Branches of specialization of the non-production sphere. Development of the non-production sphere

All industries national economy are divided into two large areas: production and non-production. The existence of organizations belonging to the second group (culture, education, consumer services, management) is impossible without the successful development of enterprises first.

Industrial sectors: definition

Enterprises that carry out activities aimed at creating material wealth belong to this part of the national economy. Organizations in this group also sort, move, etc. Exact definition production sector sounds as follows: “A set of enterprises that produce a material product and provide material services.”

General classification

It plays a very noticeable role in the development of the national economy. It is the enterprises related to it that create national income and conditions for the development of intangible production. There are the following main branches of the production sector:

  • industry,
  • agriculture,
  • construction,
  • transport,
  • trade and catering,
  • logistics.


This industry includes enterprises engaged in the extraction and processing of raw materials, equipment manufacturing, energy production, consumer goods, as well as other similar organizations that are a major part of such an area as the manufacturing sector. Sectors of the economy related to industry are divided into:

All industrial enterprises classified into two large groups:

  • Extractive - mines, quarries, mines, wells.
  • Processing - plants, factories, workshops.


This is also a very important area of ​​the state’s economy, falling under the definition of “production sector”. Branches of the economy in this area are primarily responsible for the production and partial processing of food products. They are divided into two groups: livestock farming and crop farming. The structure of the first includes enterprises engaged in:

  • Cattle breeding. Raising large and small livestock makes it possible to provide the population with such important products food like meat and milk.
  • Pig farming. Enterprises of this group supply lard and meat to the market.
  • Fur farming. The skins of small animals are mainly used to make wearable items. A very large percentage of these products are exported.
  • Poultry farming. This group supplies the market with dietary meat, eggs and feathers.

Crop production includes such sub-sectors as:

  • Growing grains. This is the most important sub-sector of agriculture, the most developed in our country. Agricultural enterprises in this group of production spheres are engaged in the cultivation of wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet, etc. The degree of provision of the population with such important products as bread, flour, and cereals depends on how effectively this industry will be developed.
  • Vegetable growing. This type of activity in our country is carried out mainly by small and medium-sized organizations, as well as farms.
  • Fruit growing and viticulture. Developed mainly in the southern regions of the country. Agricultural enterprises of this group supply fruits and wines to the market.

Sub-sectors such as potato growing, flax growing, melon growing, etc. also belong to plant growing.


Organizations in this area of ​​the national economy are responsible for the transportation of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. It includes the following industrial sectors:

Objective regularity modern development world civilization is the priority of social aspects, a set of phenomena, trends and proportions emerging in the social sphere.

The economic paradigm, which dominated domestic and foreign management systems for a number of decades, focused attention on predominantly material aspects of the problem, assigning them the role of dominant social development. Thus, the opinion has become stronger that it is economic growth and economic development are the key to meeting growing human needs. As evidence, an increase in the level of well-being was considered in a number of social systems, actively developing economically. However, at the present stage, “purely economic” ideology has begun to lose its leading position. The experience of a sufficiently large number of countries was generalized, indicating that rapid economic growth sometimes does not allow even the basic material needs of a significant part of the population to be satisfied, to create a favorable socio-spiritual climate, or to solve problems of culture, morality, public morality and ethics.

Modern science shapes new approach to management problems. Placing the existence of a person, social groups and society as a whole at the forefront, she puts them forward as target guidelines for socio-economic development, defining the entire complex of transformations, covering the interrelation of economic, social and environmental aspects.

State of the art non-production sphere is one of the most important indicators of the development of the socio-economic complex of any country. Formed under the influence of complex social processes, it reflects the entire set of socio-economic problems, their dynamics and prospects.

The development of the non-production sphere can also be considered as a promising global trend of humanization public relations, the transition from the production of things to the “production of people.”

The non-production sphere at the present stage is developing at a faster pace than the production sector.

