Professional skills and abilities. Description of work. Names of professions. Formation of communication skills in English lessons

General educational skills and their formation and development in the classroom English language.

Let's start with the fact that the teacher always paid attention to subject content and subject skills. However, in life we ​​rarely encounter tasks similar to subject ones; most often, life tasks require supra-subject skills, which in school practice are called general academic skills. However, not enough attention was paid to the formation of skills of this type; mastery of them was not highlighted as a separate component of the requirements for learning outcomes, and therefore was not actually controlled and assessed by the teacher.

Today, when the idea of ​​the goals and values ​​of education is changing, when not specific knowledge, but the ability to obtain it, becomes more important, such practice-oriented skills are becoming increasingly relevant. General educational skills are ways of obtaining and applying knowledge that are universal for many school subjects, in contrast to subject skills that are specific to one or another. academic discipline.

Educational and organizational general educational skills provide planning, organization, control, regulation and analysis of one’s own educational activities by students. These include:

    defining individual and collective learning objectives;

    choosing the most rational sequence of actions to complete the learning task;

    comparison of the results obtained with the educational task;

    possession of various forms of self-control;

    assessment of one’s own educational activities and the educational activities of classmates;

    identifying problems in one’s own educational activities and establishing their causes;

    setting goals for self-educational activities;

    determining the most rational sequence of actions to carry out self-educational activities.

Educational and information general educational skills provide the student with finding, processing and using information to solve educational problems. These include:

    working with the main components of the textbook;

    use of reference and additional literature;

    distinguishing and correct use of different literary styles;

    selection and grouping of materials on a specific topic;

    drawing up plans of various types;

    creating texts of various types;

    mastery of different forms of text presentation;

    drawing up tables, diagrams, graphs based on the text;

    writing abstracts, taking notes;

    preparation of a review;

    mastery of quoting and various types of comments;

    preparation of a report, abstract;

    use of different types of surveillance;

    qualitative and quantitative description of the object being studied;

    conducting an experiment;

    use of different types of modeling.

Educational and intellectual general educational skills provide a clear structure of the content of the process of setting and solving educational problems. These include:

    identification of objects of analysis and synthesis and their components;

    identification of essential features of the object;

    determining the ratio of object components;

    conducting different types of comparisons;

    establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

    operating with concepts, judgments;

    classification of information;

    mastery of evidence components;

    formulating a problem and determining ways to solve it.

Educational and communicative general educational skills allow the student to organize cooperation with elders and peers, achieve mutual understanding with them, and organize joint activities with different people. These skills include:

    listening to the opinions of others;

    mastery of various forms of oral public speaking;

    assessing different points of view;

    mastery of rhetoric techniques;

    organization of joint activities;

    mastery of speech culture;

    conducting a discussion.

At the same time, we understand that when solving specific life problems, skills from different groups are used simultaneously.

In connection with the above, the question arises: how to develop general educational skills? In what sequence should general educational skills be developed: sequentially, one after another, or in parallel, i.e. In each lesson, develop all the most important skills for a given age at once? Practice shows that:

    It is better if the teacher discusses with the children at each period of time what general educational skill they will develop. At the same time, students understand what they are learning at the moment.

    The student acts as the subject of his learning activity, completing tasks is more conscious, and the result is much higher compared to the case when the teacher does not focus on the supra-subject skills being developed.

To develop certain general educational skills, the teacher should select the subject content that most effectively contributes to the development of these skills. On the same topics curriculum For example, it is most advisable to develop educational and intellectual skills, while others develop educational and communication skills. What are the mechanisms for the formation of general educational skills at the initial stages of education?

At the stage of forming lexical and grammatical skills, it is necessary to provide oral practice to each student and at the same time provide feedback so that the student, when completing tasks, knows whether he is doing it correctly, and if not, then why and how he should do it correctly. The most adequate models of educational interaction at this stage are pair work or work in small groups. This model involves pronunciation, explanation, argumentation and consolidation of their knowledge by each student. With this type of interaction, as a rule, the “weak” student begins to complete the task under the control of the “strong” student.

