Standard cat weight. British kitten weight by month and breed standard

A cat's body weight matters more to their normal development and health. Like humans, felines can also have problems with weight (overweight or, less commonly, underweight). Obesity is enough common problem, which is found among domestic cats. In addition, you need to know how much the cat weighs in order to calculate the required dose of medications, the volume of food portions, also for traveling with an animal. How to determine the weight of a cat? This article will help answer this question.

Weight is determined by various factors:

  • Breed.
  • Availability of sterilization/castration.
  • General health.
  • Lifestyle (activity, diet).
  • Age.
  • Genetics.

Weight of different breeds

The normal weight of a cat of different breeds ranges from 2 (Nibelung, Singaporean) to 10 kg (Maine Coon). The average weight is considered to be 3-5 kg. For every breed and age category There are special tables with mass standards. Although among cats of the same breed there can be both large and small animals.

Kittens grow until they are one year old, but actively gain weight until they are 6 months old. Newborn kittens are not large breeds(British, Abessinian, Siamese, Bengal) weigh on average 80-120 g, one month - 320-520 g, 2 months - 450-780 g, 3 months - 800-1100 g, 5 months - 2-2.7 kg, 7 months - 2.5-3.2 kg, 8 – 3.3-4.5 kg. A one-year-old cat has a mass of 4.5-5.5 kg, a mature cat - 4.6-5.6 kg.

The average weight of newborn large cats of such breeds as Savannah and Maine Coon is 120-160 g, one month old – 500-800 g, two month old – 800-1200 g, 3 – 1.4-1.9 kg, 5 – 2 ,8-3.6 kg, at 7 – 4.5-5.6 kg, at 8 months – 6-7 kg. A 1 year old cat should weigh 7.5-8.5 kg, an adult cat should weigh 8.0-10.0 kg, sometimes 12 kg.

Newborn Scottish kittens weigh about 80-120 g, monthly - 240-520 g, 2 month old kittens - 470-630 g, 3 month old - 930-1200 g, at 5 months - 1.7-2.5 kg, at 7 months - 3.0-3 .5 kg, at 8 – 3.5-4.5 kg. Scottish cat at the age of one year it can reach 5.0-6.7 kg; an adult cat can weigh 5.3-6.5 kg.

For non-pedigreed pets, you can use the average weight standards for British breed.

The effect of castration/sterilization on weight

Sterilization or castration itself does not affect weight gain, but adult cats after such a procedure need to reduce their caloric intake by a third daily ration, since their metabolism changes and hormonal background.

Dependence of weight on gender, lifestyle

Cats usually larger than cats of the same breed by 1-2 kg. If the mother is a cat large sizes, then her kittens will most likely be large.

Pets that lead sedentary lifestyle life and do not experience difficulties in obtaining food, unlike stray cats, they are more likely to gain excess weight.

Determining normal weight without weighing

Normal weight adult cat individual concept. You can determine if your pet is obese or underweight in a simple way without resorting to weighing. You need to run your hand along the cat's back. If the spine is practically not palpable, then the animal is overweight. By palpably palpating the vertebrae (as if on a washboard) or visually viewing them, we can conclude that the cat weighs little.

How to weigh a cat

To determine exactly how much an adult cat weighs, it must be weighed on a scale. This is quite difficult to do if the cat does not want to step on the scale. In this case, the owner himself can weigh himself, then together with the cat in his arms. Then subtract the mass of the owner from the total mass of the cat, this will be the mass of the cat. Little kitten It is better to weigh not on floor scales, but on electronic kitchen scales.

Man, having barely learned to get along with domestic animals, began breeding them, so as not to catch the necessary specimens in the forests and valleys.

Are purebred kittens healthier?

Indeed, selection for health, appearance and temperament results in many pedigree animals that are far superior in quality to their predecessors. This also applies to a pet such as a cat. However, a cat that has received a pedigree the length of a sheet is no different in its habits from a cat that walks on its own. And her kittens are just as touching and defenseless as those of the neighbor Muska, who is free to choose a partner for procreation.

The only difference is that a purebred “matron” will bring you kittens of the type, color and size corresponding to her breed, and the “free” Muska will bring you any kittens, in accordance with the characteristics of her gentleman.

Muska can have kittens from different fathers in one litter, resulting in an unusually colorful mixture of all colors. This is called “crossbreeding” - interbreeding or “I hang out with whoever I want!”

Crossbreeding produces very interesting crossbreeds - ordinary outbred cats and cats, as a rule, healthy and strong, with a large reserve vitality. Such strong cuties are usually taken home by people who want to have an ordinary pet purr next to them.

