How to control dreams and change their script. Lucid Dreaming: How to Manage Your Dreams

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Dream. So many interesting things happen in our dreams. They can be colorful, joyful, and incredibly interesting. In general, the kind of dreams that you want to return to constantly. And there are also horrors, after which you wake up in a cold sweat and pray that this will not happen again.

And sometimes you wonder: how to make it so that you can control your dreams? How to control a dream, how to realize that everything that happens is just tricks of the unconscious level of the psyche, how to regulate your behavior in dreams? It would seem that this is not possible, but scientists have developed several techniques that allow you to see lucid dreaming.

After all, what is a dream? A dream is a meeting with our subconscious, it is collaboration neurons of the human brain. How can you face the unconscious directly while remaining alert? How can you understand that you are in a dream, but not wake up?

You will need:

Getting ready for bed

The first step to have a good rest and to good sleep, is proper preparation. What should be done?

  • For starters, try not to overeat at night. It is best if your dinner is light and 3 – 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Avoid stimulating drinks and alcohol. In this case, your nerves will be tense, your consciousness will be unfocused and your sleep will be anxious and uncontrollable.
  • Also try to ensure that the start of training does not coincide with stressful and overly emotional events in your life. Otherwise, your dreams will simply be a continuation of the experiences that happened to you during the day.
  • Also, choose a day when you don’t have to get up early and rush somewhere, when you can freely allow yourself to fall asleep until lunch.
  • Remove all irritants - telephone, computer, TV, radio.

Dream before bed or read

If you just want to see colorful and kind dreams, surround yourself with kindness and light before going to bed. When you go to bed, take with you a book with harmless children's fairy tales about princesses and read. Dream about yours ideal life. Imagine a nice landscape and yourself walking around in that picture.

One more in a good way see beautiful dream is reading bedtime stories about animals and nature.

Learn to understand where is a dream and where is reality

Next step to dream management is the awareness that you are in a dream.

To do this, ask yourself every day: “Is this a dream or reality?” When you notice some unusual combination of circumstances in your life, immediately ask the question: “Am I dreaming?” After some time, you will ask yourself about this in the dream itself. To answer your question, use your own hands. Look at your hands and ask a question. In a dream, the picture is usually blurry, and you will see your hands transparently and unclearly. You can also look at any texts. The text in a dream is usually just as blurry. And if it is visible, it is only for a very short period of time, after which the meaning of what is written will either dissolve or change.

Record your dreams

Stephen Laberge says that to better understand and control dreams, you need to become familiar with them. To do this, you need to write down your dreams in the smallest detail that you remember, and re-read it. In the evening, put a notebook next to you and as soon as you wake up, write down your dream. You just don’t need to suddenly undermine yourself, as you can agitate your nervous system and lose memory of the dream.

Lie down for a few seconds eyes closed. Remember what you dreamed about, what emotions visited you. Then only you can start fixing.

Experts advise making notes regularly, noting the date of the dream.

Also describe the timing of the dream compared to reality, whether there was conflict, who was familiar and who was not, what was vivid and what was blurry.

Imagine the dream you would like to see

If you have a goal to see something specific in a dream, just going to bed, think about it in detail. Go through your desired dream mentally, think about what actions you would take, etc. You can write it down, draw a picture for it.

Sleep is one of the most interesting and unexplored phenomena. Some people see bright color images, while others see black and white images. It used to be that dreaming was simply a way for the brain to rest. However, later researchers from the University of Chicago found that sleep turns into an active process for a few minutes during the night.

Have you ever heard that you can control this process? Do you think this idea is just fantastic? In vain! It turns out that you can learn to control your dreams. How can you manage your sleep? Today we will talk about this.

Controlling your dreams is useful

While in this state, we receive a lot of information from our subconscious. The brain sorts this information and remembers what is useful.

Lucid dreaming allow us to go anywhere, to experience moments that we cannot experience in real life. And this limitless possibilities, because we can practice the skill of communicating with a foreigner or consolidate the acquired knowledge about driving a car. Now imagine how useful it is to manage your sleep.

Can this be learned?

How can you learn to manage your sleep? Here are instructions that will help:

  • How should you fall asleep to manage your sleep? First you need to feel yourself in a dream. That is, you need to kind of wake up there, understand that you are not awake;
  • then you need to learn to concentrate on objects or creatures. As soon as the picture begins to blur, you need to move your gaze to another object, and then return to the original object. Gradually you will learn to focus your gaze;
  • the next step is to remember everything. Often a person remembers that he dreamed about something, but cannot specifically tell. So this is what you need to learn;
  • the moment of awakening is very important. You need to lie down for some more time, feel where you are - whether it’s reality or a dream;
  • notebook. Get yourself a notebook or notepad where you will write down everything you remember: events, feelings and emotions;
  • During the day, remember your feelings and compare them with reality.

