Pain after complex tooth extraction. Complications after tooth extraction: types, treatment. Prevention of complications.

A severely damaged tooth must be removed. During this procedure, the gum tissue is injured, resulting in pain after tooth extraction. The reasons may be different, and it is important not to miss the development of complications. How long does a tooth hurt after extraction? What are the causes of pain? How to recognize a complication? We will talk about this in more detail in the article.

Normally, pain after tooth extraction lasts from 2 to 5 days.

Why does pain occur?

It is considered normal when the pain is present extracted tooth lasts from 2 to 5 days. At this time, it is important to remember how to behave correctly after tooth extraction and follow the dentist’s recommendations.

Causes of prolonged pain may include:

  1. the degree of complexity of the operation performed (simple removal or with cutting of the gums, for example, with complex! removal of a wisdom tooth!);
  2. low qualifications of the doctor, who could cause additional injury;
  3. individual characteristics of the patient;
  4. non-compliance with recommendations;
  5. development of complications.

If after 5 days the pain does not subside, or even becomes stronger, you need to urgently consult a dentist. This may indicate the development of complications.


By various reasons The following complications may occur.

1. Alveolitis

Inflammation of the walls of the alveolus - the hole left after tooth extraction.

  1. Absence blood clot, which should protect the alveoli;
  2. Violation of wound care rules (without using antiseptics);
  3. Poor quality treatment of the alveoli;
  4. Presence of carious teeth.


  1. Increased pain a few days after removal;
  2. Fever;
  3. Bad breath;
  4. Deterioration in general health;
  5. Sharp pain when touching the gums.

If alveolitis develops, you need to urgently consult a doctor, because only competently performed procedures to remove pus and therapeutic treatment will help.

2. Hematoma

Consolidation of a blood clot in the socket, leading to swelling of the gums.

  1. Injury to blood vessels during anesthesia;
  2. Hypertension;
  3. Diabetes mellitus.


  1. Swelling of the gums and cheeks;
  2. Increase in temperature;
  3. Increasing pain, especially when touching the cheek;
  4. Blueness of tissues after a few days.

Self-medication in this situation is unacceptable. The doctor will make an incision, rinse the gum and drain the pus. The use of antibiotics and antiseptics is indicated.

3. Remains of the tooth root in the socket

The reason may be the carelessness of the doctor or the inaccessibility of the roots.

In this case, the pain will continue until the doctor removes it again.

4. Osteomyelitis

Inflammation of the bone or bone marrow.

  1. Infection in the hole.


  1. Jaw pain;
  2. Swelling of the gums;
  3. Cheek tumor;
  4. Increase in temperature.

Treatment requires hospitalization. Antibiotics are used and surgical methods cleaning up suppuration.

5. Nerve damage

In this case, pain, on the contrary, may be completely absent.


  1. Numbness of the tongue, lips, jaw; Discomfort while eating, talking;
  2. Injuries and tongue biting.

This disorder usually does not require treatment. Sensitivity will be restored within a month.

6. Perforation maxillary sinus

A complication is possible after the removal of the upper molars.


  1. Leakage of air or blood through the socket into the mouth;
  2. Liquid entering the nose through the hole.

It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for treatment.

The tooth hurts for no more than 5 days after extraction (after complex removal- up to 7). If the pain lasts longer, this indicates the presence of complications. A doctor's consultation is required.

By visiting a dentist's surgical office and removing rotten tooth, the patient expects that unbearable pain is a thing of the past. But when the anesthesia wears off, discomfort are returning. Why does the gum and socket (the site of the removed unit) hurt after the removal of a damaged tooth, what should I do?

Surgical removal (extraction) is always associated with injury to bone tissue; pain is the body’s response to the damage received. All discomfort gradually disappears after 2 - 3 days. How long does the gum hurt and ache after a complex tooth extraction? The pain disappears completely in 3-7 days; if a wisdom tooth is pulled out, the pain may last for 7-10 days.

When pain and swelling do not go away long time, and intensify even more, the temperature rises, this is a signal of the development of complications. You should consult a doctor!


Torments severe pain in the gum, the cheek was swollen, the hole became inflamed and festered, low-grade fever bodies after surgical removal teeth are signs of alveolitis.

After the operation, the hole is filled with a dense blood clot, which acts as a barrier against bacteria. If for some reason it falls out, the wound remains empty, food debris accumulates there and a convenient environment for reproduction is created pathogenic microorganisms. Inflammation and suppuration of the walls of the hole occurs.

