What to do if an employer rejects your resume? Unforgivable mistakes in a resume

After successfully passing state exams, defense thesis I thought about my future professional life. I compiled a resume and sent it to personnel departments, began to wait. But there were no interested employers. Why? I decided to turn to an experienced HR specialist with this question. He told me how to write a resume correctly and what mistakes to avoid.

Why is a resume needed when applying for a job?

Many job seekers get the essence of a resume a little wrong. Most people believe that this paper helps to get an interview. In principle, it is so. The employer places an advertisement for a vacancy, indicating there sample list requirements, address for feedback. Then he looks through all the received resumes. This is where the fun begins. Only a small percentage of all received documents are selected. And only these applicants are called to.

Gone are the days when you could get a job without much difficulty and only understand its essence over time.

Now all employers need a ready-made specialist, competent and versatile.

How can you position yourself this way? That's right, with the help of a correctly composed resume.

Attracting the employer's attention is the main task . Otherwise, nothing shines: no conversation, no work. Thus, a resume must meet three requirements: literacy, interestingness, and uniqueness.

Basic rules for writing a resume

Yes, this matter has its fair share of strict rules. Although there is no single template that suits everyone.

For myself, I divided the entire process of drawing up a document into several steps.

Step 1. Define the structure

You need to remember all the points:

  • First, understand the chronology. Everything should be consistent and logical;
  • secondly, do not forget about the functional component. Think about which skills are best reflected for a particular employer.

And finally, decide what other information would be relevant.

Step 2. Define blocks of information .

Contact information . Here I indicate my full last name, first name and patronymic. Below I write down the date of birth, address of residence, telephone numbers (it is better to indicate a mobile phone), as well as email address.

It is appropriate to place your photo in the block. This is relevant for positions where appearance have high demands.

It is better to take the photo in an official business style, that is, in a blouse, jacket, with hair styled. It's a win-win.

Target . I write down the name of the position indicated by the employer. It often happens that recruitment is announced for several positions. A separate resume is prepared for each vacancy.

In the same block, many people also write down their desired salary. But I consider such information unnecessary.

Experience . I list my places of work chronologically, starting with the most recent. I indicate the name of the organization, position, period of work, achievements (for example, won the “Best in Profession” competition or increased sales by 100%, that is, we use action verbs).

If there are many places of previous work: it is better to limit yourself to a maximum of 5 recent ones .

Education . First of all, I indicate the education required for the position, and only then all the rest. Information about additional education are appropriate if they are related to the vacancy. For example, it is better to keep silent about manicure and pedicure specialist courses when applying for a job as a lawyer.

Professional skills . This, one might say, is the summary of all the information presented. I am writing down everything that I learned at the university during my work.

IN modern world information and technology is necessary determine your computer proficiency level , skills in working with programs. For example, it is important for a designer to be able to work with photo editors, and for a customer service manager to create colorful presentations. Knowledge of languages, ability to lead business correspondence and so on, all this is indicated in this block.

More information . I break this block into two more parts. The first category includes everything that may be related to work - the possibility of moving to another city, country, readiness for business trips.

The second part is personal qualities . There is no need to praise yourself. There are enough general but capacious characteristics: responsibility, sociability, initiative. The possibility of providing recommendations from the previous place is also indicated here.

Brevity is the sister of talent. The expression is more than suitable for writing a resume. The best option- place everything on 1, maximum 2 pages. Reliability, literacy, simplicity of language - these are the basis of a well-written document.

Step 3. Send to the employer

Either by email, or I personally take it to the personnel department.

Mistakes I made when compiling

After consulting with a personnel officer about the rules for writing a resume, I sorted out my mistakes. There were a lot of them.

Mistake #1: Too much water . I stretched my resume to 3 pages! This cannot be done. I think employers put my resume at the bottom of the pile, or maybe even threw it into the bin.

Conclusion . Brevity is a valuable aid when writing a resume.

Mistake No. 2. Nothing extra . All work is good, but not every experience is worth mentioning. When applying for the position of plant director, do not write about selling cigarettes and candy at the kiosk. It is better to relieve the employer of unnecessary information. And if at an interview, if a question is asked, you can highlight all your past experience.

The British coaching company Personal Career Management studied 500 resumes of candidates (from university graduates to top managers) and found that as many as 98% of them were no good. Therefore, it is worth recalling once again typical mistakes, which almost all applicants admit.

