Dry live anthrax vaccine for subcutaneous and scarification use. Anthrax vaccine: application features, instructions

In his active professional, economic, economic and cultural activities, areas of recreation, tourism and hobbies modern man increasingly one finds oneself with nature and is forced to contact natural conditions with various insects and animals. Unfortunately, when living in nature, there are risks for humans to become infected with a number of infectious diseases confined to landscape and zoogeographical areas. These are the so-called natural focal diseases - the pathogens of which constantly circulate in a certain area among certain types wild animals. The causative agents of natural focal diseases have significant resistance to the effects of various factors, long time circulate in wildlife and ensure the long-term existence of natural foci.

You can become infected with natural focal diseases, including tularemia and anthrax in different ways: through the skin or mucous membrane of the eye, with the bite of an insect or mouse-like rodent, through respiratory tract, through dirty hands, when drinking water from open reservoirs, berries and other wild plants contaminated with sick animals, or through direct contact with animals (for example, when skinning). Quite often, hunters, farmers, fur harvesters, and butchers become infected through contact with infected animals or when cutting up carcasses.

Natural focal diseases occur with various symptoms, have a variety of clinical manifestations, which makes it difficult to diagnose them with other “ordinary” diseases, are also characterized by a severe course. Possible fatalities.

Protection against tularemia and anthrax There is! This is immunization! Persons belonging to risk groups for these diseases are subject to vaccinations against these infections. Legal entities And individual entrepreneurs are required to organize and conduct immunization if their employees are at risk of contracting tularemia or anthrax.

The tularemia vaccine is a vaccination that uses live vaccine. Vaccinations are carried out for persons over 7 years of age and without medical contraindications once every 5 years in local clinics. Vaccinations are required for the population living in tularemia-endemic territories, as well as persons arriving in these territories performing the following work: agricultural, irrigation, construction, other work on excavation and movement of soil, procurement, fishing, geological, survey, expedition, deratization and pest control; for timber harvesting, clearing and landscaping of forests, health and recreation areas for the population.

The vaccine is administered cutaneously or intradermally. Before the injection, the patient is given a skin test to determine the presence of specific immunity. If the reaction is negative, vaccination is indicated. After about 3 weeks, a vaccinated person develops lasting immunity for the next 5 years.

Anthrax is especially dangerous infectious disease animals and humans. Anthrax in humans is often occupational in nature. IN populated areas Where a case of anthrax is discovered, quarantine is established. All animals and persons in contact with sick animals are vaccinated. The corpse of a fallen animal is burned under the supervision of veterinary specialists. The pens and places of death are disinfected; the remaining feed, milk, and meat from sick animals are also burned. Slaughter of livestock, sale of meat, wool, and furs is not permitted without veterinary supervision. Persons who violate this rule will be subject to criminal liability, since they contribute to the spread of such dangerous disease like anthrax.

Livestock workers, livestock breeders, milkmaids and other persons whose work involves keeping livestock, as well as slaughter, skinning and cutting up carcasses, persons involved in the collection, storage, transportation and primary processing of raw materials of animal origin, and laboratory employees are routinely subject to vaccination against anthrax. , working with material suspected of being infected with anthrax.

For immunoprophylaxis of anthrax, live dry anthrax vaccine for cutaneous and subcutaneous use (STI) is used. Immunization is used between the ages of 14 and 60 years. Vaccination is carried out as planned and according to epidemic indications. Cutaneous method of application for routine immunization, subcutaneous for epidemic indications. For primary immunization, the vaccine is administered twice with an interval of 20-30 days; for revaccination, a single injection is used. Revaccination is carried out annually.

Included in the preparations


J.07.A.C Vaccine to prevent anthrax

J.07.A.C.01 Anthrax antigen


The combined anthrax vaccine ensures the formation of specific immunity 7 days after vaccination for up to 1 year.


No data available.


Specific prevention of anthrax in people over 14 years of age. Vaccination is carried out as planned and according to epidemic indications.

