determined on the basis of studies on models taking into account field measurements. Reconstruction with modernization

(From the book “About people and for people”)

The winter heating season is ending. For plant power plant workers, summer is a time of intense preparatory work. After all, CHPP-PVS is the “heart” of not only the plant, but also the entire village! And this constantly working and never stopping “heart” warms us, pushing life-giving warmth through steam and water heating pipes, illuminating with electric light not only our homes and factory workshops, but also our souls, makes complex equipment work, without which it would freeze not only the plant, but also the village.
At one of the operational meetings, the general director of our plant, Alexey Alekseevich Tretyak, expressed a very interesting idea that our plant should grow stronger not only from increasing the quantity and improving the quality of the metal produced, but also from increasing the production of electricity and heat, selling these products to the city energy system . What tasks is the team of TPP-PVS solving today in connection with this statement? The editors of the Kosogorets newspaper asked the chief engineer of the power plant, V. A. Isaev, to answer this question.

A.I. Bocharov: Winter is over. What is the condition of the power plant today?
V. A. Isaev: Today, the team at TPP-PVS is working quite satisfactorily, we have worked well and winter period. We didn't have major accidents, we eliminated minor failures promptly
In a word, there were no complaints against us, either from in-plant consumers or from residents of the village, the city of Tula and the Tula City Council. The heating season is coming to an end today. And we, I am sure, will complete it well.
A.I. Bocharov: Summer is the time for repairs?!
V. A. Isaev: Yes. The most crucial period of our work is coming. Time to prepare for the next one heating season. And this summer a lot of work will be done to overhaul the main energy equipment. In particular, in the boiler department, where a major overhaul of steam boilers will be carried out: the first and fourth. As well as the KVGM water heating boiler. In addition, the construction of a new boiler No. 5 must be completed. And it must be commissioned by the new heating season.
A major overhaul of the boiler units is planned in the engine room. Those that directly supply heat to residents of villages and cities. And overhaul of turbogenerator No. 2. The turbogenerator is also our main equipment. This is electricity generation. But in winter, steam is also supplied from the heating outlets for heating.
A. I. Bocharov: Will the work completed allow increasing the production of heat and electricity?
V. A. Isaev: Of course, good equipment and it works better! But in addition, together with the blast furnace and gas shops, we are developing a set of measures to save energy resources.
In particular, these activities are related to taking into account the commissioning (as planned on May 15!) of blast furnace No. 3 after its overhaul. When it operates, the output of blast furnace gas will naturally increase. And so that it does not go to waste, is not burned in a “candle”, the team at the CHPP-PVA will make every effort to burn it in boilers. This will reduce the need for expensive natural gas and consume less of it in the production of electricity and heat. That is, using our own blast furnace gas. It is also a secondary product of blast furnaces.
A. I. Bocharov: What will need to be done for this?
V. A. Isaev: These measures have not only been developed today, but part of the work on them has already begun. Just yesterday, steam boiler No. 2 was launched. It was stopped for the purpose of carrying out work to increase its capacity to accept more blast furnace gas.
However, we have a problem here too. Gas comes to us, unfortunately, wet, with a large share dustiness, which leads to clogging of both the blast furnace gas pipelines themselves and the heating surfaces of boilers and burners that burn this gas.
A. I. Bocharov: What is the condition of the burners and gas pipelines now?
V. A. Isaev: We completely cleaned the part of the gas pipeline that connects the boiler to the main gas pipeline. We can even safely say now that the boiler is operating normally. And the consumption of blast furnace gas has already increased today. According to our modest calculations and estimates - twenty-five percent!
The same work will be carried out in the summer, during major repairs of the first and fourth boilers. And by the beginning of the heating season, we will shut down the third boiler for maintenance, during which we will clean both the boiler and the gas pipelines.
The issue of saving energy resources is large and important, complex, which can only be solved by the entire plant team. And we work together: blast furnace, gas shops and combined heat and power plant. That is, issues will still be worked out to improve the purification of blast furnace gas, its drying, in order to avoid its deposits inside the boilers.
A. I. Bocharov: If we talk about savings, is it impossible not to notice the issue of saving heat during its transportation?
V. A. Isaev: Of course not! Yes, we have a lot of work to do in the summer to insulate heating mains. Both on the factory territory and those that bring heat to Tula. The plant's management will contact the city administration with an offer of assistance in thermal insulation of heating mains going to Tula.
Now these heating mains have practically no thermal insulation coating, which leads to large heat losses in winter. And this, in turn, leads to more intense work of the combined heat and power plant. We have to spend it on heating the southern region of the city of Tula large quantities heat, resulting in excessive fuel consumption.
This work is planned to be carried out by our repair and construction department. To pay off payments to the city budget. Well, the repair of heating mains of steam mains on the territory of the TPP-PVS plant will be carried out on its own, by its own repair teams. On the territory of the village, the repair of heating mains and their thermal insulation will be carried out by teams from the housing and communal services department.
A. I. Bocharov: Which teams of your workshop, that is, the power plant, will be busy with repairs?
V. A. Isaev: As I already said, the important time for major repairs begins. And their high-quality, fastest implementation, of course, depends on people, their professional excellence, attitude to business.
TPP-PVS has wonderful specialists! For example, a repair site, led by a very responsible person - Viktor Vladimirovich Zimin, is a friendly, close-knit team, which will bear the brunt of the repairs carried out.
And in the boiler department, workers in the repair area will be assisted by colleagues from the boiler department under the leadership of foreman Yuri Vasilyevich Gvaskov, also a wonderful specialist and person.
I cannot help but name such specialists in this regard high class, like Alexander Andreevich Muratov, Nikolai Petrovich Ganichev, Evgeniy Vasilievich Klyuchnikov, Viktor Mikhailovich Soshnikov, Alexander Pozdnyakov, Nikolai Samoshkin, and many others.

