Assessing the quality of provision of state and municipal services in outsourcing. Improving the quality of public services

Implementation of a consumer assessment system for quality and availability

provided public services is an effective method of studying current state in the provision of services and developing ways to further improve these services, taking into account the needs and expectations of the service recipients themselves.

Indicators for assessing the quality and accessibility of government (municipal) services:

In general, timeliness represents the time spent by the consumer to receive the service from the moment of request. Timeliness ensures that authorized bodies, institutions and individual officials fulfill their obligations to provide services and carry out related procedures within the time limits established by regulatory legal acts.

Indicators of service quality, depending on the nature of the service provided, may include: indicators of accuracy of data processing, correctness of paperwork, quality of the service process.

Accessibility consists of assessing the simplicity and rationality of the process of providing a service, the clarity and quality of information explaining the order and procedures for providing services. In world practice, accessibility is determined by the quality of documents regulating the process of providing services and the efficiency current system informing, creating conditions for people with disabilities. Availability is determined by various spatiotemporal parameters. The main indicators that allow us to evaluate it are: the number and distance of public service points, work schedule.

4. Appeal process

An important role in the process of serving the population belongs to clear and well-established procedures for appealing the actions (inaction) of officials who are in direct contact with consumers.

To evaluate their actions and provide feedback, it is necessary to provide appropriate indicators characterizing: the effectiveness and efficiency of the process for considering and resolving complaints, the level of consumer satisfaction with the existing procedure and timing for handling complaints.

5. Service culture

Politeness reflects consumer satisfaction with the attitude of staff in the process of providing a service, and willingness to provide effective assistance when difficulties arise. Bartsits I.N. Indicators of public administration efficiency (subjective view of international standards) // Representative power of the XXI century. 2008.

A study of data from expert and mass surveys conducted by specialists in 2007 made it possible to determine a system of main factors influencing negative influence on the quality and comfort of public services (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - System of factors that have a negative impact on the quality and comfort (availability) of public services

It is necessary to look in more detail at some of these factors that have a negative impact on the quality and accessibility of public services. Absence or inadequacy of administrative regulations for the provision of public services. Administrative regulations for the provision of public services provide a clear and transparent description of the process that leads to the intended result. Positive results the introduction of administrative regulations is: streamlining relations between consumers of public services and authorities; limiting arbitrariness in the actions of officials; increasing the transparency of interaction between business and government; introduction of clear and understandable procedures for decision-making by authorities with the participation of business. Nesterov A.V. Some aspects of the draft federal law “On standards of public services” // State power and local self-government. 2006. No. 4. P. 35-38.

The lack of systematic and regular monitoring of the quality of public services at the time of implementation of administrative regulations can become a critical factor and lead in the future to ignoring their provisions. Therefore, the need for systematic and regular monitoring becomes obvious. The monitoring system, if successfully implemented, can become an institutional source of continuous improvement in the financing of public services, as well as improving their quality and accessibility to the population.

Failure to include monitoring results in the management system for the provision of public services (in the planning and motivation system). Monitoring results contribute to more effective decision-making in the planning and motivation system, while setting a vector of certainty, clarity and greater structure. Moreover, monitoring is necessary element in the process of public administration, as it allows us to determine both the efficiency of the system for the provision of public services and the overall quality of political governance in the country. Obolonsky A.B., Barabashev A.G. Public service (integrated approach). M.: Delo, 2007.

Multiple interdepartmental interactions (absence of a “single window” system). One of the most effective ways consideration of citizens' appeals is to conduct procedures according to the “one window” principle. In this case, one body or employee has the right to request, receive and “aggregate” information from other bodies that are obliged to provide it. In this case, there is a concentration of documents and decisions in one organization and one employee in response to a citizen’s appeal. Multiple interdepartmental interactions appear to be less effective and efficient. This is supported by the fact that the “one window” system integrates the management process, centralizing a number of functions and thus eliminating their duplication. As a result, on the one hand, this system creates the prerequisites for reducing administrative costs, on the other hand, it expands the access of citizens to participate in programs operating in the region. The main principle of the “one window” system is once-only access and prompt decision-making by the official. Application to the one-stop-shop system is not mandatory and is carried out at the voluntary decision of the applicant.

So, the quality of the final result of a service refers to the requirements for the final result of the service in terms of compliance of the service with the standard and regulations in terms of completeness and timeliness of its provision (for example, the consumer receives a complete set of required documents within the period established by the regulations, correctly compiled and filled out in accordance with the standard , correctly calculated allowance, etc.). Indicators for assessing the quality and accessibility of government (municipal) services:

1. Timeliness and efficiency

2. Quality of provision of public services

3. Availability of government services

5. Service culture

4. The appeal process Ivanov N.N. Service sector management: an infrastructure approach. St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 2001.

The quality of the services provided can be considered as:

  • 1) the degree of compliance with prescribed requirements and standards;
  • 2) the degree of satisfaction of consumer expectations;
  • 3) from the standpoint of compliance of the services provided with their cost;
  • 4) the general set of technical, technological and operational characteristics through which the service will meet the needs of the consumer.

Russian experience in providing government and municipal services allows you to form a system of needs regarding the quality and availability of services received, including groups of informational, functional and emotional needs.

In general, the quality of state (municipal) services can be represented by:

  • 1) in accordance with its final result;
  • 2) quality and comfort of receiving the service.

The final result of the service must comply quality standard. That is, all the requirements for the final result

services in terms of compliance of the service with the standard and regulations in terms of completeness must be performed. This also includes the timeliness of its provision.

What is important for the service consumer? It is important to get the maximum effect from the service you receive. Sometimes, the result of a public service itself does not have independent value; it only serves as the basis for obtaining other social benefits. Examples include registering a plot of land or receiving subsidies. In such cases, it is important for the consumer not only to quickly complete the preparation of the necessary documents, but also to ensure that this package of documents requires minimal corrections, changes and additions, and also retains its legal force for a long time to obtain the desired result.

A set of qualitative and quantitative parameters that make it possible to take into account, measure, control and evaluate the results of the provision of state and municipal services are called indicators of the quality and comfort of such services. All criteria that are used in determining the sum of indicators that explain the quality and comfort of providing a service must meet the requirement of relevance. That is, the system of such indicators should be aimed at solving the most significant problems for consumers that they encounter in the process of interaction with authorized bodies and institutions.

The quality of receiving a service is an assessment of all the conditions in which this service was provided, as well as all the resources spent by the consumer to receive it. The criteria for the quality, comfort and accessibility of government (municipal) services are a set of quantitative and qualitative parameters that allow one to measure, take into account, control and evaluate the result of the provision of these services.

One of the main problems is the low quality of documents regulating various aspects of the provision of public services. A significant part of entrepreneurs, the population and government officials noted this.

There are also applied rules governing the relationship between recipients and suppliers in the process of providing services. For example, employees of the Institute of Urban Economics Foundation in the Social Policy direction have created a set of best practices for providing social services, which includes sections dealing with all issues of service providers and recipients. This kind of rules is called a code.

This Code serves as a basis for business communication, initiating and maintaining a dialogue between them, aimed at a common search for new ways to adapt best practice in the provision of services to specific circumstances. The most effective method of studying the current state of affairs in the provision of state and municipal services and developing ways to further improve and modernize these services is to introduce a system for assessing the quality and availability of these services provided by consumers.

Indicators that detail quality criteria can be divided into two main groups:

  • 1) General;
  • 2) Specific.

The composition of general indicators is mandatory for all services, because it reflects the problems faced by consumers of state and municipal services. In addition to them, specific indicators should also be developed. Such indicators could reflect specific, individual characteristics process of providing a certain type of service. Specific indicators for each type of service are determined individually and are based on its characteristics, as well as problems encountered in the process of its provision.

