How to test immunity - ways to diagnose the state of the immune system

– immunity. Your body's ability to resist infections, viruses, bacteria and anything else that threatens your health. If the immune system is weakened, the body stops responding to harmful microorganisms that enter it from the outside. The defense is broken and all “” are picked up instantly, but take a long time to heal. Which may be a reason to see a doctor and have your immunity checked.

If you constantly suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, if you have tonsillitis, permanent herpes, furunculosis, if there is a syndrome chronic fatigue, drowsiness, lack of interest in life. This is a reason to see a doctor and have your immunity checked. First " a wake-up call» reduced immunity may become frequent colds, especially accompanied by infections of the upper respiratory tract. If you catch a cold no more than once every three months, your immune system is fine and there is no need to worry.

What is an immunogram

Immunity is checked by an immunogram. This is a special blood test that examines the components immune system. The body is protected from diseases by leukocytes, phagocytes and other cells. Their number and activity and.

How is an immunogram done?

As already mentioned, this is a blood test. For research, blood is taken, always on an empty stomach. If you eat or drink anything, even water, before the test, the result may be distorted.

The result will be “deciphered” by an immunologist, who will write a referral for. By the way, an immunogram allows not only to control general level immunity, but also to identify characteristic changes in the body due to a specific disease, which can significantly help in treatment.

How to boost your immunity

Medication if the situation is really serious. But self-prescribing medications and self-medication is strictly contraindicated. Immunity is no joke. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe medications to boost immunity after an immunogram. But various natural immunostimulants, such as honey, echinacea, herbal remedies, can

Before offering you a test to determine your immunity level, let us briefly remind you of what it is.

If our immune system cannot cope with these attacks, we get sick. For example, if a common cold occurs several times a year, this signals a breakdown of the immune system.

Immune system consists of many organs, systems, tissues and special cells.

Tonsils.“Outpost” of the immune system. Immune cells located in the tonsils trap “infiltrators” that can enter the body through the nasopharynx.

Thymus gland. Located behind the sternum, it “trains” immune cells, T-lymphocytes, to recognize hostile microorganisms.

Spleen. This organ cleanses the blood, removing damaged red blood cells and other foreign elements, including bacteria. The spleen is also a reserve for immune cells.

Intestines. IN small intestine there are lymphoid (Peyer's) patches that protect gastrointestinal tract from pathogens.

Bone marrow. Produces white blood cells (leukocytes) and other blood cells.

Lymph nodes. They are located on the paths of lymph flow. Immune cells Here they are on guard for the invasion of bacteria into the body.

A malfunction of the immune system is called immunodeficiency.

There is a congenital, genetically determined deficiency of immunity when protective equipment lack in the body from birth. Such people can only survive with constant special expensive treatment.

Much more common secondary immunodeficiency - the result of a violation of the body’s normal resistance.

Reasons: , negative emotions, lack of sleep, injuries, poor environmental conditions, excess ultraviolet radiation (too long exposure to the sun), excess physical activity, overheating or hypothermia, poor (insufficient) nutrition, smoking and alcohol abuse. Some medicines, such as antibiotics and antitumor drugs, also suppress the immune system. In cancer patients, immunodeficiency can be both a consequence and a cause of malignant tissue degeneration.

Experts came to the conclusion that allergy is also associated with dysfunction of the immune system.

Test "Check your immunity"

How to understand whether your immunity is normal or not? Exists immunogramcomprehensive study blood, tear fluid, saliva and cerebrospinal fluid. Other diagnostic methods using body tissue samples have also been developed. These studies are not cheap and not accessible to everyone; they are done in difficult cases. However, you can get your immunity assessed without leaving your home. A test has been developed in Germany to assess the state of the immune system.

This test is intended for adults who are not currently taking special treatment type radiation therapy and do not have severe immune system diseases.

