Why does a tooth with a removed nerve hurt unbearably after treatment for pulpitis? Why does a tooth hurt after treatment for pulpitis and it hurts to bite on it?

Patients often ask the question: is it normal for a tooth to be bothered after treatment?

There is no clear answer to this question, because... every clinical case is unique, and each patient is individual. However, we will try to consider the most common options.

Pain after CARIES treatment.

Normal slight pain may occur when pressing on the seal, when a hard piece of food gets on the tooth while eating, or when running a fingernail or toothpick over the filling. Pain occurs more often after: bottom carious cavity is located close to the “nerve” of the tooth, and the placed filling, when pressed, transfers pressure to the tooth pulp. Over time, these pain sensations will decrease, because... The tooth pulp will develop a protective layer of dentin and “fence itself off” from the filling. However, this takes some time, and discomfort When bitten on a tooth, they can persist for up to several months.

Small dull ache in a tooth it can also be quite normal. In some patients, this is an individual reaction of the tooth to the doctor’s intervention ( machining tooth with burs, medicinal treatment with antiseptics, “exposing” the filling with a halogen lamp, etc.). Such pain should not last longer than 7-14 days.

Not considered normal sharp pain , spontaneous (causeless) attacks of aching pain, especially at night. If you experience similar sensations afterwards, you should consult a doctor for an examination and possibly additional procedures.

If the filling is located in the cervical part of the tooth (near the gum), then the tooth may respond to temperature stimuli. In this case, it is important to pay attention to whether there is an overhanging edge of the filling in the gum area (i.e., a step or gap between the edge of the filling and the tooth). If such an unevenness exists, it can injure the edge of the gum, the gum can become inflamed and expose the root of the tooth. And, as you know, the root of the tooth is not covered with enamel and is very sensitive to any irritants. Therefore, if you notice that after treatment cervical caries or a wedge-shaped defect, the gums of the tooth are inflamed, and the tooth reacts to cold or sweet foods, then consult a doctor immediately.

Pain after REMOVAL of a “NERVE” from a tooth (after treatment for PULPTIS).

Quite often, so-called “post-filling” pain occurs after tooth depulpation. Considered normal slight pain when pressing on a tooth and tapping on it, lasting no longer than 4-8 weeks. This is due to the fact that the doctor performs mechanical treatment of the root canals with metal instruments and rinses the canals with powerful antiseptics. All this can irritate the tissue surrounding the root. The reaction to such influences is different for all patients.

If the pain when biting on a tooth is sharp, severe, there is a feeling of an “overgrown” tooth, swelling of the gums or cheeks around the tooth appears, general health worsens or body temperature rises - this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Complications of endodontic treatment may have arisen that need to be addressed.

Pain after treatment of PERIODONTITIS.

Sometimes it happens that the tooth never hurt, but the doctor diagnosed periodontitis and treated it, after which the tooth began to bother. In such a situation, do not rush to blame the doctor and believe that he provided poor-quality treatment.

- Very complex process, which cannot promise guaranteed success. After all, periodontitis is an accumulation of microbes outside the tooth root (in the bone tissue). If before treatment microbes moved freely from the oral cavity to the tooth root and back, then after filling the canals, the bacteria remaining in the bone tissue are “immured.” Normally, this manipulation allows you to localize the source of infection, after which it is easier for the body to cope with it and “defeat” the microbes.

However, with a weakened immune system, due to the individual characteristics of the body, inflammation and a pain reaction may occur in response to sealing of the channels. Even if the tooth did not bother you before, now it can react to pressure and touching it; there may be pain when biting, throbbing, or a slight aching pain in the tooth.

Abnormalities are considered to be sharp, paroxysmal pain, the inability to close teeth due to pain, swelling of the gums or cheeks near the tooth, the appearance of tooth mobility, deterioration general well-being or a significant increase in body temperature.

In any case, if pain occurs, it is better to consult a doctor. Additional manipulations or the appointment of certain medicines. However, don't panic! Sometimes this kind of pain goes away on its own after some time.

Pulpitis is a complex inflammation. When a tooth hurts after treatment for pulpitis, you must urgently consult a dentist to avoid complications and loss of dental integrity. The control image will exclude repeated interventions, will accurately determine the causes of pain.

Why does a tooth hurt after treatment?

There are a lot of situations when teeth hurt after pulpitis treatment. The natural healing period, during which the tooth hurts from hot, cold, reacts to sour and sweet foods, is considered to be 1-3 days. If the pain does not go away within the specified time, periodically intensifying (usually at night), it is necessary to sound the alarm. Poor pulp removal is possible due to physiological structure incisor or medical error (60-70% of cases).

The main causes of toothache:

  1. The tissues of the upper part of the root are injured.
  2. Poor quality root canal filling (the filling material does not reach the root apex).
  3. The filling extends beyond the root (apex), entering the tissue.
  4. Broken instrument in the root canal.
  5. Fracture of the upper part of the root.
  6. A hole is formed in the walls of the bone tissue with doctor's instruments (perforation).

When you click on it

In the first days, when the tooth hurts when pressed, this is normal, since the gums are injured during the depulpation process. The tissue filling the wall cavity consists of a plexus of lymph, nerve endings, blood vessels, creating a loose base. This is pulp. Its removal is accompanied by painkillers. When the anesthesia wears off, aching pain occurs that goes away within 3 days. After removing the pulp, the internal and external surfaces of the unit are treated with antiseptics - they also irritate the tissues, creating painful discomfort.

After nerve removal

The process of treating pulpitis (inflammation of the pulp) is not complete without removing the nerve. This dental procedure can last 2-3 days, since first the nerve must be “killed” with medications. At this time, the channels remain practically open. In practice, the dentist places a temporary filling during this period.

At this stage, the tooth reacts to cold and hot after treatment, to food irritants, and becomes sensitive when biting. The sensitivity of adjacent tissues is increased, and sometimes the nerve begins to pulsate. The dentist always recommends rinsing (3 times a day) and prescribes painkillers (tablets). Following your doctor's advice will help you avoid developing possible complications.

Toothache after filling

Can a tooth hurt without a nerve? Yes, especially if the filling was done incorrectly or poorly. The last stage of pulpitis treatment is the installation of a filling. Minor pain sensations are natural, since the impact of medicinal and instrumental stimuli continues. But if toothache the filling lasts a long time, you need to go to the dentist again and take another x-ray.

How long can a tooth hurt after treatment?

The period of the procedure is painful until the filling is completed, but how long can it hurt after the nerve is removed? The norm is 1-2 days. Complete healing takes place after 3 days. If the x-ray shows that the treatment was carried out correctly, then you just need to wait a little longer. On exit filling material beyond the apex (root tip), discomfort persists for 1-2 months.

Errors and complications in the treatment of pulpitis

When a tooth aches after filling for more than 4 days, you need to see a dentist. It is possible that the nerve is not completely removed or the inflammatory process continues in the pulp due to poor-quality filling upper channel. In such cases, refilling may be required. The apex is very narrow, unprofessional dentists often leave it unfilled and this becomes a breeding ground for microbes.