“Madame,” as already mentioned, will bring kittens corresponding to the line and breed to which she and the pedigree cat “entrusted” to her belong. Such crossing will certainly give desired results in accordance with their heredity.

True, there is some danger that inbreeding (inbreeding), which all animals undergo when breeding a new breed to consolidate desirable characteristics, will increase the possibility of the manifestation of hereditary defects, which can lead to various deformities or non-viability of the litter.

Of course, conscientious breeders make sure that this does not happen, however, as they say: “Man proposes, but God disposes!” Anything can happen.

Whether you choose a purebred “matron” or Muska’s kittens is not so important, the main thing is that the baby you are going to introduce into your home is healthy, cheerful and pleases your eyes and heart! And for this to be the case, you need to know some of the developmental features of cats, so that you don’t regret your choice later.

Readiness for breeding cats

The sexual maturity of cats does not coincide with the maturity of their body. Cats begin to “call” at the age of 4-6 months. (depending on the breed), and they can produce healthy kittens from the age of 8-12 months.

A cat is “capable” from six months, but mature sperm begin to be produced no earlier than 10 months, in large heavy breeds - from one and a half to two years. It is advisable to adhere to these deadlines, because:

  • The lifespan of an egg in an adult cat is 18-20 hours; The young female half-kitten has only 3.
  • Male cat sperm “lives” up to 4 days; for young and early adults - about 6 hours.
  • From the fusion of two mature cells, there is a greater chance of getting a healthy embryo - no one has canceled this general rule of nature.

If the functions of a stud cat end with fertilization, then the future mother cat will still have to bear the litter, give birth to it and feed it.

Pregnancy in a cat is multiple and requires a lot of costs for the health of the mother and fetus. The young cat still needs extra. nutrition, her body, despite the hormonal explosion, continues to grow and take shape, it itself needs “ building material", and he can either reject the excess load (termination of pregnancy), or try to distribute the incoming materials equally between developing fruits and a cat. The result of such attempts is always deplorable: the kittens are small and weak, the mother cat stops growing and the birth itself, and postpartum period It's very difficult for her.

Look table required quantity kilocalories per day for the growing body of kittens and young animals:

You need to determine your cat’s readiness to mate and give birth to healthy offspring not only by the animal’s age, but also by its condition – the ratio of age, height and weight.

Below is a table that makes it easy to determine whether overweight in the cat or cat you are planning to breed.

Obesity is as destructive to reproductive cells as being underweight pet.

Table of normal cat condition and deviations:

And now - adult cat weight by breed:

This average weight medium cats.

Among them there is no indication of the weight of the cat, whose breed is gaining popularity in Russia - ragdolls. Many people complain that it is difficult to find a weight chart for this breed.

Correcting the situation:

Ragdoll breed weight chart.

How to find out the weight of a cat in the easiest way? See how to do it:

Now, having received information about adult breeding animals, let's move on to their offspring - funny, cute and simply charming kittens.

Kitten due date

A cat's pregnancy begins not from the moment she lets the cat near her, but from the moment of fertilization. The better condition the “spouses” are in, the better the embryos are fixed and developed.

Future kittens are separated by amniotic membranes. Each such “shirt” serves only one child, who one month old grows to the size of a pigeon egg with a diameter of 3-3.5 cm. At the age of 45 days, the length of the embryo is already 5-8 cm, and the first fluff appears on the transparent skin.

Labor (expulsion of the fetuses) begins on the 63rd day for most cats.

For Siamese - on the 65th day.

For the Egyptian Mau - on the 73rd day.

In short, the gestation period, if you are not sure what breed your cat belongs to, can be considered from 60 to 73 days.

Cats rarely need obstetric care, and after birth, she will certainly nurse each kitten and dry it with her tongue, giving them the first massage in their lives, which will tell the babies that they have already been born and it’s time for them to eat something. Do not take newborns away from their mother - their sucking stimulates the birth process, and after that it promotes the fastest reduction uterus.

Having given birth to charming children, during the first week, if she has enough food, and therefore milk, she will constantly be near the kittens, washing them and singing songs to them, making exceptions only for a short meal or a visit to the toilet.

Kittens will grow strong and strong mother's milk. They will nurse for about 3 weeks before they can be partially transitioned to another food. Lactating cat consumes large number food, which should be as high in calories as possible so that the kitten can gain weight from 80-120 g from birth to almost 450 g in the first month.

Kitten weight gain by week:

  • 1st week – 160-180 g.
  • 2nd week – 200-240 g.
  • 3rd week - 270-310 g.
  • 4th week – 390-430 g.

