Pisces man: interesting features of his character and behavior. Pisces are like fathers. One love for life

His inner world very rich, and to comprehend its depths is not an easy task. This world is very confusing, and it is also not ready to let even the closest and most beloved people into it, so this task is doubly complicated. Not every woman can understand him. He is very romantic, mysterious, gentle and sensual. He can understand his beloved at a glance and even make her smile when a storm is brewing.

Pisces man in love or what is Pisces love like?

Love occupies an important place in life for him. He likes to simply love, wait for meetings, be in love and feel the desire to protect his beloved. He tries to prolong the courtship period as long as possible, presenting himself as a very attentive, loving and irresistible man. With this behavior he can tie any woman to himself; no one can resist his charms.

In love, he very generously shares his feelings and undisguised love. He tries to protect his beloved from any difficulties, but in doing so he chooses not entirely the right paths. While giving, he does not insist on getting these feelings back. In love, he is serious and romantic and seeks a stable and reliable relationship. At the same time, he also likes dramatic turns, which can often ruin an entire relationship.

Pisces man in love - In search of Perfection!

He should really understand important thing– to build a harmonious relationship, you need to love not only your partner, but also yourself. Due to such dislike, it can be difficult for him to demand his own, appreciate, make decisions and become a leader in relationships. There's enough in it strong traits character, determination and perseverance. But he is afraid of offending his loved one with them and therefore often follows her lead.

He should also forget about the failures that, in his opinion, should happen in relationships. It may seem to him that he invests a lot in the relationship, but it still does not make it stable and reliable. The reason for this may be not only in his partner, but also in himself. Constant adoration, as well as undisguised delight, can become a heavy burden for the beloved, which she also cannot cope with.

Pisces man in love - Reverse side medals!

His attitude towards love is somewhat idealized and he may not notice the hidden motives of his beloved. He puts her on a pedestal and does not want to listen to the advice of others, forgiving all her misdeeds and weaknesses. Therefore, he often gets involved in relationships, from which he then comes out with a broken heart and complete disappointment. To prevent this from happening, he should rely more on his intuition and not be too naive.

When something like this happens, he can fall into a state of depression for a long time. depressive state. This depressed mood prevents him from working and building other relationships. His main tactic in order to achieve what he wants is retreat. He should learn to demand his own, talk about his needs and desires to his beloved. This approach will allow you to build a relationship that will suit both of you at the same time.

The most important! The secret of a Pisces man in love!

He cannot live without love and may very soon wither away. However, when building relationships, you should not forget about yourself. He must constantly look back at himself, listen to his feelings and special desires. Only with this approach will he be able to build an optimal relationship, when his beloved will be able to swim in a sea of ​​attention, love and a special attitude towards herself, and he will be able to receive emotional returns.

The Pisces man is one of the most sensual representatives of the stronger sex in the Zodiac circle. From the first minutes, he captivates women with his softness and deep gaze of dreamy eyes. This is a true gentleman who will always open the door for a lady or pull up a chair or help her take off her coat. The Pisces man in love is a true romantic, as if straight from the pages of medieval poems.

General characteristics of a Pisces man

A man born between February 20 and March 20 is very picky about his appearance. No, he is not a narcissist or obsessed with fashion, but he will never leave the house unshaven, unkempt or in dirty clothes . Moreover, both women and men of this sign have a special gift for combining things, colors and accessories, focusing not on fashion, but on one’s own intuition. They do not recognize officialdom - in the appearance of Pisces there is always a sense of charming negligence.

A man of this zodiac sign cannot be called brutal. Patron Neptune endowed him with softness, tenderness and delicacy. From the outside it may seem that he is too compliant and weak-willed, but this is not so. At the right moment, he will show such toughness and strength of character that one can only wonder where that romantic and dreamer who stood here a minute ago has gone.

Pisces try to avoid conflicts both in their personal lives and at work. Their bosses love them for their responsible and conscientious attitude to their work. The Neptunian will not perform his duties for show - if he is entrusted with something, then you can count on him to do everything in his power.

