Ready-made menu for men for 1800 kcal. Gentle diet for weight loss - losing weight without harm to health

Looking for a ready-made 1500 calorie diet menu? Do you want to understand whether a diet with this amount of calories can be tasty?

You will find all this here, Kostya Shirokaya!

We will help you lose weight simply and easily, and most importantly - with a smile and without giving up all foods in the world. The main thing is your well-being and a wide smile.

Is this a lot for a woman to lose weight?

It depends on what 🙂 With a diet of 1500 kcal, a woman (or man) can lose weight or gain weight: it all depends on you and your parameters! Diet in itself does not mean that daily norm calories should fall down!

Stop starving and eat only carrots, it’s better to calculate the number of kcal on the diet that you need:!

It is important to understand and remember: any diet with a calorie deficit ( even if its inventors don’t mention calories at all) works.

PP menu for 1500 kcal

So, it is important that when you diet, your diet proper nutrition and the menu was varied and really tasty: choking on dry breast or buckwheat is not our thing!

Here's ours sample menu food per day for 1500 kcal:


Oatmeal with nectarine and banana

KBJU per serving: 323.8 kcal/10.79 g. protein/5.16 g. fat/58.55 gr. carbohydrates


  • 80 gr. large oatmeal;
  • ≈ 160 ml. boiling water;
  • 60 gr. peach (1 medium sized peach;)
  • 50 gr. banana (half a medium banana).


We prepare oatmeal very simply - either we cook it the old fashioned way, or we act like real lazy cunning people: pour the flakes into a deep bowl, pour boiling water on top. Cover with a lid and let stand for at least a couple of minutes. While the oatmeal is cooking, wash and chop the fruit. Although you don’t have to cut it, but eat it as a bite.

Please note: the cooking time depends on the type of oatmeal!

There are several types of oatmeal:

  1. Oatmeal instant cooking . Prepares from 1 to 5 minutes. This is oat grain that has been flattened and steamed into fine flakes. Manufacturers indicate this on the packaging: instant oat flakes.
  2. Oat flakes Hercules. Prepare from 5 to 15 minutes. They are thicker and denser.
  3. Crushed oats. You will need to cook this oatmeal for 20 to 30 minutes. This is a whole grain that has not been processed or crushed in any way, only cut into pieces (in half or into 4 parts).
  4. Oatmeal . For the strong-willed :) This is whole grain, not crushed, not cut, not processed - just grain. It will take about an hour to cook porridge from whole oats.

Grain or flakes?

Oatmeal is also healthy and nutritious, but during the steaming process some of the properties inherent in whole grains are lost. In a healthy diet good nutrition It is recommended to cook porridge from grains. It is clear that they take more time to cook, but you can buy crushed oatmeal. However, if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then it is better to turn your attention to flakes. And they cook faster!

If you choose cereals, the healthiest ones will be coarse oat flakes (No. 1).

How to choose the right porridge?

  • If the packaging is transparent, look at the color of the cereal - it should be white with a slight creamy tint.
  • The product should contain nothing but oatmeal - no sweeteners or flavoring additives.
  • The packaging must be sealed and without damage, as any moisture will immediately spoil the product.
  • The production time for porridge should not exceed 5 months.

Why did we choose peach And banana? Because they are very sweet and filling, and also quite affordable. Of course, any additives can be: nuts, dried fruits, honey, maple syrup, jam, berries, but please note that here KBJU is calculated specifically for these ingredients!

pp snack

Chicken breasts with cauliflower

KBJU portions: 318.51 kcal/32.4 g. protein / 15.39 gr. fat / 12.6 gr. carbohydrates


  • ≈ 130 gr. fillet chicken breast;
  • 1/2 head onions(possible without it);
  • 200 gr. cauliflower;
  • 15 ml. sunflower oil;
  • 5 grams of breadcrumbs;
  • two pinches of curry;
  • salt and red pepper to taste.


Wash and dry the meat, peel the onions and finely chop. The breasts need to be cut in half, lightly salted, sprinkled with curry and fried on sunflower oil. Towards the end, add finely chopped onion directly to the meat. When the onion becomes translucent or even slightly fried, and the chicken completely changes color from pink to whitish, then empty the pan into any suitable sized container with a lid. Let your roast rest. Don't wash the pan yet.