They say about some people: a talented leader, a good organizer. And few people understand what is contained in these words. Even psychologists have developed at least a dozen very different theories on this matter, which, however, agree on the main thing. In a talented leader, they highlight a quality called charisma, in other words, it is a special will that allows you to unite people around you. Second is the ability to make the right decisions in difficult situations. Third, high professionalism, and without it, of course, there would be no trust in the manager. And, perhaps, the most important thing is the ability to take on responsibility, which to an ordinary person not even a nightmare. “Tulachermet” is lucky in this regard - among our managers there are mostly people who fully correspond to such characteristics. It is gratifying that one of the most important production facilities of the plant - CHPP-PVS - is headed by just such a person - Vladimir Ivanovich Kvachenko. Today he is visiting our newspaper. - Vladimir Ivanovich, I know that under your leadership the TPP-PVS was brought out of a decadent state. Tell us about that period.
- I am not inclined to take credit for all the laurels. The credit for the work that was done at the CHPP-PVS in the past decade belongs both to the plant management and shareholders, and to the CHPP team itself. I was required to rally the team of the unit, discipline, set tasks and demand their implementation. I didn’t come to TPP-PVS as a newbie. Before that, he worked in Siberia for 24 years, first at the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant in Novokuznetsk, then in Kemerovo at OJSC Koks. All the years in the energy sector, he went through the stages from foreman to deputy shop manager and technologist. He came to Tula in 2001, was appointed deputy head of the thermal power plant, and soon as head.
- In fact, from the first days you participated in the restoration of production with the arrival of new management at Tulachermet?
- Those were the times when the greatest difficulties occurred. There is nothing to hide, by the beginning of the 2000s, production was, as they say, brought to a head. And not only at the thermal power plant, but in almost all departments of the plant. Nobody knew what discipline was, sloppiness and sloppiness flourished, alcohol was almost openly sold on the territory of the plant. Production capacity was in decline. The area was littered, the roads were destroyed - there was a ditch on a ditch, and a lot of some kind of heated vehicles had been built. The wear and tear of equipment at the thermal power plant exceeded 80 percent.
It took a lot of effort to turn the situation around. They began to establish discipline, set about re-equipping and eventually achieved good results. For example, before me, boiler No. 8 was built at the thermal power plant for eleven years. There was an opinion that construction should be stopped altogether and the boiler should be dismantled. But then, after consulting with specialists, with Rostechnadzor, we decided to restore it. Built in 4 months. I would like to especially note its launch, since the boiler provides not only the plant’s own needs, but also supplies heat to the Proletarsky district. But it is in Proletarskoe that a lot of metallurgists live.
Today, the percentage of worn-out equipment at CHPP-PVS has been reduced to 64, which is already acceptable. Although this figure is not the last, we will continue to improve the indicator. And the entire plant has been completely transformed over the years. I had to visit metallurgical plants in Germany. So today Tulachermet is not inferior to the best European metallurgical plants not only in production and environmental indicators, but also in the aesthetics of production. Everything is paved, there are paving stones everywhere, lawns, buildings are in decent shape. It looks more like city streets.
