;
  7. When the first negative symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract appear, contact the clinic in time for treatment in order to eliminate all possible causes of the pathology.


People suffering from organ pathologies must treat diffuse changes not only with pills, but also with diet. Don’t think that diet has no effect on the liver - this is one of the main stages of treatment, which should never be neglected.

The patient needs to give up fatty and fried foods, exclude canned foods and foods that are difficult to digest. The diet is based on proteins and plant food. You need to drink at least two liters of water per day. Diet for diffuse changes in the liver is a necessary condition for recovery.


An important component of the prognosis for liver disease is treatment of the pathology. From timely and quality treatment the outcome of the disease largely depends. Usually doctors do not give encouraging prognoses only for cancer - hepatocarcinoma and its total damage, while other disorders can be stopped to one degree or another. The question of quality of life with diffuse changes is individual.

If diffuse changes can be corrected at an early stage, the patient can live normal life adhering to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. For focal lesions, the diet will be more strict, and additional medications will be needed to maintain organ function.

If local changes that cannot be treated are detected, surgery is possible to remove part of the organ, after which patients live, but with significant restrictions on nutrition, physical activity, etc.

Total organ damage with extensive fatty hepatosis, rapidly developing hepatitis and cirrhosis cause the greatest difficulty in treatment. Today it is not possible to help such patients; death occurs as a result of intoxication of the body, internal bleeding, development of severe infectious complications.


Often, when undergoing an ultrasound of internal organs located in the abdominal cavity, the doctor diagnoses diffuse changes in the liver. The name sounds quite serious and apprehensive. However, it does not indicate any disease, but indicates that the liver parenchyma is enlarged, which is the main functional tissue of this organ, consisting of hepatocytes.

This disorder is common and is found even in young children. Although it is not a disease, it nevertheless indicates liver dysfunction. This disorder can be sclerotic or hypertrophic. It can be dystrophic and swelling. But it always means that there are changes in the liver tissue and should be additional examination.

It should be noted that such changes usually do not have any manifestations. Sometimes they can remind you of themselves with mild pain in the right hypochondrium. You may feel heaviness and discomfort in this area. Sometimes the pain can radiate to the area of ​​the right forearm, yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and the skin around them is observed. Let's find out more about diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma and find out the treatment for this condition.

Why do diffuse changes occur?

Any negative effect on the liver, the beginning of a disease of this organ, always changes the diffuse tissue. Such a change can be caused by bad habits, in particular alcohol, medications, poor nutrition with a predominance of fatty and unnatural products. And, of course, harmful viruses, bacteria and even hereditary pathologies lead to diffuse changes.

Therefore, if you smoke, like to drink beer or something stronger, if you are a supporter of mono-diet or suffer from obesity, an impartial ultrasound will definitely reveal this pathology.

It should be noted that quite often signs of diffuse changes in the liver are found together with pathology of the pancreas. This happens because the pancreas and liver have ducts connected, since both of these organs are involved in processing and digesting food.

The most dangerous disease that causes diffuse changes in the liver is hemochromatosis. It causes metabolic damage to this organ. The lesions may be autoimmune, medicinal origin. This also includes dangerous diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and sclerosing cholangitis.


The changes themselves do not need to be treated. Additional examination should be carried out to identify the cause of this pathology and take measures to restore liver health. Depending on the detected cause, treatment methods are selected.

If the changes were caused by alcohol, poor diet, measures should be taken to eliminate these negative factors. Eliminate alcohol from your diet and follow a diet with minimal fat. It is recommended to take hypoprotective drugs that promote liver restoration by activating healthy hypotocytes.

If the reason for the change is viral infection, appropriate treatment with antiviral drugs must be taken. You also need to start following a diet. But, of course, the treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

In any case, if diffuse changes in the liver are detected on ultrasound, you will be referred for additional examination. You will need to take a blood test, including possibly tumor markers. You will need to undergo a CTM, magnetic resonance imaging or angiography. In addition, histological examination is possible.

Only after receiving a complete picture of your condition will the doctor be able to identify the disease and make a diagnosis. After this it will be assigned necessary treatment.

Traditional treatment

Traditional medicine, when diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma are detected, recommends cleansing this organ with the help of natural, herbal remedies. Of course, this procedure can only be performed with the permission of the attending physician in order to prevent possible complications.

So, for the procedure you should mix 3 cups of washed whole oats, 2 tbsp. l. dry mint leaves, 3 tbsp. l. dried or fresh birch buds. Now mix everything thoroughly and chop. Add 3 liters clean water. Leave it like this for a day. Then boil everything, reduce the boiling temperature to a minimum. Simmer like this for 15-20 minutes.

Now, without removing from the stove, add 3 tbsp to the broth. l. chopped knotweed herb, add 2 tbsp. l. corn silks. Continue cooking for another 15 minutes. Then remove the dishes from the stove, insulate them, and leave the broth for another 1 hour.

Prepare rosehip infusion in advance. To do this, chop 1 cup of rose hips and boil in 1 liter of boiling water for 10 minutes. Then pour everything into a thermos and leave for a day.

Strain both prepared decoctions, mix, pour into a clean jar, which you store in the cold. Drink a partial glass (150 ml) up to 4-5 times a day. Be sure to take the decoction mixture before meals for 10 days.

In conclusion, it should be noted that diffuse changes in the liver can be detected in most adults. You should collect the results of the examination and then contact a hepatologist. The specialist will prescribe a detailed examination of the liver, detect the problem and prescribe the necessary treatment. Be healthy!

