Requirements for a material room in a pharmacy. Requirements for premises and equipment of pharmacies. Diary title page

2. All premises of the pharmacy facility must be combined into a single block, isolated from other facilities. It is allowed to enter the pharmacy facility through the premises of another organization.
3. The area of ​​the pharmacy facility must be sufficient to carry out pharmaceutical activities, taking into account its type and volume.
4. On the premises of pharmacy facilities, it is not permitted to place units that are not functionally related to the implementation of activities provided for in Article 73 of this chapter.
5. Pharmacy facilities, depending on the type, must include at least the following premises:
a) for a pharmacy: trading floor, reception and unpacking room, material room, staff room, administration room, bathroom. A pharmacy that also produces medicines, must have, in addition to those listed: a room for the production of medicines (assistant room), washing room, distillation room. For pharmacies involved in the production of sterile dosage forms, it is also necessary to have a sterilization room, which can be combined with a distillation room, and an aseptic box/block;
b) for a pharmacy: a sales area, a room or area for receiving and unpacking, for a material room and for staff. Pharmacy workers must be provided with access to the use of a bathroom, which may be located in the building where the pharmacy is located;
c) for a pharmacy kiosk: a single room for one workplace without a sales area. Pharmacy workers must be provided with access to the use of a bathroom, which may be located in the building where the pharmacy kiosk is located;
d) for a hospital and interhospital pharmacy: a room (zone) for receiving and unpacking, a material room, a room (zone) for dispensing, a room for staff, a room for administration, a bathroom. A pharmacy that also produces medicines, must have, in addition to those listed: a room for the manufacture of medicines (assistant room), washing room, distillation room. For hospital and interhospital pharmacies involved in the production of sterile dosage forms, it is also necessary to have a sterilization room, which can be combined with a distillation room, and an aseptic box/block.
6. The internal surfaces of walls, ceilings, and floors of pharmacy premises must allow wet cleaning using disinfectants. The decoration of administrative and amenity premises of pharmacy facilities allows the use of wallpaper, carpeting, parquet, oil paints, etc.
7. Pharmacy facilities must be equipped with equipment appropriate to the volume and nature of the pharmaceutical activities being carried out.
Premises for storing medicinal products must be equipped with equipment to ensure their proper storage, taking into account physicochemical, pharmacological and toxicological properties, during the established shelf life.

Technological equipment used in pharmacies must be registered with the Russian Ministry of Health, permitted for use in the prescribed manner and have a certificate of conformity (Order No. 309 of October 21, 1997 “On approval of instructions on the sanitary regime of pharmacy organizations (pharmacies).”

Pharmacy premises should be equipped, decorated and maintained in accordance with sanitary rules, clean and in proper order (Order No. 309 of 10.21.97). Before entering the pharmacy there should be facilities for cleaning shoes from dirt. Cleaning of the devices themselves should be carried out as needed, but at least once a day.

Pharmacy staff workplaces in the public service area must be equipped with devices that protect workers from direct droplet infection.

Window transoms or vents used to ventilate rooms are protected by removable metal or plastic mesh with mesh sizes of no more than 2 x 2 mm. In the summer, if necessary, windows and showcases located on the sunny side must be provided with sun-protection devices, which are located between the frames or with outside windows

Materials used in the construction of pharmacies must have hygienic certificates.

The surfaces of walls and ceilings of industrial premises must be smooth, without compromising the integrity of the coating, allowing wet cleaning using disinfectants. The junction of the walls with the ceiling and floor should not have recesses, protrusions or cornices. Room covering materials must be antistatic and have hygienic certificates (waterproof paints, enamels or light-colored glazed tiles). Floors are covered with unglazed ceramic tiles, linoleum or relin with mandatory welding of seams.

Pharmacy premises should have both natural and artificial lighting. In addition, local lighting is installed for individual workplaces. Artificial lighting is provided by fluorescent and incandescent lamps.

Heating and ventilation systems must be carried out in accordance with current SNiPs. In storage rooms, microclimate parameters (temperature, humidity, air exchange) must be monitored.

Equipment must be installed at a sufficient distance from walls to allow access for cleaning, disinfection and repair.

In industrial premises it is not allowed to hang curtains, lay out carpets, plant flowers, hang wall newspapers, posters, etc. For this purpose, corridors, pharmacy staff rest rooms, and offices can be used.

