The right breakfast for weight loss: what is it? Delicious, healthy pp dinner: all the secrets and rules Dishes for 300 kcal

The 300 calorie diet was developed by American Martin Katan and is based on calculating the calorie content of dishes. Such a diet is considered strict, but a significant advantage will be the ability for a person losing weight to select the dishes they like, according to the calorie norm. It is difficult for the body to adapt to low-calorie meals, the body begins to sharply lose excess water and kilograms.

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On average, when eating a 300-calorie diet, people lose up to 10 kg in 21 days.

Every person knows that in order to lose weight, it is necessary to consume the amount of food per day that can ensure normal functioning of the body and not only not gain weight, but also lose weight.

The resulting number: number of calories necessary for the body so as not to gain extra pounds. To lose weight, the amount of calories for someone losing weight is reduced. At the same time, it is recommended to take into account both a person’s lifestyle and energy costs. The diet is carried out according to 2 options.

Method 1

In the first three days we eat 300 calories, for the next three days we eat 600 calories per day. From the eighth to the fourteenth day, the diet will be 900 calories, in the next three days we again reduce the calorie content to 300, and for the final three days of the diet we slightly increase them to 600. Such a diet and calorie ladder does not allow our body to adapt, so weight quickly decreases.

Method 2

In the first three days we eat 300 calories, for the next three days we eat 500 calories per day. From the eighth to the fourteenth day, our diet will be 700 calories, in the next three days we again reduce the calorie content to 300, and for the final three days of the diet we slightly increase them to 500.

Product List

In order not to feel hungry, the diet must contain protein, for example, boiled chicken or fish egg white, cottage cheese with low fat content. Smoked meats, sausages, bread, potatoes in any form are necessarily excluded.

In order not to invent a menu every day, it is easier to create it for the week, alternating several simple low-calorie dishes.

With this diet, you need to drink a lot of fluid, it will help dull the feeling of hunger and remove excess toxins from the body. Melt water is perfect. Not recommended for use alcoholic drinks during the period of weight loss, because drinking a glass of wine or beer once a week can nullify all efforts in 7–8 days. If a person who decides to lose weight gets sick, then the minimum calorie intake is raised to 500.

The diet allows you to eat almost anything, the main thing is that the dish is not overly salty or spicy and is within the required calorie threshold.

Menu for every day

Easy to prepare for meals boiled rice with vegetables and soy sauce. This dish will be low in calories and is perfect for a person who is constantly short of time. Simply boil 100 grams of cereal, season with a spoonful of soy sauce and add boiled or steamed vegetables. A good option There will be an omelette of three egg whites with mushrooms (honey mushrooms or champignons) and tomatoes.

For a 300 calorie diet, nutrition is good. 800 grams of fruit contain only 300 calories; they are included in the norm for this diet. At lunch, it is recommended to supply the body with protein and fructose by drinking 2 glasses with a fat content of 1% or. And after fermented milk product you can eat a pear or an apple.


Yogurt sauce

For people who suffer without fatty sauces, the article provides a recipe for a yogurt-based sauce. To prepare this sauce we will need: a glass of low-fat yogurt, a tomato, one cucumber and herbs. Chop the greens, grate the vegetables and add to the yogurt. Mix everything thoroughly. The diet allows you to replace yogurt with cottage cheese without large grains.

Cheese soup

Perfect for diet cheese soup. This light dish will help diversify the menu, they say so positive reviews about ease and good taste dishes. To prepare it we need 3 potatoes, 300 grams of zucchini, 2 carrots, bell pepper. Vegetables are boiled until tender and chopped in a blender. Pour the puree into a saucepan and place on low heat. Flavor the vegetable puree with one hundred grams of processed vegetable puree, add salt and pepper. The soup is brought to a boil. The dish is ready, its calorie content is 30 calories per 100 grams of product.

Buckwheat pancakes

For a 300 calorie diet, you can prepare buckwheat pancakes. To do this, mix boiled cereal (300 grams) with 250 grams of kefir, add salt, and add slaked soda on the tip of a knife. Break into buckwheat-milk mass and add 10 teaspoons wheat flour. Fry the pancakes in a frying pan on both sides until they are browned. It is recommended to serve low-fat sauce as a sauce.