So here is a list of mistakes to avoid.

Lack of necessary information

Many job seekers have misconceptions about the importance of certain skills for an employer, so they do not reflect their core competencies. Finding this out and demonstrating to recruiters that you have the right knowledge, skills and experience will help the employer understand that you are the right candidate for the vacancy.

Insufficient evidence

Simply declaring your merits is not enough - you also need to confirm them. For example, in addition to stating that you have good communication skills, you should give an example of them effective use: “I run a company monthly blog as part of our social media strategy.”

Too general information

Many applicants create too general a resume, as they say, for all occasions. However, if you haven’t clearly stated your goal and haven’t described specific functionality, recruiters will be at a loss as to which vacancy to offer you.

Grammar errors

Nine out of ten resumes contain errors, and on this basis alone their authors are not considered as serious applicants. The document must be impeccable if your goal is to demonstrate your high level of professionalism and attention to detail. Always give your completed resume to philologists you know for checking.

Negative information

You should only include positive information about yourself in your resume. Never criticize past employers or talk about difficulties or disappointments (except for success stories where difficulties were successfully overcome).

Wrong choice of words

Slang, inappropriate expressions, or unfortunate clichés can ruin the impression of even the strongest candidate. Use strong, effective verbs to describe your actions (created, initiated, etc.) - this will energize your resume and confirm the impression of you as an active candidate.

Problems finding a resume

All recruiters are , so make sure you have them on your resume too.

Corinne Mills, Managing Director of a coaching company Personal Career Management

You may be the ideal candidate with a quality education, relevant experience, and speak five languages. But they don’t hire you. The problem may be that you are making career-damaging mistakes on your resume. Due to such errors, your resume is sent to the trash.

1. You write about skills that are not important for the vacancy. Handicraft skills and talent for makeup are not worth mentioning unless you are attending a home economics interview or a beauty salon. If you indicate that you love shopping and have refined taste, the employer may think that you are more interested in these activities than work.

2. Typos and grammatical errors. Be extremely attentive to details. If you make a mistake in the name of the company where you are sending your vacancy, you should not count on a response. A mistake or typo you make shows your inattention, carelessness, and again, disinterest in your work. And no one will offer it to you.

3. Strange photos. Recruiters and employers pay attention to the photo on your resume. Of course, it is not necessary to send a passport photo. But keep within the bounds of decency and good taste. You may have a great figure, but you shouldn't brag about it. A photo in a short dress and low neckline will not show that you are an excellent specialist. And even vice versa, it can ruin the prospect of getting a position. You won't be taken seriously.

4. High or low self-esteem. Problems with a candidate's self-esteem can greatly alarm an employer. If you agree to a meager payment because you are so interested in the work, then this will not be a plus for you. A person who does not value his work is unlikely to be of benefit to the company. If you overestimate your capabilities, you may also end up without a job.

5. Smileys.The Internet has widely entered our personal and professional lives. At first glance, it may seem that emoticons will liven up your resume, but they will ruin it. Such familiarity and expression of emotions towards a stranger, especially a senior one, will ruin your career.

6. Decorate your resume. You may be extremely creative nature, applying for a position as a children's book illustrator, but your resume must be rigorous and specific. If you send your resume in a Word file decorated with frames and flowers, you shouldn’t wait for a response. You will be considered an unserious candidate for the position.

7. Not true.Lies on a resume always come out: either during an interview or during the work process. And hiding its consequences will not be easy. Don't forget that it costs the recruiter nothing to make inquiries about you, and then you will lose everything.

8. Lack of cover letter. Many candidates ignore this point. The employer also wants to feel like he is the only one to whom you sent the vacancy. So don’t be lazy and write down why you want to work for this company. A cover letter is a guarantee that your resume will be read, because it will be different from others.

9. Too much personal information. A person who devotes most of the space in his resume to the “personal qualities” column most likely does not have sufficient professional skills and achievements.

10. Chaotic text. Stick to a clear, well-known resume structure. Recruiters look at a lot of resumes a day, so if it's chaotic, no one will read it. Start your chronology from your last job. At the beginning, after your first and last name, indicate your desired position, desired salary, your contacts and place of residence.

11. Detailed biography. “I was employed as a gymnast for seven years,” “my music teacher had a huge influence on me,” “I am raising a daughter who is an excellent student and athlete.” Recruiters have to read this too. Such people are not invited to an interview - communicating with them will take a lot of time, and time is money. The abundance of unnecessary details shows that the person does not see the most important thing, does not understand the task at hand - getting a job. Accordingly, he will make the same mistakes at work.

