How many years does a chinchilla live - at home and in the wild? How long do chinchillas live on average? How long does a domestic chinchilla live?

Chinchilla is a whole genus of animals. Their homeland is the Andes mountain ranges in South America, where, due to the cold winds on the mountain peaks, this animal had to acquire a luxurious, warm fur coat, soft and pleasant to the touch. From there, the animals were transported all over the world, first for their valuable fur, and then, as a result of various crossings, the chinchilla at home became one of the favorite pets.

Long-tailed chinchillas are usually taken for breeding. The length of an adult is from 22 to 38 cm. Of this, 10-17 cm is occupied by a fluffy tail.

The weight of the male is less than the weight of the female, up to 700 and 800 g, respectively. Boys have a more flexible and tame character.

It is difficult to say exactly how long your pet will live - it depends on how you care for it. There have been cases when animals lived up to 20 years. On average it is about 15 years.


Among the advantages:

  • if you work during the day and come home in the evening, then the animal will not be bored in your absence;
  • Chinchilla fur is odorless and does not cause allergies. But the sand in which the animal bathes can provoke an attack;
  • are trainable, can respond to their name, and carry out some commands;
  • absolutely non-aggressive, for a chinchilla to even slightly nip you with its teeth, you need to try very hard.

Well, in general, the chinchilla is a very positive and active creature that does everything funny and is fun to watch.

Habits, character and characteristics

This is very important point, because the pet must suit your personality and lifestyle:

A couple of times I heard from familiar owners that chinchillas smell very unpleasant. It all depends on how many times a month you clean up after them.


There are a great many colors of chinchillas, but to keep chinchillas at home it is not necessary to know them all, because we choose them more according to our hearts. The most common colors are standard gray (this is the wild color of the chinchilla), black and white velvets, beige, violet and sapphire. The rest are mainly the results of their crossing.

Living conditions


To begin with, they need a large cage. The minimum WxDxH for one animal is 70x50x50. If there are several of them, then the width and depth increase to at least 90 and 70 cm, respectively.

If you are planning to breed chinchillas at home, then do not buy a high cage - they very quickly learn to climb walls and can fall and get injured.

The cell sizes are 1.5 by 1.5 cm for the bottom and 1.9 by 1.9 cm for the walls and roof. The cage must be galvanized and not painted. It will be more convenient for you to clean up after your pet if the cage has a tray that can be easily pulled out.

Feeder and drinker

They cling to the wall of the cage, otherwise they risk turning over or becoming a latrine. Nowadays it is no longer a problem to find and buy special drinking bowls for rodents, equipped with ball-shaped dispensers at the end of the tube.

It is better to take a chinchilla feeder made of metal or ceramic. By the way, there should be as many of them as the types of food you give the animal.

You also need to put a special pebble to grind down the teeth, because your rodent is still growing.

House furnishings

The cage should have a shelter, approximately 30x15x15 cm in size, with bedding that is easy to take out and wash. If you are planning breeding, then you need as many houses as there are chinchillas. Residents often quarrel with each other, like real people married couples, and live in different apartments.

Shelves with a width of at least 15 cm are hung along the walls of the cage. All kinds of ladders, tunnels and passages are also welcome, you can put a wheel.

Water procedures are taken in baths, which are filled with special fine sand (you mix zeolite and bathing sand - 2 packs are used in about six months). You can create a bathhouse yourself - from a three-liter jar or an old saucepan. Such a bath is installed for a chinchilla at home for 20-30 minutes 3 times a week. You can’t do it more often – the skin gets too dry. After bathing, the sand can be cleaned through a sieve.

Feed and cleaning

Special granulated food is sold for chinchillas. Food is not suitable for other rodents.

Be sure to buy hay for the animal. Dried fruits and vegetables will be useful (except for raisins, they are too sweet), dried plantain leaves, dandelion - all this is a real delicacy for them. You can give them twigs to chew on, there are special salt wheels and factory-made vitamins. They are especially necessary when you start breeding chinchillas.

You can’t - coniferous plants, nuts and sunflower seeds (too greasy), and, of course, wallpaper (they love this stuff).

Water must be purified, boiled, filtered or bottled.

Daily care:

  • cleaning the feeder, adding new food, adding as much water as needed;
  • remove hay that has fallen on the floor, since a chinchilla can go to the toilet on it and then eat it;
  • sweep trash off shelves;
  • clean around the cage.

