Characteristics of a Taurus woman by zodiac sign: a magnificent and sophisticated lady. Gift for a Taurus woman: options for interesting gifts. Taurus woman: how the stars see her

Among all the zodiac signs, the Taurus woman is the most beautiful and desirable for the opposite sex. She has strong sexual energy and attractiveness, so she is always the center of attention. Nature also generously endowed her with a host of other qualities, including: determination, wisdom, perseverance and talent. Representatives of this Zodiac are quite ambitious and they like competition, but they are not fanatical, and will not strive to stand out in society by any means.

Taurus girls are realists, they do not create illusions, and do not dream of something transcendental or inadequate. Their ideas about life are extremely clear and coincide with the opinions of most people. Taurus always follow the rules and try to avoid conflicts, so they get along well in society and easily join new groups.

“A real woman” is the characteristic of the Taurus sign. Its representative behaves with dignity and restraint, and does not speak in a harsh or rude manner. Thanks to enormous patience and iron will, it is difficult to make a girl lose her temper. But, despite tremendous endurance, an unfounded claim, criticism or a reckless joke can shake the psychological balance and cause a violent reaction. Taurus, who have been repeatedly offended, with age become vindictive, domineering, and sometimes even unbearable.

The beautiful half of humanity, born under this sign, does not strive for intellectual knowledge, but mainly gains life experience and receives the necessary information as they grow older. Such women are not prone to spontaneous actions or crazy actions. Before deciding to take any action, they will carefully think through and analyze their actions. And this concerns various fields life, be it personal relationships, work or travel.

Appearance and behavior

To look beautiful, a Taurus girl does not need to put in a lot of effort, because... She is naturally always attractive and fresh. This zodiac sign has a sense of style, skillfully combines outfits, chooses high-quality cosmetics and good perfume. When a girl walks down the street, men involuntarily stare at her radiant skin, thick, neatly styled hair and graceful movements.

Despite the fact that Taurus look “expensive,” they do not spend fabulous sums of money on themselves, but manage to fit within a limited budget. Women's only weak point is jewelry, and sometimes it is difficult for them to restrain themselves from expensive purchases. But it should be taken into account that such cases arise extremely rarely, and in any case they are deliberate, because Taurus do not like to go into debt, but would rather save on ordinary things.

In their youth, individuals of this zodiac sign have slim figure and lush breasts, but after marriage they often “relax”. Almost every Taurus girl is prone to being overweight, so in order to maintain good shape, she needs to watch her diet and exercise. However, the lady of this zodiac sign even with curvy figures she remains beautiful, and still attracts men.

Work and financial income

Taurus women love a “beautiful” life and want to be financially secure so as not to deny themselves anything. At the same time, they do not strive to get a rich man, but achieve everything themselves. Despite their sophistication and extreme femininity, representatives of this zodiac sign know how and love to work. Self-control, patience and enormous willpower help them easily climb the career ladder and achieve great success in their work.

Taurus is scrupulous about choice future profession, because In addition to material income, a girl needs to receive moral satisfaction from work. She will never do anything she doesn't like. The following professions are suitable for this Zodiac:

  • social worker;
  • psychologist;
  • pharmacist;
  • secretary.

Despite their love of luxury, Taurus women know how to manage money wisely. She is afraid of the thought of lack of finances, so she is used to saving a certain amount for a “rainy day.” Also, ladies of this zodiac often invest cash, but by no means in risky projects. They are focused on the long term, and only 2 areas can interest them - art and real estate.

Romantic relationships

A girl under the sign of Taurus knows exactly what kind of man she wants as a partner, so she usually looks for him on her own. First of all, it is important for her to have common interests, and beauty and manners fade into the background. In addition, the desire to achieve a prosperous life pushes representatives of this Zodiac to search for a promising guy who will be equally hardworking and purposeful.

Taurus cannot stand annoying suitors, and do not even consider the possibility of building relationships with them. Also, women will not pay attention to men who do not take care of their appearance, constantly complain about life, and do not have specific goals for the future. Thanks to their developed intuition, they immediately recognize unsuitable gentlemen and, without hesitation, weed them out.

The Taurus horoscope predetermines a zealous character and a possessive nature. A wise and reserved girl under this sign long time will remain silent about her suspicions and hide her feelings of mistrust, but at one moment the cup will overflow, and her chosen one will have a hard time. Over time, she will be able to forgive an unfaithful man, but will not miss the opportunity to remind her of this during a quarrel.

Taurus are passionate lovers - every guy will be happy to have such a wife. In bed they behave relaxed and are ready to experiment. These women know how to give pleasure to their man, but they demand the same in return, and if they don’t receive this, they can break off the relationship or find a lover.

Taurus girls can build the strongest relationships with representatives of the signs Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn and Virgo. There can also be a good union with a Taurus man, because... they have a lot in common, but they life together will be full of conflicts based on money and jealousy.

Family relationships

The Taurus woman believes that the head of the family should be a man, so she does not even pretend to be a leader. She respects her husband and supports him in everything. The house of a representative of this sign is cozy, clean and comfortable. She warmly welcomes guests and sets a luxurious table for them, but on the condition that the visit has been discussed in advance.

Children in the life of a Taurus girl are of particular importance. She takes care of them with pleasure, devotes all her love to them, and also devotes almost everything free time. Children see reliable protection and support in their mother. She builds trusting relationships with both daughters and sons that last throughout her life.

Taurus Zodiac wives who truly love their spouses are faithful and devoted to them. However, by nature this sign is prone to polygamy. Its representatives often have lovers, and there can be several of them at once. Such love of Taurus negatively affects their family life, and often leads to a break in relationships.

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Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their calmness, intelligence and ability to listen. All this makes them interesting interlocutors. But as soon as she encounters an objection, she immediately flares up. Small niggles turn her into a fury. The Taurus woman adequately perceives reasonable criticism. Her life priorities- children and home. This is what pleases her most.

In childhood and youth

The general horoscope for a Taurus girl sees her as a calm person. She has outstanding abilities. Helping loved ones, giving them care and love. Attention and love are important to her. This is a little housewife who will find a use for any thing. Parents need to give her the opportunity to realize her potential. The girl needs to show independence. This is how she proves her worth to others.