12. Not a word about the future. Most resumes consist of facts from the past, and almost do not touch on plans for the future: she worked there and there at such and such a time. It is more important for the employer to find out what you plan to do next, where your career is heading.

13. Unreadable text. Poorly written text irritates the reader. Instead of hassling with unusual or small font, the recruiter will simply close your resume. Stick to a generally accepted design style.

14. Funny email address. Applicants often indicate a personal e-mail with the funny name beautifulprincess or something even crazier. But to the employer such addresses will not seem funny, but simply unprofessional. This is not the main criterion, but it can be confusing. Indicate your email with your first and last name, especially if you want to get a leadership position.

15. Multi-page. The resume should be on one page. If the employer is interested in it, it is inconvenient to print and staple several pages, and they may get lost.

16. Listing of places of work without description of responsibilities. Specifically indicate what your responsibilities were at your previous place of work - show yourself as an expert in your field.

17. Statuses.Family relationships, children, religious beliefs - no one cares about this. If you write immediately after your name that you are “single,” then the recruiter sees that your goal is to find a husband, not a job. This worries some employers.

18. Hobby.In this area, everything is uncertain and suspicious, and there is a chance of making a mistake. Your possible boss is an environmentalist and a vegetarian, and you write that your hobby is hunting. It will be awkward and you won't get the job. Headhunters advise not to write about hobbies at all.

19. Inflated salary. Before writing your desired salary on your resume, study the market and find out what the rates are for similar vacancies. If the situation is not critical and you can afford to spend a long time searching, add 30% to the amount you are receiving now.

20. Cliché.All resumes are full of the same words: good communication skills, diligence, stress resistance. Instead, write in your own words the personal qualities that you use in your work. For example, how your communication skills helped you sign a contract at your previous job.

Good luck with your interviews!

You are a professional, a hard worker and just a great person! One of those whom any decent company dreams of seeing among its employees. However, your resume has been gathering dust on recruiting sites for weeks, and for some reason headhunters are in no hurry to call... Most likely, the problem is that you wrote your resume incorrectly.

Error one: basic information

Usually after the name and age we indicate the place of birth and marital status. It’s sad but true: today you shouldn’t focus on the fact that you were born in Moscow. The selection of employees is often done by visitors who, as a rule, “root” for their own people. Compatriots are given special priority. Having a metropolitan origin can play a cruel joke on a person: your resume simply will not reach the manager. Why do you need a job if you have a lot of privileges received only by birthright, the personnel officer will think and send you “to the basket.”

You shouldn’t put the alarming “not married” in the second line—you don’t want the employer to think that you care. The same applies to children, especially under three years of age. The boss will never know that nannies and grandmothers are attached to them - it simply won’t come to a personal meeting.

Maria Perova, director of a recruiting agency:

When we help our clients find employees, we follow their instructions. Based on my experience, employers are not eager to see following types people: married women childbearing age(what if they come and give birth right away?), single mothers (they won’t be able to concentrate on work), full-time students (let them study better) and women over 40 for the position of “office manager”, “secretary” or “administrator” (and what did they even work out before?). So if you really want to come for an interview, but fall into one of these categories, it is better to omit the “undesirable” items in your resume. You can talk about this at the interview. If the employer really likes you, little will scare him away.

Mistake two: additional equipment

We are talking about skills and character qualities that do not have direct relationship to the job you plan to do. Of course, it’s great that you once jumped with a parachute, love night walks and annually donate part of your salary to a cat shelter, but believe me, this will not add bonuses to you, but it can cause irritation.

Indicate only those achievements that may be useful in business. Maintain the presentation of the material in a single tone, chosen initially, make sure that the block about work is not dull against the backdrop of a dashing story about yourself. After all, are you interested in working too?

Mistake three: bad photos

What does "unsuccessful" mean? Let’s say right away: a modern applicant’s resume must include a photo, and choosing the right one is quite possible if you remember three rules. First, only you should be present in the photograph, and against a neutral background, without wallpaper, curtains, the beach or other details not related to business. Let it be a light wall (plus a smart look into the lens), a cafe (you and a morning cup of coffee) or even the current workplace, if the surroundings allow. Rule two - the face must be clearly visible, which means we take off our hats, sunglasses and other things that make us beautiful. Third - clothes. Welcome, as you might guess, business style and minimal makeup.