Fruit and vegetable salad

And as a dessert, a person who is losing weight should treat themselves to a salad of fruits and vegetables. To prepare, we need 200 grams of apples, the same amount of pears, half a kilogram of pumpkin, lemon zest and 100 grams of ripe plums. Fruits and vegetables are finely chopped and flavored with lemon juice. You can sprinkle a little powdered sugar on top of the salad if it seems sour.

  • To make it easier to adjust the menu and count calories, you should not eat in restaurants and catering establishments. Dishes prepared in this way are difficult to calculate by the number of calories, which is confirmed by reviews of those losing weight;
  • To make calculations more convenient, you can use special tables indicating;
  • With a properly selected menu, you will not feel hungry. The diet involves the use of vitamins;
  • If you purchase ready-made food due to a lack of time, then it is better to take dishes with the indicated calorie content on the label;
  • The diet suggests that the last time you eat should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. The diet is not recommended for nursing and pregnant women.
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We already know that it’s time to consider all the issues related to the last meal - dinner. I'll say right away that most proper dinner pp - protein, this is suitable for everyone a follower of a healthy lifestyle and even for those who are interested in what to eat for dinner to lose weight.

What kind of dinners are they? What should dinner be like? proper nutrition? And should you? When, what and how much can you eat? Or maybe it's better to skip it altogether? — a lot of questions, no less answers.

To be or not to be?

The very first question that interests a beginner in pp is not even what to eat for dinner with proper nutrition, but is it necessary to eat at all? After all, you can often come across recommendations, especially for those losing weight, about the dangers of eating at night, like a glass of kefir instead of dinner and you’re a skinny beauty. Yes, if you don’t eat, then it’s not difficult to become thin, but as for beauty, this is unlikely. After all, what The beauty is that weight loss comes from reducing fat. And that is why a proper, healthy, wholesome and tasty dinner should be on the menu every day!

A light dietary last meal with a sufficient amount of protein is a guarantee that the muscles are not subject to catabolism, you will not feel hungry until the morning, the gastrointestinal tract will function normally, and the body will receive everything necessary elements for energy and vigor the next day.

And also delicious a dietary dinner will prevent uncontrollable gluttony, which is so common for many people when consciousness turns on after the fifth cutlet or on the second piece of cake.

Rules and features of evening meals

Now let's figure it out with the main rules for dinner at pp. In short, they are the same as for lunches, snacks or breakfasts:

  1. portion control;
  2. don't forget about ;
  3. exclude harmful products.

But it is important to know the details:

there is no single advice on what time is best to have dinner - for early risers this may be the famous “don’t eat after 6”, but for night owls late dinner 9 pm is completely allowed. The main thing is that there are still 3 hours left before bedtime;

dinner on pp is a maximum of protein and fiber, a minimum of fats and carbohydrates. This is especially true for those who have switched to healthy eating in order to lose weight, if you don’t know exactly what dinner should be in order to lose weight, make a vegetable salad with 1 tsp. vegetable oil and take a portion or some baked fish;

do not try to cut calories at the expense of dinner - the body cannot be deceived by a portion of salad or boiled rubber breast. The number of calories should be the same as at lunch (well, maybe a little less), that is, the concept of “dinner for 100 calories” cannot exist! Although for 100 calories (or rather kilocalories) you can organize a snack before bed, if you feel slightly hungry, this is where the famous glass of kefir will help. But remember - this is not dinner, this is just a snack for the night! The calorie content of dinner is about 25% of the daily calorie intake, that is, at least 300 kcal!