Scheduled vaccinations subject to:

Persons working with live cultures of the causative agent of anthrax, with infected laboratory animals, or conducting research on materials contaminated with the causative agent of anthrax;

Persons who slaughter livestock, engaged in the procurement, collection, storage, transportation, processing and sale of raw materials of animal origin;

Persons performing the following work in anthrax-enzootic areas:

1) maintenance of public livestock;

2) agricultural, agro-and drainage, construction and other work related to the excavation and movement of soil;

3) procurement, fishing, geological, survey, expedition.

I.A20-A28.A22 Anthrax

XXI.Z20-Z29.Z23.8 The need for immunization against another bacterial disease


ABOUTacute infectious and non-communicable diseases- vaccinations are carried out no earlier than 1 month after recovery (remission);

Primary and secondary immunodeficiencies. When treating with steroids, antimetabolites, or radiotherapy, vaccinations are carried out no earlier than 6 months after the end of therapy;

Malignant neoplasms And malignant diseases blood;

Systemic diseases connective tissue;

Common recurrent skin diseases;

Diseases of the endocrine system;

Pregnancy and lactation period.

In each individual case, for diseases not included in this list, vaccination is carried out only with the permission of the relevant medical specialist.

In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (paramedic) on the day of vaccination conducts a survey and examination of the vaccinated with mandatory thermometry.

With caution:

No data available.

Pregnancy and lactation:

The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.

Directions for use and dosage:

Vaccination is carried out by the average medical staff under the guidance of a doctor. Primary immunization is carried out once subcutaneously using a syringe or needleless method.

Revaccination is carried out once. The first three revaccinations are carried out annually. All subsequent revaccinations are carried out once every two years.

Vaccination by syringe method. The vaccine in a volume of 0.5 ml is injected subcutaneously into the area bottom corner left shoulder blade with a disposable syringe. The skin at the injection site is treated with 70% alcohol. Before each vaccine collection, the ampoule is shaken. The injection site is treated with 5% iodine tincture.

Vaccination using a needle-free method. The vaccine in a volume of 0.5 ml is administered subcutaneously into the area of ​​the outer surface of the upper third of the shoulder using a needle-free injector with a protector at strict adherence instructions for its use.

The vaccine injection site is treated before and after injection as with the syringe vaccination method.

Unused vaccine, used vaccination disposable syringes and needles are subject to mandatory inactivation by autoclaving at a temperature of 132±2 °C and a pressure of 2.0 kgf/m2 for 90 minutes.

Parts of the needleless injector that come into contact with the vaccine are immersed in a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution with the addition of 0.5% detergent type "Progress" or "Astra" for 1 hour at a temperature not lower than 50 °C. The solution is used once. Then the injector is pre-sterilized:

a) rinsing under running water for 30 seconds;

b) soaking with complete immersion in a washing solution at a temperature of 50 ° C for 15 minutes. Recipe for 1 liter of washing solution: 17 g of perhydrol (27.5 g of 33% hydrogen peroxide), 5 g of detergent and 978 ml of water;

c) washing in cleaning solution using a brush or a cotton-gauze swab on each item for 30 seconds;

d) rinsing under running water for 10 minutes;

e) rinsing each item with distilled water for 30 seconds;

f) drying until moisture completely disappears.

Sterilization of parts of a needleless injector is carried out by autoclaving at a temperature of 132±2 °C and a pressure of 2.0 kGs/m2 for 90 minutes.

Side effects:

On the first day after vaccination, you may feel unwell, headache and an increase in body temperature to 38.5 °C.

Vaccine vaccinations may be accompanied by local reactions, the intensity of which depends on individual characteristics vaccinated. 24-48 hours after vaccination, pain, hyperemia, and, less commonly, infiltration with a diameter of up to 50 mm may occur at the injection site.


No data available.


The interval between vaccination against anthrax and the administration of other vaccines should be at least one month, and for children - at least two months.

The vaccine is sensitive to antibiotics, and therefore immunization while using antibiotics is not allowed.

