Lazy oatmeal in a jar: a healthy, quick, no-cook breakfast. Oatmeal porridge without cooking: benefits and harms Oatmeal brewed with boiling water and honey

"Oatmeal, sir!"- judging by the expression on the face of the main character in the famous film, oatmeal did not evoke joyful feelings in him. But in vain! Oatmeal is still considered one of the most... healthy products, and specifically oatmeal in water without cooking. Yes, you can cook oatmeal in milk, add sugar and butter, but almost all the benefits of such porridge will disappear. For breakfast, my husband and I eat oatmeal with water without cooking. Very tasty, to be honest! You just need to add a handful of dried fruits. Oatmeal with water is low in calories - 100 g contains only 300 calories. What if you don’t cook the oatmeal, but just steam it? hot water, everything will be saved in it useful substances- vitamins A, C, E, PP and magnesium, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, nickel, calcium, potassium! Oatmeal cleanses the body of waste and toxins, removes excess from the intestines thanks to great content pectins, and also normalizes metabolism.

Number of servings - 2

Cooking time: 15 min.

Ingredients for oatmeal with water

  • oatmeal Hercules - 8 tablespoons
  • dried apricots - 2 tablespoons
  • raisins - 1 handful
  • water (boiling water) - 2 cups

How to cook oatmeal without cooking

Oatmeal in water goes well with unrefined oil - flaxseed or olive. In the summer, instead of dried fruits, I usually add berries - strawberries, cherries, currants, it turns out very tasty! If you have a sweet tooth, add a spoonful of honey to the porridge. There are many variations, oatmeal is not at all as boring and banal as it seems at first glance!

Overnight oatmeal is perfect breakfast, which won’t take up a bit of your time. If you've never heard of cooking oatmeal by soaking overnight, then read the article to the end - it’s convenient and tasty!

This method of cooking is especially relevant in the summer, when you don’t want to have hot oatmeal for breakfast in hot weather. Oatmeal left overnight in water makes a delicious, refreshing dish on a summer day. If you wish, you can add cold milk or honey to it in the morning.

This recipe is also relevant in winter. Moreover, if you love warm breakfast, the microwave will help you! It will solve the problem of cold oatmeal in a couple of minutes.

Overnight oatmeal recipe with water

To prepare this type of porridge, both rolled oats and traditional and instant oatmeal are suitable.


  • Oatmeal – ½ cup
  • Water – 1 cup


  1. Pour ½ cup of oatmeal into a plate or plastic tray.
  2. Add water to the bowl with the cereal. Cover the container with a lid (if available).
  3. Leave the container for the whole night. A ready-made breakfast will be waiting for you in the morning!

Note: If you wish, you can add your favorite fruits, berries, nuts, honey, dried fruits, candied fruits and spices to your oatmeal!

8 votes

A product of English gentlemen and other healthy eating enthusiasts is oatmeal for breakfast. How much do we know about her? What is its use? How to use the product correctly in order to retain nutrients and how to prepare oatmeal for weight loss? Interesting information about her practical advice, recipes and secrets of losing weight - in this material.

For more than 2 thousand years, people have been eating oats, which are easy to grow. In the old days, flat cakes, oatmeal, jelly, porridge, and pancakes were made from it; grain was fed to livestock. Having studied the properties of the popular cereal, pundits called it the healthiest along with buckwheat.

About the benefits of oats

Food made from oats saturates the body well, contains proteins, fats, fiber, starch, and carbohydrates. The benefits of oatmeal for weight loss have been proven. She has an impressive mineral composition: a lot of potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus. Magnesium in its composition helps to absorb calcium, which protects our bones from osteoporosis.

Oats contain 11 valuable amino acids, in particular arginine. It is used for muscle growth and is valued by athletes. This amino acid helps prevent atherosclerosis, remove from the body uric acid- a companion to gout, kidney disease. That's why it is recommended to eat oatmeal before or after training: it will help remove urea from the body and relieve fatigue.

Oats contain a lot of valine, an amino acid important for body growth and providing energy to muscles. Vitamins A, E, PP, group B regulate metabolism, help nervous system, support good mood, prolong youth. That is why everyone needs to eat oatmeal in the morning, especially children, the elderly, and the sick.

Cereals or flakes, what to buy?

When buying cereal, decide what is more important to you: the benefits of the dish or the speed and ease of its preparation. The less processing, the more valuable product, including for weight loss.

