Diffuse liver changes: diagnosis or symptom? What are moderate diffuse changes in the liver

Determined diffuse changes liver using ultrasound, but this term does not indicate the diagnosis of any disease. Thus, the focus is on increasing functional tissue. Diffuse changes in the liver can be dystrophic, fibrous, hypertrophic and sclerotic. This means that it is required additional research for the presence of any diseases.

Diffuse liver changes: causes

Most often, any reasons that can negatively affect this organ manifest themselves in tissue changes. In addition to bad habits, these can be hereditary genetic pathologies, bacteria, viruses, poor nutrition, medical supplies. It may also affect fast weight loss, adherence to mono-diet and treatment strong antibiotics. The most dangerous diseases, which can appear on ultrasound in the form of diffuse tissue changes, are sclerositating cholangitis, cirrhosis, hepatitis, and metabolic lesions.


Moderate diffuse changes in the liver can manifest themselves in sensations of pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium. It's a dull pain can constantly pester the patient, intensify with the use of acute, fried foods, during physical activity and subside at rest. Such sensations are usually accompanied by lack of appetite, belching, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. Also characteristic is a change in the shade of the sclera of the eyes and skin. First, the patients themselves and those around them notice the yellowness of the eyes, after which the skin also changes color. Patients may also experience lethargy, fatigue, decreased performance, general weakness. In most cases, palpation by a doctor reveals an increase in the size of the liver, and sometimes the spleen. When diagnosing, it is carried out biochemical research blood, which is required to identify disturbances in the functioning of this important organ.

Diffuse liver changes: treatment

For effective treatment three main criteria are taken into account: the degree of activity of the process, pathogenesis and etiology. But, regardless of them, all patients are prescribed basic therapy, which is required by any diffuse changes in the liver. It includes adherence to the regime, diet, exclusion of vaccinations, saunas, hepatotoxic drugs, insolation, and alcohol. The diet must be complete and prescribed taking into account individual characteristics sick, intolerance individual products And concomitant diseases Gastrointestinal tract. It is important to exclude products containing chemical additives and preservatives from your diet. The regime should be more gentle, and physical activity and work are adapted to the patient's condition. A special place in basic therapy is given to normalization digestive processes, eliminating the increased growth of microbial flora in the intestines. For this purpose, a course of treatment is carried out over 2-3 weeks. antibacterial drugs that do not have a hepatotoxic effect. At the same time, treatment is carried out using biological and enzyme agents, the dosage of which is calculated individually.

Diffusion is a process of interaction between molecules and atoms of substances, the purpose of which is to achieve a certain concentration in a given area. If the balance is disturbed, then it is disturbed functional work internal organs. Diffuse changes in the liver are not a separate disease, but its consequence, manifested in the form of a significant increase in the parenchyma of the organ in question.

Diffuse changes in the liver are not a separate disease, but its consequence

What are diffuse liver changes

As mentioned above, diffuse changes in the liver are not a pathology, but one of its manifestations. There is no such disease in ICD-10, but there are a number of other diseases associated specifically with the liver and that can have a direct effect on the parenchyma. Negative external influences lead to disruption of the connection between individual molecules. At the same time, changes also occur in the functioning of hepatocytes, which leads to the growth of connective and fatty layers.

Perfectly healthy cells suddenly begin to die, the structural integrity of the liver tissue is disrupted, its size increases, and it becomes heterogeneous. Can tell about the presence of diffuse changes in the liver with 100% accuracy ultrasound examination. If the liver is healthy, then the device shows only its weakly echogenic structure. Heterogeneity of parenchyma composition should not cause panic. If you are interested in what diffuse changes in the liver are, you should carefully study them possible varieties. Thus, a change in the structure of the liver is a signal about the development of one of the forms of hepatitis or obesity.

The only thing that a diagnosis formulation such as “ diffuse increase, compaction or deformation of the parenchyma,” is what the patient will have to go through additional examination to exclude the development of tumors and damage to other organs. a heterogeneous structure of the liver also occurs with cirrhosis. Diffusely heterogeneous and focal changes manifest themselves in the form of increased echogenicity and decreased echodensity on ultrasound.

Diffuse enlargement of the liver can be dangerous only if its changes functional features(on different stages This is exactly what happens in cirrhosis and hepatitis). The change is considered destructive, with lesions reaching a size of 0.5-2 centimeters. Patients with such significant enlargement of the affected areas require constant monitoring.