Special instructions:

Before use, each ampoule of vaccine is carefully inspected. The vaccine cannot be used if the integrity of the ampoule is damaged or if the appearance drug (foreign particles, lumps and flakes), lack of label, expiration date. The ampoule with the vaccine is wiped with 70% alcohol, the neck of the ampoule is filed, covered with a sterile swab, and the sawed end of the ampoule is broken off. Using a sterile syringe with a needle, 5.0 ml of solvent - sterile sodium chloride solution 0.9% is injected into the ampoule and shaken until a homogeneous suspension of grayish-white color is formed. The dissolution time of the vaccine should not exceed 5 minutes. The dissolved vaccine, stored under aseptic conditions, can be used within 4 hours.



Main Directorate

State Veterinary

Agro-Industrial Committee of the USSR




1. General provisions

1.1. Live spore liquid vaccine against animal anthrax is a whitish opalescent liquid - a suspension of live spores of anthrax acapsular avirulent culture strain 55 in a 30% glycerol solution.

1.2. The vaccine is produced in bottles of 20, 50, 100 ml containing 20 - 25 million live spores per 1 ml of vaccine. The bottle indicates the name of the manufacturer, the name of the biological product, the batch and state control number, the date of manufacture, expiration date, the amount of vaccine and the vaccination dose for different types animals, storage conditions, technical specifications designations.

1.3. The vaccine must be packaged in wooden or plywood boxes with a gross weight of no more than 15 kg each. Instructions for using the vaccine, a checklist indicating the name of the biological product, the number of vials in the container, packaging date, batch number, number or surname of the packer are placed in the box.

1.4. The vaccine is stored and transported by all means of transport at a temperature not higher than 15 °C and not lower than 0 °C. The shelf life of liquid vaccine from strain 55, subject to storage conditions, is 2 years from the date of manufacture.

1.5. If there are deviations from these requirements, the vaccine is rejected and destroyed by autoclaving (1 hour at 134 °C) or boiling in a soda solution (2 hours). Both the entire batch (series) of the vaccine and individual vials or boxes with the vaccine are subject to rejection and destruction.

2. Procedure for using the vaccine

2.1. The vaccine is used for preventive and forced vaccinations of animals once, strictly subcutaneously. Young animals under 3 months of age are not allowed to receive the vaccine.

2.2. For sheep and goats, the vaccine is administered in the middle third of the neck, in the hairless area inner surface hips or chest, in a dose of 0.5 ml.

2.3. Horses, cattle, deer, camels, donkeys and fur animals of all ages, the vaccine is administered in the middle third of the neck in a volume of 1.0 ml, and in pigs also in a dose of 1.0 ml in the area of ​​the inner thigh or behind the ear. The skin at the site of vaccine administration is pre-disinfected with 70 percent alcohol or a 3 percent phenol solution.

2.4. For vaccinations, you should use a syringe with a well-fitting piston that does not allow the vaccine to pass through. top part cylinder. The needles must be carefully fitted to the syringe. It is recommended to use needles no more than 15 mm long. Before starting vaccinations, syringes and needles are sterilized by boiling for 30 minutes, and upon completion of work they are boiled in a 2% soda solution for 1 hour.

2.5. Before use, the vial with the liquid vaccine is thoroughly shaken to obtain a uniform suspension; during the vaccination process, the vial with the vaccine must also be shaken periodically. Vaccine not used on the day the vial is opened is destroyed.

2.6. Vaccinations with liquid vaccine from strain 55 are permitted to be carried out by veterinarians or experienced veterinary technicians under the supervision of a veterinarian. Before vaccination, it is necessary to inspect all livestock.

2.7. Preventive vaccinations liquid vaccine cannot be administered on farms with acute infectious animal diseases. It is also not allowed to vaccinate animals with elevated body temperature, weak, exhausted, or in the last month of pregnancy. Additional vaccination of such animals is carried out after their recovery.

To avoid complications, it is not recommended to vaccinate animals in the hot season, especially in conditions of deficiency drinking water, and in cold rainy weather. Vaccinated animals should be protected from hypothermia and tedious journeys. After vaccinations, working horses and oxen are exempt from work for 5 days; in exceptional cases they are allowed to be used for light work.

2.8. Preventive vaccinations of all types of farm animals older than one year are recommended to be carried out once a year during the best period physiological state body.

