Is bird flu dangerous for people? How dangerous is the influenza virus?

What disease epidemic was the most devastating? Some will remember AIDS, others will name the plague or smallpox. They will all be wrong. Most terrible epidemic There was a Spanish flu epidemic that occurred in 1918–1919.

In just six months she took more lives than AIDS in 20 and the plague in 50 years. Today, despite all the discoveries in the field of virology, influenza still remains one of the most dangerous infections.

The causative agent of influenza is a viral particle that exists in three types: type A, which is dangerous for animals and humans, and types B and C, which only affect humans. At the same time, it is virus A that is considered the most dangerous. Any virus, regardless of type, has two main structures:

  • Hemagglutinin is a substance that binds red blood cells and impairs the transfer of oxygen in the blood.
  • Neuraminidase is a substance that provokes lesions respiratory tract.

They are the antigens of the influenza virus, that is, those substances that activate immune protection body. The main property of antigens is the ability to easily change their structure, after which they become invisible to immune cells.

It is precisely because of this variability of antigens that immunity to the influenza virus is practically not developed. The entire flu genome can change in 6 hours. Therefore, even if you have already been ill, you are not insured against the possibility of becoming infected again.

The causative agent of influenza enters the body mainly through the respiratory tract. Once on the mucous membranes, it penetrates into cells and actively multiplies in them. If the immune system manages to react in full, then, as a rule, that’s where it all ends. After a few days, the viruses die without having time to cause significant harm to the body.

However, the flu is dangerous. Primarily due to the fact that the immune system cannot always respond correctly and in a timely manner to the infection.

How dangerous is the flu?

There is another option for the development of infection. With insufficient activity immune system or if the pathogen is too strong, the metabolism in the affected cells changes.

The aggressiveness of enzymes that destroy cell membranes and thereby inhibit their barrier function increases. Because of this, new viral particles penetrate new cells and spread through the bloodstream to other organs and tissues.

With this pattern of development, the danger of influenza increases several times, as complications arise that may affect:

  • Respiratory organs. Since the virus initially develops precisely on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the flu is most often complicated by bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis, and in severe cases, viral or bacterial pneumonia.
  • Heart and vascular system. The virus is able to influence the myocardium, causing its inflammation, destroying the walls of blood vessels and reducing their tone, thereby causing hemorrhages and internal bleeding.
  • Defeat nervous system and brain. Influenza can cause neurotoxicosis - that is, provoke the occurrence of various violations and the development of inflammation. All this can provoke the development of meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis and various neuritis.
  • Joint damage. Most a common complication from influenza is the development of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Kidney and liver damage. These organs suffer mainly due to the fact that they are forced to filter not only the viruses themselves, but also the products of their vital activity through the bloodstream. In addition, viruses can also be joined by pathogenic bacteria, which will also provoke inflammation.

Most dangerous threat influenza is a development of viral pneumonia. It occurs in approximately half of the cases and is often severe, causing the development of respiratory failure.

Besides general complications, the flu almost always causes exacerbation of chronic diseases. So for those who suffer diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart or lung diseases, one must be especially careful in treating the virus.

Complications in children and the elderly

In children, the viral infection is extremely severe, especially in children under the age of five. According to WHO statistics, out of 100 sick children, 75 end up in the hospital. These are mainly children from three to 14 years old, whose susceptibility to infection is five times higher than adults.

The main reason for the danger of influenza for children is the incompletely formed immune system, which simply does not have time to protect the body.

In addition, the tendency of the child’s body to retain fluid, and therefore to the development of edema, also plays a role. And the most severe complications from the flu - pneumonia and inflammation of the brain - are characterized by the development of edema.

The same factors often provoke the development of complications in people over 65 years of age. In addition, at this age there are often various chronic diseases, the exacerbation of which is provoked by the virus.

If a child or old man If you are sick with the flu and are being treated at home, you need to be especially careful:

  • In the first two days of the disease, when the risk of developing viral pneumonia is high. Its occurrence may be indicated by symptoms such as severe cough, shortness of breath, respiratory failure, blue discoloration of the mucous membranes and skin.
  • On days 5–7, when meningitis may occur, which may be indicated by sudden severe headache, confusion, fear of light and vomiting not associated with food or medication, which does not bring relief. Such symptoms are especially dangerous if they appear after a temporary improvement and decrease in temperature.
  • On the seventh day, after the condition improves, damage to the nervous system may develop. It manifests itself as radiculitis-like pain, neuralgia, weakness and nausea.
  • 10 days after past illness inflammation of the kidneys may occur, which is characterized by lumbar pain, temperature and swelling.