Svetlana, www.rasteniya-lecarstvennie.ru


Diffuse changes in liver structure: description

Diffuse changes in the structure of the liver imply the presence of changes in the structure of the organ at the cellular level. Normally, the liver has a homogeneous structure, it has clear outlines, smooth edges, and a smooth surface. The hepatic ducts are not changed, the vessels are not enlarged, they pass evenly throughout the tissue of the organ. With diffuse changes, not local lesions are recorded, but changes in the entire liver tissue.

This type of change may indicate the presence of either a minor problem or serious pathological processes.

On ultrasound, the affected organ looks lumpy and loses its clear outline and smooth surface.

Since liver tissue is restored quite quickly, if degeneration is detected early, the disease can be cured and the organ will regain its healthy appearance and return to its normal functions. In some advanced diseases the process may be irreversible, such as late stages cirrhosis.


There are several main reasons for the appearance of changes in the structure of the liver of this type:

  • Viral hepatitis.
  • Toxic hepatitis.
  • Autoimmune diseases of this organ.
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Acute or chronic drug poisoning.
  • The presence of chronic infections in the body that affect the condition of the liver.
  • External influence: work at chemical plants, unfavorable environment, exposure to radiation and much more.

Metabolic disorders caused by hereditary or acquired diseases. First of all, these are diabetes mellitus and obesity. By the way, fatty and alcoholic degeneration of the liver are among the most common pathologies.

Depending on the cause, the severity of the lesion is determined. Small diffuse changes may appear after an illness for which many different drugs, such as antibiotics, have been used. The liver can also be damaged by toxic environmental or work conditions; for example, treating a garden for pests without gloves and a respirator can cause diffuse changes in this important organ. In some cases, serious intoxication and organ dysfunction cannot be avoided. This happens especially often with severe hepatitis and cirrhosis, as well as with alcohol abuse.

In women, the reason for the appearance of structural changes is slightly different: they more often suffer from fatty degeneration associated with obesity or diabetes, as well as with diet abuse.

The liver is most sensitive to sudden changes in diet, so its reaction can be quite violent or completely unnoticeable. If an overweight woman goes on a very strict diet, the liver is the first to suffer. That is why all nutritionists recommend very smooth, gentle weight loss without using any diets.

More information about liver diseases can be found in the video.

The right solution would be to change your diet with a gradual transition from the usual diet to a rational one. During this transition, the liver is gradually rebuilt and violent painful reactions do not occur. On the contrary, such a change in nutrition benefits not only the figure, but also the health of the entire body as a whole. Signs of discomfort cannot be ignored, since timely diagnosis of diffuse lesions can prevent the development of such a deadly process as cirrhosis.

Forms and symptoms

Diffuse changes in the structure of the liver can take various forms:

  • Fibrous.
  • Sclerotic.
  • Dystrophic.
  • Hypertrophic.
  • Associated with tissue swelling (fluid accumulation).

Each type of change is associated with a certain type degeneration of the liver parenchyma and can be determined using ultrasound diagnostics.

Diffuse changes in the structure of the liver can have both pronounced and vague symptoms.

Most often, the presence of violations manifests itself as follows:

  • Spilled dull ache in the right hypochondrium, which may worsen after eating fatty or spicy foods, as well as alcohol. In some cases, the pain is not in the hypochondrium or in the side, but there is radiating pain in the right shoulder.
  • The appearance of a yellow coloration of the sclera may indicate developing process changes in the liver.
  • A yellow coating on the root of the tongue, staining of its tissues and the appearance of yellowness around the eyes indicates the presence of a serious problem with normal functioning liver.

It should be noted that in the vast majority of registered cases of the onset of diffuse type liver tissue degeneration, the patient does not even suspect the presence of any pathology. Its existence is most often discovered by chance during an ultrasound examination.


In some cases, during an external examination, you can visually notice an enlarged liver, but a full understanding of the cause and nature of such enlargement is possible only after an ultrasound examination.

The screen of the device will show the size of the enlarged organ, reflect the level of echogenicity of the tissue, the presence of tuberosity and irregularities on its surface, and changes in the structure over the entire area of ​​the liver. Depending on the resulting picture, one can judge the level of the disease.

If the ultrasound shows the presence of certain liver problems, the doctor prescribes additional research:

  • Blood test.
  • Angiography (X-ray contrast examination of blood vessels).
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Biopsy of liver tissue followed by histological examination.
  • Other diagnostic methods as prescribed by a specialist.

For mild degrees of damage, the doctor usually prescribes a diet and prescribes supportive and restorative treatment. Herbal and other therapies are often used traditional methods.

If the cause of the change is dangerous pathological processes, treatment should be started immediately.

It is prescribed by a specialized specialist for each specific patient, and the choice of drugs is entirely related to the disease and its severity. Self-medication for such diseases can lead to extreme severe consequences for the health and even life of the patient.


If diffuse changes in the structure of the liver are detected in a patient, first of all the doctor prescribes rest and diet. This is a mandatory appointment for any problems with this organ.

The liver responds well to diet, so with minor changes in the tissues of this organ, changing the diet may be sufficient for treatment. Doctors usually recommend changing not only the composition of food, but also the frequency of its intake.

In order not to overload an already unhealthy organ, it is advised to eat frequently, in small, fractional portions. If there are no contraindications from other organs, increase the amount of fluid taken in order to more effectively remove decay products and toxins. Large amounts of water may be contraindicated in case of arterial hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and urinary system, as well as for some other pathologies. This suggests that even such a seemingly insignificant action as increasing drinking volumes must be discussed with your doctor.

