Bacteria in nature are both harmful and beneficial to humans. Harmful bacteria for humans

According to scientists, about 2 kilograms live in the human body various bacteria. And, oddly enough, most of these microorganisms live well with their host without causing any harm. So why bacteria at all? What are their benefits and harms?

All “living creatures” inhabiting the human body can be divided into two groups:



Bacteria are protectors of the human body. This group of bacteria helps humans assimilate and digest food, as well as form healthy vitamins. The most famous bacterium with such properties is Escherichia coli. In the intestinal microflora you can also find other types of bacteria: lacto- and bifidobacteria, which improve the human immune system. The benefits of these bacteria include the fact that they prevent the entry of harmful microbes.

Constantly taking pills can ruin your life large number good bacteria, thereby reducing your immunity. Subsequently, you may experience diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and more. There is also a risk of gonorrhea, cholera and even plague.

Also, without bacteria, microbes get inside animals, causing them great harm. After eating such meat, a person risks contracting very serious diseases.

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Rice. 1. The human body consists of 90% microbial cells. It contains from 500 to 1000 different types of bacteria or trillions of these amazing residents, which amounts to up to 4 kg of total weight.

Rice. 2. Bacteria inhabiting the oral cavity: Streptococcus mutants ( green). Bakteroides gingivalis, causes periodontitis (lilac color). Candida albicus ( yellow). Causes candidiasis of the skin and internal organs.

Rice. 7. Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bacteria have been causing diseases in humans and animals for many millennia. The tuberculosis bacillus is extremely resistant to external environment. In 95% of cases it is transmitted by airborne droplets. Most often affects the lungs.

Rice. 8. The causative agent of diphtheria is corynebacteria or Leffler's bacillus. More often it develops in the epithelium of the mucous layer of the tonsils, less often in the larynx. Swelling of the larynx and enlarged lymph nodes can lead to asphyxia. The pathogen toxin is fixed on the membranes of the cells of the heart muscle, kidneys, adrenal glands and nerve ganglia and destroys them.

Rice. 9. Pathogens staphylococcal infection. Pathogenic staphylococci cause extensive damage to the skin and its appendages, damage to many internal organs, food poisoning, enteritis and colitis, sepsis and toxic shock.

Rice. 10. Meningococci - pathogens meningococcal infection. Up to 80% of cases are children. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets from sick and healthy carriers of bacteria.

Rice. 11. Bordetella pertussis.

Rice. 12. The causative agent of scarlet fever is streptococcus pyogenes.

Harmful bacteria of water microflora

Water is the habitat for many microbes. In 1 cm3 of water you can count up to 1 million microbial bodies. Pathogenic microorganisms enter water from industrial enterprises, settlements And livestock farms. Water containing pathogenic microbes can become a source dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever tularemia, leptospirosis, etc. Vibrio cholerae and can remain in water for quite a long time.

Rice. 13. Shigella. Pathogens cause bacillary dysentery. Shigella destroys the epithelium of the colon mucosa, causing severe ulcerative colitis. Their toxins affect the myocardium, nervous and vascular systems.

Rice. 14. . Vibrios do not destroy the cells of the mucous layer of the small intestine, but are located on their surface. They secrete a toxin called choleragen, the action of which leads to disruption of water-salt metabolism, causing the body to lose up to 30 liters of fluid per day.

Rice. 15. Salmonella is the causative agent of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever. Affects epithelium and lymphoid elements small intestine. With the blood flow they enter bone marrow, spleen and gallbladder, from which the pathogens again enter the small intestine. As a result of immune inflammation, the wall of the small intestine ruptures and peritonitis occurs.

Rice. 16. Causative agents of tularemia (coccobacteria blue color). They affect the respiratory tract and intestines. They have the ability to penetrate the human body through intact skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, nasopharynx, larynx and intestines. The peculiarity of the disease is damage to the lymph nodes (primary bubo).

Rice. 17. Leptospira. Amazing capillary network human, often liver, kidneys and muscles. The disease is called infectious jaundice.