In order to control your dreams, you will have to practice a lot. When you learn how to do the above exercises correctly, move on to the next, more complex ones.

How to control dreams at home

To learn how to really use those limitless possibilities that we talked about, you need to do the following exercises:

  • Before you fall asleep, set yourself up for a certain story: visit a familiar place, for example;
  • Think in great detail about what you want to see, who to meet, what should be around. The more accurately you think through everything, the easier it will be for you;
  • give an instruction - why do you want to see these particular images;
  • when you feel like you are falling asleep, feel yourself there, and then repeat the installation to yourself;
  • After waking up, you need to remember everything.

Sleep is very mysterious phenomenon. For anyone to be able to control it, one has to work hard. Of course, it won't work the first time. Don't be discouraged, you have to try again and again.

When the exercises become easy, you can try another technique. It is much more complicated than the previous one.

Its essence is to change what is happening there with the help of willpower. That is, you need to wake up, imagine what exactly you want to change and fall asleep again. You have to go back to the same situation and change it.

Fighting fears

Having learned these techniques, you can try to fight your fears. You can't run away from your fear. We need to meet him face to face. Explore it and get to know it. Try to talk. It's even better if you make friends.

This is how you can get rid of your phobias:

  • think in advance what you want to see, give yourself a set;
  • if it’s already getting scary, feel that it’s not real and you will feel better;
  • find your fear, all the time remembering that it is a fantasy;
  • sit next to you, get used to it, understand that you are sleeping and can leave at any moment;
  • talk and see how things develop further.

Perhaps you will feel funny, or maybe you will become best friends with your fear. The main thing is that you will stop being afraid of something and become freer.

Try to learn to listen to dreams

When you wake up, you absolutely do not understand what and why these pictures were given to you. However, this is all superficial analysis. We need to be deeper.

First of all, think in images. Don’t try to squeeze everything you saw at night into a rational framework during the day. When you think about night images, focus on internal sensations: where during the memories you feel warmth, and where you feel cold and discomfort.

It turns out that if you perceive a dream as a transition to another dimension and manage to realize yourself in it, it is quite possible to begin to control dreams according to at will. Of course, such power over one's own dreams can only be achieved through long-term and careful practice. But the idea of ​​controlling reality, even if it is the reality of a dream, is too tempting to spare time and effort to implement it.

So, there are several types of exercises for dream control. All of them are based on working with memory, the ability to concentrate and self-control. The classification of exercises for dream control will look like this:

Awareness of the moment of transition to the sleep state

This dream control exercise involves constant repetition Saying “I’m not sleeping” to yourself when you start to fall asleep. That is, it is necessary to fall asleep in such a way that the awareness of what is happening does not “fall asleep.” Having managed to get into a kind of “dream-not-dream” in this way, a person will be able to control his dream, changing it at his own discretion.

Exercise for controlling dreams “reality check”

If you train yourself to regularly doubt the reality of what is happening, you can eventually doubt the reality of the dream, and thus become aware of yourself in it. This exercise for dream control is a constant questioning of your own consciousness: “is this a dream?” By checking reality in this way, you will get used to even asking yourself this unconsciously. One day you will ask, “maybe I’m dreaming?” in a dream, and you won’t go wrong. And from awareness of a dream to its control is one step: you just have to want (literally want) - and the dream will become manageable!

Creating the Dream Body

If you are not very good at focusing, but you are good with your imagination, then this dream control exercise is just for you. To realize a dream in this way, you need to imagine, while falling asleep, how an ephemeral double emerges from your body - the so-called dream body. Thus, you can create yourself a messenger to the world of dreams and, sending him on a journey, see everything that he sees.

Exercise for controlling dreams “Dream Diary”

This dream control exercise involves writing down your dreams regularly. Every morning, having just woken up and not yet forgotten the dream, you need to take up the “Dream Diary” lying next to your bed and carefully write down everything that happens in your dream, all your sensations during sleep, all the smallest details that you can remember. By constantly keeping such records, the mind will get used to monitoring and remembering what happens in a dream, and, over time, becoming aware of it. This way you can discover the “land of your dreams” and learn how to manage it. This exercise for controlling dreams requires much more time than the others, but it will allow you to become aware of your dreams gradually, exploring them step by step. While other dream control exercises involve a more abrupt transition to dream awareness, this method is more suitable for people who prefer to feel every inch of the ground under their feet.

