Storage of group A drugs. Groups of drugs. Basic provisions of the List of toxic and potent substances

B (list of potent drugs)- a group of medicines, the prescription, use, dosage and storage of which must be exercised with caution.

List B includes medicinal raw materials, galenic (tinctures, extracts) and novogalenic preparations, as well as finished drugs (in tablets and ampoules) containing alkaloids and their salts, hypnotics, antipyretics, analgesics, anesthetics and cardiac drugs, sulfonamides, sex hormone preparations , some vitamins, etc.

In pharmacies, list B medications and ready-made products containing them are stored in separate locked cabinets with the inscription “B - Heroica” (potent); in medical institutions - in special cabinets under lock and key. In control and analytical laboratories, drugs from List B can be stored together with non-potent drugs, and stocks of reagents belonging to List B can only be locked up. In pharmacy warehouses and pharmaceutical industry enterprises, potent substances are stored in separate rooms or in locked cabinets.

Medicines List B is released with a doctor’s prescription with the seal of a medical institution or a personal doctor’s seal, always indicating the method of use. When prescribing potent substances in doses exceeding the highest, be sure to indicate the amount of the substance in words with an exclamation point. Paramedics and midwives can prescribe potent drugs in accordance with the range approved for them. Dispensing medications containing potent substances from pharmacy stores, kiosks and pharmacy points Group 2 is permitted within the approved range.

The rules for prescribing, dispensing and storing potent drugs are set out in the order of the Minister of Health of the USSR No. 523 of July 3, 1968 and in the appendices to the order.

List B is included in the State Pharmacopoeia; all additions and changes to the list are made on the basis of directives of the USSR Ministry of Health.

For a list of potent drugs, as well as highest or average therapeutic doses, see tables 1, 2.

Table 1

LIST OF POTENT MEDICINES AND HIGH OR MEDIUM THERAPEUTIC DOSES (CONCENTRATIONS) FOR ADULTS BY VARIOUS ROUTES OF ADMINISTRATION in grams or (where indicated) in milliliters, drops or units of action (U) *1 (according to State Pharmacopoeia X)

Name of the drug

Method of administration

Higher or average (indicated*3) therapeutic doses (concentrations)



daily allowance

Adonizide - see Adonis

120 drops

Adrenaline hydrotartrate - see.


Adrenalini hydrotartras

Adrenaline hydrochloride - see


Adrenalini hydrochloridum


Amyl nitrite

For inhalation

0.1 ml (6 drops)

0.5 ml (30 drops)




Subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously




Subcutaneously and intramuscularly



Barbital sodium


subcutaneously and intramuscularly

Benzylpenicillin potassium salt - see Penicillins (semi-synthetic)


Intramuscularly and subcutaneously

1,500,000 units*3

Benzylpenicillin sodium salt - see Penicillins (semi-synthetic)


Intramuscularly and subcutaneously

50,000 -300,000 units*3

200,000-1,500,000 units*3

Benzylpenicillin novocaine salt - see Penicillins (semi-synthetic)










Subcutaneously and intramuscularly





Deoxycorticosterone acetate. Deoxycorticosterone

Desoxycorticosteroni acetas



Digalen-neo - see Foxglove

0.65 ml (20 drops)

1.95 ml (60 drops)

Diiodotyrosine - see Iodotyrosines

Subcutaneously and intramuscularly






In a vein and intramuscularly

Ditrazine citrate - see Ditrazine

Ditrazini citras



Inside and intramuscularly

Diethylstilbestrol propionate - see Diethylstilbestrol

Diaethylstilboestroli propionas


0.05 (once every 3-4 days)**

Isoniazid - see Isonicotinic acid hydrazide


Kanamycin monosulfate - see Kanamycin

Kanamycini monosulfas



Nicotinic acid - see Nicotinic acid

Acidum nicotinicum

Into a vein (as sodium salt)

Diluted hydrochloric acid

Acidum hydrochloricum dilutum

(40 drops)

(120 drops)