There are such indicators for assessing the quality and availability of services as:

· Efficiency and timeliness. Timeliness is time

which is spent by the consumer to receive the service from the moment of his request. And efficiency is when authorized bodies, institutions and individual officials fulfill their obligations to provide services and carry out related procedures within the time limits established by regulatory legal acts.

  • · Quality of delivery. Depending on the nature and type of service provided, quality indicators may include the following: key points such as the accuracy of data processing, the correctness of paperwork and the quality of the service process. This is not full list quality of the service quality system, but these points are fundamental.
  • · Availability of government services. Assessing the rationality of the process, its simplicity, clarity and quality of information provided, the procedure for providing services - all this is included in the concept of accessibility. In practice, accessibility is determined by the quality of documents regulating the process of providing services and the effectiveness of the current information system, creating conditions for people with disabilities. Also, accessibility is also determined by various spatiotemporal parameters. The main indicators that allow us to evaluate it are: the number and distance of public service points, work schedule. That is, those parameters that most often concern the population.
  • · Appeal process. One of the most important processes in the provision of state and municipal services. The main role in the process of serving citizens is clear and proven procedures for appealing the actions or inactions of officials who are in direct contact with consumers of services. In order to evaluate their actions and establish feedback, it is necessary to provide appropriate indicators that characterize the effectiveness and efficiency of the process of considering and resolving complaints, the level of consumer satisfaction with the existing procedure and timing of complaints. Currently, it has become very popular to record telephone conversations of service consumers and officials in order to suppress abuse of authority and violations of communication ethics. This measure protects both service recipients and bodies providing state and municipal services.
  • · Service culture. Human attitude on the part of employees reflects consumer satisfaction with the attitude of staff in the process of providing services, and the willingness to provide effective assistance when difficulties arise.

The system of factors influencing the quality and accessibility of state and municipal services includes:

  • 1) creation of systems that orient executive bodies authorities to improve and modernize the quality of public services provided;
  • 2) clear regulation, fixation and standardization of the process of providing state and municipal services;
  • 3) compliance with high ethical standards in the provision of public services, in accordance with codes professional ethics;
  • 4) increasing the level of information openness and transparency of procedures, as well as communication with the consumer;
  • 5) rational specialization and division of executive authorities to provide individual public services in accordance with the powers established by them;
  • 6) optimization of budget expenditures for public services. Their rational distribution in accordance with the priorities of consumers, as well as society as a whole;
  • 7) determination of criteria for payment of state and municipal services;
  • 8) increasing the responsibility of authorities for the execution of the powers prescribed to them;
  • 9) organizational structure of government bodies responsible for the implementation and provision of state and municipal services;
  • 10) direct provision of interaction. It expresses how well and comfortably the offices are equipped government agencies, to what extent they are equipped with modern technical means, infrastructure, etc.

Talking about various parameters process of providing state and municipal services, we can come to the conclusion that the so-called “infrastructural” parameters have priority for clients. These include the convenience of the location of the place where the service is received, the organization of receiving citizens, the technical adaptability of the premises to these functions, the principle of queuing and their duration. Currently, the usual “live” queue has begun to be replaced by electronic queues. The efficiency of the service provision and the time period for its receipt are of great importance. Such problems require solutions in their entirety: for example, with the introduction of an electronic queue, it turns out best result satisfaction of recipients, especially if it is introduced simultaneously with the refurbishment of the premises for receiving applicants and a parallel channel of information and feedback.

TSF software outside the kernel consists of trusted applications that are used to implement security functions. Note that shared libraries, including PAM modules in some cases, are used by trusted applications. However, there is no instance where the shared library itself is treated as a trusted object. Trusted commands can be grouped as follows.

  • System initialization
  • Identification and Authentication
  • Network Applications
  • Batch Processing
  • System management
  • User level audit
  • Cryptographic support
  • Virtual machine support

Kernel execution components can be divided into three component parts: the main kernel, kernel threads, and kernel modules, depending on how they will be executed.

  • The core includes code that runs to provide a service, such as servicing a user system call or servicing an exception event, or an interrupt. Most compiled kernel code falls into this category.
  • Kernel threads. To perform certain standard tasks, such as clearing disk caches or freeing memory by dumping unused page blocks, the kernel creates internal processes or threads. Threads are scheduled just like normal processes, but they have no context in unprivileged mode. Kernel threads perform specific kernel C language functions. Kernel threads are located in kernel space and run only in privileged mode.
  • The kernel module and device driver kernel module are pieces of code that can be loaded and unloaded into and out of the kernel as needed. They extend the functionality of the kernel without the need to reboot the system. Once loaded, kernel module object code can access other kernel code and data in the same way as statically linked kernel object code.
A device driver is a special type of kernel module that allows the kernel to access hardware connected to the system. These devices can be hard drives, monitors, or network interfaces. The driver communicates with the rest of the kernel through a specific interface that allows the kernel to deal with all devices in a universal way, regardless of their underlying implementations.

The kernel consists of logical subsystems that provide various functionality. Even though the kernel is the only executable program, the various services it provides can be separated and combined into different logical components. These components interact to provide specific functions. The core consists of the following logical subsystems:

  • File subsystem and I/O subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to file system objects. Functions implemented include those that allow a process to create, maintain, interact with, and delete file system objects. These objects include regular files, directories, symbolic links, hard links, files specific to certain device types, named pipes, and sockets.
  • Process Subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to process management and thread management. The implemented functions allow you to create, schedule, execute and delete processes and thread subjects.
  • Memory subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to managing system memory resources. Implemented functions include those that create and manage virtual memory, including managing paging algorithms and page tables.
  • Network subsystem: This subsystem implements UNIX and Internet domain sockets and the algorithms used to schedule network packets.
  • IPC subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to IPC mechanisms. Features implemented include those that facilitate controlled exchange of information between processes, allowing them to share data and synchronize their execution when interacting with a shared resource.
  • Kernel module subsystem: This subsystem implements the infrastructure to support loadable modules. Implemented functions include loading, initializing, and unloading kernel modules.
  • Linux Security Extensions: Linux security extensions implement various security aspects that are provided throughout the kernel, including the Linux Security Module (LSM) framework. The LSM framework serves as the basis for modules that allow the implementation of various security policies, including SELinux. SELinux is an important logical subsystem. This subsystem implements mandatory access control functions to achieve access between all subjects and objects.
  • Device Driver Subsystem: This subsystem provides support for various hardware and software devices through a common, device-independent interface.
  • Audit subsystem: This subsystem implements functions related to recording safety-critical events in the system. The implemented functions include those that capture every system call to record security-critical events and those that implement the collection and recording of audit data.
  • KVM subsystem: This subsystem implements maintenance of the life cycle of a virtual machine. It performs instruction completion, which is used for instructions that require only small checks. For any other instruction completion, KVM calls the QEMU user space component.
  • Crypto API: This subsystem provides a kernel-internal cryptographic library for all kernel components. It provides cryptographic primitives for callers.