  1. If you agree with the statement, give 1 point; if you disagree, give 0.
  2. I'm sick severely colds more than 3 times a year.
  3. I get sick with other viral infections more than 2 times a year.
  4. I often suffer from herpes (herpes blisters).
  5. I have had shingles for the past 12 months.
  6. I often suffer from gastrointestinal infections.
  7. Over the past 5 years I have had fungal diseases skin or mucous membranes (mouth, intestines, genitals).
  8. I have diabetes or other serious metabolic disorders.
  9. I take medications 3 times a day or more often.
  10. My scratches don't heal well.
  11. I have chronic inflammation gums or other organs.
  12. For last year I had a serious injury or surgery using anesthesia.
  13. Members of my family are more likely than other people to suffer from infections, chronic diseases or cancer.
  14. My diet contains little fresh vegetables, fruits, vitamins and microelements.
  15. I regularly go on low-calorie diets.
  16. My body weight is below normal.
  17. I don't play sports.
  18. I often train until I'm very tired.
  19. I smoke.
  20. I drink alcohol in large quantities every day.
  21. I often go to the solarium or sunbathe a lot during my summer holidays.
  22. I have to work at night and sleep during the day.
  23. I always don't have enough time for anything.
  24. Almost every day I have to communicate with people I don’t like.
  25. I am often afraid of something.
  26. People I'm interested in don't want to communicate with me.
  27. I very rarely feel creative and emotional.
  28. I am not satisfied with my relationships with loved ones (husband, wife, parents, children, etc.).
  29. I have a hard time relaxing.

If you are under 40 years old, add 2 points to the amount, from 41 to 60 years old - 4 points, over 60 years old - 6 points.

Evaluation of test results

From 2 to 15 points. The adverse effect on your immune system is minor and is normal. To stay in good shape, do not forget about a balanced diet.

From 16 to 25 points. Your immune system is exposed negative impacts due to your lifestyle and past illnesses. Think about what you need to change in your behavior and habits to avoid weakening your immune system further. To maintain the body it is worth using biologically active additives to food, normalizing immunity.

More than 25 points. Your lifestyle and past illnesses led to a significant weakening of the immune system. you are exposed increased risk infectious diseases. You need to change a lot: give up bad habits, establish healthy eating, learn to relax, etc. You need to add the missing substances, vitamins and microelements to your diet.

For maximum protection of the body from internal and external damaging influences, we can recommend IMMUNOSTIMUL– an original balanced complex of natural biologically active substances, which has a general strengthening, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. This is a domestic innovative product based on marine components (milk salmon fish, squid ganglia and from seaweed) from the ecologically clean Pacific region.

the body, increases the body’s resistance against infectious diseases, protects the body from the effects of adverse internal factors environment, increases stress resistance, reduces anxiety levels, and slows down the aging of the body.

Ecology of life. Health: Indicators of leukocytes in a general blood test allow you to assess the state of immunity and even determine the cause of the disease...

General blood test indicators include (the abbreviation of the indicator is indicated in parentheses):

Hemoglobin (HGB)- a protein located inside red blood cells that is responsible for saturating the body with oxygen. In the lungs, it combines with oxygen and delivers it to the organs. There, oxygen is replaced by carbon dioxide, which is delivered to the lungs. This is how gas exchange occurs. According to the norms of a general blood test, the hemoglobin indicator differs for men and women - in the former it should be higher.

Red blood cells (RBC)- cells containing hemoglobin. A general blood test has a column such as “average hemoglobin content in one red blood cell” (MCH), which reflects the amount of this protein in one red blood cell.

Hematocrit (HCT)- an indicator of blood density.

Reticulocytes (RE)- young red blood cells. A drop in hemoglobin and red blood cells below normal can be observed in anemia, after a serious illness.

Platelets (PLT) provide blood clotting. A general analysis allows you to detect a decrease in platelet count and prevent bleeding, which is possible when PLT falls below 50x109/l.