Harmful bacteria of soil microflora

Billions of “bad” bacteria live in the soil. In a 30-centimeter thickness of 1 hectare of land there are up to 30 tons of bacteria. Possessing a powerful set of enzymes, they are engaged in the breakdown of proteins into amino acids, thereby taking an active part in the processes of decay. However, these bacteria bring a lot of trouble to humans. Thanks to the activity of these microbes, food spoils very quickly. Man learned to protect food long-term storage by sterilization, salting, smoking and freezing. Some types of these bacteria can spoil even salted and frozen foods. enter the soil from sick animals and humans. Some types of bacteria and fungi stay in the soil for decades. This is facilitated by the ability of these microorganisms to form spores, which for many years protect them from adverse environmental conditions. They cause the most dangerous diseases - anthrax, botulism, and tetanus.

Rice. 18. Pathogen anthrax. It remains in the soil in a spore-like state for decades. Especially dangerous disease. Its second name is malignant carbuncle. The prognosis of the disease is unfavorable.

Rice. 19. The causative agent of botulism produces a powerful toxin. 1 microgram of this poison kills a person. Botulinum toxin affects the nervous system, oculomotor nerves, up to paralysis and cranial nerves. The mortality rate from botulism reaches 60%.

Rice. 20. The causative agents of gas gangrene multiply very quickly in soft tissues the body without access to air, causing severe damage. Preserves in a spore-like state in the external environment long time.

Rice. 21. Putrefactive bacteria.

Rice. 22. Damage to food products by putrefactive bacteria.

Harmful bacteria that damage wood

A number of bacteria and fungi intensively decompose fiber, playing an important sanitary role. However, among them there are bacteria that cause serious illnesses animals. Molds destroy wood. Wood staining mushrooms paint wood in different colors. House mushroom leads the wood to a rotten state. As a result of the vital activity of this fungus, wooden buildings are destroyed. The activity of these fungi causes great damage in the destruction of livestock buildings.

Rice. 23. The photo shows how the house fungus destroyed the wooden floor beams.

Rice. 24. Spoiled appearance logs (blue staining) affected by wood staining fungus.

Rice. 25. House mushroom Merulius Lacrimans. a – cotton wool mycelium; b – young fruiting body; c – old fruiting body; d – old mycelium, cords and wood rot.

Harmful bacteria in food

Products contaminated dangerous bacteria, become a source intestinal diseases: typhoid fever, salmonellosis, cholera, dysentery etc. Toxins that are released staphylococci and botulism bacilli, cause toxic infections. Cheeses and all dairy products may be affected butyric acid bacteria, which cause butyric acid fermentation, resulting in products appearing bad smell and color. Vinegar sticks cause acetic fermentation, which leads to sour wine and beer. Bacteria and micrococci that cause rotting contain proteolytic enzymes that break down proteins, which gives products a foul-smelling odor and bitter taste. Products become covered in mold as a result of damage to mold fungi.

Rice. 26. Bread affected by mold.

Rice. 27. Cheese affected by mold and putrefactive bacteria.

Rice. 28. “Wild yeast” Pichia pastoris. The photo was taken at 600x magnification. The worst pest of beer. Found everywhere in nature.

Harmful bacteria that decompose dietary fats

Butyric acid microbes are everywhere. 25 of their species cause butyric acid fermentation. Life activity fat-digesting bacteria leads to rancidity of the oil. Under their influence, soybean and sunflower seeds become rancid. Butyric acid fermentation, which is caused by these microbes, spoils the silage, and it is poorly eaten by livestock. And wet grain and hay, infected with butyric acid microbes, self-heats. The moisture contained in butter, is a good environment for breeding putrefactive bacteria and yeast mushrooms. Because of this, the oil deteriorates not only outside, but also inside. If the oil is stored for a long time, then it can settle on its surface. mold fungi.

Rice. 29. Caviar oil affected by fat-splitting bacteria.

Harmful bacteria affecting eggs and egg products

Bacteria and fungi penetrate into eggs through the pores of the outer shell and its damage. Most often, eggs are infected with salmonella bacteria and molds, egg powdersalmonella and .

Rice. 30. Spoiled eggs.