Types of disease

In the process of studying pathological changes in the structure of the liver, following types violations:

Diffuse liver changes come in various types

  1. Minor diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma. This is a common type of disease, the degree of danger of which is determined on the basis of special studies. One of its features is disruption of the functioning of not only the liver, but also the pancreas, which is associated with the development of hepatitis, alcohol or drug use.
  2. Moderate diffuse changes in the liver. Occurs due to poisoning, any external influences, as well as damage to the body by viruses. Disappears after taking vitamins and eliminating the source of irritation. So, if the cause of the formation of fine-grained and granular changes in the liver parenchyma was the use of alcohol, then giving it up will help rapid recovery organ tissues.
  3. Severe diffuse changes in the liver. Most often they are a consequence of untreated hepatitis, cirrhosis, tumor or cyst. With diffuse changes in the liver according to the type under consideration, well-defined swelling of the parenchyma is observed.
  4. Diffuse reactive changes. The basic functions of the liver are disrupted, which manifests itself in the form of exacerbation of pancreatitis and negative reactions from the pancreas.

When determining the density of structural tissues, diffuse focal changes are often detected, alternating with rebuilt tissue. Such changes occur during the development of hepatitis with metastases.


Among the causes of diffuse changes in tissue, a special place is given to the presence in the patient of:

  • congestive cholecystitis;
  • bad habits;
  • concomitant diseases requiring long-term treatment using antibiotics;
  • viral diseases;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • signs of dystrophy against the background of sudden weight loss;
  • lipomatosis.

In children, the causes of diffuse changes are congenital pathologies or the presence of similar changes in the mother. So, if hepatitis was detected during pregnancy, it is recommended to terminate it artificially. The chances of having a healthy, viable child are minimal.


Signs of diffuse changes in the liver do not appear immediately or are completely absent. The body begins to signal the presence of pathology exclusively at the stage liver failure. The patient experiences:

One of the symptoms of diffuse changes in the liver is heaviness in the stomach

  • feeling of heaviness and nausea after eating;
  • unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth, worse in the morning;
  • severe itching (a causeless rash appears on the skin);
  • dizziness and headache;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • irritation;
  • pain in the right side or in the abdomen and back.


The heterogeneous structure of the liver is a reason for serious comprehensive research the whole body. The final diagnosis is established after:

  • donating blood for general analysis;
  • biochemistry;
  • carrying out coprogram and OAM;
  • X-ray examination;
  • undergoing an ultrasound;
  • performing an organ biopsy;
  • passing markers for the presence or absence of cancer cells;
  • how the tomography was performed.

Most often, the disturbed echostructure of tissues is detected by ultrasound, but if dystrophic changes not expressed enough, necessary various tests blood and urine. Thus, with the help of biochemical and general urine analysis it is possible to determine the level of hemoglobin, cholesterol and bilirubin. Diagnostics allows us to determine whether the norm of leukocytes, albumin, glucose, acids, fibrinogen and urea is disturbed. If the level of at least one of the control indicators is elevated, the patient is sent for additional examinations.

To exclude pathologies of the gallbladder and other organs that are not clearly expressed and therefore not noted on ultrasound, a computer and MRI examination of the liver is performed. It helps to identify the degree of its increase and all kinds of inhomogeneities. The diffuse changes that occur are considered in three-dimensional space. In this case, incipient liver dystrophy is revealed, and its medium-grained structure is determined.

Ultrasound examination

Diffuse changes in the structure of the liver are noted on ultrasound in areas with high, low or very high echogenicity

Diffuse changes in the structure of the liver are observed on ultrasound in areas with high, low or very high echogenicity. Such echographic signs indicate the development of hepatitis, fatty liver disease, liver amyloidosis, infection of the body with helminths and cancerous tumors. Echo signs make it possible to identify the disease even if the patient does not complain of anything. Ultrasound shows any pathological changes, with its help, the degree of change in the size of the walls of blood vessels and bile ducts is determined.

If diffuse changes in the liver of a reactive type have occurred, the device will show that the liver is enlarged and heterogeneous. In this case, an increase in echogenicity is observed, the coarse-grained structure of the liver changes. The heterogeneous echostructure in cirrhosis is associated with the formation of nodes. In addition, with this disease, thickening of the walls of the portal vein and collaterals are observed. Healthy liver should not be enlarged. At the same time sharp decline granularity and a decrease in the size of the organ indicate that the disease is in its final stage.