Prohibited foods for dinner

It is clear that if you are eating properly, you should not eat foods for dinner that are not on your personal list. However, even among proper food There is one that is undesirable to eat:

  • It is better to exclude any fruits, even apples, after lunch. The fact is that all fruits contain sugar - glucose, fructose. And if you eat such a low-calorie, but still carbohydrate-y treat in the evening, then by the morning you will best case scenario can “flood” - carbohydrates attract water molecules. And if you go overboard with the quantity, then not all the plus on the scales will be water—fat will also increase. What’s interesting is that everything is not so strict with berries, so if you want cottage cheese with fruit for dinner, replace the fruit with a handful of any berries - it will be healthier;
  • by the way, myself Cottage cheese is also not a completely permitted product for dinner. Of course, an ordinary person can do it, but a person losing weight can’t. Cottage cheese, like any other dairy product, greatly affects the level of insulin, which blocks the work of somatropin, on which weight loss depends. But it is at night that we lose weight best. So for those who are on a temporary pp diet, it is better to replace dinner with pp cottage cheese with other dishes. If you are happy with your weight, simply omit the question about whether you can eat cottage cheese for dinner a couple of times a week; .
  • the same goes for cereals and the question of whether you can eat porridge for dinner. Any cereals are pure carbohydrates, albeit slow ones, this is prohibited at night! The body rests; it doesn’t need so much energy. Even the most ordinary “empty” or healthy brown rice is not eaten for dinner when losing weight;
  • pickled, pickled vegetables are also not products from which you can make light dishes for dinner. Take it - it seems like there are few calories, but you shouldn’t eat them in the evening - the salt in the composition retains water, disrupts the normal flow of metabolic processes and by the morning you will wake up not rested and vigorous, but with swelling and a feeling of thirst.

Also, make sure that among the products there are no ones that are not suitable for you. For example, cabbage causes bloating for many people, then it is better to choose something other than cabbage low calorie salad for dinner.

What can you eat for dinner

What should you eat for dinner if proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are not just words for you, but a way of life?

The list of products and dishes is quite diverse - all recipes from vegetables, mushrooms, fish, meat, and seafood are suitable.

Excellent protein food for dinner - soups, but not all of them, but those made from vegetables and meat or fish.

Is it possible to have mushroom soup for dinner? It's possible, but still mushrooms are a specific product, and although it is considered a protein, it is closer to vegetables, than meat or eggs.

We can’t help but mention one more essential product for the pp-schnik - about eggs. Scrambled eggs with and without vegetables (naturally, cooked in a frying pan with a non-stick coating and under a lid), omelettes, including Japanese (there is a suitable recipe), simply whipped whites with sahzam - the nutritional value of all these dishes is already the answer to the question “is it possible to eat eggs for dinner for those losing weight?” It contains so much protein and no carbohydrates - just what you need for a nightly meal when losing weight!

I only advise you to take whites rather than whole eggs, leaving 1 yolk for taste. There is simply a lot of fat in the yolks, their calorie content is high.

Ideal dinner pp: menu options and examples

So, what should dinner be like for weight loss and more? We’ve figured it out, let’s move on to practice - specific recipes.

200 calorie dinner: is it possible?

It is very rarely allowed to eat for dinner with proper nutrition for only 200 kcal. This is only possible if you eat too many calories throughout the day.. The main thing here is to eat something low-calorie, but such that you don’t feel hungry later. Most suitable dietary options dinners with proper nutrition:

  • plate and boiled egg;
  • a large portion of any salad fresh vegetables(season with lemon juice and 1 tbsp yogurt) and 2-3 boiled egg whites;
  • a piece of boiled hake and 150-200 g of chopped fresh cucumbers.

What to eat for 300 calories: healthy dinner recipes

As we found out, the minimum number of calories (or, more correctly, kilocalories), which is acceptable, is 300.

Here is a list of those pp-dinner options, the calorie portion of which is perfect for this norm:

  • a portion of drumsticks baked in kefir (recipe) and a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, vegetable oil;
  • large portion and a glass of fresh tomato juice;;
  • omelette with chicken meat and fresh vegetables;
  • If you are not afraid of gaining weight, then you can sometimes treat yourself to some cottage cheese casserole according to one of the following.

Video recipe for the perfect protein dinner

Finally, I suggest watching a video that shows how to prepare a delicious and quick dinner from chicken fillet:

Eating a hearty and delicious breakfast on just 300 calories sounds a little unrealistic. But I have ideas about this) Look further and get to know your new breakfasts!

Avocado and salmon toast

Calories: 296

What's better than avocado toast topped with smoked salmon? The combination of healthy fats and fiber will keep you full for hours, and fatty acids, contained in avocados and fish, are phenomenal for our skin. This is super rich nutrients breakfast. And how delicious!