She likes:

  • wear feminine outfits. Dresses, skirts and the like;
  • accessories. Beads, headbands, earrings;
  • try everything to your taste. Mom's cosmetics, pie dough and so on.

For a girl, feelings play a big role. She treats things practically. She clearly expresses emotions and actively explores the world around her. Parents can observe children's spontaneity. The baby likes to be hugged and caressed. Doesn't like to be the center of attention, but can’t stand loneliness either.

In disputes, he firmly defends his position and does not like emotional fights. Values ​​tranquility, tranquility, comfort.

During childhood, the baby's distinctive features:

  • endurance;
  • practicality;
  • patience.

Since childhood, Taurus have been distinguished by their role as peacemakers. They will try to resolve the conflict. They know how to influence others and direct them in the right direction. Such children are always caring with their parents. Studying at school is given to them without much difficulty.

Characteristics of a Taurus woman

The characteristics of a Taurus girl allow you to recognize her strengths and weaknesses. Representatives of this sign have amazing femininity, softness and sensuality. Pragmatism gives the ability to see things in their true light. Doesn't have his head in the clouds, prefers well-being and stability. Therefore, he leads a measured lifestyle. They do not like shocks and changes. Decent and responsible. In difficult situations they show amazing endurance. The Taurus girl devotes a lot of time to caring for her appearance.

Characteristics of women are not always positive. Those who abuse her generosity will sooner or later face her wrath. An angry lady will not hesitate to show her feelings. Characteristics of the Zodiac sign would be incomplete without mentioning negative traits. Basically it's laziness, stubbornness and selfishness.

Among the representatives of this sign many famous people:

  • Penelope Sanchez is a famous model and actress.
  • Berenice Marlowe gained fame after her role in the film Agent 007.
  • Don't forget about Megan Fox, a popular actress and model.

Love and marriage

In love, representatives of this sign rely only on themselves. They are looking for a partner for themselves. Virgo and Capricorn are suitable for them. With him comes an excellent union, filled with mutual respect and understanding. Relationships with Cancers and Pisces have good chances. But the spouses will have to come to terms with each other's shortcomings.

Polygamy, changing partners - this is the main description of a Taurus woman in love. She may have several lovers, and she devotes time to each of them. Therefore, the family life of representatives of this sign is unstable. Loves wealthy partners. Beauty, charm and a fat wallet are the main criteria for selecting a partner. Therefore ladies love beautiful courtship: expensive bouquets, restaurants and the like.

Compatibility with Sagittarius and Aquarius is low. Such unions can easily be described with the phrase “complete opposites.” Aquarius too often has their head in the clouds, and Sagittarius has a changeable mood.

The Taurus wife runs the house well. She sees herself as a sensitive mother and homemaker. Very hospitable. Most of the time is devoted to children. Mom is always ready to help them. Trusting relationships with children are maintained throughout life. Loves to cook and take care of his family members.

A characteristic feature of a Taurus woman is jealousy. She is a owner by nature and will not give her prey to anyone. She can close her eyes for the time being, but when she learns about the betrayal, she will destroy both her lover and her partner. The Taurus woman forgives a lot, but not betrayal, cowardice and lies.

In the sexual sphere, representatives of this sign are liberated and passionate. Sex is important to them, and they know a lot about it. She quickly becomes bored with ordinary sex. She is popular with men because they love charming partners.

Attention, TODAY only!

Build harmonious family relationships This information will allow you! Practical advice from astrologers, detailed characteristics of the sign.

It will be much easier to build harmonious relationships with others and yourself if you learn more about the characteristics from the horoscope. Finding a common language with a constellation right away is not always easy, but the love of Taurus is very transformative. Representatives of the Earth element will be faithful and reliable wives in life. The detailed characteristics of the sign presented below will help you better understand the constellation.

Woman under the sign of Taurus - character description

Taurus are true leaders, accustomed to taking decisions upon themselves. difficult tasks and get your way. It is useless to argue with them, since earthly women know better than anyone what is right and what is wrong. The constellation scrupulously approaches the solution of various tasks and is not used to postponing important issues for later.
The constellation should pay attention to professions related to numbers or sales. Marketer, accountant, manager - all these positions will provide real income and allow you to realize yourself. Skill – The main description of a Taurus woman is the ability to decide complex tasks without outside help and without relying on outside help.

Peculiarities of behavior of a Taurus woman

Representatives of the Earth element are punctual and obligatory. They are used to always keeping their promises and do not like it when others talk in vain. The constellation has more than enough feminine charm and charm. Women are used to flirting with strangers and getting their way if they want. Taurus love beautiful life: expensive restaurants, elegant clothes, beauty salons - the constellation prefers to spend time in these places whenever possible.
When choosing leisure time, the main weakness of the zodiac sign is travel. Spontaneous behavior for a Taurus woman is common occurrence. If a friend offers to go on a tour, then the zodiac sign, without hesitation, will pack her suitcase and wait for the plane to take off at the airport.

What a friend she is

Earthly women are always surrounded by people and reliable friends. Being friends with a Taurus is not always easy, but it is also impossible to do without his company. Representatives of the Earth element are well educated and excellent conversationalists. It is very comfortable to talk with a Taurus about everything in the world, as they are very erudite and well-read. The Taurus woman is a reliable friend, as she is always ready to lend her shoulder at the slightest difficulty. Go to the hospital, help with work, borrow money - representatives of the earthly element are ready to do all this for the sake of friends.
Those around them are sometimes confused by the following character traits of Taurus:
  • Aristocratic. It’s a matter of honor to look your best everywhere and anywhere for a constellation.
  • Responsiveness. Starting a conversation with a stranger, taking your grandmother across the road or buying milk for a neighbor is a common thing for the constellation to offer a helping hand.
  • Diplomacy. Taurus tries not to get into a person’s soul with his advice and teachings. Listen, feel sorry - here main feature sign