White blood cells (WBC)- are responsible for immunity. Indicators of leukocytes in a general blood test make it possible to assess the state of immunity and even determine the cause of the disease. Exceeding the level of leukocytes is often observed in acute bacterial infections, purulent inflammations. If the number of leukocytes falls below normal, a viral infection, a toxic condition, certain bacterial infections.
Thus, if the number of leukocytes fighting viruses increases, the disease is caused by a viral infection; if there are many leukocytes fighting bacteria, the disease is of a bacterial nature. Treatment in the first and second cases is significantly different.

Most active against bacteria neutrophils (NE), therefore, with bacterial inflammation, their percentage in the blood increases. While the number of other types of leukocytes (again expressed in %) decreases. In total, the percentage of all types of leukocytes is 100%.

The percentage of leukocytes of different types is called the leukocyte formula.

Expanded general analysis blood provides information about various types neutrophils. Adult neutrophils, which perform the main job of fighting infection, are called segmented.

As a neutrophil grows, it goes through several forms: myelocyte, metamyelocyte, band neutrophil, and only then segmented.

The presence of segmented and a small number of band neutrophils is absolutely normal.

Myelocytes and metamyelocytes appear when serious illnesses, activating all the forces of the body to fight the disease.

Basophils (BA)- Contained in the blood in small quantities. Increased basophil levels occur in rare diseases.

Lymphocytes (LYMP) form general and local immunity. At viral infections the content of lymphocytes increases.

Monocytes (MON) utilize bacteria, dying cells, and other foreign elements. An increase in the number of monocytes is observed during prolonged infections, as well as infectious mononucleosis.

There are no plasma cells in a healthy adult. Appear when chicken pox, measles, infectious mononucleosis, rubella, and some other viral infections.

An important indicator of a general blood test is ESR. At inflammatory processes ESR increases.

A general blood test must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. published

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– amazing ability human the body protects itself from foreign objects(bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) with the help of organs and cells of the immune system.

Photo 1. The human body produces cells that guard health. Source: Flickr (Interactive Content)

Protective organs include:


  • Red bone marrow – a substance found in the spongy substance of bones, in which immune cells (T and B lymphocytes) originate and develop.
  • Thymusmain body immune system, in which T-lymphocytes are divided into types (T-killers, T-helpers, T-suppressors).


  • Lymph nodes– immune organs that are located along lymphatic vessels, and act as filters (that is, they prevent pathogenic cells from spreading throughout the body).

Spleen- the largest organ of the immune system, in which:

  • the supply of blood cells is maintained;
  • captured alien objects are destroyed;
  • immunocompetent cells (macrophages) mature.

Each organ and each immune cell performs its own special function. When done as a team, they protect your body so you don't get sick every time someone sneezes on you.

Symptoms of low immunity

If the immune system begins to malfunction for any reason, the appearance of symptoms will not be long in coming. So, You should think about your immune system if you or your child:

  • often (from 10 times a year) and have a hard time with infectious diseases;
  • you get tired quickly from work, you feel weak, and do not feel a surge of strength after sleep and rest;
  • became absent-minded and irritable.

How to test immunity

To test the strength of your immune system, you can do special analysis - .

Thanks to this test, you can find out how many immune cells are in the blood and evaluate how active they are.

Indications for immunity testing

The analysis can be carried out simply to assess your health, but prerequisite The following symptoms are necessary to prescribe a study.

Without medical care you can only suspect that your immunity is weakened. Therefore, if you discover at least one symptom in yourself or your child, the cause of which you cannot explain, contact your doctor.

Pay attention! Immunogram - the only one reliable way checking the state of immunity.

How is the analysis carried out?

Blood taken for an immunogram from a finger or vein(depending on the goals and rules of the laboratory) in the morning, on an empty stomach. In some cases, it can be used for analysis cerebrospinal fluid, saliva and mucus from the nasopharynx.

The doctor evaluates the number of T- and B-lymphocytes, the levels of immunoglobulins A, E, M, G, the number of leukocytes and their activity.