Codeine phosphate - see Codeine

Codeini phosphas

Inside, under the skin and into a vein

Korglykon - see Lily of the Valley


Inside and under the skin

Under the skin and into a vein for drug poisoning

Cortisone acetate - see Cortisone

Cortisoni acetas

Corticotropin for injection - see Adrenocorticotropic hormone

Corticotropinum pro injectionibus


Cotarnine chloride - see Kotarnin

Cotarnini chloridum

Caffeine sodium benzoate - see Caffeine

Coffeinum-natrii benzoas

Lantoside - see Digitalis

0.5 ml (25 drops)

1.5 ml (75 drops)


Henbane leaf - see Henbane

Folium Hyoscyami

Datura leaf - see Medicinal plants

Folium Stramonii

Belladonna leaf - see Belladonna

Folium Belladonnae

Foxglove leaf - see Foxglove

Folium digitalis

Copper, sulfate - see Copper

0.5 (single dose as an emetic)

Subcutaneously and intramuscularly





Methylandrostenediol - see Anabolic steroid







Methicillin sodium salt. Methicillin



Belladonna tincture - see Belladonna

Tinctura Belladonnae

0.5 ml (23 drops)

1.5 ml (70 drops)

Opium-benzoin tincture

Tinctura Opii benzoica

Chilibukha tincture

Tinctura Strychni

0.3 ml (15 drops)

0.6 ml (30 drops)

Sodium nitrite


Neomycin sulfate - see Neomycins

Neomycini sulfas



4 drops (1.5 tablets)

16 drops (6 tablets)

Novobiocin sodium salt - see Novobiocin



Intramuscularly (2% solution)

Into a vein (0.25% solution)

For infiltration anesthesia

The first single dose at the beginning of the operation is not more than 1.25 when using a 0.25% solution and 0.75 when using a 0.5% solution. In the future, for each hour of operation no more than 2.5 when using a 0.25% solution and 2.0 when using a 0.5% solution


Novocain amid u m


Norsulfazole sodium - see.



0.5-2.0 (10-20 ml 5 - 10% solution)*"

Oxacillin sodium salt. Oxacillin



Inside, under the skin and intramuscularly

Oxytetracycline hydrochloride - see Oxytetracycline

Oxytetracyclini hydrochloridum

Oxytetracycline dihydrate - see Oxytetracycline

Oxytetracyclini dihydras

Octestrol - see Synthetic non-steroidal estrogens

Papaverine hydrochloride - see Papaverine

Papaverini hydrochloridum

Under the skin, into a vein and intramuscularly


Pachycarpine hydroiodide - see Pahicarpine

Pachycarpini hydroiodidum









Alcohol iodine solution 5%

Solutio Iodi spirituosa 5%

Alcohol iodine solution 10%

Solutio Iodi spirituosa 10%

Salsolina hydrochloride - see Salsolin

Salsolini hydrochloridum


Intramuscularly at malignant neoplasms


Streptomycin sulfate - see-Streptomycins

Streptomycini sulfas




Sulfacyl sodium - see Sulfacyl


Spherophysin benzoate - see Spherophysin

Sphaerophysini benzoas

Subcutaneously and intramuscularly



Orally and rectally

Testosterone propionate - see Testosterone

Testosteroni propionas


Tetracycline - See Tetracyclines

Tetracycline hydrochloride - see Tetracyclines

Tetracyclini hydrochloridum


Thiopental sodium



Adonis grass - see Adonis

Herba Adonidis vernalis

Lily of the valley grass - see Lily of the valley

Herba Convallariae

Thermopsis grass - see Thermopsis

Herba Thermopsidis
















Chloral hydrate

Chloralum hydratum

Inside and in an enema




Chlortetracycline hydrochloride - see Chlortetracycline

Chlortetracyclini hydrochloridum



Belladonna extract thick - see. Belladonna

Extractum Belladonnae spissum

Dry belladonna extract - see. Belladonna

Extractum Belladonnae siccum

Male fern extract thick - see male fern

Extractum Filicis maris spissum

8.0 (one time)

Emetine hydrochloride - see Emetine

Emetini hydrochloridum

Subcutaneously and intramuscularly

Ergotal - see Ergot

0 ,0005- 0,001**


Etazol sodium - see Etazol


0.5-2.0 (5-10 ml of 10-20% solution)**

Ethacridine lactate - see Ethacridine

Aethacridini lactas

Etaminal sodium


Ethinyl estradiol



Orally, intramuscularly and rectally

Ephedrine hydrochloride - see Ephedrine

Ephedrini hydrochloridum

Inside and under the skin

Medical ether - see Ethyl ether

Aether medicinalis

0.33 ml (20 drops)

(60 drops)

*1 When calculating higher doses for people over 60 years of age, individual sensitivity to different groups of drugs is taken into account:

a) the dose of drugs that depress the central nervous system (hypnotics, bromides), as well as cardiac glycosides, diuretics, is reduced to 1/2 the dose indicated in the table;

b) doses of other potent drugs should be 2/3 of the dose indicated in the table;

c) doses of antibiotics, sulfa drugs and vitamins are usually the same for all adults.