Weekly chinchilla care - replace all the bedding, wash the tray, disinfect the drinking bowl (those that cannot be washed can be cleaned with water and salt), wipe off the dust, clean the sand in the bath.

Monthly care - completely wash and disinfect the cage, change the sand.

Even more chinchillas!

If you are interested in breeding chinchillas at home, then pay attention to what colors can and cannot be crossed with each other. Because, for example, puppies of two white parents practically do not survive.

Another important point– in the chinchilla family the female is the main one. Therefore, ideally, she should be younger than the male, and the process itself should be arranged on his territory. If any of the points are not met, then first it is tedious to arrange an “acquaintance” - place the cages of the future couple next to each other for 2-3 days, then plant the chinchillas together. If they start to fight, put the aggressor in a carrier until the quarrels stop. And now they are already living together.

It is not difficult to care for chinchillas once you have started breeding them - 10 days before giving birth, place the male and cover the nesting box with bedding. Shortly before the chinchillas are born, remove the bath.

The female copes with childbirth without outside help; it takes place around 5-8 o’clock in the morning. The room should be quiet and you should not pick her up. Puppies are born with with open eyes and teething, the skin is already covered with fluff.

A chinchilla mother produces milk immediately or within 3 days, so if the babies are sitting with their tails drooping, then they need to be fed with condensed milk without sugar (diluted 1:2 with water).

If you are wondering how many years chinchillas live, then this article will help you find the answer. We will talk about what these animals are like and what conditions need to be created so that they can live at home as long as possible.

About chinchillas

These animals from the order of rodents differ from their counterparts in their soft, delicate, and at the same time dense fur, which people use for sewing fur coats. Few people know that a chinchilla can become an excellent pet, pleasant to the touch and pleasing to the eye. But more on that later. Another distinctive property of the animal is its life expectancy. Not a single rodent will live that long. Of course, many factors influence such an indicator as the duration of existence.

somewhat lower. And this is not surprising, since the rodent is dependent on the owner to whom it belongs. Improper care, nutrition and poor living conditions can significantly reduce the life expectancy of a chinchilla. Information regarding this indicator there are different ones. The maximum age of a rodent can be 15-18 years, and this takes into account the fact that the chinchilla will be provided with the most comfortable living environment. But on average, animals live 8-10 years. Is it possible to somehow influence these numbers? Yes. Below we will give you some tips that will help you acquire a furry animal as a friend for many years.

Tips for keeping a chinchilla

So, now you know how long a chinchilla lives. We hope you enjoy this animal and learn how to handle it correctly.

It is believed that rodents do not live long at home, approximately 2–3 years. But chinchillas are a pleasant exception to this rule. These animals are rodents belonging to the chinchilla family. Natural environment their habitats are desert highlands in the Andes (South America).

They for a long time were the object of uncontrolled hunting because of their fur, which is highly valued. This brought them to the brink of complete extermination and served as a reason for their inclusion in the Red Book. Now chinchillas are bred artificially for the fur industry.

So how many years do chinchillas live at home? They are long-lived rodents. They can reach the age of twenty to twenty-five years. This should be taken into account by those who decide to have such a pet. Although their lifespan can vary greatly depending on the conditions of the home and the quality of care. Discomfort can cause harm both physically and mental health these animals. Health problems can also be age-related, just like in humans.

Natural habitat

The homeland of short-tailed chinchillas is the mountains of Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. And long-tailed chinchillas today can only be found in the Andes in the north of the Republic of Chile. Chinchillas live on the northern slopes of mountains in arid rocky areas at altitudes up to 5 kilometers. They take refuge from dangers in rock crevices and under stones, although, in the absence of such, they are excellent at digging holes on their own.

In general, they have adapted well to life in the highlands. Chinchillas are monogamous and prefer to live in colonies. They, like all rodents, are herbivores, but sometimes eat insects. These nocturnal animals They move freely along rocks and can penetrate the narrowest cracks due to the peculiarities of their skeleton. Fine developed cerebellum allows animals to move perfectly on rocks. A consequence of their place and way of life are big eyes, long thick whiskers and large oval-shaped ears.

Life cycle of a chinchilla

Chinchillas usually reach maturity at the age of seven months, sometimes a little later. The female is capable of producing, on average, two to three litters per year, each of which can contain from one to five puppies. Pregnancy lasts 3.5–4 months. These animals retain the ability to reproduce for up to fifteen years. With age, the number of puppies in the litter may increase.