Causes of alveolitis:

  1. Prolapse of a blood clot.
  2. Root fragments in the hole.
  3. Weakened immunity.
  4. Poor oral hygiene.
  5. The presence of carious units in the mouth.
  6. Inflammatory gum diseases.
  7. A cyst that has not been removed from the socket.

A tooth has been pulled out, the gums hurt, alveolitis has developed, what to do, how long will it hurt? You need to see a doctor. You cannot cure the disease on your own. The dentist will thoroughly clean the hole and treat antibacterial agent, will lay iodomorphic turunda. Additionally, he will prescribe a course of antibiotics, antiseptic mouth rinses with Chlorhexidine or


A tooth with gumboil was removed, my gums hurt for a long time, what should I do? If the extraction is carried out against the background of inflammation, the doctor puts an anti-inflammatory agent in the hole, opens the purulent sac and places a drainage. Treatment with antibiotics is carried out, and antiseptic procedures are prescribed.

How many days does the gum or socket hurt due to inflammation after tooth extraction? The patient will feel significant relief after the therapeutic procedures the very next day. Swelling and pain will gradually begin to subside, recovery occurs in 10 to 14 days.

Third molar extraction

How long does a tooth hurt after extraction (eight or third molar)? These are the last units that grow in humans. Their appearance is often associated with pain and discomfort. If, when teething, the figure eight grows in incorrect position, destroys neighboring units, severely affected by caries, completely hidden in bone tissue jaws, then it is removed.

I have a strong, aching, unbearable pain after the removal of a wisdom tooth, how many days will it bother me, what should I do? When the eight is torn out, what remains is extensive wound, sometimes it is sutured. It hurts for up to 10 days. To alleviate the condition immediately after the rotten unit has been pulled out, you can apply cold to the cheek for a few minutes. This helps not only relieve pain, but also reduce swelling. Do not apply heat to avoid swelling and inflammation. You can also take painkillers: Analgin, Ketanov, Tempalgin, Nurofen.

After the removal of a wisdom tooth, the gums and jaw become inflamed and hurt, the pain does not go away for a long time, what should I do? When the first signs of inflammation appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Wisdom teeth growing next to a large number circulatory and lymphatic vessels, so pus can easily enter the bloodstream. The dentist will treat the hole, apply medicine, and suture the gum edges. At home, the patient should rinse antiseptic solutions, regularly brush your teeth, take painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drugs.

How many days does your gum hurt badly after a difficult wisdom tooth removal? Up to 14 days.

Extracting the eights hidden in the bone is difficult. The doctor has to cut them out piece by piece with a drill and remove them. special tools. The procedure is quite traumatic and can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. To relieve the condition, anesthetics are taken.


Why do my gums and bones hurt after tooth extraction? This may be caused by the formation of a cyst. If fragments of the root remain in the hole and are not pulled out, inflammation may not occur immediately. Foreign body becomes overgrown with a round-shaped membrane and gradually develops into a cyst filled with fluid. An odontogenic cyst can form at the apex of the wisdom molar root if it does not erupt properly.

A decayed tooth was removed, but the pain remained, a cyst formed, how long will the gums hurt? If the cyst opens, the patient’s temperature rises sharply to 38 - 39˚, swelling grows, and throbbing, unbearable pain appears after tooth extraction. If such symptoms appear, you cannot postpone a visit to the dentist. All discomfort will go away after treatment of the hole and drug treatment.


After tooth extraction (pulling out), how long does the gum hurt, if any? chronic periodontitis? Periodontal disease is inflammation of the mucous membrane. Before extraction antibacterial treatment to eliminate pathogenic microflora. If the diseased unit had to be pulled out urgently, bacteria can infect the hole and lead to alveolitis. Pain and swelling will go away only after treatment by a dentist in 10 to 14 days.

Antiseptic drugs

What should you do if your gums hurt for a long time and severely after tooth extraction? Do not rinse on the first day; a blood clot may fall out. Make baths with an antiseptic solution. Later the mouth will be rinsed antimicrobials to relieve pain, prevent infection, speed up healing of the hole. Particular attention should be paid to the hole after wisdom tooth extraction. It's in a hard-to-reach place, it happens there large cluster bacteria.