Only in recent years a lot has been done at the thermal power plant to eliminate the expert’s comments industrial safety. The service life was extended for 4 years after the overhaul of turbogenerator No. 5. We replaced the exhausted steam transfer pipelines of the same TG-5, transfer and feed pipelines, and a high-speed reduction-cooling unit. We have completed the conversion of technological equipment from a voltage of 3.15 to 6 kilovolts. And this means reducing losses in electrical circuits and simplifying repairs. In 2009, turbogenerator No. 3 was put into operation with modern means management. Recently we began dismantling and subsequent overhaul of the turbocharger-1700.
- You were sent to other areas of the plant, and there you also achieved success.
- Over the course of 10 years, I had the opportunity to go through almost all the main productions. He was the head of the blast furnace shop, the head of the sinter blast furnace production, the head production department, Deputy Manager for Capital Construction, Director of Production. But in the end he was again appointed head of the thermal power plant-PVS.
- CHPP-PVS itself is like a decent plant in terms of production volumes. No wonder it is considered the heart of Tulachermet. Tell us what is the structure of your production today?
- Over the past decade, CHPP-PVS has undergone some changes in the organizational structure and personnel policy. Rotation and optimization of production made it possible to reduce the number of employees to 253 people. Labor productivity has increased significantly. Today, the team provides the plant and third-party consumers with energy resources in full. Production is organized, so to speak, according to demand. Currently, the thermal power plant has four main sections, which were previously rightfully called workshops. The first in the technological chain is chemical. There, water is filtered, clarified, softened, and desalted. It is headed by a very experienced specialist - Galina Vasilievna Bodrova. In the structure of the site there is a laboratory chemical analysis, oil laboratory and express laboratory. The commander of this farm is Elena Vladimirovna Spiridonova. Next is the boiler section. Energy boilers are installed here: hot water boilers, medium pressure boilers and high pressure. The head of the site is Mikhail Aleksandrovich Rumyantsev, the senior foreman is Alexander Evgenievich Romanov. Both are highly professional workers. The turbine section is no less important. This is where electricity is generated; blowers, compressors and generators operate in the turbine room. The boss there is Valery Aleksandrovich Terekhov, a former submarine officer. And finally, the electrical section, where electricity is distributed and metered, current is synchronized with external networks, and the operation of generators and transformers is monitored and controlled. It is headed by one of Tulachermet’s most experienced electricians, Nikolai Ivanovich Sashilin.
- They say that you are a strict leader. Figuratively speaking, in order for iron to work well, people must also be iron?
- Metallurgy is metallurgy. It is akin to military production. Discipline must be ironclad. This benefits everyone – including the conscientious worker. But at the same time, you cannot tighten the nuts all the way. There should also be encouragement, and here it is important not only kind word, but above all, a good salary.
- Probably, the prospects for the development of CHP-PVS for the coming years are already being looked at?
- This year we intend to complete the overhaul of the TK-1700 turbocompressor, we have already started dismantling the foundation, new equipment is waiting in the warehouse. In addition, we began examining the foundation of generator No. 2. Foundation design and installation are planned. One can also say about the upcoming major renovation of the main building of the thermal power plant. For these purposes, the plant management allocated 11 million rubles. Longer-term plans: replacement of two medium-pressure boilers that have exhausted their resources - an examination for renewal must be done annually. This is a very important sector of production, providing energy for blowers.
- Good luck to you and your team.