Puppies are born with teeth erupted, fully sighted, and with primary hair. From the second week of life they begin to eat food. Young chinchillas are separated from their mother when they reach two months of age, when they gain a weight of 200-250 grams. Chinchillas stop growing and gaining weight at the age of two, reaching a body weight of up to 600 grams. The strongest, most fertile rodents with high-quality fur are left for breeding. It is best to conduct a comprehensive assessment at six months of age, before the onset of maturity.

Chinchillas at home

Lifespan completely and completely depends on the quality of care. At correct content At home, the lifespan of an animal can range from 10 to 20–25 years. In order for him to live as long as possible in captivity, required:


Temperature also has a strong influence on how many years chinchillas live. The most suitable for these rodents would be temperature not exceeding 22 degrees. Do not place the cage near heaters or radiators. central heating, it’s even better if the room where the chinchillas are kept has air conditioning. Sharp fluctuations air temperatures can cause serious harm their health, and even lead to death. You should also avoid drafts and direct sunlight.

Living space

So that the pet feels calm and comfortable and lives maximum term, he needs spacious cage. She must be tall and have minimum dimensions in plan 60 by 60 centimeters. The height of the cage gives the chinchilla room to climb, which is necessary to maintain a healthy physical fitness. A cramped cage will definitely have a negative impact on your pet's life expectancy. The cage must be securely locked so that the animal cannot leave it uncontrollably. The following equipment should be inside:

You should choose equipment made of wood, but avoid coniferous trees and oak - animals try to gnaw everything in the cage, and such wood is dangerous to their health.

Balanced feeding

Food is the main source of pleasure for rodents and one of the most important factors, affecting how long chinchillas live at home. Self-created feed mixtures a responsible and time-consuming process that requires certain skills. For people who keep chinchillas as pets, the most convenient option seems purchasing ready-made formulas and treats at the pet store. Dried apples, pears and a variety of berries are good as additional feeding. The animal must also have permanent access to fresh hay.

To maintain bone strength and dental health mineral stone needed. Food, treats, vitamins and other products should be purchased at pet stores and veterinary pharmacies - this will prevent infection of animals various diseases. You should also beware of sudden changes in diet and type of food. This can lead to digestive upset and cause irreversible damage to health.


The cage needs regular cleaning, But general cleaning should be done no more than once a week. It is very good if it is possible to disinfect with ultraviolet light. The swimming pool must be filled only with high-quality, uncontaminated sand from trusted companies. Has a beneficial effect on animals and the absence stressful situations. Taking into account that chinchillas are nocturnal animals, daytime the room occupied by the cage should be quiet and calm.

Loud noises are harmful to their health: screams, music or the noise of a running TV. Chinchillas need to be taught to handle hands gradually and extremely carefully, avoiding sudden movements. It is unacceptable to keep these rodents free-ranging at home: many things in the apartment pose a serious danger to them (for example, electrical wires).

Rodents usually don't live long, but chinchillas are an exception to this rule. Let's look at the factors that influence the lifespan of these cute pets.

From the site

The chinchilla comes from the desert highlands. South America, but it can rarely be seen in the wild due to severe extermination. It is believed that their life expectancy in the wild can reach 30 years, but in general the life of chinchillas in wildlife little studied. It should be taken into account that the animal prefers night look life.

How long do chinchillas live in captivity?

With proper care from a good owner at home, a chinchilla can live from 10 to 28 years. Special attention the following conditions must be met:

  1. Nutrition
  2. Temperature
  3. Hygiene
  4. Well equipped cage
  5. Complete peace, affection and care


Probably the most important guarantee of a pet’s longevity. Create your own for your pet balanced diet quite difficult, so it’s better to buy ready-made food. A chinchilla's diet must include fresh hay every day. As a treat, you can offer dried fruits from berries, pears or apples. It is very important that salt stones are always available. Naturally, all this should be bought only in trusted pharmacies or pet stores. Do not change food suddenly, this can lead to digestive upset, and this is very dangerous!


22 degrees is the most optimal temperature for a chinchilla. Sharp increase temperature can cause heat stroke and death in the animal, so you should not place the cage near heat sources or direct sunlight. It is also advisable to maintain indoor humidity at least 50%. A draft is undesirable; the animal may catch a cold.


The animal needs weekly bathing in special sand. Use only proven brands! You need to clean the cage regularly. And disinfection should be carried out at least once a week. You can use an ultraviolet lamp for this.