Information stands and tables required for work in production premises must be made of materials that allow wet cleaning and disinfection.

Decorative design of non-industrial premises, including landscaping, is permitted subject to the provision of necessary care(cleaning from dust, washing, etc.) as necessary, but at least once a week.

Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning of the premises (floors and equipment) using disinfectants; dry cleaning of the premises is prohibited.

General cleaning production premises should be carried out at least once a week. They wash walls, doors, equipment, floors. Ceilings are cleaned of dust with damp rags once a month. Window glass, frames and spaces between them are washed hot water with soap or other detergents at least once a month.

The equipment of production premises and sales areas is subjected to daily cleaning, cabinets for storing medicines in storage rooms (material rooms) are cleaned as needed, but at least once a week.

Cleaning equipment must be labeled and used strictly for its intended purpose. It is stored separately in a specially designated place (room, cabinets). Rags intended for cleaning production equipment, after disinfection and drying, are stored in a clean, labeled, tightly closed container (jar, pan, etc.). Cleaning equipment for the aseptic unit is stored separately.

Industrial waste and garbage must be collected in special containers with a drive lid and removed from the premises at least once per shift. Handwashing sinks, sanitary facilities, and trash containers are washed, cleaned, and disinfected daily.

A sanitary day in pharmacies is held once a month (at the same time, in addition to thorough cleaning, minor routine repairs can be carried out) (order No. 309 of 10.21.97).

Valid Editorial from 18.04.2007

Name of documentORDER of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 03/04/2003 N 80 (as amended on 04/18/2007) "ON APPROVAL OF THE INDUSTRY STANDARD" RULES FOR THE DISpensE (SALE) OF MEDICINES IN PHARMACY ORGANIZATIONS. BASIC PROVISIONS"
Document typeorder, standard
Receiving authorityMinistry of Health of the Russian Federation
Document number80
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date18.04.2007
Registration number in the Ministry of Justice4272
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice17.03.2003
  • The document was not published in this form
  • (as amended on 03/04/2003 - " Russian newspaper", N 52, 03/20/2003;
  • "Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal bodies executive branch", N 19, 05/12/2003)

ORDER of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 03/04/2003 N 80 (as amended on 04/18/2007) "ON APPROVAL OF THE INDUSTRY STANDARD" RULES FOR THE DISpensE (SALE) OF MEDICINES IN PHARMACY ORGANIZATIONS. BASIC PROVISIONS"

III. Premises and equipment of pharmacy organizations

3.1. All premises of a pharmacy organization must be located in a building (structure) and functionally combined into a single block, isolated from other organizations. It is allowed to enter (exit) a pharmacy organization through the premises of another organization.

The pharmacy organization should provide the possibility of entry (exit) for people with impaired musculoskeletal system functions.

3.2. On the premises of pharmacy organizations it is not permitted to locate units that are not functionally related to the types of activities specified in the licenses.

3.3. A pharmacy organization must have a sign indicating the type of organization (in accordance with the license for pharmaceutical activities) in Russian and national languages: “Pharmacy”, “Pharmacy point”, “Pharmacy kiosk”, “Pharmacy store”; organizational and legal form and form of ownership; corporate name of the organization; location (according to constituent documents), as well as the organization’s operating hours, addresses and telephone numbers of nearby and on-duty pharmacies.

The name of the type of pharmacy organization must be written in a font the size of which allows the inscription to be clearly distinguished at any time of the day from a distance of at least 25 meters. When a pharmacy is located inside a building, the sign must be on the outer wall of the building.

Pharmacy organization providing medicinal assistance at night, must have an illuminated sign with information about work at night, indicating hours of operation, and a bell for the visitor to call a pharmacy employee.

3.4. When a pharmacy organization is closed for carrying out sanitary works, repair, re-equipment or in connection with its liquidation, the population is notified of this by an announcement posted on the front door 5 days before the closure of the pharmacy organization. The advertisement indicates the address of the nearest pharmacy organizations. When a pharmacy organization is closed due to repairs or liquidation, the head of the pharmacy organization notifies the licensing authority that issued the license.

3.5. The composition, dimensions of premises and equipment of a pharmacy organization are determined by the current sanitary, hygienic, construction and other norms and rules.

dated August 23, 2004 N 92)

3.6. If the layout of the premises of pharmacy organizations changes during the validity of the license, the licensee informs the licensing authority about this in the prescribed manner.