*2 Typed in italics are published as independent articles.

*3 Average therapeutic doses are indicated.

V. P. Kalashnikov.

Adrenolytic agents- medicinal adrenergic blocking agents that weaken or prevent the effects of adrenaline, norepinephrine and other adrenomimetic drugs by disrupting the interaction of the mediator with the corresponding receptors.

Adrenergic agonists- medicinal substances, causing effects, similar to the effects of norepinephrine, epinephrine, and stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.

Adsorbents- finely ground water-insoluble powders; used for skin diseases in the form of powders and orally for poisoning and some gastrointestinal diseases.

Nitrogen mustards- group organic matter; generally poisonous and strong blister action similar to mustard gas. Some derivatives of nitrogen mustards, which inhibit cell division, are used as antitumor drugs.

Analeptics- medicinal substances that stimulate the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the medulla oblongata (cordiamin, etc.).

Analgesics- medicinal substances that eliminate or reduce pain. They are divided into two groups: narcotic and non-narcotic (analgin, etc.).

Anesthetics- medicinal substances used for artificial anesthesia; oppress different kinds sensitivity, primarily pain.

Anorexigenic drugs- drugs that suppress appetite. In combination with a low-calorie diet, it is used to treat obesity.

Antacids- medicinal substances that neutralize hydrochloric acid gastric juice(for example, when peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum).

Antianginal agents- medicinal substances used to treat angina pectoris.

Antidepressants- psychotropic drugs of different chemical structure and mechanism of action that improve mood, relieve anxiety and tension, and increase mental activity; used to treat mental depression.

Antidotes (antidotes)- medicines intended to neutralize poisons that have entered the body.

Anticoagulants are medications that reduce blood clotting.

Antimetabolites are natural or synthetic substances that are close in chemical structure to normal metabolic products (metabolites) and prevent their transformation in the body. Used as medications (for example, for metabolic disorders).

Antiseptics - substances that have antimicrobial effect and used mainly for disinfection, lubricating the skin and mucous membranes, irrigating wounds and cavities (for example, brilliant green).

Carminatives - medicinal substances that reduce the formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract and promote their removal during flatulence.

Ganglion blocking agents- medicinal substances that disrupt the transmission of nervous excitation at the synapses of the autonomic ganglia. Used to treat diseases accompanied by spasms of blood vessels or internal organs.

Antihypertensive drugs - drugs that lower blood pressure. Used for arterial hypertension.

Hormonal drugs - medicines containing hormones or their synthetic analogues. Used for hormone therapy.

Desensitizing agents- medications that prevent or reduce the manifestations of allergies (for example, antihistamines).

Antipyretics- medicinal substances that lower elevated body temperature by influencing thermoregulation processes; They also have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Choleretic agents - medicinal substances that enhance the formation of bile or facilitate its release into the intestinal lumen.

Immunosuppressants- drugs that suppress the body's immune response. Used in organ and tissue transplantation to prevent their rejection and for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Interferons are protective proteins produced by the cells of the human body when they are infected by viruses; nonspecific factors of antiviral immunity. Used for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases (for example, influenza).

Corticosteroids- animal and human hormones produced by the adrenal cortex. They regulate mineral metabolism (mineralocorticoids - aldosterone, cortexone) and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats (glucocorticoids - hydrocortisone, cortisone, corticosterone, which also affects mineral metabolism). They are used in medicine when they are deficient in the body (for example, when Addison's disease), as anti-inflammatory and antiallergic agents.

Curare-like drugs (muscle relaxants) peripheral action) - medicinal substances that disrupt the transmission of impulses at neuromuscular synapses and, therefore, cause relaxation of striated muscles. They are used mainly during surgical operations.