To prepare the flakes, the grains are cleaned, steamed and flattened into petals using rollers.

Let's find out the degree of difference between crushed and uncrushed grain.

  • The healthiest option is oatmeal made from whole grains. It cooks for up to an hour, and with pre-soaking it cooks 2 times faster. The grains swell approximately 4 times.
  • Cooks for up to 40 minutes rolled cereal. Its properties are close to whole grain.
  • Hercules flakes are obtained from purified grains. They are less healthy than whole grains. The denser, coarser petals are boiled for up to 20 minutes.
  • “Extra” flakes are produced under numbers: 1, 2 and 3. Flakes No. 1 have a denser structure; they are cut from whole grains. This porridge is cooked for about 15 minutes. Flakes No. 2 and 3 are smaller, as they are prepared from chopped cereals. Particularly thin and delicate petals in pack No. 3; they can be eaten by steaming them in hot water or milk. In 5 minutes you get steamed oatmeal, in which the most preserved beneficial properties.

How to properly cook oatmeal?

Dozens of grains or flakes are prepared various dishes. The most common is porridge. For weight loss, it is healthier when made from whole grains, but it is better to soak it overnight. Nutritionists say that after this, cereals are much better digested and absorbed by the body.

When soaked, it partially destroys gluten - a complex protein that suppresses the immune system. And you will have to cook the grain less.

  • Classic recipe - instant oatmeal

It will require 1 cup of cereal per glass of liquid: water or milk. Experts advise taking milk and water equally. The porridge will come out thick, add liquid to prepare the spread. In addition to sugar, salt and butter, the dish is flavored with jam, honey, cinnamon (read how this spice helps you lose weight), and cheese.

How can you diversify your porridge so that even picky household members order oatmeal for breakfast? We offer several options.

  • With dried fruits

Sweet dried pears, peaches, and raisins are excellent substitutes for sugar. Pour hot water over the dried fruits and close the lid. After 10 minutes, cut the fruit into small pieces and add to the finished porridge. A dish with prunes or dried apricots is also prepared, but for sweetness you can add a pinch of sugar or a spoonful of honey to the non-hot porridge, since these are less sweet fruits.

  • With apples or oranges

You can grate and mix with the contents of the plate, or cut into cubes and place the fruit on top, add peeled orange slices. For more flavor, add chopped orange zest to the pan while cooking.

  • With cottage cheese and banana

Combine the finished porridge in a plate with mashed cottage cheese, and top with banana rings, pomegranate seeds or defrosted berries.

  • With cocoa

When cooking, add 1-2 teaspoons of cocoa to hot milk. The porridge will take on an unusual chocolate color. Once cooled slightly, sprinkle dark chocolate chips, coconut flakes, or chopped walnuts. This is almost a dessert, a gourmet dish!

No need to cook!

Out of habit, many people cook oatmeal. But this is not at all necessary. Let us remind you that some vitamins and other useful substances are destroyed during boiling. Therefore, for weight loss, it is better to cook oatmeal without cooking, or at least not to finish cooking it, but to leave it covered.

Calculate the portions, because the second heating will destroy more than half of the vitamins, and after the third heating there will be no benefit from the food.

And yet. How to properly prepare boiled oatmeal for weight loss? Soak the cereal overnight, the next day, cook it for half an hour and wrap it up so that it steams. Nutritionist and nutritionist Olga Khazova advises cooking porridge with water, because lactose (natural sugar) in milk is absorbed too quickly. Instead of sugar, it is better to put raisins and dried apricots. Whether to add oil to your dish depends on your taste and daily calorie balance.

Introducing oats into other dishes

Proponents of a healthy diet and those who want to lose weight include oats and oat flakes in many dishes. Whole grains are put into soups, and jelly, traditional for Rus', is prepared from it. They buy ready-made muesli with dried fruits, granola, where the cereal is baked with honey and nuts. Instead of butter cookies, oatmeal bread is eaten.

Below are some tips on how to implement healthy product in other dishes.

  1. Dry oatmeal is easily ground in a coffee grinder. Add the resulting flour to pancakes, pancakes and other baked goods.
  2. Fry the oatmeal in a dry frying pan until beige color. This type of oatmeal was widely used by our ancestors: they sprinkled it on potato gates, northern shangi, and berries, such as lingonberries.
  3. Dredge fish in oatmeal and add flakes instead of breadcrumbs to cutlets. They don't turn out to be as high in calories.

