Phenylephrine overdose. Possible complications caused by the drug. ■ Special instructions

International name: Dimetindene+Phenylephrine

Dosage form: nasal gel, nasal drops, nasal spray

Pharmacological action: Vibrocil - combination drug for symptomatic local treatment rhinitis Phenylephrine is an alpha-adrenergic agonist, with local application renders...

Indications: Acute rhinitis (including colds); allergic rhinitis (including hay fever); vasomotor rhinitis; chronic rhinitis; ...


International name: Phenylephrine

Dosage form: eye drops

Pharmacological action:



International name:

Dosage form:

Pharmacological action: Hemorol - a combined drug has an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect, stimulates regeneration. Phenylephrine - alpha-adrenergic agonist; ...



International name: Shark liver oil + Phenylephrine (Squalus carchorius oleum + Phenylefrine)

Dosage form: ointment for external use, ointment for rectal and external use, rectal suppositories

Pharmacological action: Hemorrhoids - the combined drug has an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect, stimulates regeneration. Phenylephrine - alpha-adrenergic agonist; ...

Indications: Hemorrhoids (external and internal), fissures anus, anal itching.


International name: Phenylephrine

Dosage form: eye drops

Pharmacological action: It has a pronounced stimulating effect on postsynaptic alpha-adrenergic receptors, and has a weak effect on beta-adrenergic receptors of the heart. Has...

Indications: Iridocyclitis (to prevent the occurrence of posterior synechiae and reduce exudation from the iris); for pupil dilation during ophthalmoscopy...

Coldact Flu Plus

International name: Paracetamol+Phenylephrine+Chlorphenamine

Dosage form: extended-release capsules, oral suspension, tablets, film-coated tablets

Pharmacological action: A combined agent, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition; has antipyretic, alpha-adrenergic stimulating, ...

Indications: Sinusitis, rhinorrhea (acute rhinitis, allergic rhinitis).


International name: Paracetamol+Caffeine+Phenylephrine+Chlorphenamine

Dosage form: tablets, film-coated tablets

Pharmacological action: A combined agent that has antipyretic, analgesic, alpha-adrenergic stimulating, vasoconstrictor and antihistamine effects, ...

Indications: Feverish syndrome (“colds” and infectious diseases); Sinusitis, rhinorrhea (acute rhinitis, allergic rhinitis).

Coldrex MaxGrip with lemon flavor

International name:

Dosage form: powder for solution for oral administration

Pharmacological action:

Indications: Feverish syndrome (“colds” and infectious diseases).

Coldrex HotRem with lemon flavor

International name: Paracetamol+Phenylephrine+Ascorbic acid

Dosage form: powder for solution for oral administration

Pharmacological action: A combined agent, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition; has antipyretic, analgesic, vasoconstrictor...

Indications: Feverish syndrome (“colds” and infectious diseases).

Phenylephrine is classified as adrenomimetic drugs synthetically produced to stimulate α-adrenergic receptors. The drug has little effect on cardiac β-receptors. The drug contains mesatone, which narrows the arteries, as a result, the pressure in the vessels increases. An increase in pressure causes the development of reflex bradycardia. The pressure level increases slowly, but in comparison with adrenaline and norepinephrine, its effect is longer.

Basics of using vasoconstrictor nasal drops

The essence vasoconstrictor drugs for nasal instillation is to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane in the nasal sinuses. This makes it possible to breathe through the nose and the patient, especially children, is less anxious. In general, it is recommended to give young children plenty to drink so that the surface of the throat does not dry out, since the baby breathes through the mouth.

It must be remembered that large amounts of juice from the use of drops can lead to drug-induced runny nose, therefore, it is not recommended to drip the medicine into the nose of babies for more than 5 days. Vasoconstrictor drugs in the nose are prescribed in the following cases:

Three types of vasoconstrictor drugs

There are different types of medicines short duration of action, about 4–6 hours, these include phenylephrine, naphazoline and tetrazoline. It is the drugs of this group that, at an increased dose, cause a drug-induced runny nose.

Average duration lasts from 6 to 10 hours of action on the nasal mucosa. The drugs in this group include tramazolin and xylometazoline, their action is rapid, so they are used for emergency care in case of emergency.

