Products containing carbohydrates in quantities table. What are complex carbohydrates - what foods contain them?

The main source of energy for humans is carbohydrates. Their deficiency leads to fatigue, deterioration of health, loss of strength. However, many people use simple carbohydrates who become main reason excess weight. Integral part healthy eating- This . They are absorbed for a long time, generating energy for the body for a long time. Let's figure out what foods contain complex carbohydrates.

What are complex carbohydrates?

Construction material human body are carbohydrates. They nourish nervous system, brain and vital organs with energy, supporting normal level glycogen. Without their participation, enzymes, amino and nucleic acids are not produced. In turn, carbohydrates are divided into monosaccharides (simple) and polysaccharides (complex). So that the body for a long time pleased us with its performance, it is important to dose them correctly.

When should you eat foods that are difficult to digest? Taking fast carbohydrates is useful when there is a lot of energy expenditure, for example, after a strength workout. To gain weight, it is also recommended to consume foods with high glycemic index. In all other cases, nutritionists recommend introducing complex carbohydrates into the diet, which are better absorbed by the body, ensuring a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Types of complex carbohydrates

Slow carbohydrates do not accumulate in the fat layer, do not cause insulin spikes and are poorly soluble in water, so the body retains them for a long time. They are broken down (hydrolyzed) into simple carbohydrates, so their absorption by the body takes a long time. Slow carbohydrates have different glycemic index and different nutritional value. What are complex carbohydrates? Let's consider all types separately.

  1. Starch. Low-calorie substance with high energy value. Even if you consume a lot of starch, you will not encounter a problem extra pounds. It quickly fills the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness for a long time. Starch – excellent prophylactic against oncology, normalizes metabolism, regulates sugar levels, improves immunity. The highest concentration of starch is found in following products: brown (brown) rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, pasta, rye bread, potatoes, lentils, soybeans, peas.
  2. Glycogen. This type of slow carbohydrate is a chain of glucose molecules. When for some reason its level begins to fall, glycogen helps maintain normal indicators. In addition, the carbohydrate glycogen restores muscle mass, which is important for athletes who are constantly exposed to heavy loads muscles. In food, glycogen is present in small quantities. You can replenish its reserves by eating: fish, liver, beef heart, red meat.
  3. Fiber. It is a plant fiber of coarse origin, which is very important for the normal functioning of the intestines. Most fiber is found in whole grains that are not cooked or mechanically processed. When consuming it, it is very easy to control the feeling of hunger, because coarse fibers provide a feeling of satiety for a long time. Large fiber absorbs ballast and toxic substances lower section intestines, formed during the digestion of food. Small fibers optimize the activity of the stomach, spleen, and pancreas, improving the quality of food digestion. Products containing fiber: nuts (almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts), whole grain cereals (unprocessed), greens and fresh vegetables, fruits with seeds (pomegranate, kiwi, apples, grapes), legumes.
  4. Pectins. They play the role of adsorbents. Pectin fibers turn into a colloidal mass of viscous consistency after dissolving in water. They absorb carcinogens, toxins, heavy metals. Pectins normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and free the intestines from toxins. These are adhesives that are formed from galacturonic acid residues. As a structural element, pectins are present in root vegetables, algae, some vegetables and fruits: black currants, carrots, cranberries, beets, cabbage, gooseberries, cherries, cucumbers, potatoes, eggplants, watermelons, melons and others.

Where are complex carbohydrates found - list of foods

Basics proper nutrition involve the consumption of carbohydrates complex type for breakfast and lunch, as they are better absorbed in the first half of the day. If you need to lose weight, eat more fiber, which is not digested at all and therefore does not turn into fat, but quickly fills you up. To gain body weight while eating, you need to pay more attention to the level of starch and glycogen in foods. Introducing more detailed information, where complex carbohydrates are synthesized.

Vegetables and fruits

This is the most important element of a healthy diet. Almost all vegetables and fruits contain complex compounds, but in order to preserve maximum quantity useful properties It is important to eat them raw or lightly cooked. Vegetables and fruits past heat treatment, lose a lot of vitamins, fruit acids, pectin substances. List of fruits and vegetables rich in complex carbohydrates: tomatoes, green beans, zucchini, sweet pepper, cabbage, raspberries, pomegranate, cherry.


Prepared using whole grain cereals, porridges should definitely become part of the daily diet. Best for good nutrition will be oats, bulgur, wheat, buckwheat. It is better to avoid white rice and semolina due to high caloric content and minimal fiber content. Derivatives from whole grain classic cereals: oat or buckwheat flakes, muesli.