Harmful bacteria in canned food

for humans are toxins botulinum bacillus and perfringens bacillus. Their spores exhibit high heat resistance, which allows microbes to remain viable after pasteurization of canned food. Being inside the jar, without access to oxygen, they begin to multiply. This releases carbon dioxide and hydrogen, which causes the jar to swell. Eating such a product causes severe food toxicosis, which is characterized by extreme severe course and often ends in the death of the patient. Canned meat and vegetables are amazing acetic acid bacteria, As a result, the contents of the canned food sour. Development does not cause bloating of canned food, since staphylococcus does not produce gases.

Rice. 31. Canned meat affected by acetic acid bacteria, as a result of which the contents of the cans turn sour.

Rice. 32. Swollen canned food may contain botulinum bacilli and perfringens bacilli. The jar is inflated by carbon dioxide, which is released by bacteria during reproduction.

Harmful bacteria in grain products and bread

Ergot and other molds that infect grains are the most dangerous for humans. The toxins of these mushrooms are heat stable and are not destroyed by baking. Toxicoses caused by the consumption of such products are severe. Torment, stricken lactic acid bacteria, has bad taste and a specific smell, lumpy in appearance. Already baked bread is affected Bacillus subtilis(Bac. subtilis) or “gravid disease”. The bacilli secrete enzymes that break down bread starch, which is manifested, first, by an odor not characteristic of bread, and then by the stickiness and viscousness of the bread crumb. Green, white and capitate mold affects already baked bread. It spreads through the air.

Rice. 33. In the photo there is purple ergot. Low doses of ergot cause severe pain, mental disorders And aggressive behavior. High doses Ergot causes painful death. Its action is associated with muscle contraction under the influence of fungal alkaloids.

Rice. 34. Mold mycelium.

Rice. 35. Spores of green, white and capitate molds can fall from the air onto already baked bread and infect it.

Harmful bacteria that affect fruits, vegetables and berries

Fruits, vegetables and berries are seeded soil bacteria, molds and yeast, which cause intestinal infections. The mycotoxin patulin, which is secreted mushrooms of the genus Penicillium, capable of causing cancer in humans. Yersinia enterocolitica causes the disease yersiniosis or pseudotuberculosis, which affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract and other organs and systems.

Rice. 36. Damage to berries by mold fungi.

Rice. 37. Skin lesions due to yersiniosis.

Harmful bacteria enter the human body through food, air, wounds and mucous membranes. The severity of diseases caused by pathogenic microbes depends on the poisons they produce and the toxins that arise when they die en masse. Over the course of thousands of years, they have acquired many adaptations that allow them to penetrate and remain in the tissues of a living organism and resist immunity.

Explore harmful influence microorganisms on the body and develop preventive measures- this is the task of man!

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Bacteria are microorganisms that form a huge invisible world around and inside us. Because of the harmful effects they cause, they are notorious, while the beneficial effects they cause are rarely talked about. This article gives general description some bad and good bacteria.

“During the first half of geological time, our ancestors were bacteria. Most creatures are still bacteria, and each of our trillions of cells is a colony of bacteria." - Richard Dawkins.

Bacteria- the most ancient living organisms on Earth are omnipresent. Human body, the air we breathe, the surfaces we touch, the food we eat, the plants around us, our habitat, etc. - all this is inhabited by bacteria.

Approximately 99% of these bacteria are beneficial, while the rest have a bad reputation. In fact, some bacteria are very important for the proper development of other living organisms. They can exist either on their own or in symbiosis with animals and plants.

The following list of harmful and beneficial bacteria includes some of the most well-known beneficial and deadly bacteria.

Beneficial bacteria

Lactic acid bacteria/Dederlein rods

Characteristic: gram-positive, rod-shaped.

Habitat: Varieties of lactic acid bacteria are present in milk and dairy products, fermented foods, and are also part of the microflora of the mouth, intestines and vagina. The most predominant species are L. acidophilus, L. reuteri, L. plantarum, etc.

Benefit: Lactic acid bacteria are known for their ability to use lactose and produce lactic acid as by-product life activity. This ability to ferment lactose makes lactic acid bacteria an important ingredient in the preparation of fermented foods. They are also an integral part of the brining process, as lactic acid can serve as a preservative. Through what is called fermentation, yogurt is obtained from milk. Certain strains are even used to make yoghurts in industrial scale. In mammals, lactic acid bacteria help break down lactose during the digestive process. Arising as a result acidic environment prevents the growth of other bacteria in body tissues. Therefore, lactic acid bacteria are an important component of probiotic preparations.


