C-section. How to overcome your fears? Caesarean section: what sensations arise during and after the operation Children born “not independently” develop worse than their peers

Its reasons are much deeper. After my caesarean section, it took a very long time for my head to get back to normal. Consequences: disruption of attachment with the child. Therefore, I urge everyone who is having a hard time with their CS - you can fight this, and this must be done without delay, if not for your own sake, then at least for the sake of the child.

What if I tried harder

Could I give birth myself? This thought is simply terrifying. You keep replaying the birth in your head and thinking, if only you had endured the contractions a little longer and didn’t give in to the doctors, you would have been able to give birth yourself.

What can I say? Sometimes, indeed, doctors are in too much of a hurry. But most often the intervention is quite justified.

I often pestered doctors with the question: could I give birth on my own? Until the neurologist, examining my son, said: be glad that there is no cerebral palsy, and that he is alive. After all, he was born with a double tight entanglement.

Indeed, the thought of the child’s health can be life-saving here. Directly convince yourself that this was the best for the child.

What happens next?

For those who have encountered a cesarean section for the first time, it seems that everything—happy motherhood—is in question. How will I give birth next time? Is it really always a caesarean section now? And if the seam comes apart... There are many fears and unanswered questions. The thought that tormented me most was that I would not be able to have several children, two at most. And I cried and cried...

Now, having three boys, I calmly remember this time and think, would you support me? knowledgeable person– these two years after the first cesarean would have passed easier.

Fear of the next cesarean

Yes, he is. It's like skydiving. The first time you don’t have time to understand what’s what. But by the second time you already know everything. And you begin to be afraid in advance. But firstly, it is not a fact that next birth There will also be a cesarean section. It is quite possible.

Secondly, this is not so soon. Convince yourself to solve difficulties as they arise. Don't waste your energy now. After all, you really need it for other purposes - for recovery, for caring for the baby.

Good friends

Is it difficult after a cesarean section? Yes, psychologically – very much so. And therefore it is good that in many maternity hospitals, women with cesarean sections are placed in the same ward with the same women in labor. I don't think I could stand it the first time happy person near).

And for a long time I listened with heavy feeling as someone easily gave birth. I advise you to talk about childbirth and pregnancy with those who have also experienced a caesarean section. Tell us about yours, don’t keep it to yourself.

If there is no such person nearby,... This community was created to provide support. Here, any feelings of a woman who has undergone a CS will be treated with understanding. If there is no communication, read the stories and you will see that your birth is not the most difficult.

Does your husband understand?

The hardest thing for me was thinking that my husband was disappointed with my birth, that he was not as happy as he could have been with a natural birth. In fact, I inspired this in myself, and my husband’s reaction to the birth was explained by fatigue from experiences (days of childbirth... he even started smoking).

Explain your feelings to your husband, show how and with what words he can support you.

Extra information

Consciously avoid articles, films like “consequences of caesarean section”, “Caesarean babies are more difficult to adapt”, etc., which say that natural childbirth is much better than caesarean section. This will further injure you. And believe me, such knowledge is unnecessary for us. They are needed only for those who voluntarily desire a cesarean section. That's all.

Working on our head

Girls, there are great psychological exercises that help. For example, the fight against negative attitudes.

I did this. On a piece of paper I write down all the statements that hurt me. For example:

  • I'm a bad mother, I couldn't give birth myself
  • the child is a Caesarean, he will not be able to cope with difficulties, because he has not passed through the birth canal
  • I won't have real maternal feelings
  • I will never be able to experience the joy of birth.

Sound familiar? So here it is. We write down an antidote to each statement:

I am the best mother for my child

Caesar is no different from other children,

Maternal feelings are not physiology, but a conscious choice.

I am happy to have a healthy child.

We simply refuse some bad statements. We tear off positive statements on paper from negative ones. And we read every day. And we simply burn the bad ones, driving them out in this way. It helps me.

