Polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (PUFA). Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids have double bonds in the structure of their molecules. Aliphatic acids in which double bonds are localized at the 3rd carbon atom, from the methyl end, are called polyunsaturated fatty acids. The most studied fatty acids of this class are α-linoleic, eicosahexaenoic, clupadonic, eicosapentaenoic and docosapentaenoic acids. It can be said that these are building material, which is necessary to build cell membranes. Most scientists believe that more than 80 percent of our country's population does not consume enough polyunsaturated fatty acids. The population of many CIS countries consumes a significant amount of refined (synthetic) fats, while natural fats take second place. This leads to the fact that our body is simply unable to absorb transformed fats, and they also have a carcinogenic effect.

ɷ-3 fatty acids cannot be produced in the body. They come to us only with food, and they are also called essential or essential fatty acids. Greenland is scientific center to study the biological role of these acids. It has been scientifically proven that the Eskimos who live in this territory have a low concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Myocardial infarction, vascular atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension. Researchers have found that in daily diet local residents include about 16 grams fish oil. This suggests that it should have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Polyunsaturated fats have great importance for human health. Regular consumption of ω-3 acids prevents the development of various pathologies of blood vessels, heart, digestive tract, have a positive effect on sperm function, optimize lipid metabolism, blood pressure, help with migraines, accelerate There are a lot of essential fatty acids in fish products, flaxseed), vegetables (spinach, cabbage, beans, nuts). Another option to replenish their deficiency is to take various biological additives and pharmaceuticals. When using them, you can completely provide your body with these extremely necessary compounds. On pharmaceutical market the most popular additives are: “Katranol+”, “Eikonol”, “Polyen”, “Poseidonol”, “Energomax Reishi Omega-3”, etc.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are integral part phospholipids. These biocompounds exhibit antitumor properties. Therefore, their deficiency leads to various anomalies in the structure of cell membranes. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are used to prevent tumors in the body. You should not abuse such drugs; before starting the course, you should consult with specialists, since there are a number of contraindications for their use. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are not recommended for people with allergic reactions for fish products, liver dysfunction, children under seven years of age. TO side effects include: disturbances in the functioning of organs digestive system(constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting). Taste in the mouth can be easily eliminated with bread, fruits, pickles and juices. People taking medications containing polyunsaturated fatty acids claim that their health has improved, the functioning of the digestive system has normalized, and according to the results laboratory research the concentration of cholesterol in the blood decreased.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids - essential element to maintain normal physiological processes the body, these are irreplaceable nutritional factors.
They say that a person is what he eats, so an unbalanced diet can lead to numerous disorders at the cellular and tissue level.

What are PUFAs?

Omega-6 is found in:

Butter, as well as lard, “rehabilitated”, not large quantities They are necessary and useful; they contain substances not found in other products.
But at the same time, we should not forget that required quantity PUFAs can be obtained from ordinary and affordable foods that are not too high in calories.

Very Important Reminder

As already mentioned, the presence of unsaturated bonds in the PUFA molecule makes it very active and susceptible to oxidation. Heating, light and air access to products containing fatty acids quickly turns them not only useless, but also dangerous. Appears bad smell, rancid taste, color changes.

Therefore, unrefined oil should not be used for frying, and such products should be stored in dark containers, in a cool place, tightly closed, which will allow polyunsaturated fatty acids to remain unchanged.

For this reason, PUFA preparations are produced in the form of capsules that exclude air access and are sold in light-proof packaging.

About drugs

Polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements should be taken with caution, taking into account existing diseases and dietary preferences. If you can get enough healthy fats from food, why spend money on drugs?

Under various restrictive diets and in some diseases, the use of PUFAs in the form of drugs may be vital. These substances are not medicines, but without them it is impossible normal functioning body, synthesis of hormones, antibodies and other substances.

For men over 40 years old, before taking Omega-3 supplements, it would be a good idea to have a test showing its content in the blood. They should also be wary of products containing soy - it contains analogues of female hormones.

Full varied diet with sufficient healthy fats maintains health and promotes active longevity, good mood and natural beauty.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids include unsaturated fatty acids with two, three or more double bonds. This is linoleic (C 17 H 31 COOH), having two double bonds between the 9-10th and 12--13th carbon atoms; linolenic (C 17 H 29 COOH), having three double bonds between the 9-10th, 12-13th and 15-16th carbon atoms; arachidonic (C 19 H 39 COOH) acids. These highly unsaturated polyunsaturated fatty acids, in their biological properties, can be classified as vital necessary substances, in connection with which some researchers consider them to be vitamins (vitamin F).