3.7. The premises of pharmacy organizations must meet technical, sanitary, fire safety and other licensing requirements and conditions.

3.8. Pharmacy organizations must have centralized systems electricity supply, heating, water supply, supply and exhaust ventilation, sewerage.

When organizing pharmacy points in medical and preventive institutions they can be equipped with an air conditioning system; administrative and utility premises may be shared. Pharmacy organizations located outside cities may have autonomous heating, sewerage and water supply.

3.9. The internal surfaces of walls and ceilings must be smooth and allow for wet cleaning. The floors of production premises and material rooms must have a dust-free coating that is resistant to mechanization and wet cleaning using disinfectants. Finishing materials for premises must comply with the requirements of relevant regulatory documents.

The decoration of administrative and amenity premises allows the use of wallpaper, carpeting, parquet, oil paints, etc.

3.10. Premises for storing medicinal products (drugs) in pharmacies must be equipped with special equipment to ensure their storage taking into account the physicochemical, pharmacological and toxicological properties, as well as the requirements of quality standards for medicinal products and the State Pharmacopoeia Russian Federation and their proper preservation.

The premises of pharmacy organizations located in the city must be equipped with security alarm systems connected to a remote control with round-the-clock centralized surveillance or guarded around the clock by a security company licensed to this type activities.

3.11. Storage facilities narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, toxic and potent substances V mandatory must be equipped with multi-border security alarm systems with each boundary connected to separate numbers of centralized monitoring consoles, while:

Additional alarm lines protect the internal volumes and areas of premises, safes (metal cabinets) used for storing narcotic drugs, psychotropic, toxic and potent substances;

Workplaces of personnel performing operations with narcotic drugs, psychotropic, toxic and potent substances, as well as premises for their storage, are equipped with alarms.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated September 13, 2005 N 576)

3.12. Entrance door rooms for storing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, poisonous and potent substances should be metal or wooden, upholstered with iron on both sides with the sheet folded over the end of the door, overlapping or inner surface doors with a thickness of at least 40 mm; the frame of the doorway must be made of a steel profile, inside - a lattice metal door.

3.13. Premises for storing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, toxic and potent substances must be equipped with an internal grille window openings(or a grill between frames) made of steel rod with a diameter of at least 16 mm. The rods must be welded at each node and form cells no larger than 150 x 150 mm.

3.14. Access to production premises and goods storage premises is granted to persons authorized in accordance with the established procedure. Access of unauthorized persons to these premises is prohibited.

3.15. The pharmacy organization must be equipped with appropriate light, sound and fire alarms, providing all conditions for the safety of inventory and fire safety.

3.16. Pharmacy organizations must have a special room (cabinet) for storing detergents and disinfectants, equipment and materials used in cleaning premises and processing equipment.

3.17. The total area of ​​administrative and service premises of pharmacy organizations depends on the number of personnel and is calculated in accordance with current norms and regulations.

3.18. In the dressing room outerwear and shoes should be stored separately from sanitary clothing and footwear.

3.19. A pharmacy organization must be equipped with equipment and supplies in accordance with the functions performed:

Production premises must be equipped with pharmacy furniture, technological and other equipment permitted for use, inventory in accordance with the current regulatory documents, taking into account the volume and nature of the pharmacy organization’s activities;

All devices used in a pharmacy must have technical passports that are retained throughout the entire period of operation. It is necessary to regularly verify instruments and devices used in a pharmacy organization in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;

To store narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, if you have a license to work with these groups, you must have safes; for storing potent and toxic substances- metal cabinets;

The sales area must be equipped with display cases that provide visibility and safety of medications and other groups of goods approved for dispensing from pharmacies, as well as ensure ease of use for the pharmacy staff. It is possible to openly display over-the-counter medications and other goods approved for sale from pharmacies;

Premises for storing medicines and other goods permitted for dispensing from pharmacies must be equipped with cabinets, racks, pallets, and stockpiles for their storage; storage rooms for thermolabile medicinal products must be equipped with equipment that ensures necessary conditions storage;

Premises for storing medicines and other goods permitted for dispensing from pharmacies must be equipped with instruments for recording air parameters (thermometers, hygrometers or psychrometers), which are placed on the inner wall of the room, away from heating devices at a height of 1.5 - 1. 7 m from the floor and at a distance of at least 3 m from the doors. The readings of these devices must be recorded daily in a special journal (card), which is kept by the responsible person throughout the year and stored for a year, not counting the past year. Control devices must be certified, calibrated and verified in accordance with the established procedure;

Cabinets for storing outer and sanitary clothing, shoes in the dressing room;

Detergent and disinfectants, household equipment used in cleaning premises and processing equipment.

