Breast and kefir for weight loss. Chicken diet: how to lose weight on chicken breast or broth in a week. Cheese soup with chicken

Many people have heard that the chicken breast diet is not only very effective for weight loss, but also tasty, since in addition to chicken meat, the menu also contains buckwheat, rice, and vegetables. This nutrition system is presented in different variations: fasting day with fillet, losing weight on broth, buckwheat with meat, with the addition of vegetables. Each option has certain rules, and the main advantage of such a diet is that overweight goes away quickly and doesn't come back.

What is the chicken breast diet?

Chicken meat is rich in proteins, so a chicken breast diet is also called a protein diet. During this diet, the human body experiences a shortage of carbohydrates and begins to make up for this deficiency from fat reserves. As a result, fats are broken down, the intestines are cleansed, and excess liquid, loss of excess body weight. In addition, chicken meat is easily digestible, has a low calorie content, saturates the body with amino acids, vitamins E, H, A, B. The protein diet is simple, but very satisfying, and satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Chicken breast for weight loss

Boiled chicken fillet helps reduce stomach acidity, so the product is recommended for use for gastritis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines. Microelements such as magnesium and potassium normalize heart function and prevent the occurrence of stroke, heart attack, and ischemia. Protein product has low energy value– about 137 kilocalories per 100 g, contains many useful substances:

  • amino acids;
  • proteins (29.8 g per 100 g of meat);
  • vitamins PP, H, C, A, E, B, etc.;
  • iron, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.

The benefits of breast meat are obvious women's health: thanks to her rich vitamin composition, hair and nails become stronger, the condition of the skin and teeth improves. Vitamins B6 and B12 contribute favorable development pregnancy and fetus, so chicken meat is recommended for expectant mothers to eat. You can prepare fillet in the following ways: steam, bake in the oven, boil, stew. The peel should not be consumed because it contains fats that are almost not digested by the body.

Chicken breast diet

The chicken diet for weight loss has several varieties, depending on additional products, but following rules applicable for the entire system as a whole:

  1. You need to eat food at least 5-6 times a day.
  2. It is not advisable to add salt to dishes; it can be replaced with natural soy sauce.
  3. The calorie content of meals is a maximum of 1200 kcal per day, for inactive people - 900 kcal.
  4. Sweet, flour, smoked foods should be excluded.
  5. On some days you are allowed to eat chicken liver.

On broth

The chicken broth diet helps you lose 9 extra pounds in just 7 days. You need to consume 1-1.5 liters of broth per day, dividing this norm into 5-7 doses, and if you are very hungry, you can eat a couple of croutons from diet bread. In addition to broth, it is allowed to drink water without gas - 25 minutes before breakfast, lunch, dinner or 1.5-2 hours after that. The soup is prepared like this:

  1. Place chicken (preferably domestic) in boiling water.
  2. Reduce heat and continue cooking until tender (about 40 minutes), remembering to skim off any foam.
  3. In the middle of the cooking process, you can add onions, carrots, celery, herbs, and salt.

On vegetables

The chicken and vegetable diet lasts a week, during which you can lose 5 extra pounds. Half of the diet is chicken fillet (boiled, stewed), the remaining 50% is vegetables. Thanks to them, nutrition becomes balanced, the load on the kidneys caused by a large number proteins. During the diet, it is necessary to exclude salt and drink about 2 liters of liquid per day.

In addition, it is allowed to drink unsweetened green tea, other drinks without added sugar, and kefir. Daily norm– 800 kcal. List of allowed foods for the chicken and vegetables diet:

  • any vegetables except potatoes;
  • fruits, excluding bananas and grapes;
  • any fresh herbs;
  • still mineral water, tea without sugar, kefir (low-fat).