Taurus woman in relationships, love and marriage

Earthly girls are true romantics, as they believe in love at first sight and fidelity for life. In practice, their ideas about relationships turn out to be false. If a constellation ties the knot early, then most often such a union turns out to be unsuccessful. It is extremely important for young people to live separately from their parents, since outside advice can only do harm. It is important to choose your companions strong man who knows how to take blows and solve problems on his own.
The Taurus woman in love and relationships must learn not to take on all the burdens of impending problems. From an overabundance of feelings, representatives of the element Earth sometimes begin to behave unreasonably. The desire to solve all problems for your man, find him a promising job or help him with business - all this is very disliked by the Taurus companion. Quite often, the fair sex becomes a hostage to the situation, since weak men who cannot cope with difficulties on their own are drawn to them like a magnet.
Important. The horoscope recommends that earthly women learn to behave easily and naturally in a couple. Care and love are what is important for men. Before joining serious relationship I need to check my other half. If Taurus chooses a strong-willed man, then family life will have a happy continuation.

Who is suitable for a Taurus woman according to the horoscope?

Having found the ideal partner according to the zodiac sign, it will be easier for Taurus to find happiness. Harmony in relationships awaits the constellation with other representatives of the Earth element. With Capricorn and Virgo, the constellation will be able to build a happy relationship, since peace and harmony will reign in the couple. It will be difficult for a woman to get along with another Taurus, since the lovers will constantly compete.
Advice. When choosing a partner, you should pay attention to Scorpio and Aries. Small conflicts will be compensated by passionate caresses in bed. It will not be possible to build a strong connection with Leo and Sagittarius.

Sexual horoscope

In sex, the zodiac sign is not used to dominance. If a man takes all the initiative in bed, then Taurus will be able to completely relax and show tenderness in return. Relaxing massage and long foreplay - all this helps to get into a playful mood. Representatives of the Earth element are not against experimenting with sex, boldly going beyond the bedroom.
The sexual horoscope speaks of the Taurus woman as a gentle and caring partner. The stars strongly do not recommend giving in to caresses without a playful mood. Experiments and role playing games, this is what the constellation will not refuse. Reasonable, reasonable Taurus can give themselves to an unfamiliar partner on the first date if they feel a strong desire and passion.

Amulets, protective gemstones

You can choose the right amulet for a woman if you select jewelry to match your date of birth.
Astrologers advise choosing the following stones:
  • Jasper and turquoise. Jewelry will bring good luck and victory even in difficult matters to those born from April 22-30
  • Carnelian and malachite. Such stones give success and prosperity in financial matters, and also help to productively bring everything started to completion. Suitable for practical and business people. Gems are especially important for Taurus women born from May 1-10
  • Emerald and diamonds. They will become wonderful talismans for undying optimists. Decorations will make it easy to remove complex problems and will bring self-confidence. It is recommended for those born between May 11-20 to purchase a protective amulet.

Color symbolizing Taurus woman

Like any other constellation, Taurus has its own main color. The horoscope warns that the color of a Taurus woman is blue. This shade allows you to maintain peace and tranquility in your soul. At bad mood Taurus will be helped by green and yellow. Such shades will give cheerfulness and inspiration.

How to understand a Taurus woman: video

People are strange creatures. Sometimes we try our best to impress them, but this does not affect the development of the relationship at all. Everyone has their own principles, tastes, worldview. Today on HoroscopeGuru we invite you to read the guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus to learn more about these girls. So read very carefully - there is a lot of information, and it is very useful.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus – the character of a Taurus girl

Girls who are born from the twentieth of April to the twentieth of May are Taurus. They are, and their patron is the planet Venus. By the way, this is the planet of love and beauty! And this is not at all strange, because Taurus are very attractive, charismatic and sensual ladies.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are incredibly charming and attractive. They are always having fun and love to have a good laugh. Taurus always present themselves very correctly, which is why there are a lot of fans and suitors around them. And these girls have quite a few friends too large number! This is natural, because being around these girls is a pleasure.

Moreover, these ladies are very friendly and polite. They can communicate with any person without causing him any inconvenience. After all, Taurus are incredibly polite and very pleasant during a conversation. They are also very understanding and loyal, so they will never blame you for any stupid mistakes or oversights.

Taurus girls are very family-oriented. Family comes first for them. Moreover, they will become real to their child close friend who will always support, advise, and encourage. Their home will always be cozy, clean and tasty. They are real housewives, and they get pleasure from it.

In addition, these are incredibly hardworking women. They never sit back, are always busy with something and are constantly moving towards their goal. It is thanks to this that Taurus often make very successful and brilliant careers. They are so dedicated to their work that they can devote all of themselves to it. Of course, this is appreciated.

These girls know a lot about taking care of themselves. They constantly monitor their appearance, always try to be on top and look their best. They also have very good , they dress very well. Usually they try to create a bright, unusual image. And they do it great! Moreover, this is noticeable not only in clothes, but also in the interior of the home of Taurus girls. Even if they work in an office, their workplace will stand out from others. They also have no equal in the perception of any art - they understand it as if they themselves had created some kind of work.

These are also very confident girls. But this is not because they are superficial or narcissistic. No. They are just healthy realists. These women always stand very firmly on their feet. Taurus always prefer a concrete tit in their hands rather than some abstract pie in the sky. And therefore they understand perfectly well what they are capable of.

In addition, Taurus are very patient and persistent ladies. They can endure for a very long time and cope with all sorts of life difficulties. And these ladies will never complain or cry into someone’s vest. But, of course, all good things come to an end. In the same way, there comes a time when these girls get tired of enduring. They explode and turn into real bodies. Then it’s better to just run, because the bullfight is starting! And there will be no mercy for anyone.

These girls also love nature very much. It's not just like that. The fact is that everyone absolutely loves forays into the forest, to the river, somewhere closer to mother. That is why they want to live somewhere outside the city, in a private house. City life rarely seduces them.

Due to their persistent character, these women perceive criticism very adequately. If you reprimand them politely enough, they will listen. And since Taurus are also practical, they will definitely use your comment to their advantage.