At the stage of formation of lexical and grammatical skills, the “Leader” model of educational interaction, characterized by clearly expressed leadership, is also applicable. The “leader” consultant is at the center of the group; his activities are distinguished by a variety of connections with other group members. He organizes the work in the group and is responsible for the successful completion of the assigned task.

The stage of skill improvement involves organizing training for the purpose of reproductive and receptive mastery of speech units. This is the development of monologue and dialogic speech skills (composing statements based on supports, retelling a read text using key words, composing a mini-dialogue based on response remarks, etc.) At the stage of preparation for independent dialogical and monologue statements, students have the opportunity to independently apply the language material being studied and perform with it necessary actions and operations. So, in the third grade, students can talk about their school subjects, hobbies, their favorite animal, their home, and their free time activities.

At the stage of creative application of the material, a methodological task is set, which is characterized by an increase in the number of contacts between students and the presence of close interaction between them. The idea is that each group member receives a separate part of the task that the whole group works on. For example, when studying the topic “My House”, each student is given the task of describing one room of a large house, as well as what surrounds it - a flower garden, a garden, etc. At the end of the lesson, each student will have an idea of ​​what it is the house, how many floors it has, what is nearby and around it. In addition, everyone has the opportunity to evaluate the work of their comrade, point out shortcomings and listen to comments addressed to them.

When mastering English grammar, primary schoolchildren usually experience difficulties. One of the principles of working with young children who, due to their age, are not yet able to understand complex grammatical phenomena, is simplification. On early stages In teaching, it is very beneficial to use children's imaginative thinking through role-playing games. A game used in the educational process and containing a learning problem or problem situation helps to achieve a certain goal.

Literature used:

1. Bityanova M.R. Merkulova T.V. "Development of UUD in school theory and practice" Moscow, "September" 2015

The practical needs of teaching foreign languages ​​determine the priority of certain methods. Currently, in the methodology of teaching foreign languages, preference is given to:
- structure-oriented methods,aimed at developing certain pronunciation skills, selecting lexical material, grammatical formatting of statements;
- communication-oriented methods,aimed at developing the ability to adequately express thoughts in a specific language.
IN literary works the boundaries of external speech are usually clearly indicated by quotation marks. At the same time, the priority use of the communicative method seems to be the most logical and justified, since the leading role of the communicative function is undeniable.
The main goal of my work was the intention to show the priority role of non-traditional methods of communicative communication in English lessons. In this regard, methods that give best result, will be the most acceptable and effective, which is quite relevant at the present stage.
Most often, by communicativeness we understand the optimality of training in terms of the effectiveness of its impact on the learner. Communicativeness (lat. сomminicatio - an act of communication, a connection between two or more individuals based on mutual understanding). Consequently, the basis of all methods of communicative teaching should be the ability to establish connections and find successful forms of communication in any language. This can be difficult to do even when studying the Russian language, when the thoughts and actions of the participants in communication are clear to each other. A foreign language, in this regard, is more difficult to learn, since students do not always understand each other.
The main principle of communicative-oriented learning is speech activity. Participants in communication must learn to solve real and imaginary problems of joint activity using a foreign language.
In this case, learning is carried out through tasks (
activities ), which are implemented using methodological techniques ( techniques) and exercises (exercises ).
An example of non-traditional methods of student communication in this case would be the following types of tasks:
- communication games (communication games);
- communicative stimulations in role-plays and problem-solving(communicative stimulation);
- socialization (free communication).
Currently, a three-part form of performing communication-oriented tasks (three-phase frame-work) is becoming increasingly widespread. Almost any task can be completed in three stages:
- pre-activity (preparatory);
- while-activity (executive);
- post-activity (final).
At the same time, it is necessary to create positive conditions for the active and free participation of the individual in activities. These conditions boil down to the following:
- students get the opportunity to freely express their thoughts and feelings in the process of communication;
- each participant in group communication remains the focus of attention of others;
- personal self-expression becomes more important than demonstration of language knowledge;
- contradictory, paradoxical, even “wrong” judgments are encouraged, but they testify to the independence of students, about their active position;
- communication participants feel safe from criticism, prosecution for mistakes and punishment;
- the use of linguistic material is subject to the task of individual speech intention;
- the language material corresponds to the speech-thinking capabilities of the speaker;
- relationships are built on non-judgment, non-criticality (empathy and understanding of the experiences of others).
At the same time, speech errors should be considered not only possible, but also normal. Conversational grammar allows for certain deviations from written grammar.
The above conditions are indispensable when teaching a foreign language.
An important role in the implementation of non-traditional methods is played by the informative competence of students, which includes:
- information “frames”;
- established knowledge (schemata);
- language representation of the world in its foreign language form;
- background knowledge;
- general knowledge.
This is an important condition involving students in communication. The silence of a student in a lesson is often explained by the fact that he does not know the subject of conversation, has no personal connection to the problem being discussed, is not familiar with possible methods of behavior, although he has learned vocabulary and grammar.
Communicatively oriented English language teaching can be carried out using tasks such as “information gap” among participants.
Tasks of the (information gap) type can have non-traditional forms:
picture gap (students have almost identical pictures, some images are different, and the differences need to be discovered using questions without seeing the partner’s picture - matching tasks);
ext gap (schoolchildren have similar texts or fragments of the same text from one student that are missing in the text of another student, and the lack of information needs to be filled - jig-saw reading);
knowledge gap (one student has information that another does not have, and it needs to be filled in complete-the-table tasks);
belief gap (students have different beliefs, but need to develop a common opinion);
reasoning gap (schoolchildren have different evidence that is important to collect and compare).
An example of an “information gap” type task is any communication game, for example, “Treasure Island”. Two participants in communication (“treasure seekers”) have outline maps depicting an uninhabited island. Information on the map of one participant is not present on the map of the other. Participants, asking each other questions, try to discover everything dangers awaiting them and mark the corresponding danger symbols on the empty squares of their cards.
Another example would be a task that requires the student to discover, may take place in game form. One of these tasks is to find the “criminal” and reveal the circumstances of the “crime”. This game requires 20 cards with different names and the circumstances of the crime. Card data is repeated on larger cards. Cards are dealt to “witnesses”, and large cards are dealt to “investigators”. Of the 20 small cards, one is removed and set aside. This is the name of the “criminal” and the circumstances of the crime. Investigators look at their cards and ask questions like “Is his name Steve?”, “Did he steal the money from the bank?” If the small cards of the “witnesses” have this name and circumstances, they answer: “No, his name is not Steve and he did not steal the money from the bank?” “Investigators” must name the criminal and the circumstances of the “crime” as soon as possible.
You can come up with a lot of similar tasks depending on the ingenuity of the teacher. You can invite students to develop similar tasks themselves and even hold a competition of “games” and “tasks”.
Such work allows us to identify “caring” students who are ready to think, speak and communicate in English. It is an important condition not only for successful work with text, but also for organizing role-playing and discussion communication in the classroom. Questions like: “What is the problem in this situation?”, “What can be done to solve it?”, “What actions are most effective in solving the problem?” and others help to form active participation of students in solving the problem.
A non-traditional form can be considered role-playing communication, which is implemented in a role-playing game. However, role-playing communication is organized in accordance with the developed plot and requires developed social skills. Therefore, role-playing games in English lessons often include elements of social training (communication exercises). Here are examples of similar tasks that are most often found in the literature:
line-up (students try to line up as quickly as possible in accordance with the proposed sign);
strip-story (each student receives his own phrase and tries to quickly take the corresponding place in the “story”);
smile (students approach each other and exchange remarks with an obligatory smile);
merry-go-round (students form an outer and inner circle and, moving in a circle, exchange remarks);
contact (participants approach each other and start a conversation);
king words (students say any pleasant words addressed to the interlocutor);
reflection (participants try to imagine what other schoolchildren think about them);
listening (students listen carefully to their partner, nodding in agreement and expressing agreement with him), etc.

To implement non-traditional methods of communicative communication in the classroom, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​the communicative organization of an English lesson.
To implement it, it is important to determine the subject, purpose and form of communication between students, choose an effective form of presenting the material, and constantly support students’ verbal and mental activity. The communicative organization of a lesson is not only externally observable, but also internal state teachers and students. In some cases, the teacher and students can quite actively exchange remarks in the “teacher-student”, “teacher-class”, “student-student”, etc. modes.
When using non-traditional methods of communication in English lessons, special attention should be paid to communication skills. Analysis of students’ communication skills is divided into the following blocks:
Requirements for teaching speaking.