When studying moderate hematomegaly against the background of the formation of simple cysts in the lumen biliary tract small air bubbles are detected, externally resembling hyperechoic inclusions. Secondary and subsequent studies show that the bubbles change their original position.

Unfortunately, using ultrasound alone to diagnose accurate diagnosis It’s not always possible. So, in the case of hepatitis, the echo signal only indicates that the organ is enlarged, its structure has changed, but the indicators differ with the same units of measurement. The cause of such changes is determined by the results of laboratory tests.

Changes in the liver parenchyma in a child

Reactive changes in the liver parenchyma in a child indicate pathological processes in internal organs. Signs of the disease are well expressed, changes biochemical parameters blood moderate. If the child is one year old or less, then there is a chance that timely treatment will allow the integrity of the organ to be completely restored.

Reactive changes in the liver small child indicate the development of:

Reactive changes in the liver parenchyma in a child signal pathological processes in the internal organs

  • peptic ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • intestinal pathologies;
  • systemic pathologies;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • poisoning;
  • thermal injuries;
  • oncological diseases.

Liver problems may occur in children after taking certain medicines, including those that the mother took during pregnancy. This is very dangerous; due to the fact that the first signs of the disease do not appear immediately or are completely absent, treatment may be significantly delayed. To prevent this from happening, children at risk are regularly examined by a doctor.


Not knowing how to cure diffuse liver diseases traditional methods many patients practice treatment folk remedies and follow a strict diet. In general, this treatment of liver diseases allows you to get rid of discomfort And external signs diseases in relatively short terms, but in some cases it is not enough. So, if the cause of diffuse changes is associated with infection of the body with worms, then the patient is prescribed anthelmintics. For viral or bacterial infection Antibiotics and antiviral drugs are prescribed. For recovery normal operation liver patients take vitamins and mineral complexes, substances that prevent fat deposition, steroid drugs that help normalize hormonal levels.

Timely treatment starts to avoid negative consequences diseases. Thus, an intensive course of therapy for steatosis allows you to achieve the remission stage after 2-3 weeks.

Prognosis and prevention

If the liver parenchyma is changed, then the prognosis can be either favorable or not at all. It all depends on what particular disease caused this. So, if a person does not lead healthy image life, does not follow a diet, eats low-quality food, then switching to dietary food and by giving up alcohol, he will soon forget about any troubles with his liver. The diet relieves not only the main signs of the disease, but also the causes that provoked it.

Diffuse changes in themselves are not dangerous, but for the purpose of prevention it is recommended to regularly visit a doctor and avoid contact with any toxic substances, lead a healthy lifestyle, pay attention to the quality of nutrition and treat all diseases on time.


The human body cannot cope with poisons and toxins without the liver. But when exposed to these substances, the liver parenchyma (its structure) is destroyed. Harmful substances are not restrained by anything and they gradually poison everything in the human body. Therefore, timely detection of pathology of the liver structure and treatment is the key to a healthy liver and the body as a whole.

Bad habits, ecology, and diseases can provoke destruction of the liver structure, which will lead to intoxication of the entire body.

Structure of the liver: structure and functions

The liver is located in the upper right part of the abdomen under the ribs. The upper border reaches the level of the nipples. Parenchyma is the tissue that forms the liver. The parenchyma consists of hepatic lobules. The lobes have a prismatic shape and fit into each other. Between them there is an intermediate substance, blood vessels and bile ducts. This structure is optimal for human body, since each cell of the organ receives a sufficient amount of blood and each of them has a outlet for synthesized substances. Each lobe is from 0.7 to 2 mm in diameter. There are about 1 million such components of the parenchyma.

The liver performs the following functions in the body:

  1. secretory - the main function is the secretion of bile and its transportation through the bile ducts;
  2. endocrine - synthesis and secretion of albumin, globulin, fibrinogen, lipoproteins, prothrombin, glucose and other substances;
  3. metabolic - normalizes metabolic processes proteins, amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and hormones.

But besides this, the liver processes and assimilates medicines and steroids. It is responsible for maintaining normal blood sugar levels. In addition, it accumulates useful substances from metabolic products. One of the most valuable properties of the liver is the neutralization of poisons. Special Kupffer cells are responsible for this, which connect harmful substances and excrete them into the intestines.