As for the composition of the diet, then:

  • First of all, fatty, fried, smoked and heavy dishes, as well as dense decoctions and broths are removed from it.
  • It is forbidden to eat hot, salty, sour and spicy foods, as the substances they contain irritate the liver and can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Needless to say, any type of alcoholic beverage is strictly prohibited.
  • The same applies to uncontrolled intake medicines– it is allowed to use only medications prescribed by a doctor in a dosage chosen by a specialist.
  • Restrictions should also be placed on smoking - nicotine can cause an exacerbation of the process in the liver.
  • You should also avoid foods containing coarse fiber such as cabbage vegetables or substances that enhance fermentation, a large amount of which is found in legumes.
  • The ban also applies to sweets. white bread and baked goods.

In addition to diet, the doctor may prescribe a number of medications. For minor problems with the liver, general strengthening supportive drugs and hepatoprotectors such as Karsila, Gepabene and other ready-made drugs are most often prescribed. medicines. If the disease is serious and threatens dangerous consequences, complex treatment is chosen.

There are no uniform regimens or the same for all drugs, since the doctor draws up a treatment regimen for each specific patient individually.

There are many methods for treating changes in the structure of the liver using traditional methods. Among the most famous and widespread is herbal treatment. The doctor may prescribe drinking special herbal infusions, which you can collect according to the scheme yourself or purchase at a specialized pharmacy. A feature of traditional treatment is the possibility of long-term use of various decoctions and tinctures. For example, oatmeal infusions can be drunk for months; they will only bring benefits to the patient’s body.

Complications of the disease

Diffuse changes in the structure of the liver without treatment can progress and lead to extremely dangerous diseases. The most severe and risky for the health and life of the patient are the development of cirrhosis and the appearance of portal hypertension, as well as inflammation of the liver tissue, which can provoke pancreatic diseases, the appearance of stones in the bile ducts and bladder.

Since the work of all these organs is interconnected, liver damage will inevitably cause problems with the functioning of the digestive organs, and this will affect the entire body as a whole.

Even if the doctor has diagnosed minor changes in the liver tissue, treatment and diet should never be neglected. Even the initial asymptomatic stages of the disease must be treated, as well as using the right diet. In the last decade, the number of patients with fatty degeneration of liver tissue has increased, especially young people and even children. This condition must be taken no less seriously and responsibly than other problems, because fatty hepatosis, like cirrhosis, is practically untreatable and leads to disastrous consequences.

To avoid complications of liver disease, the doctor will definitely recommend, in addition to treatment and diet, mandatory lifestyle changes, primarily losing weight and changing your attitude towards your diet.

Go to healthy food promotes liver health. If this is done on time, the cells will be replaced with new and strong ones, the liver will heal naturally and the patient will only have to maintain the good health of his body.

To prevent diffuse changes in the structure of the liver and more dangerous diseases of this important organ, it is necessary to take preventive measures, and for this there is absolutely no need to take medications.

Since the liver is integral part digestive system, her health is directly related to the general condition of the whole organism.

To maintain it in good condition an integrated approach is required:

  1. Proper balanced nutrition. The diet should be balanced in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  2. It is important to avoid overeating, the use of artificial and freeze-dried products, chemical dyes, thickeners and preservatives. Refusal of fast food, sweet sodas, large quantity baking and sweets will only benefit your health and figure.
  3. Proper nutrition should be regular and fractional. The most beneficial is considered to be eating 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  4. Beautiful plating and presentation of food promotes healthy digestion and helps the liver function properly.
  5. A healthy lifestyle, vigorous exercise, mobility and cheerfulness help to eat right, and therefore maintain liver health.

The absence of stress prevents depressive states, which we are usually accustomed to “eating” with tasty, but extremely harmful food. You should always remember that one of the most common causes of diseases, including liver disease, is common overeating, excess weight and, as a consequence, obesity. By limiting ourselves in food, we prolong our own life and keep our liver healthy.


Reasons why diffuse changes in the liver occur

Healthy condition liver, primarily due to the homogeneous weakly echogenic structure of the organ, which is diagnosed using ultrasound. When researching, you can see very well circulatory system liver, its vessels, bile ducts, which have a higher echogenicity.

Detecting diffuse changes in the liver lining - this is a structural change in the entire liver with possible minor functional changes, in the case of the lungs inflammatory lesions tissue, as well as more severe forms of liver damage, in the case of acute inflammatory processes.

Confirmation of the diagnosis also requires laboratory tests that will help identify the causes and final diagnosis. clinical picture damage to liver functions. Studies of the bile ducts, gallbladder, pancreas, and duodenum will expand the picture of possible causes and allow for the most accurate diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Fatty degeneration of liver tissue (liver hepatosis) is usually the result of various diseases chronic course diseases diabetes mellitus group 2, chronic alcoholism, general obesity of tissues and organs. The normative level of liver echogenicity is significantly increased compared to conventional parameters. Chronic hepatitis B and C increase the echogenicity of the liver and cause its increase in volume, including in alcoholic chronic hepatitis. That's what they're needed for various studies, and not just diagnostics using ultrasound, which may not be enough to determine the cause of diffuse changes in the liver.

Acute hepatitis of any form, first of all, reveals its presence by an enlarged liver and the heterogeneity of its structure of areas with different indicators of echogenicity. Increase lymph nodes in the liver area, can be seen using ultrasound for hepatitis B, C, D.