Areas of communication and topics (ability to communicate with peers).
Dialogical speech (various types of dialogues, including questioning, exchange of opinions, information, etc.).
Monologue speech (statements, retelling of what was heard, seen or read, etc.).
The listed communicative skills should be implemented during communicative-oriented training, both in the basic course and in the process of intensive teaching of the English language using non-traditional methods of communicative communication.
Each of the three blocks involves the development of certain communication skills. For example, block 1 contains requirements for communication skills with foreign peers in various situations and areas of activity, etc.
The communicative direction of teaching English requires a revision and reorientation of all components of the educational process. This method is most fully implemented when the teacher uses traditional methods communicative communication.
As already mentioned, traditional methods are provided basic program and are focused on memorization, “memorization” of standard tasks on topics regulated by the program. These methods do not always give positive results, because... do not encourage students to actively “speak”, because their essence comes down to mastering a minimum vocabulary and the ability to reproduce memorized dialogue.
Of interest are methods that stimulate active mental activity and encouraging students to express their thoughts in English. One of these techniques in communicative communication methods is the communicative task.
Some authors consider a communicative task as a goal set in certain communication conditions, from which it is clear who speaks what, to whom, under what circumstances and why. The communicative tasks used in the intensive method help to take students beyond the boundaries of purely educational activities due to a predetermined role. The situation plus the role control the speech behavior of students. “I have news,” says the teacher, addressing the students, “tomorrow D. Brown, a journalist from London, is coming to us. He has an assignment to write an article for a newspaper about student life at the university. What can we recommend him to see first at our university, since he will only stay with us for a few days?”
The purpose of communicative tasks is to encourage students to solve new communication problems using language tools acquired on the basis of the original polylogues.
When creating and shaping communication tasks, great ingenuity is required. It is important to build them on fascinating material from reality, also mobilizing students’ imagination. The teacher should accumulate a “bank of facts,” a kind of collection of amazing cases that can be turned into tasks that increase the tone of communication, stimulating speech creativity.
Most communication tasks are based on dramatization. Intensive methods introduced sketches and role-playing games. Dramatization is an accurate model of true communication, preserving its main features. The point is that the most diverse collisions, even fantastic and fabulous, are always psychologically motivated and relevant, in them everything happens now and here, and this revives them and contributes to the assimilation of the material.
It is very important that in communicative tasks you can use constant, “end-to-end” characters: reporter, author, leader, pessimist, optimist, skeptic, popular fairy-tale characters, favorite book heroes. Their verbal behavior is predetermined by their profession, character or their “former life” in the book. So, at the lion’s anniversary, the fox will make flattering speeches, and the mouse will praise his democracy. It is sometimes advisable to “collide” different masks by placing them in the same situation. For example, how would an optimist, a pessimist and a skeptic evaluate the performance of a rock ensemble that the three of them attended?
Examples of non-traditional methods include “sketch”, “role-playing game”, “round table”, “discussion”.
Sketch - this is a short scene played out according to a given problem situation indicating the characters, their social status, role behavior. A sketch, unlike a role-playing game, is characterized by less complexity and freedom speech behavior characters. In the form of sketches, small scenes related to social and everyday spheres on the topics “Food”, “Shopping”, “City and its attractions”, “Travel” can be acted out.
Role play allows you to simulate situations of real communication and is distinguished, first of all, by the freedom and spontaneity of speech and non-verbal behavior of the characters. A role-playing game presupposes the presence of a certain number of characters, as well as a game problem situation in which the participants of the game act. During the game, each participant organizes his behavior depending on the behavior of his partners and his communicative goal. The outcome of the game should be the resolution of the conflict.
Round table - represents an exchange of opinions on any issue or problem of interest to the participants in communication. By participating in the round table, the student speaks on his own behalf. The problems discussed at the round table can be very diverse: social, regional studies, moral and ethical, etc. Participation in the round table requires students to have a fairly high level of language proficiency and certain knowledge of the problem. Therefore, as a control technique, the “round table” can be used at an advanced stage of training and upon completion of work on a specific topic or several related topics.
Discussion represents one of the forms of argument as a verbal competition. This is an exchange of views on a subject with the aim of achieving unity of views on this subject. Required condition discussion is the presence of any controversial issue. The final solution to this issue is developed during the discussion. To conduct it successfully, participants must have knowledge about the subject of discussion, have their own opinion on this issue, and master techniques for influencing partners and managing the conversation.
So, I have reviewed some of the non-traditional methods of communicative communication in English lessons.
Their implementation will entirely depend on the desire, competence and erudition of the teacher. The ability to involve students in the process of active acquisition of the English language is quite difficult and is largely determined by the desire of students to acquire and improve their language skills.
I would like to note only one thing: non-traditional methods stimulate students to demonstrate speech activity and this is their attractiveness and priority importance.