Characteristic: gram-positive, branched, rod-shaped.

Habitat: Bifidobacteria are present in gastrointestinal tract person.

Benefit: Like lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria also produce lactic acid. In addition they produce acetic acid. This acid inhibits growth pathogenic bacteria, controlling the pH level in the intestines. The bacterium B. longum, a species of bifidobacteria, helps break down difficult-to-digest plant polymers. B. longum and B. infantis bacteria help prevent diarrhea, candidiasis and even fungal infections in infants and children. Due to these beneficial properties, they are also often included in probiotic preparations sold in pharmacies.

Escherichia coli (E. coli)


Habitat: E. coli is part normal microflora large and small intestines.

Benefit: E. coli helps in breaking down undigested monosaccharides, thus aiding digestion. This bacterium produces vitamin K and biotin, which are essential for various cellular processes.

Note: Certain strains of E. coli can cause serious toxic effects, diarrhea, anemia, and kidney failure.


Characteristic: gram-positive, filamentous.

Habitat: These bacteria are present in soil, water and decomposing organic matter Oh.

Benefit: Certain streptomycetes (Streptomyces spp.) play important role in soil ecology, carrying out the decomposition of organic substances present in it. For this reason, they are being studied as a bioremediation agent. S. aureofaciens, S. rimosus, S. griseus, S. erythraeus and S. venezuelae are commercially important species that are used to produce antibacterial and antifungal compounds.

Mycorrhizae/Nodule bacteria


Habitat: Mycorrhizae are present in the soil, existing in symbiosis with the root nodules of leguminous plants.

Benefit: Bacteria Rhizobium etli, Bradyrhizobium spp., Azorhizobium spp. and many other varieties are useful for fixing atmospheric nitrogen, including ammonia. This process makes this substance available to plants. Plants do not have the ability to use atmospheric nitrogen and depend on nitrogen-fixing bacteria present in the soil.


Characteristic: gram-negative, rod-shaped.

Habitat: Cyanobacteria are primarily aquatic bacteria, but they are also found on bare rocks and in soil.

Benefit: Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are a group of bacteria that are very important for environment. They fix nitrogen in aquatic environment. Their calcification and decalcification abilities make them important for maintaining balance in the coral reef ecosystem.

Harmful bacteria


Characteristic: are neither gram-positive nor gram-negative (due to high content lipids), rod-shaped.

Diseases: Mycobacteria are pathogens that have a long doubling time. M. tuberculosis and M. leprae, their most dangerous varieties, are the causative agents of tuberculosis and leprosy, respectively. M. ulcerans causes ulcerated and non-ulcerated nodules on the skin. M. bovis can cause tuberculosis in livestock.

Tetanus bacillus


Habitat: Tetanus bacillus spores are found in soil, on the skin, and in the digestive tract.

Diseases: Tetanus bacillus is the causative agent of tetanus. It enters the body through a wound, multiplies there and releases toxins, particularly tetanospasmin (also known as a spasmogenic toxin) and tetanolysin. This leads to muscle spasms and respiratory failure.

Plague stick

Characteristic: gram-negative, rod-shaped.

Habitat: The plague bacillus can survive only in the body of the host, in particular in the body of rodents (fleas) and mammals.

Diseases: The plague bacillus causes bubonic plague and plague pneumonia. Skin infection, caused by this bacterium, takes bubonic form, characterized by malaise, fever, chills and even convulsions. Lung infection caused by a pathogen bubonic plague, leads to plague pneumonia, cough-inducing, difficulty breathing and fever. According to WHO, between 1,000 and 3,000 cases of plague occur worldwide each year. The plague pathogen is recognized and studied as a potential biological weapon.

Helicobacter pylori

Characteristic: gram-negative, rod-shaped.

Habitat: Helicobacter pylori colonizes the human gastric mucosa.

Diseases: This bacterium is the main cause of gastritis and peptic ulcers. It produces cytotoxins and ammonia that damage the gastric epithelium, causing abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and bloating. Helicobacter pylori is present in half the world's population, but most people remain asymptomatic, and only a few develop gastritis and ulcers.

Anthrax bacillus

Characteristic: gram-positive, rod-shaped.