Nutritionists recommend including vegetable salads with fresh herbs in your menu every day. It enriches the body with essential essential oils, minerals, acids, vitamins. Greens normalize functioning excretory system, activates the secretion of digestive glands. The most healthy greens with a high content of complex carbohydrates include: lettuce, spinach, and lettuce.

Dairy products

All dairy products consist almost entirely of simple carbohydrates, because they contain lactose. But you shouldn’t completely give up dairy foods, because some types contain slow carbohydrates. These include: natural yogurt, low-fat kefir, low-fat cottage cheese. Dairy products also contain many vitamins, large amounts of phosphorus and calcium, without which it is impossible normal functioning body.


Complex carbohydrates are not only found in solid foods. Their sources are freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. The most large cluster Slow carbohydrates are found in tomato, carrot, orange, apple, and pineapple juice. In addition to them, freshly squeezed juices provide powerful support to the immune system, especially during cold seasons.

Legumes and grains

Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grains and legumes. Barley and oatmeal, pasta made from whole grains, wholemeal bread. If you need to get a lot of fiber, replace it with whole grains. Regarding legumes, then to maintain the desired carbohydrate balance during a diet or fast, eat more peas, lentils, chickpeas, and beans.

Table of complex carbohydrate content in food

To maintain normal human well-being daily norm carbohydrates should be 4-5 grams per kilogram of weight. For people involved in professional sports or heavy physical labor, it is advisable to consume up to 8 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight daily. We suggest you find out in the table of complex carbohydrates their content in different products nutrition to calculate how much you need to consume per day.

Complex carbohydrates for weight loss

Nutritionists, when calculating an individual diet, always proceed from correct ratio BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). Unfortunately, many people, when losing weight, completely refuse to consume carbohydrates, not knowing what they are for. This is incorrect, since the lack of complex carbohydrates can lead to weakening immune system and, as a rule, to the occurrence of a number of diseases.

Complex compounds during weight loss are beneficial for normal operation intestines, since fiber improves peristalsis, nourishes beneficial microflora. These are required components sports nutrition, because they contribute to the recruitment muscle mass. What are these products? In recipes for weight loss, include durum pasta, lentils, and oatmeal.

The list of foods needed for energy while drying the body also contains prunes, dried apricots, eggs, fish, and meat. The list of breakfast dishes should include difficult-to-digest carbohydrates: millet porridge, raisins, nuts, honey. Instead of sweets, it is advisable to eat dried fruits, fruits and berries in small portions in the morning and evening.

A person’s health, well-being and mood largely depend on nutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to it, choosing the right and healthy products for the body. In addition to the benefits, when adjusting your diet, you need to worry about its balance. Carbohydrate foods occupy a major place in daily diet human, because it is indispensable for the implementation of natural processes of the body. Therefore, the advice of most nutrition experts agree that half of the foods a person eats throughout the day should be carbohydrates.

Carbohydrate foods occupy a major place in the daily human diet


In order for all systems and organs of the human body to work harmoniously, there is no failure in important processes it must be supplied daily with proteins, fats and carbohydrates that perform their assigned functions.

Sources of carbohydrates are an indispensable component of sports nutrition, because they provide the body with energy to perform physical activity. In addition, carbohydrates are responsible for energy nutrition muscle fibers And stable work liver.

You cannot exclude carbohydrates from your diet. Moreover, they need to occupy almost half of their daily ration. At the same time, the diversity of the diet will not suffer, because the food can be very different, which makes it possible to supply carbohydrates to the body uninterruptedly.

Fresh mushrooms do not contain many carbohydrates

There is a list of sources containing carbohydrates:

  • Sources from low content carbohydrates (no more than 5 grams per 100 grams of product). These products include vegetables such as fresh mushrooms or radishes, tomatoes, onions, lettuce. Citrus fruits, particularly lemons, can also be included in this group.
  • Low-carb sources include fruits, such as pear, peach or apricot, as well as vegetables - carrots, pumpkin. Seasonal sources of carbohydrates are watermelon and melon. This group of products includes those whose carbohydrate concentration does not exceed 10 grams per 100 grams of product.
  • The group of foods per 100 grams, which contain no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates, includes mainly vegetables and fruits. Among vegetables, you should pay attention to potatoes and beets. As for fruits, these are green apples and grapes. This also includes ice cream.
  • One of the richest sources can rightfully be considered natural dark chocolate, halva, bakery products and peas. IN listed products the concentration of carbohydrates reaches 60 grams per 100 grams of product.