He never fawns over management and does not act hypocritically in search of promotion. He is not a careerist and would never “benefit” a colleague - for noble Pisces this is simply unacceptable. He simply does his job honestly, for which he receives well-deserved awards and respect.

In general, office work is not for them. The fish are bored and cramped there, and the dress code for them is simply a curse. Creative professions, freelancing and other areas where there are no strict boundaries are more suitable for them.

In relationships with people, the main thing for such a man is spiritual kinship. He lacks prudence and does not know how to pretend. Compassionate nature, responsiveness and complete absence egoism attracts people to him like a magnet - you can call a Neptunian at any time to pour out your soul: Pisces will always support and find words of consolation. Because of these qualities they usually have big circle friends and acquaintances.

He is not looking for acquaintances - they find him themselves. Pisces, as a rule, do not reject anyone, but if they understand that you are using them, mistaking their natural softness for weakness and spinelessness, they will not sort things out, but will simply wag their tail and hide in unattainable depths. And you will be deleted from the list of friends forever - it is useless to ask back, Pisces have lost their trust.

One of the main disadvantages of these subtle natures can be called excessive daydreaming. They lack down-to-earthness and a realistic outlook on life; they plan a lot, but implement little of it, expecting that the universe itself will present them with what they want on a platter. Therefore, not all Pisces reach those heights, which they deserve. Some idealism and slight contempt for material wealth often prevent them from leading a wealthy lifestyle.

Ideally, next to them there should be a fairly down-to-earth partner who will gently lower Pisces to the ground, push them to action and remind them that in addition to high matters, there are also physical needs like food and a roof over their heads.

Behavior in love and relationships

Pisces men usually attract equally spiritual and sensitive women, and he readily responds to signs of attention from the female sex. But don’t delude yourself: his favor is not always a sign of a special relationship, he’s just a knight and a romantic by nature, and behaves like a gentleman with all women.

The Pisces man loves to be surrounded by the fair sex. And they listen admiringly to his bewitching, insinuating voice. You won’t hear a bawdy joke or obscene language from him, he will never allow himself to do too much when communicating with a lady. He will always give her his hand, open the door for her and offer her his jacket if she is cold. It captivates and enchants, so it’s rare that anyone can resist a Neptunian and not fall in love.

Men of this sign like feminine ladies dressed gracefully and tastefully. Show him your beautiful legs, luxurious hair and seductive curves. He will definitely appreciate your sexuality and beauty and will not be stingy with compliments. But the unisex style and rude behavior of a woman will turn him off. No, he will be polite and courteous with her, as with everyone else, but she will never win a fish’s heart.

It is not difficult to understand that he is in love: he will pay a lot of attention to his chosen one and look at her with admiring eyes - not to look at her with the impudence of a male, but to admire her. Few women are able to resist this look.

If your zodiac sign is Pisces, a man in love tends to idealize his partner and see only merit in it. However, at the same time, he wants the union to give him a feeling of safety and security. He loves to give, but expects the same return in return.

Despite his soft and sensitive nature, the Neptunian is brave and fearless. In a moment of danger, he, like a lion, will rush to protect his beloved. He is one of those men who have preserved the idea of ​​nobility and are always ready to help those who need it.

He does not forgive betrayal and betrayal. But the loyalty of the Neptunian himself is a sensitive issue. You can't call him a model of devotion. But what pushes him to cheat is not the search for new sexual experiences - he is by no means a male. Women are drawn to him and seek warmth and support, and he, like a true gentleman, cannot refuse them this, and sometimes his support takes forms that his regular partner clearly could not approve of.

Pisces’ chosen ones should also remember that in a relationship with a woman, he is looking primarily not for sex, but for understanding and love. Pisces cannot stand conflicts and coldness in partnerships. Without receiving warmth and affection from his woman, he will softly fall into the arms of the one who is ready to give him all this.