If at least one of the warning symptoms appears, you should immediately consult a doctor or call ambulance. In young children, complications develop much faster than in adults.

Complications during pregnancy

Another category of people for whom the flu is most dangerous are pregnant women. While waiting for the baby, the immune system is already tested increased loads, because he has to work for two. Therefore, it is simply unable to resist the virus in full. Infection is especially dangerous in the first three months, when the formation and formation of the baby’s main organs and systems occurs.

In the body of a pregnant woman, the virus spreads much faster and easily penetrates the placenta, also infecting the fetus.

The virus can provoke:

  • On early stages, various malformations, even incompatible with life, which, in turn, can cause a miscarriage.
  • In the second trimester, it often leads to disturbances in the blood supply to the placenta and the development of fetoplacental insufficiency.
  • In the third trimester it can cause fetal hypoxia, chronic allergies, which can occur due to taking medications to treat influenza, and to premature birth.

Fortunately, serious complications During pregnancy, the virus rarely causes. On later such conditions are usually correctable.

The most reliable way to protect against both the virus itself and complications is vaccination. It is especially necessary for pregnant women, babies, the elderly and those who suffer from various chronic diseases.

What leads to complications?

The main cause of complications is illiterate and untimely treatment, as well as non-compliance with bed rest. You can't carry the flu on your feet! Even if the malaise is not so severe, and the temperature has already dropped. When the first symptoms appear, you must stay at home for at least 7 days.

In addition, complications can result from:

  • Taking antibiotics, which have no effect on the influenza virus, like any other viruses. Sometimes doctors prescribe antibiotics for the flu, but this is done only when the virus is accompanied by a bacterial infection. Take antibiotics for initial stages illness, and especially not on your own.
  • Warming at high temperature. Hot baths, warm blankets and heating pads are good, but not when you have a fever. In this case, the body must, on the contrary, be cooled, and not warmed even more.
  • Alcohol. Traditional treatment vodka with honey and pepper or warmed wine in the case of the flu will only worsen the condition, since ethyl alcohol will further burden the immune system attacked by the virus.
  • Treatment herbal infusions. In the case of the flu, even harmless herbs can lead to complications, as they can increase negative influence virus to the kidneys.
  • Taking Aspirin. The usual remedy for reducing fever during influenza is contraindicated. Acetylsalicylic acid has the ability to reduce blood viscosity, which in combination with a virus can provoke internal bleeding. The best way to reduce fever during flu is with paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Now that you know how dangerous the flu is, the question arises, how to prevent complications? Of course, it’s best to get a flu shot, which, although it won’t guarantee that you won’t get infected, will definitely help you avoid complications.

If you do become infected, there is no need to self-medicate. In order to get advice about the flu, it is not at all necessary to go to a clinic; you can ask a doctor by phone or contact a specialist at a pharmacy. But if you or your family have threatening symptoms, you should definitely call a doctor.

The season has come when dangerous disease comes into its own. The causative agent is the influenza virus. Children, men and women suffer from it equally. Age doesn't matter either. The disease is dangerous not only because of its rather severe symptoms, but also severe intoxication body. The mortality rate from it is quite high. The danger of contracting influenza The disease is very contagious and is fraught with the development various complications. This is especially true for children, the elderly and chronically ill people.

Most often, influenza infection occurs:

  1. upon contact with an infected person;
  2. when using his things;
  3. while visiting crowded places;
  4. when traveling in transport, etc.

Naturally, people with reduced immunity, who have recently suffered from a cold, acute respiratory infection or sore throat, who have cardiovascular diseases, as well as those working in medical institutions or in the service sector. But in any case, the source of infection is the sick person, especially at the very beginning of the development of influenza. He coughs, sneezes, leaves marks on door handles and other objects. The incubation period is about five days and during this time the patient has the opportunity to infect many others.


The onset of influenza is usually quite acute. A person experiences fever, chills, a headache and aching joints. Sometimes the pain radiates to the area of ​​the eyes, forehead, maxillary sinuses. It is combined with severe malaise, lightheadedness and general weakness. Usually, with the flu, a severe cough develops. You can hear wheezing, whistling in the bronchi, and sputum is difficult to clear. The voice often shrinks or disappears completely. My throat hurts. It turns red, swells, and the patient experiences burning and itching of the mucous membrane. He has difficulty swallowing and loses his appetite. In addition, these symptoms are accompanied by severe runny nose, the patient constantly sneezes, his face swells significantly and it becomes difficult for him to breathe. With severe damage to the mucous membranes vascular wall does not withstand and bleeding may begin. Sometimes severe intoxication with the products of viruses and cell breakdown causes lightheadedness, vomiting, and diarrhea. The patient suffers from thirst, insomnia, and irritability. He completely loses his ability to work. If these symptoms are present, it is advisable to call a doctor without delay. If treatment for influenza is not started in time, it may develop severe complications. These include pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear, heart failure, rheumatism, allergic reactions etc.