PUFAs are essential vital substances that are not synthesized in the animal body. Physiological significance and biological role PUFAs are very important and diverse.

The most important biological property PUFA is their participation as structural elements in such biologically highly active complexes as phosphatides, lipoproteins, etc.

PUFA - necessary element in the formation of cell membranes, myelin sheaths, connective tissue etc.

A connection has been established between PUFAs and cholesterol metabolism, expressed in the ability to increase the excretion of cholesterol from the body by converting it into labile, easily soluble compounds (Dale, Reiser, 1955).

In the absence of PUFAs, cholesterol esterifies with saturated fatty acids, which are deposited on the walls of blood vessels (Sinclair, 1958). In the case of atherification of cholesterol with unsaturated fatty acids, high level absorption of cholesterol in the intestine (Lang, 1959). According to Lewis and Folke (1958), PUFAs contribute to the rapid conversion of cholesterol into cholic acids and their removal from the body.

PUFAs have a normalizing effect on the walls blood vessels, increase their elasticity and reduce permeability (Holman, 1957).

There is evidence (Sinclair, Robinson, Poole, 1956) that PUFA deficiency promotes thrombosis of the coronary vessels.

PUFAs partially protect against metabolic disorders caused by the intake of large quantities of thyroidine.

A connection has been established between PUFAs and the metabolism of B vitamins (pyridoxine and thiamine), as well as with the metabolism of choline, which, under conditions of PUFA deficiency, reduces or completely loses its lipotropic properties.

PUFA deficiency negatively affects the ability to activate enzymes, the activity of which is inhibited by food containing high content squirrel (Levy, 1957). Data have been obtained on the stimulating role of PUFAs on the body’s defense mechanisms and, in particular, on increasing the body’s resistance to infectious diseases and the effects of radiation (Sinclair, 1956).

With PUFA deficiency, the activity of cytochrome oxidase in the liver increases sharply.

PUFA deficiency is manifested by skin lesions.

In animals with PUFA deficiency, duodenal ulcers are more often detected.

PUFAs, as well as some protein amino acids, are essential components not synthesized in the body, the need for which can only be satisfied through food. However, the conversion of some fatty acids to others is possible. In particular, the undoubted transformation of linoleic acid into arachidonic acid in the body has been established.

The participation of pyridoxine in the conversion of linoleic acid to arachidonic acid has been established.

The biologically optimal formula for balancing fatty acids can be the ratio of 10% PUFAs, 30% saturated fatty acids and 60% monounsaturated (oleic) acid in fat.

For natural fats, lard, peanut and lard are close to this fatty acid structure. olive oil. The types of margarine currently produced mostly correspond to the given formula for balancing fatty acids.

According to the US National Nutrition Research Council (1948), the minimum daily requirement in PUFAs is determined at 1% of daily calorie content diet. According to B.I. Kadykov (1956), the daily norm of PUFAs for adults is 1% of the daily calorie intake and for children - 2%. Seimar, Shapiro, Friedman (1955) based on studies conducted on animals (rats), recommend daily norm PUFAs for humans - 7 g. Summarizing and generalizing the available materials on the rationing of PUFAs, we can come to the conclusion that the norm for PUFAs for adults is 5-8 g per day. As already noted, arachidonic acid is the most biologically active, and 5 g of arachidonic acid is sufficient to satisfy the need for PUFAs due to its intake from food.

Many people who strive to eat healthy and therefore abstain from high-calorie foods react clearly negatively to the word “fat.” But if we mean polyunsaturated fatty acids, then they cannot be considered harmful. Without these, extremely necessary for the body substances, it is impossible to be healthy. Even those who want to lose weight should not give them up. Yes, these are indeed fats, but not simple ones, but healthy ones. They protect cells human body from premature wear and tear, serve as a concentration of energy resources, help synthesize other elements responsible for the composition of the blood, the condition nervous system, muscles, skin. Rashes on the face, the appearance of acne and pimples, hair loss and splitting of nails, memory loss, pressure surges, joint pain, intestinal problems - these are signs of a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and where these substances are contained is useful for anyone who takes care of their health and intend to live life to the fullest.

Where are polyunsaturated fatty acids found?