His views on relationships cannot be called ultra-modern. He will not appreciate a woman’s excessive independence and self-sufficiency. In his understanding, a woman is the weaker sex, even if she hammers nails with one blow or can disassemble a carburetor herself. Pisces likes to be protection and support for his beloved, because patronage is one of his vital needs. Therefore, in your relationship with him, try to entrust “male” work to him, and not demonstrate that you can handle everything perfectly yourself.

The Pisces woman in love and relationships is in many ways similar to the man of her sign. She is soft, romantic, gentle. She charms the stronger sex with her defenselessness and will happily allow herself to be taken care of. In love, a Pisces girl tends to idealize her partner, which is why she may then feel resentment and disappointment for the fact that her chosen one did not live up to her expectations.

Sexual preferences and temperament

In sex, the Neptunian man is always romantic and gentle. He will be a very attentive lover: Pisces are not one of those who, having satisfied their own needs, go to the shower or turn to the wall and fall asleep. A lot of caresses and nice words. This man always primarily cares about whether the lady was satisfied, and not about his own pleasure. In bed he is definitely an altruist. Pisces carefully observes and notices what his lady likes. Her pleasure is his pleasure. The best reward for him is to see his partner satisfied and happy.

Women who are looking for flashes of passion, roughness and elements of violence in sex will most likely be disappointed by Pisces. He is not one of those who rips off a lady's clothes and seeks to subjugate her in bed. He doesn't have the temperament for that. . However, what he lacks in these qualities he more than makes up for with his rich imagination. who can turn a night with him into a real erotic adventure.

Family and marriage

A man of this sign is in no hurry to tie the knot. But it's not that he avoids serious relationship. It’s just that if he has found the woman he loves, then he is quite happy as is. Marriage for him is something formal. Waiting for a marriage proposal from Pisces is a disastrous business. At the same time, the lady may be offended and angry, and the lover will sincerely wonder what he did wrong. The task of the Pisces partner is to gently but persistently lead him to formalize the relationship. If he decides that he wants to live with his beloved all his life, then most likely he will not be against marriage.

If a woman managed to put a ring on the finger of this dreamer, then she will have to come to terms with the fact that he will not be the head of the family. She'll have to do it all life together to be for him the sail that will guide the ship of his fantasies into the channel real life. Do not despair: Pisces has plenty of energy, you just need to make sure that it is not scattered among countless plans and castles in the air, but has a clear practical application. If the partner succeeds, their union will be incredibly happy and harmonious.

IN family life he values ​​comfort and tranquility. Home should be for him a place where he is expected, where he is always ready. delicious dinner and warm hugs from loved ones.

It’s not so easy with them in everyday life. Soaring in the sky-high distances, they sometimes do not notice that the tap is leaking or a piece of plaster has fallen off. The Neptunian needs to be guided. Ask him to fix the faucet or glue the tiles in the bathroom - you may need to repeat the request more than once, but if Pisces gets down to business, they will do everything right top level. Their hands grow from that place, and many Pisces can give a head start to professional plumbers and builders in matters of repair.

The most difficult thing is to motivate them to action. However, it is important not to overdo it - you won’t get much from Pisces with screams and scandals. The best tactic is a request (namely a request, not an order or blackmail) for help. Pisces, like true knights, react sharply to female helplessness and willingly rush to her aid.

Compatibility with other signs

Despite the fact that the Pisces man is one of the most charming representatives zodiac circle, not every lady will be happy in a relationship with him. Neptunian is a dream for those who:

  • Appreciates romantic and gentle men.
  • Cannot tolerate rude and domineering attitude towards oneself.
  • Strives to be a leader in the partnership.
  • Wants to support and take care of her partner.

But what kind of ladies should not build a relationship with a man of this sign:

  • Those who believe that tenderness and sentimentality are purely feminine qualities.
  • Preferring powerful men with a strong and dominant character.
  • Those who prefer to take rather than give in relationships.

Favorable combinations for Neptune

Ideal partners for a man born under the auspices of Neptune would be Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn.