But despite their firmness and pragmatism, Taurus are very sentimental and romantic in love. They really need tenderness, care, and attention from another person. They want to be treated with respect, understood, and given their time. We are all human and we all want to be loved.

Sometimes this desire develops into excessive amorousness. Usually Taurus girls are polyamorous, that is, they have several partners at once, who are treated equally. These girls find it difficult to choose between several people who are equally dear and loved to them. But if the choice is made, then Taurus become very devoted and faithful companions.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus - disadvantages of a Taurus girl

Of course, these have disadvantages beautiful women also exist, like all people. They are quite talkative, and often this goes beyond all boundaries of decency. Sometimes it's hard to stop and stop talking about your life. Even if at some specific moment it doesn’t matter at all.

Also, although these girls accept adequate criticism in their address, they absolutely hate it when people make fun of them and laugh at them. This can make them so angry that the veins in their foreheads start popping out. Better not try. As we already said, the bullfight will begin. And you seem to be not a very experienced bullfighter!

In addition, sometimes for Taurus, practicality develops into commercialism. They often do something just to get basic self-interest from it. And this is not the best action that can be expected from a person.

Attention to detail is common positive trait Taurus character. But sometimes she also goes beyond all boundaries of decency. Taurus people are very keen on pictures. Accordingly, if the picture is not very attractive, they are not interested in it. This prevents representatives of the sign from understanding the real essence of things, as well as people.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus - how to attract the attention of a Taurus girl

Since Taurus women know their worth, it will be quite difficult to win their favor and generally attract at least a share of their attention. They will not spray themselves on just anyone. But there are a few tricks that will help you attract the attention of these ladies.

First, remember that shy and insecure mice will never interest Taurus. Under no circumstances should you sit on the bench. You need to take initiative, act and be active.

Secondly, do not forget about your appearance. Or rather, always remember about it, since for Taurus this is the most important thing. They pay a lot of attention to a person's image. If you don’t take care of yourself, don’t know how to dress tastefully and neatly, forget about the heart of these girls.

Thirdly, do not overdo it with intrigue. Of course everyone loves mysterious people. But Taurus are quite down-to-earth people. They want to surround themselves with understandable things. All sorts of things are just games for them. And such girls have neither the time nor the desire to play such games. It’s better not to get too carried away with talking about the eternal, don’t think about any philosophical questions. Taurus likes to talk to the point, and consider lofty conversations to be empty chatter.

You must also somehow emphasize your worth. Demonstrate to these ladies that you are an independent, wealthy person who can take care not only of yourself, but also of someone else. Buy yourself some expensive suit or watch. Taurus will pay attention to this, believe me.

In addition, remember that if these girls have already started talking about something, then under no circumstances should you interrupt them. Just listen with your mouth open and admiring every word they say. Also try not to express any indignation, agree with them in everything. If you behave rudely, they will consider it bad manners. And Taurus don’t need ill-mannered gentlemen at all. And uninteresting.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus - how to make a Taurus girl fall in love with you

Taurus's demands on their partner are very high, so you will have to put in a lot of effort. It is very difficult for such ladies to turn their heads, because they are incredibly pragmatic. Poems or some mysterious phrases will not work here. You won't be able to play games with them either. Taurus people clearly know what they need. And they will not change their views for the sake of some next ladies' man.

Let's imagine that you managed to lure a representative of this zodiac sign on a date. You must immediately tell her that you are a serious person and will not waste your time on any kind of intrigue. She will appreciate this. Also tell her about your principles, life position, and goals. Don't forget to mention your achievements - this is also incredibly important!

In addition, behave “culturedly”. Taurus people lose their minds over courteous, well-mannered men. Your good manners will be the first step towards success. Be very neat, clean and tidy. Don't be rude to other people.

You must also show that you are confident in yourself and your abilities. Taurus have a very persistent and strong character, so they cannot stomach whiners. Speak loudly enough, confidently and to the point. She must understand that if you open your mouth, you know exactly what you want to say and do not doubt your words. If you're going to make a promise, make sure you can keep it first. After all, if Taurus understands that you are an ordinary talker, then you can forget about her forever.

Try to find out more about her interests, tell us about yours. If you have some things in common, then the deal is in the bag. Talk about these hobbies with admiration to make it clear that you are truly interested in them. Your chosen one should feel that you are very similar people.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus - what kind of guys does a Taurus girl like?

Taurus women always stand very firmly on their feet, they have their own views on life. And they are looking for the same pair for themselves. They usually like stable, reliable and decent people. They also want their partner to be honest, calm and patient. In addition, Taurus greatly values ​​a person’s thriftiness and skills, so if you know how to do something with your own hands, then these ladies will definitely appreciate your skills.

In love, Taurus wants comfort, warmth, and not some extreme romantic adventures. So if you are an eccentric person, you are unlikely to interest these girls. They are looking serious men who know a lot about life. They want to be close to an ambitious person who will always, no matter what obstacles appear in his way. Material stability is very important to them.

And, of course, a Taurus man must be very neat and attractive. They are crazy about guys who take care of themselves and dress well. For them, aesthetics and taste are a very important matter.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus - how to understand that a Taurus girl likes you

Typically, representatives of this sign take matters into their own hands. Unless, of course, they really like someone. They take the initiative and try to take an active role in your life. Taurus will try to walk with you more often, turn on their crazy charm and generally do everything so that you pay attention to them. They will also sincerely laugh at even your most ridiculous and stupid jokes, and listen carefully to your every word.

You will also feel that Taurus is beginning to surround you with care, attention, and warmth. Sometimes it can even develop into obsession, but it’s such a pleasant obsession!

Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus - how to keep a Taurus girl

If you managed to win the sympathy of a girl born under the sign of Taurus, then you will most likely have a very strong union. If these ladies find theirs, they usually stay with her for the rest of their lives. But you still need to try if you don’t want to lose such a woman.

Taurus will turn a blind eye to many of your antics, as she is very patient. You will have the freedom to do as you see fit. But this does not mean that such a privilege should be used. After all, such a treasure still needs to be found! This girl will rejoice at your victories as if she were her own, she will look after you and remain faithful to you. She will do everything to make you want to come home after work.