We recommend eating flakes with kefir and fermented baked milk, yogurt and yogurt. Just making lazy oatmeal in a jar. Pour milk or yogurt over the tender flakes, stir and leave overnight. Add candied fruits, fruits or berries if desired. The cold dish is eaten in the morning and taken with you to work, school, or training.

Smoothie Recipes

The fashion for smoothies came to us from the USA. Among those who want to lose weight, raw foodists, vegetarians and other adherents of a healthy lifestyle, foamy cocktails with the addition of herbs, fruits, berries, and vegetables are popular.

The finished drink retains all the beneficial substances of the ingredients. This vitamin bomb heals the intestinal microflora, gives energy to athletes, restores the strength of patients and, of course, helps to lose excess weight.

Prepare smoothies in a powerful blender with a tall mug or in a food processor. A low-power device will not be able to grind food to a uniform consistency. Try a few simple recipes for making this tasty, thick drink.

Smoothie with milk

Place in blender:

  • a tablespoon of soaked cereal or rolled oats;
  • banana, sliced in large pieces;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • a glass of milk;
  • glass of hot boiled water.

Whisk the mixture and pour into glasses. A sweet, foamy drink with banana flavor will make a satisfying, pleasant and easy breakfast.

Cocktails are a boundless field for experimentation. Pour more water or milk - if you get a liquid drink, if you want a creamy mass - add more yogurt and fruit.

Thick smoothie with cinnamon and yogurt

Ingredients for whipping:

  • 3 tablespoons of rolled oats;
  • 1 sliced ​​banana;
  • yogurt packaging;
  • a glass of milk;
  • a little ground cinnamon.

Pour hot milk over the cereal and leave for 5 minutes. Place the ingredients in a blender and blend for half a minute. Pour into glasses, sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon on top.

Smoothie with kefir

If you want to lose weight as much as possible, try a smoothie with kefir; it contains 75 kcal per 100 grams of the drink. Its components:

  • 1 apple;
  • 150 g kefir;
  • a tablespoon of rolled oats;
  • 1 banana;
  • a teaspoon of wheat bran;
  • a glass of hot water.

Pour hot water over the flakes and bran and steam them for 5-10 minutes. Cut the apple and banana into large pieces. Place everything in a blender and beat. Not enough sweetness? Add a teaspoon maple syrup and beat again. Delicious dietary dish ready!

Cleansing the intestines

By consuming healthy fiber, you can get rid of blockages in the intestines, the weight of which sometimes reaches 10–15 kg. Which, you see, is a lot for those who want to lose weight. How to cleanse the intestines?

  • Decoction

To obtain a decoction, pour 3 cups oatmeal 3 liters of water, boil for 20 minutes. Cover the pan and leave for 24 hours. Strain, heat the liquid to 30 degrees and dissolve 100 grams of honey in it. Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into the broth and put it in the refrigerator. To cleanse the intestines, drink a glass of decoction three times a day on an empty stomach, before meals, for a month.

  • Scrub

Intestinal scrub is what this recipe is called. Pour a quarter glass cold water 2 tablespoons oatmeal. Pour in a tablespoon of boiled milk and leave the mixture to swell until the morning. In the morning, drink a glass of unboiled water. After half an hour, on an empty stomach, eat the previously prepared porridge without salt and sugar, you can add only a little honey and nuts. Do not drink oatmeal with anything, do not eat anything for 3 hours. The procedure thoroughly cleanses the intestines.

What problems might arise?

Let's talk about the problems of losing weight. Due to unsuccessful attempts to lose weight, a person becomes a skeptic in this matter. Dietary restrictions do not bring joy, and the pounds you lost with difficulty come back. How to consistently lose weight without discomfort, achieving the desired result?

Advice: In order for your weight to steadily decrease, stop losing weight by eye. The balance of calories you take in and then burn out needs to be controlled. Weigh your food and keep a food and exercise diary.

Those who go on a hike to get slim are forced to limit their caloric intake. With a lack of carbohydrates, a person’s performance decreases, he experiences fatigue, drowsiness, and irritability. In this case, the scale arrow may stand still.

Another problem for those losing weight: due to the small amount of food at one time, a food bolus slowly forms. How to stimulate bowel function? Oat fiber helps out, it improves gastrointestinal motility. Which oatmeal is best to buy for weight loss? The one with more coarse fibers.