If you have ways to combat this condition, let's share your experience!

If self-help doesn't work, don't hesitate to consult a psychologist. It's not so expensive and not so scary)))

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful periods in the life of every woman. A woman blossoms, feeling how she grows and develops new life. However, it also happens that during these happy nine months, a woman faces more than one difficulty. And even before the moment of the first contractions, a decision is made about surgical delivery - caesarean section. How not to get confused at such a moment and get the most positive emotions from the birth of a baby in this way?

Positive attitude of the expectant mother

We will not consider situations where the mother herself decides that her baby will be born by caesarean section, supposedly making it easier for yourself during childbirth. This is a huge misconception. Having gone through an operative birth, any woman can say with confidence that this is not at all easy way the birth of a baby and requires a huge expenditure of moral and physical strength. But in a situation where a caesarean section is prescribed based on the health of the mother or baby, and natural childbirth can be dangerous, you can and should set yourself up for positive thinking.

Absolute indications for caesarean section

There are not many absolute indications for cesarean section. If the mother is diagnosed with craniopelvic disproportion or clinically narrow pelvis. This means that the baby's head is large and the pelvic bones are narrow. Most often, such a diagnosis is made already during childbirth, when contractions are actively occurring, but there is no progress. In this case, doctors resort to caesarean section. Poor placement of the baby in the uterus may lead to surgery. For example, transverse position of the fetus, leg presentation, facial and frontal presentation. Also to emergency situations include: umbilical cord prolapse, placenta previa, placental abruption. These are situations that require an emergency caesarean section.

However, more and more often there are situations when the operation is scheduled. More often this occurs due to the mother's illness. Diabetes, kidney disease, bronchial asthma, symphysitis, hypertension, cardiac and other serious illness. In such cases, in order to reduce the risks for mother and baby to a minimum, a decision is made on a planned caesarean section. A planned caesarean section has a number of clear advantages over an emergency one. Firstly, the mother has time to prepare mentally for this event and get used to the idea of ​​the need for surgical delivery. Doctors will have the opportunity to analyze all the risks associated with a particular medical case, collect everything necessary tests and conduct examinations. In this case, the risks are minimized.

Relative indications for cesarean section include weakness labor activity, not amenable medicinal correction. If the mother is over 30 years old and is about to give birth for the first time, the doctor may recommend surgical delivery, of course, if there are any accompanying pathologies. Chronic placental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, multiple pregnancy, post-term pregnancy, long-term infertility - relative readings to a cesarean section. Also when poor condition scar on the uterus from a previous operation, the doctor prefers surgical delivery in order to minimize risks.

Children after caesarean section

Many expectant mothers are afraid of a caesarean section due to harm to the baby. There is a misconception that babies born through surgery are different worse health, inability in the future to overcome obstacles from children born naturally.

IN modern world we can say with confidence that this is a myth. IN recent years All unfavorable factors factors affecting the child as a result of a cesarean section are taken into account and neutralized during the birth process. Increasingly, the operation is performed under epidural anesthesia, which solves the problem of anesthesia products entering the baby’s bloodstream. Fluid is squeezed out of the baby's lungs special device, and the operation itself is increasingly performed with the onset of natural labor. When performing an operation under local anesthesia, the baby is immediately applied to the mother’s breast, which allows the mother to fully feel her participation in the process of giving birth to the child and avoid severe postpartum depression.

I am 38 weeks into a desired and pleasant pregnancy in all respects. I’m sitting alone in an empty apartment and staring at the bag I’ve packed for the maternity hospital. There is only one thought in my head: I wish it would all end soon. Caesarean cannot be avoided, but I knew about this from the very beginning. The problems with the retina are so serious that the doctors gave me a choice: cesarean or forceps in the second stage of labor. I imagined how my baby’s tender body was being pulled by some kind of glands... No, it would be better if they cut me open.