Mistake four: cute “bows”

Ornaments, ornate embellishments and other embellishments lead the employer to different thoughts. Yes, in the fifth grade of high school you would certainly get an A for design." creative work"But today you are an adult, a job seeker. Immediately remove the pink frames and bold italics!

Emoticons, dots, exclamation marks and other emotional manifestations in the cover letter, it would seem, should position you as a simple, cheerful and modern person. However, the idea that an advanced headhunter will be delighted with such familiarity is wrong. IN best case scenario he will begin to be perplexed, at worst, he will remember the “perky resume” for a long time and will automatically delete it in subsequent attempts to “reach out to heaven.”

Oksana Mitryukhina, HR manager:

What surprises me most is when a person sends a resume to our reputable company from an address like [email protected]. It's just funny. I always have a basket full of such “candies”, “curls”, “cuties” and “princesses”. Unfortunately, this says a lot about the intellectual and cultural level of a person. No, if this is a personal email address, please use it for your health, but for sending out your resume, please get yourself something more serious.

Mistake five: lied about the ad

There is an opinion that since the main task of a resume is to force a headhunter to invite you for an interview, then it is not forbidden to exaggerate your own merits and even write outright lies - for the sake of a nice word. Yes, you can embellish some things (in the same way, an employer will talk enthusiastically about career opportunities and free donuts for employees). But you should never lie openly and on a big scale. The deception will come to light very quickly, especially since you can always make inquiries about you from ex-employers. It won't be pretty. It’s better to admit right away that your English is not fluent. If the interview is successful, you will go to courses at the company’s expense.

The most popular personal qualities of applicants

According to research by Superjob.ru

Mistake Six: Forgetting Rosenthal

The grammatical errors and annoying typos that we often make in cover letters can put a damper on your career. Check what you write carefully. If you receive an answer, remember the name of the interlocutor, and do not call Irina Elena. Correctly and completely write the name of the company where you plan to work, the last name of the potential manager, etc.

Philip ZORIN, head of the text advertising department of an international company:

Most of my subordinates are creative people, their responsibilities include copywriting, writing and editing texts. First of all, I pay attention to cover letter from the point of view of literary style. I don’t like cliched phrases, all these “communication skills” and “stress resistance.” Write the same thing, but in different words! And in general, I get the feeling that when a person writes a resume, he simply copies phrases from the opuses of others.

Mistake seven: no cover letter

A well-written cover letter is the key to getting your resume at least read. Don’t be lazy to write them, sending information about yourself to companies. When composing, follow the rules that we have already discussed: express your thoughts clearly, concisely, without unnecessary emotions and inappropriate humor. In five to six sentences, it is advisable to indicate your main activity, current or last place of work and the reasons why you consider yourself a worthy candidate. And no lyrics!

Error eight: incorrect structure

Research shows that employers spend no more than 30 seconds reading one resume. Moreover, if the reader is not interested in the text, he will switch to another within 10 seconds. What does it mean? And the fact is that the first part of your professional history should be as informative as possible. We start the chronology from the last place of work, we talk about it in as much detail as possible, indicating all the responsibilities and successes. We maintain uniformity in the design of business milestones (company - responsibilities - achievements).

Mistake nine: too much text

Remember, your resume should fit on one sheet of paper. If the HR manager is interested in it, he will print it out and put it on the manager’s desk. It is inconvenient to staple several sheets of paper, and some of them may get lost on the way to the boss’s office.

Viktor Sergeev, head of a large company:

Finding a good employee is always a big problem. I don’t have time to monitor the personnel market, and I entrust this task to personnel officers. Whomever they offer me! For example, you need a distribution manager, but they bring you a resume of a driver who is “ready to deliver goods.” HR officers themselves often don’t quite understand what kind of person is needed on the team, and careless applicants always have a chance to deceive them and thus waste my time. One day a girl came to the position of secretary; she didn’t know how to do anything, not even make coffee, but she asked if the company provided free apartments for employees...