Medicines long action time Contains oxymetazoline. This group of nasal drops is least likely to cause drug-induced rhinitis, therefore it is recommended for longer use.

Phenylephrine drops

Used to treat nasal congestion when nasal breathing is impossible. The lack of air passage in the nostril cavities can be caused by various reasons.

There are several types of nasal drops containing phenylephrine on the modern pharmaceutical market:

When should phenylephrine not be used?

There are direct contraindications to use the medicine:

  • pheochromocytoma;
  • severe sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • GOKMP;
  • gastric fibrillation.

In some cases, the use of the drug is allowed, but this must be done gradually, starting with small doses, and constantly monitored by a doctor. This occurs if the patient has the following diseases:

Emerging side effects

Patients often experience headaches, vomiting and nausea after using phenylephrine. IN in rare cases patients consult a doctor about changes in the functioning of the heart that are caused by angina, dyspnea, and bradycardia. Their blood pressure increases, their heartbeat accelerates, and their rhythm is disrupted. At high standards use, irritability, ventricular arrhythmia, motor fussiness occurs, various symptoms allergies.

Description of some popular drugs with phenylephrine

Used for medicinal effects for local use and serves to constrict blood vessels. The drug contains phenylephrine hydrochloride, which restores nasal breathing and reduces swelling in the mucous layer of the nasal membrane. The medicine actively relieves swelling in the mucous membrane eustachian tube And paranasal sinuses. Along the way, the product eliminates congestion in the internal mucous membranes, while the functionality of the latter does not change.

Phenylephrine hydrochloride belongs to synthetic derivatives of the type α1-adrenergic agonists and has a moisturizing and softening effect on the inner surface of the nasal sinuses, partly due to the content glycerin as part of the drug. The medicine contains phenylephrine hydrochloride 1.25 mg, it contains auxiliary components, including glycerin.

Nasal drops are used to relieve the unpleasant sensations of nasal congestion and lack of nasal breathing. Prescribed for symptomatic action at colds , for example, hay fever, influenza and others. The use of the drug is indicated for allergic diseases, which manifest themselves as a runny nose.

Like everyone else medical supplies, there are a number of contraindications for nasal drops with phenylephrine, the conditions of which make it impossible to prescribe this particular drug. These include intolerance to components as part of a medicine. Phenylephrine drops are not prescribed to those diagnosed with thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus in all stages, and hyperthyroidism.

Dryness may occur after using Nazol baby nasal drops. inner surface sinuses, swelling and redness of the face, vomiting. For the treatment of children, the drug is effective; it can be prescribed for a child up to one year of age; the medicine eliminates swelling well. If the child is older than three years, then use a similar remedy, Nazol Kids.


A very common drug in the treatment of childhood nasal diseases, often prescribed for relieve nasal congestion and runny nose in young patients. The medicine comes on the counter in the form of drops, spray and gel, which is very convenient to use for a child from one to six years old, but it is the drops that are popular.

The composition of 1 ml of the drug includes the active ingredients:

  • dimethindene maleate – 250 mcg;
  • phenylephrine – 2.5 mg.
  • additional components(disodium phosphate anhydrous, citric acid hydrate, lavender extract, water, sorbitol, benzalkonium chloride).

Components of the drug long time narrow the vessels and veins of the mucous layer of the nasal cavity and in the paranasal sinuses. Phenylephrine works simultaneously with dimethindene to eliminate allergic manifestations.

If a child or adult patient is diagnosed with atrophic rhinitis, it is not recommended to prescribe Vibrocil for treatment. Contraindication serves individual intolerance components of the drug. Side effect synthetic phenylephrine in Vibrocil nasal drops appears as high blood pressure for a long time or unpleasant sensations in the nasal cavity, for example, dryness and burning.

Medicine helps well with concomitant diseases to a runny nose, such as pneumonia or bronchitis. In this case, the use of drops is controlled by a doctor, and sometimes the doctor advises diluting Vibrocil to reduce side effects.

Polydex with phenylephrine

The following active ingredients are listed in the composition of the drug per 1 ml of substance:

  • antibiotics polymyxin B sulfate (10,000 U) and neomycin sulfate (6,500 U);
  • sodium metasulfobenzoate dexamethasone (250 mcg);
  • phenylephrine hydrochloride (2.5 mg);
  • auxiliary components(citric acid hydrate, lithium hydroxide, lithium chloride, macrogol 400, water, polysorbate 80, methyl parahydroxybenzoate).