And here is the husband. Something suspiciously pale. Now he will take me to the maternity hospital, and the three of us will return. Everything will be fine. I believe it. We are waiting for you, son!

Half an hour's drive and we are at the maternity hospital. The emergency room, mandatory procedures, around pregnant women with contractions... I begin to feel slightly jittery. I look at the neighbor in the queue: she looks about 45 years old, from some remote village, without a doctor, third caesarean section. The jitters end. I am young, healthy (almost), first pregnancy, first birth, all documents are available. Everything will be fine. I want to calm down my neighbor, but she is calm as a tank. And he also asks if she should be sterilized. Of course, do it immediately! Third caesarean - at this age - it's crazy! Where are doctors looking?

Finally, we, planned cesareans, are registered in the pregnancy pathology department. There are potbellied people with sad eyes all around: some are also undergoing cesarean section, some are nursing, some have an aging placenta. And for some reason there are a lot of ghost women: pale, bent over, with catheters on their wrists. These are recently cut. They are not allowed to visit the antenatal department, but they still visit their friends. The jitters begin again. Soon I will become just like them. I will become anemic from blood loss during the operation, my stitches will ache terribly and my heart will ache for the baby, who will not be given to me right away. However, I’ll think about it tomorrow, I tell myself, like Scarlett O’Hara from Gone with the Wind. Everything will be fine.

The baby behaves calmly, hardly pushes, and does not intend to go out. He feels good and comfortable in the womb. What if, when the doctors begin the operation, he will sleep soundly? They'll wake him up, they'll drag him out into the bright light with someone else's arms, and I won't even be able to hold him close to me. What kind of stress awaits him, and here I am with my worries. We need to calm down immediately. They're calling to donate blood. I don’t have any veins anymore, although I didn’t complain about them before pregnancy. Thank God, I passed. Everything is fine. The doctor scheduled surgery for the day after tomorrow. I'm looking forward to this day. Big belly does not allow you to sleep normally on a sagging bed. And then the comrade in your tummy won’t let you get enough sleep. But this will be a completely different song, won’t it?

So, I don't eat, I don't drink, I don't sleep. Tomorrow I will see my baby...

Bright operating room light, cold table. The body begins to tremble treacherously. It is impossible not to be afraid. Nothing depends on me anymore. Athletic abs, elastic muscles, good blood clotting - all this does not matter now. This is an operation where everything depends on the skill of the doctors. The anesthesiologist injects me spinal cord medicine, and bottom part the body ceases to feel anything. I hear everything, but I see nothing. Firstly, without glasses I can’t see much at all, and secondly, there’s a screen in front of my eyes. After a while I hear some grunting. “Mommy, look, you have a boy,” is this for me? Am I the mother now? The doctor brings the child to me. Without glasses I can only see the outline of the creature, but I know that my son is the most beautiful in the world. But why is it gray? "What is he wearing?" - I ask the doctors. It turns out that this is a birth lubricant. He screamed when they took him away for processing, and my heart was relieved. The cry is loud and dissatisfied. “I just hatched, but I already have a character,” I thought and passed out. Everything will be fine.

My happiness, weighing 3660 kg and 52 cm tall, is snoring in a funny maternity hospital cradle on wheels. We've been together for three days now, and during these days I've only slept for about six hours. I change clothes, feed, rock. I change clothes, feed, rock. The stitch hurts so much that you can’t laugh or cough. However, I'm not laughing. in full. Tears flow from the eyes like water from an open tap. The breast is sucked until it bleeds, there is little milk. But I don’t supplement with formula, I hold on. The child screams day and night - either from hunger or from stress. I swaddle him - he gets swaddled, I rock him - he doesn't get rocked. A classic picture: a screaming firstborn and an incompetent mother. I envy my neighbor with three Caesareans (she was sterilized after all). Swaddles the baby in an instant, washes the baby’s bottom in a second, rocks him to sleep expertly. There are no cracks on the chest. It’s okay, I console myself, experience is a gain. Everything will be fine.