This paper examined the current problem of teaching a foreign language as a way of communication.

However, traditional teaching methods do not provide significant positive results. Pupils on initial stage foreign language students have a low level of development of auditory differentiated awareness, which disrupts the perception of the sound image of words. Some students do not know how to predict lexical material when constructing their own statements, or associate verbal pairs of thematically related words. This leads to the inability to display a number of facts, speak logically and competently, spontaneously maintain a conversation and lead a discussion.

That is why it is necessary to develop communication skills in students, which provide for the students’ assimilation of language material and make it possible to most fully realize the educational potential of the subject.

In order for students to develop in this direction, it is necessary to teach them introspection, self-criticism, and self-expression.

Experience proves that the use of non-traditional approaches to conducting lessons in the educational process is interconnected, first of all, with determining the structure and content of the student’s educational and cognitive activity. It is necessary to plan the lesson so that the student has the opportunity to independently search for the accumulation of new knowledge in solving problematic issues. Children should be taught to communicate with each other in class, listen to their interlocutor, help him, and allow children to give hints if the one speaking cannot find the necessary word. And also create conditions so that students try to speak more, rather than waiting for “salary” in the form of a grade.

The teacher acts as a source of necessary information, as a support factor and a force that controls the student’s activities. This is where the most sensitive points in the relationship between student and teacher are located. It is very important to provide the student with the necessary assistance in a timely manner, while maintaining maximum independence.

This help should not be intrusive, but only a motivating hint; the teacher should “unnoticeably” give it so that the student accepts it as his own discovery. The teacher’s skill lies in organizing and leading the learning process and at the same time “standing” on the sidelines, leaving the student the role of an intellectual leader.

The final result of the student’s activity is an indicator of the teacher’s correct activity.

Lighting a spark of interest in a child’s eyes and making learning feasible and joyful is a difficult task for every teacher.

That is why the development of communication skills in students in English lessons is a basic mechanism of foreign language communication, which in the future graduates will be able to develop and improve according to their personal needs.

"Development of communication skills and

skills in English lessons."

Completed by English teacher Arzhikeeva A.B.

The main goal of teaching English in a modern school isdevelopment of the student’s personality, capable of using English as a means of communication.

I believe that the result of learning English is achieved through the process of personal and communicative learning.

The principle of communication is the basic principle of teaching English, in which speech skills are formed, i.e. competencies that are necessary to communicate in English within a specific topic.

Communicative competence includes both the development of communicative phenomena (the ability to read and understand what is read, to carry out dialogic communication, the ability to make short monologues, the ability to convey information in writing), and the development of general educational skills (working with a textbook, dictionary, reference book, etc.)

The communicative method is intended primarily for teaching speaking.

The condition for communicative competence is the formation of motivation. Practice shows that motivation is promoted by visibility, discussions, project activities of students, games, especially role-playing games at the senior level of education, etc.

Students more easily express their point of view using the studied vocabulary with the help of visual supports. Visual aids that are meaningful in nature create the need to express one’s thoughts and perceive the oral messages of comrades.

For example, in 6th grade I use a toy to introduce prepositions of place. Based on its location, children guess the translation of prepositions. After this, we fix these prepositions in phrases and sentences and describe the pictures.