Breast and vegetables

The diet based on chicken breast and vegetables is one of the five most productive weight loss systems and has many good reviews. While adhering to it, it is advisable to control the number of calories you receive per day - from 900 to 1200 (depending on your activity). Half the hedgehog daily ration the breast should make up the rest of the space - vegetables (they can be stewed, baked, or eaten raw). Choose them at your discretion, but skip the potatoes.

On buckwheat

A diet with breast and buckwheat helps you lose weight up to 3-4 kg in seven days, you can stick to it for a month. The cereal should be steamed in the evening with boiling water, without adding salt or other spices. Daily diet diets might look like this:

  1. In the morning, have breakfast with buckwheat porridge (100 g) with tea, do not add sugar.
  2. For lunch - salad with cabbage, 150 g of breast (boiled).
  3. For dinner, repeat the morning menu, an hour after breakfast, lunch and at night you need to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

On rice

The breast and rice diet lasts three days, during which you can really get rid of two extra pounds. The menu during this time may look like this.

A diet to lose weight or maintain a figure is, of course, good, but if you have to follow a diet for health reasons, it’s sad. To be especially sad, you need to prepare dietary dishes that are tasty and attractive. My grandmother recently left the hospital after major surgery and is advised to go on a diet. Complete rejection of your favorite foods - sausage, lard, herring and butter. Everything is just stewed and boiled. Granny, of course, like anyone old man With feeling unwell, is capricious and from healthy food refuses. This means we will pass off healthy things as familiar and use all sorts of tricks to enhance the taste of healthy food. For example, calling buckwheat with boiled chicken and vegetables “buckwheat pilaf” is already a solid bid for success))) All that remains is to choose spices with a bright taste.

Cut the onions into small cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and place them in a dry, heated frying pan.

IN pure form Garlic is not desirable, but grandma always has a dacha preparation - garlic arrows with salt, finely chopped and rolled into jars for the winter. Add two tablespoons of these arrows to the frying pan. They will make the taste of the dish brighter, and grandma will be pleased that her preparations were used in this dish, and accordingly, she will be more willing to eat it.

Cut cherry tomatoes into slices and add them to the frying pan. Let's simmer everything together a little.

Pour hot water into the frying pan boiled water so that it completely covers the vegetables, and simmer until the vegetables become soft.

The chicken breast is boiled in advance, because the broth, even as weak as that from chicken breast meat, is not recommended for diet. Cut the chicken breast fillet into small pieces and place them in a frying pan.

One tablespoon of soy sauce will replace salt and, since soy sauce is a natural flavor enhancer, our dietary dish It will taste better with this sauce.

Another additive for taste - dried leaves lovage Rub them between our palms to chop them, and also throw them into the frying pan.

All that remains is to add pre-boiled buckwheat and mix everything thoroughly. Simmer the buckwheat with vegetables and chicken over low heat for another ten minutes so that all the ingredients become friends with each other and the excess moisture evaporates.

The dish is ready. It looks bright, smells delicious and does not resemble diet food in any way. It will appeal to both healthy and convalescent people.

Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

Anyone who wants to lose weight without giving up meat should like the chicken breast diet. This nutritional system consists of eating this lean meat product, supplemented with other ingredients that are selected to form a balanced meal.

Diet principles

The essence of the diet is to eat chicken breast, which is a source of protein. The meat itself does not contain fast carbohydrates or fat, which allows you to lose extra pounds.

Like other types dietary nutrition, this variety took as a basis the rules, following which you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight in 7 days:

  1. The total calorie content of the daily diet should be 1200 kcal.
  2. During this diet, eating fried foods is not allowed. flour products, sweets, and alcoholic drinks. You can’t fry the breast itself.
  3. The chicken breast itself must first be freed from the skin due to the fact that it accumulates harmful substances, which can negate all the benefits of the diet.
  4. Throughout the diet, you need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid daily (filtered water, herbal teas, green tea no sugar).
  5. It is advisable not to use sugar and salt when preparing all menu dishes.
  6. Portion sizes should not be large; it is better to avoid hunger by increasing the frequency of eating.
  7. To make the diet as effective as possible, it is recommended to supplement it with sports exercises.
  8. When leaving the diet, you must also adhere to certain rules.