Basically, to keep her, you need to appreciate her efforts and not test her patience. You should give her the lion's share of your attention. If you start to spread yourself thin on your other loved ones and spend too much time with them, she may become cold. Also, don’t even think about complimenting other ladies – Taurus definitely won’t tolerate this.

You should also try to maintain an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, and calm. Help her in everyday affairs, don’t force her to do something that your chosen one doesn’t like. By the way, Taurus can’t stand the spirit, so you’ll have to work and try. Also, don’t expect to be able to take the position of a freeloader.

In general, just express gratitude to her for all her efforts for you, help and support. Nothing complicated, right?

Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus - how to make a Taurus girl fall in love with you: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo


Show her what you can do. But you are capable of a lot: reliability, success, determination and strength. But try not to behave too energetically and violently - this may scare away your chosen one.


You have an excellent chance of winning this lady's heart! After all, you are alike in many ways and share the same views on life. Just show her the seriousness of your intentions.


It is unlikely that you will succeed at all. Even if you manage to first interest this lady with your originality, then problems will begin. You have very poor character compatibility. You'll have to tame your love for freedom!

Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus - Cancer

Just be yourself. You have a lot in common with a Taurus woman, so winning her heart will not be so difficult. The only thing is that you will have to give up your friends, since this lady will not share you with anyone.


This girl will definitely like you, but maintaining this relationship will be quite difficult. After all, you were originally different people: you want adventure, and she wants stability.


You have absolutely every chance of winning the heart of a Taurus girl. After all, you are an incredibly practical person, and she really appreciates it. Just praise and thank her more often.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus - how to make a Taurus girl fall in love with you: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces


Alas, your chances are very small. After all, you are completely different people, in all respects. Even yours won't conquer her. Of course you can try...


Excellent compatibility! Especially in an intimate way. It is this passion that will strengthen your relationship. But you will have to tame your jealousy.

Guide to the female zodiac sign Taurus - Sagittarius

It's unlikely that anything will work out. After all, you are a free bird, and your chosen one belongs to the elements of the Earth. You have a chance of winning her heart only if you completely change your lifestyle.


Perfect compatibility! You have a fairly similar life position, so you may find a kindred spirit in Taurus. But you will have to spoil her with all sorts of gifts!


You will enjoy the opportunity, but only if you become a more sedate and balanced person. Otherwise, there’s no way at all.


The more often you talk to Taurus about all sorts of beautiful things and trinkets, the more chances you have to win the heart of this lady.

That's how things are! As you can see, only men of strong character and purposefulness can win the heart of a Taurus girl. So if you like life, full of adventure, then this woman is definitely not for you. After all, she wants to start a family and live a long, stable life.

Compatibility horoscope: Taurus zodiac sign woman characteristic in love - the most full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Taurus woman horoscope

Taurus woman: appearance

Taurus women, as a rule, have curvy and attractive feminine figures, they have a thin waist, rounded hips, big breasts. Even if they are overweight (and this is what most often happens), this does not spoil them at all. They are always charming and fresh, their movements are smooth and graceful, their soft, calm gaze is attractive. Taurus women have a well-developed sense of smell, they do not like to smoke, and they know how to choose the most suitable perfumes and cosmetics for their individual image.

Taurus woman - behavior characteristics

It is pleasant to communicate with women of this zodiac sign, they are smart, pleasant and subtle interlocutors, grateful listeners who do not allow themselves to speak rudely and categorically about anyone, they behave calmly, without showing unnecessary emotions. But if people start objecting to them, such ladies can quickly lose peace of mind. They respond adequately to reasoned claims and comments, but, as the horoscope warns, the Taurus woman is capable of transforming into a real fury if someone allows herself to be nagged over trifles or without any reason at all.

The greatest joys in the lives of women born under this sign are home, children and their favorite work. They strive for nature with all their souls, and if in everyday life There is no possibility for this; they try to compensate for this circumstance by growing indoor plants. The lifestyle of Taurus women cannot be called active; they were born for something completely different.

Zodiac sign Taurus – woman in work and career

It would be unfair to imagine these incredibly feminine creatures as white-handed and sissies. Taurus women love and know how to work, they are ready to devote a lot of effort and time to their favorite business. Help them achieve success strong will, incredible patience and excellent self-control. Taurus women strive to be well-off financially, so they try to choose activities that would bring them good income. At the same time, they choose what they really like, otherwise they simply will not be able to force themselves to work at full capacity and achieve desired results. Taurus do not work “just like that”, serving working hours: They certainly need to feel satisfaction from the results of their activities.

Taurus woman in love

Most Taurus women are polygamous by nature and can have several partners at the same time. It is noteworthy that each of them can be equally dear to them, and they are afraid of losing each one. But, if a woman of this sign truly falls in love, the other half will have no reason to doubt her marital fidelity; she becomes a reliable and incredibly devoted friend.

Taurus woman in sex

Taurus women are famous for their femininity; tactile sensations, body contact. They do not like primitive sex - as well as any manifestations of artlessness. The ladies of this sign are very demanding in this delicate matter and can “drive” a man in bed to the point of a squeezed lemon, but at the same time, the partner will experience maximum pleasure and will not regret one bit that he got such a tireless girlfriend. The Taurus woman herself experiences no less range of sensations in bed.

Taurus woman in marriage

Many men dream of such life partners as Taurus women are in marriage. Many representatives of this zodiac sign see their life mission in arranging their family nest. The character of a Taurus woman does not allow her to marry just anyone; she makes demands on her future spouse high demands, but she herself becomes a reliable partner for him, an excellent mother of his children and a skillful, zealous housewife. Such a wife will never encroach on her husband’s self-esteem and will readily concede to him the right to be the head of the family. At the same time, she behaves with great dignity and does not allow anyone to humiliate the woman and person in her.