Start making the side dish: boil cauliflower in boiling salted water. Let it bubble for no more than two minutes if it is fresh and no more than five if it was frozen. Remove the cooked cabbage, dry it a little on a paper towel, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry in the same pan where you cooked the chicken and onions. Then combine the side dish and the roast. Serve and eat hot.


Rice with chicken tomato sauce

KBJU servings: 349 kcal/37 g. protein/5 gr. fat/39 g carbohydrates



Cut the fillet into bite-sized pieces, that is, approximately 1.5 by 1.5 cm. Place the meat in a fireproof dish, dump half a can of tomatoes on it and, tightly closing the lid or wrapping it in foil, place in a hot (220 degrees) oven for 20-30 minutes.

What does 20-30 mean: when the first 20 minutes are up, you will need to take out a container with chicken and tomatoes, remove the lid, stir, add salt and pepper (at this stage you can add garlic, onion and bay leaf) and return to the oven for another 10 minutes. Then everything is simple: put rice on a plate, chicken and sauce on top and add some greens if you like.

It is better to take bread that is quite dense. Then everything is super simple: apply peanut butter(you can make it yourself, but if you really don’t want to bother, buy it), cut the banana into the shape of a toy geometric figure, which you feel sympathy for and put on top. You can also sprinkle with flax seeds, but you don’t have to sprinkle at all.

Advice from Kostya Shirokaya: You can completely reduce the calorie content of this wonderful sandwich by simply replacing the bread with crispbread. It will turn out just as tasty, but “lighter”, only the energy value will have to be recalculated.


Cod with tomatoes

KBJU servings: 275.8 kcal/31 g. protein/1.3 g. fat/4.2 gr. carbohydrates


  • 200 gr. cod;
  • 30 gr. lemon;
  • 70 gr. tomatoes;
  • 10 gr. parsley

In a bag for frying in the oven, place a piece of cod, a tablespoon of chopped parsley, four tomatoes (or one chopped large one) and the juice of a quarter of a lemon. Seal the bag tightly, add salt and pepper to the contents, and place in the oven for fifteen minutes, preheated to 180 degrees.

According to statistics, ordinary person consumes from 2200 to 2800 kcal per day. American nutritionists have found that reducing this level to 1800 kilocalories will avoid problems with endocrine system and normalize body weight. It is necessary to exclude animal fats, fast carbohydrates, carbonated water, fatty and fried foods from the diet - all this negatively affects work internal organs, resulting in the development of obesity of varying degrees.

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    The essence of the diet and its duration

    Necessary daily norm kilocalories depend on age, weight, activity and gender and are spent on metabolic processes, digesting food and providing the body with the necessary energy. For women, the average daily intake ranges from 1600-1800 kcal, and for men - 1800-2000 kcal.

    You can follow the diet until your weight is completely normalized, and then use the average daily calorie intake. During this time, you can understand the principles of proper nutrition, metabolic processes in the body, forming your own individual regimen, which allows you to first reduce weight and then maintain it at the desired level.

    During the first week of eating, you can get rid of 2-5 kg. During this period, it leaves the body excess liquid, the digestion process improves, and the person gets used to using the right products 5-6 times a day. The number of kilograms lost in 7 days depends on the initial body weight and activity during this period.

    In a month of following a nutrition plan of 1800 kcal, you can lose 5-15 kg. Exception fast carbohydrates, limitation vegetable fats, junk food, semi-finished products, baked goods, increasing the amount of fiber allows you to cleanse the intestines, improve digestion and relieve the body of stress, and a person from breakdowns and feelings of constant hunger.

    Permitted and prohibited products

    The process of losing weight, especially if the first stage of obesity has begun, is difficult. To lose weight, your diet should contain certain products. All dishes that contain an incorrect ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are prohibited from consumption. Permitted products include:

    • turkey or chicken meat;
    • fish and seafood;
    • eggs;
    • skim milk and fermented milk products no additives;
    • cottage cheese;
    • vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots);
    • fruits other than bananas and grapes;
    • olive oil.
    • alcohol;
    • sugar, sweets, chocolate;
    • baked goods and flour;
    • pickles and smoked meats;
    • sausages and semi-finished products;
    • fast food;
    • sweet soda and energy drinks.