Dietary nutrition can cause harm to the body, so it is better to first make sure that there are no contraindications to the diet. In general, it is quite safe. It is not recommended to adhere to it only for people who have chronic or acute diseases liver and urinary system organs. Also, if there is a clear lack of any vitamins in the body, then it is advisable to combine the consumption of diet dishes with the intake of vitamin complexes.


Diet: chicken breast + kefir

A chicken breast diet in combination with kefir gives amazing results - weight loss can reach 3 kg. Its duration is 2 days, and it represents a rather rigid nutrition system. The daily diet when choosing this food system should consist of poultry meat, eaten in an amount of 0.5 kg and 1.5 liters of kefir with a low fat content. The breast is allowed to be consumed only in boiled form, freeing it from the skin before use.

Diet: chicken breast + vegetables

By adhering to this type of chicken diet, you can lose up to 5 kg in a week. The basis of the menu is breast, supplemented with vegetables, which can be eaten raw or boiled, or baked. Vegetables replenish the lack of fiber in the body and balance large number protein, facilitating kidney function. The menu may include all types of vegetables, except potatoes. Greens and fruits are also allowed in small quantities.

Recipe: Chicken breast baked with vegetables

Ingredients: 300 g peeled breast, 2 sweet peppers, 3 tomatoes, 250 g green beans, 1 medium onion.

Preparation: cut all components into large cubes, mix vegetables together. Place the meat in the first layer, then the vegetables. Bake in the oven. Since butter is prohibited in dietary nutrition, the breast with vegetables can be placed on parchment. You can sprinkle chopped parsley on top. The same version of the recipe can be adapted for grilling by cutting the vegetables into circles and the breast into larger pieces.

Recipe: vegetables with minced chicken

Ingredients: 250 g chicken breast, 1 medium carrot, 1 tomato, 1 bell pepper, 1 small eggplant.

Preparation: boil the breast and grind through a meat grinder. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the remaining vegetables into cubes. Simmer all the vegetables in a frying pan until cooked, finally adding minced chicken.

Diet: chicken breast + fruit

With this combination of diet components, the body becomes deficient in carbohydrates, as a result of which it converts excess fat into energy to ensure the metabolic process.

Recipe: Orange Chicken

This is my favorite variety fruit-chicken diet American dieticians. The all-day menu includes boiled meat and oranges. They should be consumed alternating with each other, and you should eat no more than 2 citrus fruits at a time.

Recipe: Chicken Breast with Pineapple

Ingredients: 1 chicken breast, ½ fresh pineapple, 100 g champignons.

Preparation: Boil the breast in advance. Cut pineapples into cubes and champignons into slices. Stew the mushrooms together with pineapple and serve as a side dish for boiled chicken.

Important: do not use canned pineapples! They contain large amounts of sugar, which will negate the entire result of the diet.

Diet: chicken breast + cereals

If you adhere to the chicken mono-diet, its effectiveness will begin to decline sharply even before completion. Therefore, nutritionists have developed a nutrition system in which the body is shaken up every day by changing the main product. To do this, cereals are included in the list of products on which the diet is based. As a rule, this is rice or buckwheat.

Chicken breast with rice

This diet is designed for 3 days. Each day differs from the previous one in the main product of the diet. It looks like this: during the first day of the diet, only boiled rice is consumed, on the second day you are allowed to eat only boiled breast, and the menu of the third day is based on vegetables. Cereals and breasts should not exceed 500 g daily, and vegetables can be consumed in unlimited quantities (potatoes cannot be eaten).

Chicken meat with buckwheat

This diet can be followed sufficiently long time(up to 30 days). In this case, the cereal is used in a special preparation - it is poured overnight hot water. Sample menu this diet:

  • for breakfast - buckwheat, cooked the night before;
  • for lunch - boiled breast with fresh cabbage and herbs salad;
  • for dinner - buckwheat.