Royal funds - medicinal substances that increase tone and contractile activity muscles of the uterus. Used to enhance labor and for uterine bleeding.

Muscle relaxants are medicinal substances that cause relaxation of striated muscles; the effect is central (inhibition of the structures of the central nervous system that regulate the tone of the striated muscles) or peripheral.

Miotic agents- drugs that cause constriction of the pupil (miosis); this usually improves the outflow of fluid from the chambers of the eye, which leads to a decrease in intraocular pressure. Used for glaucoma.

Diuretics (diuretics)- medicinal substances that increase the excretion of urine by the kidneys and thereby promote the removal of excess water and sodium chloride from the body.

Neuroleptic drugs- medicinal substances that have a depressing effect on the functions of the central nervous system and can eliminate or weaken some symptoms of psychosis (delusions, hallucinations).

Enveloping agents- medicinal substances that form colloidal solutions with water that protect the nerve endings of the mucous membranes and skin from the action of irritants and complicate their absorption. Used for diseases of the stomach, intestines, and skin.

Expectorants- medicinal substances that facilitate the excretion (expectoration) of sputum by increasing the secretion of bronchial glands (thinning of sputum) or enhancing peristaltic contractions of the bronchial muscles and the activity of the ciliated epithelium.

Anti-inflammatory drugs- medicinal substances that prevent, eliminate or weaken inflammation (acetylsalicylic acid).

Anticonvulsants- medicinal substances that can prevent or interrupt seizures of various origins (for the treatment of epilepsy or parkinsonism).

Psychostimulants- medicinal substances that stimulate the activity of the central nervous system, primarily higher nervous activity; temporarily increase mental and physical performance.

Psychotropic drugs- medicinal substances that have a predominant effect on human mental functions: antidepressants, antipsychotics, psychostimulants and sedatives, tranquilizers.

Sedatives- psychotropic sedatives (eg, bromides, valerian preparations).

Cardiac glycosides- substances of plant origin, related to glycosides and having a selective effect on the heart muscle, the most important manifestation of which is increased heart contractions. Found in hellebore, lily of the valley, foxglove. In medicine, cardiac glucosides are used mainly for heart failure only in small doses and under strict conditions. medical indications. Hellebore glycosides are more toxic and their use in pharmacology is not permitted.

Sympatholytic agents- medicinal substances that prevent the transmission of excitation from sympathetic nerves to effectors (for example, to the muscles of the vascular wall, which causes vasodilation).

Laxatives- medicinal substances that promote bowel emptying by enhancing peristalsis, liquefying and facilitating the movement of its contents.

Sleeping pills- medicinal substances that improve sleep.

Vasodilators- drugs that cause smooth muscle relaxation blood vessels and thereby increasing their clearance. Used primarily for the treatment of hypertension and angina pectoris.

Vasoconstrictors- medicinal substances, causing contraction smooth muscles of blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in their lumen, an increase in resistance to blood flow, and an increase in blood pressure. Used for collapse, locally to stop bleeding, etc.

Antispasmodics- medicinal substances that relieve spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs, etc. Used for bronchial asthma, renal colic etc.

Sulfonamides are chemotherapeutic agents derived from sulfanilic acid. Used in the treatment of infectious diseases.

Tranquilizers- psychotropic drugs that reduce feelings of tension, anxiety, fear.

Chemotherapy drugs - drugs that have a specific damaging effect mainly on pathogens of infectious diseases or tumor cells (for example, sulfonamides, antibiotics).

Anticholinergic drugs- drugs that block the effects of acetylcholine (for example, drugs of the atropine group).

Cholinomimetic agents- medicinal substances whose effect is similar to the effect of excitation of cholinergic receptors - the biochemical systems of the body with which acetylcholine reacts (for example, pilocarpine).

Cephalosporins are natural and semi-synthetic antibiotics. Effective against bacteria (staphylococci) resistant to penicillins. Used to treat pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis and other infectious diseases.

Cytostatic agents- medicinal substances that block cell division and suppress immune responses. Used primarily for the treatment of malignant tumors and autoimmune diseases.