Decoding the results

The table below shows the norms of the most frequently studied immunogram parameters.

T-lymphocytes (T-ROK, E-ROK)50-70% (50.4±3.14)x0.6-2.5 thousand.
B-lymphocytes (B-ROK, EAS-ROK)6-20% 0.1-0.9 thousand
Theophylline resist. T-lymph. (TFR-ROK)50-65% (42.4±2.37)
Theophylline senses. T-lymph. (TFCH-ROK)6-10% (9.01±1.41)
Iran6-8 (1.7-2.5 with monoclones)
Spontaneous rosette-forming29.9±4.2%
Neutrophils N8-ROK1.12±0.1 thousand
Complementary rosettes12.0±1.8%
Neutrophils N0-ROK0.45±0.04 thousand
Null lymphocytes26.0±5.0% 0.57±0.04 thousand
Null neutrophils55.4±4.0% 2.15±0.20 thousand
IgA0.5-2.0 (1.12±0.16)
IgM0.5-2.5 (1.09±0.24)
Ig G5.0-14.0 (7.08±0.93)
Ig E (enzyme immunoassay method)Up to 100 IU/ml (76±9 kU/l)
Phagocytic activity of neutrophils:
With staphylococcus40-80% (74.6±4.91)
With latex47,5-79,1%
Phagocytic number6-9 (9.7±1.38)
Circulating immune complexes0-6.5 g/l (6.3±0.83) or up to 100 cu

Pay attention! A deviation from the norm in one or more indicators does not necessarily indicate that you have a disease.

To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor may appoint additional tests , or advise you to retake the immunogram again (for example, take the test during illness and after recovery).

Features of testing immunity in children

The immune system of children is fully formed by the age of five. Therefore, there is no need to unnecessarily traumatize the child’s psyche with unnecessary trips to hospitals and blood sampling procedures. Don't worry too much when your child often gets sick respiratory diseases. It is when encountering new bacteria and viruses that immunity is formed. But in cases where an ordinary ARVI constantly develops into bronchitis, otitis, etc., it is still worth consulting a doctor with a question about immunity.

This is interesting! An ancient Chinese proverb says: “To grow up healthy, a child must be snotty.”

What kind of diseases threaten growing children? How much trouble does constant visits cause parents? medical institutions. Regular visits to doctors, tests - you can’t do without all this. It is easier to prevent the disease or begin its treatment initial stage rather than wait until the child’s body begins to malfunction. Some parents begin to panic when the doctor prescribes their children immunological analysis blood. But there is nothing wrong with this analysis. Moreover, in some cases it makes sense to ask your doctor for a referral for such a blood test. The study will help diagnose as accurately as possible what is happening to the immune system little patient, will help you find timely measures to improve his health.

The immunological form of blood testing is quite popular, and in some cases parents, not knowing why such a test is needed, ask doctors to give a referral for such a study. An immunogram is not needed in all cases, and it cannot show all diseases. This type of analysis falls into the category additional research. An immunogram is often called a hemotest. This is not entirely true, although in some cases an immunogram can be its basis. Hemotest is also a type of diagnosis, but it has a completely different purpose. In both cases, specialists examine the child's blood. A hemotest will be able to identify the baby’s food tolerance.

Food intolerance is not a whim. It is equally dangerous for adults and children. If a baby doesn’t feel well and has symptoms of a cold and allergies at the same time, this does not mean that this is actually the case. An immunogram will help identify allergies. And the hemotest is precisely food intolerance. It's absolutely two different states organism, although, at first glance, it seems that they are similar. Ideal option would be if all children underwent a hemotest. This would help avoid many problems that their health later presents.

The result of consuming prohibited foods

Many parents mistakenly believe that food intolerance is not as dangerous as allergies. That is why they are in no hurry to perform such a blood test on a child. Eating intolerant foods causes metabolic disorders in any person. The baby may suffer overweight or, on the contrary, be very thin.