Between meals, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Chicken breast diet for 10 days

Throughout the diet, you can eat boiled chicken breast, supplementing it with fruits, vegetable side dishes or salads. Since this is the most gentle food option, a wide variety of dishes can be prepared from permitted products, which can only be limited by the limits of imagination.

Recipe: Chicken breast with vegetable salad

Ingredients: 1 chicken breast, 1 small carrot, celery.

Preparation: finely chop the celery greens, grate the carrots. Mix vegetables, add a small amount of lemon juice. You can cut chicken breast into cubes into the salad or eat it as a side dish.

Recipe: chicken with pear

Ingredients: 500 grams boiled chicken, 2 pears, 1 small onion, 1 tsp. teriyaki sauce, 1 tsp. rice vinegar.

Preparation: cut the raw breast into thin strips, the onion into half rings, and the pear into small cubes. Mix everything and add vinegar and sauce. Place in clay pots and bake in the oven.

Diet for 7 days

This diet is also not strict, so it is not difficult to follow it. special effort. The main rule is to control portion sizes and eat 4-5 times daily. The chicken diet for a week allows the consumption of low-calorie dishes, which may include (in addition to breast) cereals, vegetables, fruits and low-fat kefir. These products can be complemented with each other and varied depending on preferences.

Recipe: Chicken Chop

Ingredients: 1 chicken fillet, lemon juice, greens.

Preparation: cut the meat lengthwise into 4 parts, beat it on all sides with a kitchen hammer. After this, sprinkle with lemon juice and simmer in water. After the chops are cooked, sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top.

Diet for 3 days

When following the 3-day diet, you can only eat chicken breast.

You can diversify your diet using the method of preparing the product - chicken can be baked in the oven, boiled, grilled or cooked chicken broth. The exception is fried breast - you cannot eat it. Adding salt to dishes is also prohibited, and you should also avoid great content fat in the meal. This is especially true for broth.

Diet chicken broth recipe

Boil the breast, drain the water. Remove the skin from the chicken and cut into pieces. Boil water in a saucepan, add carrots, cut into thin rings and onion into cubes. Once the vegetables are cooked, add chicken and finely chopped parsley or dill into the prepared broth.

Chicken menu for every day

To stick to a chicken breast diet, you need to first calculate the kilocalorie content. Dishes should be combined so as not to exceed them daily norm. A sample menu for the week might look like this:

  1. Monday . 0.5 kg boiled chicken fillet, 300 g boiled rice. As drinks, you can add natural fruit and vegetable juices or green tea.
  2. Tuesday . 0.5 kg boiled chicken breast, 1 pineapple (must be fresh), herbal tea no sugar.
  3. Wednesday 0.5 kg of boiled chicken breast, 3 oranges, a glass of kefir at night, drink water or green tea during the day.
  4. Thursday . 0.5 kg boiled chicken, vegetable stew(without adding potatoes to it), tea without sugar.
  5. Friday . 0.5 kg of boiled chicken, 4 large apples, vegetable juices.
  6. Saturday . 0.5 kg boiled breast, salad fresh vegetables, natural yogurt with a low fat percentage.
  7. Sunday . 0.5 kg boiled chicken, salad sauerkraut, dried fruit compote without sugar.

Fasting diet option

This type of diet involves a complete rejection of all foods except the main one. Chicken fillet taken at the rate of 0.5 kg for the whole day. This amount of meat should be divided into several meals (it is better to make 5). On such fasting days up to 1.5 kg of excess weight is lost every day. This diet is the strictest of all presented, so its duration should not exceed 3 days.

