Rolled oatmeal. Harm and contraindications for use. Methods for preparing porridge

Oatmeal is not only healthy cereal. Porridge made from it can become a real medicine if the dish is prepared and consumed correctly. There are a lot of recipes. In skillful hands, porridge turns into the most delicious and favorite dish. Oatmeal has practically no contraindications; the body reacts positively to it, the intestines are cleansed, due to which the skin becomes healthy and acquires radiance.

  1. Has a beneficial effect on work digestive organs. It is oatmeal that is first introduced into the diet after suffering from surgical interventions, starvation diets, long abstinence from food.
  2. Contains coarse fiber. In ¾ cups of dry cereal - daily norm dietary fiber(for an adult). Therefore, with regular consumption of oatmeal, you can forget about clogged intestines, constipation and all the ensuing problems.
  3. Oatmeal proteins help build muscle mass.
  4. Reduces the risk of blood clots. The dish is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Slow carbohydrates are the right breakfast, which will keep you full until lunch.
  6. It is recommended to eat dishes made from this cereal for schoolchildren, students and other people engaged in mental work. Porridge will relieve drowsiness, lift your mood, and help you concentrate.
  7. Oatmeal is often an element of diets and fasting days. Porridge cooked in water has low calorie content and high nutritional properties, therefore can be used for weight loss.

The benefits of oatmeal for the body are obvious. The product is actively used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition. The porridge tastes good and is affordable. Using additives, you can add different flavors to a dish.

Oatmeal: how to choose a healthy product

Store shelves are bursting with packages of different types oatmeal. Cereals differ from each other appearance, size of flakes and grains, cooking method and time. Main types:

  • oatmeal instant cooking do not require heat treatment, or cooking lasts no more than 2 minutes;
  • rolled oats - the thickest and largest flakes, require cooking for 10-15 minutes;
  • oat groats are flattened whole grains that require a long cooking time, which usually takes about 30-35 minutes.

Least nutritious and valuable substances contains instant oat flakes. The healthiest cereals are whole grains and rolled oats. They store maximum quantity fiber, valuable vitamins and microelements.

How to cook healthy porridge

Dishes from oatmeal They always turn out viscous and slimy. When cooled, the consistency becomes much thicker than after cooking. Basic rules for preparing healthy porridge:

  1. Porridge is cooked in water or milk. Cereals are always poured into boiling liquid.
  2. For a viscous dish, add at least 150 ml of water per 50 g of cereal.
  3. If the dish is not intended for weight loss or cleansing, then salt is added to improve the taste.
  4. Refined sugar can be replaced with dried fruits, honey, berries and fresh fruits.
  5. Oil sharply increases the calorie content of the dish; you need to add fat in doses.
  6. If the dish is prepared in advance, the amount of cereal is reduced by a third.

To preserve the maximum amount of benefits in the dish, you can not heat treat the cereal. Just pour oatmeal into a thermos, add boiling water or milk, and leave for 3 hours. Breakfast is prepared the day before using this method.

Oatmeal for weight loss

Complex carbohydrates contained in oatmeal are digested slowly and prevent blood sugar levels from rising sharply. One serving of the dish will keep the body full for 3-4 hours. At the same time, the energy value of cereals cooked in water or skim milk, - only 88-100 kcal.

The main benefits and properties of oatmeal:

  • suppresses cravings for sweets;
  • the product is widespread, accessible, inexpensive;
  • goes well with various additives, which allows you to make your diet varied and healthy;
  • even porridge with a long cooking time does not require much time to prepare;
  • increases skin elasticity, which is very important when losing weight.

To lose weight on oatmeal, mono-diets are used, fasting days are carried out, and they are included in the system proper nutrition. Mono-diets do not require thinking through the menu, you do not need to prepare several different dishes, the set of products is minimal: oatmeal and water. Cinnamon, pepper, and ginger are added to the porridge to taste. A significant disadvantage of such a diet is the difficulty of maintaining it. Not everyone can eat the same food for a week. As with other mono-diets, the weight lost often quickly returns.