Types of changes

There are several types of changes in the liver parenchyma: in its composition, shape or density. The extent to which these changes are expressed and their essence is determined by one of the types:

  1. focal - single damage or compaction;
  2. local - a separate homogeneous part of the parenchyma is damaged;
  3. diffuse - damage to the parenchyma as a whole.

Focal type

Focal changes are diagnosed using echography. The degree of echo reflection divides focal lesions into those without echostructure, those with weak, strong and mixed echostructure. The lesions can be single, multiple or merging. If the patient's condition worsens, the echogenicity of the lesion may change. Also, echography reveals the appearance of single or multiple calcifications (highly echogenic compactions) in the parenchyma. Most often observed in adults, they appear rarely in children. Occurs in patients with the following concomitant diseases:

A focal lesion devoid of echostructure is a parenchymal cyst. During echography they appear if their diameter is 3-5 mm, because only with this size do they have sufficient echogenicity. There are several types cystic neoplasms, they are distinguished depending on:

Diffuse changes are hepatitis (in acute or chronic form), fat accumulation, cirrhosis, changes in structure under the influence of other diseases. In a patient with hepatitis, the liver becomes larger, but the parenchyma remains the same as it was. But if the inflammation intensifies, the parenchymal surface will change, causing the thin liver wall to increase in size. When echography, decreased echogenicity and increased sound conductivity are observed. With hepatitis, non-homogeneous inflammation of the parenchyma leads to the fact that echo density can be high in one area and low in another.

With cirrhosis, the number of affected areas with impaired echogenicity increases significantly, because the homogeneous structure is destroyed much faster. Echo density is significantly reduced. The sizes of such areas range from 0.5 cm to 2 cm. Such a heterogeneous structure of the liver parenchyma can also be caused by stagnation in bile ducts, fatty degeneration of the parenchyma, impaired metabolism.

Signs and symptoms

The most frequent symptoms lesions of the liver parenchyma:

  • headache;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • pain under the ribs on the right side;
  • yellow skin tone;
  • weakness in the body.

If a person has any of the listed complaints, then he should consult a doctor in order to identify the cause in time and begin treatment. The first study that is performed is an ultrasound. As a result, it may be found various types damage in the homogeneous structure of the parenchyma. Diffuse lesions in small quantities may indicate recent viral diseases or poor nutrition, they are not harmful to human health. But if the changes are significant, this indicates that they are caused by serious diseases. Therefore, additional laboratory tests should be performed.

It is necessary to know what signs of changes in the structure of the liver exist. Jaundice caused by parenchymal disorders manifests itself as follows:

  • the sclera turns yellow, followed by the mucous membrane of the palate and skin (may have red and green shades);
  • the skin becomes inflamed and itchy;
  • feces become discolored and urine darkens;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the person feels sick and vomits;
  • muscles and joints hurt.

Focal inflammation of the liver also has characteristic signs:

  • calcifications in the liver (a hardening made of calcium salts)
  • liver cysts.

Causes of hepatic parenchyma

Viruses, alcohol, and complications of other diseases cause pathological modifications of liver cells.

Since the main symptom is yellowing of the skin, it is necessary to understand how it occurs. It is caused by improper functioning of liver cells (hepatocytes). They are responsible for binding bilirubin to glucuronic acid (converting it from indirect to direct). If the liver is damaged or inflamed, its cells are affected and, as a result of the damage, are unable to take up bilirubin. Due to the accumulation of this pigment in the blood, jaundice occurs. Another reason for this symptom is stagnation of bile.

There are a number of root causes for the development of liver pathology:

  1. infection with viruses (viral hepatitis);
  2. poisoning with toxins (at home, at industrial production, during treatment) and alcohol;
  3. sepsis, which causes a lack of oxygen in cells;
  4. autoimmune type of hepatitis ( immune system attacks the liver parenchyma with antibodies).

Ultrasound examination

The advantage of ultrasound is that it does not require special training to the procedure. The patient is required only 3 days before the study not to eat foods that provoke increased gas formation (legumes, white cabbage, soda, dark bread, grapes). It is recommended to perform an ultrasound on an empty stomach, so the results will most accurately reflect the real picture of the disease. But if the patient is contraindicated to skip meals, as, for example, with diabetes mellitus, then you should not deviate from the doctor’s instructions.

