Vaccination nobivac dhppi for what. Vaccine for dogs Nobivak: vaccination scheme

Vaccinations are an important part of preventing many deadly diseases in pets. Immunization of puppies begins with early age, and after the course necessary vaccinations in puppyhood, vaccination adult dog do annually. One of the most popular vaccines, which enjoys a good reputation among veterinarians and nursery owners, is Nobivak. The Nobivak vaccine for dogs, instructions for use for which are supplied in the package, is produced in the Netherlands by a large international corporation, the quality of any product from the group is consistently high.

Nobivak for puppies

Solvent Diluent

It is believed that puppies domestic dog acquire immunity with maternal antibodies, which protect babies until about eight weeks of age, gradually disappearing. But it happens that one month old puppy, after contact with a sick animal, becomes ill with infectious enteritis or plague. To protect puppies from infection, the Nobivak vaccine is intendedPuppyDP, which has the ability to easily bypass the barrier of maternal antibodies. It is used from the age of four weeks, and after a single administration the baby develops stable immunity against canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis.

  • The Nobivak vaccine for puppies Puppy DP is available in dry form and is diluted with Diluent before injection. This is a solvent for dry vaccines from the company of the same name. One bottle of Nobivac contains one dose for a puppy, regardless of the weight and size of the baby. The injection is given subcutaneously. This vaccination is given if there is a threat of infection in the litter, or if the puppy has a long trip to another city or country.
  • Nobivac DHP is a complex vaccine that protects puppies from three infectious diseases: parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis and plague. It is available in dry form and must be diluted with Diluent solvent. The vaccine can be given intramuscularly or subcutaneously; one vial contains one dose. Puppies are vaccinated with this vaccine from the age of two months; stable immunity is developed only with two administrations with an interval of twenty-one days.
  • Nobivac DHPPI is intended for immunization of puppies and adult animals against the most common diseases. The complex vaccination includes strains of plague, parainfluenza, infectious hepatitis and parvovirus enteritis. Available in dry form, diluted immediately before injection with Diluent solvent. It is administered subcutaneously. Persistent, intense immunity is developed in puppies only after two administrations with an interval of twenty-one days.

Nobivak for young and adult dogs

Nobivac for leptospirosis

After changing teeth, adolescents and adult dogs are given vaccinations, which, in addition to major diseases, protect animals from leptospirosis and rabies. Veterinarians recommend including vaccination against parainfluenza and bordetellosis in the annual vaccination schedule. These diseases are otherwise called “kennel cough” and are dangerous diseases for animals that affect the upper respiratory tract and are especially dangerous for young dogs and puppies.

  • Nobivak KS is a dry vaccine that is diluted with Diluent solvent immediately before use. One bottle contains one dose, regardless of the size of the dog. Since the vaccine is administered intranasally, that is, the diluted liquid is drawn into a syringe and simply injected into the nose, the animal will not be stressed and pain after vaccination. The dog is simply sat down, distracted with a toy or treat, and the solution is injected into the nasal passages. Sneezing – normal reaction upon administration, the drug remains on the mucous membrane even if the dog sneezes repeatedly.

Nobivak KS is completely safe for very small puppies and pregnant bitches, so it is used from two weeks of age, for whelping and lactating bitches. You can vaccinate animals living in the same room.

  • Nobivak L or Nobivak L4 - lepto, is the name of the vaccine against leptospirosis, which not only protects the animal from leptospirosis, but also guarantees the absence of carriage. Leptospirosis is dangerous for humans and other animals, and after recovery the dog can secrete urine for several months. environment viable bacteria. Vaccination against leptospirosis protects against infection and carriage. Since Nobivak L is a suspension that is ideally combined with dry types of vaccines of this brand, young animals after three months can be injected with a complex vaccine, diluting it not with Diluent, but with Nobivak L or Nobivak L4.

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Nobivac R and LR

Nobivac for rabies

Rabies vaccination is mandatory for all dogs starting from three months of age. An animal without a mark in veterinary passport about rabies vaccination, they will not be allowed to participate in the exhibition, and they will not be allowed to travel by any type of transport. In addition to free vaccinations against quarantine diseases, which a dog owner can give their pet at a veterinary station, there are Nobivak R and Nobivak R vaccines L.

  • Nobivac R is a suspension that can be administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously, with one vial containing one dose for dogs of any size. The Nobivak R rabies vaccination is administered annually; it can be combined as a solvent for the Nobivak DHPPI and Nobivak DHP vaccines.
  • Nobivak RL is a vaccination that protects dogs from rabies and leptospirosis. It is available in the form of a suspension, administered subcutaneously and can be combined with dry types of Nobivak vaccines.