The practice of statistical accounting presupposes a general division of the national economy into two parts: material production and the non-productive sphere. At the same time, the sphere of material production includes all types of activities that create material goods in the form of products, energy and in the form of moving goods, storing products, sorting, packaging and other functions that are a continuation of production in the sphere of circulation.

The remaining types of activities, in the process of which material wealth is not created, form in their totality the non-productive sphere of activity.

The non-production sphere includes:

  • * housing and communal services and consumer services for the population;
  • * transport and communications for servicing non-production organizations of the population;
  • * geology and subsoil exploration (minus deep exploration drilling for oil and natural gas);
  • * healthcare, physical culture And social Security;
  • * education;
  • * culture and art;
  • * science and scientific services;
  • * financial, credit and insurance services;
  • * management;
  • * public organizations.

In this case, there is a simple, formal consolidation of what spontaneously developed among practitioners symbol the term “non-production sphere” refers to a set of industries not included in material production.

In modern socio-economic literature, the same list of industries is not always used to characterize the non-production sphere. In a number of cases, geology and subsoil exploration, as well as science and scientific services, are excluded from it, but trade, supply and sales, procurement, and housing construction are added. At the same time, the theoretical legitimacy of using the terms “non-production sphere”, “public service sector”, “service sector” as invariants is emphasized.

The concept of the service sector has the greatest terminological instability. The traditional approach assumes the inclusion in this area only of passenger transport, public services systems, communications (serving non-material production and the population), healthcare, physical education and sports. In some cases, this also includes a system of types of social activities - lending, insurance, management, security public order, social security, activities of public organizations. Controversies regarding names or presence in a particular area individual industries and types of activities are not important at first glance. However, behind them lie the contradictions of the socio-economic content of the process of structuring social reproduction and the categorical insecurity of this process.

It is obvious that the structure of social production is not something forever given. It is a multidimensional concept located in constant development and combining the processes of differentiation and integration. At the same time, various criteria can be used to distinguish the non-production sphere and material production. The following criteria are widely known:

  • 1. Participation of industries and activities in the creation of wealth.
  • 2. Direct (consuming) impact on nature. If the activity of an industry is aimed at transforming the substance of nature in order to adapt it to human needs, it refers to material production. The non-productive sphere includes those activities in which the product is exchanged and consumed.
  • 3. Materialization of the results of labor.

If there is no such materialization, the activity belongs to the non-productive sphere.

It is difficult to say which of the criteria most closely corresponds to the principles of differentiation of the economic complex. They have a different economic nature, highlight different qualities of activity and are not without theoretical validity. However, in modern conditions a new approach to the division of spheres of social reproduction is being formed, highlighting social aspects. The non-productive sphere is presented as complex system, the development of which is aimed at meeting the social needs of society.

It is not difficult to notice that the very concept of the non-productive sphere is increasingly acquiring a “social connotation”. IN recent years concepts such as “ social sphere», « social infrastructure", "social, cultural and everyday sphere", etc. Changing names is informal. It brings the non-productive sphere closer to man, orienting it towards creating living conditions that meet modern realities.

Focusing on social characteristics, we can define the non-productive (or social) sphere as a complex of economic sectors that perform service functions, satisfy the material and spiritual needs of the population, and create the most favorable conditions life activity.

If we consider social organizations from the point of view of the classical economic science, then it is obvious that they have all the economic parameters inherent in the functioning of any enterprises, organizations and institutions. Non-production sectors perform certain socio-economic functions, use fixed assets, material and labor resources, require investment support, etc., that is, they have properties that allow them to be considered as organized production. Therefore it is social criteria acquire decisive significance in this case. The non-productive sphere is an element directly related to a person, and a feature that allows us to distinguish the non-productive sphere into a single, independent complex is its social orientation.

The purpose of development of the non-productive sphere is the direct satisfaction of human needs. But material production also aims to satisfy human needs. However, such satisfaction is not realized directly. It has several steps and stages, separated in time and space. The non-production sphere operates in conditions of coincidence of production and consumption. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is not just a part of social production, but an element that directly shapes socio-economic conditions. It is in the non-productive sphere, its proportionality and level of development that the quality of life of the population, the degree of its well-being and living conditions are reflected.