Liver parenchyma is the tissue of which it is composed. In the process of performing its functions (maintaining normal composition blood, removal of toxins from the body, transportation of bile and others) she faces the effects of various harmful factors. Homogeneous parenchyma can undergo various changes. The cells of this organ (hepatocytes) can degenerate and even die.

Features and types of changes in the liver parenchyma

Liver tissue can change in its composition, shape, and density. Depending on the nature and extent of these changes, they can be divided into:

  1. Focal;
  2. Local;
  3. Diffuse.
  4. Using ultrasound, an echoscopy of the liver is performed, which produces a picture from which a diagnosis of the disease can be made.
    Focal changes indicate the presence of a single damaged or compacted lesion.
    With local changes, the pathology affects individual areas of the parenchyma.

    Diffuse changes affect the entire organ. They can be caused not only by disease of the liver itself, but also by cardiac pathology or disruption of the pancreas. Of the two lobes of the liver, the right one, which is larger in size, experiences a greater load. Therefore, diffuse changes right lobe are found more often.

    Pronounced signs of diffuse changes do not always indicate serious illnesses. Moderate changes may appear when consuming certain products. A slight enlargement of the liver in a small child can also be explained by the characteristics of children's physiology. And only if it progresses with age, then such a pathology should cause concern.

    Even if the detected diffuse changes do not affect the person’s well-being, it is necessary to undergo an examination, blood tests, and a test for markers, since this anomaly may be a symptom of latent viral hepatitis or malignant tumors.

    The nature of diffuse changes in the parenchyma

    In case of disease of the liver, as well as other organs directly related to it (gall, bladder, intestines, pancreas), degeneration processes of various types can occur in the parenchymal tissue:

    The ultrasound method is based on the ability of body tissues to reflect ultrasound. For various painful conditions of the liver, examination helps to detect the following abnormalities:

  • Parenchyma compaction;
  • Heterogeneity of structure;
  • Increase in size.

When examined using ultrasound, echo signs and characteristic indicators are studied:

  • The size of the right and left lobes;
  • Clarity of outlines;
  • Structure of parenchymal tissue;
  • Correctness of the pattern of liver vessels;
  • Echogenicity is the ability to reflect ultrasound.

There is a norm for echogenicity of the parenchyma for a healthy liver. If the echo pattern is increased or decreased, suspicions of a specific diagnosis should be confirmed by laboratory tests.

The device displays data on the intensity of the sound reflection process. The echogenicity of healthy tissue is taken as normal. Sound reflection damaged tissue differs depending on the changes that have occurred. Thus, excess fat in parenchymal tissue reduces this characteristic, and compaction of the parenchyma means that it is increased.

Healthy liver tissue contains a lot of water. With fatty degeneration, diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma occur, which is expressed in a decrease in water content due to the accumulation of fat. At the same time, the speed of sound reflection increases, and the echogenicity index decreases. This picture is observed in liver hepatosis.

At infectious diseases liver ( viral hepatitis), inflammatory processes parenchyma density increases due to tissue swelling. The speed of sound reflection becomes lower than normal, and increased echogenicity is observed. The human condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Jaundice;
  • Digestive disorder;
  • Hepatomegaly (enlarged liver);
  • Pain in right side;
  • Vomit.

Similar signs can be observed with liver injuries, diabetes mellitus, and cirrhosis. In addition, an increase in echo characteristics can occur with obesity, as well as with drug intoxication.

Changes in the liver parenchyma, treatment and prevention

If, as a result of the examination, a disease has been established that has caused changes in the liver tissue, then it is necessary to undergo treatment aimed at removing it from the liver as soon as possible. toxic substances, restoration of liver cells. It is necessary to take drugs that improve performance digestive system(enzymes for restoring intestinal flora), anti-inflammatory drugs. Important role plays the trick choleretic drugs and antispasmodics that can facilitate the passage of bile and pancreatic stones.

It is necessary to cleanse the liver of toxins, including using folk remedies - using decoctions of medicinal herbal infusions or infusions medicinal plants. In some cases, it is necessary to take painkillers and vitamins (especially group B).

Before you start taking medications, you need to quit smoking and completely forget about alcoholic drinks, and also be sure to follow a diet. Food should be low in calories, without pepper, spices and salt. You can only eat boiled or steamed dishes, dairy low-fat foods. Sweet and sour foods should also be excluded from the diet. Fruits are very healthy, but only when they are ripe and not sour. We need to fight obesity. Diet and control bad habits plays a therapeutic role as well as preventive role in the improvement of liver parenchyma.

