What is deep sleep and how long does it last? Sleep norm: how many hours should you sleep?

Alternating activity and rest is a natural and natural process for any living organism. It is curious that for normal life, a panda needs to sleep up to 22 hours a day, while African elephants only need 180 minutes to fully rest. The nature of human sleep is much more complex, representing an intricate interweaving of cycles, periods and phases. Their quality and duration directly affect performance, mood, and well-being. Somnologists have proven that the slow phase is the most important for people, as well as its integral part, which is responsible for the regeneration of the body after a whole day of activity - deep sleep. The norm for an adult ranges from 90-120 minutes, taking into account the number of cycles.

What does deep sleep mean?

People's daily journey to the domain of Morpheus is cyclical. Typically, night rest is divided into two radically opposite phases, called slow and fast. The first is deep, and this is where the process of falling asleep begins. NREM sleep is characterized by 4 periods that smoothly replace each other:

  1. Drowsiness, when the brain still continues to function and process the information accumulated during the day. It is possible that the so-called half-asleep visions that have a clear connection with reality.
  2. Sleep spindles or the process of falling asleep. Brain activity is minimized, consciousness is dulled. But since sleep is still superficial, due to increased threshold perception, a person can react sharply to external stimuli and wake up.
  3. Deep sleep. The muscles are completely relaxed, all body processes are dulled to the maximum, only weak electrical impulses enter the brain.
  4. Delta sleep. It is he who is responsible for the depth and required quality of rest of the sleeper. At this time, the body temperature decreases, respiratory processes and blood circulation slow down. A person is not affected by any kind of irritants; it is quite difficult to wake him up. 80% of dreams occur during this time.

After all 4 periods have passed, the time of rapid (paradoxical) sleep comes. Based on the total duration of the night's rest, slow and fast phase replace each other up to 4-5 times. If we talk specifically about deep sleep, it can be recorded exclusively using an electroencephalogram approximately 1.5 hours after falling asleep, the duration is up to 10 minutes. While the sleeper is in the kingdom of Morpheus, the duration of further deep periods increases, reaching several tens of minutes in the morning. From cycle to cycle the phase rapidly increases REM sleep, and the depth, on the contrary, decreases.

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Mechanism of influence on the human body as a whole

The importance of the slow phase for active life unconditional. During the night, during the process of deep sleep, the body is renewed, energy resources are replenished, cells are regenerated. Besides this:

  • by reducing the flow rate metabolic processes energy accumulates;
  • the immune system is activated, being at the peak of activity;
  • growth hormone is synthesized, which is responsible for catabolism (proteins, instead of being broken down, are formed from amino acids, then they act as building material strengthen muscles and promote the formation of new cells);
  • the depth of breaths changes their frequency, due to this the organs are maximally saturated with oxygen, and the likelihood of developing hypoxia is eliminated;
  • intellectual resources are updated, and the information accumulated over the previous day is systematized and stored in memory;
  • the heart muscle is restored due to the low frequency of night contractions.

Does quality deep sleep affect intelligence?

Observed norms influence not only the dreams of an adult, but are also extremely important for his mental abilities. This was confirmed by special studies conducted with the participation of volunteers. The essence of the experiment was simple - before going to bed to rest, people were asked to remember a certain number of words, unfamiliar and unrelated to each other.

As a result, participants who had a long deep sleep phase were able to reproduce much more information in the morning. The conclusions are obvious - when reducing, violating or complete absence At this important stage, normal functioning will be disrupted: memory will deteriorate, attention will become distracted, and performance will be at zero. And if the REM sleep phase can be easily compensated for by several dozen hours of good rest, then normalizing the daily routine will not help restore the strength lost due to the absence of its deep “brother.”

What should be the norm for the duration of healthy sleep?

It is believed that the optimal time necessary for a person for night sleep – 7-9 hours. However, as practice shows, these values ​​are conditional. Thus, 4 hours a day was more than enough for Napoleon to restore intellectual and volitional abilities, while the recognized genius Einstein needed 2.5 times more time for the same purposes.