This situation leads to acute periodontitis(inflammation of the root apex). Symptoms: severe pain, fever, swelling of the gums. Untimely treatment will lead to loss of the unit, an abscess. The same consequences are caused by:

  • root fracture;
  • perforation.

Mistakes and complications can be avoided if you carefully choose a dental clinic and study reviews about the doctor. But sometimes even the most experienced dentist makes a mistake during the treatment process. Some physiological characteristics complicating treatment:

  • proximity of adjacent apices;
  • severe curvature of the roots;
  • deviation of the cuspid center axis towards the cheek or tongue (since the possibilities of opening the jaw are limited, access is complicated);
  • abrasion/thinning of bone tissue;
  • advanced root caries;
  • treatment through a crown.

Perforation of the tooth root

The process when, when cleaning a diseased root, the dentist damages the integrity of its walls or touches bone tissue, is in practice called perforation. If objective reasons If there are no complications complicating the treatment, then this is completely the doctor’s negligence. It is possible to close a non-physiological formation only with expensive Pro-Root material. Eliminate the perforated area in two ways:

  1. From inside the cuspid (if pathology is detected before the filling is installed).
  2. Surgically through the gum.

The problem will be solved effectively and without consequences, if the size of the defect does not exceed 2 millimeters. The problem with perforation is that in most cases for a long time she is asymptomatic. This leads to even greater complications. At the site of the damaged tooth wall, the following occurs:

  • granuloma (an infection in the bone tissue that is a pus sac or nodule);
  • fistulas on the periosteum;
  • cyst.

Treatment of post-filling pain

If tooth pain persists for a long time after treatment of pulpitis, it is necessary to urgently find out the cause. An accurate diagnosis will allow us to determine suitable method treatment. Treatment after filling is difficult, but possible. Applicable:

  • refilling;
  • endodontics;
  • resection.

Endodontic treatment is a therapeutic area in dentistry. The treatment takes place directly inside the tooth. The main task of the doctor is to perform complex manipulations to extract the inflamed pulp with minimal destruction of bone tissue. Penetration occurs through the gums. Main stages:

  1. Anesthesia.
  2. Preparing the cuspidate.
  3. Channel cleaning.
  4. Filling.

Resection is a surgical intervention, cleaning the apex through the gum, without interfering with the filled tooth. The advisability of the procedure is determined by the doctor, after determining the cause of the pain, and if it is not possible to treat the unit through a filling or crown. Operation stages:

  1. Anesthesia.
  2. Gum cutting.
  3. Accessing the top of the root.
  4. Removal of the apex with pathology and inflamed tissue.
  5. Filling the space with synthetic bone tissue.
  6. Administration of medication.
  7. Installation of drainage.
  8. Gum stitching.

Video: Can a tooth hurt after nerve removal?

Toothache after treatment can accompany the patient from several hours to several days, but in some cases it lasts much longer.

Why does a tooth hurt after filling?

A filling installed on a cured tooth is a barrier against disease, but if pain is felt, then the result of its occurrence can be for many different reasons.

  • After proper treatment, tooth pain is normal. It is periodic in nature, is not strong or growing, and lasts from two weeks to two months.
  • Untreated caries makes itself felt after filling with aching pain in the inflamed tooth tissue. A timely visit to the dentist will help prevent complications such as the development of pulpitis - inflammation of the dental nerve.

  • The pain of a filled tooth is caused by already developing or chronic pulpitis, which was not diagnosed before treatment.
  • Reason pain Also incomplete treatment of inflamed tissues during periodontitis, which takes more than one patient visit and is considered quite complex.
  • Toothache also occurs when a filling is worn out or installed at an insufficient or excessive level. The filling may be damaged due to poor quality of the material or failure to follow the doctor’s recommendations.
  • For about two weeks, mild pain is felt as a result of trauma to healthy tissues received during the filling process.
  • The treatment procedure includes drying the inner walls of the tooth. If this stage is not performed correctly (the result is under-drying or over-drying), then the sensitivity of the tooth increases significantly and painful discomfort is felt.
  • If the walls are not dry enough, the filling does not adhere to a damp place, which contributes to the development of inflammatory processes and causes pain.

In addition to the above reasons, toothache occurs when there is an allergy to the filling material, failure to follow the dentist’s advice and insufficient hygiene. oral cavity.

How long does a tooth hurt after filling?

If the treatment is carried out in accordance with all the rules, then the pain lasts, as already mentioned, from two weeks to two months and manifests itself sparingly, without increasing. It can even go away in two hours or two days: it depends on the body’s reaction.

When the pain becomes tenacious and intrusive within two weeks, then you do not need to endure it for two months, but immediately go to the dentist, who will find the cause of the patient’s suffering, carry out treatment and give further recommendations.

How to relieve severe pain at home?

If the doctor warned after filling about the possibility of toothache and gave necessary advice, then with this symptom you need to strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist.

When the pain takes you by surprise, the first thing you need to do is clean the tooth from any leftover food and rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm, but not hot, water. The next step is to take one tablet of pain medication.

Drugs and their contraindications

There are many medications that temporarily relieve pain: nimesil, nise, ibuprofen, nurofen, analgin, baralgin, ketorolac, ketarol, nimulid, coffedon, ketonal, actasulide and their analogues. On short time Taking aspirin orally will also help, and for severe pain, paracetamol.

Painkillers are not a treatment for toothache; in addition, they have contraindications against the background of stomach ulcers and duodenum, kidney and liver diseases, hypertension, heart disease, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Household products

  1. The most popular and effective method is rinsing with soda and salt. To prepare it, you need to place it in a warm glass. boiled water add and stir a teaspoon each of baking soda and salt, preferably sea salt. Rinsing with a solution of furatsilin or hydrogen peroxide will help relieve pain.
  2. A cotton pad moistened with valocordin or tincture of valerian is used as an applicator on a sore tooth. For this purpose, use a paste of salt, garlic and onion in equal proportions and cover with a cotton or gauze swab.
  3. For 5-10 minutes, apply a piece of ice wrapped in one layer of sterile to the painful area. gauze napkin or a bandage.
  4. After half an hour, the pain will gradually subside if you place a piece of unsalted lard on the cheek of the sore tooth.
  5. You can hold a small amount of strong alcoholic drink behind your cheek. This remedy is suitable only for adults who have no contraindications.

Alternative medicine

Infusions medicinal herbs used as a rinse during toothache. For this they use sage, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, celandine, yarrow, and oak bark. The infusion is prepared from one tablespoon of dry herb, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. Cooled down to warm state rinse the mouth with the drug.

Until qualified medical assistance is provided, you can alternate herbal rinses with applying a cotton swab soaked to the tooth. healing oil: tea tree, clove, camphor, fir. In addition to oils, eucalyptus tincture, grated beets with vegetable oil, a piece of propolis.


If the causative tooth is on the left, then you need to massage on the right hand at the point of intersection of the bones of the big and index finger located closer to the wrist. Massage with an ice cube using vigorous circular movements for 5 minutes.