The most complete definition of the non-productive sphere can be formulated as follows: the non-productive sphere is the sphere of application of labor, in which, within industrial relations both tangible and intangible services are produced, and servicing of the consumption process is also organized in order to satisfy the population’s demand for these services.

With a certain degree of convention, the terms “service sector”, “social sphere”, “service sector” can be used to denote it.

The socially-oriented approach to the division of spheres of social production has its own specifics. There is no strict connection with the industry structure, since the industry structure is dynamic and subject to change. In the course of its development, both separate independent industries and new types of activities constantly arise and form. This process reflects the evolution of the non-production sphere. Initially, services were included in the direct process of material production, and then, as the social division of labor developed, they became isolated into independent sectors and sub-sectors of the economy.

A similar trend is typical for modern stage social development. An example of this is the emergence of the communication and information field.

The dynamics of the sectoral composition brings to the fore other socio-economic criteria that are not related to the structural characteristics of the non-production sphere, and first of all its social orientation, target orientation towards meeting the needs of the population.

The sectoral structure of the non-production sector depends on the functions it performs. The following functions can be distinguished:

  • * distribution and exchange;
  • * consumer services;
  • * public health protection;
  • * education;
  • * management and protection of public order.

Each of the functions includes a number of types (industries, sub-industries), the purpose of which is to provide certain social services. The range of such types of activities is extremely wide and varied. Moreover, in modern conditions it is constantly expanding, replenished and modified.

The changes taking place in it are expressed in a clearer fixation of the socio-economic content, goals, functions and characteristics of individual industries and types of activities as objects of entrepreneurship. Thus, recreational activities aimed at providing services in recreation and leisure activities have received a clear delineation and specific independence; tourism activities aimed at satisfying the educational demand of the population; entrepreneurship in real estate and a number of others. But with all the diversity of traditional and relatively new services, a number of common features can be identified that unite them into one area. These include:

  • 1. Unified social orientation of services. The provision of services aims to directly satisfy human needs.
  • 2. Historical community of origin and development of services. It is associated with the process of segregation of services into independent industries during the development of the process of social division of labor.
  • 3. Similarity of conditions for production and consumption of services. The production of many services coincides with their consumption in temporal and spatial terms, forming a symbiotic form of “consumer production”. This phenomenon causes the lack of tangible results of service production and complicates the process of consumer choice. The consumer can evaluate the usefulness of a service only after the act of “production - consumption” and in advance has only an indirect opportunity to assess its quality. This property is extremely important for marketing, as it determines the special significance of its communicative element.
  • 4. Similarity of services regarding the possibility of their storage and transportation.

Services are not subject to storage or transportation. This property increases the degree of business risk in all service sectors (especially in unstable market conditions), and also poses the task of more accurately taking into account the factor of time and seasonality, “peak” loads during the day or other period of time.

The non-preservation of services places special demands on the quality of marketing activities. The services market requires more careful coordination of supply and demand, special flexibility and adaptability of production, which is forced to adapt without delay to changes in consumer demand.

  • 5. Similarity of services in relation to their connection with the producer. The service does not exist separately from the manufacturer. During its production there is always personal contact between the manufacturer and the consumer. At the same time, the importance of the qualifications of the service provider increases. From him professional skills, knowledge, abilities and communication skills depend on the competitiveness of a company producing services. Moreover, with the increasing individualization of consumer requests and the expansion of the range of services, the role of personal contacts between the consumer of services and their producer increases.
  • 6. Similarity of services in terms of breadth of quality characteristics.

In conditions of coincidence of production and consumption of services and the dependence of the results of the activities of a non-production enterprise on the qualifications of personnel, it is impossible to guarantee the constancy of the quality of services. A service exists as a human activity, and its quality can vary widely. This necessitates the need to minimize the influence of quality variability. To this end, a service enterprise solves the problems of improving the personnel structure, improving the qualifications of personnel, introducing modern technical means and effective technologies.