Who said that it is impossible to cure severe liver diseases?

  • Many methods have been tried, but nothing helps...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited well-being!

An effective treatment for the liver does exist. Follow the link and find out what doctors recommend!

Diffusion is a process of interaction between molecules and atoms of substances, the purpose of which is to achieve a certain concentration in a given area. If the balance is disturbed, the functional functioning of the internal organs is disrupted.

Diffuse changes in the liver are not a separate disease, but its consequence, manifested in the form of a significant increase in the parenchyma of the organ in question.

What are diffuse liver changes

As mentioned above, diffuse changes in the liver are not a pathology, but one of its manifestations. There is no such disease in ICD-10, but there are a number of other diseases associated specifically with the liver and that can have a direct effect on the parenchyma.

Negative external influences lead to disruption of the connection between individual molecules. At the same time, changes also occur in the functioning of hepatocytes, which leads to the growth of connective and fatty layers.

Perfectly healthy cells suddenly begin to die, the structural integrity of the liver tissue is disrupted, its size increases, and it becomes heterogeneous. Ultrasound examination can tell about the presence of diffuse changes in the liver with 100% accuracy. If the liver is healthy, then the device shows only its weakly echogenic structure.

Heterogeneity of parenchyma composition should not cause panic. If you are interested in what diffuse changes in the liver are, you should carefully study their possible varieties. Thus, a change in the structure of the liver is a signal about the development of one of the forms of hepatitis or obesity.

The only thing that a diagnosis formulation such as “diffuse enlargement, compaction or deformation of the parenchyma” means is that the patient will have to undergo additional examination to exclude the development of tumors and damage to other organs. a heterogeneous structure of the liver also occurs with cirrhosis.

Diffusely heterogeneous and focal changes manifest themselves in the form of increased echogenicity and decreased echodensity on ultrasound.

Diffuse enlargement of the liver can be dangerous only if its functional characteristics are changed (at different stages of cirrhosis and hepatitis this is exactly what happens). The change is considered destructive, with lesions reaching a size of 0.5-2 centimeters. Patients with such significant enlargement of the affected areas require constant monitoring.

Types of disease

In the process of studying pathological changes in the structure of the liver, the following types of disorders were identified:

  • Minor diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma. This is a common type of disease, the degree of danger of which is determined on the basis of special studies. One of its features is disruption of the functioning of not only the liver, but also the pancreas, which is associated with the development of hepatitis, alcohol or drug use.
  • Moderate diffuse changes in the liver. They occur due to poisoning, any external influences, as well as damage to the body by viruses. Disappears after taking vitamins and eliminating the source of irritation. So, if the cause of the formation of fine-grained and granular changes in the liver parenchyma was the use of alcohol, then giving it up will contribute to the rapid restoration of organ tissue.
  • Severe diffuse changes in the liver. Most often they are a consequence of untreated hepatitis, cirrhosis, tumor or cyst. With diffuse changes in the liver according to the type under consideration, well-defined swelling of the parenchyma is observed.
  • Diffuse reactive changes. The basic functions of the liver are disrupted, which manifests itself in the form of exacerbation of pancreatitis and negative reactions from the pancreas.

When determining the density of structural tissues, diffuse focal changes are often detected, alternating with rebuilt tissue. Such changes occur during the development of hepatitis with metastases.


Among the causes of diffuse changes in tissue, a special place is given to the presence in the patient of:

  • congestive cholecystitis,
  • bad habits,
  • concomitant diseases requiring long-term treatment with antibiotics,
  • viral diseases,
  • liver cirrhosis,
  • signs of dystrophy against the background of a sharp weight loss,
  • lipomatosis.

The reasons for diffuse changes are also hidden in bad heredity. To exclude this possibility or slow down the process of tissue destruction, it is necessary to eat properly (fatty, salty and spicy foods accelerate the rate of development of the disease), monitor sugar levels and weight.

In children, the causes of diffuse changes are congenital pathologies or the presence of similar changes in the mother. So, if hepatitis was detected during pregnancy, it is recommended to terminate it artificially. The chances of having a healthy, viable child are minimal.


Signs of diffuse changes in the liver do not appear immediately or are completely absent. The body begins to signal the presence of pathology exclusively at the stage of liver failure.