2.9. Scheme of mandatory immunization of susceptible animals when using anthrax vaccine strain 55 throughout the USSR:

Lambs and kids are immunized for the first time upon reaching 3 months of age (weaning period) and again at the age of 9 months. Then immunize as adult animals;

adult ewes and goats are immunized once a year during the breeding of young animals from them. At the same time, the rest of the adult livestock of small ruminants is vaccinated;

calves are immunized for the first time upon reaching 3 months of age and re-vaccinated after 6 months. Then immunize as adult animals;

adult large cattle immunize once a year during the period of the best physiological state of the body;

Foals are immunized for the first time at 9 months of age (in the case of forced vaccination - from 3 months of age). Then immunize as adult animals;

adult horses are immunized once a year during the period of the best physiological state of the body;

pigs are immunized from 3 months of age, 14 days before being put out to pasture or transferred to summer camps;

camels of all ages, starting from 3 months, are immunized once a year during the period of the best physiological state of the body;

Donkeys and mules are immunized for the first time at 3 months of age. Then they are immunized once a year during the period of the best physiological state of the body;

deer of all ages, starting from 3 months, are immunized once a year during the period of the best physiological state of the body;

Fur-bearing animals of all ages, starting from 3 months, are immunized once a year during the period of the best physiological state of the body.

2.10. Forced vaccinations are carried out at any time of the year, regardless of the presence of infectious animal diseases in a given farm. It is not allowed to vaccinate only obviously sick animals with elevated body temperature. Additional vaccination of such animals is carried out after their treatment.

3. Immunity. Monitoring vaccinated animals

3.1. Immunity in animals after vaccination occurs within 10 days and lasts for at least 12 months. During these 10 days, vaccinated animals are monitored under the guidance of the veterinarian who performed the immunization.

3.2. A day after immunization, a slight swelling (reaction to the vaccine) may appear at the site of vaccine injection in animals, which disappears after 2 - 3 days. Some animals may experience a general temperature reaction; in animals with reduced body resistance, overwork, as well as in hot and cold rainy weather are not excluded post-vaccination complications. They are expressed in the appearance high temperature, formation of significant swelling at the site of vaccine injection and worsening general condition animal. Animals with post-vaccination complications must be immediately removed from the herd and treated medical assistance. If these measures are not applied, the death of such animals is possible.

3.3. Milk from vaccinated animals is allowed to be used without restrictions, with the exception of cases where animals have post-vaccination complications and mastitis of any etiology. Milk from such cows is destroyed by autoclaving (1 hour at 134 °C) or by boiling in a soda solution (2 hours).

3.4. Slaughter of vaccinated animals for meat is permitted after 2 weeks. after immunization. In case of forced slaughter of vaccinated animals within 2 weeks. the carcass and slaughterhouse products are sent for industrial processing or burned.

3.5. Inventories are drawn up for all vaccinated animals, which must be kept by a veterinarian for 2 years. In addition, a report on vaccinations is drawn up indicating the number of vaccinated animals by type and the batch number of the vaccine used for immunization. The act also indicates the name of the person who carried out the vaccination and monitored the care and condition of the animals after vaccination.

3.6. If after vaccination the animals experience complications (severe temperature reaction, swelling, death), this must be reported to the VGNKI of Veterinary Preparations (123022, Moscow, D-22, Zvenigorodskoe Shosse, 5) indicating the vaccine batch number and its date manufacturing, time of vaccination, storage conditions of the biological product, number of vaccinated animals by species, their condition before vaccination, nature of complications and at the same time send to the institute samples of the vaccine used in an amount of at least 2 bottles.

The association assists in providing services in the sale of timber: favorable prices on an ongoing basis. Forest products of excellent quality.

on the use of anthrax vaccine live dry
for subcutaneous and scarification use

The vaccine is a live spore of the anthrax vaccine strain STI, lyophilized in a 10% aqueous solution of sucrose, and has the appearance of a homogeneous porous mass of grayish-white or yellowish-white color.


Dry live anthrax vaccine after two-time use with an interval of 20...30 days causes the formation of intense immunity lasting up to 1 year.


Specific prevention of anthrax from 14 years of age.