  • A tooth was pulled out, my gums and jaw hurt, what should I do? Use a solution of Chlorhexidine. The product is kept in the mouth for 1 – 2 minutes. Rinsing should be done after eating.
  • How long can gums and bones hurt after tooth extraction? When using Miramistin, without inflammation the pain will go away in three days. This drug not only kills germs in the oral cavity and acts on the herpes virus.
  • How long do my gums, teeth and jaw hurt after a routine tooth extraction? No, if you follow your doctor's recommendations and rinse with a soda-saline solution. The remedy is especially effective after opening the abscess; it accelerates healing.
  • Infusions medicinal herbs will help relieve inflammation, speed up wound healing, and freshen breath. But they should be used only in combination with drug treatment.

How long should a tooth or jaw hurt after removal? The recovery time depends on the complexity of the operation, compliance with the instructions of the attending physician, and the implementation of hygiene procedures.

1. How long is the recovery period?

The tissue affected during the root extraction operation will give an individual reaction. But the main intensity of their manifestation will occur in the first three days. And since you were given an anesthetic and, according to the doctor’s recommendations, you take painkillers (Nimesil) for the first two days, there should be no significant symptoms. The next period, when the tooth was removed, the gums hurt on the way to recovery, from the third to the seventh day. The manifestations will subside, and you will feel that the gums are slightly aching after tooth extraction and this symptom only occurs periodically. This is a normal recovery process.

Noticeable consequences after complex procedure in the form of a reddened area around the cavity where the root was previously located

If you take painkillers, then a condition in which your gums hurt severely after tooth extraction should not normally occur. But there are times when your gums hurt for weeks after tooth extraction. What is the reason and why does the extracted tooth hurt then?

2. Why and how long does the gum hurt after tooth extraction in different cases?

In normal cases, the period for which your gums will hurt after tooth extraction is a maximum of 7-10 days, if you follow your doctor’s recommendations for taking prescribed medications. When it was difficult to extract a firmly seated root or the tooth was destroyed or present inflammatory process, how long your gums hurt after tooth extraction will be different for everyone. This period can be up to 20-30 days.

But this does not mean at all that after its expiration everything will pass. For some reason, the discomfort will increase and the inflammation will become much greater.

This happens if a molar tooth is pulled out and the gums hurt for the following reasons:

In each case, curettage of the cavity may be necessary, which is performed by a surgeon in the dental office. Therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs is supplemented. Sometimes before the procedure it is recommended to take antibiotics to eliminate an intense reaction to irritants present before the procedure.

If your gums hurt 2 weeks after tooth extraction, it means there is inflammation inside. And no matter what it is, this indicates that the body is not able to cope with what is happening inside the surgical site.

To relieve pain in the gums after tooth extraction, treatment should be prescribed based on examination data and mandatory internal method research. This can be a simple x-ray or in a detailed projection.

3. How to supplement treatment

Difficult removal results in damage to a certain amount of tissue. If the operation was such that the structures holding the tooth had to be seriously injured, then the doctor will prescribe 20-minute applications with dioxidine (ampoules). It has an antibacterial effect at the local level. Penetrates inside the cavity, even in cases where sutures have been placed and eliminates inflammation.

To understand how much the gums will hurt after a tooth has been removed, you need to determine whether a splinter could remain inside and whether there is inflammation inside the cavity. After all, during a long procedure, nerves can be touched and damaged. And the pain will be neurological in nature.

In each case, the period of how long the gums hurt after the removal of a molar will be different. After all, the procedure itself is not the same. For some, the tooth is removed in 10-20 minutes, while for others the process lasts two hours. The volume of affected tissue depends on this.

In most cases, between the time the tooth is removed and the time when everything is dental complaints remain in the past, a certain period passes. And this period of time is filled with pain. Sometimes you feel even worse after visiting the doctor than before the visit to the dentist. What is the reason for this? How long does a tooth hurt after extraction? How to treat it?

Why do my gums hurt after tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction is directly related to injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, which are penetrated by nerve endings. Since the operation is performed under local anesthesia, then during the procedure itself the patient experiences the only inconvenience - the need to sit with open mouth. And only when the tooth has already been pulled out and the anesthesia has worn off does pain come into its own. Usually it is aching in nature and does not interfere too much with the normal rhythm of life.