Dream Control Exercise by Stephen LaBerge

Dr. Stephen Laberge is the most famous researcher in the field of lucid dreaming. The dream control exercise he proposed requires a person to wake up in the middle of the night and immediately begin to carefully recall his dream. You can also write it down for greater persuasiveness. Then you need to carry out a special procedure for visualizing the dream you just had and go back to sleep. Laberge assures that after this exercise a person will almost immediately fall into a lucid dream and be able to control it.

Exercise to control dreams by Carlos Castaneda

The great American mystic Carlos Castaneda, following his teacher Don Juan, gave lucid dreaming great importance, even devoting one of his books to this topic - “The Art of Dreaming”. The essence of the exercise for dream control proposed by Castaneda is as follows: first you need to have a clear intention to become aware of the dream. Once you are confident in your desire, you need to force yourself to look at your hands in a dream. To do this, you should fall asleep while being able to look at your hands. If you can fall asleep while still remembering to look at your hands, consider dream control in your pocket. Next, you should do the same exercise to control dreams, but with the participation of other parts of the body, until you see your whole self in a dream.

As you can see, enough ways to become aware of your sleep and exercises to control dreams have been invented. So a person who is determined to understand this facet of reality can choose the method that is most suitable for him. But we should not forget that the most important thing in exercises for controlling dreams is not to stop controlling yourself.


The art of dream control is not as fantastic as it might seem at first glance. Moreover, this matter has long been put on a scientific footing. For example, in the early 1970s, so-called sleep phones were in use in America. A person who woke up in the middle of the night and had not yet forgotten his dream called the treasured number and received not only a detailed interpretation practically at the level of the theory of Sigmund Freud and his famous treatise, but also some instructions on managing sleep.

Then came the turn of mass seminars, many of which were held at reputable universities and institutes. For example, courses on the theory and practice of lucid dreaming at Stanford University were very popular (10 classes cost $1,500). Further - more: the American Association for the Study of Dreams arose, a lot of specialized literature and newly-minted gurus appeared.

But the Americans were not pioneers in the popularization of lucid dreaming. And even the term itself was not invented by them, but by the Danish psychologist Frederik van Eeden, who published a book-guide on dream management back in the 19th century. Eden convinced his readers that he himself had become so skilled in the art of controlling dreams that he was able not only to fly in them (for many this is the ultimate dream), but also to meet dead people, as well as make voyages to distant lands.


The modern guru of controlled dreams is American professor at Stanford University Stephen LaBerge. He not only learned (as he claims) to control them himself, but also released a series practical guides, provoking a wave of fascination with the art of dreaming. And he even invented a special device - Nova Dreamer. Laberge's know-how is similar to virtual glasses, which, reacting to movements eyeball, can make a person aware of his dream without waking him up (the miracle machine costs $195).

Is it possible to try to learn to control dreams on your own? I’m unlikely to ever be able to answer this question, at least until I try to ride my own own dream. I have already drawn up a plan for step-by-step achievements (of course, not on a whim, but based on the works of Eden, Castaneda and Laberge - all three claim that the art of lucid dreaming is accessible to any person who does not suffer from sleep disorders (see material: )).

How to learn to control dreams

Step one. To control a dream, you first need to “wake up” in it. In other words, until a person learns to be aware of himself as a sleeper, there can be no talk of controlled sleep. And at this point I would reformulate stable expression“control your dreams”, since it resembles the same cart whose shafts run ahead of the horses. A more precise formulation is “learn to control yourself during a dream.” To provoke self-awareness in a dream, the easiest way is to come up with some kind of anchor. For example, during the day, look at your own hands as often as possible, asking the question: “Am I dreaming? Or not?" And when one day a person’s palms come into his “eyes” during sleep, a reflex will work and the question will naturally arise: “Am I dreaming?” And it will also be followed reflexively by the realization: “Yes, I’m sleeping.”

Step two. Judging by the descriptions, the next stumbling block is focusing attention on various objects or people during sleep. It's like being alone on a merry-go-round and trying to keep your eyes on the objects passing by. The same anchor (in our case, hands) will help. As soon as the dream image begins to blur, experts in guided dreams advise turning your gaze back to the object that the dreamer is already accustomed to focusing on. Other objects and details of the dream should be considered only superficially, taking short glances, each time returning the focus to a familiar object - the anchor. Laberge claims in his books that this is how babies get used to reality when they learn to hold their heads up - they, too, at first cannot focus their gaze on the same objects for a long time. Gradually, the focus of attention will become stronger, and the dream picture will become as clear as reality.