Vaccinations are subject to:

  • persons working with live cultures of the causative agent of anthrax, with infected laboratory animals, or conducting research on materials contaminated with the causative agent of anthrax;
  • persons slaughtering livestock, engaged in the procurement, collection, storage, transportation, processing and sale of raw materials of animal origin;
  • persons performing the following work in anthrax-enzootic areas:
  • public livestock maintenance;
  • agricultural, agro- and drainage, construction and other work related to the excavation and movement of soil;
  • procurement, fishing, geological, survey, expedition.

As planned, vaccination is carried out by the cutaneous method in the first quarter of the year, since the spring-summer season is the most dangerous in terms of anthrax infection in disadvantaged areas.


The vaccine is used by cutaneous (scarification) and subcutaneous methods. It is advisable to carry out unscheduled vaccination subcutaneously.

Primary immunization is carried out twice with an interval of 20...30 days, revaccination is carried out once annually. For all vaccinations, the skin dose of the vaccine is 0.05 ml and contains 500 million spores, one subcutaneous dose of 0.5 ml contains 50 million spores.

Before use, each ampoule with the vaccine is carefully inspected. The vaccine cannot be used if the integrity of the ampoule is damaged, the appearance of the dry and dissolved drug changes (foreign particles, unbroken lumps and flakes), the label is missing, after the expiration date, storage conditions are violated.


Immediately before use, the contents of the ampoule are resuspended in a sterile 30% aqueous solution of glycerol, which is added to the ampoule using a syringe with a needle for intramuscular administration. The volume of solvent is determined by the number of vaccination doses in the ampoule. Add 0.5 ml to an ampoule with 10 cutaneous doses, and 1.0 ml of solvent into an ampoule with 20 cutaneous doses. The ampoule is shaken until a homogeneous suspension is formed. The dissolution time of the vaccine should not exceed 5 minutes. The diluted vaccine from an opened ampoule, stored under aseptic conditions, can be used within 4 hours. The vaccination is carried out on the outer surface of the middle third of the shoulder. The grafting site is treated with alcohol or a mixture of alcohol and ether. Application of others disinfectant solutions not allowed. After the alcohol and ether have evaporated, use a sterile tuberculin syringe with a thin and short needle (No. 0415), without touching the skin, apply one drop (0.025 ml) of the diluted vaccine to 2 places of future incisions at a distance of 3... 4 cm. Skin stretch slightly and with a sterile smallpox vaccination pen, make 2 parallel cuts 10 mm long through each drop of vaccine so that they do not bleed (blood should appear only in the form of small dewdrops). Using the flat side of a smallpox vaccination feather, rub the vaccine into the notches for 30 seconds and allow to dry for 5...10 minutes. A separate disposable feather is used for each person being vaccinated. It is prohibited to use needles, scalpels, etc. instead of feathers.


Immediately before use, the drug is resuspended in 1.0 ml of sterile 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The ampoule is shaken until a uniform suspension is formed. The contents of the ampoule are transferred with a sterile syringe into a sterile vial with 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection. In the case of using an ampoule containing 200 subcutaneous vaccination doses, the suspension is transferred to a bottle with 99 ml, and containing 100 subcutaneous vaccination doses - into a bottle with 49 ml of solvent.

With the syringe method, the vaccine is injected into the area of ​​the lower corner of the shoulder blade. The skin at the injection site is treated with alcohol or a mixture of alcohol and ether. The vaccine in a volume of 0.5 ml is administered subcutaneously. A disposable syringe and needle are used for each person vaccinated. Before each vaccine collection, the vial is shaken. The injection site is lubricated with 5% tincture of iodine.

When using the vaccine by the subcutaneous needle-free method, the spore suspension is injected in a volume of 0.5 ml into the area of ​​the outer surface of the upper third of the arm using a needle-free injector with a protector, strictly following the instructions for their use. The vaccine injection site is treated before and after injection, as with the syringe method.

Unused vaccine, used vaccination disposable syringes and feathers are subject to mandatory inactivation by autoclaving at a temperature of (132±2)°C and a pressure of 2.0 kgf/m2 for 90 minutes.