We count calories

Cereal dishes are not a panacea for weight loss; you can lose weight and gain weight with them. It's not a matter of cooking method, but a balance of calories. If you manage to create a daily deficit of them, you will inevitably lose weight.

The less processed the grain, the slower it is digested. When losing weight, whole grains and bran are preferable. Porridges made from cereals and rolled oats are more satisfying. Surveys have shown that even 4 hours after healthy breakfast the subjects were not hungry. But after breakfast with tender flakes doused in boiling water, I wanted to chew something after a couple of hours.

Get acquainted with the table of calorie content of oat products and porridges (approximately).

To achieve slimness, celebrity nutritionist Margarita Koroleva recommends patients eat 5-6 split meals a day. You should “eat” no more than 1200 kcal, which means 200–240 kcal per snack (we do not take into account physical activity). A person can eat 200 g of oatmeal, stay on track for losing weight, and feel comfortable.

A little more math. Let's calculate the calorie content lazy oatmeal in the bank.

You can add 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal to kefir, add raisins or dried apricots. If we are not above 200 kcal, then this is a snack that helps you lose weight.

Fast or slow?

Nutritionists unanimously believe that you need to lose weight slowly, losing no more than 3-4 kg per month. What to do if a significant event is approaching where you want to shine?

Losing weight quickly with oatmeal is possible, but it requires patience. Any mono-diet causes discomfort due to imbalance of nutrients. It is not recommended to keep it for more than a week.

Here is a description fast diet on oatmeal. From 100 g of flakes, prepare 4 servings of porridge with milk during the day. Eat them, adding a teaspoon of honey to a plate. For a snack, take apples, oranges or kiwis (3 pieces). In addition to 2 liters of water, you are allowed to drink herbal decoctions and green tea with milk. In a week, up to 5-7 kg of weight is lost.

Fasting days

Options fasting days with oatmeal:

  1. During the day, eat 5-6 servings of oatmeal, cooked in water with the addition of milk (3:1).
  2. In 5 meals, eat 500 g of porridge and 3-4 apples. Instead of fruit, you can eat up to 700 g of raspberries, strawberries, currants, and gooseberries.
  3. Instead of berries, soak 200 g of dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, apples - and eat them a day.

We talked about an amazing product that cleanses and strengthens the body, helps you lose weight and set sports records. With this knowledge you will gain ideal weight And slim figure. Love oatmeal, and your body will thank you with lightness, good muscle tone, and an endless feeling of youth.

Hello, my dear readers and blog subscribers, Svetlana Morozova is with you. Today we will talk to you about oatmeal porridge. Let's go.

Friends! I, Svetlana Morozova, invite you to mega useful and interesting webinars! Presenter: Andrey Eroshkin. Health restoration expert, registered dietitian.

Topics of upcoming webinars:

  • How to lose weight without willpower and prevent the weight from coming back?
  • How to become healthy again without pills, the natural way?
  • Where do kidney stones come from and what can be done to prevent them from appearing again?
  • How to stop visiting gynecologists and give birth healthy child and not grow old at 40?

Do you want to lose weight? Interested in diets?

You'll definitely find something interesting.

Hercules for weight loss, as an element of harmony

Why is it believed that rolled oats porridge helps you lose weight? It would seem that from time immemorial in Rus', porridge has been associated with a strong physique and strength. “I ate little porridge.” This was said to a man who could not put all his weight on a plow and plow like an ox. Slender, that is.

However, then the diet became more varied and thoughtful. They stopped eating porridge around the clock for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And it turned out that porridge - and especially oatmeal - is not only healthy, but also helps to maintain slimness. If you take it correctly, of course.