Egg, tomato, light mayonnaise and green onion

Calories: 228

This one is spicy hearty breakfast will definitely become your favorite. The combination of a hard-boiled egg, a tablespoon of light mayonnaise and green onions is a classic taste! And if you put all this on a whole grain bun, add a slice of tomato, you will understand that now this breakfast is your favorite. Plus, its preparation takes a maximum of 7 minutes and 2 minutes if you boil the eggs in advance.

Oatmeal with apple and cinnamon

Calories: 284

Next best breakfast- oatmeal with fruit. Prepare oatmeal, put sliced ​​peach, or kiwi, or apple on top and walnuts. Fruits and nuts are here as a bonus to the already healthy, tasty, satisfying oatmeal. For the explosion taste buds Sprinkle some cinnamon, sesame seeds, chia seeds, or flax into your porridge for a healthy dose of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and good fat.

Tortilla with beans and egg

Calories: 290

For a 300-calorie breakfast that'll keep you full until lunch with its protein ingredients, you'll need one wheat tortilla, an egg, a cup of cooked black beans, 1/4 cup low-fat cream cheese, salsa (any choice), and cilantro. The beans must first be mashed with a fork or chopped with a blender. Place everything on a tortilla and breakfast is ready!

Toast with curd cheese and honey

Calories: 280.

This is one of my favorite healthy and delicious 300 calorie breakfasts. Curd cheese with honey - the perfect combination! Spread cheese and honey on toast or whole grain raisin muffin. If you don't like the taste of honey, you can put a piece of boiled turkey on the cheese instead.

Homemade waffles with cottage cheese, strawberries and nuts

Calories: 295.

To make this breakfast easier, you can bake waffles in advance or buy them ready-made. Spread on the waffle low-fat cottage cheese and put strawberries and almonds on it. This is a very filling breakfast for 300 calories. You won't remember food until lunch.

Omelette with spinach and turkey

Calories: 292

Beat the egg with a whisk, add pieces of turkey or chicken fillet and spinach. Spinach can be substituted green onions, will also be good). Pour the mixture into the pan, cover and bake until done. The omelet can be cooked in the microwave in a special bowl.

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In the fight against extra pounds, it is very important to properly organize your diet. A properly prepared breakfast plays an important role, without which no diet will be effective. It depends on it whether you will be full or hungry throughout the day, active or lethargic, cheerful or sad. Do not underestimate this meal - and not only as part of losing weight, but at other times too.

Why is it so important?

Nowadays, nutritionists no longer advise going on diets, since to lose weight it’s enough just to organize proper nutrition. And it presupposes the mandatory presence of a full breakfast. And you don’t have to think that you’ll have to eat one with water without salt, sugar or butter. This meal can be both tasty and healthy at the same time, if you try. The main thing is to force yourself to cook it when you just had to get out of a warm bed and need to urgently run to work.

Its main functions:

  • “turns on” (awakens) the body;
  • activates digestion;
  • gives good mood;
  • makes unhealthy snacks optional;
  • energizes;
  • provides protection against viruses and harmful microbes;
  • nourishes the brain;
  • increase ability to work, intelligence;
  • strengthens muscles;
  • improves metabolism;
  • saturates well, regulating appetite and allowing you to reduce the amount of lunch and dinner.

Agree: there are worthy arguments in favor of still having a full breakfast in the morning, which acts on the body like energy, but without harm to health.

To completely dispel your doubts, let’s use simple mathematics. Classic scheme proper nutrition as part of weight loss: 3 main meals + 2 snacks between them. You need to have dinner 3 hours before going to bed. Theoretically, we exclude breakfast: dinner - around 19.00, slept for about 8 hours, then lunch somewhere around 11.00. Calculate how long the food did not enter the stomach - approximately 16 hours. The body perceives this as a forced hunger strike and goes into saving mode. Metabolism automatically slows down, the appetite during lunch and dinner wakes up brutal - and everything you eat will not be converted into energy, but into fat depots throughout the body.

Numerous studies show that without breakfast, most people begin to develop extra pounds. However, this process is very individual, and there are exceptions. There are those who don’t eat in the morning and look cheerful and fit. There are few of them, and it is not a fact that you are one of them. Therefore, still try to eat properly and nutritiously.