The kernel is the main part of the operating system. It interacts directly with hardware, implements sharing resources, provides common services to applications, and prevents applications from directly accessing hardware-dependent functions. Services provided by the kernel include:

1. Management of the execution of processes, including the operations of their creation, termination or suspension, and interprocess data exchange. They include:

  • Equivalent scheduling of processes for execution on the CPU.
  • Splitting processes on the CPU using time-sharing mode.
  • Executing the process on the CPU.
  • Suspending the kernel after the allotted time quantum has expired.
  • Allocation of kernel time to another process.
  • Rescheduling kernel time to execute a suspended process.
  • Manage process security related metadata such as UIDs, GIDs, SELinux tags, feature identifiers.
2. Allocation of RAM for the executing process. This operation includes:
  • Permission granted by the kernel to processes to share part of their address space under certain conditions; however, the kernel protects the process's own address space from external interference.
  • If the system is low on free memory, the kernel frees memory by writing the process temporarily to second-level memory or swap.
  • Coordinated interaction with machine hardware to establish a virtual address to physical address mapping that establishes a mapping between compiler-generated addresses and physical addresses.
3. Virtual machine life cycle maintenance, which includes:
  • Sets limits on the resources configured by the emulation application for a given virtual machine.
  • Running the virtual machine program code for execution.
  • Handles shutdown of virtual machines either by completing the instruction or delaying the completion of the instruction to emulate user space.
4. File system maintenance. This includes:
  • Allocation of secondary memory for efficient storage and retrieval of user data.
  • Allocating external memory for user files.
  • Recycle unused data storage space.
  • Organizing the file system structure (using clear structuring principles).
  • Protecting user files from unauthorized access.
  • Organizing controlled process access to peripheral devices such as terminals, tape drives, disk drives, and network devices.
  • Organizing mutual access to data for subjects and objects, providing controlled access based on the DAC policy and any other policy implemented by the loaded LSM.
The Linux kernel is a type of OS kernel that implements scheduling with task preemption. In kernels that do not have this feature, kernel code execution continues until completion, i.e. the scheduler is not capable of rescheduling a task while it is in the kernel. In addition, kernel code is scheduled to execute cooperatively, without preemptive scheduling, and execution of that code continues until it terminates and returns to user space, or until it explicitly blocks. In preemptive kernels, it is possible to preempt a task at any point as long as the kernel is in a state in which it is safe to reschedule.

Yuri Kozlov. Algorithm for assessing the quality of public services // STATE SERVICE,

2015, №4 (96)


Yuri Kozlov, graduate student of the Russian Academy national economy And civil service under the President of the Russian Federation (119606, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 84). Email: [email protected]
Annotation: The quality of public services provided by executive authorities is the main problem of service development in this area. The purpose of the study is to develop specific practical recommendations to improve the quality and efficiency of the public service delivery system.
Methods used in the work systematic approach, mathematical modeling, sociological research, as well as various methods of graphical interpretation of information.
A well-constructed quality management system will allow not only to monitor the activities of bodies implementing law enforcement practice, but also to provide the feedback necessary for a sustainable and development-capable executive power system.
Key words: executive authorities, public services, quality assessment.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of executive authorities is the quality of public services.

The importance of quality analysis cannot be overestimated. The results obtained can be the basis for developing policy directions for improving the public administration system. The results of the analysis will allow us to determine the effectiveness of decisions made and measures taken.

The author's research in the field of existing methods for assessing the quality of public services made it possible to identify the main problems that impede the increase in the efficiency of the activities of executive authorities: this is the lack of legislative standards in this area, the lack general rules assessments of the quality of public services, insufficient regulatory support, etc.

A review of the main activities aimed at achieving an effective state shows that one of the most complex tasks is the identification of optimal parameters for assessing ongoing activities. The effectiveness of the state must have clear evaluation criteria and appropriate methods that would stimulate the desire to improve the quality of state and municipal management [Bartsits, 2011. P. 9].

Modern realities dictate the need to search for new methods of quality assessment, which, in accordance with the principles of a systematic approach, would allow us to consider complex process provision of public services from the point of view of an inextricable relationship with its components.

Figure 1 proposes a universal algorithm for determining the level of quality of the administrative and legal process, based on the use of modern standards and calculation of deviations relative to the expected level of indicators. The author proposes to determine the quality of a service through consumer perception, that is, the feeling after receiving a public service, how much it coincides with expectations before contacting the executive authorities.

Figure 1. A universal three-dimensional algorithm for assessing the quality of public services

An important advantage of the proposed algorithm is the possibility of three-dimensional construction of the administrative and legal process, that is, assessing its quality in three interrelated aspects. Thus, the algorithm was based on the methodology proposed by K. Mabey and D. Pugh, which was called the “data collection cube” and allows one to visually present a comprehensive picture of the quality of the legal process by constructing a cube in a three-dimensional coordinate system. When conducting the analysis, various factors that determine the structure of the process of providing public services are taken into account. It becomes possible to visualize what the final result is made of, to note the weak and strengths, as well as quantify the complex social component of the administrative and legal process. The use of mathematical methods makes it possible to transform complex administrative and legal issues into mathematical form.

It is advisable to consider the final clarification regarding the practical use of the proposed algorithm using the example of the implementation of State registration vehicles State traffic inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The object of study and the subject area for the practical example were not chosen by chance. Today, as part of the administrative reform, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is being reformed, which is currently the leader in the number of government services converted into electronic form (36 services). This ministry is not only an active provider of information through the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (over the nine months of 2014, more than 37.8 million interdepartmental electronic requests were processed), but also a consumer of information (2.3 million interdepartmental electronic requests were sent). A special contribution to achieving these indicators was made by the Main Security Directorate traffic Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

It is also worth noting the work carried out by the department to improve the quality of provision of public services, within the framework of which instructions were developed for organizing monitoring of applicants’ satisfaction. A survey form has been introduced containing criteria such as:

  • awareness of the procedure for providing public services in electronic form;
  • efficiency and waiting time in line;
  • the competence of the internal affairs officer interacting with the applicant;
  • comfort of indoor conditions;
  • assessment of the availability of information about the procedure for providing services.

However, the proposed quality criteria do not fully reflect the complex structure of the process, since there is no complex characteristics systems for providing public services. The obtained estimates cannot be compared with the results of other executive authorities, which once again indicates the need to develop a unified standard for the quality of public services and a universal algorithm that allows us to display the multifaceted administrative and legal process of providing public services. So, using the example of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, we will consider the algorithm developed by the author step by step.

The first stage is creation working group. Particularly noteworthy is the importance of the performers themselves participating in the work on assessing the quality of the administrative and legal process. Civil servants exercising powers in areas directly related to the process of providing public services have high-quality, reliable information obtained during direct work. By analyzing the parameters of the administrative and legal process, workers can already monitor the necessary moments in the formation of a future policy for the quality of public services during the implementation of law enforcement practice.

The second stage is the construction of a pyramid of efficiency of the system of public services of the executive branch. To solve the problem of developing a system for providing public services, it is necessary to formulate goals in all areas of activity, that is, to build a so-called efficiency pyramid. Here it should be taken into account that goals are passed down, and indicators are collected from the bottom up, along the organizational hierarchy of the executive authority (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Efficiency pyramid of the system of public services of the executive branch

In order to ensure the successful implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of the administrative and legal process, it is necessary to develop a strategic map that displays all key goals. Main function maps – cause-and-effect display of goals in the process of implementing a quality strategy (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Strategic map executive authority

The third stage is the identification of key aspects that determine the state of the system and its assessment from the perspective of quality standards. Executive authorities, like other enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership, must rely on modern quality standards when working and, accordingly, evaluate their activities from their position. Thus, the basis for assessing the quality of public services should be a standard containing a range of quality indicators. Due to the absence of such a specific list of indicators, it is proposed to use the criteria given in the standard of the Russian Federation - GOST R 52113-2003. However, it is not focused on the activities of executive authorities; accordingly, the given criteria are not full degree reflect the specificity of public services. In our example, the author proposes to assess the level of quality of the state vehicle registration service in the following three areas:

  • level of quality of the executive authority;
  • leadership abilities – knowledge and compliance with legislation;
  • knowledge and adherence to professional ethics of behavior.