Again, these are approximate values; in large breeds, kittens will gain significantly more weight, but they will also be born heavier. The weight of a newborn Maine Coon is already approaching 160 g, and the weight of a kitten of the British breed is already approaching 140. big cat, but he is heavy in the bones, which cannot be said about ordinary domestic cats, and is not at all suitable for the lungs and small breeds, weighing up to 3 kg.

Table: General weight calculation for an average kitten up to 2 months

At three weeks of age, you can replace one feeding with beef, chicken or rabbit meat, minced or scraped sharp knife from a frozen piece - with a scraper. Starting from four weeks of age, you can use a scraper or thick meat porridge to replace one feeding completely, giving the cat a rest for 3-4 hours.

Below table of kitten weight gain by month from 3 months to one year:

Weighing a newborn kitten will not be difficult; ordinary kitchen scales will do. A prankster and a galloping horse five or seven months old is a completely different matter. The option with an adult cat will not suit you - the weight of a kitten at 5 months does not reach those kilograms that can be subtracted by picking up the cat. You will have to train them to sit still on the scale for at least a couple of minutes.

Finding out a kitten's weight by month is important not just for fun, but in order to keep track of it. proper development and health. A cat child who at 7 months weighs the same as a 3-4 month old - a clear sign that there is something wrong with the baby. It happens that the entire litter lags behind the weight standards, and sometimes only one or two kittens. In any case, please contact veterinarian It wouldn't be superfluous at all!

Three and a half kilograms is a normal weight for a domestic mongrel cat. But there are cats that weigh more. If a cat has lambed at least once, its weight also increases, as hormonal levels change in the cat’s body. Cats weigh one and a half to two kilograms more.

Why the different weights?

What determines how much a cat should weigh? The weight of cats depends on their build, appetite, and temperament. If a cat ate a bowl of porridge and went to sleep, and then went back to eating at a leisurely pace, she should be fat. The bellies of such pussies drag almost along the floor. But if the cat is active, then the calories do not stay in it for long. A cat with a miniature build will naturally weigh less.

The easiest way to find out how much a cat weighs is to weigh it either on a floor scale or even using a steelyard (hand scales with a hook). The animal is carefully placed in a strong bag with handles so as not to be frightened and weighed. If the weight is low, it means the cat has lost weight.

Cats lose weight when they are forced to starve or when they lose their appetite, which happens when helminthic infestations or diseases internal organs. Sometimes very fluffy creatures that lick their fur lose their appetite. Rolled fur clogs the intestines and looks like a cyst or tumor on ultrasound. In such cases, surgery is indicated. To prevent such troubles from recurring, owners need to regularly comb their furry pets thoroughly with a thick brush.

Different breeds and weights

There is no clear answer to the question of how much a cat should weigh. For example, the heaviest cat in the world weighs 21 kg, and the lightest adult cat weighs only 1300 g. The weight of a cat depends on its age, breed, physical condition, temperament.

The smallest cats are those belonging to the Singapura breed; their average weight is only about 2 kg. Siberian cats grow very large, for example, an adult cat can weigh up to 10 kg, and a female cat can weigh up to 6 kg. American bobtails weigh about the same bengal cats, Ocicat. Ragdoll cats can reach a weight of 6-7.5 kg. Raccoon cats (Maine Coons), which resemble a lynx or jungle cat, have long been considered the largest in the world: weighing 10-12 kg. they can reach a length of 120 cm. But recently it turned out that the affectionate and sociable domestic cats of the Asher breed are larger than them. There are only about a hundred of these rare animals in the world, since they were bred quite recently by crossing the wild African serval and the Asian leopard cat. Ashera cats weigh 14-15 kg and reach one meter in length. Cats of the Savannah breed, obtained in the USA in the 80s through crossing domestic cat and the African serval, by the age of three they can also gain weight of 15 kg.


Let's find out how much a British cat weighs. An adult cat will pull 5-8 kg, a cat - 4-6. Sterilized animals weigh much more due to hormonal imbalance: males - up to 12, cats - up to 8 kg. And if the British have a tendency to gain excess weight, then Maine Coon cats with even greater weight (8-10 kg for cats and 4-7 kg for cats) are not prone to obesity. The bodies of cats of this breed are very elongated in length (up to 1 m) and have well-developed muscles and skeleton.

Experts believe that excess weight in cats has a detrimental effect on general condition health. Obesity can cause heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes. It is difficult for such cats to move, they experience shortness of breath, and their lifespan is reduced by a third.

How to determine a cat's physical fitness?

The condition of a cat can be assessed both by looking at it and by feeling its body. Several types can be distinguished physical fitness.