And yet, the values ​​​​of the norm of deep sleep for an adult are extremely important, as English scientists have proven. The experiment involved 110 subjects of different ages who had never suffered from insomnia:

  1. People 20-30 years old slept on average 8 hours, and their deep sleep lasted 118 minutes.
  2. The second group of participants aged 31-55 years showed results of 7 hours and 85 minutes, respectively.
  3. Night rest subjects of retirement age was 6.5 hours, deep sleep accounted for 84 minutes of this time.

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The results obtained made it possible to firmly assert that the duration of a person’s stay in one or another stage of sleep is influenced by age markers, daily routine, body weight, level of sleep. physical activity, general health and specifics of psychological processes.

Thus, a “normal” night’s rest is a purely individual concept. A person should sleep exactly as much as his body needs to full recovery. If we talk about norms, then deep sleep should account for up to 70% of the total duration of “Morpheus’ embrace.”

What symptoms indicate insufficient night rest?

Problems falling asleep feeling unwell after waking up, disruptions in the hours of night rest - three large groups of sleep disorders. They entail:

  • lethargy, fatigue, poor performance throughout the day;
  • decreased mental activity;
  • muscle weakness;
  • apathy, irritability, Bad mood, V advanced cases– development of depressive states;
  • lack of any kind of motivation.

Single manifestations of such symptoms do not cause harm to health, but the duration and systematic nature of the described conditions lead to malfunctions endocrine system, psychological problems.

In case of chronic lack of adequate sleep, somatotropic hormone stops being produced, appearance a person undergoes a number of unpleasant changes - his stomach grows, overweight. In addition, the person sleeping at night experiences short-term pauses in breathing, the so-called. apnea syndrome. It causes increased drowsiness in daytime, which disrupts concentration and can lead to dire consequences (for example, road accidents or work-related injuries). Among other things, apnea syndrome is a provocateur of strokes and heart attacks.

Main causes of violation

Disruption of the deep sleep phase is often triggered by somatic or psycho-emotional problems.

Among them:

  • chronic stress and depression;
  • constant overvoltage;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • high temperature;
  • severe poisoning, other problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Contents of the article

Sleep is a cycle of phases that replace one another. During this period, a sleeping person encounters dreams, restores strength, normalizes thinking, and gains a unique experience. Typically, the structure within which the phase changes occur is the same for all nights, and the cycle can be repeated up to five times. Deep sleep represents an element of the phase slow sleep, which has a maximum duration compared to REM sleep. It is often called orthodox. What is the deep phase, what is the norm of deep sleep, and how much should it be? total number The time spent in the “embrace of Morpheus” will be considered in the article.

Classic sleep structure

The sleep cycle starts immediately after falling asleep, and its duration is 80-90 minutes. A division into the following stages is observed.

  • First stage. The person is in a doze with half-asleep reverie. It causes hallucinogenic thoughts and images that pass over time. Essentially, a slow and gradual descent into deep sleep begins.
  • Second stage. It is called shallow or light. The heart rate becomes slower and the temperature becomes lower. The muscles relax, the brain falls asleep. In a healthy person, it accounts for about 55% of the time per night.
  • Third stage. This slow mode, which takes less than half of the entire process. Dreams and images may appear.
  • Fourth stage. This is the deepest phase during which slow delta sleep occurs. Feature stage lies in the difficulty of waking up a sleeping person. About 80% of all dreams are observed. Exactly this stage characterized by the likelihood of attacks of sleepwalking, nightmares, and conversations. But the point is that a person does not remember these moments. This process takes about 15% of the time.
  • Fifth stage. It is fast and occurs differently for each person. It occurs after a slow cycle and is called paradoxical sleep. Its duration is about 10 minutes. Brain activity at this stage has many similarities with wakefulness, however, the person maintains a motionless position. If you wake up the sleeper at this stage, he will remember his dreams vividly and clearly.

These are the stages of the entire cycle. Each of them has its own norms and characteristics of its course. We will consider the stage of deep sleep.