These criteria must be entered into the evaluation table (Table 1) and assessed in three blocks:

  • expectations of consumers of a public service before its provision;
  • perception, that is, the opinion of a citizen or organization regarding the compliance of the executive authority providing the service with the listed criteria;
  • importance, that is, determining the significance of each criterion for the quality organization of the process of providing state or municipal services.

Table 1. Assessing the quality of the process of providing the state service of vehicle registration in the Russian Federation

During the analysis, 42 registration and examination units of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation were examined. Thus, questionnaires were distributed to consumers of this service in various registration departments, and as a result, an assessment was made according to the criteria of interest to us. To determine average rating Each indicator was assessed on a five-point scale, and then indices were calculated. For commercial organizations, offering a wide range of services, with 0.60 ≤ Qi ≤ 0.79 the state of the aspect is considered satisfactory, however, taking into account the specificity of the activities of executive authorities, the state of the process of providing public services with such indicators can be considered good.

A visual display of the state of the system is possible by constructing a service quality assessment cube, where the axes of the coordinate system are the selected aspects of the service (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Cube for assessing the quality of the state service of vehicle registration in the Russian Federation

The position of the cube characterizes the system as follows: 1st, 2nd and 3rd row - unsatisfactory, satisfactory and good state of the aspect, respectively. The calculation of the general index of compliance of service quality with consumer needs is carried out as follows:

where β *, β **, β *** are, respectively, indicators of the degree of importance of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd aspects of the service for the researcher [Sekerin, Sekerin, 1997. pp. 43–53]:

where k is the significance rank of each aspect of the service assigned by the researcher (or experts).

Thus, both the graphical display of the state of the system under study and the calculation of the general index of compliance of service quality with consumer demands indicate that the process of providing public services for vehicle registration in the Russian Federation is sufficiently consistent with consumer requirements.

However, the position of the quality assessment cube indicates that this executive body has minor problems with maintaining professional ethical conduct. Despite the fact that the majority of consumers of the public service under study admitted that this aspect is the least important for them, it should be noted the low ability of this executive body to create an atmosphere of hospitality.

Another, larger-scale example is the assessment of the activities of the Main Directorate for Ensuring Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in achieving socially significant goals (Table 2).

Table 2. Assessment of the activities of the Main Directorate for Ensuring Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in achieving socially significant goals

The data presented in the table were subjected to expert assessments, during which quantities such as “perception” and “expectations” were quantified (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Expectations and perceptions of experts

The basis of comparison when calculating relative indicators in this case is the actual, achieved level of the process, that is, the “perception” of experts. Graphically, the state of the system under study is shown in Figure 6. Central position cube (level “2” along all coordinate axes), as well as the quantitative expression of the calculated relative values, indicates that during the period from 2013–2014 the Main Directorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has carried out serious work. The milestone of the average level of process development has been reached, which is good indicator, and the low value of the summary index is explained by the fact that the final achievement of the goal is scheduled for 2018.

Figure 6. Graphic display of the state of internal processes of the State Traffic Inspectorate

The fourth stage is the development of instructions for managing the quality of the system. At the moment, the role of instructions for managing the quality of the process of providing a public service can be an administrative regulation regulating the procedure for performing a public function, containing a flowchart of the entire process of providing a public service.

In the future, instructions will be technological schemes provision of public services. The Department of State Regulation of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, together with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, has developed a project methodological recommendations on their formation and approval. This project is already being discussed with executive authorities.

It is also necessary to develop a procedure for the continuous review of regulations in order to timely identify legislative gaps.

The fifth stage is the choice of a system for monitoring the state of the process of providing public services. To manage the quality of the system for the provision of public services by executive authorities, continuous legal monitoring of activities is necessary in order to determine the variation of the process over time. Of course, any process must be in a state of control, that is, be predictable and manageable. Considering the specifics of the public services provided by the Main Directorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, it is advisable to use a control system with two threshold quality levels (Figure 7).

Figure 7. A system for monitoring the quality of the state of the public services system with two threshold levels.

During the study, cases were identified when created favorable conditions were a prerequisite for the development of such a concept as “consumer extremism,” which required the definition of restrictive measures at the legislative level. A dangerous trend is also the state of the system when its parameters fall below the established minimum quality level. Such conditions give rise to consumer dissatisfaction, which leads to a conflict of interest.

If the quality parameters of the public service delivery process have reached one of the threshold values, it is necessary to conduct a gap analysis and apply pre-developed corrective actions. The parameters of a well-managed process must be within established limits; it is such a process that is capable of providing a high-quality public service.

The sixth stage is the logistics of providing public services, which largely determines the final quality of the service itself.

The seventh stage is interaction with the consumer. Activities related to managing communications with the public are necessary for the successful operation of all government agencies. This is a management function within which the necessary government agencies public opinion and the image of public administration as a whole, the principles of democratic governance are being implemented. Through competent management of public relations, trust, mutual understanding is created and public support for executive authorities is ensured, which is the basis for the stability of the state.

It should be noted that the testing of this algorithm for assessing the compliance of public services with consumer demands showed that the presented methodology may well serve as a tool for depicting a comprehensive picture of service quality. Further author's research confirmed the fact that the scope of application of this algorithm, with its slight modification, can be used to assess the quality of various processes in the activities of executive authorities. The proposed methodology must be enshrined in legal acts, as well as instructions for its implementation in the activities of executive authorities must be developed.


Bartsits I.N. System of state and municipal management: training course: in 2 volumes. T. 2. M.: Publishing house RAGS, 2011.

Sekerin V., Sekerin D. Consumer requirements and marketing // Marketing. 1997. No. 4.

Yuzhakov V.N. Quality of state and municipal services: efforts and results of administrative reform // Issues of state and municipal management. 2014. No. 1.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 601 “On the main directions for improving the public administration system.”

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1. Theoretical foundations for the provision of state and municipal services

1.1 Concept, essence and classification of state and municipal services

1.2 Methodology for assessing the quality of the system for providing state and municipal services

2. Analysis of the organization of the provision of state and municipal services using the example of MKU “MFC of Naro-Fominsk MR MO”

2.1 Organization of the provision of state and municipal services in the MKU “MFC of Naro-Fominsk MR MO”

2.2 Analysis of the quality of provision of state and municipal services. Development of methods for improving the quality of the system for their provision


List of used literature


Every year in the Russian Federation the level of citizens’ attention to the activities of authorities increases state power and local governments.

This is caused by a complex the following reasons:

· The population has developed a certain requirement for executive authorities to strictly and strictly follow legal norms, and actions within the framework of their competence and authority.

· An administrative reform was carried out aimed at improving and optimizing the performance of functions by public authorities.

· Completion of local government reform, which identified new priorities in the development of municipalities.

· Every year the level of quality of government and municipal services provided increases, but the majority of citizens despite this give a negative assessment of the activities of these bodies.

· The need for development and progress of the management potential of local governments has increased. This is especially true against the backdrop of the imposed economic and political sanctions against Russia.

All of the above formed the basis of the scientific interest and practical significance of research related to solving problems of increasing the efficiency of state and municipal government, the relationship of human development with the activities of state bodies and local governments.

All this together determined the choice of topic thesis, its purpose, objectives and practical orientation.

But despite this, all the measures taken do not exclude a number of problems, the solution of which is necessary and should improve the quality of state and municipal services in the future.

To date, priority services have not yet been identified, which are associated with the complexity of the process of their provision.

The main issue is also the issue of stimulating workers to use modern, progressive information, economic, and legal technologies for high-quality and fast provision of state and municipal services.

The scientific task of improving the quality of state and municipal services is theoretically important, practically in demand, since it is required modern conditions reforming the system of state and municipal government.