  • If a cat is underweight, the ribs, pelvic bones and spine are clearly visible, but there is little muscle mass. There is no fat layer on the chest.
  • At the lower limit of normal weight in a cat, the pelvic bones, ribs, spine and sternocostal joints are visible, the waist is clearly visible. Feels on the chest thin layer There is almost no fat on the belly.
  • At an ideal weight, the cat has good proportions. The joints, ribs and spine are invisible, but can be easily felt. The waist is noticeable, there is a thin layer of fat on the chest and stomach.
  • If the cat is overweight, the ribs and spine of the cat are difficult to palpate, and the waist is hardly noticeable. Fat can be easily felt on the back, chest and abdomen.
  • In obesity, the bones cannot be felt; on the chest, back and abdomen the layer of fat is very noticeable, the abdomen is quite enlarged.

A very overweight cat is put on a diet, but this must be approached very carefully so as not to harm the animal, and it is better to consult a veterinarian to be sure that obesity does not indicate some kind of disease. Kittens do not need diets, and you should not limit their diet - they grow!

Pets, like people, can experience weight problems. Cats living in city apartments often lead an inactive lifestyle and receive excess nutrition. As a result, your pet develops excess fat cells, which negatively affect overall health. Animals experience problems with cardiac activity and are prone to developing arthritis and other pathologies of internal organs. Therefore, the cat’s weight must be maintained within certain limits, and for this you need to know accepted standards depending on age and breed.

Visual inspection

To determine the condition of the animal, it is necessary to carefully examine its physique. The condition of the limbs and abdomen is determined by looking at the profile, lumbar region and waist are assessed when viewed from above. The weight of a cat can also be “calculated” by manual palpation. To do this, the area of ​​the ribs is felt with your fingers. Moreover, if the bones stick out at the slightest pressure, then the animal is malnourished; if you need to make an effort to palpate them, then most likely the pet is obese.

After the ribs, the waist and abdomen area is assessed. In cats, it is very sensitive, so you must be careful when palpating. If you run two palms from the waist to pelvic bones, then you should get an hourglass shape. If this sensation does not arise, then the cat is most likely overweight.

Next, the abdomen is examined. Softness should be felt under your fingers. But if it hangs down a lot or is swollen, then nutritional adjustments are necessary. A sunken belly indicates a lack of nutrition or illness.

Lack of weight and its causes

If a cat's hip bones and ribs are visible, and the spine has a minimal layer of fat, then the animal is underweight. At the same time, the neck is thin, the stomach is sunken and the limbs have an unhealthy appearance. In this case, the pet should be shown to a specialist for an appointment. therapeutic nutrition and finding out the problem. Worms are often the cause of weight loss.

Lack of weight can be determined by the following signs:

  • easily palpable when stroking;
  • the layer of fat is minimal or completely absent;
  • muscle mass difficult to palpate;
  • vertebrae are visible;
  • the abdominal fold is difficult to palpate, the abdomen is sunken.

Obesity and problem solving

A cat is considered overweight if the waist cannot be felt, the ribs are covered with a layer of fat, and the stomach protrudes and has a spherical shape. Fatty deposits may also be visible on the limbs, lower back and muzzle. To help your animal, you should contact your veterinarian to prescribe corrective nutrition and recommendations for physical activity.

If the breeder decides to act independently, then it is important to follow the principle of gradualism. Sharp decline weight can lead to problems with the cat’s health, which is already weakened. The diet should be less calorie. It is best to choose a special one medicinal food for obese animals.

It is important to avoid overeating and control your diet pet. Therefore, it is, of course, possible to pamper an animal with treats, but it is important to be reasonable. Obesity brings not only discomfort to a cat’s life when moving, but is also fraught with the development of diseases such as diabetes, heart pathologies, renal failure and joint problems.

Normal animal weight

The weight of an adult cat may vary depending on its breed. To determine normal parameters, specialists use specially developed data. But the given parameters should be taken as food for thought, because they may differ depending on individual characteristics animal, its gender and health status. For example, the weight of a British cat has several standards. If a short-haired dog can weigh from 4 to 8 kg, then for a long-haired dog the norm is from 3 to 7 kg. Below are the average weights of popular cat breeds.

  • Bengal - 3.5-6.8 kg.
  • Bombay - 3.0-6.0 kg.
  • Cornish Rex - 3.0-5.0 kg.
  • Siamese - 3.0-5.0 kg.
  • Maine Coon - 4.0-10.0 kg.
  • Scottish - 2.7-6.0 kg.

As you can see, the weight Scottish cat and the Maine Coon has a large range. Therefore, in addition to standards, one must be guided by both age and visual inspection. And the given standards show only the lower and upper limits.