Minister of Agriculture

economy and food

Russian Federation


Head of department

veterinary medicine

Chief State

Veterinary inspector of the Federation




Minister of Health

Russian Federation



Chairman of the Permanent

drug control committee

under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation






These Rules apply to the activities of organizations, institutions and legal entities(regardless of business forms) engaged in the acquisition, storage and sale of medicines intended for veterinary purposes.

The following lists of medicines A and B are published from the perspective of veterinary treatment and preventive institutions, veterinary pharmacy chains and do not contradict lists A and B approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

As for poisonous and potent drugs, these concepts are defined by regulatory documents and lists of the Standing Committee for Drug Control under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. These lists operate independently, regardless of lists A and B, for purposes arising from the dispositions of Article 226(2) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

Medicines belonging to list A (Appendix 1), medicines belonging to list B (Appendix 2), intended for use in veterinary medicine, are allowed to be possessed and stored under the conditions provided for by these rules: in republican, regional, regional associations, interdistrict associations and veterinary pharmacies of the Zoovetsnab system; at stations for the control of animal diseases (district, interdistrict and regional veterinary stations), in district, city veterinary hospitals, regional (regional, republican) veterinary clinics, veterinary laboratories; in veterinary research institutes and stations. In all other veterinary institutions (including veterinary sites and points), on collective farms, state farms and other enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of their form of ownership, it is allowed to store drugs of list A and B for veterinary purposes only in the form ready-made forms and subject to the conditions provided for in these rules.

Note. Lists A and B are supplemented and amended by the Veterinary Department of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and Food annually.

Medicines of list A and B for veterinary purposes are permitted to be purchased in the prescribed manner at enterprises, organizations and veterinary pharmacies of the Zoovetsnab system, as well as in medical pharmacies and other organizations that are granted the right to sell these funds. Providing institutions with list A and B drugs for veterinary purposes is carried out as planned on the basis of agreements concluded by animal owners of all forms of ownership and individuals with suppliers of the Zoovetsnab system, drug manufacturers and foreign companies.

At the bases and warehouses of the Zoovetsnab system, veterinary organizations, collective farms, state farms, joint-stock companies, research and other institutions, the person responsible for storing list A and B medicines is the head of the institution or a person authorized to do so from among those working in this institution pharmacists, veterinarians or, as an exception, veterinary paramedics with completed secondary education.

It is prohibited to purchase drugs of list A and B for veterinary purposes at enterprises, organizations and institutions, as well as from private individuals who do not have a license to sell these drugs.

It is prohibited to store in bases, warehouses, veterinary pharmacies of the Zoovetsnab system, in institutions of the state veterinary network, collective farms, state farms and other enterprises and organizations of list A and B medicines, as well as disinfection, insecticidal and deratization drugs that are not approved by the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia instructions for use.

2. Personnel requirements

The head of the institution appoints a person from among the veterinarians working in this institution or, as an exception, veterinary paramedics with secondary specialized education, responsible for the storage, accounting and dispensing of drugs of list A and B. The appointment is formalized by an order for the institution (organization).

The head of the institution is obliged to acquaint, against receipt (in a special journal), persons engaged in the storage and dispensing of medicines of lists A and B, with the rules for handling them. The journal must be kept by the head of the institution.

3. Requirements for premises for storing medicines

list A drugs

In rooms intended for storing medicines, lists A and B, the windows are equipped with iron bars and the doors are lined with iron. At the same time, conditions must be created that exclude the possibility of their theft or use by persons who do not have the right to do so.

The storage room for list A drugs must be equipped with security alarms connected to the private security console of the local police department.

For the storage of List B medicinal products, conditions must be created that exclude the possibility of their theft.

In the premises where list A and B medicinal products are stored, it is necessary to have: safes, metal cabinets, scales, weighing scales, funnels, mortars, cylinders and other materials necessary for packaging, grinding, weighing, measuring these medicinal products.

It is prohibited to use the specified equipment for other purposes! This equipment and utensils must be washed and disinfected separately from other equipment and other utensils under the supervision of a pharmacist, warehouse manager or person responsible for storing medicines.

The room must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, a washbasin, and first aid equipment.

List B medicinal products in large containers (containers, barrels, cans, bags) are stored in warehouses equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, fire extinguishing and alarm systems.