What should it be like?

Once you realize how important proper breakfast to lose weight, you need to figure out what it should be in order to benefit the body. After all, everyone understands that a sweet bun with a thick layer of chocolate butter, washed down with strong coffee with heavy cream and 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, is unlikely to contribute to weight loss.

According to nutritionists, perfect breakfast for those who dream of slim figure, must meet the following criteria:

  1. Balanced

From the point of view of BJU: 1/3 - proteins, 2/3 - carbohydrates, 1/5 - fats.

  1. Calorie-sensitive

Diet breakfast should be 20-25% of daily calorie content. Normally this is 2,000 kcal, for weight loss - 1,200-1,500 kcal. We calculate - we get 400 kcal with proper nutrition and a normal lifestyle, and 250-300 kcal - if you really want to lose weight.

  1. Nutritious

To saturate the body before lunch and prevent breakdowns and overeating during the day. That’s why it’s so important to include carbohydrates, and they should be slow, not fast.

  1. Low-fat

That is, if dairy products are present, then with low content fat content, oil - only in very limited quantities.

  1. Easy

Contributing good digestion, and not aggravating and provoking flatulence and bloating.

It is imperative to include fruits, which are considered natural energy drinks and give a boost of energy for the whole day.

A few more useful tips how to organize healthy breakfast with proper nutrition so that it promotes weight loss.

  1. The ideal time is in the morning from 07.00 to 09.00, half an hour after waking up.
  2. Half an hour before meals you need to drink a glass of water.
  3. You should always have breakfast at the same time.
  4. If you have no appetite in the morning, find ways to awaken it: buy bright dishes, eat the most delicious products, spend this time with your loved ones.
  5. If you don't have time to cook delicious and complex dishes, do this the night before so you can just warm it up in the morning.
  6. Frying, grilling - no best way preparations. All the others are quite suitable.
  7. No need to swallow the porridge, burning your mouth. This is harmful to the gastric mucosa. The temperature of the food should be comfortable.
  8. You can’t rush and sit on gadgets - the process of eating should give you a feeling of pleasure and complete satisfaction.
  9. Don't overeat - you need to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  10. Before meals, it will be useful to do morning exercises.

Product Lists

Well, now directly the lists of products, what is best to eat for breakfast, and what is strictly prohibited when losing weight.


  • boiled chicken breast (especially useful for athletes, as it contains a lot of animal protein for the formation of beautiful muscle mass);
  • honey is a natural energy drink;
  • milkshakes;
  • (but only drunk after breakfast, not before);
  • olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • healthy cereals (buckwheat and rolled oats above all) - those same slow carbohydrates that promote weight loss;
  • fresh fruits with minimal sugar content;
  • cheese, low-fat kefir - an ideal combination of protein and calcium;
  • Fresh juices and smoothies are sources of vitamins;
  • bread - rye bran or whole grain, toast;
  • eggs and any dishes made from them are a source of protein and vitamins.

It is forbidden:

  • bananas - oddly enough, also fall into this list, and not only because high content sugar: excess magnesium in the morning disrupts the internal balance of the body;
  • bacon, sausages and sausages;
  • fatty meat;
  • yoghurts with colors and flavors;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, soy sauce, vinegar;
  • pasta;
  • carbonated, energy and alcoholic drinks;
  • marinades, pickles;
  • some diets suggest eating grapefruits for breakfast, while citrus fruits on an empty stomach are the right path first to heartburn, then to gastritis, and in the future to an ulcer;
  • dumplings;
  • pies, pancakes, pancakes, donuts and other baked goods;
  • fish;
  • fresh vegetables - on an empty stomach irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • sweets (sweets, cookies, chocolate), sugar;
  • spices, seasonings, onions, garlic, pepper;
  • cottage cheese - nutritionists advise consuming it in the afternoon;
  • fast food.

Questionable products

Nutritionists have mixed opinions about breakfast cereals: cereals, muesli and snacks. Yes, these are very tasty, many people like them, they give a boost of energy and a good mood for the whole day. On the other hand, this is not the most suitable option for losing weight, because they contain too much sugar - those same fast carbohydrates that provide a short-term feeling of fullness. In just an hour you will want to eat again. If you like muesli, then at least eat it with fruit and low-fat kefir.