Natural dark chocolate contains many carbohydrates

  • Highly concentrated carbohydrate foods are those that contain more than 60 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of food. The leaders among these sources are refined sugar, honey, jam, fresh baked goods, and all kinds of sweets. Also in this group there is a place for cereals, which are a source of energy for the human body.

This product list is a clear example what needs to be added to the diet to obtain energy and carry out processes necessary for the body. You should not overuse this type of food, as it can harm the body. Therefore, everything needs to be done in moderation.

Honey is very rich in carbohydrates

Carbohydrate table

By observing or adhering to the principles of sports nutrition, you must strictly control your diet and include or eliminate healthy and harmful foods from it.

Thus, complex carbohydrates are absorbed by the body rather slowly, which gives a feeling of fullness compared to eating simple carbohydrates.

As you know, in sports it is very important to eat food in a timely manner. Equally important is its correct division, in our case into simple and complex carbohydrates, information about which is contained in the following table.

The products that this table contains must be selected extremely carefully, because if they are mixed up, you may not get the desired result from diet or sports. Most of the results obtained depend on nutrition.

If we're talking about O dietary nutrition, or sports, then most nutrition experts are inclined to believe that complex carbohydrates, which the above table will allow you to familiarize yourself with, bring more benefits to the body than foods containing fast carbohydrates. This is due to the fact that foods containing starchy foods or complex carbohydrates are absorbed by the body rather slowly. Thanks to this property, a person manages not to feel hungry for a long time.

Banana contains carbohydrates

Such food also has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels, which can be maintained at the same level. This cannot be said about simple compounds, the use of which should be treated with caution. They inflame the feeling of hunger and increase blood sugar levels, which does not have the most pleasant outcome.

A variety of food allows you to make your diet interesting and not boring. In addition, a large selection makes it possible to prepare a huge number of interesting, delicious dishes, the benefit from which will be achieved maximum.

You'll be surprised how beneficial reducing carbohydrates in your diet can be.

Low-carb foods have been shown to significantly reduce hunger and promote weight loss and lead to “automatic” weight loss without the need to count calories.

At least 23 studies show that low-carb diets promote greater weight loss than low-fat diets, sometimes as much as 2 to 3 times more effective.

Reducing carbohydrates in the diet also has beneficial influence on general metabolism.

This includes blood sugar levels, blood pressure, triglyceride levels, and “good” cholesterol and so on.

Fortunately, creating such a diet is not at all difficult, but we collected low-carb foods in a list and divided them into groups for convenience.

Create a diet based on natural products low carb and you'll lose weight and benefit your health.

This is a list of 44 low carb foods. Most of them are not only healthy, but also nutritious and amazingly tasty.

Below each food item I have listed the amount of carbohydrates per standard serving as well as the amount of carbohydrates per 100 grams.

However, remember that some of them are high in fiber, so sometimes their digestible (net) carbohydrate content is even lower.

List of Low Carb Foods

1. Eggs (virtually zero)

Eggs are just about the healthiest and most nutritious food on the planet.

They have a lot nutrients, including important microelements for the brain, as well as components beneficial for vision.

Carbohydrates: practically none


All types of meat contain almost no carbohydrates. The only exception is parts such as the liver, which contains about 5% carbohydrates.

2. Beef (zero)

Beef is filling and rich important elements, such as iron and B12. There are dozens of ways to prepare it, from ribs to ground meat and cutlets.

Carbohydrates: zero

3. Lamb (zero)

Like beef, lamb contains a lot of nutrients, iron and B12. Because the animal is often grass-fed, the meat often contains an essential fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA (14).

Carbohydrates: zero

4. Chicken (zero)

Chicken meat is among the most popular products on the ground. It contains many useful substances and is an excellent source of protein.

If you're on a low-carb diet, you may want to opt for fattier cuts like wings or thighs.

Carbohydrates: zero

5. Pork, including bacon (usually zero)

Pork is another delicious type of meat, and bacon is a favorite of many low-carb dieters.

Bacon, however, is a processed meat, so it hardly qualifies as a “health food.” However, on a low-carb diet it is quite acceptable to eat a moderate amount.

Most importantly, try to buy bacon from retailers you trust, make sure it doesn't contain artificial additives, and don't overcook the meat when cooking.

Carbohydrates: zero. But read the label carefully and avoid smoked or sugar-cured bacon.

6. Jerky (usually zero)

Dried meat is meat that has been cut into thin pieces and dried. And, as long as there is no added sugar or artificial additives, it can be a great addition to a low-carb diet.

However, we should not forget that what is sold in stores is often highly processed and is no longer healthy food. Therefore, it is best to make such meat yourself.