Deep sleep stage

An accurate division of all stages can be carried out directly using an electroencephalogram, which determines the indicators of past sleep. This event records brain activity throughout sleep and acts as a modern research. It helps to reflect the state of activation and is more like the first stage EEG. The first manifestation of deep sleep starts an hour and a half after falling asleep and lasts about 10 minutes. As the process progresses, the duration of subsequent episodes of deep sleep will increase and in the morning an indicator of several tens of minutes is observed. From one cycle to another, the stage of REM sleep becomes longer, and the depth decreases.

How easy it is to find it

Example of a sleep tracker bracelet

If a person is faced with the task of simply “leveling” the regime own sleep, you can use special bracelets. What it is and how to choose the right one can be found in ours. Of course, they cannot determine the phase in which the body is, but they are able to record movements made in sleep. In this regard, they will help to separate into two phases - when the individual is tossing and turning or is stationary. The information is displayed in the form of a fence, a special graph. And the main function of the bracelet is as an alarm clock that wakes up a person when he is in the fast phase.

Stage duration

The norm of sleep and its mode is purely individual indicator. For each person, the amount of time needed to sleep to maintain normal condition mind and health, yours. There are people who only need a couple of hours, as well as those who sleep for 10 hours or more. But, as practice shows, if to an ordinary person If you have to reduce your norm, then, most likely, after waking up he will be tired and aggressive. However, the importance of an adult's deep sleep norm plays important role. This is evidenced by numerous results of experiments.

Sturdy and good sleep, is collateral wellness. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how much a person should sleep in order to feel alert and full of energy.

Night rest is unique and very important physiological process, which is still not fully understood. However, one thing is certain: sleep is necessary to restore the functioning of all systems. human body and, if for any reason night's rest is disrupted, the consequences can be catastrophic.

What is healthy sleep? With the birth of a child, parents teach him to observe a daily routine and develop such concepts as the day is intended for wakefulness, and the night is for complete rest of the body.

Important: During sleep, many different processes occur in the human body that have positive influence to all systems and organs. In addition, the body gets rid of daytime fatigue and improves tone.

Initially, the child adheres to the daily routine. However, as you get older, the habits developed in childhood change. Night rest takes less time, and the daytime load becomes greater.

And at this moment, the main task of a person is to rebuild his rest and work regime in such a way that the body recovers. And if the next morning you wake up feeling energized, then the chosen time for sleep is optimal.

How to form a good rest

Sound sleep is the key to human health and longevity. But how to develop the optimal regime? To do this, we suggest using the recommendations of experts:

  1. We adhere to the optimal regime. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, regardless of whether it’s a weekend or vacation. This approach will help you set up correct work biological clock.
  2. We plan time for sleep. An adult spends from 6 hours 30 minutes to 8 hours a day sleeping. But not only sleep time has an impact, the quality component of rest plays a big role. In other words, a person normally sleeps without awakening.
  3. When you wake up in the morning, try to reduce the time you get up. You shouldn't lie in bed for a long time. Otherwise, you may fall asleep again, and this will negatively affect the coming day. Warming up in bed helps a lot; it will invigorate you and put you in a positive mood for the whole working day.
  4. If you want to get a good night's sleep, spend two hours in a quiet environment before your planned rest. Avoid watching programs and films with negative plots. Avoid physical activity as well.
  5. To get a good night's sleep, avoid nap. Of course, a 30-minute nap at lunch will give you strength and put your thoughts in order. However, people prone to insomnia should avoid resting during the day.
  6. It is recommended to fill your life with physical activity and a colossal flow of information during daylight hours. But when evening comes, it’s time for relaxation and rest.
  7. Smoking, drinking too much coffee and alcohol guarantee sleep deprivation and health problems. If you don’t have the will to completely say goodbye to your habits, try to reduce them to a minimum.

To have a healthy rest, make it a habit to think positively before going to bed, ventilate the bedroom, isolate extraneous sounds so that there is silence in the room and create darkness. This will help you fall asleep quickly and make your sleep deep.