Since the Nobivak vaccine, the price of which varies between three hundred rubles, is a live vaccine, it must be transported from the place of purchase and stored in a cold place. At the veterinary pharmacy, the vaccine is packaged in thermal bags; at home and in the clinic, the vials are stored in the refrigerator.

Dogs are our faithful, devoted friends. It’s all the more offensive when the dog suddenly gets sick. In some cases, not only he, but even his owner can get sick. Nobivak for dogs will help you prevent troubles. This is the name of a group of vaccination drugs that can be used to prevent infection with certain diseases.

So, they can be used in the following cases:

  • To prevent canine distemper, infectious hepatitis and parvovirus infection.
  • Against parainfluenza.
  • Preventing cases of leptospirosis.
  • From .

As a rule, almost all products in this series are combined, polyvalent. Simply put, one vaccine is used to prevent several diseases at once, which is convenient not only for the veterinarian, but also for the owner, since he does not have to constantly drag the animal to the clinic. So, let's start looking at all the drugs.

Against leptospirosis

For this purpose, Nobivak Lepto is used. Liquid vaccination intended for subcutaneous use. Used strictly for prevention healthy dogs. Administration to animals with elevated temperature body or other signs of illness. Puppies can be vaccinated as young as eight weeks of age, with follow-up treatments starting as early as 12 weeks. Veterinarians and experienced breeders advise vaccinating dogs (especially working and hunting dogs) once, every year.

Is there side effects? In principle, there are no reports of anything really serious. As a rule, some time after vaccination, a small swelling may form at the injection site, which will resolve on its own. In single in the rarest cases possible manifestation allergic reaction. It should be noted that the administration of Nobivac Lepto is most often part of mandatory vaccination all registered dogs.

Read also: Immunomodulators for dogs: basic information and principle of use

Tetravalent (Dhppi)

This vaccination helps protect animals from distemper, infectious hepatitis and parvovirus. It also protects against parainfluenza infection. Note that this drug is produced in the form of a dry, homogeneous white mass. Oddly enough, there is no solvent included in the kit, and therefore you have to use either a special medical solution for diluting injectable drugs, or take another liquid vaccine. The result will be “Nobivak Dhppi” pentavalent! Of course, only a veterinarian can independently make a decision about such mixing.

How to use?

Exclusively subcutaneous. In principle, the vaccination scheme completely repeats that for the previously described drug. First, the animal is vaccinated at the age of eight, and then at twelve weeks. Similar to the use of “pure” leptospirosis vaccine, it is recommended to use Nobivac DHPPi once (per year), during general preventative treatment dogs.

This applies especially to working and hunting dogs. Contraindications are the same. You cannot vaccinate older or too young dogs, as well as initially sick or weakened dogs (for any reason).

Against rabies

The drug "Nobivak Rabies" is a very important drug used to reliably prevent rabies in dogs and humans. For dogs, the vaccine comes in the form liquid suspension pink color. The integrity of the entire package and each vial should be very strictly monitored before administering the solution to the animal. In case of any violation of the seal and signs of opening of the package, its subsequent use is not allowed.

Read also: Vitamins for dogs - everything you need to know about them

It should be noted that Nobivac Rabies should be stored exclusively in a cool, dry and dark place, as otherwise the qualities of the drug may disappear, which is completely unacceptable.

Important! Since this product is inactivated, there is no reason to worry about possible infection animal from the vaccine!

This rabies vaccine is administered strictly subcutaneously. First you need to shake the bottle thoroughly so that its contents form a completely homogeneous, homogeneous mixture. Only healthy animals aged 12 weeks or older are vaccinated. At the slightest sign of illness or exhaustion, vaccination should be postponed until full recovery dogs. Note that the validity period is about three years. During this entire time, the animal develops a strong immunity that protects the dog from contracting rabies even in the event of direct contact between the dog and its carrier (rabid fox).

This preventive vaccination is strictly mandatory for all pets, their owners should not forget about it!

Considering that in most cases dogs have to be treated with vaccines against rabies and leptospirosis, in many cases it will be more profitable for dog owners to use Nobivak RL. It will help you avoid visiting twice veterinarian, which will relieve your pet of unnecessary stress.

Complete solution

This is a complex vaccination (R - Rabies, L - Lepto) designed to prevent dogs from becoming infected with the rabies virus or leptospirosis. Available in liquid form, as a pink or even pinkish-yellow solution. May be slightly opalescent (reflective) in direct light. Before use, the bottle must be shaken very well to form a completely homogeneous mixture, without separating into its constituent components.