Alexander KUZNETSOV.


Theoretical part

1 Energy management of CherMK OJSC Severstal

2 Description of the existing situation

3 Characteristics of equipment of the first stage of TPP-EVS-2 OJSC Severstal

3.1 Main thermal power equipment

3.2 General characteristics thermal diagram of TPP-EVS-2

3.3 General characteristics of the electrical circuit of TPP-EVS-2

3.4 Characteristics of steam turbines TPP-EVS-2

3.5 Cogeneration plant

3.6 Characteristics of steam boilers TPP-EVS-2

3.7 Peak hot water boilers KVGM-100 st. No. 1, 2

4 Fuel mode of CHPP-EVS-2

5 Characteristics of the main equipment of stage II of TPP-EVS-2

5.1 Energy boiler E-500-13.8-560 GDP (TPGE-431)

5.2 Steam turbine T-110/120-130-5

5.3 Characteristics of the gas turbine SGT 800, Siemens

6 Review of periodical literature

Calculation part

1 Calculation of the thermal circuit of a gas turbine unit with cooling

1.1 Initial data

1.2 Determination of the parameters of the working fluid in the compressor

1.3 Thermal calculation of the main parameters of the gas turbine combustion chamber

1.4 Determination of the parameters of the working fluid in a gas turbine

1.5 Calculation of energy indicators of gas turbine plants

1.6 Calculation of the cooling system

2 Calculation of complete fuel combustion

3 Calculation of the thermal circuit of PGU-S (discharge type)

Organizational and economic section

1 Calculation of technical and economic indicators

1.1 Calculation of capital investments

1.2 Cost calculation standard fuel for equipment operation

1.3 Calculation of economic effect

1.4 Calculation of payback period and economic efficiency ratio

Life safety

1 Analysis of working conditions

2 Measures to ensure safe and healthy working conditions

3 Calculation of noise characteristics

4 Measures to ensure the sustainability of the facility in emergency situations

Ecological part


List of sources used


Cherepovets Iron and Steel Works OJSC Severstal is one of the world's largest vertically integrated steel and mining companies. One of the advantages of CherMK is its geographical location. Cherepovets, where the plant was built, is located at the junction of three economic regions: European North, North-West and Center of Russia.

OJSC Severstal, open to everything new in the field of metallurgical equipment and technologies, is the largest developer and supplier of technologies in the intellectual property market. In terms of the number of patents received for inventions, the company is one of the leaders in Russian metallurgy. The bulk of inventions were obtained for new grades of steel, new technologies for their production, improvement of metallurgical equipment and the design of new units. In addition, the strategic direction of CherMK OJSC Severstal is the introduction of new technologies, progressive, both from the point of view of creating competitive products and environmental safety. combined heat and power plant gas turbine

The Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant includes eight types of production: sintering, coke-chemical, blast furnace, steel-smelting, hot-rolled flat products, cold-rolled products, section rolling and pipes.

Meeting the needs of the metallurgical plant for electrical and thermal energy, their rational use, ensuring reliable and uninterrupted operation energy and electrical equipment, is handled by the Department chief power engineer(UGE).

UGE includes the following workshops: CHPP-PVS, CHPP-EVS-2, TSC, gas workshop, oxygen workshop, water supply workshop, power supply workshop, energy saving center.

At CherMK OJSC Severstal there is a shortage of both steam for technological needs (in winter) and electricity. If we look at it in percentage terms, the plant’s need for electricity is covered by approximately 65% ​​from its own producers (CHP-EVS-2 accounts for 25%, CHPP-PVS 35%, thermal power shop 3%, gas shop 2%), the remaining 35% of electricity is purchased. Generating additional power is always more expedient, because additional fuel costs are less than the cost of additional purchased electricity. In addition, the repair cycles of the main equipment do not correspond to each other (overhaul: boiler - 3 years, turbine - 4 years). This determines the need to expand CHPP-EVS-2.

One solution to this problem may be to install a CCGT unit with gas discharge into the boiler furnace. One of the advantages of this installation is that gases having elevated temperature, and therefore the heat consumption for heating the flue gases is reduced, this is the reason for the increase in the efficiency of the entire combined installation.

1. Theoretical part

1 Energy management of CherMK OJSC Severstal

The energy sector of CherMK OJSC Severstal is a complex energy complex, the structure of which includes 9 energy shops.

CHPP-EVS-2 - combined heat and power plant electric blower station No. 2 - is a structural division of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant OJSC Severstal and is part of the departments of the chief power engineer of the production directorate.

The main objectives of CHPP-EVS-2 are:

generation of electricity for the workshops of OJSC Severstal;

heat release with steam for production needs;

heat release from hot water for district heating of OJSC Severstal;

production of chemically purified water for technological needs;

use (disposal) of flammable waste from metallurgical production (blast furnace and coke oven gases, industrial products after coal processing);

supply of blowing required parameters blast furnaces No.5(4).

The installed electrical capacity is 160 MW; thermal: for steam - 370 t/hour, for hot water- 360 Gcal/hour.

The operating mode of the CHPP-EVS-2 units is 24 hours a day.

A combined scheme for generating electrical and thermal energy.