Approximate norms for healthy sleep

What is the optimal amount of sleep for a person per day? It’s worth highlighting right away that there are no exact data that must be strictly adhered to. Each woman and man has a purely individual rest norm. Moreover, if a person has certain pathologies, he needs long-term rest. Because sleep has a healing effect on the body.

Important: Each person must, first of all, focus on his own well-being, in such a matter as how long his rest should last.

The duration of night rest is influenced by both subjective reasons, so human factor. Therefore, scientists have come to a consensus that it is recommended to normally sleep for 8 hours.

How holidays change depending on age

Age has a huge impact on the duration of rest. Below is a table that clearly describes age category people and average duration their sleep.

In addition, scientists have found that fluctuations in the duration of night rest negatively affect not only its quality, but also general condition person.

In other words, by sticking to a specific sleep time, you will feel alert and have a good health, but if the duration of sleep is different, negative consequences will follow almost instantly.

Important: There is an opinion that women need to rest more than the stronger sex. However, scientists believe that the same amount of time should be allocated.

Gender doesn’t matter, your vacation should be based on your professional activity. People engaged in mental work require long rest. But for workers involved in specialties provided for more physical activity, you can sleep less.

What time is sleep considered the most beneficial?

Normal rest largely depends on the chosen time. Many people believe that if they go to bed well after midnight and wake up closer to eleven o'clock, they will fully meet their need for rest.

In fact, this opinion is completely wrong. Optimal time to restore the body's strength - this is from 22:00 -23:00 until 6:00 - 7:00 in the morning. It is at this time that the process of cell regeneration of all systems and organs starts. In addition, rest at this time promotes rejuvenation skin and restoration of the central nervous system.

Is it harmful to sleep during the day?

Today, many European countries practice long day rest. This is due to the characteristics of the climate zone. Yes, and taking a nap during the lunch break has a number of positive aspects:

  • a rested person has improved visual memory;
  • mental concentration is restored;
  • efficiency increases;
  • a good influx of energy arrives.

The main thing is not to overdo it with daytime naps. Effective result you can get from a 30-minute rest, anything more will provoke nighttime insomnia. In addition, the person will have symptoms such as:

  • lethargy;
  • headaches;
  • apathy.

This also applies to sleeping at sunset. It is believed that falling asleep between 17:00 and 18:00 hours will negatively affect your condition. Therefore, doctors advise not to go to bed at this time, even if you really want to. Endure your nap and go to bed later in the night.

Is it possible to eat before bed?

The quality of rest is greatly influenced by food consumption. The task of each person is to correctly schedule food intake throughout the day. At the same time, it is important to leave healthy products for dinner.

Today there is an opinion that the last meal should be no later than 18:00. This is actually not true. If you go to bed on an empty stomach, health problems will arise in the near future. Moreover, after waking up there can be no talk of energy, and the sleep itself will not be complete.

2 hours before the planned rest, doctors recommend taking light foods. They will not cause harm to the body; on the contrary, the benefits of such a snack will be invaluable.

To avoid feeling heavy in your stomach, consume the following food groups:

  • fermented milk products;
  • chicken and turkey meat;
  • boiled eggs;
  • vegetable or fruit salads;
  • seafood.

Such food will even help normalize proper sleep. And what is important, the brain will receive good nutrition for the regeneration of systems and organs at night.

Consequences of lack of sleep and oversleeping

Why is not only lack of sleep dangerous, but also oversleeping? Let's start with the fact that there are 24 hours in a day, ideally people should spend 8 hours on:

  • work processes;
  • rest;

However, in reality, few people adhere to such a schedule. Moreover, as a rule, the time intended for recuperation is often reduced or increased. The fact is that some people prefer to solve a number of problems by reducing the duration of sleep.

But others, on the contrary, prefer to go to bed much earlier than the scheduled time. As a result, we have a lack of sleep or oversleeping, which equally negatively affect our well-being, manifesting itself with the following symptoms:

  • isolation, lethargic state and apathy;
  • a sharp decrease in serotonin production as a result of which a person begins to suffer from depression;
  • the appearance of nervousness and irritability;
  • decreased performance;
  • decreased mental abilities;
  • premature aging;
  • deterioration in physical fitness;
  • failure of almost all important systems of the body.