    Among the permitted products for making sweet cakes or cookies, you can use cottage cheese, cinnamon, fruits and berries. Delicious baked goods are made with the addition of oatmeal or buckwheat flour and bran.

    Yeast bread is considered a product that also needs to be excluded from the diet, as it belongs to flour products. In the process of following a diet, you can cook from simple and available products. In the autumn-spring season, use cabbage, carrots, beets, broccoli, frozen bell pepper, onion. In summer and early autumn, you can add cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh peas, and herbs to the prepared menu for 1800 kcal per day.

    Sample menu for the first 2 days of the diet

    In the first month, it is important to carefully count the calorie content of the foods you eat. This can be achieved by weighing and measuring portions, as well as adhering to an already compiled sample menu for 2 days:

    1st day 2nd day
    Name of the dish Weight g/ml Number of calories, kcal Name of the dish Weight g/m Number of calories, kcal


    • Chickpea-oat pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese and spinach
    • Nuts or seeds
    • Buckwheat;
    • Rice porridge

    First snack

    • Green apple;
    • Soft cottage cheese 4%;
    • Fresh berries or fruits

    1 piece 200 g 200 g

    • Rice with vegetables;
    • Green apple;
    • A cup of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk

    250 g2 pcs250 ml


    • Burlatsky ear;
    • Chicken breast azu

    Second snack

    • Panna Cotta;
    • Cottage cheese 4%;
    • Tea with milk;

    170 g200 g1 cup

    • Buckwheat;
    • Juice from apples and peaches;
    • Fruits

    100 g 1 glass 150 g


    • Vegetable soup without potatoes;
    • Celery salad with chicken liver
    • Chicken with rice;
    • Beetroot in sour cream

    The size of the portions depends on the number of calories in 100 grams of the dish. On average, the amount of one meal does not exceed 500 grams. In the first week of nutrition, it is possible to reduce the calorie level to 2000 calories, then you need to gradually reduce it to 1800.


    There are many delicious dishes, which can be cooked during such a diet.

    Chickpea-oat pancakes with cottage cheese and spinach

    Ingredients for the dough:

    • 200 g chickpea and oat flour in equal proportions;
    • 150 ml low-fat kefir;
    • 200 ml low-fat milk;
    • egg;
    • a pinch of salt.

    Filling ingredients:

    • 400 g cottage cheese;
    • 80 g spinach;
    • 80 g hard cheese;
    • a pinch of salt, coriander and pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Mix both types of flour and salt. Add all the liquid ingredients for the dough and the egg, mix thoroughly.
    2. 2. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 2 hours, and then fry the pancakes in a non-stick frying pan on both sides.
    3. 3. Mix spinach, salt and grated cheese in a blender, beat until pureed.
    4. 4. Combine the mixture with cottage cheese.
    5. 5. Stuff the pancakes: place 1 tbsp in the center. l curd mass and fold into a triangle.

    Chicken liver soufflé


    • 250 g liver;
    • egg;
    • 50 ml skim milk;
    • 75 g onion;
    • 75 g carrots;
    • 3-5 tbsp. l bran;
    • a pinch of salt and pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Pass the liver, onions and carrots through a meat grinder.
    2. 2. Separately, beat the eggs with pepper and salt, mix them with the main ingredients.
    3. 3. Add milk and bran. There should be a mass like pancakes.
    4. 4. Place the mixture in rectangular shape for baking and place in the oven. Cook at 180 degrees for 45 minutes.

    Chicken breast azu


    • 400 g chicken fillet;
    • 200 g bell pepper;
    • 300 g tomatoes;
    • 200 g cucumbers;
    • 10 g garlic;
    • 100 g onion;
    • 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
    • salt and pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes.
    2. 2. Wash the tomatoes and pour boiling water over them for 2-3 minutes. Remove the skin from them and cut the pulp into cubes.
    3. 3. Cut cucumbers, onions and bell peppers into small slices.
    4. 4. Mix all the ingredients, pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and quickly fry everything.
    5. 5. Add 200 ml of water and simmer under the lid for half an hour. Serve with low-fat sour cream and herbs.