The auricles also have points that relieve toothache: the lowest on the lobe and the highest. Massage should be done on the ear located on the side of the tooth. The procedure time is at least 5 minutes.

What harm will it do?

  • Manipulations such as applying warming bandages, bags or socks with hot salt will increase the pain. Increased blood flow as the temperature rises will result in additional pain.
  • The body will react in the same way if a person is lying down. In this position of the body, the tooth tissues sense the flow of blood and the pain intensifies.
  • There is no need to listen to those who advise putting aspirin on a sore tooth, as this can lead to a burn to the mucous membrane.


Severe pain with high fever indicates the severity of the disease. In this case, prompt contact with a doctor is necessary.

Treatment is carried out in accordance with the identified disease, which is diagnosed based on the results of an X-ray examination of the tooth. At the end of the procedure, a temporary filling is installed for two weeks. Then, if the tooth does not bother you, a permanent filling is placed.

Unbearable pain when pressed is caused by periodontitis - an advanced stage of pulpitis (inflammation of the dental nerve). This the most complex disease, treatment of which lasts for a long time.

After cleaning and treating root canals affected by periodontitis, a temporary filling with medication is installed for 3 months to eliminate the source of infection. After this time, the doctor must make sure that the treatment is completed and a permanent filling can be placed. To strengthen the health of the tooth, a course of therapy is prescribed.

If the filling material causes an allergic reaction, the dentist will install a new filling that does not contain allergens.

How long can you not eat after filling?

Modern fillings contain epoxy resin, which ensures rapid creation required form with simultaneous hardening. Fillings made from light polymers harden almost instantly, while chemical ones take about an hour. You can eat food almost immediately after filling a tooth, but for peace of mind it is better to wait about an hour.

When installing a temporary filling, the dentist warns you to abstain from food for two hours.

What to do if after filling your gums hurt and your cheek is swollen?

In this case, you need to understand the most important thing: you cannot do without the help of a doctor. The sooner the patient goes to the dentist, the less he will have to suffer.

To wait until you visit a specialist, you can take measures to relieve pain:

  • Apply a heating pad with ice or a compress with ice cubes to your cheek for a few minutes;
  • take a pain reliever;
  • alternate the compress with warm rinses of infusions or decoctions of medicinal herbs.

It should be remembered that warm and hot compresses will actively provoke pain and inflammation, so the therapeutic bandage should be as cold as possible.

You should not take antibiotics without the advice of a doctor. This is a very specialized medicine, the thoughtless use of which leads to a decrease in immunity and complication of treatment.

Preventive procedures

After installing a filling on a tooth, it is important to follow the rules for the first week to help minimize the possibility of pain. To do this, you don’t need to eat or drink too hot or too cold. Temperature changes can provoke pain in the treated tooth.

In addition, it will be useful to forget about smoking at least for a while, since a filled tooth can react to many things for several days, including bad habits.

In order not to put stress on the tooth, you need to prefer softer foods and chew only on the healthy side.

And the simplest, but extremely important thing: do not forget to brush your teeth after eating.

These few rules will help the tooth adapt in the first days after treatment.

If the tooth still hurts under the filling, then necessary knowledge first aid will alleviate the condition. And the understanding that dental problems You should always decide with a doctor how to ensure healthy teeth and gums.


Tooth pain after treatment

After treatment of caries, especially deep ones, reminders of it may continue for some time. If the pain does not stop for more than a week, or increases, you should definitely go to the dentist.

The nature of the pain that occurs

Soreness is manifested by tingling, aching, slight pulsation in the area of ​​the treated area, if there was deep caries. The mechanical impact on the new filling while eating, pressing with a brush, or using a toothpick tightly presses the bottom of the diseased tooth to the pulp. The pressure causes a dull ache.

At the end of treatment, the pulp, moving away from the base of the filling, produces a protective layer of dentin. The process sometimes takes from several months to 2 years. This is normal and there is no need to worry.

Sensitivity may worsen when a filling is placed in the cervical part. At the gum line, the tooth often reacts to cold, boiling water, sour or sweet food. A depression or bump between the dental tissue and the filling, at its foundation, should cause alarm, because. subsequently the root will be exposed and inflammation will begin.

Often the tooth continues to hurt a month after treatment. Discomfort, hypersensitivity, aching manifestations, pulsation in the area of ​​​​therapeutic influence give rise to anxiety. The patient wonders why this is happening. Only a doctor in a dental office can help evaluate clinical symptoms.

The nature of pain varies in intensity, severity, and frequency.


The doctor will determine why a tooth treated for caries continues to hurt. There is no doctor with a 100% guarantee who can promise the absence of negative manifestations after therapeutic manipulations.

The behavior of a filled tooth depends on the individual reactions of the patient’s body, physiological characteristics, and immunity. A person knows his sensitivity threshold no less than a specialist - a highly qualified dentist.

The main professional reasons that cause pain after preparing a tooth cavity for filling:

  • overdrying;
  • under-drying.

In the first case, dentin, after washing and etching the filling surface, sharply increases the speed of movement and quickly redistributes liquid in the dentinal tubules. It takes on a matte tint, loses its internal moisture and natural shine. The pressure changes, odontoblast tears occur, and excess liquid. As a result, a tooth hurts after caries treatment, and brings a person with complaints to the dentist.

The high sensitivity of dentin disappears over time, the tooth area becomes painless and ceases to bother the patient.

During complete cure You should eat moderately warm, non-sweet foods.

The second mistake is when, when applying bonding materials (adhesives), an excessively moist cavity prevents them from penetrating into the dental tissues. On an uneven adhesive layer, when the restoration material is illuminated with LEDs, the filling is rejected.

The tooth is made susceptible to minimal vertical load when pressing, chewing, biting, or forcefully closing the jaws.

The reasons are also:

  1. Recurrent caries is the spread of infection with the development of pathogenic bacteria. Evidence of high risk resumption of the disease. Provoking circumstances: improper oral care, insufficient treatment primary manifestations. Occurs when the cavity is poorly prepared for preparation and filling.
  2. Poor treatment of the infected area, the remaining demineralized tissues contribute to the proliferation of microbes. A factor for the resumption of caries are outdated fillings that have lost their tightness and have microscopic cracks for infection of dentin and pulp. An x-ray shows a cleared lesion under the filling, indicating damage to hard tissues. Or increased contrast, in a shape similar to an arrowhead, with fiery tongues directed towards the pulp.
  3. Complications of caries are progressive demineralization and destruction of hard tooth tissues. Thin tubules are open for infection to enter the pulp. Developing inflammation causes pain after treatment.
  4. Neighboring healthy areas are affected. Sometimes slowly, over several years. Sometimes the process goes quickly and aggressively. For example, after radiation therapy, weakening the gums and hard tissues of the teeth. If caries is not treated in time, its development moves through the dentin to the pulp. The cold-hot reaction worsens, causing sharp, prolonged pain.

The consequence of infection of the upper basal tissues is periodontitis.