The statistical and analytical basis of this work was the latest data obtained as a result of the sociological study “MAGRAM Market Research”: “Assessment of the overall satisfaction of citizens (population) with the quality and accessibility of the provision of state and municipal services.” This study was carried out on the territory of all municipalities of the Moscow region from October 28 to December 5, 2016.

Issues of the organization and process of providing state and municipal services have always attracted the attention of scientists. The works of Batina I.N., Belyaeva D.Yu., Gusarova M.V., Danilin A.V., Zhigalov D.V., Kaparov S.G., Karlovskaya E.A. are devoted to the problems of quality and standardization of state and municipal services. , Kozlova E.A., Kotlyachkova O.V., Nesterova A.V., Semenikhina V.V., Sibrinina B.P., Tambovtseva V.L., Talapina E.V., Tupchienko V.A. etc. In most of the listed works, the main attention was paid to the issues of standardization and regulation of the process of providing services on the basis of legal acts.

Are also important scientific works to create comprehensive service quality management systems. In particular, the most significant works in this area are the works of Abramov V.A., Budovskaya L.M., Korobeinikov I.N., Lifits I.M., Novikov D.T. Okrepilov V.V., Yanchenko V.F. .

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the scientific task of developing directions, mechanisms and methods for improving the quality of state and municipal services has important theoretical significance, and the results already obtained have the potential for practical use in the activities of interested authorities.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the thesis is to improve the system of providing state and municipal services using the example of the Municipal government institution “Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services of Naro-Fominsk municipal district Moscow region" (MKU MFC Naro-Fominsk MR MO).

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Expand the concept, essence and classification of state and municipal services;

Determine the regulatory framework in this area;

Analyze the quality of provision of state and municipal services;

To characterize the state and municipal services provided by the MKU “MFC Naro-Fominsk MR MO”;

Identify problems in the provision of state and municipal services;

Object of study is a system for assessing the quality of provision of state and municipal services.

Subject of research- methodology for improving the quality of provision of state and municipal services.

The theoretical basis of the thesis is scientific developments in the field of studying the organization of the process of providing state and municipal services and methods for its improvement.

The normative and information base of the thesis is: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws, by-laws, regulatory and internal acts of the Russian Federation; analytical and statistical materials of the Government of the Moscow region.

In preparing the thesis, the following methods of cognition were used: general scientific dialectical, information-analytical, historical, structural-functional, logical, problem-chronological, comparative statistical.

The thesis consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Theoretical foundations for the provision of state and municipal services

1.1 Concept, essence and classification of state and municipal services

Providing various services to the population of the country is one of the priority functions of the state. After all, this ensures economic and social stability in society, develops systems of culture, education, healthcare, and is the engine of many social processes. One of the main indicators of the effectiveness of the state for citizens is the quality of public services.

State and municipal institutions are being created in the country to provide state and municipal services. This is necessary for the implementation of the functions of state authorities and local governments.

The term “service” in Russian legislation first appeared in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. For example, this term is used in the economic aspect in Article 8 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which guarantees a single economic space in Russia, support for competition and freedom economic activity. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation established the category of service as an object of civil rights.

Later, in the Concept of reforming the civil service of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2001, the term “public services” appeared.

IN Federal program“Reform of the civil service of the Russian Federation (2003-2005)”, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2002, indicated the need to achieve a quality level

execution by civil servants of their job responsibilities and the public services they provide to citizens and organizations.

Another explanation of this term is contained in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 314 “On the system and structure of federal executive bodies.” It interprets “public services” as a type of government functions.

But the concept of “public service” in world practice does not have a clear analogue. This concept is one of the translation options for the word “publicservices”. Moreover, depending on the context, the word “public” is translated into Russian as “state and municipal”, “public” or “public”.

The most important part of municipal government is the provision of municipal services. In this regard, the issue of municipal services is fundamental to understanding all socio-economic processes occurring at the local level. The main goals of municipal activities include improving the living conditions of citizens and creating a favorable living environment for the population. One of important roles plays a role in the activities of local governments to satisfy the basic vital needs of the population. This involves the development of local infrastructure, as well as the organization of services to the population.

But even now in the scientific literature there is no common understanding of the term “municipal service”. The authors who are engaged in developments on this topic offer their definitions of this concept, which contain clarification of municipal services and highlight the most significant and essential aspects.

According to S.A. Kirsanov, a municipal service should be understood as services, the responsibility for ensuring the provision of which is assigned to the municipal entity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the charter of the municipal entity in connection with the resolution of issues of local importance.

Municipal services in this understanding can be the result of the activities of both local governments and business entities, regardless of the form of ownership.

OK. Tereshchenko believes that the criterion for identifying a municipal service is the entity providing the service - local government bodies.

But this definition is quite narrow, since those services are excluded from the scope of analysis, the provision of which is not carried out directly by local governments, but for which local governments are responsible to the population of the municipality. For example, the service of providing citizens with medicines is provided by a network of pharmacies, but the creation of conditions for the development and availability of medicines is carried out by local governments.

S.E. Martynova offers the following definition, which reveals the content of service provision activities: a municipal service is an action to meet the needs of the population of a municipality in ensuring life activities, carried out within the competence of the relevant local government body.

In this definition, it is important to highlight the restrictions in the range of municipal services, as well as the method of activity for their provision, imposed by the competence of local governments.

Today, in accordance with Federal law dated July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ (as amended on July 21, 2014) “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” established following definitions state and municipal services. state municipal citizen

Municipal service- this is an activity to implement the functions of a local government body, which is carried out at the request of applicants within the powers of the body providing municipal services to resolve issues of local importance established in accordance with the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organization local self-government in the Russian Federation" and the Charters of municipalities.

The result of the provision of a public service will be the fact of provision of the service or its final result. For example, issuing the necessary legal support document; transfer of funds; provision of information, etc., in accordance with the type of service and the regulations for its provision.

The effect of providing a public service is the impact of the service on the condition of the recipient of the service, as well as the impact of the service on the achievement of socio-economic indicators included in the target programs within the framework of which the service is provided.

An innovation is the ability to measure the number of potential consumers of a service - this is an essential feature of state and municipal services. That is, for almost any service it is possible to measure the volume of its provision, since the number of consumers can be counted (for example, the number of doctor visits, the number of students in a class, etc.).

According to the model, the model of state regulation of social economic development is built on the basis of strategies at the appropriate level. It is based on a comprehensive program for the socio-economic development of a territory, which determines the tasks facing executive authorities. The socio-economic development program is implemented through the performance of the functions of state and municipal services, the formulation and composition of which are also influenced by the legislation on state civil and municipal services in the Russian Federation and regulations governing the provision of public services.

The provisions on the government body and its structural divisions should also include the provision of state and municipal services determined by the legislation on state (municipal) service and regulatory legal framework regulating the provision of state and municipal services.

In accordance with the proposed model, the assessment of the implementation of state and (or) municipal services should be based on:

1. For services that are implemented on the basis of legal acts regulating the activities of government institutions - based on the implementation of the specified legislation, through the satisfaction of specific consumers.

2. For services that are implemented within the framework of targeted programs - based on the degree of achievement of quality and quantitative indicators implementation of these programs through the satisfaction of a specific consumer of the service.

At the same time, the assessment of the motivations of state and municipal employees should be based on an understanding of the following - if the satisfaction of service consumers is not ensured, it will be impossible to ensure overall efficiency systems of state and municipal government.

Classification of state and municipal services. Currently, there is no officially accepted classification of state and municipal services. This is due to the novelty of this concept. One can only consider various author's approaches.