Nobivak vaccine Dutch-made Intervet International B. V is used to immunize dogs against canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, and parainfluenza.

Composition and release form of Nobivac

The drug package contains 10 glass bottles, 1 dose of medicine in each. For injections, it is recommended to dissolve in liquid forms of Nobivak L, R or RL.

1 bottle of live vaccine for vaccination contains:

  • 316 thousand CPE/50 Cornell parainfluenza strain;
  • 10 million CPD/50 strain C154 of canine parvovirus;
  • 10 thousand CPD/50 Manhattan LPV3 strain (serotype 2) adenovirus (hepatitis);
  • 10 thousand CPD/50 strain Onderstepoort canine distemper.

Pharmacological properties of the Nobivak vaccine

To comply correct scheme vaccination requires two vaccinations, then the animal develops stable protective immunity to four common viral diseases: plague, hepatitis, parainfluenza, parvovirus. Vaccination provokes the formation of specific antibodies to each infection. The duration of immunity is 12 months. Many years of experience in dog vaccination have proven the drug Nobivak to be harmless and areactogenic.

Doses and methods of administration

Healthy puppies are vaccinated at the age of 8 and 12 weeks, according to the schedule. Then it is recommended to repeat the vaccination annually using one dose of the medicine. If it is unknown whether the animal has been vaccinated or not younger age, then the primary vaccination of an adult is also carried out in 2 stages, with an interval of 4 weeks. In case of a dangerous epidemiological situation, it is permissible to vaccinate animals from 4 weeks of age. Pregnant bitches are allowed to get vaccinated.

How is vaccination carried out?

Add 1 ml to the vaccine vial liquid form preparation for injection, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous composition is obtained. It is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly in one dose to an animal of any weight. It is recommended that all dogs living together be vaccinated as a group on the same day.

Storage conditions

The optimal storage location is the top tier of the refrigerator with a temperature range from +2° to +8° C. Vials should be stored in the dark, freezing is not allowed! Shelf life - 2 years from the date of issue.

Contraindications and side effects

Side effects of the drug are rare, they are expressed in two ways:

  • prolonged swelling, redness of the vaccine injection site over time, the tumor resolves on its own within two weeks;
  • hypersensitivity to the materials of the drug, in such a situation it is necessary to immediately administer adrenaline, subcutaneously.

Nobivac has no contraindications; if individual hypersensitivity is detected, re-vaccination is not carried out.

Vetpharmacy No. 1 offers to buy Nobivak for effective comprehensive vaccination your pet. High quality The drug guarantees protection for your pet from the most common and severe infections - plague, hepatitis, parainfluenza and parvovirus. The benefits of vaccination have been proven over decades of use. Order the drug by optimal price Delivery in Moscow is available right now. Call!

Instructions for use of the vaccine Nobivac DHPPi against canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and canine parainfluenza, live dry with solvent Nobivak Diluent
(Developer organization: Intervet International B.V. / Intervet International B.V., Netherlands)
Approved by Rosselkhoznadzor on July 21, 2014.

I. General information
1. Trade name: Nobivac DHPPi with Nobivac Diluent solvent.
International generic name: vaccine against canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and canine parainfluenza, live dry with solvent.
2. Dosage form- lyophilized mass (vaccine) and solution for injection (solvent).

The vaccine is made from the culture fluid of continuous cell lines VERO, MDCK, FEF, infected with canine distemper viruses (strain Onderstepoort), parainfluenza (strain Cornell), infectious hepatitis (strain Manhattan LPV3 srotype 2), parvovirus enteritis (strain C154), with the addition excipients(sorbitol - 25 mg, gelatin hydrolyzate - 12.5 mg, pancreatic casein hydrolyzate - 12.5 mg, sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate - 0.062 mg).

The vaccine is supplied with Nobivak Diluent diluent.
The sterile solvent is a phosphate-buffered solution (pH 7.2 - 7.4), which contains sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate - 0.31 mg, potassium dihydrogen phosphate - 0.21 mg, water for injection - up to 1 ml.
By appearance the vaccine is a homogeneous dry mass of pale pink color, highly soluble in Nobivak Diluent without the formation of flakes and sediment, the solvent is a transparent colorless liquid.

The vaccine is packaged in 1 vaccination dose (0.5 cm3), 1 ml solvent in glass bottles of appropriate capacity. Vials with vaccine and solvent are evacuated and hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers reinforced with aluminum caps.
3. Vials with vaccine and solvent are packed in 10 or 50 pieces in cardboard or plastic boxes. Each box contains
instructions for using the vaccine. Boxes with the vaccine are packed in cardboard boxes.