It is much healthier to make porridge for your daily breakfast on a proper nutrition system. The dish is complemented with fruits, seeds, and honey. A fasting day with oatmeal is effective and healthy. It helps to cleanse the body, remove excess water, and eliminate 400-800 g of weight.

Fasting day on oatmeal

To carry out fasting day The porridge is cooked in water without adding salt or sugar. It is allowed to add spices for variety. You can also add unsalted spices: ginger, black pepper or paprika.

Porridge recipe

Pour 1 cup of flakes with 3 cups of water and prepare an ordinary viscous porridge. Divide the resulting dish into 5 equal parts according to the number of meals. It is advisable to use every 3 hours. The last dose is 3 hours before bedtime. Must be consumed between meals clean water. You need to drink at least 2 liters per day.

Advice! If by the evening of the fasting day you feel very hungry or your stomach begins to actively boil, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat one green apple. These products are low in calories, they will not allow you to break loose and eat something harmful.

Video: How to diet with oatmeal

Oatmeal for colon cleansing (oatmeal scrub)

Oatmeal, rich in fiber, will help gently cleanse the intestines and normalize stool. Due to this, the stomach will become flatter, the complexion and skin condition will improve, and immunity will increase. Cleaning is recommended for people who have acne on the face and body and suffer from oily skin. You can use boiled porridge for an oatmeal scrub, but raw flakes work much more effectively.

Scrub recipe for colon cleansing

Oatmeal - 2-3 tbsp. l.
Water - 50 ml
Milk - 1 tbsp. l.

The intestinal scrub should be prepared the day before. Pour oatmeal with cold boiled or purified water, add a spoonful of milk, which can be replaced with cream. Stir the mixture thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator.

In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water, after 15 minutes eat the prepared scrub. You can add a teaspoon of honey or nuts to the porridge, but only one thing. Salt and refined sugar are prohibited. It is recommended to have a full breakfast 3 hours after eating oatmeal. Scrub cleansing course - 30 days.

Things to remember: Cleansing procedures are recommended to be carried out from 6 to 8 am. It is at this time that the work of the gastrointestinal tract begins, the body awakens after a night's sleep.

Oatmeal for constipation

Constipation causes great harm: it interferes with work digestive system, poison the body with toxins and interfere with normal blood supply. Stagnation is harmful at any age. There are many medications and folk remedies fight against constipation. Oatmeal is one of the most affordable and safest. It is allowed to be used by children from 7 months of age, provided there is no allergic reaction for gluten and other ingredients of the dish.

Constipation porridge recipe

Oatmeal - 0.3 cups
Water - 1 glass
Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
Prunes - 3 pcs.

Preparation: In a saucepan on the stove, prepare an ordinary viscous cereal porridge. Wash the prunes, cut into small cubes, add 3 minutes before the end of cooking. Ready dish fill up vegetable oil: sunflower, flax or olive. It is important that the product is unrefined. You can add salt and sugar, but in small quantities. It is recommended to consume porridge on an empty stomach in the morning as the main breakfast.

Oatmeal for beauty

Oat flakes contain vitamins B, K and E. When eating dishes from this cereal, the condition and color of the skin improves, elasticity increases, and acne caused by problems with the digestive system and intestines goes away. Nails and hair become stronger and grow better.

Oatmeal can be taken internally and used externally. In cosmetology, only natural flakes are used for a long time, containing the maximum amount of useful substances. In this case, there is no need to subject the cereal to heat treatment. Usually the porridge is brewed with boiling water, infused, then used as a scrub, masks on its own or with the addition of other ingredients: honey, coffee, dairy products, cosmetic oils.

Video: Oatmeal for beauty in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

Harm of oatmeal: who should not eat it

Oatmeal is beneficial to the body, but you should not make it the basis of your diet. When consuming the product in large quantities and for a long time, the absorption of vitamin D and calcium is impaired. It is caused by the accumulation of phytic acid. This leads to weakening skeletal system.