All these components combined give expressed therapeutic effect . Antibiotics actively act on microbial pathogens, dexamethasone relieves inflammation in the inner surface of the nasal passages, phenylephrine constricts blood vessels and relieves nasal congestion, making breathing easier.

The combination of antibiotics actively destroys gram-negative and gram-positive organisms that act as agents of inflammatory infectious diseases nose Assign medicinal drops in the nose at acute sinusitis and rhinitis chronic course and infectious infections of the nasopharynx.

Contraindications to the prescription of the drug are:

  • the age of the child is up to 2 years and 5 months, up to 12 years the appointment is carried out under supervision;
  • individual intolerance to components, allergic reactions to aminoglycosides and parabens;
  • detection of shingles pathogens in the body or herpes simplex, chickenpox;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • scant discharge urine caused by disturbances in the urinary system;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

There are responses from the body, for example, dryness in the nasal cavities, local manifestations of urticaria and itching. As a result long-term treatment drug or regular excess daily value Systemic side effects may occur.

Characteristic signs of various types of runny nose

The most common cause of diseases of the nasal cavity and pharynx is acute infection , in this case, a runny nose is cured in 6 to 8 days. Other types of runny nose are less severe or longer time and have different symptoms and manifestations:

For the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract The pharmaceutical industry offers many preparations, sprays or nasal drops containing phenylephrine. This substance can be either the main active component of the drug or one of a whole combination of compounds.

What is Phenylephrine

Phenylephrine is a substance organic origin, artificially synthesized. Its other names are widely known: Neofrin, Adrianol, Vizadron, Idrianol, Mezaton. It belongs to alpha-adrenomimetic compounds that act on alpha receptors of the parasympathetic nervous system, while beta receptors are not sensitive to it.

The pharmaceutical industry produces Phenylephrine, or Mesatone, in the form of a dry powder with a fine-crystalline structure. It is either pure white or has a slightly yellowish tint, and there is no odor. Phenylephrine powder is highly soluble in distilled water or in alcohols and alcohol-containing solutions. Therefore, it is widely used in both pure form, and for the preparation of liquid, solid or powder dosage forms.

Yes, in therapy various diseases Drops in the nose or eyes containing Phenylephrine are actively used, as well as solutions for intramuscular and intravenous injections. There are rectal suppositories, ointments for rectal and external use, suspensions, capsules, tablets for oral use and for the preparation of solutions that contain Phenylephrine.

Application of the product

By influencing alpha-adrenergic receptors, the drug leads to a narrowing of capillaries and small arterioles, which results in a slight but rather long-lasting increase blood pressure. If it is used as drops in the eyes, then under its action the pupil dilates without impairing accommodation, the conjunctival vessels narrow and the outflow of intraocular fluid accelerates. This property of Mezaton is widely used in ophthalmology, in particular, for the treatment of glaucoma.

If the product solution is used for injection, it has therapeutic effect with hypotension, state of collapse (fainting). The liquid form of Mezaton is used in anesthesiology as an analogue of adrenaline, in preparation for and during surgical interventions. Phenylephrine, which is part of rectal products, is widely prescribed for pathology of the rectum (hemorrhoids, fistulas, fissures).

As one of several active components, Mezaton is present in a number of combined agents. These are Antigrippin-Orvi-Neo, Adjicold, Antiflu, Aspirin-complex, Coldact-Broncho, Grippoflu and many other drugs presented in the form of conventional or effervescent tablets, capsules, powders for solution, nasal drops or sprays, external gels or ointments. All these drugs are actively used both in adults medical practice, and in the nursery.

How is Phenylephrine used in ENT practice?

Product in various dosage forms It is widely used in many medical fields, but its main application is for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Rhinitis, which has the highest incidence, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, as well as parainfluenza and influenza with an unspecified strain of the virus - all these pathologies are indications for the use of Mezaton.