The therapist or infectious disease specialist will examine the patient, collect anamnesis, and refer him to clinical analysis blood, PCR, urine examination, swabs from the throat and nose with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics, fluorography, etc. Treatment of influenza consists of taking antiviral drugs, rimantadine, antipyretics, anti-inflammatory medications, analgesics, immunostimulants, antitussives, mucolytics, nasal drops , gargles, restorative medications, vitamins, sedatives, etc. It is advisable to drink plenty of fluids in the form of fruit drinks, tea with lemon, raspberry jam or honey. It is necessary to avoid everything that weakens the body, namely:

  1. smoking;
  2. alcohol;
  3. strong tea;
  4. coffee;
  5. energy drinks, etc.

For uncomplicated forms of influenza, treatment is carried out at home. Hospitalization is most often required for those people who are at risk. Especially warning signs are: temperature about forty degrees, suffocation, cyanosis, heart pain, skin rashes, epileptiform seizures, dizziness. If flu symptoms are severe, it is necessary to call emergency assistance. In older people and people suffering from cardiovascular or renal pathology, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and even death may develop. Therefore, to avoid the threat, it is advisable to get the appropriate vaccination in advance. It should be done annually, since the flu does not leave behind immunity. This is explained by the fact that the strain is constantly mutating and has many various types that can cause a new infection.

– a viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets. Global epidemics, the so-called, pose a particular threat. influenza pandemic. They are caused by viruses formed when strains of normal, avian and animal origin are mixed in the body. The flu is short (1-2 days) incubation period, therefore, underestimating the severity of the disease, people infect their work colleagues, those around them and their relatives. The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature, severe intoxication of the body (weakness, headache and muscle pain, nausea, sometimes vomiting), sore throat, cough. There may be cases of “fulminant” infection, when a person (usually children) younger age and elderly) dies from pulmonary edema in less than 24 hours.

Influenza is dangerous due to its complications, which, according to statistics, are the cause of up to 75% of deaths due to influenza. The most common complication is pneumonia (pneumonia). Among other complications recorded acute otitis media, myocarditis, encephalitis. Influenza also often causes exacerbation of chronic diseases - asthma, bronchitis, diabetes, heart disease vascular system etc. That is why it is especially dangerous for people with chronic diseases. But even for healthy adults leading active image life, the flu means disrupted plans, a ruined vacation and the risk of infecting loved ones.

In young children, the flu is more severe, with a greater number of complications, which is explained by the insufficient development of the immune system and complete absence influenza immunity in those who have not previously been ill. One of the frequent and serious complications in children is swelling of the larynx (croup), leading to suffocation.


When the first flu symptoms appear call a doctor at home. Do not go to work and do not send sick children to work. kindergarten, school.

Observe bed rest. Use separate dishes. Family members must wear gauze bandages or masks. Ventilate the room 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes, do wet cleaning more often.

Self-medication for the flu is not acceptable, since only a doctor can correctly assess the patient’s condition. A complication such as pneumonia often develops from the very first hours of the disease, but about a third of patients present only on days 5-6, which leads to a protracted and more severe course of the disease.

Antibiotics do not work on the influenza virus. Only a doctor can prescribe them to treat complications of the flu. Cannot be used in children acetylsalicylic acid(aspirin) – for influenza, its use can lead to serious complications from the liver.

Be careful- soar your feet and do steam inhalations at high temperatures it is dangerous due to the increased load on the heart.

Commonly prescribed treatments for influenza include: drinking plenty of fluids(hot tea, fruit drink), antiviral drugs antipyretics, drugs to combat the runny nose, vitamins, antiallergic and other drugs prescribed by a doctor.


Vaccination is recommended by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and World Organization health care as a priority and most effective remedy protection against influenza.

Modern vaccines are updated annually to combat mutations of the virus. They do not contain live virus and cannot cause infection, so they are recommended even for infants and pregnant women. In addition, it has been proven that vaccination against influenza stimulates general immunity, so those vaccinated are less likely to suffer from other acute respiratory viral infections.