Carbohydrates: depends on the type. If it's just meat with seasoning, then approximately zero.

Other Low Carb Meats

  • Turkey
  • Veal
  • Venison
  • Buffalo

Fish and seafood

Fish and other seafood are generally very nutritious and healthy.

They are especially high in vitamin B12, iodine and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are elements that many people lack in their diets.

Like meat, almost all fish and seafood contain almost no carbohydrates.

7. Salmon (zero)

Salmon is one of the most popular fish among health-conscious people, and for good reason.

This fatty fish, which means it contains significant reserves of heart-healthy fats, in this case, omega-3 unsaturated fats fatty acids.

Salmon is also rich in vitamin B12, D3 and iodine.

Carbohydrates: zero.

8. Trout (zero)

Carbohydrates: zero.

Like salmon, trout is a type of fatty fish rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and other important elements.

9. Sardine (zero)

Sardine is a fatty fish that is usually eaten almost entirely, bones and all.

Sardine is one of the most nutrient-dense fish on the planet, and contains almost everything the human body needs.

Carbohydrates: zero.

10. Shellfish (4-5% carbohydrates)

Unfortunately, shellfish find their way into our daily diet much less often than they deserve. However, they are on a par with the most healthy products in the world, and in terms of nutritional richness they can compete with meat from internal organs.

Shellfish typically contain small amounts of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates: 4-5 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of shellfish.

Other low-carb fish and seafood

  • Shrimp
  • Haddock
  • Herring
  • Tuna
  • Cod
  • Halibut


Most vegetables contain almost no carbohydrates, especially leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables, since almost all of their carbohydrates are found in fiber.

On the other hand, starchy root vegetables such as potatoes and sweet potatoes are rich in carbohydrates.

11. Broccoli (7%)

Broccoli is a delicious cruciferous vegetable that can be cooked or eaten raw. It's high in vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber, and contains powerful plant compounds that may help prevent cancer.

Carbohydrates: 6 grams per cup or 7 grams per 100 grams.

12. Tomatoes (4%)

Technically, tomatoes are berries, but they are classified as vegetables. They have a lot of vitamin C and potassium.

Carbohydrates: 7 grams in a large tomato or 4 grams per 100 grams.

13. Onion (9%)

Onion is one of delicious vegetables on the ground, gives dishes a bright taste. It contains a lot of fiber, antioxidants and various anti-inflammatory components.

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per cup or 9 grams per 100 grams.

14. Brussels sprouts (7%)

Brussels sprouts are an incredibly nutritious vegetable, a relative of broccoli and regular cabbage. Rich in vitamin C, K and many other beneficial elements.

Carbohydrates: 6 grams per half cup or 7 grams per 100 grams.

15. Cauliflower (5%)

Cauliflower is a tasty and versatile vegetable that can be used to prepare a variety of interesting dishes. It is rich in vitamins C, K and folate.

Carbohydrates: 5 grams per cup and 5 grams per 100 grams.

16. Kale (10%)

Kale or kale is very popular among health-conscious people. It is rich in fiber, vitamins C, K and carotene antioxidants. Among other things, kale in general has incredible health benefits.

Carbohydrates: 7 grams per cup or 10 grams per 100 grams.

17. Eggplant (6%)

Eggplant is another fruit that is often mistaken for a vegetable. It is rich in fiber and very varied in consumption.

Carbohydrates: 5 grams per cup or 6 grams per 100 grams.

18. Cucumber (4%)

Cucumber is a common vegetable with a mild flavor. Consists mainly of water with a small amount of vitamin K. [goes well with lard - approx. transl.]

Carbohydrates: 2 grams per half cup or 4 grams per 100 grams.

19. Bell pepper (6%)

bell pepper- a well-known vegetable with a pronounced pleasant taste. It is high in fiber, vitamin C and carotene antioxidants.

Carbohydrates: 9 grams per cup or 6 grams per 100 grams.

20. Asparagus (2%)

Asparagus is a surprisingly tasty spring vegetable. It's loaded with fiber, vitamin C, folate, vitamin K, and carotene antioxidants. It also has a lot of protein compared to other vegetables.

Carbohydrates: 3 grams per cup or 2 grams per 100 grams.

21. Green beans (7%)

Green beans are technically a member of the legume family, but they are cooked and consumed as a vegetable.

Each bite contains a huge amount of nutrients, as well as fiber, protein, vitamin C, K, magnesium and potassium.

Carbohydrates: 8 grams per cup or 7 grams per 100 grams.

22. Mushrooms (3%)

Mushrooms, generally speaking, are not plants, but for simplicity, edible mushrooms are classified as vegetables. They contain significant amounts of potassium and some B vitamins.