These are the consequences of chronic lack of sleep. However, oversleeping also has a number of consequences, namely:

  • drowsiness observed throughout the day;
  • depression;
  • swelling of the body due to long stay bodies in one position;
  • problems with excess weight.

As we see the lack and abuse of night rest in equal degrees negatively affects the human body. Therefore, doctors recommend calculating the optimal norms for your body and sticking to them. To make your task easier, use an online calculator.

It is important to understand that the right time for rest guarantees a person good rest. Moreover, you will wake up refreshed and well-rested in the morning. And this one positive charge will remain throughout the day.

Learning to wake up early correctly

So, we found out how much sleep you need to feel rested. Now let's look at one more thing important issue How to teach your body to fall asleep and wake up in the morning correctly.

If a person wakes up early in the morning cheerful and rested, he can do a lot of useful things without getting tired. Because at this time efficiency is at its highest. But, to achieve this state, you first need to find out how much sleep an adult needs per day. In addition, much depends on the following factors:

  • what time did the person go to rest in the evening;
  • what phase of sleep is occurring at the moment of awakening.

In general, if you fall asleep at 22:00 and wake up at 6:30, you will feel a surge of energy. Because with such a schedule, during this period a short stage of sleep occurs, which is suitable for awakening.

In addition, there are rules that you can follow to wake up early and correctly in the morning:

  • Optimal humidity and air levels will help you feel more alert after waking up. According to Dr. Komarovsky, regular ventilation, dust removal and humidification of the bedroom will make waking up early easier;
  • Set an alarm clock and place it a few meters away. This cunning trick will make you wake up in the morning from the sound and overcome the distance to turn off;
  • if using an alarm clock you cannot accustom your body to early awakenings, ask your family to call at a certain time;
  • after waking up, take a shower and drink green tea with honey and lemon.

It will take about two weeks to form the habit of waking up early in the morning, then the body will turn on the biological alarm clock and wake up without difficulty.

Scientists have found that people who lead healthy image lives and sleep the same number of hours, live much longer than those whose sleep duration varies from day to day.

Experts say that “lack of sleep” and “oversleeping” have equally bad effects on health. Lack of sleep leads to the development of heart diseases. Oversleeping leads to rapid fatigue and decreased performance.

  1. Compliance with the regime. Only then will sleep bring more benefit than harm if you go to bed at the same time. The duration of sleep should also be the same. If the regime is violated, disruptions occur in biorhythms - the biological clock. On weekdays and holidays The duration of sleep should be the same. Adults need to follow the example of small children, because it doesn’t matter to them whether it’s a day off or a weekday – they go to bed and wake up at almost the same time.
  2. Duration of sleep.Healthy sleep should be equal to 8 hours: myth or reality? If sleep is continuous, it is enough for a person to sleep from 6 to 8 hours a day. If a person often wakes up during sleep, then these 8 hours will not be enough for him, he will feel tired and overwhelmed. To sleep well at night, you need to remain calm during the day and not overstimulate your nervous system. Only in this case will you have a good and healthy sleep.
  3. When you wake up, get out of bed immediately. After waking up, each of us dreams of spending another 5 minutes half asleep. During this time you can fall asleep again. You need to accustom your body to the fact that you need to get up at the same time. You get used to it very quickly, and it becomes the norm.
  4. 1 hour before bedtime, only positive emotions are needed. The body needs to be prepared: you can’t fuss and exercise active sports just before bed.
  5. Relaxing treatments will improve the quality of your sleep. For those who have difficulty falling asleep and tossing and turning in bed for a long time, it is recommended to take a shower or bath with soothing herbs, listen to calm music, or take a walk in the park.
  6. If possible, it is necessary to exclude daytime naps. For those who have trouble sleeping at night, it is contraindicated to go to rest during the daytime.
  7. The bedroom should be a cozy “nest”. There is no room for a computer or TV in the room. You need to choose an orthopedic mattress and good pillow to ensure your comfort while sleeping. You can’t read, watch TV series, or eat while lying in bed. Before going to bed, the room must be ventilated. The flow of fresh air has a beneficial effect on sleep.
  8. A well-spent day is the key to a good night's sleep. Active lifestyle, activities physical exercise and walks on fresh air strengthen the nervous system and promote healthy sleep.
  9. You should not eat food before going to bed. Dinner should not be too heavy and no later than 2 hours before bedtime. If taken at night heavy food, this is fraught with frequent awakenings, since the body will have to digest it all night.
  10. Coffee, cigarettes and alcohol. For the benefit of your health, you need to give up these bad habits.