Liver cirrhosis – not less characteristic cause the process of diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma. Liver cirrhosis is a complex disease in which liver tissue is damaged and degenerates into rough, scarred connective tissue, followed by inhibition of liver function, in advanced cases The disease leads to complete death of liver cells and liver function, which leads to death. As the connective tissue grows, the echogenicity of the liver has an unstable picture. The resulting destructive tissue with lumpy, knotty joints has more high performance echogenicity in relation to elastic parenchymal tissue.

Alcoholic cirrhosis has a slightly different picture structural changes liver, towards a smaller organ. Decrease right lobe liver, with slight increases in the left lobe, (the so-called compensatory reactions of the liver) is an indicator alcoholic cause diffuse changes in the liver.

Echography is a method of scanning the liver by an experienced sonographer on a sonograph using visualization of the main landmarks, moving the sensor around the body and finding certain changes in the liver and other organs.

Urinalysis - examination of unusual urine dark color for the quantitative presence of bile.

Biochemical blood test - diffuse changes in obstruction biliary tract, cholestasis, diffuse changes change the activity of 5-nucleotidase, bilirubin, and erythrocytes.

Clinical blood test - tests for allergies, sugar, HIV infection, a diffuse state of liver changes, the indicators of various substances and enzymes in the body have unstable indicators with decreased or increased deviations.

MRI - magnetic resonance imaging reveals an enlarged liver in the vertical and sagittal size with characteristic deviations that are associated with diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma.

Liver biopsy is a percutaneous puncture, followed by sampling of a minimal area of ​​the affected liver lining for further laboratory testing, to accurately diagnose the causal diagnosis that caused diffuse changes.

Symptoms to watch out for

The symptoms of diffuse changes have a rather blurred picture of manifestations, sometimes symptoms may not appear at all, but still the characteristic manifestations are a state of jaundice and discomfort with possible pain syndrome under the right hypochondrium.

Jaundice is a symptom of the disease Jaundice, in which the color of the skin, mucous membranes, sclera, and whites of the eyes changes. Change in color from normal flesh to yellow color, in the case of liver cirrhosis, a bright saffron-yellow color. Discoloration of stool and dark-colored urine strong tea. Conditions of diarrhea, flatulence (bloating), attacks of nausea and subsequent vomiting, skin rashes, venous-vascular manifestations in the form of a network similar to stars on the face and chest. One can often observe a sharp aversion to food, refusal to eat, a state of general malaise, insomnia, trembling of the muscles of the upper part of the musculature of the costal part, as well as the hands.

The most important thing with these unpleasant manifestations is to first try to identify them early stages to prevent inflammatory processes, concomitant diseases develop into chronic form, followed by severe course diseases turning into irreversible consequences for the liver and the entire body as a whole.

Drug and alternative treatment of diffuse changes

Any treatment related to the gastrointestinal tract, digestive organs, it is very important to follow a diet during the prescribed treatment and possibly continue to adhere dietary nutrition for the rest of my life. The liver is like no other organ human system first of all, he is the first to encounter various heavy substances, breakdown products that enter the blood and then into the liver itself. It is the liver that neutralizes toxic substances and poisons, copes with the breakdown of complex and simple fats with their further elimination, actively participates in metabolism, supplies blood to the entire body, all this falls on its fragile body.

The liver is the most large organ, its mass is 1.5-2 kg in an adult and an organ that can independently regenerate, restore its cells, but under constant attacks of various etiologies, its functionality can be significantly affected and this will affect not only the liver, but also other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Medicines are represented by hepatoprotective, antiviral and interferon-supporting groups, in combination with food restrictions:

Treatment with hepatoprotectors: Phosphogliv, Heptral, Ursosan, Ursofalk.

Antiviral treatment: Rebetol, Ribavirin, Arviron, Ribamidy, Vero-Ribavirin, Ripabeg, Trivorin.

Due to the widespread use of antibiotics, chemotherapy, antiviral drugs in the treatment of inflammatory processes occurring in the body, allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis, immunosuppressive conditions is accompanied by an increased likelihood of infection with infectious agents of a different nature against the background of reduced function of the immune system due to the above-mentioned medications.

Simple alpha-2a interferons: Roferon-A, Interal, Reafiron-EC.

Interferons alpha 2b: Eberon alpha, Laifferon, Intron-A, Altevir, Altevir.

Religated interferons: Pegaltevir, Algeron, PegIntron, Pegasys.

Dietary restrictions in the treatment of various liver diseases and diffuse changes

Complete exclusion of ethanol-containing drinks (alcohol). Consumption of fatty foods, meat and fish dishes, including lard. Minimize salt consumption to 5 grams per day, if possible, completely avoid salt in the future with a taste substitute for dishes, lemon juice. Fermented milk products and cheeses should have a minimum fat content. Smoked, dried, spicy, fried food products are not included in the diet. All prepared dishes must be prepared by boiling, steaming, or baking. Frying, frying or frying any of the products is prohibited.

Carbonated drinks are prohibited, including soda mineral water. Temperature of drinks, dishes only warm or at room temperature. You need to forget about any fresh baked goods, buns, cakes, replacing them with honey, marshmallows, marshmallows. Eating “yesterday’s” wheat bread and bran will have a positive effect on the condition of the liver.

Include a variety of vegetables in your diet, both raw and boiled or stewed. Carrots are very necessary for the liver, feel free to eat them a lot. The watermelon berry is an excellent helper in quickly removing toxins and cleansing the liver; eat for your health. Stock up on rose hips, or buy “Holosas” syrup (rose hip extract) at the pharmacy, prepare your own decoctions, add this golden antioxidant, strengthening, vitamin miracle, the fruits of which contain health potential, to weak tea. You can drink it in the morning, afternoon and evening after meals, as well as in the morning on an empty stomach.