So, according to the classification proposed by Professor Yu.A. Tikhomirov, government services are divided into public and administrative.

Services aimed at external (relative to the state) clients are called state public services.

Public services may be compulsory. Such services impose an obligation on individuals or legal entities interact with a government agency. This is necessary in order to avoid sanctions or other negative consequences.

In the case where public services are directed to other state and municipal bodies, they are considered public administrative services. These include the preparation of documents for government agencies, approval, and representation.

Based on this, we can highlight the distinctive features of public administrative services:

1) individuality of provision;

2) appeal (in connection with the implementation of rights and obligations) of users of public services to a government agency;

3) provision of services directly to a government agency;

4) provision of the service due to objective socio-economic reasons cannot be transferred to commercial or non-profit organizations and their associations.

Services can also be classified according to the presence of an intermediate result:

1) A simple government service. It involves a one-time application to the executive body of government to obtain the final result;

2) Complex public service. Such a service implies multiple appeals to the executive body (bodies) of government with the receipt of intermediate results, each of which will have independent value.

1) Information and consulting;

2) Communication;

3) Financial;

4) Providing legal supporting documents. According to the terms of provision:

1) Software;

2) Regulatory and legal. By consumers:

1) For citizens;

2) For entrepreneurs (legal entities and individuals).

In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between elementary public services and composite (interdepartmental) public services.

Elementary government services are those services that are requested by citizens, businesses or other departments, which are implemented and provided within the framework of interaction with one department. For example, such a service would be the issuance of a birth certificate or the issuance of a general passport.

Interdepartmental, or composite, public services are services that consist of several elementary services.

It is worth highlighting another feature of services such as availability. That is, citizens can freely receive this or that service. It should be noted that if a person interested in a service faces obstacles (price, time or related to distance), or these obstacles are of some discriminatory nature, then in fact such a service becomes available only to a certain circle of people.

In accordance with this we can distinguish:

1) accessible services (acceptable for all citizens);

2) inaccessible services (acceptable for certain categories of persons).

In these cases, accessibility comes in different forms:

physical (physical opportunity for different categories of citizens, including disabled people, to receive a service that determines the availability of elevators, ramps, etc.); temporary (determined by the convenience for the consumer of the operating mode of the body providing the service); territorial (transport and pedestrian accessibility); informational (sufficiency and convenience of obtaining information about the service, methods and conditions for obtaining it, degree of awareness of the consumer about the nature of the service and the possibility of obtaining it); financial (the volume of financial expenses associated with receiving the service, the cost of the service itself and the actions preceding it).

Depending on the reason for applying for public services, they can be divided into forced and voluntary.

If the request is forced, then the service should be provided only free of charge. But, with the exception of services that implement legally significant actions, when a state fee is charged.

It is necessary to distinguish between reimbursable and paid services. Free services cannot be absolutely, but there can be free services. Even if the service is free for the service recipient, it must still be equivalently reimbursed. Reimbursement comes either from state budget resources, an insurance company, or sponsorship.

Based on the goals of recipients of services by law, services can be divided into three types:

1) Free services, implementing constitutional rights citizens;

2) Free services that provide assistance to service recipients in the implementation of their legal obligations;

3) Services that realize the legitimate interests of service recipients on a paid basis.

The classification does not end there. For example, it is possible to divide public services taking into account the adopted and developed administrative regulations, as well as standards of quality and comfort in the provision of public services. In this case, they will be divided into: regulated (which implies the presence of administrative regulations) and, accordingly, unregulated; standardized (implying the presence of a standard of quality and comfort in the provision of public services) and non-standardized.

1.2 Methodology for assessing the quality of the system for providing state and municipal services

The quality of the services provided can be considered as:

1) the degree of compliance with prescribed requirements and standards;

2) the degree of satisfaction of consumer expectations;

3) from the standpoint of compliance of the services provided with their cost;

4) the general set of technical, technological and operational characteristics through which the service will meet the needs of the consumer.

Russian experience in providing state and municipal services allows us to form a system of needs regarding the quality and availability of services received, including groups of informational, functional and emotional needs.

In general, the quality of state (municipal) services can be represented by:

1) in accordance with its final result;

2) quality and comfort of receiving the service.

The final result of the service must meet a quality standard. That is, all the requirements for the final result

services in terms of compliance of the service with the standard and regulations in terms of completeness must be performed. This also includes the timeliness of its provision.

What is important for the service consumer? It is important to get the maximum effect from the service you receive. Sometimes, the result of a public service itself does not have independent value; it only serves as the basis for obtaining other social benefits. Examples include registering a plot of land or receiving subsidies. In such cases, it is important for the consumer not only to quickly complete the preparation of the necessary documents, but also to ensure that this package of documents requires minimal corrections, changes and additions, and also retains its legal force for a long time in order to obtain the desired result.

A set of qualitative and quantitative parameters that make it possible to take into account, measure, control and evaluate the results of the provision of state and municipal services are called indicators of the quality and comfort of such services. All criteria that are used in determining the sum of indicators that explain the quality and comfort of providing a service must meet the requirement of relevance. That is, the system of such indicators should be aimed at solving the most significant problems for consumers that they encounter in the process of interaction with authorized bodies and institutions.

The quality of receiving a service is an assessment of all the conditions in which this service was provided, as well as all the resources spent by the consumer to receive it. The criteria for the quality, comfort and accessibility of government (municipal) services are a set of quantitative and qualitative parameters that allow one to measure, take into account, control and evaluate the result of the provision of these services.

One of the main problems is the low quality of documents regulating various aspects of the provision of public services. A significant part of entrepreneurs, the population and government officials noted this.

There are also applied rules governing the relationship between recipients and suppliers in the process of providing services. For example, employees of the Institute of Urban Economics Foundation in the Social Policy direction have created a set of best practices in the provision of social services, which includes sections relating to all issues of providers and recipients of services. This kind of rules is called a code.

This Code serves as a basis for business communication, initiating and maintaining a dialogue between them, aimed at a common search for new ways to adapt best practice in the provision of services to specific circumstances. The most effective method of studying the current state of affairs in the provision of state and municipal services and developing ways to further improve and modernize these services is to introduce a system for assessing the quality and availability of these services provided by consumers.

Indicators that detail quality criteria can be divided into two main groups:

2) Specific.

The composition of general indicators is mandatory for all services, because it reflects the problems faced by consumers of state and municipal services. In addition to them, specific indicators should also be developed. Such indicators could reflect the specific, individual characteristics of the process of providing a certain type of service. Specific indicators for each type of service are determined individually and are based on its characteristics, as well as problems encountered in the process of its provision.

There are such indicators for assessing the quality and availability of services as:

· Efficiency and timeliness. Timeliness is time

which is spent by the consumer to receive the service from the moment of his request. And efficiency is when authorized bodies, institutions and individual officials fulfill their obligations to provide services and carry out related procedures within the time limits established by regulatory legal acts.

· Quality of delivery. Depending on the nature and type of service provided, quality indicators may include such key points as the accuracy of data processing, the correctness of paperwork and the quality of the service process. This is not a complete list of the quality of the service quality system, but these points are fundamental.

· Availability of government services. Assessing the rationality of the process, its simplicity, clarity and quality of information provided, the procedure for providing services - all this is included in the concept of accessibility. In practice, accessibility is determined by the quality of documents regulating the process of providing services and the effectiveness of the current information system, creating conditions for people with disabilities. Also, accessibility is also determined by various spatiotemporal parameters. The main indicators that allow us to evaluate it are: the number and distance of public service points, work schedule. That is, those parameters that most often concern the population.