Step three. Logbook - All three of my mentors say that taking notes is necessary. Record snippets of dreams (what you can remember) and your feelings. Moreover, it is important to be able to record what is happening without leaving the bed, as they say - practically in a dream. At some point you will catch yourself with obvious inconsistencies. For example, in a dream you see a newspaper article talking about the dangers of tomatoes for brain function. The second time you try to read the same article, you see a different text - say, about the benefits of beeswax for Labrador fur. Such misfires, which the “flight recorder” helps track, hint that a person is not just present in his dream, but acts in it (in this case, reads). Abrupt change plots indicates that his own intention to change the dream comes into force.

Step four. Any unexpected oddities that arise in the plot of the dream - good sign! This indicates that our intention is strengthening. And it’s not scary that it’s still difficult to control—the main thing is that it’s moving. Because it is with the help of intention that everything happens in dreams - unimaginable flights, travels, meetings and other miracles. No laws belonging to waking reality ( physical quantities, laws of nature, morality, religious canons, and so on) have nothing to do with dreams. Life in a dream is carried out only with the help of intention, which is most easily described as an unbending will. It is enough for a person to firmly decide in a dream that he wants to move somewhere, and this immediately happens. This is how life begins in a dream, according to the experts in this matter.

That's the theory. It is clear that night practice will require patience, persistence and time. But even if I never manage to master the art of controlled dreaming, I will begin to get enough sleep, which in itself is already an achievement for my fussy nature.

Would you like to learn how to control your dreams? Or perhaps you already manage?

As you know, all people spend about a third of their entire lives sleeping. But no matter how much someone wants to save their time and not waste it on night rest, it is unlikely that you will be able to do this without harming your own health. However, you can learn to control the plot of your sleep and control your dreams. Herodotus also said: “...Usually people see in their dreams what they think about during the day...”.

This ability will help you diversify your actions in your own dreams. It will be possible to lead people, manage the current situation, while analyzing everything that is happening in detail - to the point that you can radically change the plot and turn of events. Meanwhile, to be more precise, the goal of achieving such a skill is not control over the “night movie”. In-depth awareness in a dream will significantly affect the behavior and response of the sleeper to the circumstances, actions, and situations that arise in the dream. Having mastered at least one of the methods of dream regulation, the remaining techniques will be comprehended much faster. In addition, on at the moment There are plenty of such methods, among which the most common are:

  • resorting to the help of self-hypnosis and conscious intention;
  • wanting to achieve something specific;
  • changing the internal state;
  • using certain verbal formulas, etc.

Scientists involved in scientific research in the field of oneironautics, the effectiveness of the method of controlling dreams with the help of desire has already been confirmed. Some of them, through self-experimentation, became convinced that this technique allows them to move around and independently change the situation in colorful dreams. Oneironauts believe that events in a dream will occur in accordance with internal state dozing man. For example, if in a dream he is fearless and ready to accept something threatening, then the danger basically disappears and dissipates. But in the opposite case, when fear takes possession of the sleeper, the apparent threat also increases.

The important meaning of a dream lies in the gaze, which can also control what is happening. This means that having experienced fear from potential danger, which in most cases has its own personification, you need to look straight into the eyes of the threat in the nightmare.

Dreams governed by verbal formulas can be controlled somewhat differently. Having the opportunity to significantly change the appearance and behavior of any “hero”, you just need to address him correctly and start a conversation. For example, you can reacquaint yourself with a friend you met in a dream. The need to learn something new about yourself or about your friends will help you see the whole meaning of the dream and realize what it symbolizes.

Mindfulness will help you master moving in the world of dreams. By learning to manage this advantage, a sleeping person opens many doors. After all, it happens that even in a dream you need to be in in the right place, based on the situation. This is where volitional intention comes to the rescue. It will also allow you to see a specific plot determined by consciousness. The name of this technique is known as intentional sleep.

In numerous ancient cultures, this ability to deliberately drift off to sleep was revered and seen as a fundamental sign of wisdom and self-control. On the territory Ancient Greece Some memorable temples of dreams have even survived to this day. People who visited such places tried to find answers to questions during their dreams. exciting questions. Perhaps the temples actually helped in concentrating one's attention to focus on a specific goal. However, in modern world there is no need for them. After all, now, in order to consolidate the desired result in the mind, you just need to pay attention and introduce into the subconscious a common phrase that describes what you expect to see. Dreams driven by the intention of personal awareness of oneself will necessarily require a large expenditure of mental energy.