The main contraindication is gluten intolerance (celiac disease). But also do not forget that instant oatmeal without cooking and flavored dishes from bags do not provide any benefit and can cause allergies, indigestion, and thereby cause harm to the body.

One of the healthiest and most nutritious breakfasts is oatmeal. Although not everyone shares the opinion that such a product tastes good, no one argues about its positive effect on the body. A variety of grains are naturally filling human body various microelements that are so necessary for the functioning of the digestive system.

If you combine porridge with additional components such as honey, nuts or dried fruits, you can replenish your entire supply of nutrients for the day in one meal. What can you say about Hercules? How does rolled oats differ from oatmeal?

What is oatmeal?

Oatmeal is unhulled oat grains. Due to the fact that such a product does not undergo heat treatment, it retains all its beneficial properties. Since the composition of oatmeal is bran and germ, it is much healthier to eat the unrefined product.

In order to choose high-quality oatmeal, just pay attention to the packaging. The grains must be whole and unpolished. Although at first glance such a product is unattractive and unappetizing, it is of high quality.

Useful properties of oatmeal

If we talk about the composition of cereals and beneficial properties oh, then it’s worth remembering that it is included in the diet of horses. These strong animals get a boost of energy thanks to oats, since the grain is rich in vitamins B, A, E, macro- and microelements, such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and others. One of the components of oatmeal is betaglucan, which helps cleanse the blood of cholesterol.

Oatmeal improves liver and kidney function, gently cleansing toxins and other harmful substances. Thanks to the coating substance that oatmeal releases during cooking, the product is well accepted by the body in case of acute diseases gastrointestinal tract. Doctors say that oatmeal improves memory and improves thinking.

If it’s so useful, what can we say about a similar product, oatmeal? How does rolled oats differ from oatmeal?

What is Hercules?

Thin oat flakes - this is another word for rolled oats. That is, to the question of how Hercules differs from the following answer: absolutely nothing. Only in some cases there is a difference in the thickness of the plates. To get rolled oats from oatmeal, you need to go through a number of procedures. To begin with, whole grains are peeled from the top layer of husks, then steamed at high temperature for subsequent quick preparation, then under a special press it is brought to the formation of thin plates.

So, if we talk about the difference between oatmeal and rolled oats, then first of all it is the technology of production of the product. That is, in the first case, the grains are consumed unprocessed, in the second - after heat treatment. What is the difference between oatmeal and rolled oats? Photos of the products are in the article.

Beneficial properties of oatmeal porridge

Whatever the production technology, the product still has benefits. First of all, rolled oatmeal or oatmeal is a dietary product, so it is especially recommended to use it for those who have overweight. It is also an excellent antidepressant that improves mood due to certain components.

Oatmeal also improves stomach function. If you believe the statistics, then it is the British who have the least stomach problems, who have been using it for many centuries. oatmeal for breakfast. But still, there is a pressing question: what is the difference between “Hercules” and “Uvelka” oatmeal?

Oatmeal trademark“Uvelka” is distinguished by good quality due to the preservation of production technology. All nutritional components that make up the porridge remain unchanged, because during production the product is subject to minimal heat treatment. The advantage of eating this particular porridge remains large number It contains fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Method of preparing porridge

There are also differences in the method of preparing the product. Many consumers choose oatmeal or, in other words, rolled oats, only for the reason that they don’t have to stand at the stove for a long time - just pour boiling water over the porridge and leave for a few minutes.

But with oatmeal things are different. The porridge must be cooked over low heat for half an hour. Since the grain is whole, it is therefore necessary to wait until the product is completely ready for subsequent use.

Contraindications for eating oatmeal

Many people don’t even suspect that this useful product, like oatmeal, may have contraindications. But paradoxically, there are more than enough of them. Contrary to the popular belief that such porridge can be eaten every day, doctors say the opposite. The composition of the cereal includes which washes calcium from the body. This process causes fragility bone tissue, which is very dangerous for the body. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat oatmeal every day.