But sometimes painful sensations appear very intensely and are in no way similar to natural reaction body on surgery. Severe throbbing pain can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Poor quality treatment. Human factor It works no less in dentistry than in other areas. If the doctor does not completely remove the cyst or tooth root, then inflammation quickly develops in this place, and the gums begin to hurt.
  2. Alveolitis. This is an inflammation of the hole in which the tooth used to be. The disease appears due to disturbances in the formation of a blood clot that closes the wound: it either did not appear at all or was displaced. As a result, an infection gets into the hole, which provokes further pain and swelling of the gums. At simple removal tooth alveolitis is observed in approximately 3 cases out of 100, with complex quantity increases to 20 cases.
  3. Neuritis trigeminal nerve. As a rule, this is encountered by patients who have “lost” one of the teeth in the lower row. In the thickness lower jaw there is a branch of the trigeminal nerve, which the dentist can damage when pulling out a deeply embedded tooth root. With neuritis, the pain is sudden and shooting in nature. Most often it spreads not only to the teeth and gums, but also to the temples, eyes, and neck. Externally, the gums do not change in any way: there is no redness or swelling.

Thus, two types of pain can be distinguished: normal and indicating pathology. The first one you just need to endure, the second one – go to the doctor. The following symptoms indicate the need to visit a dentist:

  • the pain is constantly getting worse;
  • an unpleasant “aroma” appeared from the mouth;
  • there is excessive swelling of the gums or swelling of the cheek;
  • the temperature rose to 38 C, provided that before the operation it was within the normal range;
  • pus is released from the hole.

How long does a tooth hurt after extraction?

Pain appears approximately 3 hours after completion of the operation. It can be either constant or occur from time to time. But every day the painful sensations decrease, completely disappearing within 3-4 days.

It’s a different matter if a complex extraction was carried out: for example, it was a dystopic wisdom tooth. In this case, the tissues are injured much more severely than with a simple operation, and pain is observed for up to 1-1.5 weeks. Often painful sensations are accompanied by swelling of the cheeks, swelling of the gums, and headache. These symptoms are not dangerous and go away on their own.

A tooth has been removed and your gums hurt: what to do?

One way or another, if your gums hurt after tooth extraction, all you can do is wait. You can brighten up the wait with painkillers:

  • Ketanov is a potent prescription drug with some toxicity. Relieves pain very quickly, the effect lasts up to 6 hours;
  • Ketorol is an analogue of Ketanov;
  • Nimesulide – relieves pain in 15-20 minutes. Refers to potent drugs, sold only by prescription;
  • Analgin - helps with mild and moderate pain syndrome;
  • Baralgin – contains analgin. A relatively weak drug, effective for low-intensity pain;
  • Spasmalgon - in addition to a mild analgesic effect, is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect. Should be used for moderate pain.

Everyone has their own favorite pain reliever. This is what you should use. But there is no need to stuff the body with “heavy” drugs if the pain is very mild: potent drugs, as a rule, have an impressive list of side effects.

If you don’t want to take medications for such “trivial” pain, then you can turn to folk remedies:

  1. Cold compress. Effective during the first 24 hours after the procedure, then it will be completely useless. You need to wet the towel in cold water and apply it to the cheek on the problematic side. Alternative options compress - ice cube, frozen meat, bottle of water. Cold freezes the nerve endings, thereby relieving pain.
  2. Mouth baths. An excellent basis for such procedures are various natural decoctions, best of all chamomile, oak bark or St. John's wort. You need to take a little broth into your mouth, hold it for half a minute and spit it out. Antiseptic baths not only relieve inflammation, but also help wounds heal faster.
  3. Rinse. Soda or soda works great saline solution. They should rinse their mouth 3-4 times a day, but only after 3 days after removal. If you carry out the procedure earlier, there is a risk of washing out the blood clot that protects the socket and causing inflammation. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 1 tbsp. l. salt or soda in a glass of warm water.

As a rule, if the pain is not caused by any complication, then to relieve it it is enough to apply cold on the first day, and then from time to time take a mild pain reliever.

How to prevent pain after tooth extraction

You can significantly increase your chances of almost painless rehabilitation if you follow these recommendations for the first 3 days:

  • do not disturb the wound, namely, do not touch it with your tongue, checking how it is, do not clean the hole with a toothpick;
  • do not rinse your mouth, content yourself with antiseptic baths;
  • do not eat cold or hot;
  • do not breathe through your mouth so as not to irritate the wound with cold air;
  • give up sweets;
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol;
  • do not apply warm lotions to your cheek or gum, or take a hot bath.