By the end of my stay in the maternity hospital, I resemble a hellraiser. Black circles under the eyes pale face, dirty, disheveled hair (no time to wash and comb). And here, finally, is the extract. I waited. And the seam seems to hardly hurt anymore, and the baby is swaddled well. Life is getting better. Before leaving, I decided to feed my son some formula, maybe he’ll fall asleep. Lo and behold, I fell asleep - how! They dressed him for discharge, photographed him, filmed him, passed him from hand to hand by enthusiastic relatives - he didn’t even bat an eyelid. Apparently, he really was screaming from hunger in the maternity hospital. Well, it’s okay, son, we’ll sort out this lactation, you’ll have enough food to eat. Until then, sleep, baby. There are so many loving faces around, and even tears of joy and happiness. We have been waiting for you, we love you very, very much and will always love you. Everything will be fine.


In the maternity hospital after the cesarean section, I seriously thought: never again! I was SO depressed that I saw the world only in black. And my baby was the only bright spot. I think this is not from a cesarean section; this also happens after a natural birth. I didn’t want to scare anyone with my story, I simply described how it all happened. As for Tatyana, the worst thing was waiting for anesthesia on the operating table. I was shaking all over with excitement and fear. But I recovered from anesthesia (spinal anesthesia) surprisingly easily, but I really wanted to drink. Then problems of a completely different kind began: with the breasts, with milk. But this is individual for everyone. My neighbor (she had an emergency caesarean section a little earlier) simply filled herself with milk and expressed it in glasses for the other babies. So don't worry about this topic. And now everything is so good with my son (he is active, affectionate, eats well, begins to talk - we are 1.9) that I am sure: in a few years I will decide on a second one! Why only after a few years? For only one reason: after a caesarean section, you can’t lift anything heavier than a newborn, and my firstborn loves to prance on his arms, and after all, he weighs 13 kg!

13.07.2005 09:41:24, Konstantinova Alena

For Leda.
My caesarean was my second abdominal surgery. The first is removal of a cyst on the ovary in the usual way. The time between operations is 9 years. I was also afraid of a Caesarean; I compared it to the first operation. I left her for three months, it was hard to leave. I couldn’t imagine how after the operation I would still cope with the child. I crawled through a bunch of sites before giving birth, read a bunch medical books. The more I learned, the more scared I became.
But the most interesting thing is that after a cesarean section I came back to life immediately, and not after three months. Somehow it was easier. I won’t say that nothing hurt. It hurt, but much less.
A week later I was already running. My relatives, of course, looked after me as they did during the first operation, but I felt much more strength that sometimes I felt guilty for looking after me so much.
What do I personally associate this phenomenon with? I think after a caesarean there is something to live for. The child does not allow you to relax. I think in such a situation nature simply mobilizes female body. There is so much trouble that there is no time to think about yourself.
My advice to you: throw away all the books about caesarean sections, avoid sites with similar topics. Live by the principle: know less, sleep better. Take a Caesarean as a given. Since in your case this is the only thing possible option. Don’t look for pros and cons, there are none in your situation, there is only one way out - to save yourself for happy life your child.