When explaining the material, I place cards with new words on the board, and next to them the corresponding pictures. Students read the words and guess their meaning from the pictures.

Also contributes to the development of communicative competence problem-based learning. I.S. Kon believes that “the only way to evoke a deep emotional response in a teenager is to confront him with a problem that is close to him, forcing him to think independently and formulate a conclusion.” A problematic question helps students understand the purpose of educational activity, which in turn affects the formation of its positive motives.

Goal: formation and activation of skills and abilities of question-answer interaction using statements such as sentences, communication of opinions, etc.

Everyone receives one or two sentences written on a card, using which they can answer the questions: “What would happen if ...?”Whatwillhappenif…. All players answer the question in a chain.

I consider group work to be the most effective form of organizing students’ educational activities when solving research problems. In this case, speech skills are improved in the process of interpersonal communication. Group work ensures the individual development of each child, the formation of interpersonal intelligence, and this in turn means a high development of communication abilities. It is clear that children have different abilities to master the English language. Some easily master the material and the corresponding speech skills. Others, despite great effort on their part, fail to achieve the same results no matter how hard they try. Therefore, in group work it is possible to implement a multi-level approach and provide students with different abilities with multi-level tasks.

To express my own thoughts, develop creative abilities, develop the ability to think outside the box, imagination, fantasy and independence, I use the project method. It is very important that when using this method in teaching, the student (or group of students) decides what the project will contain and how he will present it. When choosing tasks, I rely on the fact that they correspond to the level at which the student is. The student feels in a different capacity, he knows that he can express his thoughts, and this in turn increases motivation to learn and increase communicative competence.

In the English course, after completing each topic, create a project work.I widely use this method in grades 6-9. Students do project work and defend it. In 6th grade, children create mini-projects " Description of my friend ", "Description of my friend"" My country ” - “My Country”, etc., in grades 7-8 “ How to keep fit »,” The important times in my life ”, in 9th grade -“ Why do people learn English ”etc.

In order for a person to be comfortable in life situations, he needs to be able to model communication situations. For this purpose I use games in lessons.

Especially in the 6th grade, I give a big role to the game. During the game, students develop skills, develop speech skills, learn to communicate, and remember speech material.

In my lessons I use different types games, for example, “snowball”, games for memorization, thinking, speech development, speaking games “boaster competition”, “the best pupil of the year”, etc.

In an ordinary discussion, a student who is unsure of himself can remain silent, but during the game everyone gets a role and becomes a partner, and what is very important is that the educational material is well practiced. The game itself creates a need for communication and stimulates interest in participating in communication in English.

Role play is also motivating speech activity.

Role-playing game allows you to simulate situations of real communication and is distinguished, first of all, by the freedom and spontaneity of speech and non-verbal behavior of the characters. A role-playing game presupposes the presence of a certain number of characters, as well as a game problem situation in which the participants of the game act. During the game, each participant organizes his behavior depending on the behavior of his partners and his communicative goal. The outcome of the game should be the resolution of the conflict. In high school I use role-playing games such as “What differences” “Brushupyourmind» …

In general, communicative competence includes both the development of communicative phenomena and the development of general educational skills.

Formation of communicative universal educational actions in English lessons

“The great goal of education is not knowledge, but action”
Herbert Spencer

The main purpose of a foreign language is to form communicative competence, i.e. ability and readiness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers. In addition, the study of a foreign language should ensure that students are introduced to the culture of the countries of the language being studied, a better awareness of the culture of their own country, the ability to present it through the means of a foreign language, and the inclusion of schoolchildren in the dialogue of cultures. In modern conditions, a person who is fluent in a foreign language is in demand.

I would like to highlight a number of the most effective, in my opinion, approaches that contribute to the development of students’ communicative competence in the context of the implementation of the new standard:

    creating a real opportunity for communication in every lesson;

    conducting non-standard lessons;

    creation and protection of projects using information and communication technologies, and the creation of situations that imitate the language environment;

    inclusion of students in play activity leads to natural desire speak the language;

    a combination of independent individual work with group and collective work, students’ independent search for the necessary information;

    development of creativity, ability to work and various sources of information;

    implementation authentic material in class;

    carrying out extracurricular activities in the subject as a step towards the development of students’ creative and communicative abilities.