For normal life, a person must take such acids at least twice a week, but the best option is to include these substances in the diet daily. Among products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, the leading position is occupied by certain types of fish: herring, sardines, etc. Don’t forget about fish oil, which many have disliked since childhood. Today this dietary supplement is produced in convenient form– in odorless and tasteless gelatin capsules, which are not at all unpleasant to swallow. IN large quantities Polyunsaturated fatty acids are also present in other products: chicken eggs, red meat, seafood. They are also in vegetarian food: nuts, soybeans, pumpkin, leafy greens, vegetable oil.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Many of us think: “Why should I know anything about them?” But this is the wrong way to pose the question. What rules should we know in this context?

Fatty acids beneficial to the human body

Without polyunsaturated fatty acids (or PUFAs for short), our body will not be able to “work” effectively. However, these substances are contained only in products consumed by humans. They also have another name: Omega number three and six. These acids are not synthesized by humans, and therefore each of us must carefully monitor our diet and control their intake into the body, and in sufficient quantities. There is also a set of vitamins F, which includes polyunsaturated fatty acids in full.

What joy do we get from these fats? Experts, based on numerous studies, are confident that it is colossal: these elements are involved in the metabolic process of our body and, what is very important, they “work” at the cellular level. Polyunsaturated fats provide complete protection to cells, prolong their life and turn on mechanisms that allow them to preserve the genetic information they contain. So eat foods rich in Omega three to six - and premature aging will not threaten you. In addition, these acids optimize the metabolism of fatty elements and regulate the life of bacteria necessary for the human body.

The unique “abilities” of the above healthy fats do not end there. Firstly, despite the fact that these acids are not synthesized by our body, they themselves stimulate important processes: for example, Omega types 3 and 6 are involved in the formation of hormone-like substances that help prevent internal inflammation and reduction blood pressure. Secondly, polyunsaturated fatty acids balance cholesterol levels in our body, which has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and heart muscle.

Where can you find healthy fats?

There are 5 essential polyunsaturated fats in total - these are the following acids:

  • linolenic,
  • arachidonic,
  • eicosapentaenoic acid,
  • docosahexaenoic acid,
  • linoleic

They are present in many products. But there are also winners in terms of their content. The main supplier of Omega three and six to our body are vegetable oils, especially soybean, nut and flaxseed. These substances can be found in other oils, as well as soybeans, avocados, almonds and peanuts. All of the above products should be included in your daily diet to one degree or another.

Don't forget that greatest benefit from vegetables will only be if you consume them in fresh. It must be remembered: beneficial substances are destroyed during refining or heat treatment. This occurs as a result of oxidation of the substance. This process is also “started” when interacting with air. Therefore (as regards vegetable oils) they are best consumed unrefined and stored in closed containers (bottles). But it is not recommended to use unsaturated fats for frying. As a result heat treatment, after reaching a certain temperature, carcinogenic substances are formed that are very harmful to human body.

Be careful with linseed oil. It has very high oxidizing properties. After opening, such oil must be stored only in the refrigerator and for no more than 30 days. Use in your menu flaxseeds. It is enough to add 1 teaspoon of this product in ground form to food daily.

Need for polyunsaturated fats Many people are covered by consuming fish oil purchased in pharmacies. This is not best option. Products that contain nutrients such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 are more effective. They are more easily absorbed by our body, and their taste is much richer than that of fish oil capsules. It is much more pleasant to eat cauliflower and Chinese cabbage, broccoli, spinach, beans, salads seasoned with various oils, or juicy melon - they are all rich in polyunsaturated fats necessary for the human body.

Omega-3 and Omega-6: daily consumption rate

Moderation is needed in everything, especially for the human body. He needs a lot useful substances, but their effectiveness is maximum if a certain rate of consumption and an appropriate balance are observed. It is a mistake to think that if you “fanatically” eat foods rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6, your body will “be happy.” On the contrary, excess of these fatty acids will overload your liver and pancreas. There is no point in trying them, just as you should not ignore the benefits of polyunsaturated fats. You will feel their deficiency immediately. It is better to observe the principle of balanced and reasonable consumption.

Our body needs to receive approximately 2.5 g of fatty acids per day, which is almost 2 tablespoons. Naturally, this amount applies not only to oil, but also to all types of products that contain these substances. Thus, be sure to eat foods containing Omega-3 and Omega-6, do not overuse them, and nature will give you health in return, wellness, high energy and for many years life.