    Panna cotta


    • 500 g strawberries;
    • 200 ml skim milk;
    • 400 g Greek yogurt;
    • 40 g gelatin;
    • vanillin;
    • sweetener - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Mix half the gelatin in 200 ml of water. Add the remaining product to the milk.
    2. 2. Grind strawberries and sweetener in a blender.
    3. 3. Separately mix yogurt with sweetener.
    4. 4. After the gelatin swells, heat it over the fire until completely dissolved.
    5. 5. Pour the water mixture into the strawberries, and the milk mixture into the yogurt.
    6. 6. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into the mold in layers.
    7. 7. The first layer needs to be poured and placed in the refrigerator, then you can add the second one.
    8. 8. Leave the dessert in the refrigerator for 2 hours until completely frozen. Dessert is ready.

    1800 kcal menu for gaining muscle mass

    This diet is also suitable for a set muscle mass. To do this, you need to eat at least 5-6 times a day and not fast for more than 3 hours. Restructuring the body to new level nutrition is 3-4 weeks. At first, you need to keep a food diary, set an alarm and weigh your meals, but over time this will no longer be necessary.

    Additional physical activity increases appetite and absorption of nutrients. nutrients. You can work out at home or in the gym, but it’s better to prepare food immediately for the day, so as not to add the necessary calories at the last moment harmful products. It is better to create a menu for several days at once, and also write down a recipe for each dish. The cooking process will be easier and will take a minimum of time and effort.

    The first results can be expected after the first week of following the diet. During this period, the body will decrease in volume and weight will decrease by 5-7%.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with perestroika hormonal levels and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls they call it “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make these sizes.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

It is enough for a modern person to consume no more than 2000 kcal per day in order not to gain weight and not experience health problems. Unfortunately, the food industry is an easy network to fall into. For those who want to consolidate their weight loss results and get rid of 1 kg per week, we offer a healthy nutrition menu for 1800 kcal.

Principles of building the right menu

The diet for smooth weight loss or to maintain the results achieved from strict diets is based on several principles. Using them in creating a menu for every day, a person does not feel hungry and is filled with energy from morning to evening.

As little fast carbohydrates and sugar as possible in general. For example, a morning cup of coffee with a small muffin is a habit that you need to get rid of. Because such a breakfast is already 1200 kcal, which will be burned without waiting for lunch. A short-term burst of vigor will replace fatigue and hunger. Coffee must be replaced with tea - green, African red or white. Cupcake – whole grain cracker without added sugar.
Minimum 5 meals a day. Snacks between main meals are good if they consist of fruits, low-fat yoghurts, freshly squeezed juices, dried fruits and nuts.
To quench thirst - water. Neither sweet soda, nor diet cola and other drinks. Only water. Nutritionists recommend placing a liter bottle of water within reach and putting a bright sticker on it. As soon as your eye catches on the sticker, take a few sips.
Reduce the amount of fat consumed per day to 15 grams. This is possible if you read labels and calories. And eat food steamed, stewed, baked in the oven. One day you can treat yourself to grilled fish.
At least 7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
Remember about protein - necessary substance For full life. Protein can be obtained from plant or animal sources. Every day he must be present in the morning and at dinner. The morning portion will keep you feeling full for a long time, and the evening portion will prevent you from going to the refrigerator at night.

Menu types for 1800 kcal

Developed dietary programs, designed for 1800 kcal per day, can solve some health problems. For example, a diet that was designed to help solve problems with sugar levels, normalize blood pressure, and prevent problems is very popular. cardiovascular system. This diet is called DASH, developed by National Institute on the study of the heart, lungs and blood. Basic recommendations from nutritionists:
Reduce salt intake to 1 teaspoon per day.
The largest number of servings per day - up to 8 - belongs to whole grain products. They are followed by at least 5 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of dairy products with reduced content fat Then – 2 servings of lean meat and fats. You can treat yourself to sweets, nuts or legumes 5 times a week.
Three main meals and three snacks are allowed.