The important principles of teaching foreign languages ​​in a modern school, which guide my work, are:

1 Communicative orientation in teaching foreign languages

Teaching schoolchildren to communicate in a foreign language in the context of the educational process is a rather difficult task. After all, natural speech is stimulated not by necessity, but by the need for real communication. Foreign language lessons - communication lessons. But in the absence of a language environment, the learning conditions are in conflict with the essence of the subject, which is a huge difficulty for foreign language teachers. In my lessons I try to create natural conditions for communication, as far as possible: role-playing tasks, creating game situations, use of entertaining material, physical education minutes.

All this brings the speech activity of schoolchildren closer to natural norms, activates previously studied material.

2 Compliance with the activity-based nature of the educational process.

An important requirement modern process learning is the activation of students' activities, contributing to the formation of their active life position, independence, interest in the subject, improving the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The activity-based nature of the subject “Foreign Language” corresponds to the nature of a student who perceives the world holistically, emotionally and actively. This allows you to include foreign language speech activity in other types of activities, characteristic of a child of a given age - playful, cognitive, aesthetic. This makes it possible to make various connections with the subjects studied at school and to form meta-subject general educational skills. It is important to create conditions when children learn to listen to each other, are able to adequately evaluate their response, and want to learn new things.

It is no coincidence that in the new Federal State Educational Standard formation universal educational activities that provide schoolchildren with the ability to learn, i.e. the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience is considered the most important key task of the modern education system.

This principle is manifested in role-playing games and project activities. I use different shapes work in the classroom: individual, paired, group The use of games and game situations in the lesson reveals the abilities of children, their individuality, increases the motivation of students to learn English, and helps create a friendly atmosphere in the lesson. Games allow you to individual approach to students. Collective games develop the ability to work in a group and find the necessary forms of cooperation. Based on the nature of the gaming methodology, games are divided into:




D spruce;


Dramatization games. In my lessons in elementary school, I use various types of games, but our greatest preference is subject-based, plot, role-playing, and dramatization games (slide No. 1).

When teaching self-control and self-esteem, students develop regulatory and communicative learning skills. Along with the five-point assessment system, other methods can be used. So, I suggest the guys use mugs different colors(“green” - I succeeded; “yellow” - I managed to complete the task, but with errors; “red” - SOS, I could not complete the task). The display of a particular circle is accompanied by a verbal explanation of why that particular color was chosen. When learning to evaluate the oral responses of classmates, you can invite the children to express their opinions about what they heard (first in Russian with a gradual transition to English). As a result of organizing such activities, children learn to listen carefully to their classmates and objectively evaluate their answer. It is also advisable to introduce such a form of work as mutual assessment of written work.

The stage of reflection in the lesson, when properly organized, contributes to the formation of the ability to analyze one’s activities in the lesson. Reflection on the mood and emotional state of children, reflection on the mood and emotional state of children is also very important. You can conduct reflection not only on the results of one lesson, but also on the results of a quarter, half a year, after studying a topic.

Reflective map in English for the 1st half of the year for a student in grade _ (slide No. 2).

Application of communication technologies in high school.

Creation of presentations by students on the topic “Travel”. The leading goal of this type of work is the communication process. Thus, students of grades 9 b and d prepared and presented the following works:

- “Trip around St. Petersburg”;

- “Sunny Bulgaria”;

- “Spain Flamenco”;

- “Greece”.

Students use in their work musical accompaniment. show interesting places, inviting you to travel. They ask questions... How to choose a hotel, about the weather, customs, culture, people, etc.

“Travelling and Tourism” Mini-projects in groups or pairs. Students act as organizers of an educational trip to England. They are given initial data (time of year, number of days, number of travelers) and asked to develop a travel route, sightseeing, and cultural events. Students are encouraged to use vocabulary practiced in class and etiquette forms of expressing agreement/disagreement. All group members must agree on the final travel option and present it to other groups. After presentations of different options, the groups vote for the most successful one. You cannot vote for your group. This type of task may involve working with a computer, using Internet resources, drawing posters, etc.