Great article. Learned a lot of new things

Comment on the article “How to please a HR manager: 9 mistakes when writing a resume”

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Requirements: - strong desire to grow and develop in the company, - having a PC and Internet access, - having Skype, - an advanced PC user, - responsibility, - resistance to stress. Responsibilities: - promotion of an online store, - placement of advertisements, - maintaining a database in Excel or Word (we train as we go). Conditions: - employment from 2-3 hours a day, - official employment, - financial and career growth. Resume and questions by email [email protected]

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I decided to register here, a friend recommended it a long time ago. The site is really interesting) I went to study it.. I liked the phrase about love:

The opening of the Olympics is always a large-scale, beautiful show. Despite the premonition that something was sure to go wrong, the ceremony was a success, except for the joint with an unopened ring. Some compositions I liked, some not so much. The ball and Maslenitsa turned out to be simply gorgeous. It was scary when all sorts of giant structures flew over the crowd - iron ores, a locomotive, heads, etc. Fortunately, nothing fell. The special effects on the stadium field looked impressive, but...


The PandaPark staff really enjoyed the opening! Everyone certainly has their own opinion, some liked it more, some less, but in general everything is cool! I was impressed by Natasha Rostova’s first ball, and in general the whole choreography was excellent, I especially liked the performance of the Russian anthem! We still know how to be on top! Well done!

Every time before the holidays I rack my brain about what to give to the children of friends and acquaintances. I love choosing gifts in advance and with love. For me, as indeed, as it turned out, for my friends and their children, the book, fortunately, is also a good gift. So I already started thinking about New Year's gifts. From my recent finds: books Superstickers published by Makhaon. So far I have discovered 16 books in this series, but have only purchased 2 so far. My child and I enjoyed looking at the pictures and stickers...

I recently bought a book by the Danish artist Jacob Strid for my almost 5-year-old reader. Incredible story about a giant pear" - I fell for the illustrations. And I didn’t regret it! The illustrations are wonderful, you can carefully look at all sorts of small details, the plot is quite interesting. Read it in one go, without putting it off! [link-1] Now I need the next book :)


And tell me another book, we really liked this one, I want something new))

I wanted to buy books with fairy tales for my son in the online store. But they only have cash payment options. Can you tell me if there is a store that allows you to accept payments via WMR wallet?

For a long time I was going to write a review of the Japanese and Korean products I purchased. household chemicals, but something didn’t work out. Initially, I planned a video, and even, to my husband’s horror, I carefully stored empty boxes and jars of funds that had run out. But, unfortunately, there was no time for the video, but the desire to leave a review remained)) So, in text format, but with pictures :))) 1. DAIICHI Antibacterial toilet bowl cleaner 500 ml. This is probably the only remedy with a negative summary...


7. Lion Mama Lemon - Gel for washing dishes and baby supplies, green tea, 1l (463341)

I won’t go into a lot of laudatory odes to this product, since it often appears in reviews and is loved by many. So I joined the ranks of fans :)) Very economical, pleasant smell, does not dry out the skin..etc. etc.))) I’ll buy more. I really don’t think it will be soon... I’m telling you: it’s very economical))

8. Organic toothpaste Twin Lotus Herbal Plus Salt (art. 118255)

Quite a specific toothpaste with salt. The inside is gray-brown :) But I love such strange pastes :))
Contains 10 herbal ingredients. And here’s what else I found: A pronounced anti-inflammatory and calming effect due to the content of purified salt. Cuttlefish bone tissue removes stains from coffee, tea, and cigarettes. Antibacterial herbs block the formation of plaque throughout the day and refresh much longer than conventional pastes. Medicinal herbs strengthen gums and relieve inflammation. Suitable for caring for sensitive teeth.
It is also important that it does not contain fluoride.

That's all for today. I hope my review is useful to you :)

and I really, really, really like the washing gel. I’ve been using it exclusively for almost a year, and I’ve got everyone around me on it)).
It washes not just well, but VERY well. Uses sparingly, smells great))

I also love the scrub, it exfoliates very well. I use it on my hands, it removes cuticles well, resulting in an unedged manicure)). and for the legs for the same purposes.))

And I liked the jelly-like car freshener, it’s a peach))

Please speak out about the project via the link. What I like most about this project is the arrangement of the space around the window, that nothing blocks the entrance to the kitchen and that at the entrance work area doesn't catch the eye. First of all, I am interested in opinions about the conveniences and inconveniences that I may not see. Perhaps someone is already using some of the solutions of this project, or the renovation is fresh, you are in the know and can definitely say that “this is convenient, but this doesn’t work...