The results of eating foods that the body cannot tolerate can be:

  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • skin diseases;
  • violations in the sexual sphere.

The cause of these ailments is not an allergy, but an intolerance by the body of certain foods. A person receives illnesses as an inheritance happy childhood, when they were intensively fed those foods that he was absolutely forbidden to eat. To avoid all this, you must take a hemotest. Based on a child’s blood test, specialists will determine a list of foods that are harmful and beneficial for him. Hemotest will show you how to establish proper nutrition. Based on it, if necessary, an individual diet is created

"Detect changes in immune response"

That's exactly what it says in the language medical terms often indicate the purpose for which an immunoassay is performed. To make a diagnosis, as with a hemotest, blood is taken from a vein from a child. This type of analysis can reveal autoimmune diseases and the presence of immunodeficiency. In Russia this type analysis is available for children, abroad it is strictly limited for certain cases. You need to know: such an analysis also has its contraindications. If your baby is often sick infectious diseases, it cannot be prescribed. If a child constantly has a cold, an immunological test is not prescribed. If a general blood test is done and the child has signs of immunodeficiency, only then is a test prescribed.

Is it necessary to do an immunological test before vaccination? There is a common belief that yes. In some cases, such a blood test is indeed possible, in others it is not. If a child has infancy good health, and his mother’s birth went without complications, the baby grew at breastfeeding, then, as a rule, there is no need to undergo an immunological test before vaccination. In Russian medical practice cases when an immunogram is necessary are clearly indicated. But often the basis for its referral is a general blood test.

The appointment of an immunogram is considered justified if a blood test shows that the baby has a very low number of leukocytes. When the norm and the actual number of lymphocytes do not correspond, an immunogram is prescribed. It is needed to find out why a child often develops ARVI, chronic bacterial infections and diarrhea, if the baby has a rash of unknown origin or suffers from chronic fungal infections. When a child has early stage immunodeficiency is developing, only an immunogram can detect it.

Preparing the baby for the procedure

Many parents do not understand the importance of preparing their child for blood tests. Before taking an immunogram, so that it shows objective results, you need to pay special attention to the baby’s sleep patterns and activity. Blood tests in children largely depend on internal state. During this period, parents should try to protect their child from stress as much as possible.

Before analysis, they pay special attention to the diet of children: any potentially allergenic products must be excluded from it. Refrain from attending any mass holidays, because the body also perceives bright, colorful impressions as stress, from which the analysis and its decoding will lose their reliability. If an analysis is to be performed, temporarily do not play active games with your baby.

How to understand numbers and letters?

Deciphering any analysis is a rather complex process. it will help you brief description. There are 4 levels of immune system assessment. The results of a blood test indicate the state of cellular immunity. Its indicator is the number of lymphocytes in the blood. Another analysis determines the protein fractions of blood serum and the gamma globulin level. If a child has less than 20% lymphocytes in his blood, this is already a reason to sound the alarm. The baby's normal range should be 21-85%. If the child is older than a year, then his blood counts are completely different. The norm of lymphocytes at the age of one year and older should be 34-81%.

The immunological form of blood testing involves counting T- and B-lymphocytes. The first elements are responsible for cellular immunity, the second for humoral immunity. There are three types of T lymphocytes: helpers, killers, and suppressors. The norm of each type of T-lymphocytes is calculated based on their ratio. These indicators are very important, as they reflect changes occurring in the child’s body. The normal ratio of herpers to suppressors is 2 or more.

B lymphocytes are responsible for antibody formation. They also have their own norm for each age category. If the total concentration of immunoglobulins in the blood is 10-20 g/l, this is the norm. Level 4 analysis determines the phagocytic number. Its norm is 1-2.5, phagocytic index - 40-90, complement titer - 20-30 units and circulating immune complexes - up to 5 conventional units. Knowing this data, you can get general idea about the child's health condition. But only a doctor, analyzing the numbers in relation to the results of basic tests, can make the correct diagnosis.