All equipment and external design of premises in pharmacy organizations must meet sanitary, hygienic, fire safety and occupational safety and health requirements.

3.20. Shelving and cabinets for storing medicines and other goods permitted for dispensing from pharmacies must be installed in material rooms as follows:

The distance to the external walls is at least 0.6 - 0.7 m;

The distance to the ceiling is at least 0.5 m;

Distance from the floor is not less than 0.25 m;

Aisles between racks are at least 0.75 m;

A rack card indicating the name of the medicinal product, series, expiration date, and number of storage units is attached to all racks, cabinets, and shelves.

The department of finished dosage forms is the retail sale of finished medicines according to doctors' prescriptions to patients.

The workplace is organized in the sales area of ​​the pharmacy. The area of ​​the department, the available equipment and facilities comply with current building codes, technical and economic equipment standards.

The equipment and equipment of workplaces in a pharmacy depends on the volume of work of the pharmacy. The prescription and dispensing workplace is usually isolated from visitors, although modern equipment does not always provide for such isolation. At this workplace it is installed standard equipment, which includes a sectional table, cabinets for storing medicines, turntables for storing manufactured dosage forms.

In addition, the workplace for receiving and dispensing prescriptions is equipped with a refrigerator for storing thermolabile medications, a cabinet for storing poisonous and potent medications, as well as a computer. Currently, many pharmacies are equipped with automated workstations - prescription workstations. It is quite well suited to speed up the sales process using barcoding.

Workplaces are equipped in accordance with the nature of the work performed. At the same time, following rules:

There should be no items in the workplace that are not required during work;

Each item must have permanent place; - all objects frequently used in work should be on the floor by hand

The workplace for receiving and dispensing medications must be equipped with the necessary reference literature, in particular - the latest edition of the State Pharmacopoeia, tables of highest single and daily doses, literature on compatibility and interactions of drugs, orders of the Ministry of Health regulating the acceptance and dispensing of prescriptions and drugs according to them .

There are also reference books of medicines, including Vidal and Mashkovsky, State Register Medicines, price tables, tariffs for the manufacture of medicines, accounting documents, in particular a prescription journal or receipt journal and a journal for recording incorrect prescriptions. In addition, there must be labels and signatures at the workplace for taking and dispensing medicines.

Placing and displaying goods on shelves and racks. Important role In the sale of goods, their location on shelves and racks plays a role. Products can be placed at floor, hand and eye level (hand and eye level is best), in groups or individually.

When placing goods, it is important to follow a number of rules:

The normal field of view of a person is about 2 m, the human eye moves more easily from left to right and from top to bottom, as when reading, so eye contact buyers with certain parts of the display cases is quite constant and depends on the direction of movement and the height of the shelves.

Products should be laid out in blocks by brand, packaging and product group. Availability of a wide range of products a separate type product allows you to more fully take into account individual consumer preferences (for example, the presence in the assortment acetylsalicylic acid various manufacturers, with different price ranges and dosage forms, in different dosage etc.). A specific product unit with characteristics unique to it (manufacturer, price, dosage, packaging, dosage form, etc.) is also called packaging.

Shelf space must be distributed adequately to sales and profits brought by individual brands and their types. To do this, it is necessary to allocate the maximum shelf space to the most profitable products and place them first in the direction of the consumer flow, then place profitable products and complete the series with running gear.

The display should organize the borrowing of popularity by weaker goods from stronger ones. To do this, strong product types begin and end the row on the shelf. Thus, weak products, less familiar to consumers, will be located within the “castle walls” organized by strong products, and will borrow additional buyer attention from them. To correctly determine which drugs and other products pharmacy assortment and in what quantities are needed to uninterruptedly meet the needs of customers, you need to analyze the assortment and in each group highlight: popular goods (inexpensive, most popular in great demand Medicines - analgin, corvalol, citramon, etc.); profitable products (due to high cost contribute to the organization's income - some biologically active additives for food); the most profitable goods (despite the relatively high price they are in great demand - no-shpa, essentiale, etc.); ballast (demand is low, due to the low cost the income is also small).