Irritating factors also include materials used in filling. Some composites have a piezoelectric effect, and are capable of causing pain of varying intensity after treatment of deep caries in overly sensitive patients. On the surface of some areas, electric charges, with a force of up to 1 microampere, which negatively affects the load on the treated tooth.

Light curing agents involved in treatment produce changes in the pulp through a thermal effect. A person notices that the tooth has become painful for no apparent reason. An intense stream of light activates small veins, slows down the flow of blood in the capillaries, provokes swelling of the stroma and other changes that cause pain.

Now etching for 20 seconds is mandatory. Non-toxic materials are used in the treatment of carious damage, water cooling. Rarely found negative manifestations after filling with light-hardening materials.

Medical methods of elimination

Only timely seeking help from a specialist will prevent a sad outcome. Complications that arise are dangerous due to infection internal organs body through circulatory system. With long hopes that “it will go away on its own,” the chances of saving the tooth are reduced.

IN dental clinic They will investigate the problem, take an x-ray, and take the necessary measures to eliminate the identified symptoms:

  • they will replace the filling, having previously eliminated the reasons why the tooth hurts and aches;
  • treat the canals, if necessary;
  • They will correct your bite if you feel discomfort when chewing food;
  • will perform surgical actions aimed at preserving a fragment or a whole tooth (root resection, incisions, etc.).

Residual pain symptoms after treatment are effectively reduced for a short time with analgesics: ketanov, ibuprofen, nise, nimesuline.

Pain is natural after anesthesia, when sensitivity is restored. It lasts up to 3 days.

If the inflammatory process is associated with root canals, hard tissues, or the dental cavity, discomfort increases and complications may arise. In these cases, it will not be possible to do without professional help.

Traditional methods of pain relief

  • Sea water has a unique disinfectant and pain reliever. Not everyone lives by the sea and has the opportunity to get some life-giving water. It is replaced with iodized salt (0.5 -1 tsp), diluted in a glass warm water. After some time, the tooth stops bothering you too much.
  • Clove essential oil effectively protects against pain. Applied to a cotton swab, it is applied to the source of inflammation. You can use powdered clove buds.
  • A sip of strong, unsweetened alcoholic beverages, which should be held behind the cheek on the disturbing side, helps. This method will not cure, but will allow the pain to subside until you see a doctor.
  • A piece of cotton wool or a disk with camphor alcohol, placed on a sore tooth, first causes an increase in pain, then its noticeable relief.
  • Rinsing with soda solution, herbal decoctions or infusions of chamomile, calendula helps in the fight against post-filling pain, and as a preventive measure.

To eliminate pain symptoms in children, you should remember that not every method is suitable for a growing body. Traditional medicines may contain components that cause allergies. Decoctions are more suitable for a child than herbal infusions.

Plantain, lemon balm, chamomile, and sage reduce the intensity of toothache and inflammation. Against infection, propolis tincture has a strong pulling effect.

An interesting remedy is garlic, applied with a fresh cut to the wrist on the hand opposite the side where the sore tooth is located. Where the pulse is felt, a bandage with a garlic compress is applied. Garlic powder works the same way.

Massage thumb on the left leg, about nail base, has a calming effect on the teeth of the right areas, and vice versa.

A piece of ice applied to the cheek can help relieve the condition. To protect against hypothermia and melting, it is placed in a piece of fabric.

Holding a warm towel over the sore spot for a short time is allowed to temporarily alleviate symptoms. But under no circumstances should you warm it up, causing the development of an abscess.

Preventive measures

Warp healthy cavity mouth, eliminating post-filling pain, maintaining hygiene rules:

  • daily morning and evening performance of necessary manipulations - cleansing teeth, gums, tongue from food debris;
  • rinsing with special dental solutions, using a paste containing fluoride (you should not constantly use the same one). The abrasive properties of some products can damage the enamel;
  • the brush should not be too hard.

Once every six months it is necessary to undergo preventive examination at the dentist. If clinical symptoms of caries are detected, X-rays are taken and necessary treatment at the dental clinic.

Timely detected carious manifestations are cured quickly, without causing serious inconvenience to the patient.

After applying a filling, and before caries damage is diagnosed, infection of the oral cavity should not eat too sweet, hot, or supercooled foods. Hard, hard food contributes to irritation of the treated area and pain.

A spectacular smile is the result of taking care of dental health.


Variant of the norm and types of pain

According to experienced doctors, afternerve removal, the tooth should not be disturbed for more than 3 days. Normally, during this time painful sensations occur when eating.

Inflammation of the gums, the formation of a growth or ulcer at the location of the root, or an increase in temperature may begin; in this case, you should immediately contact a dental clinic.

Painful sensations can occur in a variety of ways:

  1. The pain can be short-term, up to 2 weeks, or long-term; if no action is taken, the pain can torment the patient for several years.
  2. The pain can be subsiding, increasing or acute.


Pain may occur for the following reasons:

Tissue damage

During treatment, the connective tissue in the pulp is removed, for this it is necessary to penetrate the canal (root). There is a violation of the integrity of the anatomical structure of the tooth, which causes pain.

Pain may occur in the following cases:

  1. Damage to a nerve bundle or vessel.
  2. When processing a channel antimicrobials the root tip gets into the hole, this irritates the tissue and causes pain.
  3. The root canal was damaged by dental instruments during treatment.

If the work is done poorly

The pain will torment the patient for more than 3 days, and swelling of the gums may occur. Often when poor quality treatment There are practically no symptoms. Only an x-ray will help reveal this fact.

Incomplete canal filling

After removing tissue from the tooth, the doctor fills the canal with a special substance. If after filling some part of the canal remains open, then the active spread of pathogenic microflora occurs and the development of periodontitis begins.

If this happens, you need to contact your dentist as soon as possible to correct the situation.

Formation of additional holes in the tooth wall

Which may occur accidentally during treatment. In this case, it will be quite difficult to find a dentist who will undertake to correct the situation; many refuse to carry out this procedure.

To eliminate perforation, the doctor will need to use expensive materials.

Filling material getting outside the dental opening

In this case, the patient may be prescribed to take painkillers until the pain disappears. A return visit is possible dental office to remove excess filling material.

Broken piece of tools

This can happen due to the fault of the doctor or due to the structural features of the root canal. Treatment methods will depend on the location of the instrument fragment.

What to do if you have severe pain?

If severe or aching pain occurs, you must immediately contact a dentist, but it is not always possible to visit a doctor at this very moment. You can follow some recommendations that will help relieve pain.

Step by step instructions:

  1. If not purulent discharge from a tooth, then rinse periodically with warm water. If pus is released, rinse with cold water.
  2. Mouth rinsing helps relieve the conditionchamomile decoction or baking soda solution.
  3. When eating try to chew it on the opposite side.
  4. If any food irritant gets on the tooth surface, you must immediately remove any piece of food that has landed on the surface.
  5. Do not apply analgin to the source of pain, it can destroy the enamel and tissue around the teeth.
  6. You need to try not to lie on the other side where the source of pain is located so that there is no blood flow to inflamed area, otherwise the pain will worsen.
  7. Nursing and pregnant girls can ease the pain folk ways or paracetamol.
  8. If there is no negative reaction to painkillers, then you can use them.
  9. Application of dental drops will relieve pain, for this you need to apply a few drops of the product on a cotton swab and apply it to the tooth.
  10. Can't do it for a long period of time eliminate painful sensations to eliminate possible complications.
  11. Before visiting the dental office You should not take painkillers, this will make it easier for the doctor to find out the cause of the pain and eliminate it.