Discomfort after tooth extraction is normal. But everything has its own measure: if the pain intensifies hourly, and the cheek is swollen to half the face, then there is nothing else to do but go to the dentist.

Tooth extraction is carried out in cases where it is no longer amenable to treatment or its presence in the oral cavity may cause negative consequences for human health and life. The operation is performed by a dentist to extract a tooth from the dental alveolus (socket).

After this operation, the tissues around the tooth being removed are injured. Consequently, when the analgesic effect after anesthesia wears off, you begin to feel pain localized in the place where the tooth was.

It takes an average of 2 to 7 days for this pain to go away. It is important to consider that each person tolerates the procedure of tooth extraction differently.

What determines the duration of pain and the occurrence of complications after tooth extraction:

 complexity of the removal process (depending on the location, length and shape of the tooth roots, the condition of the bone tissue);
 qualifications and skills of a dentist;
 tools used during removal;
individual characteristics patient;
 compliance with doctor's instructions.

If the tooth extraction process was successful, then after 2-4 days there will be pain after the operation will take place and the hole where the tooth was located will gradually heal.

 rest passively and avoid physical activity;
 refrain from eating for the first 2-3 hours after removal;
 try not to chew food on the same side of the jaw where the tooth was removed for several days;
 brush your teeth very carefully, without touching the socket where the tooth was;
 stop using alcoholic drinks and smoking;
 do not touch the hole with your tongue or other objects;
 do not rinse your mouth on the first day after removal;
 Before taking painkillers, consult your doctor.

If several days have passed and the pain does not subside, you should consult a doctor, as complications may have arisen.

Possible complications after tooth extraction

1. Alveolitis occurs after tooth extraction and is characterized by inflammation of the walls of the alveoli.

Causes of alveolitis:

 improper oral care;
 damage or absence of a blood clot (its main function– protection of the alveoli (socket) from infection by the liquid that is in the oral cavity) at the site of the extracted tooth;
 incomplete and poor-quality treatment of the tooth socket (presence of unremoved elements);
 violation of the principles of antisepsis and asepsis.

Symptoms of alveolitis:

 pain increases several days after tooth extraction;
 the appearance of an unpleasant “purulent” odor from the mouth;
 deterioration of health;
 present sharp pain when touching the gum.

In this case, you must refrain from taking unknown drugs and go to see a doctor who will examine you and prescribe appropriate treatment. If pain prevents you from sleeping until the morning before your appointment, take painkillers.

2. The presence of an unremoved part of the tooth root in the tooth socket.

This occurs when the dentist was inattentive during the tooth extraction operation or due to the inaccessibility of the tooth being removed.
If this happens, you will experience pain until the remaining part of the tooth root is removed.

3. Osteomyelitis- an inflammatory process that occurs in the bones and bone marrow, as a result of infection through the hole in which the extracted tooth was located.

Symptoms of osteomyelitis:

 pain in the entire jaw;
 swelling of the gums and cheeks;
 increased body temperature;
 loss of strength.

To treat this disease, the patient is hospitalized. In the hospital it is used for effective treatment antibacterial and symptomatic therapy, initially cleaning surgically formed suppurations.

4. Nerve Damage
located in the lower jaw.


 no pain at the site of tooth extraction;
 numbness of the gums, tongue, lips, cheeks and chin;
increased salivation;
 the occurrence of difficulties and discomfort while talking, eating, shaving, applying makeup;
 involuntary biting of the tongue and lips.

If damage to the nerves in the lower jaw does not affect them anatomical structure, then sensitivity in the gums, tongue, lips, cheeks and chin will be restored without medical intervention in a month.

5. Perforation of the maxillary sinus– a complication that may occur after removal of molars upper jaw, and accompanied by the appearance of a hole in the thin bone, through which from the oral cavity to maxillary sinuses infection occurs.

Symptoms of perforation of the maxillary sinus:

 air and blood foam leak into the tooth socket oral cavity;
 through the tooth socket, fluid enters the nasal cavity from the oral cavity.

If the above symptoms occur, it is very important to promptly contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

So, after 4-6 months (8-10 months if complications arose), it will be impossible to distinguish the hole in which the tooth was located from bone tissue, even with the help of x-rays.