With Cancer there will be complete mutual understanding. Both signs love to be bathed in love and tenderness and tend to indulge in daydreams. Both are mysterious and will not tire of getting to know each other throughout their long and happy life together.

Scorpio and Pisces - ta perfect couple, about which legends are made. This union is truly made in heaven. Pisces has almost no chance to resist the powerful wave of Scorpio sexuality, and she is easily captivated by the mysterious nature of the Neptunian. In addition, Scorpio amazingly combines a love of sublime matters and sober realism, which Pisces so lacks.

Pisces will also be happy with Capricorn. Capricorn is practical to the extreme and will happily shoulder all material issues and will willingly lead in relationships.

Worst astrological partners

Paradoxically, with Pisces women in Neptunian men love relationship don't add up in the best possible way. Despite complete mutual understanding and common interests, their union is often doomed to failure due to the reluctance of both partners to take on the role of leader. And without a captain, the ship will float with the flow and will soon stumble upon a reef. However, in life there is always room for exceptions: if one of the lovers takes the reins of power into his own hands, happy marriage. No better fate will befall them with such signs as

The charming dreamer, ruled by Neptune, has a very complex character. Despite this, a union with him can be incredibly harmonious and happy. After all, relationships are work, and if you accept and respect the characteristics of your partner, any horoscopes and forecasts will give way to the power of your love.

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Who is a Pisces man? A reverent lover who surrounds his chosen one with attention? Or a selfish dark prince who only cares about his appearance and pleasure? Or maybe it's effeminate and unnecessary gentle guy, with which only self-confident women will be highly compatible? What is most surprising is that all these images are Pisces! It is difficult to imagine a more unusual and unpredictable zodiac sign.

The Pisces man is a man with enormous potential who can express himself in various fields and achieve success. Of course, if he wants. And that's the problem. He very rarely wants this.

Almost all Pisces dream of a good life, high salary, pleasures, but do not always make efforts to realize these desires. Ideal option for them it is when everything turns out according to the will of fate, without their participation. And therefore, others may classify people born in the sign of Pisces as eccentric and “not of this world.”

To achieve the goal, men of this sign must do only two things:

Learn to ignore meaningless dreams that are not destined to come true.
Discover and develop in yourself those abilities and talents that will be useful in the future.

These two factors will help you become successful and realize yourself. In addition, it is the guy of this sign who must understand as early as possible what he wants to do in this world. And if he does not decide on his type of activity before the age of 25-30, then his prospects will be quite doubtful.

The distinctive features that a guy of this type demonstrates are vulnerability, sensitivity, and, accordingly, touchiness. It is very easy to offend and wound this person, which can lead to a real crisis from which it will take him a long time to recover. But as for grievances, he forgets minor mistakes of loved ones quite quickly.

Representative compatibility strong half humanity born in this constellation is quite high with many other signs. It is very easy for them to find new friends and acquaintances, because they are kind, attentive to strangers and merciful, which is very much appreciated by others.

Pisces gets along well with friends great relationship, where the main place is occupied by support and mutual assistance. But this help is not obvious and active, but calmer, based on trusting relationships, tact, and modesty. Any advice entrusted to a Pisces man will be kept and will not become public knowledge.

As for communication with the opposite sex, a man will try to restrain his emotions and weaknesses, assuming masculinity and strength. And only with those closest to him can he become himself.

In general, communicating and maintaining relationships with Pisces is not so easy: he is quite touchy and vulnerable person, who is easily enraged. In addition, it is not always pleasant for others frequent change moods. Agree, when a person either laughs or gets angry within half an hour, it is not always easy and simple.

Pisces man in love

Representatives of the fair half of humanity who are suitable for a Pisces man in love are sensitive women prone to dominance and control of a man. A man in love, born in the constellation Pisces, is inclined to idealize a woman: he will not see her shortcomings and vices, and will forgive any mistakes.