The new generation standard also places great emphasis on independent work student. In this regard, in lesson activities I use technologies such as the project method, critical thinking technology, problem-based learning as a way to develop communicative competence, differentiated learning etc. These technologies are aimed at developing active thinking in students and teaching them not just to memorize and reproduce knowledge, but to be able to apply it in practice.

One of the main incentives for learning is play. Indeed, in combination with discussions and debates of the game, in particular, role-playing games in English lessons are the most informative and effective teaching methods from a perceptual point of view. During the game, the student overcomes his stiffness and anxiety.

In an ordinary discussion, a student who is unsure of himself can remain silent, but during the game everyone gets a role and becomes a partner, and what is very important is that the educational material is well practiced. The game itself creates a need for communication, stimulates interest in participating in communication in English... For example, when studying the topic “Conflicts” in 9th grade

I devote the first lessons of the section to introduction and activation lexical units on a topic proposed by the author of the textbook, with the aim of developing the skill of dialogic/monologue speech in the form of a debate, round table, conference, conversation, etc.

Fluency in vocabulary allows you to:

– to develop the communicative competence of students (confidence in communication and understanding of the listened text in English);

– develop the skills of situational real communication (one of the questions on the foreign language ticket at the State Academic Examination is to act out an unprepared dialogue with the teacher based on the situation);

– solve practical, social and personally significant problems;

– analyze your own activities, the work of classmates and the teacher in the target language.

The result of lessons on the topic are role-playing games in various situations. A role-playing game presupposes the presence of a certain number of characters, as well as a game problem situation in which the participants of the game act. During the game, each participant organizes his behavior depending on the behavior of his partners and his communicative goal. The outcome of the game should be the resolution of the conflict (slide No. 3, 4).

Work using the project methodology requires students to have a high degree of independence in search activities, coordination of their actions, active research, performing and communicative interaction. The main idea of ​​the project method is to shift the emphasis from various types exercises for active mental activity of students during joint creative work. The role of the teacher is to prepare students to work on the project, select a topic, assist students in planning work, monitor and advise students as they progress through the project as a participant.

Sociocultural orientation of the foreign language teaching process

Teaching English gives the teacher ample opportunities to instill citizenship and patriotism. This is facilitated by the communicative orientation of the subject, its focus on the study of the life, customs, traditions and language of another people. account, true love for the Fatherland. Moral and historical principles are inseparable. Consequently, by forming historical consciousness, we simultaneously strengthen the moral ideals, patriotic feelings of students and love for our Motherland. In my lessons, I try to create an atmosphere, select material that would give knowledge about the history, traditions of our Motherland, great compatriots, I teach the children to compare and draw conclusions. In UMK Biboletova M.Z. "Enjoy English" for grades 2-11 contains extensive regional studies material on Russia. In addition to it, I use other sources, as well as audio materials and videos, which, in my opinion, increases the interest of students

Studying the St. Petersburg course (slide No. 5).

The purpose of the course is to foster patriotic feelings through the cultivation of love for the small homeland.

Main tasks:

(except for teaching): broadening one’s horizons, getting to know the history and sights of one’s native land, developing the creative abilities of students, cultivating a sense of citizenship and love for one’s homeland. To achieve the goal of this course, I consider it advisable to use the project method, i.e. the project method is integrated into the traditional teaching system. The use of ICT in the lesson helps to make it interesting and memorable for students. Presentations, including photographs, pictures, tables, accompany the lesson at its different stages (this includes Listening, Speaking, and conducting test tasks). Here I would like to note that schoolchildren like project work because it gives them additional opportunity express themselves, allows them to choose the form of activity that they like. It unites the guys, since most often they work in groups, helping each other, while choosing and discussing the topic of the project, selecting literature and materials, drawing up a project plan, designing, writing work, creating presentations. Students choose the topic of their research work (abstracts or presentations) and work in a group or individually. For example, working on the course “St. Petersburg”, students’ mastery of universal learning activities create the opportunity to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge. Instead of simply transferring knowledge, abilities, and skills from teacher to student, the priority goal of school education becomes the development of the student’s ability to independently set educational goals, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate their achievements, in other words, the ability to learn. And this involves the search for new forms and methods of teaching, updating the content of education.