Why is lack of sleep harmful?

Disturbance in sleep duration is dangerous to health. Chronic lack of sleep- this is a consequence short nap. During the week, this is the norm for many people and everyone waits for the weekend to get a good night's sleep. On Saturday and Sunday, people try to sleep 12 hours a day, thus trying to compensate for lack of sleep during the week. This situation is stressful for the body. Doctors called this phenomenon “sleepy bulimia.”

Consequences of lack of sleep:

  • concentration decreases, the person cannot concentrate;
  • headaches appear;
  • diseases of the cardiac system develop;
  • immunity decreases;
  • performance deteriorates;
  • excess weight appears, which leads to obesity;
  • a person suffers from insomnia, some people become depressed;
  • the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, increases;
  • in men, against the background of an increase in testosterone levels by 30%, a tummy appears and the prostate gland may become inflamed.

Lack of sleep leads to disruption of normal biorhythms. Throughout the day, each system and organ has its own period of activity and rest. Chemical reactions that occur within us also depend on biological rhythms. Even minor changes in routine, where sleep and wake patterns differ from day to day, lead to serious consequences– internal disorders.

Throughout his life, a person must cope with sleep deprivation himself. But not all people can overcome problems on their own and eliminate factors that influence lack of sleep.

Consequences associated with sleep disturbance:

  • Insomnia (insomnia). A person suffers from the fact that he cannot fall asleep, and if he does fall asleep, his sleep is shallow;
  • Parosomnia. The disease is expressed in the fact that a person experiences fear in a dream and has nightmares. Sleepwalking, enuresis, and epileptic seizures are observed.
  • Hypersomnia. A person wants to sleep all the time.
  • Intrasomnia. A condition where you suffer from frequent awakenings in the middle of the night.

Disturbances in the period of sleep and wakefulness lead to diseases of the endocrine system, metabolism is disrupted, immunity decreases, and irritability appears. Phenomena such as muscle pain, tremors, and convulsions may occur are often observed.

If a person sleeps restlessly, you should definitely seek help from a neurologist or visit a psychotherapist.

Why is oversleeping harmful?

Lack of sleep is definitely harmful, but what consequences can it lead to? long sleep, lasting up to 10-12 hours a day? If a person sleeps for a long time, he has an excess of the sleep hormone. This affects very fatigue during wakefulness. You can often hear the following phrase: “The more time I spend sleeping, the more sleepy I feel.” Oversleeping reduces immunity and leads to depression.

Sometimes a person goes to bed consciously to avoid making a decision pressing problems or overcome fear in current situations. But in this case the condition only gets worse. Problems remain unresolved, and loved ones suffer from this.

Prolonged sleep increases blood pressure, blood stagnates in the vessels, migraine attacks become more frequent, and swelling (“bags” under the eyes) appears.

It should be noted that the established sleep framework is conditional. For each person, the duration of sleep is determined purely individually. Some people feel great after 6 hours of sleep, while for others 8 hours of sleep is not enough. Each of us will have to develop an individual regime, especially since life circumstances force a person to come to terms with the fact that he is given little time for sleep. But after lack of sleep, a person must regain his strength by resting well.

Hello, dear readers!