Carbohydrates: 3 grams per cup and 3 grams per 100 grams (ceps).

Other Low Carb Vegetables

  • Celery
  • Spinach
  • Zucchini
  • Swiss chard
  • Cabbage

Almost all vegetables, with the exception of starchy root vegetables, contain almost no carbohydrates. You can eat a huge amount of vegetables and stay within the required carbohydrate limit.

Fruits and berries

Although the generally accepted opinion about fruit is that it healthy food, the attitude of supporters of a low-carbohydrate diet towards them is quite contradictory.

And all because fruits sometimes contain quite a lot of carbohydrates compared to vegetables.

Depending on what threshold you have set for yourself, you may need to limit the amount of fruit to one or two per day.

This, however, does not apply to fatty fruits such as avocados or olives.

Low-sugar berries, such as strawberries, are also good for you.

23. Avocado (8.5%)

Avocado is a unique fruit. Instead of carbohydrates, it is loaded to the brim with healthy fats.

Avocados are high in fiber, potassium, and all sorts of other nutrients.

Carbohydrates: 13 grams per cup or 8.5 grams per 100 grams.

Don't forget that the carbohydrates mentioned (about 78%) are contained mainly in fiber, so there are practically no digestible (“net”) carbohydrates in it.

24. Olives (6%)

Olives are another delicious fruit with high content fat It contains a lot of iron, copper and vitamin E.

Carbohydrates: 2 grams per ounce or 6 grams per 100 grams.

25. Strawberry (8%)

Strawberries are the lowest carb, highest nutrient fruit you can find on your table. It is rich in vitamin C, manganese and various antioxidants.

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per cup or 8 grams per 100 grams.

26. Grapefruit (11%)

Grapefruits are citrus fruits, relatives of oranges. They are very rich in vitamin C and carotene antioxidants.

Carbohydrates: 13 grams in half a grapefruit or 11 grams per 100 grams.

27. Apricot (11%)

Apricot is an incredibly delicious fruit. Each apricot contains some carbohydrates, but also a ton of vitamin C and potassium.

Carbohydrates: 8 grams in two apricots or 11 grams per 100 grams.

Other Low Carb Fruits

  • Lemon
  • Orange
  • Mulberry
  • Raspberry

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are very popular in low-carb diets. They are usually low in carbohydrates, but high in fat, fiber, protein and various microelements.

Nuts are typically found in snack foods, but seeds are more often used to add texture to salads or other dishes.

Nut and seed flours (such as almond, coconut or flax seed flour) are also used to make low-carb breads and other baked goods.

28. Almonds (22%)

Almonds are a wonderful treat. It's high in fiber, vitamin E, and one of the world's best sources of magnesium, a mineral that most people are deficient in one way or another.

In addition, almonds cause quick satiety, which, according to some studies, helps with weight loss.

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per ounce or 22 grams per 100 grams.

29. Walnut (14%)

Walnut- another delicious type of nut. It is especially high in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as a variety of other nutrients.

Carbohydrates: 4 grams per ounce or 14 grams per 100 grams.

30. Peanuts (16%)

Peanuts are technically a member of the legume family, but everyone tends to think of them as nuts. It contains a lot of fiber, magnesium, vitamin E and many others. important vitamins and minerals.

Carbohydrates: 5 grams per ounce or 16 grams per 100 grams.

31. Chia seeds (44%)

Chia seeds are gaining popularity among healthy eating enthusiasts. They are loaded to the brim with a variety of important substances and are great as an addition to a variety of low-carb recipes.

This is one of the best known sources dietary fiber, which you can only find on the shelves.

Carbohydrates: 12 grams per ounce or 44 grams per 100 grams.

Don't forget that about 86% of chia seeds' carbohydrates are found in fiber, so they contain almost no digestible ("net") carbohydrates.

Other Low Carb Seeds and Nuts

  • Hazelnuts
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Cashew
  • Coconuts
  • Pistachios
  • Flax-seed
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower seeds

Dairy products

If you are not lactose intolerant, then full-fat, low-carb dairy products are for you. The main thing is to pay attention to the label and avoid anything with added sugar.

32. Cheese (1.3%)

Cheese is one of the most delicious products low in carbohydrates, you can eat it raw or create a variety of recipes with it interesting food. It goes especially well with meat, and also as part of a burger (without a bun, of course).

Cheese is also highly nutritious. A piece of cheese contains as many nutrients as a whole glass.

Carbohydrates: 0.4 grams per slice or 1.3 grams per 100 grams (cheddar).