The complex economic nature of the non-productive sphere gives a specific character to the economic relations developing in it. Firstly, there are economic relations of material production at work here. They dominate in the sphere of so-called “productive” services, i.e. those services whose production conditions are closest to the conditions of material production. Production services include services from such industries as transport for public services, communications, trade, public catering, and some household services. The economic relations formed in these industries are essentially no different from the relations of material production.

Secondly, the development of the non-productive sphere is based on the relations of reproduction of services and intangible goods, which creates the basis for the exchange of activities between the service sector and material production. non-productive service social sphere

Finally, thirdly, economic relations in the non-productive sphere include the formation of socially necessary labor inputs.

Character economic relations in the non-production sphere and its specificity make it possible to consider this sphere as an integral, independent and unique socio-economic object. The market concept of development of the non-production sphere involves the use of the entire set of marketing methods aimed at ensuring a balance between supply and demand.

Industry– a set of enterprises characterized either by the unity of purpose of the products produced, or by the commonality of technological processes, or by the homogeneity of the processed raw materials.

The emergence and death of industries and economic complexes is due to the development of the social division of labor. Highlight three shapes social division of labor.

General division of labor expressed in the division of social production on sectors of the national economy: industry, agriculture, construction, transport and communications, trade, logistics, science and scientific services, healthcare, culture, education, financial sector, etc.

Private division of labor expressed in education independent industries within industry, agriculture and other sectors of the national economy (for example, agricultural engineering).

Unit division of labor manifests itself in the division of labor directly at the enterprise (organization).

Due to the concentration of production and technological progress, the unit division of labor influences the emergence of new industries (for example, the production of microchips, mobile phones).

Main signs that distinguish one industry from another are: the economic purpose of the products produced; the nature of the raw materials and supplies consumed; technical production base and technological processes; professional staff. For example, mechanical engineering is intended to produce means of labor; food industry – food products; the metallurgical industry has a common technological process; wood processing industry – a community of processed raw materials. The formation of the industry is also determined quite big market sales of a given type of product or the availability of relevant natural resources (oil, gas, coal, timber, etc.).

In some industries (industry, agriculture, construction, forestry) goods are produced, in others – services(transport and communications; trade and public catering; logistics and sales; housing and communal services and consumer services; healthcare, physical education, social security; education; culture and art; science and scientific services; finance, credit, insurance; control).

Enterprises can be part of industries and economic complexes.

Economic complex– a group of interrelated industries, sub-sectors, enterprises producing products of a single nature. For example, the engineering complex; agro-industrial complex (AIC), military-industrial complex (MIC), fuel and energy complex (FEC), construction, chemical forestry, social and consumer complexes, etc.

4. Production and non-production spheres of the national economy

The national economy is usually divided into production And non-productive sphere.

TO production sector include industries that produce goods and services that provide the basic, primarily material, needs of the population and economic entities. These are industry, agriculture, construction, freight transport, communications, trade, catering, logistics and other sectors.

TO non-production sphere include industries that create conditions for the efficient production of material and intangible goods. These are science, education, healthcare, culture and art, finance, insurance, public administration, etc.

This is a conventional name for economic sectors, the results of which primarily take the form of services.
The non-production sphere includes:
housing, communal and consumer services for the population;
passenger transport;
communications (for servicing organizations and non-productive activities of the population);
healthcare, physical education;
science and scientific services;
lending, financing and insurance;
public organizations.
The leading place in the economic structure of any region of Russia belongs to industry. This is determined primarily by the fact that, providing all industries with tools and new materials, it serves as the most active factor scientific and technological progress and expanded reproduction in general. Among other sectors of the economy, industry stands out for its complex and area-forming functions.
Industry is divided into:
mining, which includes industries related to the extraction and enrichment of ore and non-metallic raw materials, as well as the extraction of sea animals, fishing and other sea products;
processing, which includes enterprises for processing products of the mining industry, semi-finished products, as well as for processing agricultural products, forestry and other raw materials.
Manufacturing industries form the basis of heavy industry. During the period of economic reforms, significant changes occur in the structure of the mining and manufacturing industries.
According to their economic purpose, industrial products are divided into two large groups:
group "A" C production of means of production;
group "B" C production of consumer goods.
Along with the sectoral structure, the region also has a territorial structure.