The shelf life of the vaccine is 24 months, the solvent is 60 months from the date of release, subject to storage and transportation conditions. After the expiration date, the vaccine and diluent are not suitable for use.

4. The vaccine is stored and transported in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C, and the solvent at a temperature of 2 to 25 °C.
5. The vaccine and diluent should be stored out of the reach of children.
6. Vials with vaccine and solvent without labels, with an expired expiration date, with the integrity and/or tightness of the closure broken, with a changed color and/or consistency of the contents, with the presence of foreign impurities, as well as a vaccine that was not used within 30 minutes after dissolution , are subject to rejection and disinfection by boiling for 20 minutes and subsequent disposal.
Disposal of decontaminated vaccine does not require special precautions.

II. Biological properties
7. The Nobivak DHPPi vaccine causes the formation of an immune response in dogs against causative agents of canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis and canine parainfluenza 10 days after reintroduction, which lasts for at least 12 months.
Each dose of the vaccine contains at least:
- 4.0 lg TCD50 of canine distemper virus (strain Onderstepoort);
- 4.0 lg TCD50 adenovirus (strain Manhattan LPV3, serotype 2, inducing an immune response to adenoviruses that infect the respiratory tract and cause infectious hepatitis in dogs);
- 7.0 lg TCD50 of canine parvovirus (strain C154);
- 5.5 lg TCD50 of parainfluenza virus (Cornell strain). The vaccine is harmless medicinal properties does not possess.

III. Application procedure
8. The Nobivak DHPPi vaccine is intended for the prevention of canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and canine parainfluenza.
9. It is prohibited to vaccinate clinically sick and/or weakened animals.
10. Clinically healthy, helminth-free dogs are subject to vaccination, from 8-10 weeks of age, with repeated vaccination at
12 weeks. If earlier protection against canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis is necessary, the first vaccination can be carried out with the Nobivak Puppy DP vaccine at the age of 4-6 weeks, followed by repeated vaccination with the Nobivak DHPPi drug according to the above scheme. Animals over 12 weeks of age are vaccinated once.

Revaccination is carried out once a year with 1 dose of vaccine.

Using a sterile syringe, add 1 ml of Nobivak Diluent solvent into the vaccine vial, shake thoroughly and, after dissolution, inject it subcutaneously into the animal in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

It is advisable to vaccinate all susceptible animals kept in the same room at the same time.

11. Symptoms of canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, canine parainfluenza or other pathological
There are no signs of a vaccine overdose.
12. Features post-vaccination reaction were not detected during primary immunization.
13. Violations of the vaccination schedule should be avoided, as this may lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of immunoprophylaxis for canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and canine parainfluenza.
14. Side effects and complications when used in accordance with these instructions, as a rule, are not noted. If a hypersensitivity reaction occurs in vaccinated animals, symptomatic treatment is required.
15. When immunizing, it is necessary to use a special solvent, Nobivak Diluent. It is allowed to use the Nobivak DHPPi vaccine in combination with inactivated vaccines Nobivak Rabies, Nobivak Lepto or Nobivak RL, which also serve as solvents.
16. Deadlines possible use products of animal origin after the introduction of the Nobivak DHPPi vaccine are not established.

IV. Personal prevention measures
17. When working with the vaccine, you should follow general rules personal hygiene and safety precautions provided when working with medicines for veterinary purposes.
18. All persons participating in vaccination must be dressed in special clothing and provided by individual means protection. Places of work must have a first aid kit.
19. If the vaccine gets on the skin and/or mucous membranes, it is recommended to wash them a large number tap water. In case of accidental administration of the drug, a person should contact medical institution and tell your doctor about it.

20. Manufacturing organization: Intervet International B.V., Wim de Korverstraat 35, P.O. Box 31 5830 AA Boxmeer, The Netherlands.
The instructions were developed by Intervet International B.V. (Wim de Korverstraat 35, P.O. Box 31 5830 AA Boxmeer, The Netherlands) together with Intervet LLC (143345, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk district, Selyatino village, Promyshlennaya str. 81/1).

With the approval of this instruction, the instructions for the use of the Nobivak DHPPi vaccine against canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and parainfluenza live dry with the Nobivak Diluent solvent, approved by Rosselkhoznadzor on November 16, 2012, become invalid.

Everyone who has pets at home is concerned about their health. If you also want to avoid severe illnesses that can harm your puppy, pay attention to the proven Nobivak remedy, which will help prevent the occurrence of plague and save the dog from parvovirus enteritis and even parainfluenza.