07/13/2005 01:55:35, Tatyana

I read the article and remembered my caesarean section. So much is similar. I went to the maternity hospital a day before my son was born for a planned cesarean section. I had the same thoughts in my head: “Tomorrow I will see my baby.” I looked out the window and thought: " Strange world. People are walking, trees are blooming, rain is falling. The world moves on without him. And tomorrow I’ll be with him. Tomorrow he will see people flowering trees and drops of rain. Today I am not a mother yet, but tomorrow I will be a mother. Tomorrow a little man will appear for whom I will worry for the rest of my life." It was as if life had split into two parts - before him and after him.
This day is etched in my mind like a slow motion movie.
For me, the minutes of waiting in the operating room turned out to be the same terrible moments. Lie down on operating table, which cannot even be called a table, but rather a cross. Arms and legs are fastened with belts. Everything was in a fog for me (myopia -11 diopters). I only remember the gentle hands of the anesthesiologist, who stroked my head and said something encouraging.
Just like Alena, she slept little in the maternity hospital. But not because of the child's screams. He slept very well with me. I even got nervous. In the neighboring wards, children periodically cried both day and night. Mine just filled my mouth with water. I was very worried about this, I thought that the anesthesia had such a strong effect. I didn’t sleep because I often had to breastfeed. Every 30-40 minutes. Without experience it was difficult to adapt. Plus more nervous tension And hormonal changes after childbirth.
I didn’t even rock my son to sleep in the maternity hospital. I don’t even remember why. He probably sucked and immediately fell asleep at the breast. At night he fed consistently every 40 minutes. And he also sucked for 15-40 minutes. Day and night I sat on a chair and fed. Within 40 minutes my back becomes numb. The nurses told me: “Put the child in your bed and feed him,” but I couldn’t do it, I was afraid to crush him.
One night Danil had gas and he was worried all night. The other night his eye was stuck together from pus, and we spent half the night unraveling it with the nurse. On the fourth day I almost fell and was ready to cry at any word. I, too, probably resembled a hellraiser.
I think this is because I had no experience. I worried about all sorts of trifles. I didn't know how to feed. I didn’t know how to wash myself, put on diapers, or change diapers. I didn’t know a lot, but now I’ve learned.

07/13/2005 01:35:05, Tatyana

And I felt even more scared after reading this article. I seemed to be happy for my mother and her doll, I seemed to reassure myself that everything would be different for me, but this did not make my fear any less... Now I’m 20 weeks, and the sentence is Caesarean was initially: severe craniocavity surgery with bone grafting. And although it was almost 6 years ago and they didn’t touch the brain, but only removed a bone tumor, the doctors definitely said that I could lose consciousness at the most inopportune moment and simply crush my baby, I can’t give birth on my own :(
Now I’m browsing through websites and shaking with fear. I see more minuses than pluses. It would be better if the doctors talked about a planned CS a week before, otherwise someone as impressionable as me can’t sleep at night :(
Help me with advice on how to overcome fear. Automotive training and suggestion that my child is suffering from my worries do not help! :(
The last operation lasted 10 hours, the suture took an incredibly long time to heal: almost 5 months. It was very painful, although the neurosurgeon assured me that all the nerve endings were cut, and I was just suspicious, but the suture really hurt, no matter what the doctors said :(
I have very low threshold sensitivity: even a small cut requires serious anesthesia, and then there is a deep layer-by-layer “opening”... How can you calm down?

05/26/2005 09:20:27, Leda

I’m glad that everything is fine with you, but you don’t need to put yourself on the altar... for a child it is much more important to have a psychologically healthy mother, unfortunately, in our country everyone is driven to fanaticism, and no one needs it... after childbirth, especially after kasareva needs a lot of rest... :o)

03/24/2005 11:17:13, Tatna

Julia, “envy” as an argument arises if it is visible in every word, well, it’s not pity that drives you, after all. You probably just don’t understand what we’re talking about at all. And if you do and you have children, then I’m not sure that with the birth of your baby you slept a full 8 hours, fed baby food from the moment of birth and regained your former shape within a week after a completely problem-free birth. Sometimes you can simply congratulate on the birth of a little man, rather than demonstrate unfeminine logic.

01/26/2005 23:09:45, Galaxy

Yes, of course, well done! Well done, that you are ready to fight all the difficulties, that you are ready to sleep for 6 hours three times a day, that you are ready to endure a breast that is sucked into blood... and does not see a problem in this, because all this is being done for that tiny lump that can turn the whole world upside down, everything your thoughts and feelings, for which you are ready to do anything. Unfortunately, Yulia has never experienced such feelings, otherwise she simply would not have raised her hand to write such comments. And I congratulate you, Alena, grow up healthy and happy. With this attitude, you (both) can do it!