· Appeal process. One of the most important processes in the provision of state and municipal services. The main role in the process of serving citizens is clear and proven procedures for appealing the actions or inactions of officials who are in direct contact with consumers of services. In order to evaluate their actions and establish feedback, it is necessary to provide appropriate indicators that characterize the effectiveness and efficiency of the process of considering and resolving complaints, the level of consumer satisfaction with the existing procedure and timing of complaints. Currently, it has become very popular to record telephone conversations of service consumers and officials in order to suppress abuse of authority and violations of communication ethics. This measure protects both service recipients and bodies providing state and municipal services.

· Service culture. The human attitude on the part of employees reflects consumer satisfaction with the attitude of staff in the process of providing services, and the willingness to provide effective assistance when difficulties arise.

The system of factors influencing the quality and accessibility of state and municipal services includes:

1) creation of systems that guide executive authorities to improve and modernize the quality of public services provided;

2) clear regulation, fixation and standardization of the process of providing state and municipal services;

3) compliance with high ethical standards in the provision of public services, in accordance with codes of professional ethics;

4) increasing the level of information openness and transparency of procedures, as well as communication with the consumer;

5) rational specialization and division of executive authorities to provide individual public services in accordance with the powers established by them;

6) optimization of budget expenditures for public services. Their rational distribution in accordance with the priorities of consumers, as well as society as a whole;

7) determination of criteria for payment of state and municipal services;

8) increasing the responsibility of authorities for the execution of the powers prescribed to them;

9) organizational structure of government bodies responsible for the implementation and provision of state and municipal services;

10) direct provision of interaction. It expresses how well and comfortably the offices of government agencies are equipped, how well they are equipped with modern technical means, infrastructure, etc.

Speaking about the various parameters of the process of providing state and municipal services, we can come to the conclusion that the so-called “infrastructural” parameters have priority for clients. These include the convenience of the location of the place where the service is received, the organization of receiving citizens, the technical adaptability of the premises to these functions, the principle of queuing and their duration. Currently, the usual “live” queue has begun to be replaced by electronic queues. The efficiency of the service provision and the time period for its receipt are of great importance. Such problems require solutions in their entirety: for example, with the introduction of an electronic queue, a better result of satisfying recipients is obtained, especially if it is introduced simultaneously with the refurbishment of the premises for receiving applicants and a parallel channel of information and feedback.

2. Analysis of the organization of the provision of state and municipal services using the example of MKU “MFC of Naro-Fominsk MR MO”

2.1 Organization of the provision of state and municipal services in the MKU “MFC of Naro-Fominsk MR MO”

The organization of the provision of state and municipal services and their quality can be considered using the example of the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region.

The municipal government institution “Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services of the Naro-Fominsk municipal district of the Moscow region” was formed by the Decree of the Administration of the Naro-Fominsk municipal district of the Moscow region dated August 5, 2014 No. 1242 “On approval of the work plan for the creation of the municipal institution “Multifunctional provision center” state and municipal services" of the Naro-Fominsk municipal district.

The abbreviated name of the institution is MKU "MFC Naro-Fominsk MR MO". The abbreviated name is used equally with the full name.

MKU "MFC Naro-Fominsk MR MO" is a non-profit organization operating on the basis of the Charter.

The opening of the MKU “MFC Naro-Fominsk MR MO” (hereinafter referred to as the MFC) in the city of Naro-Fominsk took place in December 2015.

The new MFC provides citizens with more than 150 types of state and municipal services. Residents of the Naro-Fominsk region receive services at the MFC for processing benefits, allowances and subsidies, documents for registering rights to real estate and transactions with it, registering at their place of residence, and registering for migration. For the convenience of citizens and to control the quality of work of the MFC, modern information systems are used, such as “Electronic Queue” and

“Electronic monitoring”, which simplifies the procedure for processing documents, reduces the time citizens spend in line, and improves the quality of services provided.

In addition to the administrative building of the MFC, located in the city of Naro-Fominsk at the address: Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, st. Poluboyarova, 8, on the territory of the Naro-Fominsk district there are: MFC of the Naro-Fominsk municipal district Kalininets; MFC Naro-Fominsk municipal district Aprelevka; remote workplace of the MFC in Vereya; remote workplace of the MFC in the village of Selyatino; remote workplace of the MFC in the village of Ateptsevo; remote workplace of the MFC in the village of Volchenki; remote workplace of the MFC in the village of Veselevo; remote workplace of the MFC in the village of Tashirovo.

The MFC of the city of Naro-Fominsk in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-F3 “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”, other legislation of the Russian Federation, the Moscow region, regulatory legal acts of local government bodies of the city of Naro -Fominsk, Moscow region and the Charter of the institution.

The MFC of the city of Naro-Fominsk operates in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-F3 “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”, the Federal Law “On non-profit organizations", other regulations of the Russian Federation, regulations of the Moscow region, regulations of local government bodies of the city of Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region, the Charter of the institution, and other regulations.

The subject of activity of the MFC of the city of Naro-Fominsk is:

Carrying out and organizing work on receiving documents necessary for obtaining government services, on the initial processing of documents, on issuing documents to individuals and legal entities based on the results of the provision of state and municipal services;

Providing consultation and information to individuals and legal entities on the provision of state and municipal services;

Implementation and organization of interaction with individuals and legal entities, as well as with federal executive authorities and their territorial bodies, executive authorities of the Moscow region, local government bodies of the city of Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region, organizations participating in accordance with approved administrative regulations in the provision of state and municipal services, in accordance with concluded agreements;

Organization of delivery of necessary documents from the MFC of the city of Naro-Fominsk to the relevant territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, local government bodies of the city of Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region, organizations involved in the provision of state and municipal services, as well as organization of delivery documents prepared as a result of the provision of state and municipal services from relevant departments or organizations in the MFC of the city of Naro-Fominsk;

Organizing and ensuring the provision in the building (premises) assigned to the MFC of the city of Naro-Fominsk with the right of operational management of additional services for the convenience of individuals and legal entities (accommodation of notaries, placement of ATMs and the creation of other opportunities for paying duties and fees, provision of “windows” to government bodies, local governments, organizations providing state and (or) municipal services);

Organizing the involvement of employees of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, local government bodies of the city of Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region for direct interaction with individuals or legal entities in cases where such direct interaction is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Ensuring the creation and maintenance of a call center, a hotline for the provision of state and municipal services, the Internet site of the MFC of the city of Naro-Fominsk;

Ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the software and hardware of the MFC of the city of Naro-Fominsk, carrying out the proper maintenance and necessary operational maintenance of premises and equipment assigned to the MFC of the city of Naro-Fominsk with the right of operational management;

Providing administration information system, including electronic queue management, recording the number of visitors served at the MFC of the city of Naro-Fominsk for a certain period (day, week, month) by type of government and municipal services provided, indicating the average waiting time for reception and service.

The main goals of the activities of the MFC of the city of Naro-Fominsk are:

Simplification of procedures for citizens and legal entities to receive state and municipal services through the implementation of the “one window” principle;

Reducing the time it takes to provide state and municipal services;

Improving the quality of state and municipal services;

Increasing awareness of citizens and legal entities about the procedure, methods and conditions for obtaining state and municipal services;

Increasing the comfort of citizens and legal entities receiving state and municipal services;

Anti-corruption, elimination of the market for intermediary services in the provision of state and municipal services;

Increasing the efficiency of interdepartmental interaction in the provision of state and municipal services.

To achieve the goals specified in the Charter, the MFC of the city of Naro-Fominsk has the right to carry out the following types income-generating activity only insofar as it serves to achieve the goals for which it was created: this includes legal advice, call center services, ensuring citizens’ access to reference information, filling out applications in the form established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for state bodies and local governments, also in electronic form, registration of LLC, individual entrepreneur, JSC, etc.