Zodiac Signs: Taurus Woman – Mistress of the House

For the most part, Taurus women are excellent housewives; there are few of them in the Zodiac. Their house is always literally licked clean, but that’s not all: being the owners of a delicate taste, Taurus are able to skillfully beat the most unprofitable layout, create a beautiful and cozy interior, being limited by very modest financial resources. Their home always smells nice and there will most likely be a lot of flowers in it. These women are thrifty, do not allow themselves to waste money and manage to turn the house into a full cup, making sure that their loved ones do not need anything. They are always happy to receive dear guests, who will certainly be treated generously and tasty - but only if they came at their invitation.

Characteristics of a Taurus woman - mother

The importance of motherhood for Taurus women is difficult to overestimate. It is to children that such a mother tends to devote all her free time. Children can always count on her help - business, advice, moral support. The closeness of the relationship between mothers and children continues when they grow up. At the same time, the Taurus woman can be very, very demanding and even turn into a loving tyrant. However, what cannot be taken away from her is that she will show children by personal example what love and selfless devotion to family is.

Who is suitable for a Taurus woman according to the horoscope to start a family?

If the woman is Taurus, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such zodiac signs as Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn.

What to give a Taurus woman

A gift to a Taurus woman can be of a purely practical nature - she will not perceive a microwave oven or an electric meat grinder presented to her as a hint of discrimination. But we should not forget that she is a representative of the fair sex, the very embodiment of femininity, fertility, and the power of the earth. She will definitely like a beautiful piece of jewelry, the main thing is that it is not cheap and looks solid. Products made of gold or high-quality silver with natural stones are an excellent gift for a Taurus woman, but in this case it’s better not to even think about jewelry. A win-win option is any beautiful objects that have aesthetic value that decorate your home or workplace; for example, beautiful dishes, cute flower pots. People of the Taurus zodiac sign are very sensual, and if a gift is pleasant to the touch or emits a subtle aroma, then it will delight you doubly. It’s hard to make a mistake when giving a Taurus woman an original sweet gift, for example, a chocolate bouquet - she will certainly appreciate such an offering.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Taurus Woman

The Taurus woman is generously gifted by nature - she is very capable, talented and purposeful. This is one of the most beautiful women among all the signs of the Zodiac. It is distinguished by its powerful sexual energy and the desire to be the center of attention. Quite deservedly, she has always been the subject of male dreams.

She has perseverance, wisdom, and she persistently pursues her goals. Approaches any life situation consistently and thoughtfully. She is not the kind of person who strives to stand out by any means; she is impressed by competition and healthy ambition, but not fanaticism. Her ideas about life are clear and correspond to the generally accepted rules of life for most people.

In life, the Taurus woman is a realist who does not create illusions. Her dreams are quite adequate and achievable. She does not tend to get carried away with intellectual knowledge; she prefers to receive information and experience as she goes through life. There are very rare moments when a Taurus woman loses her composure, commits madness and acts spontaneously. She is naturally wise. She has a natural curiosity, and everything that interests her will be carefully studied, analyzed and put into practice.

Character of a Taurus woman

Taurus woman, whose characteristics can be put in the words “ real woman", has a lively mind, is an attentive and pleasant interlocutor. She is calm, reserved and behaves with great dignity, never making harsh or rude statements towards anyone and never allowing it to be done to herself. This sign combines external beauty with iron will, strength and patience.

Thanks to her great self-control, such a woman rarely loses her temper, but she does not like it at all when people object to her. Therefore, others should not abuse her patience. Any groundless criticism or claims may cause offense and lead to a violent reaction. And, if this happens again, the Taurus woman can turn into an unbearable and vindictive creature. With age, she becomes more domineering, difficult to climb, pathologically loving luxury.

Appearance of a Taurus woman

The Taurus girl is always fresh, beautiful and graceful. She is distinguished by natural charm, smooth movements, calm soft voice and eyes. She has soft, glowing skin and an elegant bust. Her company can evoke the most pleasant feelings and simply has a calming effect.

Thanks to her good taste, she skillfully chooses cosmetics and perfumes and dresses well. At the same time, she knows how to stay within the budget. Her weak point– jewelry and luxury items. Furs and diamonds simply hypnotize this zodiac sign in female form.

Taurus ladies are curvy and thin waist, tend to be overweight. Usually slim in their youth, after getting married, finding their other half and relaxing, they stop closely monitoring their weight and often gain weight, which does not spoil them at all.

Attitude to work

Despite extreme femininity, the sign of Taurus knows how to work well. Women are helped in this by patience, self-control, and willpower. Everything they have to do, they do with pleasure, striving to gain satisfaction from the final result.

Women who are associated with this zodiac sign want to be well-off financially, so they are sensitive to the choice of their main activity. But of all the activities that can bring good income, they choose the one that their soul truly lies to. After all, it is difficult for them to simply sit through working hours without receiving satisfaction from work.

The work of a psychologist, secretary, social worker, or pharmacist is well suited for such women. The profession of a seller is less suitable, but it can also bring pleasure if something related to land is being sold.

Love and relationships

A Taurus woman in love looks for her own partner. When meeting a man, this woman looks for common points of contact, tries to feel the man and his soul. Overly annoying gentlemen will not receive favor from her. She doesn't need a teacher to master the art of flirting. She gives off non-verbal sexual signals spontaneously; she does it as naturally as breathing. The powerful attractive force of her charm and sexuality causes the appearance of a whole stream of men seeking closer communication with her. Great developed intuition, characteristic of such ladies, helps to immediately weed out unsuitable applicants and somehow streamline acquaintances.

A characteristic feature that this zodiac sign imposes on women is jealousy. Taurus are possessive by nature and they are very familiar with the feeling of jealousy. For some time she turns a blind eye to her suspicions, but when the cup overflows, she has to bitterly regret the culprit, since she is terrible in anger. The Taurus woman is categorically convinced that the way to a man’s heart passes through his stomach. Therefore, in the kitchen she is the same virtuoso as in bed.

This zodiac sign prefers wealthy partners who are also generously gifted by nature. Beauty and impeccability are mandatory requirements for them, but a thick wallet is also highly desirable. Such ladies prefer refined signs of attention, and the best way courting them is classic - expensive gifts, restaurants, vacations the best places etc.

A man who could not interest her in bed cannot hope for a long-term relationship. The Taurus woman treats primitive sex with contempt. She herself is capable of giving her partners the widest possible range of sexual pleasures.