A diet was also popular, the purpose of which was to reduce blood cholesterol levels in women. Important point– diets were developed specifically for women. The daily calorie intake for men differs significantly. Ideas for a diet to get rid of “bad” cholesterol appealed to many women from 26 to 40 years old, whose daily physical activity is limited to a walk to the office. This:
Reduce your daily fat intake to 12 grams.
Consuming 30 grams of plant-based instant fiber, which can be obtained from strawberries, plums and pears.
The amount of fast carbohydrates is no more than five servings per week. A day - three meals and two snacks.

The third most popular weight loss program with a daily 1,800 kilocalories is from Weight Watchers, an organization that encourages everyone to watch their weight. The diet is suitable for all women leading sedentary lifestyle life. Basic principles:
For the first two weeks, it is advisable to reduce the number of kilocalories to 1600. This gives an impetus, and the weight begins to decrease per week to 4.5 kg.
Healthy foods per day - 4 servings of vegetables and grains, three servings of fruits, nuts, lean meat.
Sweets – one serving (75 kcal) per week.
Finding groceries and making your list for the week is easy. If the goal is clearly set and there is willpower to achieve it.

Examples of a 1800 kcal diet

An example of a diet for one day will give you an idea of ​​what meals should be. Used in many diets American system weight calculation - cup. One cup is 237 ml for liquid products or 16 tablespoons for bulk products. It should also be remembered that an additional process that promotes weight loss will be an increase in physical activity. For example, after your first breakfast, you can walk with a bag for 30 minutes before going to work. Morning is the most useful time for sports. If you can’t do it in the morning, then walk in the evening. But increase the time to one hour.

By consuming 1800 kcal daily, you can achieve the ideal balance between energy value food and energy consumption. If the ratio of various organic and inorganic compounds in consumed products corresponds to the needs of the body, and harmful components are excluded, a person can maintain health, activity and ideal body contours for many years. In men and women, such a daily norm can help gradually eliminate fat deposits without causing an obsessive feeling of hunger.

How does a 1800 kcal diet affect the body?

Many adult women and men who lead moderate active image life, consume approximately 1800 kcal per day. By consuming daily foods with a total energy value equal to energy expenditure, a person eliminates the possibility of accumulation of fatty tissue and deformation of body contours.

If your body weight is above normal and you are already overweight, a meal of 1800 kcal will make the difference between energy intake and energy expenditure. Every day, a certain amount of energy will come not from food, but from its own reserves in the tissues. Therefore, weight will decrease, gradually and without provoking negative stress reactions of the body.

The problem of excess weight is often faced by office workers, people who are primarily occupied mental species activities. They do not have time for active sports, so this diet will be ideal for them.

People who have dramatically lost weight may think that 1800 kcal per day is a lot. In fact, this calorie content of food with a balanced nutrient content is optimal for normalizing well-being and improving the functioning of physiological systems. Once you get used to this diet, you can stick to it as long as you like without returning to the problem of excess weight.

What should the diet be like?

In a daily diet of 1800 kcal per day, not only calorie content is important, but also correct distribution servings during the day, the ratio of BJU and inorganic food components. These conditions must be observed especially carefully if the goal of the diet is to lose weight.

  1. The body absorbs food better and is less overloaded if you eat smaller meals, optimally 5-6 meals a day.
  2. You need to increase the amount of protein while limiting fats and easily digestible carbohydrates, responsible for the increase in subcutaneous fat.
  3. You should not overuse salt.
  4. To fully provide the body with water and suppress hunger, you need to drink more than 2 liters of liquid per day, but sweet, carbonated and alcoholic drinks must be excluded completely.
  5. It is undesirable to consume high-calorie sweets and baked goods.
  6. Fast food, processed foods and any sausages should be eliminated from the diet.