It has a pronounced healing effect for inflammation of various origins. In pathogenesis (deployment clinical picture) inflammatory disease there is always the phenomenon of expansion small vessels. This occurs due to the effects of viruses, bacteria, microscopic fungi, the toxins they secrete, and other foreign agents on the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, or paranasal sinuses. As a result, it begins sharp increase epithelial layer in volume, its swelling and accelerated formation of secretions.

Phenylephrine, acting on the alpha-adrenergic receptors of the capillaries, causes their narrowing and thickening vascular walls and an increase in their tone. Blood plasma stops leaking into the thickness of the epithelium, which leads to a decrease in swelling and restoration of breathing through the nose, and to a decrease in the formation of contents in the nasal passages. Therefore, drugs containing the main active ingredient Mezaton are used not only in the treatment of infectious inflammations, but also allergic ones, as well as in the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis (or neurogenic).

Treatment with Phenylephrine for inflammation of infectious origin

Rhinitis, caused by penetration of viral and bacterial microflora into the nasal mucosa, is the most frequent illness upper respiratory tract. Its treatment, despite the apparent simplicity and banality of the disease, must be comprehensive and carried out competently. This means that you cannot use the first nasal drops or spray you see at the pharmacy until your runny nose is over. An inappropriate medicine can delay recovery for a long time and, instead of the expected benefit, cause harm to the mucous membrane or become an indirect cause of dangerous complications.

Phenylephrine, as one of the representatives of a whole group of vasoconstrictor drugs, is used in the treatment of rhinitis along with other agents that have an antimicrobial, disinfectant effect or cleanse the mucous membrane of purulent deposits. Moreover, it is necessary to prescribe Mezaton in combination with these drugs, since only their combined action is most effective and contributes to speedy recovery epithelial layer of the mucous membrane.

Nasal drops based on Phenylephrine have a vasoconstrictor effect for about 4 hours, starting a few minutes after contact with the mucous membrane. Therefore, they belong to “short” acting drugs and are approved for use in early childhood and in pregnant women. Nazol Baby nasal drops are used even in infants, and Nazol Kids - in children from 5-6 years old. These drugs have a milder and more gentle effect on the epithelium of the mucous membrane than vasoconstrictor drugs of other groups.

The main condition for treatment is strict adherence dosages and duration of course therapy. If they are violated, widespread and deep destruction of the mucous membrane can occur, slowing down its regeneration, which will lead to the formation of a medicinal form of the runny nose, which will require serious and long-term treatment. Maximum quantity days for using nasal drops with Mezaton - 3, in rare cases, the ENT doctor can extend the course to 5 days.

If the product is in the form of a spray, then 2 injections are made into each nostril after 4-5 hours, but not more often. If treated infectious runny nose in a baby, then use no more than 1 drop of the product (Nazol Baby) in each nostril after 5-6 hours. Before instilling the product, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages of contents.

Phenylephrine also produces a pronounced therapeutic effect when used for the treatment of sinusitis of infectious origin. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses and excretory canals leads not only to a decrease in their volume and an increase in the formation of mucopurulent contents, but also to blockage of the drainage ducts.

As a result, the paranasal cavities are completely filled with liquid secretion, which cannot leave the sinuses through the nose, and a strong pain syndrome and intoxication of the body.

Nasal drops or sprays with Phenylephrine are always used in combination with other drugs. Leading to a narrowing of the capillaries of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses, Mezaton restores patency excretory ducts and promotes cleansing and constant drainage of the paranasal sinuses. Patients' condition immediately improves: the intensity of pain decreases, the feeling of pressure disappears, symptoms of intoxication disappear, the sense of smell and breathing through the nose are restored.

Nazol Kids nasal drops can be prescribed for sinusitis in children aged 5-6 years and older. Dosage and duration treatment course determined only by the attending physician. It must be remembered that frequent and uncontrolled use of drugs with Phenylephrine can lead to a constant vasoconstrictor effect and damage to the mucous membrane of not only the nasal cavity, but also the paranasal sinuses.

The combined drug Adrianol, containing Mezaton, is also prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis in pediatric practice. Depending on age, nasal drops are used one or two in each nostril every 4-5 hours, the course is 3-5 days. In children over 12 years of age, drugs containing Phenylephrine are prescribed for treatment infectious inflammation all paranasal sinuses.