Several types of influenza vaccines are used in Russia. All of them are approved for use by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

So-called split vaccines (in particular, the French Vaxigrip vaccine) contain larger number immunity-forming components (antigens) and, according to the Institute of Virology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, form more reliable immunity to influenza.

Vaccination against influenza can be carried out with the drug "Influvac" produced in the Netherlands.

Among inexpensive vaccines, the so-called subunit vaccines with reduced antigen content. The domestic subunit vaccine Grippol with an additional immunomodulator in its composition is widely used.

To protect children from 6 months. up to 3 years of age, you can use half the dosage of most vaccines or a specially developed form of the Vaxigrip vaccine.

For additional protection against acute respiratory infections and complications of influenza (pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis), you can use vaccines against pneumococcal and hemophilic influenzae (for children under 5 years of age) infections.

To strengthen the immune system, you can also use the so-called. nonspecific remedies, such as eleutherococcus extract, ginseng tincture, aralia, onion, garlic, multivitamins (especially ascorbic acid), rimantadine, interferon preparations and oxolinic ointment. However, it should be remembered that all of these remedies can complement, but not replace, the flu shot.

Winter and autumn are a time of cold and damp weather, the stress on the body becomes more and more, and vitamins become less and less. It is known that this is fertile ground for development infectious diseases, including influenza. A pediatrician with 33 years of practice, a specialist in the treatment of infectious diseases in children, Valentina Ivanovna Rolina, helped us figure this out.

How dangerous is the flu?

Influenza is the most severe and widespread disease caused by viruses that infect the upper respiratory tract. Because the influenza virus is easily transmitted by airborne droplets, it spreads quickly and covers almost all regions of the country within one season. In Russia, from 27 to 41 million cases of influenza and ARVI are registered annually. The flu is often fatal.

The flu begins, like most viral infections, with malaise. Then the condition quickly worsens: headaches, pain in muscles and joints begin, body temperature rises, general weakness of the body appears, vomiting and upset stool are often observed.

As Valentina Ivanovna notes, the flu is especially dangerous for children under 4-5 years of age. This is due to the immaturity of the immune system, as well as to a diet that is not always correct and balanced. Under these conditions, the body suffers from a lack of vitamins and is susceptible to viral diseases. The child’s immunity is also weakened by improper use of medications, for example, antibiotics and immunomodulatory drugs taken without a doctor’s prescription. Because the virus spreads very quickly, special attention It is worth paying attention to prevention in organized groups - kindergartens and schools.

Another danger of influenza is complications that can occur in moderate to severe severity. Complications occur in the form of bronchitis, otitis, pneumonia, lesions urinary tract. Severe forms – brain damage, neuritis, encephalitis, serous meningitis.

The most common complication is pneumonia, usually caused by secondary bacterial infection. True primary influenza pneumonia is rare; it can occur primarily in patients suffering from chronic heart and lung diseases, which are accompanied by congestion in the lungs. After the flu, there is often an exacerbation of chronic diseases, such as bronchial asthma, recurrent bronchitis, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, kidney diseases, etc. In children, most often under 7 years of age, a complication may occur in the form of Reye's syndrome (mainly after illness with influenza “B” and the use of salicylates), which is manifested by encephalopathy and liver damage.

Every influenza epidemic is accompanied by increased mortality. Largest quantity deaths registered in children under 4 years of age and in older people (over 65 years of age). Up to 500 children per 100,000 population are subject to hospitalization. Influenza and ARVI rank first in frequency and number of cases in the world, and account for 95% of all infectious diseases.

Flu prevention

Influenza is dangerous not only because of its complications, but also because it threatens to weaken the health of children due to improper treatment. Therefore, it is so important to properly strengthen the child’s immunity. The flu is caused not by bacteria, but by a virus, so antibiotics are powerless to fight it. Must fight viruses protective system body. The body produces interferons that change the functioning of cells so that they do not perceive the virus and do not allow it to multiply. When the body's defenses are insufficient, the prescription of interferon drugs is required, which stimulate the production of the body's own interferons and provide immunity to re-infection with viruses.

There are special vaccine options for immunizing children. Vaccinations against influenza are carried out annually in the fall (October-November) during the pre-epidemic period for influenza. Live influenza vaccines reproduce a weakened natural infection in the body, causing the body to develop immunity to the virus. Immunity is short-lived, so annual vaccinations are required.

Do not neglect the advice of doctors in the midst of an epidemic - always wear special masks, going outside and to crowded places. It is also recommended to frequently ventilate the premises. This will help reduce the risk of infection by creating a barrier to airborne viruses.