Be healthy!

If you have any questions, please contact our specialists


Diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma

Liver tissue has a homogeneous structure with weak density. With diffuse changes in the parenchyma in the liver, during an ultrasound examination, blood vessels with bile ducts are visible in the liver tissue, the density of which is increased.

Diffuse changes in the liver indicate a complete change in liver tissue, which can be associated with both serious pathologies and minor functional disorders in the functioning of the organ.

The degree of edema of the liver parenchyma depends on the severity of the inflammatory process. With diffuse changes, the following diseases can be observed: obesity, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, tumors, chronic hepatitis, cystic formations.

The onset of diffuse changes in the liver can provoke headache, nausea, weakness, bitterness in the mouth, frequent shifts mood, irritability.

Diffuse changes in liver structure

Diffuse changes in the liver are detected on ultrasound. A change in structure can begin not only as a result primary diseases liver, but also for pathologies not related to the organ. For example, when diabetes mellitus Protein metabolism may be disrupted and deposits may appear in the liver.

In this case, the lobes of the liver increase in size, the density of the organ also increases, and in the deeper layers the structure of the organ loses its homogeneity.

The heterogeneous structure can be seen as small or large areas of varying density with pathological metabolic products (proteins, carbohydrates).

Diffuse changes in liver tissue

With any negative effects on the liver, changes occur in the diffuse tissue of the organ. Such changes can be caused by alcohol addiction, smoking, medications, hereditary abnormalities, as well as viruses and bacteria.

Often diffuse changes in the liver are detected in combination with diseases of the pancreas, since these organs have ducts connected.

Diffusely heterogeneous changes in the structure of the liver

Diffuse changes in the liver, in which tissue heterogeneity appears, may be associated with obstruction of the gallbladder ducts, proliferation or reduction of connective tissue, and accumulation of any substances in the liver cells.

If the liver is heterogeneous, cirrhosis, calcifications, obstruction of the liver veins, hepatitis, and metabolic disorders (with obesity or diabetes) are usually diagnosed.

Quite often, with a heterogeneous tissue structure, tubercles appear, decrease or increase connective tissue, degeneration of liver cells and bile ducts cannot be ruled out.

The reasons for tissue changes may be associated, as already mentioned, with poor, unhealthy diet, alcohol abuse, etc.

Majority pathological conditions liver are detected on ultrasound examination.

To prescribe treatment, it is necessary to establish the main diagnosis that caused diffuse changes in the liver.

The liver is a unique human organ that has the ability to self-heal, but irreversible consequences lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the organ.

Diffuse dystrophic changes in the liver

Diffuse changes in the liver occur as a result of negative effects on the body due to poor nutrition, diseases or other disorders of the normal functioning of organs and systems.

Dystrophic changes lead to strong suppression liver function. The cause of such changes is acute or chronic diseases organ.

In most cases dystrophic changes diffuse tissue occurs due to hepatitis virus. In some cases, such lesions are caused by poisoning (mushrooms, nitrates, etc.), the use of halothane, atophan.

Cirrhosis of the liver can also lead to this kind of changes, inappropriate use diuretics, sleeping pills or sedatives.

Diffuse changes in the walls of the liver ducts

The liver consists of lobules, in the center of which veins and bile ducts pass. The ducts are necessary for collecting produced bile; they pass through the entire liver and have closed ends.

Diffuse changes in the liver affect the entire organ, including the walls of the liver ducts. Changes in the walls of the ducts occur mainly for the same reasons as in the rest of the organ tissue (viruses, bacteria, unhealthy foods, etc.).

Diffuse changes in the liver in chronic cholecystitis

Diffuse changes in the liver with chronic cholecystitis occur quite often.

For chronic cholecystitis in gallbladder There is a long-term inflammatory process, sometimes with exacerbations. The disease is always secondary, which develops as a result of biliary dyskinesia or congenital pathologies. Women suffer from cholecystitis more often (five times), especially with blond hair and prone to obesity.

Diffuse changes in the liver with hepatomegaly

Hepatomegaly is a pathological enlargement of the liver. The most common reason this state is poisoning by toxins or poisonous substances. Diffuse changes in the liver in this case completely affect all tissues, while the organ can be easily palpated under the ribs (with healthy liver it is extremely difficult to palpate the organ).

In addition, pain is felt when pressed, which also indicates a dysfunction of the liver. Hepatomegaly is not considered an independent disease; experts classify this condition as a symptom that indicates the need to urgently treat the liver.

The liver destroys and neutralizes toxic and poisonous substances that enter the body. Passing through the liver, toxins are eliminated from the body neutralized.

Diffuse reactive liver changes

Diffuse changes in the liver are sometimes reactive in nature; in other words, if the liver is malfunctioning, a pancreatic reaction is observed, which is expressed by reactive pancreatitis.

This conclusion during ultrasound examination allows a large share chances to exclude neoplasms, tumors, stones, etc. Ultrasound also shows focal lesions of tissue density.

Diffuse changes are not a diagnosis; they only indicate the need for additional examination.

Diffuse focal changes in the liver

Diffuse changes in the liver affect the entire organ. During an ultrasound, the doctor diagnoses changes in tissue over the entire surface of the liver. With focal lesions of the organ, the changes affect individual areas of the liver, in other words, ultrasound reveals foci of changes on normal liver tissue.