Possible complications

Most often, complications arise due to medical error and can be as follows:

  1. It is possible to develop periodontitis, gumboil and cysts, this is due to poor-quality filling of the canal.
  2. Neuralgia may occur due to an excess of filling material.
  3. In some cases, the root of the tooth becomes damaged; if this happens, it will be necessary to remove it.

Complications can arise due to poor treatment of the dental canal before filling.

Also, the following may happen:

  1. Loss of installed filling.
  2. Visible change in the shade of the treated tooth.
  3. Formation of gingivitis and periodontitis.

Feeling pain for a short period is considered normal. In some cases, the pain can be unbearable and the first thing to do as soon as possible is to visit the dentist's office.

In many cases, this is due to the unprofessionalism or negligence of the dentist. In any case, it is necessary to correct the current situation as quickly as possible, otherwise it may be too late, and complications and the development of other diseases will occur.


Toothache after caries treatment

Why does a tooth hurt after filling? Pain in a filled tooth can occur due to a violation of the filling technology. Or, this is especially true for cases of deep and extensive caries, due to the fact that many tooth tissues were injured during treatment, and they need time to return to normal.

The nature of pain in a tooth can vary: from a slight reaction to heat and cold to acute, difficult-to-bear pain.

Severe pain

If the pain in the tooth is severe, appears sharply and unexpectedly, throbbing and growing, and if it also increases at night, it is most likely acute pulpitis. If pain occurs after eating hot food, it can be assumed that chronic pulpitis. A tooth may not get sick instantly, but after some time, and the painful sensations subside not immediately after the thermal effect ends, but after a certain period of time. In addition, the pain is concentrated in the area of ​​one specific tooth.

In both situations, you need to see a dentist as soon as possible to remove the inflamed nerve (pulp). In this case, the filling will need to be removed, the pulp removed, each affected tooth canal filled, and the filling put back on the dental crown.

If treatment began when the inflammation had not yet gone too far, then the option of partially preserving the pulp in the dental canals is possible. This is important because teeth with soft tissue removed are more susceptible to decay and serve their owner for a shorter time.

Pain when pressing

There are situations when a tooth hurts after filling when pressed. Or tooth sensitivity to cold and hot food and even cold air increases. In this case, the tooth may begin to ache spontaneously, without external influences, but the pain is not too strong. The cause of such pain can be either overdrying or underdrying of the tooth cavity before filling.

After all tissues affected by caries have been removed from the tooth, the walls of the tooth cavity are treated with a special glue. It is necessary to secure the filling. Before applying the glue, the tooth cavity must be of a certain humidity, not drier, but not more humid than required by technology.

If the surface is excessively dry, the nerve endings located in the upper layer of the tooth are damaged and irritated. Sometimes the nerve endings may even die, which will lead to inflammation of the pulp, which can only be eliminated by repeated treatment of the tooth.

If the matter is only irritation, but not the death of nerve endings, then after some time the tissues will be saturated with moisture from the pulp, and the pain will subside. This process may take up to two weeks.

If the pain in the treated tooth has not subsided after two weeks, you need to go to the dentist. The same applies to cases of severe increasing pain.

If the dental tissues are not sufficiently dried, the adhesive will not penetrate to the required depth, and small areas of vacuum may form after the filling is applied. They will irritate the nerves of the tooth and cause pain. In this case, there is only one way to eliminate unpleasant sensations - replacing the filling. If the pain does not subside after two weeks, then you need to see a dentist, take pictures, understand the causes and eliminate the consequences.

Tooth pain after pulpitis treatment

Pulpitis is an inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth, or pulp. When treating pulpitis, the nerve is removed and the crown of the tooth is filled. Why does a tooth hurt after nerve removal and filling?

Pain in this case is natural, because the internal parts of the tooth were injured: part of the pulp was removed and a gap formed. In addition, antiseptics used to treat root canals can cause irritation of the nerve endings and, consequently, pain. Painful sensations usually last from one to three days and have a positive trend, that is, they gradually subside.

If the pain increases and swelling or swelling appears, it means inflammation has occurred. Most likely this is the result improper treatment. You need to go to the dentist and take a control photo.

If swelling appears, you will be referred to a surgeon to make an incision and remove pus from the area of ​​inflammation.

Among the consequences of improper treatment of pulpitis are the development of periodontitis, gumboil, cysts (due to unfilled tooth canals), neuralgia (due to the filling being pushed beyond the top of the filling) and even tooth extraction (in case of tooth perforation or root fracture).

If your tooth hurts after nerve removal, the pain increases, or you notice swelling, consult a doctor immediately. The sooner it starts correct treatment, the greater the chance of saving the tooth and getting fewer complications.

Tooth pain after periodontitis treatment

Treatment of periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues adjacent to the tooth root) consists of cleaning, antiseptic treatment and filling of the dental canals. This treatment takes more than one day and is quite complex. The occurrence of pain during the treatment period and after its completion can be either a regularity or a consequence of a violation of the process technology.

The periodontitis treatment process includes:

  1. Preliminary filling of tooth canals with drugs containing calcium hydroxide for a period of one and a half to two months. This is done to prevent the development of infections and to build up bone tissue at the top of the tooth.
  2. Therapeutic treatment using anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. After removing the temporary fillings, the canals are filled, reaching the apex of the tooth root.

If all these points were carried out accordingly, then the pain is most likely temporary and caused by trauma to the dental tissues. Sometimes such pain can last up to two months, then disappear spontaneously.

Possible medical errors in the treatment of periodontitis include insufficient or excessive level of filling, the formation of additional holes when processing canals with instruments (perforation). There may even be a piece of dental instrument left in the tooth canal.

In all these cases, the tooth will have to be treated again. In a situation where swelling occurs, you will most likely have to make an incision in the gum and undergo antiseptic treatment, and sometimes even treat with antibiotics.


Is a toothache after treatment normal or pathological?

Development pain syndrome after dental treatment is a common phenomenon. The etiology of this pain is usually associated with the type of dental procedures the patient underwent. Each person's body reacts differently to one therapy or another. It is necessary to consider the most common cases of toothache in patients at dental clinics.

Pain after periodontitis treatment

This disease is characterized by the presence of a purulent inflammatory process occurring in the peri-root tissues of the tooth. The chronic stage of development of this pathology is often asymptomatic. Therefore, the patient may experience pain only after the start of treatment for periodontitis.

Treatment of this disease is a rather complex and lengthy process, consisting of several stages.

  1. Installing a temporary filling using certain medications that contain calcium hydroxide. Tooth canals are filled for a period of 1.5 to 2 months. This stage allows you to prevent re-infection and increase bone tissue located near the apex of the tooth.
  2. Symptomatic therapy with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Removal of temporary filling material and installation of permanent filling.