Menu for 1800 kcal

To prepare meals within the 1800 calorie per day menu, all major food groups are used: from meat to fruit. Their skillful combination with culinary skills can bring unforgettable pleasure and maximum benefit from tasty and healthy nutrition. An example of a well-designed menu is the Balance diet:


  • Rational granola with strawberry yogurt. Frittata in Tuscan style. (B38 Zh32 U56, 666 kcal).
  • Pasta Bolognese (B34 Zh16 U28, 420 kcal).
  • Mix of baked vegetables with chicken in ginger-teriyaki sauce (B31 Zh5.5 U16, 240 kcal).


  • Diet brownie. Scramble with green beans (B52 Zh21 U28, 514 kcal).
  • Spaghetti with “Frutti di mare” sauce (B43 Zh7 U41, 396 kcal).
  • Vegetable and turkey casserole egg whites(B55 Zh3 U4, 312 kcal).


  • Rice porridge with coconut milk. Curd casserole with poppy seeds and honey. (B58 Zh24 U66, 718 kcal).
  • Italian salad “Caprese” (B20 ZH19 U3, 239 kcal).
  • Stew “La Mexico” with beef (B24 Zh7 U12, 242 kcal).


  • Chocolate Fit cupcake. Egg scramble mix with tomatoes (B32 Zh38 U57, 698 kcal).
  • Turkey fillet in BBQ style (B43 Zh3 U4, 212 kcal).
  • Pan-Asian style “Paprizio” casserole with beef (B33 Zh13 U10, 297 kcal).


  • Multigrain porridge with raisins. Omelet "Spinachi". (B31 Zh31 U67, 670 kcal).
  • Cream soup “Papa al Pomodoro” with whole grain croutons (B5 Zh5 U21, 151 kcal).
  • Diet dumplings with turkey (B23 Zh7 U10, 200 kcal).


  • Oatmeal with coconut milk (B12 Zh11 U45, 385 kcal).
  • Caesar salad with grilled chicken (B25 Zh12 U8, 238 kcal).
  • Bits of beef and juicy vegetables (B34 Zh13 U13, 346 kcal).


  • Apple PP charlotte. Steamed Versailles omelette with light mozzarella cheese and herbs.
  • (B37 Zh34 U39, 613 kcal).
  • Pumpkin cream soup with coconut milk (B5 Zh5 U22, 156 kcal).
  • Fitness stew with vegetables, rice and turkey (B29 Zh4 U27, 267 kcal).

The 1800 kcal diet is ideal for those who are happy with their figure and those who have overweight or recently got rid of it.

Having organized such a diet, you can stick to it constantly and not worry about the threat of repeated weight gain or, conversely, about the lack of energy for the body’s vital functions.

Or you can order the Balance diet from experienced specialists who will take care of all the calculations and cooking.

Looking for a ready-made 1500 calorie diet menu? Do you want to understand whether a diet with this amount of calories can be tasty?

You will find all this here, Kostya Shirokaya!

We will help you lose weight simply and easily, and most importantly - with a smile and without giving up all foods in the world. The main thing is your well-being and a wide smile.

Is this a lot for a woman to lose weight?

It depends on what 🙂 With a diet of 1500 kcal, a woman (or man) can lose weight or gain weight: it all depends on you and your parameters! Diet itself does not mean that your daily calorie intake should fall down!

Stop starving and eat only carrots, it’s better to calculate the number of kcal on the diet that you need:!

It is important to understand and remember: any diet with a calorie deficit ( even if its inventors don’t mention calories at all) works.

PP menu for 1500 kcal

So, it is important that when you are on a diet, your diet and menu are varied and really tasty: choking on dry breast or buckwheat is not our thing!

Here is our approximate daily food menu for 1500 kcal:


Oatmeal with nectarine and banana

KBJU per serving: 323.8 kcal/10.79 g. protein/5.16 g. fat/58.55 gr. carbohydrates


  • 80 gr. large oat flakes;
  • ≈ 160 ml. boiling water;
  • 60 gr. peach (1 medium sized peach;)
  • 50 gr. banana (half a medium banana).


We prepare oatmeal very simply - either we cook it the old fashioned way, or we act like real lazy cunning people: pour the flakes into a deep bowl, pour boiling water on top. Cover with a lid and let stand for at least a couple of minutes. While the oatmeal is cooking, wash and chop the fruit. Although you don’t have to cut it, but eat it as a bite.