Benefits of the diet

It is not for nothing that this mono-diet has many adherents; its advantages are as follows:

  • Chicken meat - dietary product, which is easily absorbed and processed by the body. In addition, it helps improve immunity, strengthens the muscle corset, and has a beneficial effect on heart function.
  • This diet provides a wide variety of foods, many of which are very easy to prepare.
  • Chicken meat is quite satisfying, it allows for a long time do not feel hungry.
  • Chicken fillet contains numerous chemical elements, vitamins and amino acids, so when consumed, the body’s supply of nutrients is replenished.
  • Eating poultry meat has a positive effect on the health of hair and nails, and it also improves the condition of the skin.

Video recipes

Cons of the diet

The disadvantages include the blandness of the main product - chicken breast is difficult to eat without salt, and the fact that after completing the diet cycle, the weight can very quickly return to its previous level. To prevent this from happening, you need to exit the diet correctly.

Quitting the diet

To consolidate the results within a week after completing the diet, you need to try to adhere to the principles proper nutrition, adding one product from your usual diet every day. It’s better to start by introducing vegetables, then add fruits, then cereals, fermented milk products and finally add cheeses to the menu.

The result of the chicken fillet diet

It usually exceeds all expectations as long as all the rules are followed. You need to calculate your strength and choose the appropriate diet option. Only in this case can a subsequent breakdown be avoided and maximum results achieved.

Photos before and after the chicken breast diet

Nothing better demonstrates the effectiveness of a diet than photographs of people who have stuck to it for a certain period of time.

On a chicken diet you can lose overweight without changing your usual daily routine - all dishes are easy to prepare, and the products are available and inexpensive. This is one of those diets that allows you to acquire a slender silhouette in a short time.

The role of chicken in the buckwheat diet

There are many diet options based on buckwheat itself. They help to lose extra pounds, but at the same time the body does not receive enough vitamins and minerals. Methods for losing weight using buckwheat and vegetables create a lack of protein, so they cannot be used for a long time. As a result of such diets, it is not fat deposits that begin to disappear, but muscles.

Chicken breast - ideal source low calorie protein. It helps maintain muscle mass and make the body toned after weight loss. Meat is quite nutritious, so it will be easier to lose weight than on cruel diets. Chicken fills you up well and suppresses hunger.

Basic rules of the buckwheat and chicken breast diet

So that the technique gives positive results, its features must be taken into account. The diet is designed for two weeks, but the period can be shortened depending on the desired weight loss. To provide the body with everything it needs useful substances When losing weight, it is useful to take vitamin and mineral complexes, but before using them it is better to consult a doctor.

Basic principles of the buckwheat diet with chicken breast:

  • steam buckwheat with boiling water overnight (you can add kefir and leave overnight;);
  • boil, bake or steam chicken breasts;
  • maximum permissible quantity meat - 2-3 breasts per day;
  • chicken should not have skin or bones;
  • drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day daily;
  • you can drink coffee and tea without sugar;
  • Eat the bulk of buckwheat in the first half of the day, chicken breast in the second;
  • Before going to bed, you can drink low-fat kefir;
  • provide physical activity.

Contraindications, pros and cons of the diet

The method of losing weight using dietary buckwheat with chicken has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is weight loss in a gentle way, without constant feeling hunger and health problems. Dietary ration provides the necessary minimum nutrients. Breast contains protein, so losing weight does not lead to loss of muscle mass.

The main disadvantages of the technique:

  • some find it difficult to maintain a monotonous diet for two weeks;
  • the condition of the skin, hair, and nails may worsen;
  • lost kilograms will come back if it doesn't change usual diet;
  • as side effect possible digestive problems (constipation, bloating, etc.).

Contraindications to the diet:

Not recommended buckwheat diet at breastfeeding, but in some cases it can be used as prescribed by a doctor. It is usually used if the milk during feeding is too fatty and the baby gains weight too quickly. The duration of the diet during lactation is no more than three days and can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Diet options with menu

A diet of chicken breast with buckwheat can be different depending on the duration and set of foods in the diet. There is a strict and gentle option. The first one is designed for 3-5 days. Every day they eat 500 g of buckwheat steamed in the evening and boiled chicken breast. Meals are divided into 4-5 times. In addition to water, you can drink tea, coffee without sugar, mineral water without gas. With this scheme, you will lose a kilogram per day.