If all the above-described stages of periodontitis treatment were carried out in compliance with the requirements, it means that the pain that arose during and after the procedures was caused by the process of trauma to the tooth tissue and is temporary. In some cases, the pain can last up to 2 months and then disappear.

Periodontitis is characterized by the accumulation of pathogens in the bone tissue surrounding the tooth root. If before treatment bacteria were freely transported from the oral cavity to the roots of the tooth, then after filling the canals, access to the dental roots is closed for them. The procedure for filling the canals allows you to localize foci of infection, as a result, it is easier for the body to neutralize and neutralize microbes.

In the presence of a weakened immune system or an individual specific reaction to sealing of the dental canals, an inflammatory process may develop, accompanied by pain. Even if the tooth has not previously been bothered, after treatment of periodontitis it may react with dull throbbing pain to touching, tapping, or pressing on its surface.


The most common causes of toothache after periodontitis treatment are:

  • the presence in the sealed dental canals of a small fragment from any dental instrument. During the treatment process, the dentist may not have noticed the smallest part of the instrument that had broken off;
  • the formation of additional holes during the perforation procedure;
  • excessive or insufficient amount of filling material used to install the filling.

If the described medical errors occurred, the tooth will have to be subjected to re-treatment. And if swelling of the dental and gingival tissues develops, it may be necessary to make an incision into the tissues in order to remove purulent accumulations and subsequent treatment with antiseptics. Sometimes it is necessary to prescribe antibacterial drugs.

You should consult a doctor immediately if:

  • general health has worsened;
  • body temperature increased;
  • the tooth has become wobbly;
  • there is a sharp acute pain;
  • swelling of the soft tissues surrounding the causative tooth;
  • when trying to close the jaws, severe pain occurs.

Pain after pulpitis treatment

Pulpitis is characterized by the presence of an acute inflammatory process occurring in the neurovascular bundle of the tooth. Treatment consists of removing the dental nerve followed by filling the apex of the tooth.

Pain after pulpitis treatment is normal. After all, part of the tooth pulp was removed, and some dental tissues were subject to serious injury. Pain may also be associated with irritation of nerve endings due to exposure antiseptics used in the treatment of pulpitis.


Toothache, which is considered normal after nerve removal and dental canal filling, lasts an average of 1-3 days, after which it begins to gradually subside. Pain syndrome can occur when pressing on a pulpless tooth and/or when tapping on its surface. Such pain may be present for about 1-2 months, no more.


Due to incompetent treatment of pulpitis, the following symptoms may occur:

  • acute, persistent pain;
  • a feeling of pulsation in the soft tissues that surround the diseased tooth;
  • swelling of the gums and cheeks.

All these symptoms indicate the development of an acute inflammatory process. If they occur, it is recommended to consult your doctor, who will take an X-ray of the tooth and prescribe appropriate treatment. As a rule, therapy is limited to making an incision in the gingival tissue, extracting purulent exudate and wound disinfection.

Among the complications of improper treatment of pulpitis are the development of:

  • neuralgia;
  • cyst;
  • flux;
  • periodontitis.

The most serious consequence of improper nerve removal is tooth extraction.

For dental care After removing a nerve from a tooth, you should contact us if:

  • the occurrence of pronounced swelling of the cheek and gum tissue around the diseased tooth;
  • the presence of severe weakness throughout the body;
  • sudden increase in body temperature;
  • if you feel acute pain when eating.

Pain after caries treatment

Pain syndrome after dental canal filling can be caused by:

  • firstly, excessive trauma to dental tissues, which need some time to recover. Such cases occur when the carious lesions were deep and extensive;
  • secondly, improper adherence by the dentist to dental canal filling technologies. For example, in case of under-dried or over-dried dental cavity before the procedure of filling the dental canals.


The occurrence of mild periodic aching pain after caries treatment indicates that it is not pathological. Moreover, the pain syndrome in this case will gradually subside, and swelling of the cheek and gum tissue will not be observed.

Often pain occurs after deep caries has been removed. In this case, the bottom of the carious cavity is located close to the pulp. And due to the mechanical effect on the surface of the filling, given impact appears on pulp tissue. Pain may occur when:

  • pressure is applied to the filling, even if it is insignificant;
  • solid food gets on the filled tooth (during chewing);
  • Scrape along the surface of the filling with a toothpick or fingernail.

After 1-3 months, such pain weakens and then disappears completely. The fact is that the pulp produces a protective layer of dentin, which allows you to “fence off” the filling. Until this happens, the patient may feel pain due to mechanical and thermal effects on the filling.

A slight dull pain can also be a reaction to procedures performed during the treatment of caries:

  • “exposure” of the filling material with halogen rays;
  • treatment of carious cavities with antiseptic agents;
  • processing of tooth tissue using a drill.

If pain of this nature is observed for no more than two weeks, it is not pathological.


If pain after treatment of caries occurs suddenly, mainly at night, is acute and pulsating, acute pulpitis is most likely developing.

If pain occurs during and after eating cold and hot food, as well as when pressing on the surface of the causative tooth, it can be assumed that chronic pulpitis has begun to develop.

Also, when a tooth reacts to temperature stimuli, if the filling is located in close proximity to the gum, it is necessary to evaluate whether one of the edges of the filling material is overhanging (a step or gap between the edge of the filling and the tooth).

If you detect uneven edges of the filling, you should consult a doctor. After all, such a defect will systematically injure the gums, which will lead to the development of inflammatory processes in its tissues. The next step this complication the root of the tooth will be exposed, which is not covered with enamel and therefore reacts sharply to various irritants.

A clear sign developing pathology After caries treatment, pain is concentrated in the area of ​​only the tooth that was filled.

You should contact your dentist after caries treatment if the following symptoms occur:

  • the treated tooth reacts acutely with pain to the process of chewing food, as well as eating hot, cold, sweet and sour foods;
  • toothache occurs without any impact on the tooth, mainly at night;
  • the pain is paroxysmal;
  • the pain syndrome does not stop even after a month after caries treatment;
  • the pain is not relieved even by taking painkillers.

How to get rid of toothache?

If the pain after dental treatment is not pathological, effective treatments will help eliminate it. traditional methods. Recipes for the 3 most popular folk remedies will be described below.

Important to know!

Before using this or that folk remedy To treat toothache, it is recommended to find out if you are allergic to the components included in its composition.

Recipe No. 1 Garlic compress

The wrist opposite the side where the causative tooth is located should be rubbed with half a clove of garlic cut in half. After this, another clove needs to be crushed and applied to the surface of the wrist. To avoid burns, before applying garlic paste, the surface skin It is recommended to wrap it in gauze cloth folded in half. Next you need to bandage your wrist. The tighter the compress is applied, the more effective it will be. therapeutic effect. You need to keep the bandage on for at least an hour.