The product must be laid out “trademark first”, i.e. all over-the-counter drugs and other pharmacy products must be placed front side packaging to the buyer. At the same time, the packaging should look perfect.

Familiarization with the inventory department, the structure, equipment and equipment of material rooms, the rights and responsibilities of inventory department employees.

The inventory department receives and stores goods arriving at the pharmacy, releases them to pharmacy departments, small retail pharmacy chains and medical institutions supplied by the pharmacy.

Storing inventory requires various premises; material rooms on the first and basement floors and rooms for the production of in-pharmacy preparations and packaging of medicines.

To carry out tasks of supplying the population and medical institutions, the pharmacy receives inventory items from the pharmacy warehouse of the management pharmacies. To receive goods from the warehouse, the pharmacy issues planned requirements (orders) to the sales department or to the sales department of the pharmacy department (a sample requirement is presented in Table 7), taking into account the needs of the population and attached medical institutions, as well as in accordance with the approved delivery plan goods and established standards.

When issuing requirements (orders), the requests of the population are taken into account. For this purpose, failures are recorded in a special journal “Recording of Failures”.

In material rooms, both finished dosage forms and medications used for the manufacture of drugs are stored. Therefore, the equipment is represented mainly by cabinets. They are made from durable wood because they have to withstand heavy loads. The shelves are made wide and thick. Lignostone or veneer veneer is used as a finishing material. In other cases, for hygienic purposes, cabinets and shelves are painted with light oil paint.

The head of the department or his deputies in the inventory department is assigned the following responsibilities:

1) monitor the availability of the entire range of medical products in the pharmacy and organize the correct storage of stocks of goods;

2) draw up orders and requirements for necessary goods and submit them to pharmacy warehouses;

3) accept goods from suppliers, check their quality, and also monitor the accuracy of accompanying documents;

4) draw up reports on the movement of goods in the department;

5) release goods to the manual sales department, fill the shelves with medicines for the assistant’s room;

6) carry out wholesale release of goods to medical institutions;

7) distribute goods to small retail chains (pharmacies, kiosks, stalls);

8) issue invoices and invoices for goods supplied.

The staff of the inventory department also includes positions of pharmacist-technologists and packers. The duties of these employees are regulated by special regulations approved by the Ministry of Health.

A pharmacist-technologist working in the inventory department or in material rooms is required to do the following:

1) carry out laboratory work, i.e. prepare concentrated solutions, semi-finished products, as well as in-pharmacy preparations;

2) distribute work among packers and accept packaged products from them;

3) comply with the rules for storing medicines in material rooms in strict accordance with the requirements of the Pharmacopoeia and approved instructions;

4) monitor the correct design of stockpiles of medicines;

5) replenish supplies of medicines and complete orders for pharmacy departments and attached health care institutions;

6) when dispensing medicines and other medical products, comply with the established schedule for each department of the pharmacy and attached institutions;

7) in case of doubt about the quality of any medicine, inform the head of the department or the head of the pharmacy, delaying the dispensing of this medicine until its quality is checked;

8) take part in drawing up applications for medicines and other medical products, keep records of missing and newly received goods;

9) take part in the acceptance of medications received at the pharmacy and medical products and control their correct placement in storage areas;

10) monitor compliance with the pharmaceutical order and sanitary and hygienic regime in storerooms (material rooms).

He is also responsible for correct design documentation for recording laboratory and packaging work in the department. Performs other types of work on behalf of the pharmacy or department management.

Packers in their work are guided by the relevant provisions and internal labor regulations.

They are obliged:

1) carry out work on packaging and dosing of medicines and other medical products;

2) take part in the acceptance and distribution of goods between pharmacy departments;

3) properly use and maintain equipment, measuring instruments, packaging machines and other devices in proper order and cleanliness;

4) follow the instructions of the pharmacist and pharmacist related to production activities;

5) bear responsibility for the quality of work performed and the sanitary condition of the workplace;

6) systematically improve the level of your skills using best practices

7-8 day.
Familiarization with the recipe and production department, structure, equipment and equipment of workplaces.
The responsibilities of the department include accepting prescriptions from the population and requests from medical institutions, manufacturing and dispensing medications according to them. The department includes a prescription room (where prescriptions are accepted and drugs are dispensed), an assistant room where drugs are prepared, and an aseptic room for the production of sterile drugs. In the absence of an aseptic room, the production of sterile drugs is carried out in an insulated glass cabin (box) located in the assistant's room, or in a specially designed box - a desktop box, placed on the assistant's table.