More on the topic Non-production sector:

  1. 1. Contents and specifics of non-production finance
  2. 2.Features of budget planning and financing in the non-production sphere.
  3. 2. Features of budget planning and financing in the non-production sphere
  4. 15. Basic production and non-production assets. Fixed capital of the enterprise
  5. 14.2. Audit of production costs in auxiliary and auxiliary industries, maintenance of non-production facilities included in the balance sheet of construction organizations

Modern man is a consumer of not only goods, but also services. The development of the non-production sphere is the most important indicator in the economy of any state.

What is the non-production sector?

This concept refers to all economic sectors that satisfy the non-material needs of people in society. These needs include organization, redistribution and use material assets, spiritual benefits, development different sides individuals, as well as healthcare. The non-productive sphere meets the social needs of society and each individual in it.

This also includes the concept of “spiritual production”. This term was introduced by Karl Marx, who understood by it the production of skills, abilities, ideas, artistic images and values. The non-manufacturing sector also includes industries that produce services.

The difference between a service and a product

A person is an object of labor for employees of an enterprise that provides services. A product is an object or thing endowed with certain properties. It was obtained as a result of work done in the past. The service only has beneficial properties, not attached to material medium, and is the result of labor in the present. A service is sold by the employee of the company who provides it; it cannot change its owner, unlike a product. Services have no cost. However, they have a price that is determined by the cost of the worker’s ability to work and the costs spent

The non-production sphere is based on material base. Without material production it could not exist. After all, services are ultimately exchanged for goods. Workers involved in material production also provide support for those who work in the service sector.

Non-production sectors

Sociologists identify 15 industries:

  • sales (commerce);
  • public catering;
  • household services: home care, repairs and custom manufacturing various groups goods, personal hygiene;
  • school and preschool education;
  • medicine;
  • social services;
  • recreational services;
  • servicing cultural institutions;
  • information support;
  • finance and insurance;
  • legal support for citizens;
  • services of legal and notary offices;
  • connection;
  • transport support.

Often, enterprises are engaged in providing several different industries at once.

The non-productive sphere, together with all its institutions and enterprises providing material services, collectively constitutes social infrastructure.

There are also industries related to the service sector that serve large social strata:

  • management of government organizations;
  • secondary, primary, higher education;
  • science;
  • state security agencies;
  • public associations.

Connection with productive work

The non-productive sphere does not create new value. However, this does not mean that such work is useless for society. Material production is the basis. Non-productive industries are a superstructure to material ones and cannot exist without them.

It is not created by the non-productive sphere, since it is focused on comprehensive spiritual development a person, his state of health, etc. Nevertheless, it can affect productivity, improve the qualifications of personnel, that is, it indirectly affects the national income of the state.

The situation in modern Russia

The non-productive sphere of the economy is a reflection of the needs of society and changes in their structure depending on the standard of living of citizens. IN modern Russia More than 30% of the population works in this area.

The non-production sphere in our country is characterized by territorial differentiation in terms of its level of development. Such differences are inherent when comparing both individual regions and federal districts. Territorial differentiation is one of the reasons. It arose in the 60s of the last century.

Non-production centers have a hierarchy:

  1. Moscow.
  2. Central cities of the federal subjects.
  3. Regional centers.
  4. Rural settlement centers.
  5. Rural settlements.

Organizations engaged in recreational and health resort services have their own specific territorial distribution. They depend on the location of the natural and socio-economic base. Therefore, two largest center- North Caucasian and Black Sea.

The non-productive sphere is represented in the economy by industries that satisfy the cultural and spiritual needs of people. It is closely connected with material production and strongly depends on it. In our country, non-material production sectors are characterized by territorial differentiation.