Treatment with Phenylephrine for inflammation of allergic origin

Runny nose and sinusitis of an allergic nature are diagnosed more and more often every year. Depending on which antigen (allergen) the increased sensitivity the body (its sensitization), an allergic reaction is distinguished, occurring seasonally, constantly or episodically. The most commonly reported cases are hay fever, or a reaction to flowering plants, and persistent allergic rhinitis, which bothers patients all year round.

Inflammation of allergic origin, as well as infectious, occurs with dilation of capillaries and swelling of the nasal mucosa or paranasal sinuses. The secretion of epithelial cells is also abundantly formed, which is serous-mucosal in nature, in contrast to purulent in bacterial inflammation. Therefore, vasoconstrictor agents are necessary in the treatment allergic rhinitis or sinusitis.

The choice of drug is made only by a specialist, who often chooses medications containing Phenylephrine, as they have the most gentle and gentle effect on the epithelium. Nasal drops or sprays are prescribed strictly individually, since the sensitization of the body is specific for each patient, and pathological process may leak into varying degrees expressiveness.

A dosage of 1-2 drops or 1 spray into the nose, effective for hay fever, will be insufficient or, conversely, unnecessary when treating episodic or persistent allergic rhinitis.

In addition, vasoconstrictors are not the only ones - they are part of complex treatment, along with antihistamines, hormonal and other drugs. Therefore, when developing a therapeutic regimen, the doctor must also take into account the interaction of drugs from various groups, and the characteristics of each patient’s body.

Contraindications and side effects when using Phenylephrine

Products containing Mezaton should not be used if hypersensitivity to the active ingredient is known. In addition, they are contraindicated in diseases of the blood vessels and heart ( hypertension, coronary sclerosis, ischemic disease), pheochromocytoma, diabetes mellitus, some types of pathology thyroid gland.

Side effects of drugs are associated with their systemic vasoconstrictive effect and can manifest themselves in the form of arrhythmias, increased arterial or eye pressure. A burning or tingling sensation may be recorded from the mucous membranes.

Phenylephrine is an effective and strong vasoconstrictor, although it has a gentle effect on the epithelium. When prescribing it, all indications and restrictions must be taken into account.

Phenylephrine belongs to the group of selective α-adrenergic agonists, with a predominant effect on α1-adrenergic receptors.

Indications and dosage:

  • To carry out diagnostic manipulations: ensuring mydriasis during ophthalmoscopy, conducting provocative tests in cases of suspected closed-angle glaucoma, as well as in persons with a narrow profile of the anterior chamber of the eye;
  • Differentiating between superficial and deep injections eyeball;
  • Treatment of iridocyclitis, red eye syndrome, glaucomatous-cyclic crises, treatment of spasm of accommodation and true myopia in people with high visual load.

To achieve sufficient pharmacological effect A single use of the drug is sufficient. Ophthalmoscopy: one-time instillation of 2.5% Phenylephrine solution locally (into the conjunctival sac); instillation may be repeated after 60 minutes in case of insufficient drug-induced mydriasis. Carrying out diagnostic procedures: to conduct a provocative test, a single instillation of one drop of 2.5% solution. If there is a difference intraocular pressure from three to five mm Hg. Art. the provocative test is positive. In the case of differentiation of superficial and deep injection of the eyeball, 1 drop is instilled once and the results are assessed after five minutes. When the conjunctival vessels are narrowed, the injection is considered superficial; if hyperemia persists, this is a sign of dilatation of deep-lying vessels. Treatment of iridocyclitis (2.5%, 10% solution) and glaucomo-cyclic crisis (10% solution): instillation of one drop of Phenylephrine with an interval of 8 hours, course of treatment for up to 10 days, depending on the severity of the disorders. For mild myopia and spasm of accommodation during periods of high visual stress, Phenylephrine 2.5% is prescribed, one drop before bedtime. As myopia progresses, take 1 drop of Phenylephrine three times a day. Preoperative preparation: 10% Irifrin solution is instilled once into the conjunctival sac half an hour before surgery. After opening the eye membranes, repeated instillations are not performed.


Symptoms of overdose: anxiety, nervousness, sweating, dizziness, vomiting, increased heart rate, shallow and weak breathing. To relieve the negative effects of overdose, alpha adrenergic receptor blockers are prescribed - phentolamine 5-10 mg intravenously.