Pharmacy - special specialized organization healthcare systems engaged in the manufacture, packaging, analysis and sale of medicines.

Production - in industrial pharmacies there are production premises (assistant, washing, distillation (coctoria), boxes, etc.), where medicines are manufactured and a sales area. Pharmacists and pharmacists can prepare medications according to prescriptions and prescriptions from doctors, under the supervision of a pharmacist-technologist and a pharmacist-analyst. The latter conducts high-quality and quantitative analysis prepared forms. Several decades ago, in the assistant’s room there were places for the production of soft (ointments, suppositories), liquid (potions, solutions) and solid (powders) forms. Eye drops and injection solutions are prepared under aseptic boxing conditions.

pharmacy medicinal official scales

The composition, area, layout and equipment of pharmacy premises are determined by the volume of work and production activities of the pharmacy. The minimum area of ​​the pharmacy is 90 sq.m. As the pharmacy develops, its area must correspond to the volume and nature of the work performed. The composition of the premises and equipment of the pharmacy is determined taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and SNiP.

The minimum composition of a pharmacy premises includes: a sales area, a room for preparing medicines, a room for obtaining distilled water, a washing room, a manager’s office, a staff room, a room for storing medicines, a toilet, a dressing room.

Pharmacy departments and their functions

Depending on the size of the annual turnover of state and municipal pharmacies, they are divided into five groups according to the remuneration of administrative and business personnel. It also depends on the amount of work organizational structure pharmacies, that is, the number of departments in them. Thus, in industrial pharmacies with a large annual turnover (first group in terms of wages), it is possible to open four departments, namely:

  • - Inventory department (functions: determining the current need for medicines and products medical purposes, timely submission of orders for them, acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality, ensuring proper storage, organizing subject-quantitative accounting, carrying out laboratory and packaging work, releasing goods to other separate departments structural divisions, medical and preventive institutions;
  • - Prescription and production department (functions: accepting prescriptions for extemporaneous drugs, manufacturing and registration of drugs, monitoring their quality, dispensing drugs);
  • - Department of finished dosage forms (functions: receiving prescriptions for finished pharmaceutical and industrial medicines and dispensing them);
  • - Over-the-counter sales department (functions: sales of over-the-counter medicines, as well as medical products).

In pharmacies with a smaller volume of work (second and third wage groups), it is possible to organize two departments. In this case, depending on the specifics of the work, the probable options are:

  • a) the inventory department and the prescription and production department, finished dosage forms and over-the-counter sales;
  • b) a prescription and production department with inventories and a department of finished dosage forms and over-the-counter sales;
  • c) department of prescription and production, stocks and finished dosage forms and department of over-the-counter sales.

In other industrial pharmacies (fourth and fifth wage groups) there are no departments.

It must be emphasized that in pharmacies of finished dosage forms with a large volume of work (the first and second groups), it is possible to organize only two departments: the department for dispensing finished dosage forms according to doctors’ prescriptions and the over-the-counter sales department.

In pharmacies, there are production and service premises. A production pharmacy is a room designed for the manufacture, packaging, dispensing, control and storage of medicines. These include: a service room, an assistant room, a packaging room, a distillation room, a washing room, a coctorium (room for the production of aqueous extracts from plant materials), a sterilization room, and a pharmacist-analyst’s office. material rooms, a room for serving the population at night, and the like.

The placement of production premises should exclude counter flows technological process manufacturing of medicines under aseptic conditions and non-sterile medicines.

The public service hall and material rooms are equipped with special furniture, which is approved for storing medicines and medical products.

The premises for the production of non-sterile medicines are equipped with special production equipment and instruments. In this room it is allowed to organize a workplace for monitoring the quality and packaging of medicines.

The room for receiving purified water is equipped with equipment, capacity for receiving and storing water. The production of water for injection is carried out in a separate room of the aseptic unit, where it is strictly forbidden to perform any work that is not related to the production of water for injection.