CHPP-EVS-2 provides the technological needs of Severstal OJSC with heat and electricity and other resources, avoids deep limitations in electricity from the system, the possibility of commissioning new facilities, development, reconstruction and permission of existing production facilities.

CHPP-PVS - combined heat and power plant, steam-blowing station.

Main tasks of the workshop:

electricity generation for the plant’s production and its own needs;

production of blast for blast furnaces No. 1-4;

use (recycling) of flammable metallurgical gases (blast furnace and coke oven).

The main tasks of the TSC (thermal power shop) are: generation of thermal and electrical energy; uninterrupted supply of industrial steam, chemically purified, feed and hot water, heating oil to consumers; ensuring economical, trouble-free operation of equipment and workshop networks.

The gas shop purifies blast furnace gas, uninterrupted provision gaseous fuel structural divisions plant, transportation of gas and maintaining its parameters within specified limits, generation of electricity by the gas turbine unit, production of carbon dioxide. As gaseous fuel CherMK uses blast furnace, coke oven and natural gases, as well as their mixtures of varying calorific value.

The oxygen shop ensures timely production and provides the plant’s divisions and third-party consumers with compressed air, its separation products (oxygen, nitrogen, argon and hydrogen of established quality), and ensures trouble-free and economical operation of the shop’s equipment and networks.

The water supply workshop ensures uninterrupted water supply of fresh technical, recycled water, is engaged in water disposal in accordance with the requirements for water quality of workshops and third-party organizations, provides divisions of the Company drinking water to satisfy household needs employees of structural divisions. The workshop also services environmental facilities and prevents polluted water from entering surface water sources in the city of Cherepovets.

The power supply shop provides power supply to the plant's divisions and third-party consumers. The main tasks of the workshop are the operation and repair of equipment of the main step-down substations, overhead and cable electrical networks, outdoor lighting networks, testing of protective equipment.

The main tasks of the energy saving workshop are:

control and adjustment of thermal operating conditions of fuel-consuming units and fuel combustion modes;

monitoring the main thermal technical and thermal energy performance indicators of the main equipment;

ensuring accounting of the quantity and quality control of energy resources;

detection of fires and fires at the facilities of Severstal OJSC at the time of occurrence and liquidation by means of automatic fire-fighting equipment in order to reduce economic damage and losses;

reducing unproductive costs and losses in the production and distribution of energy resources, increasing the efficiency of their use;

ensuring monitoring of the impact on environment.

2 Description of the existing situation

CHPP-EVS-2 is part of the thermal power facilities of Severstal OJSC and, together with other energy sources of the plant (CHP-PVS and the thermal power shop), is a source of steam for process needs, hot water supply, heating and ventilation of the plant and the city of Cherepovets. In addition, it, together with other generating energy sources of Severstal OJSC and the energy system, covers the plant’s electricity needs.

The first stage of TPP-EVS-2 installed:

Two energy boilers E-500-13.8-560 GDP (TPGE-431), with a capacity of 500 t/h each with a steam pressure of 140 ata and a temperature of 560°C;

two turbine units of the PT-80-130 type, with an electrical power of 80 MW each;

two hot water boilers of the KVGM-100 type, with a capacity of 100 Gcal/h each.

For power boilers, blast furnace and coke oven gases are used as the base fuel, and as the trailing fuel. solid fuel. Natural gas used as needed.

CHPP-EVS-2 was designed taking into account its further expansion.

The main equipment of the 1st stage is located in the building that provides for the installation of the 3rd boiler and the 3rd steam turbine.

Installation of equipment of the 2nd stage is provided in stages, with three launch complexes:

Steam energy boiler E-500-13.8-560 GDP (TPGE-431) and its auxiliary equipment

Gas turbine unit (GTU), capacity 45 MW, gas compressor.

Steam turbine T-110/120-130.

First launch complex

Steam energy boiler E-500-13.8-560 GDP (TPGE-431) is installed in the place provided for it during the construction of the TPP-EVS-2 building in axes 10-12, G-D existing buildings. The boiler is almost the same as existing boilers, but runs only on gaseous fuel.

To ensure the operation of the boiler, 3 fans VDN-26-0.62 and smoke exhausters DN 26x2-0.62 are installed. Smoke exhausters are located in the expandable part of the smoke exhauster.

The discharge of flue gases is provided into the existing chimney, which is already used by two existing boilers.

A deaeration unit for the DP-500 boiler, as well as other auxiliary boiler equipment, is installed.

The network installation provides for the installation of additional network pumps and a heating network feed deaerator DA-200.