33. Heavy cream (3%)

Heavy cream is very low in carbohydrates and protein, but high in milk fat. Many low-carb dieters add them to coffee or other dishes. A rosette of berries with whipped cream is a delicious low carb dessert.

Carbohydrates: 1 gram per ounce or 3 grams per 100 grams.

34. Full-fat yogurt (5%)

Full-fat yogurt is an extremely healthy food. Contains the same substances as whole milk, but contains live cultures that provide extremely beneficial probiotic bacteria.

Carbohydrates: 11 grams per 8 ounce container or 5 grams per 100 grams.

35. Greek yogurt (4%)

Greek yogurt, also called filtered yogurt, is very thick compared to regular yogurt. He's rich useful substances, especially protein.

Carbohydrates: 6 grams per package or 4 grams per 100 grams.

Fats and oils

There are many healthy fats and oils that are acceptable on a natural low-carb diet.

Most importantly, avoid refined vegetable oils such as soybean or corn because they are very harmful in large quantities.

36. Oil (zero)

Butter was once demonized for being rich in fat, but now it is making a comeback on our tables. If possible, choose grass-fed butter because it contains more nutrients.

Carbohydrates: zero.

37. Extra virgin olive oil (zero)

Olive oil directly pressed is one of the healthiest things you can supplement your diet with. In addition, this is the product on which the Mediterranean diet is based.

It contains many powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements, it is also incredibly beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

Carbohydrates: zero.

38. Coconut oil (zero)

Coconut oil contains healthy fats and medium chain fatty acids, which have extremely beneficial effects on metabolism. Studies show that it helps reduce appetite, helps burn fat and reduce abdominal fat deposits.

Carbohydrates: zero.

Other Low Carb Fats and Oils

  • Avocado oil
  • Smalets


Most sugar-free drinks are suitable for a low-carb diet.

Keep in mind that fruit juices are very high in sugar and carbohydrates and should definitely be avoided.

39. Water

Water should be your main drink, regardless of what the rest of your diet is based on.

Carbohydrates: zero.

40. Coffee

Despite the fact that at some point there was a false accusation about coffee, in fact the drink is very healthy.

This is the most best source antioxidants in the diet, and research shows that coffee drinkers live longer and are less likely to serious illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Most importantly, don't add anything unhealthy to your coffee. Black coffee is best, but coffee with milk or cream is also okay.

Carbohydrates: zero

41. Tea

Tea, especially green tea, has undergone close study, as a result of which it has been confirmed that it has extremely positive influence to your health. It also promotes fat burning.

Carbohydrates: zero.

42. Sparkling water

Carbonated water is just water with carbon dioxide added. So as long as there is no sugar in it, it is completely acceptable. Read the label carefully to make sure no sugar has slipped inside.

Carbohydrates: zero.

43. Dark chocolate

It may come as a surprise to some, but dark chocolate is actually the perfect low-carb treat.

Make sure it is at least 70-85% cocoa, this will mean there is almost no sugar in it.

Dark chocolate has many beneficial properties, such as improving brain function and reducing blood pressure. Research also shows that dark chocolate lovers have a much lower risk of heart disease.

You can learn about the health benefits of dark chocolate from this article.

Carbohydrates: 13 grams per 1-ounce bar or 46 grams per 100 grams. Carbohydrate content varies depending on the type of chocolate, so read the label carefully.

Don't forget that about 25% of dark chocolate's carbohydrates come from fiber, so its edible carbohydrate count is even lower.

44. Herbs, spices and seasonings

There are an endless number of wonderful herbs, spices and seasonings recommended for consumption. Most of them do not contain carbohydrates, but will make your dishes healthy, tasty and flavorful.

Examples of such seasonings include salt, pepper, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, mustard and oregano. In this article you will find 10 wonderful herbs and spices that are also incredibly healthy.

Anything else?

You can create countless variations of a low-carb diet using the low-carb foods on our list. They are difficult to overeat and your meals will always be healthy and healthy.