If the child does get sick, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner. symptomatic treatment to improve his condition. It is known that high (above 38.5 degrees) temperature must be reduced by giving the child antipyretic drugs. But this is not enough. Symptoms that also need to be addressed are chills, muscle pain, runny nose and difficulty breathing (this can be a sign of swelling of the airways). All these symptoms not only aggravate general health child, but also seriously increase the load on his body.

Therefore, first of all, to relieve symptoms you need: paracetamol to reduce the temperature, antihistamine to relieve swelling and facilitate nasal breathing, as well as vitamin C, which increases the body's resistance. These medications can be purchased separately at the pharmacy, but there are also complex preparations, including all the necessary components, with a dosage approved for children. For example, "AntiGrippin for children" (Natur Produkt). It is formulated with a special “baby formula” that is suitable for children aged three years and older. It is produced in the form of effervescent water-soluble tablets, and it is this form of release that has its advantages over other forms of drugs, because it does not have a damaging effect on the gastric mucosa, and active ingredients absorbed faster. So the effect occurs immediately after taking the drug.

When choosing medications for a child, Valentina Ivanovna recommends paying special attention to the fact that children are prohibited from giving acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), as it irritates the gastric mucosa. Therefore, carefully study the composition of the complex anti-flu drug for children when purchasing it. It is imperative to ensure that medications are good quality and from a trusted manufacturer. For example, European manufacturers follow the requirements of the international pharmaceutical standard GMP, which guarantees the patient the effectiveness and safety of the drug.

The availability of drugs and the over-the-counter availability of antibiotics often lead to their misuse and complications after treatment. As you know, an antibiotic most often kills not only harmful bacteria, but also useful (which are necessary for the body to absorb useful substances from food), which causes dysbiosis. Therefore, taking antibiotics should be justified so as not to cause harm children's body and not weaken his immunity. Should not be given to a child irresponsibly medicines, they should only be prescribed by specialists.

In addition, you must adhere to following rules treatment, regardless of the severity of the disease, keep the child in bed, give him plenty of warm drinks and light food rich in fresh vegetables and fruits. And you definitely need to call a doctor! Treatment of influenza in children must be correct!

Elderly people and children react most often and most acutely to it. This year, according to experts, three types of dangerous infections are attacking Russia at once.

“According to reports from health services coming from countries in the southern hemisphere of the planet, where the seasonal influenza epidemic has already passed, a seasonal epidemic of influenza type A H1N1 and A H3N2 is expected this year in northern latitudes, in particular in Russia. In general, these are the same subtypes of the seasonal virus that occur year after year for many decades,” says medical specialist public health and healthcare Pavel Stotsko. True, the specialist notes, it is worth understanding that viruses are constantly mutating, and their proteins, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, by which doctors distinguish strains and types of influenza virus, have changed this year. “And this means that A H1N1 (Michigan) is not exactly the same virus that was in 2016 (California), and certainly not the same as it was in 1918 (Spanish flu). But the flu still remains as dangerous as it was a century ago,” says Stotsko. WHO experts add that the influenza B virus may also appear in Russia.

Hazards A H1N1

The abbreviated H1N1 flu is popularly known as swine flu. It is a highly infectious disease caused by a pandemic type of virus transmitted from pigs to humans. Naturally, it is also transmitted from person to person, which expands the reach of the sick.

Virus swine flu was opened in 1930 in the USA. Of the latest epidemics that developed against its background, the world remembers the 2009 California flu. According to official data published by WHO at that time, 17.4 thousand people died from the flu and complications caused by it.

Infection with this virus occurs in two ways:

  • Airborne: for example, someone sneezed near another person, the diameter of the spread hazardous emissions at the same time 1.5-2 meters;
  • Contact-household: the virus is quite tenacious (it can live outside the body for up to 2 hours), so it can survive for a certain time on different surfaces (elevator buttons, tables, dishes, office equipment, etc.)

Risk groups for swine flu include::

  • Children under 5 years of age;
  • Elderly people over 65 years of age;
  • Pregnant;
  • People with chronic diseases.

The symptoms of H1N1 flu are quite classic. A person can clearly note the time when he suddenly suddenly felt unwell, his temperature rose to high numbers, muscle aches are noted, and photophobia develops. The intoxication process may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Catarrhal manifestations may also occur: cough, sore throat, nasal congestion.