The second list is quite relative. To avoid a breakdown, once a week in small quantities you can allow yourself something from fast carbohydrates. In the absence of other indulgences, a spoonful of jam or a fresh scone will not make you fatter or derail your weight loss plan.

Top best

We bring to your attention a small TOP. It included the most healthy breakfasts, which are suitable for any weight loss program. You can safely use them to create a diet menu.

  1. Tops the rating healthy porridge for breakfast - oatmeal cooked with water, kefir or low-fat milk. You can add your choice of fruits, nuts and honey to it.
  2. Buckwheat porridge.
  3. Smoothie made from low-fat kefir and fruits (except citrus fruits and bananas).
  4. Baked omelette. You can add vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, sweet pepper), tofu, mushrooms, spinach.
  5. Fruit salad without bananas and citrus fruits.
  6. Sandwich made from hard cheese and whole grain bread.
  7. A handful of nuts.
  8. Carrot muffin with raisins.
  9. Roll of lavash, lettuce, boiled chicken breast And natural yogurt instead of refueling.
  10. Whole grain sandwich with chicken or turkey.
  11. Eggs, hard-boiled or soft-boiled.


If you need sports (men's) or the lowest calorie breakfasts, we offer the following options.

Low calorie:

  • eggs with herbs;
  • scrambled egg quesadilla;
  • swirl with ricotta;
  • tofu with mushrooms;
  • oatmeal with berries;
  • rice pudding with pistachios;
  • carrot cutlets.


  • protein salad of squid, chicken breast and egg white;
  • egg white omelet;
  • boiled eggs;
  • porcini mushroom salad;
  • milkshake;
  • shrimp with lemon juice;
  • whole grain bread with a piece of boiled chicken breast;
  • oatmeal or buckwheat with milk.

An athlete's breakfast must be protein-rich and dense. During hard training, you need to drink whey or gainers in the morning. The ratio of carbohydrates to proteins depends on your body type. For ectomorphs it should be approximately the same. For mesomorphs, breakfasts consisting of 65% proteins and 35% carbohydrates are recommended. Endomorphs need to reduce the amount of carbohydrate foods to 25%, but at the same time eat more protein.

It is not necessarily aimed only at men. If girls don't just want to get rid of extra pounds, but also to find the most beautiful figure against the backdrop of intense training, they can take advantage of these options.


Even the most delicious breakfasts, if they are repeated, they will soon become boring and can jeopardize any diet. To prevent this from happening, you need variety in the products and dishes that you prepare for yourself in the morning. An indicative version will help in creating a menu for each day.

This menu is an example, that is, you can change something in it at your discretion. The main thing is to adhere to the principles of healthy eating.


Let's look at a few of the most popular breakfasts with calories listed. And first of all, these are porridge recipes, with which nutritionists recommend starting the morning.

Oatmeal with kefir (102 kcal)


  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • 500 ml;
  • berries, nuts, fruits;
  • salt.


  1. Pour kefir over the oatmeal in the evening.
  2. Add salt in the morning.
  3. Add finely chopped apples, any berries or chopped nuts.

Buckwheat porridge with water (107 kcal)


  • a glass of buckwheat;
  • 500 ml water;
  • salt.


  1. Sort the grains, rinse in several waters.
  2. Fill cold water, bring to a boil, cook until tender.
  3. Add some salt.

Smoothie (60 kcal)


  • 4 pcs. fresh strawberries;
  • half ;
  • 100 ml low-fat kefir;
  • 30 g oatmeal;
  • some nuts.


  1. Peel and core the apple. Cut into cubes.
  2. Combine strawberries, apple and oatmeal in a blender. Beat for 1 minute.
  3. Add kefir. Beat for another 1-1.5 minutes.
  4. Sprinkle chopped nuts on top.

Omelette with vegetables (130 kcal)


  • 2 eggs;
  • a little olive oil;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 1 small tomato;
  • 50 g zucchini;
  • 20 g parsley;
  • 50 ml low-fat milk;
  • salt.