What can you say about oatmeal? How does rolled oats differ from oatmeal? What is the difference between cereal and regular oatmeal? This product does not have even half the properties that oatmeal has. The fact is that a large proportion of starch is added to such a breakfast, which turns into sugar inside the body and disrupts the functioning of the pancreas.

People who are allergic to grains should not consume any cereals at all.

Breakfast that gives you strength and energy

Indeed, it is better to start your day with a healthy breakfast. Since we have already learned how rolled oats differ from oatmeal, it is clear that it is important to choose whole grain. It is better to spend more time preparing food, but be completely sure that such a product will only benefit the body.

It is worth remembering that consuming rolled oats every day is contraindicated. It is necessary to diversify your diet, constantly adding new foods and alternating them. Fruits and raw vegetables They will always help to replenish the missing vitamins. So, let’s summarize the conversation about how rolled oats differs from oatmeal. The main differences are:

  • production technology;
  • beneficial properties;
  • cooking time.

Consume only those foods that have a positive effect on the body. You should not give preference to foods that are not able to support the body, but can only cause harm. How does rolled oats differ from oatmeal is not the only question that needs to be understood. It is important to know what we eat and how this food affects our body.

For decades now, nutritionists have been recommending eating porridge and oat flakes for breakfast, so recent years Oatmeal's popularity has skyrocketed. Traditional oatmeal has gained popularity all over the world. And, indeed, the porridge made from it is considered the most valuable product nutrition, the benefits of which are due to its the richest composition. It is an excellent source of proteins and natural fiber, it contains large amounts of vitamins C, PP, A, E and vitamin complex B. In addition, oatmeal has magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, potassium, calcium, nickel and other important minerals, as well as pectin, biotin and other nutrients, vital to the human body.

Oatmeal has excellent cleansing properties, and they effectively affect the intestines and other internal organs, thanks to the huge amount of fiber. Studies have shown that it is enough to eat just two servings of oatmeal a day to significantly reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and thus reduce the risk of thrombosis and the development of serious heart pathologies and vascular system.

One of the best dietary products oatmeal is rightfully considered, the benefits of which are very great for people suffering from digestive disorders, gastritis, and stomach ulcers. Also, oatmeal or flakes will be an excellent choice for those who want to lose weight, because they have time-tested cleansing properties and remove waste and toxins from the body.

Regular consumption of oatmeal is highly recommended for poisoning, low acidity gastric juice, indigestion, colitis, constipation, liver dysfunction. Oatmeal has a pronounced tonic effect, helping to improve and normalize functions various systems the body, in addition, it will strengthen memory, thinking and the ability to concentrate.

Oatmeal: benefits

The need for the product is obvious for those suffering from mood swings, drowsiness, weakness, depressive thoughts and other disorders nervous system. To achieve the best therapeutic effect recommended to use not only oatmeal, but also decoctions that are prepared by boiling the product in water.

To make oatmeal tasty and more nutritious, it can be varied with various flavoring additives - honey, fruit yoghurt, nuts, dried fruits and other ingredients. In the case when the goal is to lose weight and cleanse the body, you should eat oatmeal, which must be boiled in water without adding anything, not even salt.

Since oatmeal is simply a storehouse of valuable foods, its benefits are enormous for children. After all, a growing organism needs increased amount microelements, vitamins and other useful elements.

For cooking, it is best to take whole oatmeal or flakes that have not undergone additional processing and do not have any additives. But it is better not to purchase semi-finished products for quick preparation, since these cereals have undergone a long heat treatment, losing many useful properties.