Parts of the needleless injector that came into contact with the vaccine after pre-treatment immerse in a 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide with 0.5% detergent such as “Progress” or “Astra” for 1 hour at a temperature not lower than 50 °C. The solution is used once.

Parts of the injector are sterilized by autoclaving at a temperature of (132±2) °C and a pressure of 2.0 kgf/m2 for 90 minutes.


For cutaneous use local reaction appears after 24...48 hours in the form of hyperemia, a small infiltrate followed by the formation of a yellowish crust along the incisions. With syringe and needleless methods of administration, after 24...48 hours there may be slight pain, hyperemia at the injection site, and less often - an infiltrate with a diameter of up to 50 mm.

A general reaction during cutaneous and subcutaneous administration of the vaccine rarely occurs on the first day after vaccination and is manifested by malaise, headache and a slight increase in temperature. Sometimes there may be an increase in body temperature up to 38.5 ° C and a slight increase in regional lymph nodes.


  • Acute infectious and non-infectious diseases - vaccinations are carried out no earlier than 1 month after recovery (remission).
  • Primary and secondary immunodeficiencies. When treating with steroids, antimetabolites, or radiotherapy, vaccinations are carried out no earlier than 6 months after the end of therapy.
  • Malignant neoplasms and malignant blood diseases.
  • Systemic connective tissue diseases.
  • Common recurrent skin diseases.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

In each individual case, for diseases not included in this list, vaccination is carried out only with the permission of the relevant medical specialist.

The interval between anthrax vaccination and the administration of other vaccines should be at least one month. In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (paramedic) on the day of vaccination conducts a survey and examination of the vaccinated with mandatory thermometry.

Vaccinations are carried out by nursing staff under the guidance of a doctor.


1.0 ml of vaccine in an ampoule containing 200 person-doses for subcutaneous or 20 person-doses for cutaneous vaccination with 1.5 ml of solvent for cutaneous use - 30% aqueous solution glycerin.

1.0 ml of vaccine in an ampoule containing 100 person-doses for subcutaneous or 10 person-doses for cutaneous vaccination with 1.0 ml of solvent for cutaneous use - 30% aqueous solution of glycerol.

The package contains 5 ampoules of vaccine and 5 ampoules of solvent


The vaccine is stored and transported in accordance with SP 3. 3. 2. 028-95 at a temperature of 2 to 10 ° C. Transportation can also be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C for no more than 20 days.


Vaccine produced under vacuum - 4 years; release without vacuum - 3 years.

If an anthrax vaccine is not given, a person can become infected by eating the meat of an affected animal, which is why an anthrax vaccine is needed. Anthrax - especially dangerous pathology infectious origin. If a person becomes infected, there is incubation period, then carbuncles form on the surface of the dermis. The disease is spreading by contact. To avoid infection, you should purchase meat products from trusted suppliers.

The first symptoms may appear after 4 days. To make a diagnosis, you need to examine the sputum and exudate that separates from the surface of the skin, then the doctor prescribes other tests. Medicines are used for treatment penicillin series. Anthrax is caused by the rod-shaped bacterium Bacillus anthracis.

Clinical manifestations

The incubation period lasts 4 days (sometimes up to 2 hours). The carbunculous form of the disease is common among people. In this case, a pea-sized formation forms on the skin. At first it looks like a reddish spot, then it turns into a papule, rising above the surface of the dermis. A sign of anthrax is itchy skin.

As the pathology progresses, the papule becomes filled with serous contents and slightly enlarges. In the future, it acquires dark color. After a few days, a black scab forms on the surface, the formation becomes crust-like, and redness and swelling are localized around it. If the formation is located on the cheeks or neck, it can lead to damage respiratory system, then suffocation occurs. The pathology is accompanied by intoxication, the person feels unwell and feels aching muscles.

The pathology occurs against the background of fever. A few days after infection, a decrease in temperature is observed, and the symptoms subside. After 15 days, the formations disappear, leaving a scar on the skin. In exceptional cases, several carbuncles are formed. The danger is posed by those that have formed on the head; in this case, there is a high probability of suffocation and sepsis. Timely consultation with a doctor significantly improves life prognosis.