An eternal romantic and dreamer, he still wants stability and security from a relationship, often being jealous and limiting a woman’s freedom. However, it would be extremely difficult to call him a model of fidelity:

Firstly, because many Pisces are real ladies' men who don't miss a single skirt.
Secondly, they are too responsive and love to console those in need of help, and in ways that their wife or regular girlfriend may not like.

In creating a marriage with Pisces, an important place is occupied by compatibility, which should be high between partners. If compatibility is low, then misunderstandings, problems and detachment will appear. Agree, not the best best option when a loved one seems like a complete stranger? Therefore, before getting married, it is worth studying your partner well.

Moreover, men born in this sign are not particularly keen on family life. Very rarely such a person will initiate a marriage. As a rule, women in such a situation take matters into their own hands, pushing the man to take an important step.

In family life, Pisces gives the reins of power to women's hands. What is this connected with? It's simple! They are not very practical people who often cannot take care of themselves, let alone children or a wife. Therefore, they will be satisfied with a secondary role.

The wife must be patient and delicate, because a sharp word or criticism can drive her lover into terrible depression. Ideally, a lady should correctly direct the flow of her husband’s energy, do it gently and gradually.

Having tied the knot, Pisces will demand constant confirmation of love from their wife. And if the woman he loves cannot show him her feelings, then he may withdraw and become cold towards her. If she knows how to show love, then the return will not be long in coming: such a man knows how to give pleasure to his loved one, give gifts and surprises.

Pisces man in sex

Who can be called the real womanizer of the Zodiac are men who were born in the sign of Pisces. They have high sexual compatibility with almost all other signs. If you have a lover from among the representatives of this sign, then you are unlikely to feel the need for romance and sensuality.

And even if sex is not always passionate, both partners enjoy it. Vigorous imagination and lack of fear of experiments make Pisces excellent sexual partners that will be remembered by any woman for a long time.

Ideal woman for Pisces men

Pisces choose a girl for a serious relationship very carefully, focusing not only on general compatibility, but also on how the fair half behaves, treats other people, and takes care of herself.

Such men choose beautiful and confident women who are internally stronger than themselves and are able to take the initiative into their own hands. If you're ready for active actions and you can be at the head of this union, then you can have a strong family.

Delicacy is also very important. You need to manage a man of this type quietly, gently, so that he does everything he does for you with pleasure, tries to make you happy.

And if he is in love, then he will do so. The main thing is not to criticize him, and compatibility in love and marriage will be high.

To create a strong union, Capricorns, Taurus, Scorpios, and Cancers are most suitable for Pisces. Representatives of these signs will have the highest compatibility.

Pisces - general characteristics of the zodiac sign

Men born under the sign of Pisces are very indecisive by nature. They lack the tenacity and arrogance to take leadership positions at work and in the company. Due to quite soft character, it is difficult for these people to build a career in large team. They are sociable and well versed in human psychology, but these qualities are not enough for successful leadership.

Characteristics of a man

The Pisces man is a happy owner of enormous potential! But as a rule, he doesn’t even try to implement it on his own. He prefers to be pushed, encouraged and stimulated.

Astrology bestows the sign of Pisces (men) with the following characteristics:

It is very difficult for such men to make any decisions. It doesn't matter whether they are complex or simple. He tends to dream, plan, and fantasize a lot. But all dreams remain only in his fantasies. He will not even try to implement his plans. All because he is simply incapable of taking this step. He won't even think about trying to achieve results. He'll just go with the flow. He will prefer to wait for a favorable combination of circumstances.

Very often, from a young age, Pisces is characterized as unadapted to independent life Human. As a rule, this characteristic goes with him throughout life. From a young age, a man of this sign needs the support and care of his parents, and then his wife. But if he has excellent support, under her guidance, he can achieve significant success in his career.

Impractical in life - it is very difficult for him to find a way out of a complex conflict or stressful situation. He cannot quickly respond to changing circumstances.