Normal weight cat

An animal with normal weight has a harmoniously built body and a clearly defined waist. If you look at a cat from above, its body resembles an hourglass. The ribs are palpable, but do not protrude and are devoid of a large layer of fat. The side view shows a well-toned abdomen.

However, during a visual inspection, the characteristics of the breed should be taken into account. While some cats look sophisticated, others are always heavy and stocky. It happens that the breed standard does not exclude the presence of a small abdominal fold.

Ideal weight

Before putting an animal on a diet or, conversely, fattening it, you should familiarize yourself with the standards and characteristics of the breed to which the cat belongs. Size and weight also depend on gender.

Thus, male Make Coon, Ragamuffin and British Shorthair can weigh up to 10-12 kg, and at the same time they will not show signs of obesity. Females always weigh less. But the Japanese Bobtail, Peterbald or Cornish Rex cannot be heavier than 5 kg. Females weigh even less - 2-3 kg.


A cat’s active growth and weight gain occurs up to a year. An ordinary domestic cat, regardless of breed, weighs on average 3-6 kg. Females are always 2-3 kg lighter. If your pet is diagnosed with underweight or excess weight, it is recommended to take him to the veterinarian to find out the cause and eliminate it. The specialist will also recommend proper diet, promoting normal digestion and satisfying the pet with all the necessary nutrients.

Excess weight or lack thereof always signals health problems. Exceeding the norm causes disruptions in cardiac activity and can provoke the development diabetes mellitus, gives complications to the joints and reduces life expectancy.

Lack of weight is manifested not only due to poor nutrition. It may indicate some problems. The causes may be worms, metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases and even cancer.

Domestic cats are often predisposed to excess weight, since they lead a measured lifestyle and have permanent access to food. Also, overfeeding them with tasty food plays an important role. To avoid problems with the animal's weight, owners need to know the average weight of the cat, which depends on its age, gender and breed. About this we'll talk in the article.

Weight deviation from the expected weight and its impact on health

Need to know about negative consequences for the health of both overweight and underweight pets. Excessive weight above normal can cause various diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, arthritis) and decreased life expectancy. Obesity is especially dangerous for young cats. Underweight appears due to poor feeding of the cat or due to the presence of certain diseases (metabolic disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oncological diseases) and can lead to the development of hypovitaminosis and exhaustion.

Weight standards for some breeds

How much should a cat weigh? a certain breed, presented in the table. We must understand that “normal weight” is a relative concept, depending on various factors. For example, a Maine Coon kitten weighs almost 2 kilograms at 3 months, and an adult Devon Rex can weigh the same. Both animals will be considered normal weight.

Breed Normal (average) weight, (kg)
Abessian 4-7,5
American Bobtail 3-6,5
Bengal 3,5-6,5
British Shorthair 4-8
British Longhair 3-7
Devon Rex 2-3,5
Munchkin 2-4
Maine Coon 5-10
Norwegian forest 4-9
Oriental 4-8
Persian 4-7
Russian Blue 4-8
Siamese 3-5
Siberian 3,5-9
Sphinx 3-5
Scottish 3-6

You may not know the quantities normal weight for a cat to draw a conclusion about its state of health. Determining the normal weight of a pet is quite simple, even without using floor scales. It is necessary to independently examine the animal and find out what weight category it can be classified into.

Possible weight categories

  • Underweight cat. The bones are clearly visible and protruding. There are no fat deposits on the chest.
  • Normal weight for a cat. The body has an hourglass shape when viewed from above (the lumbar waist is determined), muscular. On examination, the outlines of bones are slightly visible. The spine and ribs are easily palpable, the abdomen is tucked up, there is minimal fat layer.
  • Increased cat weight. The waist is determined. There are small fat deposits on the face, back and abdomen; the ribs are not visible, but are difficult to palpate. When viewed from the side, the abdomen is not pronounced.
  • Average obesity. The waist is wide, poorly defined at the top. The bones are not visible and practically cannot be felt. Moderate fat on belly, chest and base of tail. On the side, the abdomen is slightly enlarged.
  • Obesity is severe. The waist is not visible from above. The bones are difficult to palpate. There is a pronounced layer of fat on the back, at the base of the tail, chest and abdomen. Rib cage and the belly is wide. On the side, the abdomen is noticeably enlarged.

Cats generally grow until they are one year old. domestic cat at 1 year weighs on average 3-6 kg, cats are 1-3 kg less. If you are underweight or overweight (in a word – abnormal), you should definitely contact a veterinarian to determine possible reasons. The veterinarian will examine necessary research and will appoint medicines or diet correction. Even if your cat falls into the normal weight category, it should be seen by a veterinarian regularly.