Some people are diagnosed with the ideomotor form of the disease. The pathology is accompanied by tissue hyperemia and the formation of carbuncles. The generalized form of the pathology leads to damage to the respiratory system. Symptoms can be confused with ARVI. In the generalized form, intoxication, runny nose, and cough occur. Characteristic sign- tachycardia. After 2 hours, the temperature rises to critical levels, the patient feels unbearable pain in the sternum. Wet cough contains blood clots. Subsequently, the activity of the heart is disrupted.

Intestinal anthrax is extremely dangerous and the pathology is fatal. First, fever occurs, then intoxication. A person feels severe pain in the throat, their duration is up to 2 days. The disease leads to nausea. Symptom intestinal species illness - vomiting blood clots, the patient also has diarrhea mixed with blood. The progression of pathology leads to disturbances in cardiovascular system. The face takes on a bluish color, and a hemorrhagic rash appears on the surface of the dermis. The septic form of anthrax leads to death.

The pathology can occur against the background of the disease “Meningitis”. The progression of anthrax leads to meningoencephalitis, swelling of the cerebral cortex. Other dangerous complications:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • asphyxia;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Anthrax can lead to sepsis and shock.

Diagnostic measures

To confirm anthrax, diagnostics is carried out in several stages. Biological materials are examined, bacterial cultures are performed, and serological tests are carried out. An X-ray of the lungs is required to confirm the diagnosis. There may be clinical signs pneumonia or pleurisy disease. If necessary, the patient consults a pulmonologist; the doctor may prescribe a pleural puncture. On initial stages requires examination by a dermatologist.

The doctor prescribes penicillin medications, which, as well as other serums, are administered intravenously. Duration of use - 7 days. The drugs help eliminate the symptoms of intoxication. The anthrax vaccine for humans is Doxycycline. To suppress the pathogen, injections of ciprofloxacin are used. Next, therapy is carried out to prevent intoxication. Drugs containing Prednisolone are administered. If the pathology leads to dangerous complication, intensive treatment is prescribed. To eliminate skin manifestations special dressings are applied. Anthrax cannot be treated surgically.

The disease has different forecast. If you have been diagnosed cutaneous form disease, the prognosis is good. Generalized types are not fatal. At timely treatment the prognosis will be improved. It is important to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards; they will ensure the prevention of anthrax. It is necessary to process animal raw materials in a timely manner and store them correctly. It is important to follow the rules for transporting and burying affected livestock.

It is required to adhere to sanitary and hygienic rules when working with livestock. If there is a risk of infection, you need to get an anthrax vaccine, this way you will be able to protect yourself from the disease. Vaccination is carried out in clinics; after the procedure, you must follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Experiments and how the anthrax vaccine is distributed

Who created the vaccine to combat anthrax? The scientist's name is Louis Pasteur. The bacterium that causes the disease was discovered at the end of the 19th century and was bred by Robert Koch. Louis Pasteur founded the experiment, which demonstrated the effect of the vaccine. The researchers took 50 sheep and divided them into 2 groups. One group was vaccinated, the second was not. A month later, the sheep were given a vaccine containing live cultures. Sheep that received the anthrax vaccine survived, while others died.

In 1954, specialists developed a vaccine for humans. It became available in the early seventies. Today the vaccine is produced in dry form and is used for subcutaneous administration. The certified product contains active substances with glycerin. If a person is at risk of becoming infected, it is necessary to get vaccinated.

Vaccination is needed for laboratory technicians who come into contact with sick people, veterinarians, and people who work in factories and come into contact with fur. Vaccination is required for persons working in slaughterhouses. In the early nineties, 25 million people were vaccinated. Researchers are confident that if the drug is available in every medical institution, the risk of the spread of pathology will decrease.

The vaccine is intended for animals over 3 months of age. The drug is produced in specialized bottles and stored under optimal conditions. Anthrax vaccine is a transparent white, homogeneous liquid.