Recipe No. 2 Herbal decoction

St. John's wort flowers, chamomile, elderberry and strawberry leaves (10 g of each component) must be poured with water (450 ml) and brought to a boil. Boil for 40 minutes. Then strain the broth and rinse your mouth with it. The more often the procedures are performed, the faster the toothache will disappear.

Recipe No. 3 Chicory root decoction

Grind chicory root (10 g), pour 300 ml of boiling water and add 5 ml of table vinegar (9%). Leave the mixture for 15 minutes and strain through a sieve. Rinse the mouth with the resulting solution on the side of the diseased tooth. Carry out procedures 5-7 times a day.
Timely seeking dental care will help avoid the development of serious complications after dental treatment. Be healthy!

Tooth pain after a filling procedure is far from uncommon. After all, a dental procedure involves a certain effect on tooth tissue. But pain is pain, for whatever reasons it arises, you need to know how to get rid of it.

Components of the filling procedure

Filling a tooth is a complex process that requires the dentist to be extremely careful in his work and correct sequence actions.

Sometimes it happens that the slightest mistake by the dentist leads to pain and discomfort in the filled tooth. Why a tooth hurts after filling can be found in the article.

  • expanding the cavity of a damaged tooth using a drill;
  • drying the entire surface of the tooth;
  • removal of injured, dead, damaged tissue;
  • treating the cleaned surface with special glue;
  • installation of a special gasket;
  • process of installing a seal;
  • polishing the filling;
  • fitting the filling to general view teeth.

Most often, the procedure goes without any problems and pain, if it occurs, is temporary.

If you feel acute and prolonged pain, it means something has gone wrong and you need to rush to the dentist again.

The aesthetic aspect is also important - it tells you how long to wear braces and how to care for them.

Read about the advantages and disadvantages of each, and the orthodontist’s recommendations for their choice.

If there is pain when exposed to hot or cold food, or a tooth hurts after filling when biting and the pain is not constant, this is a reason to visit the dentist for an examination.

There is no one answer to the question of how long a tooth hurts after filling - it can be several hours, days or weeks. The time will directly depend on how much the tissue and nerves of the tooth had to be affected during the treatment process.

When to sound the alarm

There are situations when the pain not only does not go away over time, but becomes intense and becomes permanent. This means with 100% certainty that the filled tooth has gone inflammatory processes. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

The cause of the pain directly depends on what procedures were performed in preparation for the filling or during the process of installing the filling itself. So, if a tooth hurts after filling, the reasons may be the following:

Incomplete removal of pulp or nerve tissue

In this case the pain will be sharp.
Sometimes there are very strong, sharp pain sensations after filling the canals, then the pain becomes constant.

Tissue inflammation

During the filling process, voids may form in which tissue inflammation develops. This can happen if the work is not done well and the cause can be found on x-ray tooth In this case, the pain may not occur immediately, but when it does appear, it will be pulsating.

Sometimes when pressing on a tooth, an unbearable sharp cutting or burning pain is felt.

There is a feeling of pulsation in the tissues, swelling of the gums may appear, and swelling of the gums often develops. In addition, the gums still hurt after filling the tooth.

Inflammation of dental tissues, in addition to pain, may be accompanied by swelling of the gums
If you start the process, the temperature may rise sharply and general weakness in the body.

With such manifestations, you will probably be skipped in line.

Do not forget that in a closed space, inflammation and infection will develop very quickly and can deeply affect the tissue.

Allergic reaction

A rare cause of pain after tooth filling is a banal allergic reaction to the materials and/or medications used in the treatment process.

In this case, the pain will be manifestations characteristic of allergies.

This problem needs to be fixed as follows: the old filling is removed and a new one is placed, but from a material to which there is no allergy.
The process will take a little longer than the first filling - you may need to clean the pulp and cavity of the tooth.

Mechanical damage to the seal

Damage to a filling is sometimes invisible to you and can only be detected when examined by a dentist.

A filling, like any material, has the disadvantage of wearing out over time.

If pain occurs a month or two after filling, then most likely the reason lies in damage to the filling, and it will have to be replaced.

If the damage is minor and is located in a place that is visually hidden, the presence of pain will indicate an existing problem.

During examination, the dentist can easily see even a microcrack. In this case, you will have to remove the entire damaged seal or a section of it and carry out repeat procedure filling.

How to get rid of pain - simple and reliable remedies

The fastest and easiest way to get rid of pain is to take a painkiller

It is possible that after visiting a doctor, unpleasant pain remains.

In this case, you need to get rid of the pain.

  1. If your tooth hurts a lot after filling, you can take a painkiller– this could be Ketanov, Analgin, Nimesil, Solpadein. It is possible that, due to the strong impact on the tooth tissue, the painkiller tablet will not act immediately and will not completely remove the pain.
    But this does not mean that you need to take the “horse” dose of the drug again; it is better to wait a little longer and wait for the medicine to take effect.
  2. Pain is possible reduce by rinsing. Doctors almost always prescribe them, for example, rinsing.
  3. Wear a hat. This advice is especially relevant if you visited the clinic during the cold season.
  4. Don't overeat solid foods. It is clear that if a tooth hurts after the procedure, and it is also exposed to solid food, the pain will only intensify.

If the pain does not go away over time, and there are no visible reasons for it, then it is better to consult a dentist. If the filling cracks, falls out, etc., and you only see a doctor the next day, try to reduce the pain by doing the following:

  • gently brush your teeth (remove any food that may have gotten under the filling);
  • rinse your mouth thoroughly with chamomile decoction or saline solution;
  • take a painkiller tablet;
  • if the pain is very sharp and almost unbearable, do not wait until you see a doctor, call an ambulance; perhaps inflammation has already developed in the tooth tissues and requires surgery.

What can happen if you ignore pain?

It happens that a person does not realize the severity of the pain in a filled tooth.
This can happen for various reasons: reluctance, fear of going to the doctor again, hoping that the pain will go away of course, hope for folk recipes pain relief, during attacks, taking strong painkillers, etc.

Ignoring pain can lead to serious consequences, for example, to infection, which can damage not only the tissue of the diseased tooth, but also neighboring teeth, gums, and bone tissue.

In the worst case, you may need the intervention of a maxillofacial surgeon, whose treatment will be much more painful, more expensive and longer.

The cause of pain can be different, in the following video the doctor talks about problems that can only be detected in the dentist’s office with the help of special equipment.

Therefore, in order to avoid such consequences, you should not delay your visit to the dentist; it is better to be safe than to ignore the pain after filling a tooth and end up with serious problems.

  • why a filled tooth may hurt;
  • how to cope with pain;
  • how to avoid dental problems after filling.

Many people these days have heard about the dangers of toothaches and try to regularly visit the dentist in order to prevent them or eliminate them as quickly as possible. Naturally, every person who promptly seeks dental care wants not only to cure the tooth, but also to insure against subsequent problems with it. However, even with the most responsible approach to oral health, it may happen that a tooth hurts after filling. The reason for this is not always clear, because it seems that the doctor has carried out all the medical procedures - put a filling on the tooth or sealed the root canals, but the tooth continues to bother you.