  1. Beat the eggs in a bowl with a whisk, add milk. Beat again until foam forms. Add some salt.
  2. On a baking sheet with olive oil pour in the egg-milk mixture.
  3. Cut the pepper into strips, zucchini into cubes, tomatoes into slices. Place on a baking sheet. Mix everything.
  4. Place in a preheated oven for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle chopped parsley on top.

Fruit salad (80 kcal)

Ingredients (50 g each):

  • apples;
  • pears;
  • pomegranate;
  • avocado;
  • grape;
  • peaches;
  • pineapple;
  • 300 ml natural yogurt.


  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove peels and seeds.
  2. Grind into small cubes.
  3. Mix.
  4. Pour over yogurt.
  5. Mix.
  6. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds on top.

Carrot muffin with raisins (147 kcal)


  • 150 ml kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 small;
  • 1 medium-sized apple;
  • 20 g raisins;
  • a little soda;
  • 90 g wheat flour;
  • 90 g oat flour.


  1. Peel and seed the apple.
  2. Grate it and carrots.
  3. Quench soda with kefir.
  4. Add egg, apple and carrots to it.
  5. Add both types of flour.
  6. Stir in raisins.
  7. Knead.
  8. Pour into molds.
  9. Bake for 40 minutes in the oven at 180°C.

Poached egg (28 kcal)


  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 10 ml lemon juice;
  • salt.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan, boil, add salt, add lemon juice. Reduce heat.
  2. Break the egg into the cup very carefully so as not to spread.
  3. Create a water funnel with a spoon and pour the egg into it.
  4. Cook for 4 minutes.
  5. Remove with a slotted spoon.

The most delicious recipes there are dietary breakfasts, optimal options for weight loss have been sorted out, the TOP of the best have been compiled - now all that remains is to put all this theoretical information into practice.

Fasting after 6 is not good advice. Everyone wants to eat after 6, and there is no need to torture and push the body to extremes. But having something light to eat 3 hours before bedtime is the right thing to do, even if you are on a diet. We have chosen 8 dishes for you at Shefmarket, a whole portion of which contains no more than 300 calories (even more in a tiny piece of pie).

Turkey roll with broccoli and zucchini

1 serving: 400 grams, 226 kcal, 30/70/10 BJU

A dish from the current one for this week (you still have time to order). It looks like a culinary masterpiece from a Michelin-starred restaurant chef, nothing less! And you can do the same: dinner takes 45 minutes to prepare, 35 of which the rolls just simmer in the oven.

Spanish seafood lunch

1 serving: 300 grams, 241 kcal, 35/5/14 BJU

One of the most popular dishes in Chefmarket - probably for good reason. At a minimum - for the tiger shrimp, squid, cuttlefish and mussels in the composition.

Squid rings in onion-tomato sauce

1 serving: 425 grams, 201 kcal, 37/1/10 BJU

And this is from the new ones next week: There’s no way to skip it - what if we don’t add it to the main menu later? The whole interesting thing here is in the unusual yoghurt and onion sauce. Well, we teach you how to cook squid so that it looks like an appetizing dish, and not like rubber.

Greek salad with chicken

1 serving: 280 grams, 234 kcal, 15/15/11 BJU

As our subscriber said, “we even made something cool out of Greek salad!” Yeah. To understand how cool it is, check out the recipe.

Dietary pumpkin puree soup with tandoori chicken

1 serving: 450 grams, 176 kcal, 20/2/18 BJU

It's not just any lean soup from pumpkin. There's also fish sauce, kaffir lime leaves, jalapeño and lime - and it's a must try. And fried chicken wings They will brighten up a pleasant (is it really dietary?) dinner even more.

Baked trout with salsa and zucchini

1 serving: 450 grams, 287 kcal, 8/14/33 BJU

Well, what about without fish? In this recipe, we fry it and then bake it with an interesting dressing of tomatoes, onion dressing and basil: even from the photo you can see that the salsa is delicious. And for a side dish - zucchini.

Dietary eggplant baked with oyster mushrooms

1 serving: 390 grams, 175 kcal, 8/4/27 BJU

An option for those who do not want meat and love mushrooms. We even video eat it like a little girl cooks these eggplants, so you can do it too.