Second launch complex

Information on the global renewal of the company's thermal power plants was announced during public hearings held on March 14 at the ArcelorMittal International Conference Center.

Great Expectations

By technical standards, the thermal power plants of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC are long-lived. The CHPP-PVS station was built in 1959, CHPP-2 - in 1973. According to the company's chief power engineer Vadim Lesin, some of the stations' equipment has already exhausted its service life and therefore needs reconstruction.

The decision to reconstruct both stations has been brewing for a long time. The boilers installed at CHPP-2 were experimental. The Taganrog Boiler Plant produced a total of 11 TH-81 boilers, six of them are installed at our station. Problems with them began from the moment of setup and continued during operation. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the boilers are now operating on non-design fuel, because the operating conditions and coal production in the mines of the Karaganda basin have changed, said Vadim Viktorovich. - This is not the first winter that the station has been working hard during the heating season; we have a number of problems in providing coolant to both the city and the plant. Therefore, we have very high expectations from the implementation of the reconstruction project of this station: it will have a positive effect on the passage of the heating seasons in the region and on the increase in steel production. This year we have completed a feasibility study, and then - with public approval and a positive decision on financing - we expect to begin implementing reconstruction projects.

Reconstruction with modernization

A feasibility study for the reconstruction project of CHPP-2 was carried out by Almaty specialists from KazNIPIEnergoprom Institute JSC. Chief Engineer Anatoly Korzhenetsky reported that preparatory work its implementation has already begun this year. The replacement of the first boiler is planned for 2018,

the first turbine - for 2019. By 2023, three of the four turbines at the station and all six boilers will be completely modernized. After reconstruction, the boilers will become more gas-tight and reliable in operation, and their steam output will increase.

In addition to the main equipment, auxiliary equipment will be replaced, including fuel facilities, chemical water treatment, process control systems, electrical equipment, and also the introduction of new system water treatment It is possible to replace ring emulsifiers with battery emulsifiers.

As the main fuel for power boilers after reconstruction, it is planned to use a mixture of Ekibastuz hard coal and middling product from Karaganda hard coal, as well as process sludge during the warm period.

In general, the implementation of the project for the reconstruction of CHPP-2 will make it possible to meet the city’s growing needs for heat and electricity, the development of the industrial sector with production at high level organization of production will lead to increased reliability of the city's energy supply through the modernization of basic equipment and the creation of additional jobs.

The results of the preliminary environmental impact assessment indicate that

that, taking into account the implementation of the envisaged environmental measures, the environmental impact of CHPP-2 after reconstruction will comply with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The influence will be carried out within established standards quality of environmental components,” summed up the chief specialist of the technical department of JSC “Institute “KazNIPIEnergoprom” Lyubov Molchanova.

Minus one boiler

The TPP-PVS station provides the plant's workshops with electrical and thermal energy, blast furnace blast, chemically purified water and process steam of various parameters.

The reconstruction of the station involves the consistent decommissioning of worn-out equipment and modernization with the installation of new modern equipment. It is planned to carry out a global reconstruction of boiler units with the replacement of auxiliary equipment of the boiler plant to increase steam power and the replacement of ash collection units.

All major technical solutions aimed at ensuring reliable energy supply to the metallurgical plant and increasing efficiency

operation of the energy source due to technical re-equipment with the installation of new equipment,” explained the deputy technical director NPF SevKazEnergoprom LLP Raisa Tashlykova.

The reconstruction of the CHPP-PVS is expected to begin this year. The total estimated duration of work is

105 months. One boiler will be dismantled and installed annually. Thus, at the beginning of 2025, seven new boilers with a steam capacity of 250 t/h will be installed at the station instead of the current eight, each of which has a capacity of only 220 t/h.

Replacement and modernization of existing equipment

station is an important step towards improving the quality of the environment and reducing the risk of emergency situations, noted Madina Kunafina, chief specialist of Green Bridge LLP. -The use of equipment with improved characteristics during the reconstruction of CHPP-PVS will reduce negative impacts both on individual components of the environment and on the ecological situation of the territories as a whole, and also will not exceed environmentally permissible levels and will not have a critical or irreversible impact on the environment. The quality of atmospheric air in the area of ​​the enterprise should improve as a result of the reconstruction of the thermal power plant. There are also plans to upgrade existing water treatment equipment, which will reduce risks and improve the quality of water resources.