What makes rolled oats an assistant for weight loss:

Types of diets on Hercules

  1. . It is advised to eat only oatmeal with water during the day - as often as you want, but 2-3 tablespoons. The porridge should be fresh, that is, without any additives. Between meals, you can drink as much green tea as you like. Also without sugar. This kind of relief will come in handy if you just overate the day before and just feel heavy and want to help digestion.
  2. Diet three days. First day You can only eat rolled oats with water, often, but a couple of spoons, between meals, water and green tea. On second day The porridge is cooked in milk, and in addition to water and tea, you can drink unsweetened compotes, decoctions of berries and herbs. On third day You can add fruits, berries, dried fruits to the porridge.
  3. Weekly mono-diet. For the first 3 days, only porridge with water is allowed, and then snacks on fruits, vegetables and kefir are allowed.
  4. Five spoon diet. It's not so much a diet as it is part of a regular routine. proper nutrition. Otherwise called an intestinal scrub. In the evening you need to pour 5 tablespoons of rolled oats with 5 tablespoons of water. This will be breakfast for the morning, where an apple and 1 tablespoon of milk are then added. Reviews say that the heaviness of the stomach really goes away, digestion and mood improve.
  • Do not add salt;
  • Do not add sugar;
  • Do not flavor with oil.

How to cook porridge? Most often, for diets, it is recommended to steam it: pour half a glass rolled oats a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and let it swell for 10 minutes. In the morning, a little sweet is not forbidden, so if desired, you can add nuts, berries, dried fruits, honey, pieces of fruit or vegetables. A friend of mine, for example, adds half a tomato and nuts to her porridge.

Hercules for weight loss: healthy recipes

Not only porridge is suitable for diets. Here are some of the most famous “weight loss” recipes with rolled oats:

The recipe for jelly is very simple: pour 4 cups of rolled oats (oatmeal) with 8 cups of boiling water and let it brew. For example, they poured it in the morning and strained it in the evening. It is better to strain through cheesecloth to thoroughly squeeze out the remainder. Now bring the oatmeal liquid to a boil, turn the heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes. Ready.

This recipe is used not only for weight loss. Kissel helps in the treatment of digestive diseases.

How to take: a glass throughout the day. It can be taken with berries, cereals, or with honey if you are on a non-strict diet.

Kefir breakfast

Oatmeal with kefir – good alternative morning porridge and healthy snack during the day. How to cook: pour half a glass of rolled oats with a glass of kefir, let it swell. You can also add something for taste.

Some, by the way, use this kefir-oat mixture to make pancakes.


  • Hercules - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Apple – 1 pc.;
  • Half an orange or lemon;
  • Nuts - a handful;
  • Honey – 1 tsp.

In the evening, pour 6 tbsp rolled oats. l. boiling water In the morning, chop nuts, apple and orange (lemon), add the brewed mixture and honey. Great option breakfast on a non-strict diet.


  • Hercules, ground in a coffee grinder into flour - half a glass;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - a glass;
  • Egg white – 6 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese – 50 g;
  • Tomato – 1 pc.;
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Your favorite herbs (basil, parsley) - to taste.

Mix oatmeal, egg whites and cottage cheese. We cut vegetables and herbs, grate cheese. Grease a baking sheet or baking dish with oil, place the dough there in the form of a flat cake, then chopped vegetables, and sprinkle cheese on top. Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

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More about the benefits of oatmeal

In addition to helping with weight loss, rolled oats have many beneficial properties:

  • Prevention;
  • Prevention of diabetes;
  • Improved digestion: reduces gas formation, treats diarrhea, and cleanses the intestines, improves peristasis and absorption of nutrients;
  • Treatment of stomach diseases: envelops the walls of the stomach, protects against the effects of gastric juice, restores damaged areas;
  • Skin care: Acne is often caused by poor digestion and accumulations in the intestines. Oatmeal combats this, and the skin condition improves;
  • Improving potency: oatmeal contains the amino acid L-arginine, which is involved in the production.

A couple of nuances

Porridge will be really useful if you do not abuse it. All mono-diets that last longer than 1 day will do more harm than good. Hercules is capable of leaching calcium from bones, this is fraught with caries, and a decrease in the strength of bones and joints.

Plus, porridge alone is not able to meet the body’s need for nutrients, and, hence, disruption and slowdown, various malfunctions in the body.

For healthy weight loss, nutrition must be varied and balanced. And always in combination with physical activity, walks on fresh air, sound sleep and positive emotions.

Take care of yourself and do not overdo diets. May your slimness be healthy!

That's all.

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With age, all “chubby girls” have to make a choice: remain the same “chumpy girl” until the end of their days, but at the same time be attractive (unless, of course, you have problems with your weight) or become “slim,” but with a rumpled face and an “erotic costume.” "

So, this post is specifically for those “chubby girls” who have finally decided to become “slender”...

Everyone knows about the benefits of oatmeal. And almost all diets include oatmeal in the list of foods allowed for consumption.