The room for storing supplies of medicines is equipped with racks, cabinets, a refrigerator and other equipment in order to ensure storage conditions for poisonous, narcotic, psychotropic, potent, flammable, thermolabile and other medicines, medicinal plant materials, medical products in accordance with current requirements.

A pharmacy office space is a room for administrative and business functions. These include: the manager’s office, accounting, staff room, dressing room, toilet (dressing room), shower room, staff training room, cleaning room, etc.

The staff room must be equipped with a refrigerator to organize food consumption, as well as staff rest.

The premises and equipment of the dressing room must ensure the safety of personal and technological clothing in accordance with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological regime of pharmacies.

Trading hall. The minimum size of the sales area is 20 square meters. m. In the sales area, depending on the volume of work of the pharmacy, workplaces must be equipped for receiving prescriptions, dispensing manufactured and finished drugs according to prescriptions, dispensing drugs and medical products without prescriptions. Each workplace is equipped with a prefabricated sectional table, which has drawers for storing current supplies of medicines and other pharmaceutical products. There should be a glass window with a transfer window on the front side of each table.

According to the rules, there is a book of reviews and suggestions in the sales area, and advertisements are posted. Copies of the license and the following information must be posted:

  • - on priority services for disabled people and WWII participants;
  • - about the shelf life of medicines prepared in a pharmacy;
  • - about the work of the duty administrator;
  • - about the hours of reception of the population by the director of the pharmacy;
  • - about the information desk;
  • - about supervisory and control authorities;
  • - about employees serving visitors, indicating their last name, middle name and position.

At the pharmacy with minimum size the trading floor may have one workplace. Payment for the cost of medicines by the population must be carried out through a cash register.

The area of ​​the room for preparing medicines must be at least 15 sq.m. and is equipped with special pharmacy furniture, instruments, equipment for the preparation, mixing, filtering, packaging, labeling, packaging and capping of medicines, as well as safes for storing poisonous and narcotic medicines, ethyl alcohol, rods, means of measuring weight, volume, specific gravity, reagents for chemical control of drugs.

In the room for the preparation of medicines, workplaces should be organized for the preparation and quality control of medicines. Depending on the volume of work and the increase in the area of ​​the assistant’s room, specialized workplaces for the production of various dosage forms can be created.

The production of medicines requires the most favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions. Penetration of dust, microorganisms, cold air currents, noise, etc. from the street. will inevitably affect the health of workers and the quality of medicinal products. Therefore, when planning and constructing pharmacies, much attention is paid to entrances through which various contaminants and cold air can enter the pharmacy.

Pharmacies have two entrances: for visitors and staff and for receiving goods. The entrance for visitors to pharmacies of categories 1 and 2 must have two doors, and in pharmacies of categories 3 and 4 - one single door with a width of at least 0.9 m. The door for the service entrance and receiving goods must be 1.2 m wide.

The entrance for visitors is equipped with a vestibule that acts as a protective barrier. The doors in the vestibule should be located at an angle to each other so that the cold air has time to warm up before it enters the sales area. If there is an air thermal curtain in the vestibule, the usual arrangement of doors is possible: one door against the other. The temperature of the supplied air should be within 30-35°C.

The minimum area of ​​the room for obtaining distilled water is 5 sq.m. Its equipment must ensure compliance with the sanitary requirements of the pharmacy and it is prohibited to carry out other work not related to the distillation of water. The premises must be equipped with devices for receiving and containers for storing distilled water in accordance with the current rules for the sanitary regime of pharmacies. The area of ​​the autoclave is at least 10 square meters.

If there is no separate room, it is necessary to isolate the receiver for distilled water so that dust and microorganisms from the air do not enter it. This is achieved by placing the receiver in a glass box, painted inside and out with white oil paint.

To additionally protect the distilled water from contamination by volatile substances, there are several devices: a glass cap with a glass tube that is connected to the refrigerator, a special sulfuric acid protective lock attached to the receiver, a stopper with a calcium chloride tube attached to the condenser.

Some pharmacies have special installations for automatically supplying distilled water through a glass or polyethylene pipeline directly to assistant tables. This eliminates the need to manually deliver distilled water to work sites and eliminates the risk of contamination. To disinfect water, individual sections of the pipeline are mounted from quartz glass tubes, through which the water is irradiated with a bactericidal lamp.