Environmental Director of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC Galina Drozdova added,

that battery emulsifiers, which will be installed at the CHP-PVS, are reliable treatment equipment. This is a wet cleaning system that allows you to capture up to 30% of sulfur dioxide. And at CHPP-2, in addition to replacing ring emulsifiers, electric precipitators on boilers No. 5 and No. 6 will be repaired, which will allow for better cleaning of exhaust gases.

The purpose of the feasibility studies carried out

Calculate required cost implementation of projects for the reconstruction of stations. The main assets have now been assessed. By the end of March, the company will resolve the issue of creating joint venture to implement the project. Negotiations are ongoing with the Central Asian Electric Power Corporation. If the parties do not agree, then the reconstruction of CHPP-PVS and CHPP-2 will be carried out through investments of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC,

Vadim Lesin informed the hearing participants.

interview with the chief power engineer of KMZ PJSC, Boris Nikolaevich Matsievsky.

– Boris Nikolaevich, energy is one of the most important sectors of the economy, having key value for the development of the country in general and our plant in particular. That is why the plant management pays so much attention to the work of the combined heat and power plant, electric power plant, gas and water supply and water supply shops. Is it possible to specify the work of power engineers on modernization and repair of equipment?

- Yes, sure. In 2015, major repairs and modernization of equipment were carried out in the energy departments. At TPP-PVS, under the leadership of power plant director Roman Karpachev, major repairs of boilers No. 1, No. 4, No. 5 were carried out.

In the electrical shop, under the leadership of Viktor Morozov, during the year, fifteen 6 kV oil circuit breakers were replaced with modern vacuum ones, and the switchgear of pumping station No. 1 was reconstructed with the installation of a new section.

In the gas shop, under the leadership of Evgeniy Chernov, a major overhaul of the dry gas cleaning unit of blast furnace No. 1 was carried out. Work is underway to introduce electrodialysis water purification into production.

In the water supply and water treatment workshop, under the leadership of Sergei Ivanov, a major overhaul of the aeration tank unit of the aerobic digester of the wastewater treatment plant was carried out.

Only major works are listed here. But work is constantly underway, which we call “routine.” These are routine repairs to eliminate minor faults. They require a significant investment of time and human resources. The scope of such work depends on the correct operation of the equipment. The fewer violations in operation, the fewer repairs have to be carried out. And correct operation is ensured by shift personnel. These are specialists who monitor the operation of equipment around the clock and take all measures in case of deviation of parameters from the specified ones.

– Now we need to think about the future. Anticipate events. The reliability of equipment depends on the attitude towards it. Is there a preliminary plan for major repairs for the new year?

– Of course, this plan is now being worked out. Shop managers have prepared their proposals for 2016 for major equipment overhauls. These proposals were previously discussed in the department of the chief power engineer, then with the chief engineer. The activities that will be included in the 2016 action plan have been finalized.

Now it is necessary to clarify the cost of these activities. In January 2016, the plan will be approved by the plant management.

– In your activity, as in any other, people decide everything. What can be said about the power engineering workforce?

– Many competent and responsible specialists work in our workshops. I would especially like to note the following employees: Valery Baklanov - senior operator of the CHPP-PVS, Evgeniy Kazakov - mechanic at the CHPP-PVS, Igor Fedryakov - gas worker of the gas shop, Yuri Merkin - shift supervisor of the gas workshop, Vladimir Smolyakov - deputy chief engineer of the CHPP-PVS, Alexander Eremkin is a foreman for repairing equipment in the electrical and electrical workshop, Maxim Mishin is a foreman for repairing and installing electrical equipment in the electrical workshop, Sergey Solovyov is a foreman for repairing equipment in the electrical and electrical workshop, Yuri Zasimov is a foreman in repair and operation of the electrical and electrical workshop, Pavel Petrov is an electrician in the electrical workshop and more many other wonderful employees.

– Boris Nikolaevich, how do you assess all the work done by power engineers in 2015?

– My rating is a four plus. Why? Because all the activities planned for 2015 have been completed. Power engineers work stably and confidently, uninterruptedly providing energy resources to all workshops of the plant, as well as third-party consumers. Confirmation of the good work of the plant's power engineers is the issuance of a certificate of readiness for the 2015-2016 heating season.

In the coming year, I wish everyone trouble-free work, economic stability, self-confidence, good spirits and new successes in noble work for the benefit of their native plant.

Press center of PJSC "KMZ"