01/26/2005 13:37:01, Lika

For Yulia.
There is nothing to scare about cesarean section and dysbacteriosis. Not all maternity hospitals and not all caesareans are stuffed with antibiotics. I was not given any antibiotics and my son does not have dysbiosis, the milk was full on the 2nd day after cesarean. The most painful (more painful than the stitch) was the breaking of stones in the chest due to the fact that too much milk arrived at once and the baby could not suck it all out.

26.01.2005 12:31:24

Girls, why the attacks? If there’s anything to envy, it’s certainly not a Caesarean, not myopia, or cracks in the chest. I actually wrote about something else: about what happiness it is to be a mother. About how you forget about all the difficulties when you hold a small miracle to your chest. Unfortunately, heroic efforts to establish lactation did not lead to anything: there was very little milk, so we had to supplement the feeding. For Julia: we DID NOT have dysbacteriosis! So a caesarean section is not a death sentence or the end of the world.

Alenka, I’m also 38 weeks pregnant, and I’m also sitting alone in an empty apartment in which I need to clean, cook dinner for my husband, and finally start packing my bag for the maternity hospital. But there’s no way to drag me away from the Internet. Hour after hour... Hour after hour...

Every sixth child is not born in maternity the hall, but in the operating room. One third parents knows in advance that normal childbirth impossible, but for others the operation comes as a surprise. Thus, childbirth through C-section They have long ceased to be a rarity and have become a routine matter in almost all clinics. Although, of course, all future parents hope for childbirth without the use of auxiliary medical supplies, they shouldn't be too upset if it turns out differently. No one with a light heart would choose surgery natural childbirth, there must be very good reasons for it, and all this is generally aimed at maintaining health mother and child.

Despite the fact that in our enlightened age everyone knows about this future mothers, more and more of them feel remorse that their child can be born "only" through C-section. They are oppressed by the feeling that they are bad mothers, that they turned out to be insolvent at the most main point their lives. Of course, you could simply push these feelings aside and say: “Be glad that you have healthy child "But even here, not everything is so simple. A caesarean section, no matter what it is, still leaves most mothers with a deep mental wound, which only time can heal.

Thus, it would be wrong to simply ignore sadness and guilt. Women those affected need help and understanding because most of them suffer from postpartum depression after a caesarean section. Whatever it is, mothers who gave birth with the help caesarean section, only healthy self-awareness can help. Not a single caesarean section is performed just because it is more convenient for the mother, but because normal childbirth in such cases is associated with risks to health and life mothers. So, already, therefore, the decision to have a caesarean section is correct and important.

How does a baby cope with a caesarean section? The first minutes of a baby after a caesarean section

Within two, maximum four minutes after the first cut children are born. However, their start to life is not particularly affectionate. Their umbilical cord is immediately cut, amniotic fluid is sucked out, after which the doctor conducts an examination to determine whether possible harm from anesthesia. Thus, the slow transition process of the "normally born" child disappears due to caesarean section. But then children born in this way, just like other children, are still allowed to feel closeness and warmth loved one, however, not necessarily the mother - they are given to the father to hold. So children You don’t have to choose, but men in this situation can also be good “mothers.” Operation A caesarean section lasts about 60 minutes in total. After this, mothers can hold their babies in their arms.

The female body is adapted not only to bearing a child, but also to childbirth. Unfortunately, there are cases when its natural birth is associated with risks to the life and health of both. Then a caesarean section is performed; the sensations during surgical delivery largely depend on the type of anesthesia and individual characteristics body.

Currently, two types are used: general and regional, including epidural. The choice depends on the characteristics of pregnancy, childbirth and the woman’s health condition.

The date of the caesarean section depends on whether it is performed as an emergency or emergency procedure. If necessary surgical intervention known in advance, for example, if it is determined incorrectly or in a woman anatomically, then the operation is scheduled several days before.