Those who want to lose weight should not doubt the effectiveness of the product, think that the relatively high calorie content of oatmeal will not give a noticeable effect in a short period of time. This is wrong. When consuming oatmeal, not only does the disappearance extra pounds, but also cleansing the body, enriching it with natural useful elements that improve health. Thanks to its properties, oatmeal will help for a long time not think about food, without burdening the body with extra calories and weight.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of oatmeal

Oatmeal contains vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, as well as a rich chemical composition: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. Antioxidants, which are contained in large quantities in this cereal, increase the body's resistance to infections and exposure to environment, such as salt heavy metals, radionuclides, stress, etc. Oats contain essential acids of methionine and magnesium, which normalize the activity of the nervous system, promote development and growth muscle tissue.

Oatmeal contains a large amount of calcium and phosphorus, which normalizes the development of the skeletal system, as well as iron, which is a preventive element for anemia. Oatmeal is used for bloating and abdominal pain, as it has an anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa. Oatmeal is an intestinal cleanser, removes toxins, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, and also prevents the risk of cancer and prevents the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers. Vitamin B prevents dermatitis and is beneficial for skin, hair and nails.

The most useful substances oatmeal - dietary fiber - beta-glucans, dissolve and turn into a viscous mass that binds cholesterol. They reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

100g of oatmeal contains:

  • Water – 12.
  • Proteins – 11.9.
  • Fats – 5.8.
  • Carbohydrates – 65.4.
  • Kcal – 345.

Useful properties of oatmeal

Wide range useful qualities oatmeal consumption includes the following:

Warning. Daily use oatmeal is not recommended, since phytic acid, which is part of this cereal, washes calcium out of bone tissue and interferes with its normal absorption by the body. This porridge should also not be consumed by people who have gluten intolerance.

What types of oatmeal are there and their uses?

Oatmeal is known for several types, which include:

  • Whole oatmeal made from steamed oats (hulled and polished).
  • Uncrushed cereal premium For baby food.
  • Rolled steamed oatmeal in the process of processing whole oatmeal. It is flattened under pressure, resulting in the well-known “Hercules”.

Oatmeal is used to prepare both dietary and nutritious porridge, boiled in water or milk. The cereal is used to make oatmeal bread, cookies, and crispbreads. Oatmeal is added to soups, salads, and second courses (side dishes) are prepared from it for fish, meat, and vegetables. Fruit and curd desserts, viscous decoctions, jelly, and homemade beer are prepared from oatmeal. Not only flour and oatmeal are produced from oats, but also oat coffee. Oatmeal occupies a leading place among frequently consumed and favorite breakfasts.

Oatmeal and diet for those who want to lose weight

The oatmeal diet is tasty and healthy. She's struggling with overweight and obesity, is very useful for diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. Oatmeal is used to make cleansing and rejuvenating masks for the body and face. An oatmeal diet will help not only get rid of those hated pounds, but also rejuvenate the entire body, improve skin color, strengthen hair and nails, and normalize the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems.

The process of losing weight occurs because eating oatmeal removes cholesterol and toxins from the body and improves the motility of the intestinal microflora. This porridge saturates the body, eating even a small portion, while the volume of the stomach decreases and appetite decreases.

It must be remembered that an oatmeal diet can last for a month, after which you need to take a break of 6 months.

For weekly diet It is better to steam the porridge, since this preserves all the beneficial microelements and vitamins. This porridge is consumed without sugar and salt. As an additive, you can use a little dried apricots or prunes. This dish must be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner, washed down mineral water without gas or green tea no sugar. This diet can be followed for a week. During this time you can lose about 3-5 kilograms.

Oatmeal on water

Water-based oatmeal is made from oatmeal or flour and is considered a healthy, complete meal. It contains vegetable proteins, high content vegetable fats, so this dish has a high energy value. Oatmeal with water contains gluten and the maximum amount of dietary fiber. It also contains vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, calcium salts, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium.

The protein in the porridge is represented by avenalin and avenin, which contain all essential amino acids. Starch, which contains a considerable amount, makes this product nutritious and valuable. The fats in oatmeal are unsaturated, so the oatmeal quickly becomes rancid.