Shelf life of the drug, storage conditions

The instructions for use contain information that the drug contains spores of anthrax acapsular avirulent culture. The active ingredients are mixed with a glycerin solution. The vaccine is available in different bottles, depending on the animal’s body weight; the veterinarian chooses a bottle of 20, 50 or 100 ml. One milliliter of the active ingredient includes 20 million spores. Dry live anthrax vaccine is administered by an experienced veterinarian. Independent use is prohibited! The bottle contains information about the manufacturer, the data of the packer, as well as the production time. The instructions contain information about dosages and storage conditions.

According to established rules, the drug is supplied to pharmacies in wooden boxes (capacity of 1 box is 15 kg). These boxes contain a control document with complete information about the drug. If transportation is planned, it is necessary to create optimal conditions. The anthrax vaccine is transported at +15 degrees. The drug is not stored in conditions where the air temperature is below 0. The vaccine is stored for 2 years. If deviations from generally accepted standards are detected, the drugs are destroyed. If necessary, batches or individual medicinal formulations are rejected.

Application of vaccine for animals

The drug is used for prophylactic purposes. The dosage is different in each case. Intramuscular administration active substance requires compliance with rules. If they are violated, side effects will occur that will lead to the death of the animal. The drug is administered if the animal is already 3 months old; accordingly, the contraindication is childhood. The vaccine can be used to vaccinate goats and sheep. The doctor inserts it into the neck or chest area. Dosages are strictly individual. If the drug is used for vaccination of cattle, the dose is increased. The injection area is behind the ear or near the thigh.

Before administering the drug, you should disinfect skin. For these purposes, alcohol or a weak solution of phenol is used. The vaccine is administered with a high-quality syringe; you need to choose one on which the needles will stick well. The needles should not be short, a suitable length is 15 mm. Before introducing the composition, the instruments should be disinfected by treating boiled water. Sterilization is necessary to prevent infection.

After use, the instruments are boiled and a weak soda solution is used. Boiling time - 1 hour. Shake before administration medicinal composition, you should get a liquid of uniform color. If the bottle has been opened but the veterinarian has not used the formulation, it should be thrown away. Liquid anthrax vaccine is used veterinarian, the animal is first examined. If signs of any disease are detected, vaccination is postponed and done after the animal has recovered. Administration is contraindicated when elevated temperature, weakness, general malaise. The drug can be used to vaccinate pregnant females, but only if absolutely necessary. If you follow the instructions for using the medicine, there will be no side effects.

Veterinarians do not recommend vaccinations in summer and in cold weather. The weather should be moderately warm. After vaccination, it is necessary to carefully monitor the animal; it should not be exposed to stress or hypothermia. It is necessary to ensure good rest. If the vaccine is given to working horses, they are suspended from work for a week. It is important to comply with the timing of vaccination; the drug is administered once every 12 months.

Your doctor may prescribe an emergency vaccine. In this case, the medicine can be administered if the animal's condition is satisfactory.

If it is necessary to vaccinate lambs and kids that are 3 months old, re-vaccination is carried out upon reaching 9 months.
The vaccine is used to prevent the disease in calves that have reached three months of age; after 6 months, immunization of adult livestock is required.
Immunization of foals is carried out for the first time at the age of 9 months, then upon reaching adulthood.

The drug is administered to horses once, at a time when the body is completely healthy.
When a camel turns 3 months old, immunization is required, then once every 12 months.
Forced vaccinations are carried out regardless of the time of year. There are times when it is necessary to immunize an animal with infectious pathology. However, if a particular disease is very acute and there is a significant increase in temperature, the timing of vaccination is reconsidered. In some cases, the drug is administered after treatment of the disease. The vaccine from strain 55 cannot be combined with others, or with drugs that have a similar mechanism of action.

For 10 days after administration, the animal’s skin cannot be disinfected. Serums are not administered intravenously to treat diseases. The animal's health is monitored by a veterinarian. After 12 days, resistance to the anthrax bacterium is formed. The maximum duration of immunity is 11 months. Some animals exhibit hypersensitivity to the vaccine. Swelling occurs in the injection area, the temperature may rise, and chills may occur. The swelling goes away after 2 days, an increase in temperature is rarely observed. Side effects are possible if the rules for administering the composition were violated.