Please note: the cooking time depends on the type of oatmeal!

There are several types of oatmeal:

  1. Instant oatmeal. Prepares from 1 to 5 minutes. This is oat grain that has been flattened and steamed into fine flakes. Manufacturers indicate this on the packaging: instant oat flakes.
  2. Oat flakes Hercules. Prepare from 5 to 15 minutes. They are thicker and denser.
  3. Crushed oats. You will need to cook this oatmeal for 20 to 30 minutes. This is a whole grain that has not been processed or crushed in any way, only cut into pieces (in half or into 4 parts).
  4. Oatmeal. For the strong-willed :) This is whole grain, not crushed, not cut, not processed - just grain. It will take about an hour to cook porridge from whole oats.

Grain or flakes?

Oatmeal is also healthy and nutritious, but during the steaming process some of the properties inherent in whole grains are lost. In a healthy, nutritious diet, it is recommended to cook porridge from grains. It is clear that they take more time to cook, but you can buy crushed oatmeal. However, if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then it is better to turn your attention to flakes. And they cook faster!

If you choose cereals, the healthiest ones will be coarse oat flakes (No. 1).

How to choose the right porridge?

  • If the packaging is transparent, look at the color of the cereal - it should be white with a slight creamy tint.
  • The product should contain nothing but oatmeal - no sweeteners or flavoring additives.
  • The packaging must be sealed and without damage, as any moisture will immediately spoil the product.
  • The production time for porridge should not exceed 5 months.

Why did we choose peach And banana? Because they are very sweet and filling, and also quite affordable. Of course, any additives can be: nuts, dried fruits, honey, maple syrup, jam, berries, but please note that here the KBJU is calculated specifically for these ingredients!

pp snack

Chicken breasts with cauliflower

KBJU portions: 318.51 kcal/32.4 g. protein / 15.39 gr. fat / 12.6 gr. carbohydrates


  • ≈ 130 gr. chicken breast fillet;
  • 1/2 head of onion (optional without it);
  • 200 gr. cauliflower;
  • 15 ml. sunflower oil;
  • 5 grams of breadcrumbs;
  • two pinches of curry;
  • salt and red pepper to taste.


Wash and dry the meat, peel the onions and finely chop. The breasts need to be cut in half, lightly salted, sprinkled with curry and fried in sunflower oil. Towards the end, add finely chopped onion directly to the meat. When the onion becomes translucent or even slightly fried, and the chicken completely changes color from pink to whitish, then empty the pan into any suitable sized container with a lid. Let your roast rest. Don't wash the pan yet.

Start making the side dish: Boil the cauliflower in boiling salted water. Let it bubble for no more than two minutes if it is fresh and no more than five if it was frozen. Remove the cooked cabbage, dry it a little on a paper towel, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry in the same pan where you cooked the chicken and onions. Then combine the side dish and the roast. Serve and eat hot.


Rice with chicken in tomato sauce

KBJU servings: 349 kcal/37 g. protein/5 gr. fat/39 g carbohydrates


  • 120 gr. boiled white rice;
  • 110 gr. chicken fillet;
  • 100 gr. canned tomatoes in their own juice;
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste.


Cut the fillet into bite-sized pieces, that is, approximately 1.5 by 1.5 cm. Place the meat in a fireproof dish, dump half a can of tomatoes on it and, tightly closing the lid or wrapping it in foil, place in a hot (220 degrees) oven for 20-30 minutes.

What does 20-30 mean: when the first 20 minutes are up, you will need to take out the container with the chicken and tomatoes, remove the lid, stir, add salt and pepper (at this stage you can add garlic, onion and bay leaf) and return to the oven for another 10 minutes. Then everything is simple: put rice on a plate, chicken and sauce on top and add some greens if you like.

It is better to take bread that is quite dense. Then everything is super simple: spread peanut butter (you can make it yourself, but if you really don’t want to bother, buy it), cut a banana into the shape of the geometric shape you like and put it on top. You can also sprinkle with flax seeds, but you don’t have to sprinkle at all.