Nutritionists recommend oatmeal with water for liver diseases, atherosclerosis and diabetes. Porridge coats the walls of the stomach and facilitates digestion. These porridges are included in the menu when peptic ulcer duodenum.

100g of oatmeal with water contains:

  • Proteins – 3.
  • Fats – 1.7.
  • Carbohydrates – 15.
  • Kcal – 88.

To prepare oatmeal with water, you need to take ¾ cup of oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of butter, salt to taste and 2 cups of water. Pour the cereal into boiling salted water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, add butter, close the lid and let it brew. You can eat honey, fruits and vegetables. This porridge can be used as a side dish for fish or meat.

Oatmeal with milk

Nutritionists believe that oatmeal with milk is the most healthy breakfast for children and adults, because it is nutritious, easily digestible source energy. Porridge consists of complex carbohydrates, which are processed into glucose. Glycemic index This porridge is low, which is its main advantage. By consuming oatmeal with milk, the human body maintains normal level blood sugar, cholesterol levels are reduced, so this product is a prevention of atherosclerosis.

Oatmeal with milk contains a large amount of microelements and B vitamins, which promote the production of serotonin. For the intestines, this porridge is a scrub that helps remove toxins and heavy metal salts.

Warning. Oatmeal with milk is a high-calorie product, so overweight people should avoid it in favor of oatmeal with water without additional high-calorie ingredients.

100g of oatmeal with milk contains:

  • Proteins – 3.2.
  • Fats – 4.1.
  • Carbohydrates – 14.2.
  • Kcal – 102.

To prepare oatmeal with milk, you need to take ¾ cup of oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of butter, salt to taste, 2 cups of milk. Boil the milk, add salt and add the cereal, stirring constantly over low heat for about 10 minutes. Remove from heat, add butter and let it brew.

Cooking oatmeal in a slow cooker. Take 2 measuring cups of oatmeal, 4 multi-st. milk, butter, sugar and salt. Pour cereal into the multicooker bowl, add butter, sugar and salt and milk. Close the lid, select the “milk porridge” or “porridge” mode. After 40 minutes useful and delicious porridge ready. You can serve it with dried fruits, candied fruits or berries.

Come up with a faster, tastier, healthier and easily digestible food, such as oatmeal and all kinds of dishes based on it, is difficult. Therefore, let there always be oatmeal in your diet - healthy and healthy food!

Watch the video below for cooking oatmeal in water:

From the material you will learn about the beneficial properties and chemical composition oatmeal (how much protein, fat, carbohydrates and other beneficial microelements it contains), the benefits and harms of eating this porridge in the morning, the types of oatmeal and how to use it.

What are the benefits of oatmeal (oatmeal)

Most widely known therapeutic effect oatmeal for work gastrointestinal tract. The mucus formed when cooking oatmeal promotes scarring of stomach and duodenal ulcers and prevents the development of stomach cancer.

Oatmeal - excellent source of fiber, which is necessary for regular bowel cleansing.

Other important property oats - ability lower cholesterol levels and prevent blood clots. Therefore, oatmeal in the diet will help reduce the likelihood of developing heart and vascular diseases.

Oatmeal is especially beneficial for women. Thanks to the content of “beauty vitamins” A And E it improves the condition of facial skin and hair. Its regular use will help cope with drowsiness, depression and mood swings. Oatmeal is also good for knowledge workers because it improves memory, the ability to focus and has a positive effect on thought processes.

Therefore, the answer to the question whether this wonderful porridge is healthy is obvious.

Useful elements in porridge

The properties of oatmeal porridge are due to the presence of many valuable substances in them. Porridge contains:
  • vitamins: group B (B1, B2, PP, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9), A, E, K;
  • minerals: magnesium, potassium, calcium, iodine, iron, fluorine, sodium and many others;
  • healthy dietary fiber;
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

IN 100 g dry oatmeal 342 kcal, 12 g squirrel, 6 g fat and 60 g carbohydrates.