Side effects:

Local side effects: inflammation and incoming redness of the conjunctiva, keratitis, swelling and pain in the eye, burning, lacrimation after instillation, increased intraocular pressure. It is possible to develop reactive constriction of the pupil a day after instillation, which reduces the effectiveness of repeated instillations, which is more typical for older people. As a result of a significant contraction of the pupil dilator, after half an hour, particles of pigment from the cells of the pigment layer of the iris appear in the moisture of the anterior chamber of the eye. And requires differentiation from uveitis or penetration shaped elements blood.

Systemic side effects: Allergic reactions manifest themselves in the form of dermatitis. Changes in cardiovascular system - increased heart rate, rhythm disturbances, ventricular arrhythmias, increased blood pressure, acute disorder blood circulation in coronary arteries, reflex bradycardia, sudden blockage by embolus pulmonary artery. The listed cardiovascular disorders increase the risk of developing myocardial infarction in elderly patients.


  • Individual hypersensitivity to the drug or drug components.
  • Narrow-angle or closed-angle glaucoma.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system with cardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, aortic aneurysm.
  • Additional mydriasis during operations with a violation of the integrity of the tissues of the eyeball or a decrease in overall tear production.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1.
  • Disease of the thyroid gland with overproduction of hormones.
  • Lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
  • Hepatic porphyria.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Childhood.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol:

Atropine enhances the mydriatic effect of phenylephrine with a parallel development of an increase in heart rate. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants while using Phenylephrine increase the risk of developing uncontrolled arterial hypertension. Appearance this effect, can be avoided by not prescribing Phenylephrine for 3 weeks after discontinuation of MAO inhibitors. The vasopressor effects of phenylephrine are enhanced by propranolol, reserpine, guanethidine, m-anticholinergic agents and methyldopa. Beta-blockers, when combined with Phenylephrine, weaken their hypotensive effect, which is dangerous for the development hypertensive crisis. Phenylephrine enhances the inhibitory effect on the cardiovascular system during inhalation anesthesia. Local anesthetics increase the duration of mydriasis.

Composition and properties:


Phenylephrine hydrochloride.

In 1 ml - phenylephrine hydrochloride 25 mg

Excipients: sodium citrate dihydrate, disodium edetate, citric acid, hypromellose, sodium metabisulfite, water for injection.

In 1 ml - phenylephrine hydrochloride 100 mg

Excipients: sodium hydroxide, sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium citrate dihydrate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate anhydrous, disodium edetate, sodium metabisulfite, citric acid, benzalkonium chloride, water for injection.

Release form:

Eye drops without preservative.

  • Eye drops 2.5% 5 ml – plastic dropper bottles. 1 fl. in a cardboard pack.
  • Eye drops 2.5% - 0.4 ml in disposable dropper tubes. 5 tubes in a laminated paper bag. 3 packets per cardboard pack.
  • Eye drops 10% 5 ml – fl. dark glass complete with a dropper - 1 bottle in a cardboard box.

Pharmacological action:

The description of the drug "Phenylephrine" on this page is a simplified and expanded version official instructions by application. Before purchasing and using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.

Phenylephrine is a vasoconstrictor that is widely used in ophthalmology to dilate the pupil for diagnostic examination And surgical operations. The drug is widely used for the treatment of ENT diseases, vascular insufficiency, eliminating the consequences of toxic and traumatic shock and local anesthesia.

The composition of the medicinal product includes active substance Phenylephrine hydrochloride. Manufacturers offer several forms of release medicinal product: nasal drops; eye drops; injection solution.

The drug is a white crystalline substance that does not have a specific odor, which quickly dissolves in water and alcohol solution.

Eye drops contain auxiliary components: benzalkonium chloride, hypromellose, sodium hydroxide, hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium metabisulfite, hydrochloric acid, sodium metabisulfite, sodium edetate, water for injection.

Drops are released in the form of a clear or light yellow solution, packaged in bottles with dispenser. The drug is not produced in tablet form.

The shelf life of the medicine is two years. Opened packaging should be used within 30 days. To avoid using used medicine, the date the bottle was opened should be marked on the packaging.