Family behavior

The Taurus girl will be a wonderful life partner. She will be able to respect her man and not claim leadership in the family. She sees her life purpose in being a good support for her strong half, an exemplary mother and housewife. The ability to run a home well is distinctive feature characterizing this zodiac sign. Their home is always cozy and tidy, they are extremely hospitable, which, however, only applies to those guests who came by invitation.

Children are of particular importance in the life of a Taurus woman. She devotes most of her free time, all her love and care to them. Her children see their mother as reliable protection, realizing that she is always ready to come to their aid. She maintains good and trusting relationships with both her daughters and sons throughout her life, remaining for them a model of love and fidelity.

By nature, alas, Taurus is prone to polygamy. She can easily have several lovers at once and, not wanting to lose any of them, bestow her feelings on everyone. In this regard, the family life of representatives of this zodiac sign can be unstable. But for real loving Taurus woman rarely cheats on his spouse.

Taurus Woman with other Zodiac Signs

Taurus woman: what is she like in love and life?

at the Women's Club!

There are few like her: against the backdrop of naive, flirtatious, defenseless ladies, the Taurus woman seems wise with experience even in her youth.

This interesting zodiac sign is characterized by incredible strength will, remarkable intelligence, complete calm in difficult situations and the ability to accept what is happening around.

She is fearless and calm, able to solve any problems without straining or fussing. And when everyone around is panicking, she remains calm and finds a way out of the situation. The Taurus woman understands how things work, she is very strong, but she knows how not to show this strength to men, and anyone feels comfortable around her.

What is she like in love?

The Taurus woman is not particularly prone to bright and ardent manifestations of feelings, she is not overly romantic, but she is a man of her word. If she said that she loves, it’s true, and it’s forever. If you choose a man, you will be faithful to him. Intrigue, betrayal, coquetry - these are not her traits.

In bed, this zodiac sign is not very ardent, but she knows how to obey, be gentle and soft, and surround her with warmth. A Taurus woman can show a man that he is the only one and the best; being with her is calm and pleasant.

In a marriage, a Taurus woman is an ideal housewife, wife and mother. This zodiac sign is created for the family, while she finds time for self-care, relaxation and a career in which she can reach the top.

She knows how to plan competently, manage everything without fuss, is not afraid of difficulties and is very independent. This wife respects her husband, does not put pressure on him or limit his space, and will be able to create harmony in the marriage.

Are there any prospects?

An intelligent and calm Taurus woman seems to be able to understand anyone and will find a common language with everyone. Bright Aries, fickle libra and gemini, soft pisces and virgo - everyone feels good with her, and they feel a kind of kinship. But which zodiac sign suits her best?

1. Aries can capture her with his ardor of feelings. Aries is passionate, Aries is a wonderful lover, it is Aries who will be able to conquer her. This zodiac sign has what she lacks - passion.

Aries is a good partner for her! They have excellent compatibility in love, bed and marriage.

2. A Taurus woman, having found someone like herself, that is, a Taurus man, can be calm - they will live in marriage and harmony, soul to soul. Here, a horoscope is not needed - their harmonious union evokes envy and admiration, the compatibility is ideal.

3. Gemini is a contradictory zodiac sign, any horoscope speaks about this. Gemini is a fickle man, Gemini is always looking for something, Gemini is emotional and freedom-loving.

They are different! However, a wise Taurus woman will be able to understand him, the characteristics of the couple are quite good, they will be able to be together and complement each other.

4. Harmony and idyll - this is a Taurus woman and a Cancer man, created to be together. A calm Taurus woman in love with a romantic and faithful Cancer will be completely happy and realize herself as a wife, lover and companion for her other half.

5. Leo is an ardent and passionate sign of the zodiac; these are the qualities he will give to his calm chosen one. They are like a puzzle: a Taurus woman and a Leo man will improve each other and be happy together. The couple's compatibility is excellent.

6. Virgo – calm and soft. Virgo is a romantic, but in moderation. Virgo knows how to listen, is smart and reasonable. Virgo is the perfect match for a Taurus woman!

7. Libra is a difficult sign. The horoscope describes Libra as a creative person, Libra is sensual and fickle, Libra gravitates towards beauty. They are different, but their compatibility is good, there should be no conflicts, and there is every chance of happiness.

8. Such a strange union - a sensible Taurus woman and a passionate, ardent Scorpio man. Do you think their compatibility is low? Against!

When a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man find each other, their lives change. She will teach him to be more restrained, he will open up a bright new world to her. They belong next to each other!

9. Balanced Taurus woman, bright and unrestrained Sagittarius man. They are attracted to each other and can create an incredible couple! This is surprising, but a couple in which a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man of such opposite character come together has great compatibility.

10. Of course, a calm and prudent Taurus woman and a conservative Capricorn man are made for each other. They are not looking for adventure, do not like conflicts, will understand each other perfectly and will be happy. Unconditional compatibility of the couple!

11. Even though the intelligent Taurus woman and the unpredictable Aquarius man are different, they belong in the same boat. An understanding and gentle Taurus woman is a godsend for him; an Aquarius man will be happy with her and learn a lot.

The couple has good prospects, especially if both partners do not try to change or remake each other, but love and accept each other with all their characteristics.

12. What does a Pisces man want? Support, understanding and tenderness. Fish - soft sign, Pisces is a dreamer, Pisces are non-conflicting and do not like surprises.

Having met a Taurus woman, this man will find true happiness and will understand that it is she he has always been looking for. She will feel comfortable and at ease with such a partner. Nice couple!

Details on the eastern horoscope

The eastern horoscope will help you learn a lot about the Taurus woman and create a more detailed and clear picture of her character.