I don't like the stove combined with the dining table. Someone will definitely get their elbows into hot pots (or burners, which with ordinary glass ceramics still get very hot).
Personally, I often have something else left to cook during dinner. day, I can’t imagine how to put it all together :))
But here the kitchen is somehow very small, there can’t be any other way...
I looked, 9.3 meters, but it looks like 5.5... Overall, I don’t like it too much :(

If the kitchen is small, it may be convenient. I liked that the stove could be an extension of the dining table. Just figure out how to cover it aesthetically :)

1. The sweets are beyond praise, half the pack has already been eaten. It’s a shame, but I steal from children :) [link-1] 2. Well, Veleda is Veleda :) [link-2] 3. They also took half of this pack. I didn’t really notice any difference in taste from the first one. [link-3] 4. This one was completely eaten:) just as tasty. And they don't get bored. [link-4] 5. I have already ordered a second package for myself so that I don’t have to carry it with me between the dacha and the house. Magic thing! My skin is not very oily, but prone to all sorts of things from time to time...

I got another guidebook today. In Vienna, like this [link-1] I picked up the order and while I was driving home, I decided to look through it, at first I was upset that I couldn’t see in the picture that this was not a guidebook from the “Thomas Cook Guide” series (but then on the ozone I saw that the series was still correct: )), many historical inserts, on the one hand interesting facts, on the other hand, everything is somehow fragmentary, at least at first glance. What's sad is that there were some typos again. Last...


Excerpt from "useful phrases":
Good afternoon (in the variation, praise the Lord, and not the German guten tag:) there is only a footnote at the bottom about guten tag)
Thank you
you say...
yes no I don't understand
railway station
urban area
departure ( interesting word:) it’s strange that there is no crash in the Russian version)
cash register
not okay
red wine
white wine
kiosk with sausages.
that's the whole set of words. Pleased, that's putting it mildly, in general :) okay, if only the words were from the same group, I would have understood, but “two” next to “strawberry” and “out of order” finished me off :)

Wow, what identical covers: (I wonder why they pushed Cook like that? Whose content is there? Cook or did they write it themselves?

I spent the entire month of January stupidly surfing the Internet. Then I realized - how can this be, because I love to travel! He immediately went to the cave, where he spent February and March with short breaks. Oh, the beauty in caves! In April I went to Baikal, to the places of power of Olkhon. I spent May on the Internet. At the beginning of June I went to Olkhon again, together with my son. The rest of the summer was in the mountains: 5 hikes to Ergaki (Western Sayan Mountains). I'm going to Baikal again in September. In October and November - a trip to China. Will remain...


Ergaki is fabulous! We were there with an expedition. Before giving birth, I was very active in mountaineering and rope jumping, so it’s just a mecca there.
In general, my husband and I travel almost every weekend. In Russia, in cities that are closer than 500 km, we have already traveled to all of them, Crimea with tents, Belarus and Ukraine, too. We rode trains all over Europe. My husband won’t be given as much leave as yours. But also a lot.
In the summer we are going to go by car to Lake Baikal, in the spring to Turkey, in the fall to Vietnam, and in New Year to Chelyabinsk by car :)

I love traveling, but I could only afford to go to the mountains 5 times a year when I was a student. Tell us a secret - when do you work? I would really like to spend 9 months with a backpack... That’s at most 2 weeks a year... the rest is work 20 hours a day

Illiteracy, the main drawback of a resume that can irritate any HR professional, is basic grammatical and spelling errors made by the applicant. Before the first meeting, which may not yet happen, the resume is the face of the applicant for the position. Although literacy, for unknown reasons, is often not given due attention.

Some shortcomings, experts say, are downright curious.

“For example, I had to deal with a case when a girl indicated that she was “not married” or even “unmarried.” Naturally, because of these mistakes, the applicant loses all chances of getting new job. One way or another, such oversights can play a cruel joke on him - they begin to take him less seriously,” experts said.

Lack of a clear goal or its inconsistency

Some resumes sent by applicants for a specific, clearly defined position do not contain the main point: goals. Complicating the situation is that large companies are looking for workers for several vacant positions at the same time, and a “purposeless” resume does not allow you to determine what exactly the applicant is applying for.

There are also frequent cases when the goal indicated in the resume does not correspond at all to the proposed vacancy.

“Often, the purpose described in the resume does not at all fit the vacancy for which it was sent, which indicates the candidate’s inattention,” said Oksana Bochkovskaya, a specialist in the search and selection of personnel at the LIGA Information and Analytical Center.