Habitat: Anthrax bacillus is widespread in the soil.

Diseases: Anthrax infection results in a fatal disease called anthrax. Infection occurs as a result of inhalation of endospores of anthrax bacillus. Anthrax mainly occurs in sheep, goats, cattle cattle etc. However, in in rare cases bacteria are transmitted from livestock to a person. The most common symptoms of anthrax are sores, fever, headache, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, etc.

We are surrounded by bacteria, some of them harmful, others beneficial. And it depends only on us how effectively we coexist with these tiny living organisms. It is up to us to benefit from beneficial bacteria by avoiding excess and inappropriate use antibiotics, and stay away from harmful bacteria by taking appropriate preventive measures, such as maintaining personal hygiene and undergoing routine medical examinations.


These microorganisms, or at least some of them, deserve to be treated well, because many bacteria are friendly to our bodies - in fact, they are beneficial bacteria and live in our bodies constantly, bringing only benefits. Over the past few years, scientists have discovered that of all the bacteria that live in our bodies, a minority are harmful to our health. In fact, most of the bacteria found in our bodies are beneficial to us.

Thanks to the Human Microbiome Project, a list of five beneficial bacteria that live in our bodies was compiled and made public. Although there are pathogenic strains of some of the bacteria, these types are quite rare. It should also be noted that even beneficial strains of these bacteria, if they are present in people with a severely weakened immune system and/or enter a part of the body where they should not be, can cause illness. However, this does not happen very often. Here is a list of five beneficial bacteria that live in our bodies:

1. Bifidobacterium longum

This microorganism is found in large quantities in the intestines of infants. They produce several acids that make the intestinal microflora toxic to many pathogenic bacteria. Thus, beneficial bacteria Bifidobacterium longum serves to protect people from various diseases.

People cannot digest many molecules of plant food on their own. Present in the gastrointestinal tract, the bacteria Bacteroides thetaiotamicron break down such molecules. This allows people to digest the components present in plant foods. Without these beneficial bacteria, vegetarians would be in trouble.

3. Lactobacillus Johnsonii

This bacterium has vital important for people and especially for children. It is located in the intestines and greatly facilitates the process of milk absorption.

4. Escherichia coli

Escherichia coli bacteria synthesize vital important vitamin K in the human gastrointestinal tract. The abundance of this vitamin allows the human blood clotting mechanism to function normally. This vitamin is also necessary for normal operation liver, kidneys and gall bladder, metabolism and normal absorption of calcium.

5. Viridans Streptococci

These beneficial bacteria multiply rapidly in the throat. Although people are not born with them, over time, after a person is born, these bacteria find a way to enter the body. They reproduce there so well that they leave very little room for other, more harmful bacteria to colonize, thereby protecting the human body from disease.

How to protect beneficial bacteria from death

We need to use antibiotics only as a last resort because antibacterial drugs in addition to pathogenic microorganisms, they also destroy beneficial microflora, as a result of which an imbalance occurs in our bodies and diseases develop. Apart from this, you can also start regularly consuming fermented foods that are rich in beneficial strains of microorganisms (good bacteria), such as sauerkraut and other vegetables, fermented milk products(yogurt, kefir), kombucha, miso, tempeh, etc.

Washing your hands is necessary, but don't wash your hands too much. antibacterial soap, since this one also contributes to the development of bacterial imbalance in the body.

The collection of bacteria that inhabit human body, has a common name - microbiota. In the normal, healthy human microflora there are several million bacteria. Each of them plays an important role for normal functioning human body.

In the absence of any type of beneficial bacteria, a person begins to get sick, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, respiratory tract. Beneficial bacteria for humans are concentrated on the skin, in the intestines, and on the mucous membranes of the body. The number of microorganisms is regulated by the immune system.

Normally, the human body contains both beneficial and pathogenic microflora. Bacteria can be beneficial or pathogenic.

There are many more beneficial bacteria. They make up 99% of total number microorganisms.

In this situation, the necessary balance is maintained.

Among different types bacteria living on the human body can be distinguished:

  • bifidobacteria;
  • lactobacilli;
  • enterococci;
  • coli.


This type of microorganism is the most common and is involved in the production of lactic acid and acetate. It creates an acidic environment, thereby neutralizing most pathogenic microbes. Pathogenic flora ceases to develop and cause processes of rotting and fermentation.