It is important to remember that one of the worst phenomena with this type of flu is its complication in the form of pneumonia. Pneumonia develops instantly and is not always noticeable to a person: in just a couple of days it can almost completely destroy the lungs. This is why this type of influenza virus has large number fatalities. And that is why patients must be monitored daily by a doctor who will also listen to the lungs.

Scary A H3N2

The second type of flu that doctors are expecting this winter is ARVI with the abbreviation A H3N2. Or, as it is also called, hong kong flu. They first started talking about it in the sixties. True, then it was not so heavy. But over time, the virus mutated and became more aggressive, so now this infection is extremely dangerous.

The Hong Kong flu, like the California flu, is transmitted through the air and by hands. Therefore, during the epidemic season it is worth showing special caution: Avoid visiting crowded places and wash your hands more often.

The Hong Kong flu poses a particular danger to:

  • Elderly people;
  • Young children;
  • Pregnant;
  • People on a diet, especially if we're talking about about diet for weight loss;
  • People with diabetes;
  • People with lung diseases.

The symptoms of the disease are again characteristic of all other types of influenza. On the one hand, it is by these that one can immediately distinguish the flu. On the other hand, the flu does not always proceed according to a typical pattern. And then there is a risk of losing time. Among additional signs in Hong Kong, one can distinguish the appearance of a feeling of pain and burning in the eyes, pain in the limbs and a dry cough.

The main dangers of this variant of influenza are the development of myocarditis, the same pneumonia in severe forms, encephalitis and shock. Some survivors exhibited hepatic and renal dysfunction, and there were disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine gland.

Influenza B Brisbane - what's hiding

WHO experts predict the emergence of a third type of influenza: influenza B - Brisbane. It represents dangerous species Hong Kong strain. The last epidemic of such a disease was an outbreak in 2007.

It begins, like all other flu variants, with sharp and lightning-fast developing symptoms. Fever, chills, headaches, muscle pain, runny nose, fatigue, etc. all indicate the appearance of dangerous pathology. Over time, severe exhaustion and dehydration begin to appear, and a dry cough appears. Gastrointestinal disorders may also develop.

Dehydration is called one of the terrible complications this type of infection. Indeed, against this background, the body begins to fail quite quickly. Pneumonia may also develop, which will further undermine a person’s health.

This type of flu is highly contagious. Therefore, you should behave very carefully during the risk of an epidemic.

Personal protection

During an influenza epidemic, you must follow a number of simple rules that will help protect against infection. First of all, you need to avoid crowded places, but if you need to be in a dense crowd of people, it is recommended to use masks. It is imperative to follow the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands as often as possible: after going outside, after transport, before eating, after visiting the toilet. If there is a sick person in the house, he should be isolated if possible: allocate separate dishes and do not share towels with him.

You can also regularly rinse your nasal passages saline solution to wash off the virus from the mucous membrane. In addition, the use of vitamins is recommended. It is advisable to establish balanced diet so that the body has the strength to fight viruses. Apartments and office premises should be ventilated and wet cleaned more often.

A separate point is the option of personal protection such as vaccination. “Specialists know exactly the protein composition of the surface shell of the virus, which means they are able to “teach” the immune system to recognize the virus using a vaccine. Every year it includes components of the 3-4 most common strains of the influenza virus,” says Stotsko.

The vaccination campaign has already started across the country. And now is the optimal time to get vaccinated, because the body will have time to develop antibodies to the virus. Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia, Head of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation Anna Popova:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has provided recommendations on the composition of influenza vaccines for the 2017-2018 season for the Northern Hemisphere, and the trivalent vaccine recommends including strains similar to those included in this year's vaccine for the AH3N2 influenza viruses (Hong Kong ) and for influenza B. In this case, the 2009 pandemic strain A H1N1 (California) is proposed to be replaced with strain A H1N1 (Michigan).

At the expense of the federal budget, 58.4 million doses of domestic influenza vaccine with current strains recommended by WHO were purchased, including 17.8 million doses for children. This is 8 million more than was purchased last year. Optimal time Flu vaccinations are carried out from September to November. It is important that immunity after a flu vaccination has time to form before the epidemic rise in incidence.

Vaccination is recommended for all groups of the population, but is especially indicated for children starting from 6 months, people suffering from chronic diseases, pregnant women, as well as people from groups professional risk: medical workers, teachers, students, service and transport workers.

According to statistics, influenza causes high mortality, especially when it comes to viruses type A H3N2 and A H1N1. Elderly people and children react most often and most acutely to it. This year, according to experts, three types of dangerous infections are attacking Russia at once.