Pisces are touchy and vulnerable, but they are quick-witted and not vindictive. They are always ready to help anyone who needs it. Moreover, regardless of who the person in need is. If Pisces cannot at the moment provide real help, a person in need can always count on sympathy or moral support. Pisces are often trusted with their secrets..

Positive characteristics of Pisces men:

  • responsiveness;
  • tact;
  • restraint in communication.

Success and career growth

Representatives of the sign do not like to bother themselves with hard work, both physical and mental. They dream of easily achieving their goals, which does not happen. To avoid failures, it is advisable to achieve some success in your profession before the age of 25. This sign has many creative talents. But due to their infantile nature, it is difficult for them to achieve both recognition of their work and material benefits. If a life partner with a persistent character meets a guy and believes in him, then together they will be able to provide themselves with both prosperity and recognition.

According to the horoscope, the following professions are better suited for such guys:

  • jewelers;
  • tailors;
  • designers;
  • watchmakers;
  • shoemakers.

The creative nature inherent in these people gives them a chance to become excellent artists, musicians, and writers. This zodiac sign has character traits such as compassion and mercy. Teachers, doctors, psychologists - all these professions suit them. Businessmen from Pisces men are completely unsuccessful, since they expect the money to fall into their pocket, they like to get involved in dubious enterprises, some kind of scams, missing out on the opportunity to earn money legally. Easy money doesn't stay in their pockets for long.

Health and appearance description

The Pisces man looks weak, sickly, and effeminate. Most often has a thin physique, but if Jupiter influences the sign, the man may be prone to excess weight. His muscles, as a rule, are not expressed.

Men of this sign have a round face, white skin, deep big eyes. His gait, posture and facial features indicate that the person has a soft, indecisive character. A person is tormented by mental confusion, psychological immaturity lies in wait for him all his life.

He is very impressionable, so he is constantly exposed to stress, he is susceptible to mental illnesses.

Physical potential depends on the date of birth. Astrologers claim that men born in the 3rd decade of their sign are the strongest and most resilient. Those who were born in several last days of their sign - the weakest and most painful.

Pisces simply need to take care of their health. They should monitor their digestive and nervous systems. You definitely need to take care of your heart and legs, spend preventive measures to prevent colds.

Pisces are very dependent on other people's opinions, so they have the habit of taking care of their appearance. Therefore, they choose extravagant hairstyles and non-standard hairstyles.

Love and family relationships

In love, a woman can be happy only if she has wisdom and is very strong. From love, a man of this sign expects stability and security. Jealousy and scandals are unacceptable to him.

Pisces sees an ideal in his beloved, so his chosen one must fully correspond to his ideal.

The Pisces man has the qualities of a wonderful lover. His romance, sensuality, tenderness and understanding of women prove this. In bed and love, he prefers to give leadership rights to his chosen one.

The Pisces man does not tolerate the slightest criticism or pressure from outside. If his chosen one has a desire to change her beloved’s character in better side, she should not put pressure on him, she should act gently and unobtrusively. Otherwise, the guy may misunderstand his chosen one and eventually lose interest in her.

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Among all the signs of the Zodiac, only these people sincerely believe that marriage should be concluded only for love. Therefore, marrying a Pisces is not very difficult. For representatives of this sign it is very important to have a strong woman who is not afraid to shoulder the burden of problems along with him. They - incorrigible romantics people who believe in the sincerity of their feelings are therefore often deceived, which has a very negative impact on their impressionable nature.

To marry this man, you will need to take the initiative. You must always be ready to make decisions and try to quickly respond to his moods. He is divorced from reality, constantly in dreams, so all everyday problems will fall on your shoulders. And you will have to demonstrate feelings exclusively to you. And he needs to constantly confess his love, because he is insecure and is waiting for support.

How to Marry a Pisces Man

If you want to solve the problem of how to marry a Pisces, then you, first of all, need to prove to him that you are his ideal woman. Try to find out at the beginning of your acquaintance what traits and qualities he values ​​in women, and what is unacceptable to him. Representatives of this sign are very impressionable. Try to impress him, help him in some situations, let him know that in difficult times he can count on you.