With diffuse-focal changes, the doctor identifies individual foci on the affected liver tissue, which differ from diffuse ones. These kinds of changes occur in hepatitis accompanied by metastasis or abscess.

Diffuse changes in the liver in a child

Diffuse changes in the liver can occur as a result of congenital pathologies (underdevelopment). It can also be caused by hepatitis during pregnancy (usually in such cases, termination of pregnancy is prescribed).

Changes in a child’s liver can begin during treatment with antibiotics, which are extremely toxic drugs, and the baby’s body is not strong and mature enough.

Diffuse changes in the liver in a newborn

Diffuse liver changes in newborns often occur as a result of congenital anomalies.

Also, the mother’s illnesses during pregnancy and medications (especially antibiotics) can affect the newborn’s liver.

If diffuse changes in the liver are detected in a newborn, first of all, an additional examination (blood test, urine test) should be carried out; if necessary, a biochemical blood test, biopsy, and laparoscopy are prescribed.


The reasons why diffuse changes in the structure of the liver occur lie in the presence of cirrhosis, obesity, frequent alcohol consumption, poisoning with pharmacological drugs, hepatitis, lack of physical activity, and stressful situations. The functionality of the organ is aimed at cleansing the body of toxic substances that have accumulated over the years. That is why the liver takes the brunt of the attack, which leads to severe tissue destruction. The first signs of problems are aching pain in the area where the organ is located, yellowness of the tongue, sclera, and also around the eyes.

Naturally, diffuse changes in the liver require qualified medical treatment. However, the patient is able to help organ regeneration by using effective action people's councils. So, it is advisable to cleanse the liver immediately after diagnosis. pathological changes. Washed oats (3 cups), birch buds (3 tablespoons), lingonberry leaves (2 tablespoons) are thoroughly crushed and filled with cold filtered water (3 liters). The infusion is prepared within one day. After this, you should boil it for a quarter of an hour at low heat.

Next, crushed knotweed (3 tablespoons) and corn silk (2 tablespoons) are added to the infusion. Boiling is continued for another 15 minutes. Then, the infusion is left alone, wrapped in a warm cloth, for 45 minutes. In a separate container, crushed rose hips (1 cup) are poured with boiling water (1 liter) and boiled for no more than 10 minutes. The prepared broth is poured into a thermos and infused for 24 hours. As soon as both components are ready, they are mixed and put in the refrigerator. It is necessary to use the drug within 5 days, since treating diffuse changes in the liver with an expired drug is ineffective.

It is recommended to drink 150 ml of folk medicine on an empty stomach every day. You need to take the decoction 4 times a day. You are allowed to eat half an hour after taking the herbal drink. It is indicated to carry out cleaning for 10 days. Whatever the causes of diffuse changes in the liver, milk thistle can be used for treatment. The seeds of the plant (30 grams) are ground in a coffee grinder and poured with boiling water (500 ml). Evaporate the product over low heat until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. The broth is filtered and no more than 1-2 tablespoons are taken at intervals of an hour. The course of treatment will last 1-2 months.

If chronic hepatitis has caused diffuse changes in the liver, treatment is carried out using herbal collection, consisting of fennel fruits, immortelle flowers, wormwood herb, mint leaves and yarrow herb. All components are mixed in equal quantities and ground using a coffee grinder. Before going to bed, it is recommended to pour a little boiling water (500 ml) this fee(2 tablespoons). In the morning, before eating, the product should be carefully filtered and drink a third of a glass. You can eat after half an hour. Every day you need to take 3 doses of the drug.

It is worth considering that no treatment will help if the patient continues to adhere to the same lifestyle. Alcohol consumption, fatty foods, as well as fried foods significantly interfere with liver regeneration. It is necessary to adjust your diet, giving preference to boiled lean meats and fish, fresh fermented milk products. It may be necessary to introduce simple physical exercise. The liver is a unique organ capable of effective self-healing when tissue is destroyed by 80%. The main thing is not to interfere with its regeneration.

The term “diffuse changes in liver tissue” is usually used by medical professionals when describing the results of ultrasound examination (ultrasound). Most often the phrase “echographic signs of diffuse changes in the liver” appears in the conclusion. Let's talk more about what this means.

Meaning of the term

What are diffuse liver changes? To understand this, it is first necessary to clarify the term “parenchyma” itself.

Parenchyma is a complex of functional elements of one organ, which is enclosed in a fibrous membrane. Parenchymal organs include the liver, kidneys, and lungs.

Normally homogeneous, has a weak density. Any change in structure - the appearance of compactions, loosening, ducts, etc. - may be a sign of pathological processes occurring in this organ.

In this case, what does diffuse liver change mean? Let's try to understand the etiology of these terms. Diffusion literally means dispersion, and in this case, the spread of pathology throughout the entire organ.

Thus, the concept of “diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma” is rather vague - diffuse changes in the parenchyma can be called any pathological changes in the tissue of the organ.

Speaking about diffuse changes in the liver, we can distinguish several types of pathological changes in the structure of this organ:

This list makes it possible to understand, at least in general terms, what a diffuse change in the liver is. In some cases, diffuse changes in the liver are minor; in others, the structure of the liver is disrupted quite significantly, which affects its functioning and causes many manifestations. Let's talk about how to recognize signs of diffuse changes in the liver.

Characteristic symptoms

Any diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma are displayed both during diagnostic studies and in the form of characteristic external symptoms in the patient.