The gentle version of the diet is designed for 7 or 14 days. In addition to basic foods, you can include fruits, vegetables and low-fat kefir in your diet. Sample menu:

  • breakfast: steamed buckwheat (150 g), kefir;
  • second breakfast: a portion of buckwheat (50 g), orange;
  • lunch: buckwheat (150 g), boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad from tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and olive oil (150 g), kefir;
  • afternoon snack: apple;
  • dinner: boiled chicken breast, kefir.

In 7 days of eating this way you can lose 3-5 kg. But it is important to remember that the result will only be saved if the right way out from the diet. Habitual foods should be introduced gradually, eaten often and in small portions, try to avoid junk food.

Expert opinion

Certified nutritionist. 5 years of experience.

Nutritionist advice. The buckwheat diet has its advantages. The high fiber content helps cleanse the body of toxins. Buckwheat, having a high nutritional value, has low calorie content. Therefore, the advantage of the diet is that porridge can be consumed in large quantities, and you will not feel hungry.

Despite the significant list of advantages, there are also disadvantages that you should be aware of before you start following it. As a salt-free diet, buckwheat helps remove large amounts of fluid from the body. In some cases, this can cause weakness, headache and increased fatigue. Therefore, experts recommend conducting a trial fasting day on buckwheat to understand how suitable it is in a particular case.


For a diet to be effective, it is necessary to prepare foods correctly. Chicken breast can be boiled, baked or steamed. Buckwheat should be steamed in the evening and left overnight. In the morning you will receive a healthy, nutritious and low-calorie dish.

Cooking principle dietary buckwheat:

  • rinse thoroughly and sort out a glass of buckwheat;
  • place in a saucepan and add 2-3 cups of boiled water;
  • close with a tight lid, wrap and leave overnight.

To brighten up the menu, meat can be cooked in different ways. For example, to cook chicken breast in soy sauce you need to take:

  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken breast - 2 pcs.;
  • dry ginger - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a bunch of greenery.

The breasts are removed from the skin, washed and cut. Olive oil mix with soy sauce, add water (2 tbsp), dry ginger and chopped herbs. The mixture is poured over the meat and left to marinate for at least half an hour. After this, the breasts are placed in a tight food bag, carefully tied and boiled for 20-30 minutes.

Fasting day on buckwheat and chicken breast

Dietary buckwheat porridge with chicken can be used to relieve the body. To do this, during the day you need to eat 500 g of steamed buckwheat and boiled breast. It is better to divide food into 4-5 times and eat in small portions. In addition to water, you can drink green, black, herbal tea without sugar. According to this scheme, up to kg of weight is lost.

Buckwheat and chicken breast diet - great option for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, but does not tolerate severe food restrictions. Chicken meat provides the body with protein, which helps remove fat deposits, and muscle mass remains. The diet is designed for two weeks. The video below shows a recipe for dietary buckwheat with kefir.

Losing weight on chicken breasts is satisfying, low-calorie and healthy

The chicken diet is based on the consumption of chicken meat, the main advantage of which is high content protein that can not only perfectly saturate, but also restore muscle tissue and maintain metabolism at the proper level.

In addition, chicken meat is very affordable, so almost everyone can afford to use this weight loss technique.

Chicken breast diet: essence and features of weight loss ^

The essence of any protein diet program (and chicken is one of those) is that a strong excess of proteins and a deficiency of carbohydrates is artificially caused in the body, which provokes it to absorb its own reserves of energy fuel.

In this case, all excess water is first removed, allowing the muscles to tighten, then protein reserves begin to be drawn from the muscle tissue and its synthesis into glucose, and only then does the actual breakdown of fats begin.