The patient experiences:

  • feeling of heaviness and nausea after eating,
  • an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth, worsening in the morning,
  • severe itching (a causeless rash appears on the skin),
  • dizziness and headache,
  • weakness, malaise,
  • irritation,
  • pain in the right side or in the abdomen and back.

Urine is darker and feces become light. The skin and even the area around the tongue becomes unnatural yellow. In a number of patients, the liver enlarges so much that it becomes noticeable without palpation.

The heterogeneous structure of the liver is the reason for conducting a serious comprehensive study of the whole organism.

The final diagnosis is established after:

  • donating blood for general analysis,
  • biochemistry,
  • carrying out coprogram and OAM,
  • x-ray examination,
  • undergoing an ultrasound,
  • performing an organ biopsy,
  • passing markers for the presence or absence of cancer cells,
  • how the tomography was performed.

Most often, the disturbed echostructure of tissues is detected by ultrasound, but if the degenerative changes are not sufficiently pronounced, various blood and urine tests are necessary. Thus, with the help of biochemical and general urine analysis it is possible to determine the level of hemoglobin, cholesterol and bilirubin.

Diagnostics allows us to determine whether the norm of leukocytes, albumin, glucose, acids, fibrinogen and urea is disturbed. If the level of at least one of the control indicators is elevated, the patient is sent for additional examinations.

To exclude pathologies of the gallbladder and other organs that are not clearly expressed and therefore not noted on ultrasound, a computer and MRI examination of the liver is performed. It helps to identify the degree of its increase and all kinds of inhomogeneities. The diffuse changes that occur are considered in three-dimensional space. In this case, incipient liver dystrophy is revealed, and its medium-grained structure is determined.

Ultrasound examination

Diffuse changes in the structure of the liver are observed on ultrasound in areas with high, low or very high echogenicity. Such echographic signs indicate the development of hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, liver amyloidosis, infection of the body with helminths and cancerous tumors.

Echo signs make it possible to identify the disease even if the patient does not complain of anything. Ultrasound shows any pathological changes; it is used to determine the degree of change in the size of the walls of blood vessels and bile ducts.

If diffuse changes in the liver of a reactive type have occurred, the device will show that the liver is enlarged and heterogeneous. In this case, an increase in echogenicity is observed, the coarse-grained structure of the liver changes. The heterogeneous echostructure in cirrhosis is associated with the formation of nodes.

In addition, with this disease, thickening of the walls of the portal vein and collaterals are observed. A healthy liver should not be enlarged. At the same time, a sharp decrease in granularity and a decrease in the size of the organ indicates that the disease is in its final stage.

When examining moderate hematomegaly against the background of the formation of simple cysts, small air bubbles are found in the lumen of the bile ducts, externally resembling hyperechoic inclusions. Secondary and subsequent studies show that the bubbles change their original position.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to make an accurate diagnosis using ultrasound alone. So, in the case of hepatitis, the echo signal only indicates that the organ is enlarged, its structure has changed, but the indicators differ with the same units of measurement. The cause of such changes is determined by the results of laboratory tests.

Changes in the liver parenchyma in a child

Reactive changes in the liver parenchyma in a child signal pathological processes in the internal organs. Signs of the disease are well expressed, changes in biochemical blood parameters are moderate. If the child is one year old or less, then there is a chance that timely treatment will allow the integrity of the organ to be completely restored.

Reactive changes in the liver in a small child indicate the development of:

  • peptic ulcer,
  • pancreatitis,
  • intestinal pathologies,
  • systemic pathologies,
  • problems with the endocrine system,
  • poisoning,
  • thermal injuries,
  • oncological diseases.

Liver problems in children may occur after taking certain medications, including those taken by the mother during pregnancy.

This is very dangerous; due to the fact that the first signs of the disease do not appear immediately or are completely absent, treatment may be significantly delayed. To prevent this from happening, children at risk are regularly examined by a doctor.


Not knowing how to cure diffuse liver diseases using traditional methods, many patients practice treatment with folk remedies and follow a strict diet. In general, this treatment of liver diseases allows you to get rid of discomfort and external signs of the disease in a relatively short time, but in some cases it is not enough.

So, if the cause of diffuse changes is associated with infection of the body by worms, then the patient is prescribed anthelmintic drugs. For viral or bacterial infections, antibiotics and antiviral drugs are prescribed.

To restore normal liver function, patients take vitamin and mineral complexes, substances that prevent fat deposition, and steroid drugs that help normalize hormonal levels.