Intentional sleep: how to achieve it?

In order to learn how to manage the above-mentioned method of intentional dreaming, the first thing you need to achieve is to correctly formulate your intentions. It is enough to simply say your desire or question immediately before falling asleep. It is advisable to write down this phrase on a piece of paper and illustrate it with an associated picture. Next, you must remember the entry. The constant formulation of one’s own intentions is aimed at expressing a specific desire in dreams.

Then you need to go to bed. Without being distracted by other thoughts, without loading your mind with thoughts about problems and worries, just turn off the light and get ready for sleep in bed.

Again remember your desire expressed in the recording and focus on intentional awareness of your personality in the upcoming dream. You need to imagine as if the dream has already begun and what is happening is exactly what was planned. The main thing is not to lose from your imagination the idea of ​​carrying out a non-abstract, clear action. You should not allow extraneous distracting thoughts to interfere until you fall asleep. Meanwhile, this is not easy to achieve; many beginners who study the features of this technique have difficulty coping with absent-mindedness. In this case, you should go back and do it all over again. Re-formulate the desire for your own awareness and focus on what you want.

You can’t stop just at this stage. Immersed in a lucid dream and staying inside a well-thought-out plot, it is most difficult to implement the planned action. To do this, it is important to remember the decisive phrase once again. You may need to express yourself in a special way and find a suitable way for this, change your behavior pattern and perform a deep analysis of the environment in your dream. In addition, it is worth remembering the sensations during such a dream.

The successful completion of all work done will be facilitated by a mandatory reminder of what you saw after waking up. The final result The whole process will be to obtain an unambiguous answer to the question, which was key and required enormous concentration. You need to consolidate the effect of an intentional dream by immediately writing down the entire dream you saw, or at least its main part. Make a note about lucid dream follows even if the main event never happened. Perhaps significant information was hidden in other nuances that were not initially given due attention.

Creating a new storyline in a dream

You can see what you desire in your dreams in a different way. Having created the ground for the emergence of lucid dreams, there is a chance to independently evoke or find what you want. In addition, such decisive changes, affecting the entire atmosphere of sleep, influence the emergence of powerful feelings over the created world of illusions. Having acquired the skills to manage “life” in a dream, traveling in dreams will become commonplace. Here everything directly depends on your imagination and your goal. And since human possibilities are practically limitless, anything the sleeping lord of dreams wants can happen. The techniques below will help you learn to regulate and manage your dreams and everything that happens in them. However, this technique can only be considered as advice, because an absolute mechanism for controlling what is happening in the world of dreams has not yet been found.

  • Firstly

First you need to decide on the goal. Before going to bed, you need to imagine people, the place and time of meeting them. Doesn't matter if it's non-existent fairy tale character or a distant relative from the outback, he lives now, lived a very long time ago or was not born at all.

  • Secondly

It is strictly necessary to create a special installation that will program to achieve the set goal. The old advice of writing down a phrase that represents the main intention will help you achieve this. Then, of course, you should imagine the feeling that would be present if you received the long-awaited result.

  • Thirdly

Developing your goal in a lucid dream will be especially helpful. To do this, it is enough to associate the origin of additional events with the object of the dream. It is possible that the task will be completed only with the help of strong intentions. Because it is most likely to achieve success by first realizing the state of sleep. And most importantly: if you feel that awakening is imminent, it is advisable to repeat your establishing words until the awakening comes. next dream, perhaps even according to a scenario thought out in advance.

  • Fourthly

in order to radically change the general atmosphere of a situation or a particular environment, it is not necessary to move somewhere. You can change everything on the spot, starting the process with some of the most insignificant details, and continuing with the transition to more serious things. The intensity of actions aimed at correction should increase gradually, appearing barely noticeable at first. In this case, the surroundings look like a kind of “plasticine” from which you can sculpt whatever your heart desires.


The modern rhythms of each person set many restrictions and boundaries. And it’s not always possible to do as you would like. This easily explains the priority of lucid dreaming, which is not difficult to learn to manage if you immerse yourself in this process concentrated, listening to your consciousness.

A significant advantage that is available to those who have mastered the technique of intentional sleep is freedom, incomparable to real life, complete absence restrictions, limits and limits - in the world of dreams you can do anything and be anyone.

When trying to bring yourself to perfection, you need to engage in self-development, and it does not matter how you move towards your goal. For complete happiness, a feeling of complete satisfaction in life, it is not enough to simply have healthy body and read a lot of books. Problems in relationships with people, energy, and tragic events may be directly dependent on mental level development.