During ultrasound examination (ultrasound), echo signs of diffuse changes in the liver manifest themselves in increased sound conductivity, which indicates an increase in the density of the parenchyma. Seals can spread over the entire surface of the liver or be of a pronounced focal nature. Also on ultrasound, changes in the echostructure of the liver can manifest themselves in the interweaving of the vascular pattern.

Diffuse focal changes in the liver are characteristic of neoplasms - both malignant and benign. With tumors of the liver tissue, pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, weight loss.

In chronic hepatitis, echographic signs of diffuse changes in the liver are insignificant. In view of this, neither ultrasound nor magnetic resonance imaging will be sufficient to make a diagnosis. To confirm hepatitis, it is necessary to have the results of laboratory tests of the patient's blood. First of all, these are the results of ELISA or PCR detection of hepatitis pathogens. In addition, the doctor pays attention to the test results, which will show increased bilirubin, transaminase, total protein. In addition, external signs such as slight yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes, reddened palms, and a loose tongue coated with a characteristic white-yellow coating may be noticeable.

In some cases, the disease (this is especially typical for viral hepatitis C) may be asymptomatic, but then it can rapidly move into the terminal phase, and there it is not far from cirrhosis. If you suspect viral hepatitis the gastroenterologist usually refers the patient to an infectious disease specialist to clarify the situation.

With biliary dyskinesia, signs of diffuse changes in the liver are weakly expressed.

At the site of bile stagnation, an expansion of the canal may be visible. The stones in the ducts will differ in density (so-called ductal changes in the liver), but this has virtually no effect on the structure of the parenchyma and its contours. Signs of bile stasis obtained echoscopically do not make it possible to judge the severity of the disease. In view of this, additional research is required to make a diagnosis. If the outflow of bile is impaired, bilirubin, transaminase, and total protein will be increased in the blood serum. With a high degree of probability, the doctor will refer the patient to duodenal intubation for the purpose of collecting different bile samples.

The reason to consult a doctor for dyskinesia is usually tingling sensations. point pain clear localization.

Violation of the structural and functional integrity of the liver almost always affects the condition of the body as a whole. It is important to identify pathological processes in time and begin their treatment as early as possible.

Predisposing factors

Often the causes of diffuse changes in the liver lie in our daily habits. Here are the most common factors predisposing to such changes:

  • poor nutrition. Despite frequent reminders from doctors about the benefits of diet for liver health, many people continue to eat strictly harmful products. Semi-finished meat products(sausages, sausages) with fried potatoes, doused with liters of mayonnaise or ketchup - the picture, you see, is quite typical and well known to everyone. Then you can enjoy a couple of ice cream cones. And while the unlucky gourmet eats his unhealthy dinner, the liver works in emergency mode. And very soon alcohol abuse, fatty, fried, spicy, sweet food, as well as products containing harmful additives and preservatives (the main range of supermarkets) leads to chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, and other diseases;
  • alcohol abuse- a separate topic. The safe daily dose of alcohol is approximately 50 grams strong drink(for example, cognac or vodka). But who will limit themselves to one glass? Liver enzymes break down alcohol, resulting in the formation of many harmful compounds such as acetaldehyde. As a result of regular alcohol consumption, liver cells begin to die, and fat cells appear in their place. Thus, fatty degeneration of the liver occurs. Alcoholic hepatitis, if left untreated, has every chance of developing into cirrhosis, in which the death of liver cells is irreversible. According to statistics, about 15% of drinkers suffer from cirrhosis;
  • side effects of medications. Unfortunately, many medications besides therapeutic action have a number of side effects, which include hepatotoxic effects. That is why any medications should be taken in moderation, strictly following the instructions.
  • unfavorable environmental conditions. Any toxic substances, affecting our body, sooner or later enter the liver through the bloodstream, where they are filtered and neutralized. However, the liver's resources have their limits, so regular inhalation of exhaust gases or vapors of chemical compounds can provoke liver diseases. People living in environmentally unfavorable areas (near factories, factories, plants or busy highways) are more at risk chronic hepatitis than villagers;
  • psychological stress. It doesn’t matter what they are caused by - traffic jams, loud music behind the wall or inappropriate behavior bosses at work. The important thing is that stress is accompanied by a release of adrenaline. And this hormone, which the liver has to break down, is very toxic for it. Therefore, regular stress will sooner or later lead to damage to hepatocytes.

To prevent liver and gallbladder diseases, you need to be careful when choosing pharmacological drugs, do not abuse alcohol and stick to a diet.

News healthy image life, avoiding stress and eating right may seem like too much of a challenge for many. However, treating diffuse liver changes without following these rules is even more difficult.


Treatment of diffuse changes in the liver can vary significantly, depending on the cause of these disorders, as well as on the severity of structural changes. If the changes are minor, treatment with folk remedies is possible. In particular, the following recipes will help achieve improvement:

  • take crushed ginger root twice a day, 1 teaspoon;
  • chopped horseradish root mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey (coffee spoon per day on an empty stomach);
  • infusion of burdock measles (consume 6 tablespoons per day in two doses, morning and evening after meals);
  • monastery syrup ( homeopathic medicine based on ginseng) - 50 grams twice a day, for six months.

Also positive influence provide hepatoprotectors - Hepatochilin, Essentiale, Gepar compositum and others. Such drugs have natural composition, thereby eliminating the toxic effects of its components on liver cells.

When moderate or pronounced changes in the parenchyma are detected, the basis of therapy is etiotropic treatment - drugs aimed at the cause of the disease (antibiotics, antivirals, desensitizers, etc.).