When a person is born, he sleeps most of the time, then, as he grows up, he becomes sorry for wasting precious time on sleep. As he gets even older, he begins to value sleep, since there is sorely not enough time for it. In old age, a person has time to sleep, but sleep itself, alas, does not come. Let's figure it out how many hours do you need to sleep a person and why he needs sleep at all. What symptoms indicate lack of sleep? And also how to prepare for bed to get a great night's sleep.

Sleep provides rest person. In a dream, a person grows and recovers. When a person is unwell, he feels the need to sleep more.

Sleep provides normal immune system function. People deprived normal sleep poorly resistant to infections.

Information processing occurs in sleep received per day. For people in the process active learning the need for sleep is increased. During REM sleep brain activity higher than in the waking state.

The quality of sleep affects our daily activity, emotions, attention, concentration, creativity and even body weight.

Lack of sleep increases morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases, especially in women.

2. How many hours should you sleep?

Optimal sleep duration for an adult — 7.5 — 9 hours. Such recommendations are given by the World Congress of Sleep Medicine.

Moreover need for sleep from the same person varies from day to day. This means that today you will need 7.5 hours for rest, and tomorrow you will need 8 or 9. In any case, healthy people It is advisable to adhere to this sleep duration.

Sleeping more than 10 hours a day is dangerous physical inactivity and all the associated problems - overweight, insufficient muscle mass etc.

The need for sleep duration is determined genetically. The above sleep duration is suitable for 97% of the world's population. And only 3% of people are able to be satisfied with 6 hours of sleep.

If you sleep during the day, then it is desirable limit this time to 30-45 minutes.

A siesta is a great habit and helps you feel energized throughout the day. However, it should not be at the expense of a night's sleep.

The optimal time to fall asleep is from 5 to 30 minutes. When a person goes to bed and falls asleep earlier than 5 minutes later, this indicates significant fatigue and an urgent need for sleep. Falling asleep after more than half an hour indicates two things (either/or):

  • that it's too early to sleep
  • that the person is experiencing significant stress and cannot relax

Now let's move on to the symptoms that indicate that you are not sleeping enough.

3. Symptoms of lack of sleep

People who are sleep deprived may not even be aware of it. Unfortunately, lack of sleep modern culture- almost the norm. Most people lack sleep due to various reasons, over time, the majority begins to be perceived as the norm.

At the same time Lack of sleep continues to reduce health and cause serious financial harm.

The harm from lack of sleep and its impact on a person is compared with the damage from alcohol intoxication.

Here are the symptoms that indicate lack of sleep:

  • Fatigue, apathy, lethargy
  • Motivation is reduced
  • Irritability and moodiness
  • Decreased creativity
  • Difficulty resolving problems
  • Decreased immunity, frequent acute respiratory infections, caries, fungal infections
  • Problems with memory and concentration
  • Poor motor skills increased risk getting injured
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  • Other health problems

In general, a small amount of sleep will not bring anything good to a person and 25 hours will not add to the day.

Let's look at techniques that will help you significantly improve the quality of your sleep.

4. How to improve your sleep quality

The World Congress of Sleep Medicine has developed 10 commandments for adults:

  1. Set a sleep/wake schedule
  2. Limit your siesta time to 45 minutes
  3. Avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol 4 hours before bed and do not smoke
  4. Avoid consuming caffeinated foods and drinks 6 hours before bedtime
  5. Avoid heavy, spicy or sweet foods 4 hours before bed. A light snack is fine
  6. Be physically active, but not before bed
  7. Use a comfortable mattress and pillow, bed linen made from natural fabrics
  8. Choose a comfortable temperature for sleeping, ensure the room is ventilated
  9. Eliminate all possible sources of noise and light
  10. Book a bed for sleep and sex. Don't work in bed or watch TV

These simple rules will help you sleep better.


Lack of sleep leads To serious problems with health and financial condition person. The sooner you eliminate sleep deprivation, the less damage it will cause you. Falling face first into a plate is an extreme thing that should not be allowed.

Get enough sleep, eat right and have enough motor activityminimum conditions for health and success.

Thanks for sharing the article on social networks. All the best to you!

Sincerely, Elena Dyachenko