  • The Rat makes enormous demands on itself and those around it; it is smart, successful and all about business. This is a businesswoman, a charming beauty and a wonderful housewife all rolled into one. Everyone is surprised how she copes with such loads, and does not get tired, looks great and does not complain.
  • The bull has no sense of humor, but this person is very smart and resilient. She has no time for jokes, she does not like parties and useless pastimes, but she achieves incredible success in her work and knows how to build an impeccable family. She is independent, responsible and an example for many.
  • The tiger is a fighter, but this combination makes a woman fearless, but not aggressive. She solves her problems calmly, gracefully and without panic. He is not afraid of anything, is not in a hurry, does not enter into conflicts with anyone - he simply always takes what he wants. A sense of duty and justice are her virtues.
  • A cat or rabbit makes the Taurus lady even more peaceful. She is not particularly sociable; her circle of friends includes only the most worthy people, she doesn’t date for the sake of the collection and values ​​her time. She loves peace, quiet and tranquility; harmony and complete order reign in her family. You feel happiness and warmth next to her.
  • The snake is a philosopher. The woman is smart, erudite, very sensitive and charming. Attracts inner strength without standing out from the crowd. She knows everything in advance, reads people like open books, it is impossible to hide anything from her.
  • The horse is purposeful, brave and very strong. Ready to help, open to the world and communication, resilient and not afraid of difficulties.
  • Goat Taurus – two different people. She is strong, knows how to reach heights, overcome difficulties, but in her personal life she can get confused and even become naive. She needs a smart and reliable partner nearby.
  • The monkey is like a catalyst for all the qualities of the Taurus. Strong, strong-willed personality, very wise, she knows the answers to questions, never gets unsettled and is not confused in difficult situation. An excellent leader, a brilliant leader, the first in everything and always.
  • The Rooster is a fighter and a conqueror, but in this combination he is restrained and reasonable. Calm for the time being, this woman will be able to rush into battle if necessary. He will protect the weak, defend interests, win recognition and stand up for himself.
  • The dog is careful and prudent. He will measure seven times before cutting, prepare the ground for any circumstances, and be able to predict everything. She does not like surprises and surprises; she tries to find out everything in advance and plans everything carefully.
  • The Pig knows how to analyze and trust intuition, trust and check, be careful and take risks. She is not contradictory, but simply successfully combines different qualities and knows how to use them correctly. Kind, but not naive, open, but not for everyone, very good friend, wife and mother.

Any horoscope helps to recognize a person, but only in theory. To check whether the stars are right, you need to use live communication, intuition, sincerity and the desire to know someone else's soul.

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Woman with the zodiac sign Taurus: horoscope and characteristics

The Taurus woman is endowed with all the qualities of the fair sex - she is graceful, charming and balanced, which is manifested in her gaze, voice and movements. Communication with her always brings pleasure and peace, because it is difficult to find a more patient and tactful interlocutor.

A representative of this zodiac sign often finds herself in the center of attention of the opposite sex, as she is endowed with an overly feminine disposition and does not strive to lead in relationships.

A woman of the Taurus zodiac sign can always become a support for her man, whom she will respect and support in any life situation.

This woman is simply the perfect housewife that no one can compare to. The house of this hospitable person is constantly open to guests, friends and family. She is able to create real comfort, full of order, cleanliness and aesthetics.

Taurus woman: characteristics

Despite the fact that the representative of this zodiac sign saves money, she spends money wisely, thanks to which she always has everything at home.

The characteristics of the Taurus woman are such that an important part of her life is occupied by children, to whose upbringing she devotes all her time and energy. She is not only a reliable and attentive assistant, but also the children's best friend.

The representative of this zodiac sign is endowed with a jealous disposition. However, she is often willing not to dwell on her suspicions of her partner’s actions. But remember - as soon as her cup of patience is filled, her companion will bitterly regret it, because in anger Taurus is merciless and terrible.

The Taurus girl is polygamous and can date several people at once, to whom she will present the fullness of her feelings. However, if she ties the knot for love, she most likely will not cheat on her significant other.

Character of a Taurus woman

The Taurus woman loves nature and animals, which is why she would willingly live in the country or outside the city, where she could grow flowers and plants.

It should be understood that, despite her femininity and restraint, she does not like comments and objections. This behavior can make her angry.

Both men and women of this sign prefer to choose their own partner. It should be borne in mind that she loves expensive gifts and exquisite signs of attention, and it is the one who can beautifully look after her who will be able to win her heart.

In addition to the above, she is also concerned about the viability of her partner in bed. She does not recognize primitive sex, and she herself is ready to please her soul mate with a lot of pleasures.

Taurus: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Taurus. This information will help you succeed in your relationship with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac signs

Horoscope for other zodiac signs

Taurus woman horoscope: comments

Do you agree with what was written in the article “Horoscope of the Taurus woman”? Write your comment!

Comments - 8, on the page “Woman’s Horoscope”

Taurus women are calmer than others. I have several Taurus friends, and in certain situations they show themselves to be patient, balanced people. I think the article is very useful. First of all, of course, you need to know your zodiac sign before you start a relationship with anyone. Taurus are used to giving in, so it will be easier for them in relationships, since men do not like to be contradicted.

Hello! In my life I had the opportunity to meet two Taurus women. I saw them! I’ll tell you this! Everything that is written in your description about Taurus women needs to be TURNED over and the result will be the way I really recognized them! These are not family women! Bourgeois by nature, in pursuit of money they will do ANYTHING. even to public humiliation. Their reputation is the last thing they care about, but what about women's pride and dignity, I’m generally silent, this doesn’t exist! Dependent, greedy! One of them put family life at stake, and put the child on the line with another life. The boy grew up with his father, and she was left alone, abandoned by all her lovers (previously there were family men). The second one is generally a scammer, looking for the rich and wealthy men, gets a job with them under the guise of a white sheep, hatches his fraudulent plans for a long time and leaves them without pants. Taurus women do not believe in God or the devil. They don’t think about their children, how much work they will have to do. Sorry if I offended anyone! I really want to believe that more than half of the women of this sign match your parameters!

Oksana, not everyone is like that, of course! Millions of Taurus women cannot be equally good or bad. I'm a Taurus. In the horoscope, for me, 60% is somewhere true... And from what you said, I also take 10-20% of it on myself. I have a family, a daughter. 13 years in a happy (I’m not afraid of this word) marriage, but nevertheless I’m not an angel......but I strive for it))