According to her, when selecting candidates, the HR manager determines the most important requirements for this vacancy and evaluates the resume sent by the applicant based on them. For any position, an exclusive set of requirements has been developed: this may include education, work experience, special skills, etc.

“In our company, HR managers use key competencies when recruiting. This approach facilitates and speeds up the process of searching and selecting personnel for open vacancies. Because When determining competencies, both the vacancy initiator and the HR manager clearly define what the candidate should know and what skills can be taught to him already in the company (taking into account the specifics of the business). In addition, parameters are created for assessing the work of a new employee in the company, and the criteria by which to evaluate probation(adjustment period),” she emphasized.

Lack of required data

Another common mistake is that the resume does not include mandatory information, for example, the applicant’s contacts. Often there are no phone numbers or email addresses. However, there are also cases when applicants forget to indicate even their own first and last name. “Even with all the desire, it is simply unrealistic to invite such a candidate to a meeting,” Bochkovskaya emphasized.

Often, in the sections of resumes devoted to work experience, the full names of companies and the scope of their activities are not indicated. But from time to time, companies with the same or similar name can operate in completely different market segments. Moreover, the addresses of companies’ Internet pages are rarely indicated, however, if there is a web address, it is seriously easier and more convenient for the employer to get acquainted with previous place applicant's work.

The best information to include in your resume is your reasons for changing jobs. An explanation of the reasons, on the one hand, will allow the employer to understand the candidate’s logic, and on the other, to assess how well his requests correspond to the proposed vacancy.

Trying to embellish a resume

According to personnel search specialists, applicants often indicate in their resumes personal qualities, skills and knowledge that they do not actually possess.

“If you are not sure that you have these qualities, it is better to simply remove this section from your resume,” Bochkovskaya emphasizes.

Candidates like to inflate their competence. Experts from rabota.ua note that sometimes, with complete ignorance English language, the candidate for the position indicates that he speaks it “with a dictionary” or even “fluently.”

“Such a trick can be easily revealed - just ask the person something in English,” the experts noted.

Inappropriate information

The resume is required to describe details, but only relevant ones: official duties And professional achievements, diplomas and scientific degrees in the field for which the applicant is applying. For example, if the applicant was engaged in scientific activity and at the same time worked in the field of marketing, then in a resume aimed at getting a job as a brand manager, you should not describe scientific achievements and cite full list articles, publications and scientific works. The main attention should be paid to the specific skills and knowledge that were acquired in the process of working as a marketer.

It is also important to ensure that the phrases used in the resume are clear and logical.

“Once a girl secretary described her own responsibilities as “driver management” and “filing documents.” In another resume, the applicant indicated “biking, swimming, girls, books” as his own hobbies, the Forsazh consulting company said.

Some resumes contain completely inexplicable incidents.

For example, the portal rabota.ua once received a resume from a girl who was applying for the position of HR manager. The applicant attached several photographs of herself to her resume, only one of which was of a business nature, while the others were beach photos.

“Without a doubt, this incident amused the employment experts, although it did not arouse any desire to meet with the candidate,” the experts noted.

How to avoid the main mistakes when writing a resume

There are several main rules that you can follow to protect yourself from annoying mistakes when writing your resume.

  1. Be sure to check that your resume is written correctly.
  2. Be consistent: if you use an abbreviation once, use it throughout your resume (however, you should include all names in their entirety). Do not use special abbreviations, the meaning of which is known only within your company.
  3. Avoid long phrases.
  4. All resumes must be formatted in the same style.
  5. It is better to highlight the necessary headings.
  6. It is important that your resume is kept to a maximum of 2 pages.
  7. If you are applying for a position in foreign company or the main competency is knowledge of foreign languages, then you need to prepare a version in the language of the company’s country.
  8. And most importantly, be sure that you can confirm all the information that you included in your resume.

Apart from this, experts advise avoiding the use of the pronoun “I”.

In addition, it is worth choosing extremely specific wording: you do not need to write in templates in your resume, for example, “took part,” “engaged in training.” It is seriously worth indicating specific achievements, for example “increased sales by 10%”, “was reduced accounts receivable by 18%”, “trained 3 employees”, etc.

It is also worth avoiding passive forms, for example: “was responsible for...”, “found use of the following opportunities...”. It is worth writing: “responsible for...”, “effectively used...”.