Pros and cons

Use chicken meat plays very important role in drawing up a balanced, proper diet power supply:

  • It contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements, the deficiency of which cannot be compensated for by consuming only plant foods.
  • At the same time, chicken meat is best suited for dietary nutrition compared to meat products other types, since it is the least fatty and low-calorie.

  • In addition, it is superior in protein to lean pork and beef and is easily digested.
  • By consuming chicken products, you also help normalize the metabolic system and regularly supply your body with the nutrients necessary for its functioning.

It is also necessary to take into account that not all parts of chicken are suitable for dietary nutrition. Of course, most people prefer chicken legs to breasts in taste. But it is in the legs that it contains greatest number fat and cholesterol, so this meat is not suitable for weight loss.

It is better to eat breasts - they contain a minimal amount of fat and a large amount of protein. In addition, before cooking chicken meat, it is necessary to remove the skin and remove the fat that has accumulated under it.

You can eat not only chicken, but also other types of poultry meat - for example, turkey or quail. They are also considered low in fat and contain a high amount of protein, which provides energy and satiety to the body.

A diet based on the consumption of chicken meat has a number of other advantages:

  • Medicinal properties - the use of chicken broth is indicated for strengthening the immunity of sick people, restoring protective forces body, preventing heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, coronary disease hearts;
  • Soft impact - consumption chicken dishes maintains the balance of nutrients in the body, does not lead to exhaustion, loss of strength and general violation health status of the person losing weight. This, by the way, is also due to wide application chicken meat in other types of dietary programs, for example, everyone knows;
  • The effectiveness of this weight loss technique is very high (in 7 days it allows you to lose 4-6 kg of excess weight);
  • It does not require strict restrictions, and the number of dishes that can be prepared from chicken is simply inexhaustible;
  • Chicken meat is affordable and inexpensive product, which is not a shortage in Russian retail chains.

Chicken fillet recipe


  • Fillet – 1 kg,
  • 1% kefir – 200 ml,
  • salt, onion, spices for chicken.

Cooking method:

  • The defrosted fillet is washed, cut into small pieces, salted and poured with kefir.
  • Add spices and onions (optional) and leave to marinate for an hour.
  • Then the dish is baked in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes.
  • Dinner is ready!

Chicken breasts with tomatoes and basil

Ingredients - for this recipe you need:

  • Chicken fillet – 2,
  • Tomatoes – 2,
  • Basil,
  • Salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

  • The fillets are washed well and blotted with paper towels.
  • Each of them is carefully cut in the middle and tomatoes, cut into rings and basil are placed there.
  • The edges are pinned with toothpicks.
  • In a heated frying pan vegetable oil fry the fillet on each side for 5 minutes.

Cheese soup with chicken

For preparation you will need:

  • Chicken breasts – 400 g,
  • Carrots – 1 pc.,
  • Potatoes – 1 pc.,
  • Processed cheese – 180 g,
  • Broth – 2 l,
  • Greens, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

  • The breasts are washed and cut into cubes.
  • They also cut carrots and potatoes.
  • Pieces of meat are fried in a heated frying pan and thrown into boiling broth.
  • Boil the contents for 7-10 minutes, add vegetables and cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Add processed cheese, stir the soup well, add herbs, pepper, and salt.

Chicken cutlets


  • 0.5% milk – 5 tbsp. l.,
  • Oat bran – 3 tbsp.,
  • Egg - 2,
  • Onion – 1,
  • Salt, pepper, seasonings.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the breasts (you can use a food processor), add eggs, 2 tablespoons of milk, bran, and a twisted onion to the minced meat.
  • Then salt, pepper, add seasoning and knead.
  • Cutlets are formed from the minced meat, placed in a frying pan, poured with 3 tablespoons of milk and simmered under a closed lid for about 5-7 minutes.