In order to improve your complexion and, let’s say, “stroke” your “erotic suit,” you will have to have breakfast, not coffee with tangerines, but something a little more “refined.”

In the mornings for a month (to see the result) you will have to eat a very healthy “scrub”, the recipe for which is taken from the book: “One Hundred Minutes for Beauty and Health.” Ultimately, in a month you will see the result of your torment in the mirror. The complexion, skin, hair and nails become simply super + the tummy “melts” before our eyes.

There are no side effects.

I won’t describe all the beneficial properties of oatmeal, everyone already knows about them... I’ll go straight to the main thing.

Muesli - "Scrub" « for the intestines»
Classic recipe
based on 1 serving

Oatmeal - 5 tbsp. l;
Cold mineral water or
boiled - 5 tbsp. l.;
Milk - 1 tbsp. l.
(or Cream - 1 tsp);
Honey - 0.5-1 tbsp. l.;
Peanuts - 5 pcs.

Additionally and/or:
Buckwheat - 1 tbsp. l.;
Flax seeds - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
Rice - 1 tbsp. l.;
Kefir... - 1 tbsp.;
Walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, etc. or a mixture of them - 5 pcs.;
Dried fruits, dried berries or a mixture of them - a small handful;
Berries: raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries, currants...;
Fruits: apples, pears, orange, banana, kiwi, plum...;
Sprouted wheat;
pumpkin, sunflower seeds, peeled raw;
Homemade jam or jam made with fructose - instead of honey;
Candied fruit;

Soak oatmeal with water overnight (or pour in the morning for 30 minutes).
In the morning, add milk or cream, honey and nuts to the swollen flakes.
Mix everything.

You can diversify the scrub porridge by adding different fruits, berries, nuts, dried fruits... and better rich in coarse fiber.

Sort the buckwheat (flax seeds, rice), rinse and dry (there is no need to sort or rinse the flax seeds). Then grind in a coffee grinder. If you do it overnight, grinding buckwheat (flax seeds, rice) is not necessary.
Add oatmeal and pour kefir to swell. Stir and let sit overnight or in the morning for 30 minutes.
You can also make one buckwheat (flax seeds, rice), without oatmeal.
Next, in the morning, add: honey, dried fruits, nuts, fruits... - to taste.

You can also pour the flakes to swell:
- water,
- freshly squeezed juice, for example apple, pear...,
- fruit drink,
- cooled hibiscus,
- serum,
- yogurt,
- tanom,
- kumys,
- ayran,
- fermented baked milk,
- milk,
- juice + water,
- milk + kefir,
- kefir + whey
- cream + water,

It turns out like this Muesli.
It’s hard to call it porridge, because porridge is still cooked.

In 30 min. Before breakfast, drink at least 1 tbsp. warm water.
Eat scrub porridge (Mosley) very carefully, chewing slowly.
After eating, do not eat or drink anything for 3 hours (no tea, no coffee...). Afterwards, you can eat and drink as usual.

Also very useful Oatmeal jelly, especially for those who suffer from gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatic diseases...

Oatmeal jelly express recipe
based on 1 tbsp. ready drink

Oatmeal - 4 tbsp. l.;
Ground oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.;
Milk or Water - 2 tbsp.;
Honey - to taste.

Warm milk or water to a maximum of 40 degrees. Pour over the flakes and leave overnight.
In the morning, squeeze the flakes thoroughly and boil the liquid until thickened over low heat, stirring frequently.
Cool the resulting jelly and add honey.

Oatmeal miracle jelly Izotov

Small oat flakes – 300 g;
Large oatmeal - 100 g or 4 tbsp. l.;
Kefir – 100 ml;
Boiled water is warm, up to a maximum of 40 degrees. - 3 l;
Cool boiled water - 2 l;
3 l jar - 2 pcs.;
Jar 1 l - 1 pc.

First you need to prepare sourdough:
Combine all ingredients in a 3-liter jar and pour warm water, leaving 1 cm from the edge.
Close the jar with a lid, cover with a dark cloth and leave in a warm place for 2 days, for example, near a radiator. The temperature for fermentation is 22-28 degrees.

Then, mix the mixture thoroughly with a wooden spoon and strain into a large saucepan through a sieve (preferably a colander with 1-2 mm holes) - the result is an infusion with high acidity.