In order to marry a Pisces, you need to not only charm him, you need to show him that life with you is filled with romance and love. It is not necessary to hint to him about marriage after several romantic meetings; it is enough to feel sorry for him several times and show that you are capable of sympathy. These are exactly the qualities that these men value most. However, avoid leadership. The fish's gentle nature does not affect his self-esteem at all. After all, in the end, he does not need a mistress, but reliable support.

Lover's behavior

Your behavior will be the first object for his study. You must exude confidence, always ready to solve all the most difficult questions. He needs to be encouraged, because he has low self-esteem. A declaration of love will be a real discovery for him, from where he can draw strength. Create a certain environment for him more often - dim lights, soft music.

How to push him to propose

It's quite easy to push him to propose - just say whether we should get married. Your determination will help him quickly decide to create a strong relationship. However, all this needs to be said with some pressure, but affectionately. Then he will quickly buy into your tone and propose himself. It is very easy to reach a consensus with him if you show more will.

Typical girl mistakes

It will take a lot of effort to keep it. He is too malleable and cannot resist other people's influence. And often this leads to him leading a double life. To prevent him from having a mistress, it is necessary to share his interests in other world, hold the reins of power exclusively in your own hands. Having taken the first step, inviting him to marry, you should not rush him. All the same, the Pisces man will make the decision you need.

The most important!

So, in order to marry this man, you need to adhere to a certain line of behavior. You must be wise and decisive. You should exude strength and determination, and he should be freed from all problems. Then his hesitation will stop, and he will decide to start a family. If you are ready for such a relationship, then he will be the most ideal partner for an intelligent and strong-willed woman.

Characteristics of Pisces Men in Marriage

Pisces men do not strive to quickly have a spouse and children, they are cool about marriage, and a cozy family nest in itself does not paint a picture of happiness in their imagination. They are rarely the first to take the initiative to enter into a marriage union and do this only when the chosen ones themselves begin to persistently push them towards this.

Such men do not strive to take the role of head of the family, preferring to shift responsibility for everything that happens onto the shoulders of their spouse. These are impractical creatures who never worry about tomorrow, do not create reserves for a rainy day, allowing themselves to spend money recklessly. In principle, they do not know how to draw up a clear plan for the future. A woman who wants to live in marriage with a Pisces man must be delicate and patient, not nag him because of impracticality and isolation from the earth, but direct the flow of his imagination and energy into a specific, “earthly” channel.

As the horoscope warns, a Pisces man, having entered into marriage, treats his family well, bestows warmth of soul on his loved ones, but in return he requires constant confirmation of self-love. This is a soft and delicate person, but it is impossible to fully penetrate his soul even after large quantity years lived together. He responds to any attempts to cross the line he has outlined with isolation and coldness. In addition, Pisces are excellent actors; it costs them nothing to ensure that no one finds out about their true feelings, intentions and thoughts or gets the wrong idea about all this.

Pisces Man - Master

Men of this zodiac sign dream of living in complete prosperity, but are often unable to provide it: for the most part, these are far from business people. If Pisces brought money to the family, it is unlikely that it was earned through hard work, especially physical labor. Usually they try to replenish their household coffers in other ways, and they are not always honest. To stimulate the performance of Pisces, they need to be periodically carefully “pulled out” from a state of deep thought and daydreaming and their activity directed to a more specific area.

Pisces Man - Father

For their children, Pisces become good friends, they will always find something to do together; such a dad will delight his little son or daughter interesting tales and stories, teach them attention, mercy, good attitude to people. Pisces are very flattered when children confide their secrets to them. A man often dreams of giving his child what he himself lacked in childhood, making his life comfortable and easy. It is easier for Pisces to contact children while they are small, and in adolescence Difficulties often arise in their relationship. It is difficult for these fathers to be tough; their children do not know what a firm hand is, and this sometimes negatively affects their character.