Treatment of diffuse changes in the liver caused by insufficiency of bile formation or bile secretion includes taking choleretic agents - choleretics (increase the production of bile by hepatocytes), cholekinetics (stimulate the secretion of bile by increasing the tone of the gallbladder), or cholespasmolytics (relax the walls of the biliary tract, thereby improving the outflow of bile ).

Proper nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases.

For patients with diffuse liver changes, diet No. 5 is indicated. It involves avoiding foods containing heavy fats, oxalic acid, cholesterol, and essential oils.

In particular, you should refrain from baking, canning, fatty varieties meat, animal fats, eggs, chocolate. The consumption of salt, spices, as well as coffee and cocoa should be limited. In this case, emphasis should be placed on pectin-containing products and sources of dietary fiber. It is recommended to boil or bake dishes (but not fry). You can eat fish, chicken, and rabbit meat. Oatmeal, buckwheat, fresh fruits and vegetables, jelly, marmalade, jam (sources of pectin) are especially useful. This diet improves bile formation, relieves fat metabolism and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. At the same time, it is as gentle as possible towards liver cells.

Diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma are a consequence of the development of pathological processes in the structure of the organ. This condition is detected by ultrasound examination and this is the reason for more thorough examination, since these changes can be caused by both minor functional disorders and serious illnesses.

Types of diffuse changes and their manifestations

The following types of violations are distinguished:

  1. Minor the change is observed during the initial stages of bacterial, viral inflammation or under the influence of external unfavorable factors.
  2. Moderate diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma appear with long-term use of hepatotoxic drugs, alcohol abuse and fatty foods.
  3. Expressed– with hepatitis, cirrhosis, tumors, when in addition to diffuse changes throughout the organ, local destruction and swelling of the liver tissue is detected.


A diffuse change in the liver parenchyma is a transformation of the liver tissue in which not a separate area of ​​the organ is affected, but the entire liver as a whole: hepatocytes increase in size, their density changes, and the homogeneity of the structure is lost. Depending on the causative factor, either the processes of dystrophy predominate - infiltration of liver cells with fatty deposits - steatosis, or connective tissue is formed in the form of scars and fibrous nodes in place of dead hepatocytes.

Diseases in which the structure of the organ changes:

Poor nutrition. Abuse of products containing animal fats or hydrogenated oil (mayonnaise, chips, baked goods, fast food, processed foods) leads to increased load on the liver, which ceases to cope with the utilization of fats, and begins to deposit them in its parenchyma.

Chronic alcoholism. An intermediate product of ethanol metabolism, acetaldehyde, has a detrimental effect on liver cells. Hepatocytes begin to break down and fatty inclusions take their place.

Inactivation of drugs occurs in the liver, many of which (antibiotics, steroid hormones, cardiac glycosides, cytostatics) have a hepatotoxic effect. Destructive processes under the influence of medications lead to damage to liver tissue in the form of drug-induced hepatitis and a decrease in the functional activity of the liver.

Unfavorable environmental conditions. People living near large industrial production and busy highways have an increased risk of liver damage. With prolonged intake of harmful substances into the body metabolic processes in hepatocytes slow down, toxins accumulate, which causes the development of various diseases.

Psycho-emotional overload. During stress, the hormone adrenaline is released from the adrenal glands into the blood. In high concentrations, it negatively affects the function of hepatocytes.

Symptoms of changes in the liver parenchyma

If changes in the liver occur according to the type fatty liver disease compensatory enlargement of the organ develops - hepatomegaly.

In childhood, along with the reasons that cause disturbances in the structure of the liver in adults, genetically determined pathology often comes first:

  • enzyme defects, protein metabolism disorders.
  • congenital fibrosis, multicystic disease, liver cirrhosis.

Useful video

Why diffuse changes in the liver appear can be found in this video.

Ultrasound signs of liver pathology

Normally, the photo shows that the structure of the liver is homogeneous with the fine granularity characteristic of the organ. Ultrasound, without being reflected from the surface, passes through it freely, echogenicity is of low intensity. The size and shape of the organ are not changed.

Pathological processes in the liver are sclerotic, hypertrophic or dystrophic in nature.

Sonographic signs of diffuse changes in the liver:

For fatty hepatosis

  • echogenicity is significantly increased;
  • the shape of the organ is not changed, the contours are smooth, unclear;
  • sometimes there is an increase in size;
  • the structure of the parenchyma is unevenly heterogeneous;
  • depletion of the vascular pattern;
  • foci of reduced echogenicity are detected.

When fatty infiltration is combined with fibrous changes (with hepatitis, cirrhosis) on ultrasound, an increase in the echogenicity of the superficial layers of the parenchyma is combined with a decay of the echo signal in the deep sections.

For chronic hepatitis

For cirrhosis of the liver

  • the shape of the organ may change, the contours become uneven, the surface is lumpy;
  • hepatomegaly;
  • the pattern of blood vessels is smoothed;
  • expansion of the portal and splenic veins;
  • echogenicity is significantly increased.

Diffusely focal changes in the liver are formed as the pathological process increases, in which zones of increased echogenicity (foci of fibrosis, sclerotic walls of blood vessels and bile ducts) alternate with areas of regeneration and islands of normal tissue that have average and reduced echogenicity.

Many pathological processes in the liver tissue for a long time are asymptomatic and are usually diagnosed only by ultrasound. Patients are often interested in what diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma are and what should be done next.

The liver is an organ that is capable of regeneration. Therefore, when diagnosing diffuse changes along with drug treatment, a large role in recovery is given to the elimination of factors that negatively affect recovery processes (abstinence from alcohol, fatty fried foods, smoking).