The washing room has a minimum area of ​​5 sq.m. Its equipment must ensure compliance with the sanitary requirements of pharmacies. In the washing room there should be designated and marked sinks for washing dishes intended for the preparation of dosage forms:

Premises for storing stocks of medicines and medical products must have a minimum area of ​​at least 36 sq.m. and are equipped with racks, cabinets and other necessary equipment to ensure the safety of poisonous, narcotic, potent, flammable, thermolabile and other medicines, medicinal plant raw materials, medical products in accordance with their physical and chemical properties. Subject to separate financial liability, each pharmacy department must have one or more such premises.

The procedure for storing medicines and medical products is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 1996 No. 377. Compliance with this instruction allows us to ensure the preservation of high quality medicines and create safe conditions labor of pharmacists when working with them.

Particular attention is paid to the storage, prescribing, recording and dispensing of poisonous and narcotic drugs. Proper storage medications depends on the correct and rational organization storage, from strict recording of its movement, regular monitoring of the expiration dates of drugs.

It is also very important to maintain optimal temperature and humidity, and protect certain drugs from light.

Rooms and safes with narcotic and especially poisonous means must have an alarm, there must be metal bars on the windows.

The equipment of storage rooms must ensure the safety of medicines. These premises are provided fire-fighting means, they support required temperature and air humidity.

Heating of the room should be carried out by devices central heating, the use of gas appliances with open flames or electrical appliances with an open spiral.

Staff room - at least 8 sq.m. and is equipped with furniture for employees to eat and rest. The area of ​​the dressing room must ensure the storage of home and work clothes in accordance with the requirements for the sanitary regime of pharmacies.

Additional premises. To perform its main task, the pharmacy must have additional premises:

  • - aseptic block for the preparation of aseptic and sterile dosage forms;
  • - autoclave;
  • - pharmacist-analyst's office;
  • - room for obtaining pyrogen-free water;
  • - premises for storing flammable, thermolabile and other medicines that require special conditions storage in accordance with their physical and chemical properties.

The location of production facilities should exclude counter flows in the technological process of manufacturing sterile and non-sterile medicines.

Pharmacy equipment and supplies

The equipment of a pharmacy serving the population is regulated by the Approximate Standards for the Technical and Economic Equipment of Pharmacies and Pharmacy Points, which recommend:

  • - an approximate set of production equipment and special pharmacy furniture;
  • - apparatus, instruments, small-scale mechanization for manufacturing, mixing, filtering, packaging, capping, labeling;
  • - production and household equipment.

To carry out in-pharmacy quality control of drugs manufactured in a pharmacy, the pharmacy must be provided with instruments and reagents. All devices and devices must have technical passports, maintenance and equipment repairs must be carried out in a timely manner; control and inspection of weighing instruments must be regularly carried out by metrological services.

In industrial pharmacies producing eye drops and sterile dosage forms, physical, chemical and microbiological quality control of distilled water and medicines must be carried out.

The surface of pharmaceutical equipment, both outside and inside, must be smooth, made of materials resistant to medications and chemicals.

Equipment and pharmacy furniture should be located so as not to leave areas inaccessible for cleaning and not to block the light source or block passages.

It is prohibited to place equipment in production premises that is not related to the work being performed at a specific site, as well as storing stocks of medicines, parapharmaceutical products, etc. in corridors and production premises.

Equipment intended for the manufacture of sterile dosage forms must be subject to validation - confirmation of the ability of the equipment and auxiliary systems to operate reliably, taking into account permissible deviations.

Processing, washing, drying, sterilization of utensils, which are carried out on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 309 dated October 21, 1997 “On approval of instructions on the sanitary regime of pharmacy organizations (pharmacies).”

The quality of dispensed medications and their shelf life largely depend on the cleanliness of the containers. During transportation, pharmaceutical utensils become contaminated with dust and packaging materials (straw, shavings, etc.), which can contain a wide variety of pathogenic microbes, tetanus spores, gas gangrene bacteria, etc. Therefore, all utensils should be carefully cleaned, degreased, washed and disinfected ( Appendix 10 to the Instructions on the sanitary regime of pharmacy organizations (pharmacies) Order dated October 21, 1997 No. 309).

Glassware processing includes the following technological operations:

  • - disinfection;
  • - soaking and washing (or washing-disinfecting treatment);
  • - rinsing;
  • - drying (or sterilization);
  • - processing quality control.