Carbohydrates are fuel, a source of energy for the functioning of muscles, organs and body systems. Carbohydrate reserves in the form of glycogen accumulate in the liver and muscles and are actively burned when physical activity. About 70% of a person's daily calorie intake comes from carbohydrates. On average, for an adult man engaged in light physical or mental labor, the daily carbohydrate intake is 300-500 grams. For athletes and manual workers it is much higher. People who want to reduce their caloric intake can do so by significantly reducing the proportion of carbohydrates in their diet without harming their health. You should know which foods are high in carbohydrates and consume them correctly to get the desired result.
There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple or monosaccharides are easily absorbed by the body and provide quick energy. These include fruits, which contain glucose and fructose, sweets with sucrose, and dairy products with milk sugar - lactose. Their entry into the body causes sharp increase blood sugar level and an immediate response from the pancreas - releasing a large dose of insulin to lower this level. Insulin takes simple carbohydrates and places them in fat cells. Complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides - are considered good because they are absorbed slowly and provide the body with energy evenly. These are different cereals, vegetables, pasta and bread, which have almost no effect on blood sugar levels and do not disturb the pancreas.
If the bulk of your diet consists of pastries, cakes, bread, rice, beets, potatoes, muesli and sweets containing bad carbohydrates, then this may cause excess weight.
These foods should be replaced with sources of good carbohydrates, the TOP 12 of which include:
1. Fresh vegetables and fruits
2. Rye bread with bran
3. Peas
4. Brown rice
5. Buckwheat porridge
6. Oatmeal
7. Wholemeal pasta
8. Red beans and lentils
9. Mushrooms
10. Fermented milk products
11. Dark chocolate
12. Soy.
It is worth adding that it is not enough to know, you need to know the best time to take them. The body burns energy better in the first half of the day, so rich in carbohydrates food should be taken before 16-00, and in the evening consume carbohydrates in the form vegetable salads. It is better for athletes to take carbohydrates after a grueling workout for an hour, when they are intensively absorbed by the body to replace burned glycogen. Any amount of carbohydrates received at this moment ends up not in fat cells, but in muscle cells.

Carbohydrates are an integral component of a complete human diet. Food rich in them not only provides the body with energy, but also plays a significant role in many vital internal processes. Often, people trying to lose weight make the mistaken decision to exclude carbohydrate foods from their diet. They have no idea what harm they cause to the body through such actions.

Addiction to such diets has caused liver and pancreas diseases in many people. In addition, by completely removing carbohydrate foods from the menu, you can disrupt the body’s metabolism to such an extent that it will take a long time to restore the lost balance under the supervision of a doctor.

What to do with the popular belief that carbohydrates in food are a direct path to gaining excess weight? It's actually not that difficult! Any competent nutritionist will tell you that it is necessary to distinguish between carbohydrates that are beneficial and necessary for health and harmful ones, which are empty calories and do not bring anything positive for the body.

  • Simple carbohydrates (monosaccharides) are just the latter.
  • Moderately complex carbohydrates (disaccharides) and complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) are found in healthy foods.

"Fast" and "slow" carbohydrates

For convenience, it is customary to determine the degree of “usefulness” of a particular carbohydrate-containing product by the level of the glycemic index. The lower its indicator, the more preferable this food is for those people who care about their health and look after their appearance. The higher the glycemic index, the more simple carbohydrates a product contains. Therefore, it is better to eat this kind of food as rarely as possible or even give it up altogether.

Foods that contain complex carbohydrates break down slowly during digestion, maintaining stable blood sugar levels and preventing sudden changes. They provide the body required quantity energy for quite a long time.

Simple carbohydrates are absorbed almost instantly, and blood sugar levels rise just as quickly. Without the ability to quickly expend a huge amount of energy, the body converts glucose into fat, and the accumulation of excess weight begins to rapidly gain momentum.

Carbohydrate-rich foods

What foods are carbohydrates? If you start listing them all, the list will get very long. Summarizing it, you can easily remember that carbohydrates are present in large quantities in sweets, in baked goods made from flour, in cereals and potatoes, in berries and fruits. They are found in dairy products in the form of lactose (milk sugar). But it should be remembered that animal-based options also contain cholesterol, and their quality is questionable. For this reason, adherents healthy image in life and nutrition, they prefer to compose their menu from plant foods.

I would like to note that almost all food contains carbohydrates. Products differ only in the amount of these substances and other components in their composition, as well as the glycemic index. Even a leaf of lettuce contains carbohydrates!

In order to always have a clear idea of ​​what exactly is on the plate, many make a table of the foods that they are used to eating. In this case, the amount of carbohydrates per 100 g is noted, for example, your favorite grain bread or healthy buckwheat porridge, natural honey or fresh berries. Using this table, you can easily control the amount of substances entering the body, taking into account the following:

  • to lose weight, you will have to limit yourself to 60 g of carbohydrate foods per day;
  • when the weight is normal, then 200 g of foods containing carbohydrates will allow you to stay in perfect shape, if you do not abuse fatty foods;
  • By eating foods with carbohydrates in quantities exceeding 300 g per day, you can observe a gradual weight gain.