Oatmeal in dietetics

Oatmeal - source slow carbohydrates, which take a long time to digest and give a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Therefore, it is recommended to eat it for breakfast for people who want to get rid of unnecessary snacks due to a painful feeling of hunger. Another feature of oatmeal is its ability to restore impaired metabolism. This problem is often faced by people who are overweight, so oatmeal should be included in their diet. To normalize metabolism and achieve gentle weight loss, simply include a serving of oatmeal in your morning menu. 3-4 once a week.

It must be present in the diet of people involved in sports. Oatmeal is rich in plant protein - necessary element for muscle growth. To receive required quantity For protein during breakfast, bodybuilders, in addition to a portion of oatmeal, should eat several boiled eggs or an omelet.

Oatmeal porridge familiar to many - enough high-calorie dish , so people who want to lose weight should cook oatmeal in water, without oil and sugar. This is the most healthy variation of porridge. Those who don't need to count calories can add yogurt, fresh or dried pieces, nuts or seeds to their plate. This will make your breakfast not only varied, but also even more healthy.

For those who want to quickly get rid of a few extra pounds, there is a special oat diet . For a week you can only eat porridge cooked in water and some fruits and vegetables with low content carbohydrates. This diet will help you lose weight 3-5 kg, but it should not be abused.

Methods for preparing porridge

Traditional way involves cooking cereals over low heat with constant stirring. If you are short on time, you can prepare it in microwave oven or multicooker. You can enhance the beneficial properties of porridge by adding it to your plate. teaspoon( , or ). This will allow you to forget about the problem of constipation and gain healthy color faces.

You can use cold method: oatmeal is poured overnight with milk, kefir or liquid yogurt without fillers. By morning they will swell and become soft; you just need to add your favorite ingredients to them to enhance the taste. This method allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of oats as much as possible.

Harm and contraindications for use

Proper nutrition implies variety, because any product in large quantities capable of causing harm. Excessive consumption of oatmeal can lead to accumulation in the body phytic acid. Its excess interferes with the absorption of calcium, which is so necessary for bones and teeth.

To people suffering celiac disease, eating oatmeal is contraindicated.

With this disease, protein intolerance develops, which is present in some types of cereals, including oats. In this case, eating oatmeal provokes intestinal dysfunction and the occurrence of food allergies for other products.

How to choose oatmeal

The porridge that is cooked from whole uncrushed oat kernels. Preparing such a dish will take more time, but will allow you to get maximum benefit for the body. In response to people's need for quick cooking Oatmeal appeared on store shelves. They come in 2 types:
  • requiring cooking;
  • Instant cereal.

The value of the latter small. This product lasts a long time pre-treatment, as a result of which it loses most of its beneficial properties, including the ability to regulate metabolism. Instantly prepared porridges are quickly digested without giving a boost of energy. The presence of various additives (artificial flavors, sweeteners, preservatives) completely contradicts the principles of proper nutrition. Therefore, people who eat instant oatmeal from bags and think that they will lose weight this way are deeply mistaken.

Varieties of oat products

Oat flakes, more familiar to most people, are made from specially processed grains using the method flattening into petals. This allows you to reduce cooking time, but deprives the flakes of some of their beneficial properties. Distinguish between flakes " Hercules" And " Extra». « Hercules» is made from premium quality grains, its flakes are denser and take longer to cook. Flakes " Extra» are made from class 1 oats. The size and thickness of the petals are characterized by the numbers 1, 2 or 3. The more useful of these types is “Extra No. 1”.

Oatmeal requires airtight packaging as it tends to absorb moisture. Flakes good quality must be white With yellowish or creamy tint, With pleasant smell oats. If you smell mold, you should avoid using this product.

In order to prepare tasty and healthy oatmeal, you need to adhere to certain rules. You should opt for whole grain porridge or Hercules"because they contain greatest number valuable substances. Like any product, you don’t need to get too carried away with oatmeal.

A proper breakfast should be complete and varied, so you need to alternate cereals from various types croup Do you know any secrets for making oatmeal?