Then, rinse the flakes: place the flakes from the colander back into the jar, add a small amount of chilled boiled water, shake vigorously, and filter again into the same pan. Rinse this way several times. You will need approximately 2 liters of water.
The total volume of liquid should be approximately 5-6 liters - the result is an infusion low acidity.
Do not throw away oatmeal; you can use it to make porridge or baked goods.

Pour all this liquid into 2 3-liter jars. And leave to stand at room temperature for another 18-20 hours.
In the end, we should get 2 fractions: a dense sediment and almost light whey, i.e., if the mixture in the jars is clearly divided into 2 layers, then everything is done correctly.

Now, carefully, so as not to mix the 2 layers, pour the whey from both jars into a large saucepan. You can use a drain tube.

Serum Don’t throw it away, we’ll use it to cook the jelly itself. You can also drink it during the day and use it to prepare a “scrub” for the intestines.
Store the serum in a glass container in the refrigerator for 1 week.

Then we transfer the dense sediment into a smaller jar. It turns out approximately 700 ml or 1 liter of volume - this is - starter for making oatmeal jelly.
Store the starter in a glass container in the refrigerator for 3 weeks.

The container in which the jelly is cooked should not be metal. Metal surface dishes react with the contents and, as a result, the medicinal and taste properties Oatmeal jelly.

Now we cook it ourselves Oat miracle jelly Izotov:
based on 1 tbsp. ready drink
In a tempered glass pan: put 2-3 tbsp. l. sourdough and pour 1 tbsp. serum or water, or a mixture of both. Stir well. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring. Then, stirring, evaporate the jelly for another 5 minutes. or less until thickened. You will see how the liquid gradually turns into jelly.

The consistency and strength of the jelly can be changed as desired by adding more starter or whey (water, a mixture of both).

Cool, add honey and butter to taste.
Can be served with black bread.

Drink a glass of oatmeal jelly on an empty stomach 3-4 times a day, an hour before meals or an hour after meals, you can also drink it instead of breakfast.

Take a remedy to combat overweight recommended daily for 4 weeks.

If you are not bothered by problems with your figure, then you can use a “scrub” to cleanse the intestines and oatmeal jelly, as a disease prevention, 2 times a week.

Oatmeal diet cookies, combining the attractiveness of baked goods and the beneficial properties of oatmeal. Almost complete absence fat in such cookies and its low calorie content help cope with the desire for sweets in the process of fighting weight.

When making cookies, you can use fruits (ripe banana, quince...) and dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots...), berries and dry berries (cranberries, strawberries, cherries...), nuts and seeds, dark chocolate, coconut flakes , sprouted wheat..., each time getting cookies with a new original taste.

Diet oatmeal cookies are not only ideal for breakfast, as a replacement for muesli or regular cereal, but also useful as a snack during the day.

Oatmeal cookies, dietary

Hercules, the coarsest grind,
which needs to be cooked - 100 g;
Low-fat cottage cheese 0% - 100 g;
Egg white - 2 pcs.;
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
Cinnamon - 1 tsp;
Dried fruits - 30 gr

If you are not too lazy, beat the whites until they reach stiff peaks, or you can even not beat them at all.
Mix all ingredients.

Line a baking tray with baking paper and grease with butter.
Place the dough on a baking sheet into pancakes.
And bake for 20 minutes. at a temperature of 180 degrees.
Then cool and let the cookies dry a little until they become crispy.

You can eat these cookies and not be afraid of gaining weight, because the recipe is made according to all the rules dietary nutrition: no mixing of animals and vegetable fats, no sugar, no flour, and, in principle, no fat at all.

Knowing from the experience of everyone trying to lose weight that if you want a chocolate bar or candy, it means that the body simply does not have enough carbohydrates, so these cookies in the morning will save you from the risk of eating sweets in the evening.

Oat flakes - 100 gr;
Fructose - 1 tbsp. l.;
Milk - 70 ml;
Dark chocolate - 10 g;
Coconut flakes - 10 g;
Banana - 1 pc.
Dried fruits;
Dried berries.

Divide the oatmeal into 2 parts, chop one part, then mix both parts.
Dried fruits, dry berries, nuts... chop.
Grate the chocolate or break it into small pieces.
Mix everything together with coconut flakes and fructose.

Mash a banana (it is better to take a very ripe one), add milk and beat with a mixer until smooth - this is a substitute for eggs. Quickly stir into cereal mixture and mix thoroughly.