Description, composition and release form

The Nobivak DHPPi vaccine is a lyophilized substance and liquid intended for injections. Externally, the solution looks like a colorless liquid, and the vaccine is represented by a homogeneous dry pink substance with a whitish tint.

One ampoule of the vaccine contains carnivore plague (from 104.0 TCD50), which is the “Onderstepoort” strain, 104.0 TCD50 infectious hepatitis, which belongs to the “Manhattan LPV3” strain and belongs to the second serotype. It also contains 104.0 TCD50 of infectious hepatitis, which belongs to the Manhattan LPV3 strain and the second serotype.

The drug for puppies contains parvovirus enteritis (in the amount of 107.0 TCD50 (which is the “C154” strain), as well as parainfluenza of the “Cornell” strain, which is no less than 105.5 TCD50. The drug in question is packaged in vacuum packaging, which contains one dose. The solution is in a glass bottle (one milliliter) and secured with an aluminum cap. The bottle with the injection and the solution are in a plastic box of ten or fifty ampoules each.

What does it help with?

"Nobivak DHPPi" provides vaccinated dogs with protective immunity, which prevents you from getting sick with canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, adenoviral infection or parainfluenza. Using the Manhattan LPV3 strain, the second serotype induces immunity to both this and the first serotype. The latter can cause infectious hepatitis. Acquired immunity can guarantee the puppy’s protection from the diseases listed above for a year. The injections are safe and areactogenic.

When and how to get vaccinated

Your dog can start receiving Nobivacom DHPPi vaccinations at the age of two months. Repeat vaccination of puppies according to the schedule specified in the instructions. If the dog is indicated for vaccination earlier, this can be done using the drug “Nobivak Puppy DP” after reaching four weeks of age. It is allowed to repeat the procedure according to the scheme prescribed in the instructions for use for dogs.

If the animal has not been vaccinated before or is older than the age indicated in the instructions, then it should be vaccinated twice and with a break of one month. Veterinarians recommend vaccinations every year.

To give your dog Nobivak yourself, you need to take a sterile syringe and a jar of vaccine, into which you will inject a diluent with a syringe (in the size of one milliliter). Then the contents of the vessel should be shaken vigorously to form a homogeneous suspension. After you have diluted the contents of the injection, you need to inject it intramuscularly into the dog, following all the rules of disinfection. Veterinarians advise giving injections to overly susceptible animals at the same time and in the same office.

Did you know? "Nobivak DHP/DHPPi" is considered the world's first drug for puppies, which guarantees long-term immunity to the animal in within three years.

Safety and personal hygiene

Female puppies are given injections even during pregnancy. Before using the vaccine, you need to shake the tube it is inside. If the container with the drug is damaged, or the vaccine itself has deteriorated, the substance that has not yet been used can be disinfected by boiling the liquid for ten minutes, and then disposed of.

Vaccination should be done using a sterile syringe, and the place where you plan to give the injection needs to be treated alcohol solution. The doctor or person who performs the procedure must wear special clothing. Personal protective equipment must be present near him. Also put a first aid kit next to you, with which you can provide first aid if necessary.

If the vaccine suddenly gets on the body or mucous membrane, rinse the area with large quantity water. If you have injected yourself or another person with this drug, go to the hospital immediately.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug may be contraindicated in a dog if it is found to have high sensitivity to the contents of the injection. It is worth abandoning Nobivac DHPPi if the dog is sick.

After the injection, hypersensitivity to the medication may occur. For liquidation undesirable consequences It is imperative to apply adrenaline under the skin in such doses as the veterinarian deems necessary. If the animal develops swelling in the area of ​​the injection, it’s okay - it will disappear without a trace in fourteen days.

Important! If your pet does not go outside, this does not guarantee that he is completely healthy. The reason for this is that dangerous diseases very resistant to virus carriage and change hosts. Viruses can be found on shoes or other things that you bring in from the street. Therefore, without a vaccine injection, the animal can become seriously ill.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The vaccine can be stored for twenty-four months. In order for it to be suitable for use all this time, you need to ensure that the vaccine is kept dry and dark during storage and transportation. Observe temperature regime. The minimum storage temperature can be 2°C, and the maximum - 8°C. Also, do not allow the medicine to freeze. Once frozen it will be unusable.


The drug is produced in Russian Federation and in the Netherlands (under the name Intervet International B.V.

As you can see, the Nobivak DHPPi vaccination can prevent many diseases in dogs and, thus, prolong their life. The injection product is suitable even for small puppies, has a minimum number of contraindications and side effects, is used even during the dog’s pregnancy.