Important: a plate rich in complex carbohydrates oatmeal can give a feeling of fullness for several hours in advance, supplying the body with energy.

At the same time, a rich sugar bun made from white flour will dull hunger for a maximum of half an hour, but thanks to the high glycemic index (simple carbohydrates), it will very quickly and comfortably settle on the waist or hips in the form of fat deposits.

Product List

The minimum amount of carbohydrates (from 2 to 10 g per 100 g) is found in foods such as:

  • onions, green onions, leeks, red salad onions;
  • carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, celery - roots and stems;
  • white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes, turnips and radishes;
  • lettuce leaves of any variety and any other greens;
  • lemons, grapefruits, oranges and tangerines;
  • sour apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots and nectarines;
  • watermelons and melons;
  • sour berries;
  • mushrooms;
  • natural vegetable juices.

Moderate amounts of carbohydrates (10 to 20 g per 100 g) are present in the following foods:

  • beets, potatoes;
  • sweet apples and grapes;
  • sweet berries;
  • figs;
  • natural (not from boxes and bags) fruit and berry juices without added sugar.
  • whole grain unsweetened bread;
  • halva, dark chocolate;
  • dried and fresh peas green peas, corn;
  • red, pink, white beans and all legumes.

Most high level carbohydrates (from 65 g per 100 g of product) is observed in foods such as:

  • caramel, milk chocolate, sweets and other sweets;
  • granulated sugar, refined sugar, candies;
  • cookies, cakes, pastries, sweet pies and other rich pastries, sweet crackers;
  • dried fruits - prunes, dried apricots, raisins, dates;
  • natural honey;
  • preserves, jams, marmalades, confitures;
  • pasta;
  • buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, millet, oats and other cereals.

As can be seen from this list, the category of foods high in carbohydrates includes not only unhealthy sweets that will bring nothing but weight gain, but also dried fruits and honey, which are very healthy and absolutely necessary in life. healthy diet porridge.

Each person decides for himself what food to prepare and eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner, because not only his appearance, but also, first of all, the state of his body will depend on this. correct work all its organs and systems, and, consequently, well-being, mood and performance. You need to treat yourself carefully, and the first step to this is choosing your dishes carefully.

Balanced diet

  • almost two-thirds of meals should be rich in carbohydrates with a low glycemic index;
  • a little less than a third – protein foods;
  • the remaining smallest part is fats, without which the body cannot do without.

Another very important advice to create an optimal diet: foods high in carbohydrates will bring greatest benefit, if it ends up on the plate in the morning. For example, having it for breakfast millet porridge with dried fruits, you don’t have to worry about your figure and don’t think about food until lunch.

For lunch, peas or bean soup with whole grain bread and fresh vegetables. You can even pamper yourself herbal tea or rosehip decoction as a bite with dried fruits or a dessert spoon of honey. But dinner can consist of baked mushrooms with a drop of vegetable oil And green salad, since protein eaten in the evening will serve as material for the structure and restoration of body tissues.

Bad habits

When talking about food, we cannot fail to mention bad habits.

Alcohol is calories in liquid form. It not only does not bring a feeling of fullness, but, on the contrary, leads to overeating. In addition, alcohol slows down metabolism, so food that enters the body along with alcohol is less digestible and is mainly accumulated in fatty tissue.

Smoking. Most people who smoke have weight problems. One of the reasons is nicotine hunger, which is perceived human brain like normal hunger.
When smoking man cannot smoke for a long time, he begins to eat nicotine hunger with sweets, salty or peppery foods - everything that can cause bright taste sensations. As a result, a person consumes a lot of useless carbohydrates, fats and harmful substances. It’s easy to avoid this - just quit smoking, and your food preferences will change on their own. Will stop craving sweet, salty, smoked foods and will want to eat more healthy food, vegetables and fruits. It sounds incredible, but it's true! If you are thinking about quitting smoking, find out how to do it quickly and easily.

Fast food and sweets. As for “dangerous” carbohydrates, in particular, all kinds of sweets that also contain fat (cakes, candies with cream filling, etc.), then it is better to completely avoid eating such products. Not only are they completely useless, but they are also truly harmful.

If we talk about where “wrong” carbohydrates are present in large quantities, then the list of products that are subject to unconditional exclusion can be crowned with sweet carbonated drinks and fast food.

This is absolutely “dead” food, so saturated with sugars, fats and preservatives that even healthy body It’s not easy to cope with the consequences of such a meal. In addition, carbohydrate foods are addictive. Many people, having gotten used to it, have great difficulty getting rid of the craving for these dishes. Choose the best! Choose what's useful!