Form small balls, place them on a baking sheet and flatten slightly.
Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes. at a temperature of 200 degrees.


Oatmeal (not instant);
Low-fat cottage cheese;
Any fruits/dried fruits;

Cocoa powder (not instant).

The whole recipe is that all the ingredients just need to be mixed together. There is no exact amount of each ingredient.

For one baking sheet or approximately 15 pcs. make cookies like this:
1 tbsp. flakes (pre-grind them in a blender or masher); pack low-fat cottage cheese(150-250 gr); tea/st. l. honey, to taste; a handful of fruits/dried fruits; pinch/tea. l. cinnamon, to taste; 5 tsp. l. cocoa powder, to taste.
If this so-called “dough” turns out to be very dry, you can gradually add low-fat milk or kefir and mix the mass. The consistency you need should be quite thick. Possible for 15-25 minutes. put the dough in the refrigerator to make it easier to form cakes, or simply place them on baking paper, giving the required form and pressing on top with a spoon. It is recommended to lightly grease the paper with oil so that your low-calorie oatmeal cookies didn't stick tightly.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. 15-25 minutes.
If you don't like crispy cookies, place a bowl of water at the bottom of the oven.

It often happens that we have to have a snack on the spot, buying some kind of bun at a kiosk. If possible, go to the supermarket, hoping to buy something healthier, and even there - all the sweets, chocolates, flavors and flavorings. That's why I was very inspired when I saw the recipe online. home Muesli bars, to which you can add your favorite nuts and dried fruits in the desired proportion. And the field for experimentation here is simply endless. Dried fruits can be combined and selected, for example, by color, making sunny and cheerful bars from dried apricots, candied ginger, melon, papaya. Or add cinnamon. You can add different things vegetable oil, which will give an interesting taste, or aromatic honey...

Muesli bars

Muesli, purchased or homemade - 100 g;
Honey - 1/3 cup;
Fructose - 1/3 cup;
Butter, soft - 60 gr.

Store-bought or homemade muesli mixture: oatmeal + crushed nuts + chopped dried fruits.
Making caramel from fructose and butter: mix the ingredients and place on low heat, do not forget to stir. The caramel is ready as soon as the sugar dissolves.
Mix muesli with caramel.
Add honey, stir.
Place in an even layer on parchment paper.
When it hardens, cut into pieces.

Dried apricots - 5 pcs.;
Prunes - 5 pcs.;
Dates - 5 pcs.;
Almonds - 5 pcs.;
Cashews - 5 pcs.;
Sunflower seeds - 10 g;
Sesame - 10 gr;
Ripe banana - 1 pc.;
Fructose - 10 g;
Salt - 1/4 tsp;
Rast. oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
Oatmeal - 2/3 tbsp.;
Spices (cinnamon, cardamom, allspice, cloves, cocoa, ginger...) - to taste.

Wash the dried fruits and cut them into large pieces.
Coarsely chop the nuts.
Beat the banana with fructose and salt in a blender for 30 seconds. Add butter and beat again.
In a separate bowl, mix dried fruits, nuts and oatmeal.
Add spices. Mix
Pour the banana mixture over the mixture and mix well.
Place the muesli on a baking sheet lined with parchment, carefully level the surface with a knife to a thickness of 1 cm and form smooth edges.
Place the muesli in a preheated oven at 170°C.
Baking time depends on what kind of muesli we like best:
- if you bring them to a golden crust, the nuts inside will be well fried and the bars will turn out crispy;
- if you take it out after 10 minutes, the bars will turn out strong, but not too baked.
Cool and cut into strips.


Mash the banana, grate the apple, mix.
Add chopped nuts, chopped dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dates...) and oatmeal, mix.
Place on a baking sheet, level to a thickness of approximately 1 cm and bake at 180 degrees. 30-40 min.
Cool and cut.

I understand how those who are on a diet want sweets and bake cakes and pies for their beloved family..., eating only the aroma of these delicacies.

Treat yourself to your health and without compromising your figure
I offer it as a set for “scrub”, jelly, cookies and bars - BONUS:
http: //

Many are now preparing for summer... In addition to physical activity
The muesli scrub cleanses very gently, as if the stool is loosening... At first I mostly ran 10 times a day, the stool was soft and comfortable, which is very important for those who suffer after childbirth anal fissures.