Chinchilla cage

60*60 cm is the smallest living space that can be offered to a chinchilla. Make sure the cage is locked well, otherwise the chinchilla may escape and get hurt.

The cage should be equipped with the following accessories:

  • Wooden hole-house for relaxation and privacy
  • Drinking bowl and hanging feeder
  • Mineral salt stones
  • Ladders, rings, shelves and a running wheel for physical activity
  • Sennitsa
  • Hammock made of rough material.
  • Wood filler (resinous wood is not allowed due to the risk of poisoning, and oak wood can cause constipation).

Anti-stress for chinchilla

Since chinchillas are nocturnal animals by nature, there should always be peace and quiet around them. Loud noises are not allowed abrupt change situations, new people - all this can cause excitement in a rodent. A chinchilla should be taught to handle hands gradually, without noise, without imposition.

How to determine the age of a chinchilla

Of course, it will not be possible to accurately determine age, but characteristic features You can distinguish an elderly chinchilla from a middle-aged chinchilla or a young chinchilla. Young chinchillas have white tooth enamel, which darkens with age. Chinchillas reach sexual maturity at approximately 7 months. The older the chinchilla, the rougher the skin on its paws. An elderly chinchilla has ears there may be age spots. And, of course, the younger the chinchilla, the more playful it is.

Do not neglect these tips, follow simple rules, be attentive to your chinchilla and she will not leave you for many years!

As you know, rodents live only a few years. But among the representatives of this detachment there are long-livers. These are chinchillas. Of course, they need careful care and special conditions, but in return they will be able to please you throughout long period. Children especially love these incredibly fluffy and cute animals.

The most important advantage of keeping chinchillas at home is long duration their lives. After all, many people become attached to their pets, and they really want them to live as long as possible and delight them with their constant presence! Chinchillas have one important feature: They are nocturnal animals. Therefore, they cannot tolerate too loud noise during the day and artificial light at night. Over time this pet will become a member of your family, because the chinchilla is an incredibly gentle, affectionate, tame animal.

How long will this joy of communication last? In various sources you can find different deadlines. The record life expectancy is 28 years. However, on average these pets live 15 years. It all depends on the conditions in which the chinchilla was born, grew up and lived until she got a new owner or mistress. Therefore, it makes sense to buy an animal from a reliable and trusted nursery, and not from hand. Here you will pay a lot more for your purchase, but it's worth it. If the chinchilla was well cared for, it received proper care, proper nutrition, then it will arrive to you in excellent health. Don't buy this furry pet from the market. Otherwise, you risk bringing home a sick animal that may die in a few days right in your arms.

Much depends on the new owner. If an animal lives in dirt, eats poor quality food, lives in a small cage, and is constantly stressed by loud music, it may eventually get sick. How long do chinchillas live at home if you stick to certain rules in care? In this case, you can ensure that the new family member will delight you for 20 years. Just imagine this! If you have small child, then he will be able to grow and develop together with his furry friend. These cute exotic animals are incredibly affectionate and cannot cause any harm to children, but they will bring a lot of pleasure.

How to extend the life of a pet?

In order for your chinchilla to live as long as possible, you need to pay attention to the following points.

Balanced diet

Proper feeding is the most important point in keeping a chinchilla. In the pet store you can buy various treats. The little animal will be happy with dried fruits from pears, apples, and berries. Be sure to give her some fresh hay and enough water. Never change your pet's diet suddenly, as this may cause problems with digestive tract and stress.


How long chinchillas live in an apartment depends on the conditions you create. The temperature in the room where this furry animal is kept should not exceed 22 degrees. Move the cage away from the radiator or heater and do not place it in a draft. Remember that the chinchilla is a nocturnal rodent. Do not allow the cage to be under sun rays, otherwise there is a risk of heat stroke.

Reduced stress levels

It is better to place the chinchilla in a place where it is always quiet. That's why best solution- this is the bedroom. It is also worthwhile to tame the animal very carefully. Do it gradually. It is important that furry pet did not escape from the cage, because freely hanging wires very often cause death.


Clean the cage at least once a week. You can temporarily move your pet to another place and disinfect its home using ultraviolet lamp. Chinchillas love to swim in clean sand, which is sold in pet stores and comes in a wide variety of varieties.

Cage size

The cage should be at least 60 by 60 cm. If you place the animal in a smaller space, it will feel oppressed. But if the apartment has enough free space, then you can buy big cage. In such conditions, your pet will move freely and develop properly, especially if you adopted him at an early age.