Bifidobacteria play an important role in the life of a child, since they are responsible for the presence allergic reaction for any food products. In addition, they have an antioxidant effect and prevent the development of tumors.

The synthesis of vitamin C is not complete without the participation of bifidobacteria. In addition, there is information that bifidobacteria help to absorb vitamins D and B, which are necessary for a person to function normally. If there is a deficiency of bifidobacteria, even taking synthetic vitamins this group will not bring any results.


This group of microorganisms is also important for human health. Thanks to their interaction with other inhabitants of the intestine, the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms is blocked, pathogens are suppressed intestinal infections.

Lactobacilli are involved in the formation of lactic acid, lysocine, and bacteriocins. This great help immune system. If there is a deficiency of these bacteria in the intestines, then dysbiosis develops very quickly.

Lactobacilli populate not only the intestines, but also the mucous membranes. So these microorganisms are important for women's health. They maintain the acidity of the vaginal environment and prevent development.

Escherichia coli

Not all types of E. coli are pathogenic. Most of them do the opposite protective function. The usefulness of the genus lies in the synthesis of cocilin, which actively resists the bulk of pathogenic microflora.

These bacteria are useful for the synthesis different groups vitamins, folic and nicotinic acid. Their role in health should not be underestimated. For example, folic acid necessary for the production of red blood cells and maintenance normal level hemoglobin.


They help absorb sucrose. Inhabited mainly in small intestine, they, like other beneficial non-pathogenic bacteria, provide protection against excessive proliferation of harmful elements. At the same time, enterococci are considered to be relatively safe bacteria.

If they start to exceed acceptable standards, various bacterial diseases develop. The list of diseases is very long. Starting from intestinal infections, ending with meningococcal.

Positive effects of bacteria on the body

Useful properties non-pathogenic bacteria are very diverse. As long as there is a balance between the inhabitants of the intestines and mucous membranes, the human body functions normally.

Most bacteria are involved in the synthesis and breakdown of vitamins. Without their presence, B vitamins are not absorbed by the intestines, which leads to disorders nervous system, skin diseases, decreased hemoglobin.

The bulk of undigested food components that reach the large intestine are broken down precisely by bacteria. In addition, microorganisms ensure consistency water-salt metabolism. More than half of all microflora is involved in the regulation of absorption fatty acids, hormones.

The intestinal microflora forms local immunity. This is where the destruction of the bulk occurs pathogenic organisms, the harmful microbe is blocked.

Accordingly, people do not feel bloating and flatulence. An increase in lymphocytes provokes active phagocytes to fight the enemy, stimulating the production of immunoglobulin A.

Useful not pathogenic microorganisms have a positive effect on the walls of the small and large intestines. They maintain a constant level of acidity there, stimulate the lymphoid apparatus, the epithelium becomes resistant to various carcinogens.

Intestinal peristalsis also largely depends on what microorganisms are in it. Suppressing the processes of decay and fermentation is one of the main tasks of bifidobacteria. Many microorganisms develop for many years in symbiosis with pathogenic bacteria, thereby controlling them.

Biochemical reactions that constantly occur with bacteria release a lot of thermal energy, maintaining the overall thermal balance of the body. Microorganisms feed on undigested residues.


Dysbacteriosis is a change in the quantitative and qualitative composition of bacteria in the human body . At the same time beneficial organisms die, and harmful ones actively reproduce.

Dysbacteriosis affects not only the intestines, but also the mucous membranes (there may be dysbacteriosis oral cavity, vagina). The names that will prevail in the analyzes are: streptococcus, staphylococcus, micrococcus.

IN in good condition beneficial bacteria regulate the development of pathogenic microflora. Skin, the respiratory organs are usually under reliable protection. When the balance is disturbed a person feels following symptoms: intestinal flatulence, bloating, abdominal pain, upset.

Later, weight loss, anemia, and vitamin deficiency may begin. From the reproductive system are observed copious discharge, often accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Irritation, roughness, and cracks appear on the skin. Dysbacteriosis side effect after taking antibiotics.

If you notice such symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor, who will prescribe a set of measures to restore normal microflora. This often requires taking probiotics.