Reception of documents from applicants is carried out by MFC employees on the day of the applicant’s application in the order of priority or by prior appointment of the applicant at certain time and date.

All consultations on the provision of state or municipal services are provided by MFC employees in person or by telephone.

Consultations are provided in accordance with the list of documents required for the provision of state or municipal services. Also according to the time of receipt and issuance of documents; according to the timing of provision of state or municipal services; according to the order of registration of the provided service.

An MFC employee receives documents from the applicant both through an electronic application using the Internet site, and through the window for receiving and issuing documents, establishing the identity of the applicant and accepting applications for state or municipal services filled out in the prescribed form.

After acceptance of the application and registration, an initial check of the submitted documents is carried out to determine their compliance with the requirements established by law, making sure that: the documents are in established by law cases notarized; the texts of the documents are written legibly, the names of legal entities are written without abbreviation, indicating their locations; surnames, first names, patronymics, addresses of residence are written in full; there are no erasures, additions, crossed out words or other unspecified corrections in the documents; documents are not written in pencil; the documents do not have serious damage, the presence of which does not allow an unambiguous interpretation of their contents; The validity period of the submitted documents has not expired.

Next, the correctness of the application is checked, the completeness of the documents submitted by the applicant necessary for the provision of state or municipal services, their compliance with the requirements of the relevant administrative regulations for the provision of state (municipal) services.

If the necessary documents are missing or are inconsistent, the MFC employee notifies the applicant about the presence of obstacles to the consideration of the application, explains to the applicant the content of the identified deficiencies in the submitted documents and offers to take measures to eliminate them.

The application submitted by the applicant, as well as the documents attached to it, are registered in the log of registration and control of applicants’ applications to the MFC.

The registration log is kept in electronic form and, in order to further ensure the safety of information, is duplicated in paper form.

After this, the MFC employee prepares and prints a receipt in two copies. The set of documents is transferred to the MFC employee responsible for document processing.

The result of receiving documents is the issuance of a receipt for the acceptance of documents or a refusal to provide a state (municipal) service.

The applicant has the right to withdraw his application during the period of its consideration or the provision of state (municipal) services.

Additional interaction between an MFC employee and an applicant is allowed in the following cases:

The need to complete the package of documents provided by the applicant to receive a state or municipal service, of which the MFC employee notifies the applicant by the contact phone number or email indicated by him. If it is impossible to notify the applicant by telephone, the applicant is notified by mail by registered mail with notification of receipt (a fact confirming such interaction is an additional receipt issued MFC employee to the applicant, notification of delivery of the letter);

The need to agree on the draft of the requested document with the applicant or jointly resolve other issues;

The need to confirm payment (provide payment documents) for the preparation of a document issued on a reimbursable basis.

The general period of the procedure for accepting documents from the applicant is determined by the relevant administrative regulations for the provision of state (municipal) services.

The list of public services of the executive bodies of government of the Moscow Region, the provision of which is organized on the basis of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services, was approved by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated September 27, 2013 No. 777/42.

The list of municipal services provided on the basis of the Municipal State Institution “Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services of the Naro-Fominsk Municipal District of the Moscow Region” was approved by Resolution of the Administration of the Naro-Fominsk Municipal District of the Moscow Region dated October 29, 2014 No. 1831.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services,” administrative regulations have been developed and approved for each service by the Administration of the Naro-Fominsk Municipal District of the Moscow Region, establishing the procedure and standards for the provision of municipal services.

Such documents are designed to streamline in detail the relationship between government officials and citizens who need various types of municipal services. A clearly defined algorithm of actions of officials, an exhaustive list of documents that the applicant is obliged to provide, specified deadlines for the execution of municipal services or reasons for refusal - all this helps to avoid abuse and bureaucratic red tape, and establishes transparent and understandable rules for the relationship between government officials and citizens.

All this ultimately improves both the quality of provision of municipal services and the efficiency of management structures.

2.2 Analysis of the quality of provision of state and municipal services. Development of methods for improving the quality of the system for their provision

To improve the quality of government and municipal services provided in the territory of all municipalities of the Moscow region, from October 28 to December 5, 2016, the independent marketing and sociological research agency "MAGRAM MarketResearch" conducted sociological research entitled “Assessment of the general satisfaction of citizens (population) with the quality and accessibility of the provision of state and municipal services.”

The collection, processing and analysis of data was carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.

Statistical and analytical data obtained as a result this study, allow us to see ways and methods of improving the system of providing state and municipal services.

As part of the study, an analysis, evaluation and interpretation of the results that were obtained during sociological surveys in executive bodies of state power, local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow region, and Multifunctional centers were carried out.

The total number of respondents was 31,400 people. Applicants who applied to organizations of executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region and their territorial bodies were surveyed - 1,500 respondents; applicants who applied to the premises of the authorities

local self-government of municipalities of the Moscow region

1500 respondents; applicants who applied to the premises of multifunctional centers in the Moscow region - 28,400 citizens surveyed.

The results of the study made it possible to draw significant conclusions for the region as a whole, as well as for each executive body, municipal entity and MFC, including the Naro-Fominsk municipal district of the Moscow region.

All information received formed the basis for calculating the average number of requests for one state or municipal service; waiting time in line to receive government services; formation of ratings of executive bodies of state power, local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow region and the MFC; constructing a list of state and municipal services according to demand.

At the same time, changes in the level of satisfaction of the population of the Moscow region with the quality and accessibility of the provision of state and municipal services were identified.

As a result of the analysis of the data obtained, a sorting of the key problems of the Moscow region, which are related to the provision of state and municipal services, was carried out, and the most popular types of state and municipal services and the most current problems provision of services.

The results obtained should be used to formulate effective and progressive policies in the provision of state and municipal services.

The overall level of satisfaction with the quality of services provided in 2016 was 92.3 points. This highest value of this indicator recorded over the past 5 years. Compared to 2015,

the level of satisfaction increased by 2.2 points (90.1 points in 2015), compared to 2012 - by 13 points (79.3 points in 2012).

Fig. 1 - dynamics of the overall level of satisfaction with the quality of service provision.

The average waiting time in line when applying for state or municipal services continues to decrease. According to statistics, in 2016 given time, on average, was 8 minutes. This is more than two times less than five years ago (while in 2012 the average wait time in line was 16.4 minutes).

Fig. 2 - dynamics of the indicator “average waiting time in queue”, minutes

Based on the results obtained, it can be seen that the proportion of applicants who noted their dissatisfaction with various indicators when initially applying to the executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, to local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow region or multifunctional centers has decreased significantly. This can be seen from the 2015 survey. According to official data, in 2015, from 2% to 8% of respondents expressed dissatisfaction with various aspects of the provision of services. In 2016, the share of “dissatisfied” recipients ranged from 0.7% to 4.2%. Factors causing dissatisfaction with the process or result of receiving services are presented in Figure 3.

Fig. 3 - factors causing dissatisfaction with the process or result of receiving services

The greatest dissatisfaction of applicants and recipients of services is caused by such aspects as “Terms of service provision” (4.2%) and “Territorial and transport-time accessibility of the authority/MFC, location of premises” (3.9%) As a reason for dissatisfaction with the terms the provision of a service refers to both the legally established period itself (51.5% of those dissatisfied with this parameter) and cases of non-compliance with the established period (48.5% of those who expressed dissatisfaction with the terms are dissatisfied with the fact that the service was provided to them in excess of the period established by law).

Rice. 4 - the factors by which respondents negatively assess the territorial and transport-time accessibility of the government body / MFC are as follows (as a percentage of the number of those who expressed dissatisfaction with this parameter)


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