If a tooth hurts after treatment, the discomfort is either traumatic or infectious in origin. This means that pain is provoked either by bacteria entering the soft tissues, or by a negative mechanical effect.

In general, dental tissue is insensitive to pain, therefore the tooth itself cannot hurt by definition. But the pulp, located inside the tooth, consists mostly of nerve endings, which signal damage to the dental tissue. This is how toothache may appear after filling, even if the treated tooth is considered conditionally healthy.

When pathogenic bacteria penetrate the pulp, inflammation begins, accompanied by severe pain. If you have already filled a tooth that is causing you trouble, then you will probably be interested in finding out why the tooth under the filling hurts. Of course, this can happen due to violations of hygiene rules or non-compliance with medical recommendations, but what if there are no logical reasons?

Where does the pain come from? Caries and more caries

Possible causes of pain associated with dental caries are:

  • Insufficiently thorough cleaning of the carious cavity or leakage of the filling. These factors can cause a repeated carious process, rapidly progressing in the established conditions for it. favorable conditions. You can avoid such trouble by contacting a trusted clinic with good specialists. If a filled tooth hurts for a long time and obsessively, you need to make a second appointment with your doctor. A long delay may result in the need for tooth extraction.
  • Before filling, it is important to consider that deep caries could have time to affect the dentin under the enamel, and the infection travels along soft tissues, but severe pain has not yet appeared. The doctor removes the damaged enamel and places a filling. However, immediately after the anesthetic wears off or a few days after treatment, the toothache becomes unbearable. This indicates inflammation of the pulp - pulpitis.

Pulpitis and cysts as causes of post-filling pain

  1. It is possible that the dentist has overcome advanced pulpitis, but the inflammation has already moved deeper - along the apical foramen in the root and into the periodontium. Thus, in the absence of pulp in the tooth, periodontitis cannot be ruled out.
  2. Advanced inflammation can have a complication in the form of a cyst. It can slowly grow for months and even years, without showing itself in any way to the patient, but destroying the jaw bone tissue so much that surgical intervention will be required to restore them. Postponing a visit to the doctor in this case can result in dire consequences, since the cyst can threaten not only health, but also life.

Could there be an allergy to the filling?

No matter how strange it may sound, allergic reactions to the components of the filling substance are not so uncommon. This is due to the invention of new drugs that shorten the duration of treatment, but contain potent substances, which can cause irritation. If a couple of days have passed after the filling and the tooth is sick, we cannot exclude the possibility of intolerance to some component of the filling. Most often, pain appears along with other symptoms, by which the doctor diagnoses an allergic reaction.

Why does a tooth hurt after root canal filling?

If you have a nagging toothache after root canal filling, which makes itself felt when you apply pressure and eat cold or hot water, there may be two reasons. The first is shrinkage of the filling caused by the low quality of the filling material or its insufficient quantity. The second is the exit of the filling material through the apical foramen into the periodontium. In order to avoid such an outcome of filling, you need to contact proven dentists who have an X-ray machine.

No person is immune from mistakes, so one cannot ignore human factor in dental treatment. If your tooth hurts after filling a canal, the doctor may have incorrectly used a very thin instrument designed for root canal treatment. For example, after removing the nerves, a fragment of an instrument may remain inside the canal, which will be visible on an x-ray.

How are teeth filled and what should not be done after that?

Most often, a filling is a necessary element in the treatment of caries. If this is your case, then:

  1. First, the doctor removes tissue affected by caries.
  2. Then the cavity is treated with special substances to prepare it for filling.
  3. Next, a spacer is placed into the cavity to promote the formation of secondary dentin.
  4. At the last stage, the filling is installed and it is given a natural appearance.

When advanced caries provokes pulpitis, under local anesthesia the affected nerve is removed, the inflammation is eliminated, and a temporary filling is placed. After a while, the canals are filled along their entire length and the tooth is closed.

Upon completion of the filling procedure, the dentist usually tells the patient how to behave correctly in order to consolidate the effectiveness of the treatment and avoid complications.

  • You should refrain from eating for the first two to three hours.
  • At first, it is advisable not to eat cold or hot food.
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol for two to three days.
  • Don't eat sweets for two or three days.
  • At least for 24 hours after the procedure, it is better not to chew on the side where the filling is located.
  • Try to give preference to liquid and soft foods.
  • On the day of the procedure, do not brush your teeth too aggressively.

Toothache under a filling – when should you not be afraid of it?

Many patients note that the tooth under the filling hurts immediately after the filling, when the anesthesia wears off. Discomfort worsens when inhaling cold air and eating food. It may well be normal occurrence associated with dental procedures. A not very intense aching pain can be observed for several days in the case of a regular filling. After root canal filling, the rehabilitation period can drag on for three to four weeks and the pain is not always easy to endure.

Please note that every day the unpleasant sensations should fade away in order to eventually disappear completely. If the pain does not go away or intensifies, this indicates complications and requires consultation with a doctor.

How to return to normal life if a filled tooth hurts?

If the dentist does not see anything wrong with the degree and nature of pain after filling, he recommends that the patient wait until it goes away on its own. But, if you do not want to endure pain, you can alleviate the condition in several ways:

  1. Rinse your mouth warm water with added salt.
  2. Apply a cotton swab dipped in an infusion of sage, mint, chamomile, calendula, lemon balm or valerian to the problem area.
  3. Apply a gel that has cooling properties to the gums. The effect is quick and long-lasting, but disappears after eating or drinking.
  4. Compresses with clove or fir oil cope well with pain, but it is necessary to prevent fir oil from getting on the gums - it can cause a burn. Propolis also helps.
  5. After eating, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a soda solution, to which you can add a drop of iodine.
  6. It is also possible to rinse your mouth with solutions of furatsilin and chlorhexedine.
  7. It is allowed to use oral painkillers: analgin, nurofen, tempalgin, baralgin, dexalgin. Dosages should be small, and it is better to consult a doctor before using these medications.

When can you not do without the help of a doctor?

In order not to aggravate the situation by waiting for pain relief, it is important to know some symptoms when they appear there is no point in waiting. You should see a doctor immediately if:

  • body temperature rose above 37.5 degrees;
  • persistent aching pain becomes acute when pressing on the tooth;
  • the color and shape of the gums have changed;
  • the filling fell out;
  • the gum or cheek in the area of ​​the filled tooth is inflamed;
  • pronounced pain when chewing and swallowing.

It is the doctor’s task to determine what causes any symptoms. Treatment of the problem depends on pathological factor, as well as on the condition of the tooth and periodontal tissues. Classic scheme is as follows: the old filling is removed, the tooth is prepared and undergoes medicinal treatment. Root canals are refilled if it is not possible to get by with resection of the apex of the tooth root.

If periodontitis is diagnosed, the apical foramen of the tooth is widened to allow exudate to escape, and the tooth is left open for a short time. If the infection spreads beyond the root system, the tooth must be removed.

A timely visit to a doctor with the problem of pain in a filled tooth is not only the key to successful pain relief, but also saves money, because after installing the filling, it is guaranteed, and the warranty treatment will be free.