Sometimes a caesarean section must be performed before labor begins (with). The operation is scheduled at 38 weeks, when there is no longer a threat to the baby’s health.

There are situations in which a woman’s health condition does not allow her to carry a child to term. For example, in severe cases that cannot be treated. The condition is accompanied by development, disturbances in blood circulation and kidney function, appearance with loss of consciousness and respiratory arrest. In such cases, delivery is performed several weeks or even months ahead of schedule.

An emergency caesarean section may be performed if complications develop before or during natural delivery. For example, when heavy bleeding, uterine rupture, acute, premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

What happens before surgery?

When a caesarean section is performed routinely, the woman is sent to the maternity hospital a few days before the operation. Doctors conduct an examination, determine the child’s readiness for birth, and assess the condition of the pregnant woman.

18 hours before the procedure you need to stop eating and drinking. This is necessary to ensure that the contents of the stomach do not enter the respiratory tract.

An enema is given before the operation. If a caesarean section is an emergency, gastric lavage may be performed. The woman is then taken or wheeled to the operating room. Direct preparation for surgery includes installation of a catheter in bladder, stomach treatment disinfectant solution, administration of anesthesia.

How is a caesarean section performed?

The operation is performed in several stages:

  • the doctor makes an incision abdominal wall, more often - transverse above the pubis, less often - longitudinal from the navel and below;
  • removes the child by the head, leg or pelvic fold;
  • gives the baby to the obstetrician, cuts the umbilical cord between the clamps;
  • removes afterbirth;
  • sews up the incision.

When a caesarean section is performed under general anesthesia, the woman does not experience any sensations, as she is in an unconscious state. With regional anesthesia, sensation is lost from the chest to the knees. This feeling often frightens women, as it seems that there are no legs at all or that they are not their own.

Anesthetics not only relieve pain, but also reduce blood pressure, therefore, after administration of the drug, weakness, dizziness, and darkening of the eyes often occur. IN in rare cases there may be a feeling of shortness of breath associated with the effect of the administered drugs on the muscles chest, as well as trembling and insufficient reduction of pain sensitivity.

All these conditions (except for tremors and loss of sensitivity) are corrected by an anesthesiologist: he can inject into a vein saline solution and blood pressure-raising drugs, apply an oxygen mask, add an amount of anesthetic, or change the type of anesthesia.

How is the postoperative period going?

The way it goes postoperative period, largely depends on the anesthesia used, as well as on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. All sensations after a caesarean section can be divided into those caused by the effects of anesthesia and those associated with the operation itself.

Consequences and sensations after general anesthesia may be as follows:

  • cough and sore throat due to the insertion of an endotracheal tube, loss or hoarseness of voice, injury to the lips, tongue - after incorrect or rude actions of the anesthesiologist;
  • headaches and muscle pain, clouding of consciousness, dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • allergic reactions.

Unpleasant sensations may also appear after regional anesthesia; most often they are associated with the effect of the drug on the body and the method of its administration:

  • spinal and headache, tremors in the legs usually disappear after a few hours, in rare cases they continue for several days or months;
  • urination may be impaired for several days;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • allergic reactions.

The condition of a woman after a cesarean section is accompanied by sensations characteristic of any surgical intervention: pain in the incision area, intensifying during movements, a slight increase in temperature, weakness, dizziness. All these symptoms disappear over time, and if they are severe, they are corrected with medication.

The sensations during a caesarean section depend on the type of anesthesia and the individual characteristics of the body. At general anesthesia During the operation, the woman is unconscious; after the effect of the drugs wears off, symptoms may appear. unpleasant symptoms. With regional anesthesia, sensations change from the moment the needle with the anesthetic is inserted until the effect of the drug completely stops.

In any case, the postoperative period is accompanied by pain in the incision area, weakness, and sometimes fever and other complications.

Useful video about caesarean section