The active substance stimulates the activity of adrenergic receptors, increases blood pressure, stimulates the activity of the brain and spinal cord. As a result of the action of the drug, a narrowing occurs blood vessels lungs and increased pressure in the pulmonary artery, which reduces redness and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, facilitates breathing, reduces the manifestation of allergies, and reduces pressure in the middle ear and paranasal sinuses.

Active ingredient have a vasoconstrictor effect conjunctival vessels contribute to pupil dilation and cause outflow of intraocular fluid.

After instillation, the shape of the pupil changes and accommodation is blocked. This allows the ophthalmologist to determine the cause of the disease and make an accurate diagnosis.

After using the drug quickly penetrates the cornea of ​​the eye. Therapeutic effect observed 5-10 minutes after instillation. Maximum activity occurs after 10-30 minutes and lasts for 6 hours. As a rule, this time is enough. To execute necessary procedures. After the expiration of the period, the shape of the pupil returns to its normal state.

The use of Phenylephrine in the form of nasal drops is indicated for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • acute rhinitis with respiratory viral infections and flu;
  • allergic diseases;
  • hay fever;
  • low blood pressure;
  • toxic and traumatic shock;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • the need to dilate the pupil for diagnostic measures;
  • performing a test if angle-closure glaucoma is suspected;
  • red eye syndrome;
  • glaucomocyclic crisis;
  • surgical operations on the fundus.

Methods and instructions for use

Phenylephrine eye drops are used as a means to dilate the pupil when preparing patients for surgery. The dosage of the drug depends on the age and condition of the patient.

In the absence of special instructions, adult patients and children over 12 years of age are prescribed instillation of a 10% solution of the drug.

Children under six years old use a 2.5 percent solution eye drops.

Burial is carried out daily in the evening one drop. The duration of use of the drug is determined by the attending physician. To achieve lasting positive result drops are used for 10-14 days.

When treating myopia, the drug is used one drop at a time, but the duration of treatment must be agreed with the doctor.

For the medicine, one drop is instilled into each conjunctival cavity 2-3 times a day. The concentration of the drug is determined by the attending physician.

When conducting tests for angle-closure glaucoma and diagnostic procedures, a solution of 2.5% concentration is used.

To prepare patients for surgery or laser operations the drug solution is used one hour before the start surgical intervention into the conjunctival cavity.

To reduce the risk of possible complications after instillation, lightly press on the inner corner of the eye. This will prevent the drug from entering the nasal cavity.

The medicine can be used in the form of intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenous injections. The amount of solution used must be calculated individually by a specialist.

Phenylephrine eye drops instructions for use prohibits the use of the medicine during pregnancy, since the active substance is able to penetrate into systemic blood flow and can provide negative impact on embryonic development fetus

During lactation the drug is used with extreme caution. To avoid getting the active ingredient into breast milk, breastfeeding is stopped during the period of use of the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of Phenylephrine eye drops is prohibited for the treatment of patients who have the following diseases and pathological conditions:

The use of phenylephrine hydrochloride solution requires special caution in old age due to probable risk development of vascular spasms, bradycardia, arrhythmia, hypovolemia, hypercapnia and myocardial infarction. The use of eye drops may be accompanied by development allergic reaction , slight burning sensation, pain and photophobia, increased lacrimation.

Some patients experience increased intraocular pressure and decreased visual acuity. In rare cases, keratitis, pigmentation disorders, and redness of the conjunctiva may develop. Side effects of the medicine may be accompanied by redness or paleness of the skin, dry mouth, headaches, impairment heart rate, dermatitis.

In more severe cases it occurs development of myocardial infarction, changes in blood pressure, disruption of the central nervous system, muscle weakness, difficulty urinating, decreased intestinal motility and stool disorders.

If the drug is accidentally ingested, symptoms of overdose may appear. In this case, the patient should lavage the stomach, induce vomiting and use an adsorbent.

Similar medicines

If the use of the drug for any reason is impossible, it should be replaced medicine, which has a similar effect.

Phenylephrine analogs that have similar effects therapeutic effect, are eye drops Mezaton, Vizofrin, Neosynephrine-POS, Relief, Nazol.

A synonym for the drug containing the same active substance is Irifrin eye drops. These eye drops come in individual droppers and do not contain preservatives.

You can buy Phenylephrine eye drops in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.