All work on packaging of list A drugs is carried out in a fume hood under a draft in compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

Cabinets and safes in which List A medicinal products are stored are locked and sealed after the end of the working day. Premises and warehouses are locked, sealed or sealed.

The keys and wax seal (seal) must be kept by the person responsible for storing medicines.

4. Storage, accounting and dispensing of medicines

list A and B

Medicines (in any dosage form) of lists A and B must be stored in rooms specially equipped for these purposes or in safes, metal cabinets or boxes under lock and key.

Medicines of list A (Appendix 1) are stored in internal, locked compartments of safes or cabinets.

On the outside of the door of the safe (cabinet, drawer) for storing drugs of list A there must be a corresponding inscription: list A. On inside A list of medicines stored in it is attached to the doors of the safe (cabinet, drawer).

Medicines on lists A and B are stored only in special factory or pharmacy packaging, on which the name must be indicated.

Access to the premises in which list A and B drugs are stored is permitted only to persons directly working with them, which is formalized by the appropriate order of the institution (enterprise, organization).

Accounting procedure. List A medicinal products, regardless of the dosage form, are subject to subject-quantitative (except accounting) accounting in special journals at enterprises and organizations. The journal is started for 1 year. The first page contains a list of drugs from List A, and then to record each drug, a separate page (spread) is allocated, which reflects the days the drug was received, the supplier, the batch number and expiration date, the date of issue (sale) or write-off. When writing off a drug with an expired shelf life, a commission with the participation of the head of the institution and the person in charge draws up a report that is filed in the book.

When drugs of list A and B are received, the head of the institution or the person responsible for storing these drugs is obliged to personally check the compliance of the received funds with the entries in the accompanying documents. These funds are accepted on the day they are received (but no later than next day) and draw up an act in the prescribed manner.

List B medicinal products are kept in registration books, numbered, laced, sealed with wax and signed by the head of the institution. Accounting books and receipts and expenditure documents for these funds are stored in the same room, in appropriate cabinets or safes.

All documents for recording the receipt, storage and dispensing of list A medicines are kept separately from documents for other medicines and goods and are stored for 3 years under conditions that guarantee their complete safety. Responsibility for the safety of these documents rests with the persons responsible for storage.

The head of the institution or the commission appointed by him, or the person responsible for the storage of medicines, checks the actual availability of medicines of lists A and B on a monthly basis as of the first day of the month. The results of the check are compared with the book balance derived on the basis of receipt and expenditure documents.

If deviations from the volume are detected (shortages in quantities exceeding the approved norms of natural loss, or surpluses), the person responsible for storing these funds is obliged to notify the head of the institution about this in writing within 3 days. The latter informs the head of the higher organization and, if necessary, the internal affairs bodies about this.

Leave order. List A medicinal products are dispensed to veterinary institutions only upon request. At the request of the head (or deputy head) of the enterprise (organization or institution), there must be permission from the relevant higher veterinary authority to dispense the medicinal product with a seal attached.

Before dispensing List A medicinal products, the person responsible for their storage must personally check the basis for dispensing, the compliance of the dispensed medicinal product with the entries in the accompanying documents, the correctness of packaging and packing, and sign for a copy of the request and invoice left at the base or warehouse.

Republican, regional associations, interdistrict branches, veterinary pharmacies and bases of the Zoovetsnab system issue medicines to recipients only if they have a power of attorney, executed in the prescribed manner, indicating the name and quantity of the drug in words.

If institutions of the state veterinary network and other enterprises are attached to the organization of the Zoovetsnab system for permanent supply, then medicines can be dispensed under a power of attorney issued to certain period, but no more than 3 months.

Medicines of lists A and B, depending on the dosage form, are sold in whole factory packaging, and by weight in well-closed glass, porcelain, plastic or polyethylene containers. Drugs according to list A are released sealed with a wax seal or sealed. Each package must have precise and clear designations (in the signature or on the label): “For veterinary purposes”, “Internal”, “External”, “For injection”, etc., as well as the name of the institution that manufactured the drug, composition it, the compliance of the substances specified in the prescription with those indicated in the requirement, the date of manufacture and the signature of the persons who manufactured, tested and dispensed the drug.

Write-off. Medicines of lists A and B that have reached a state in which they are unsuitable for use by animals, but can be processed, are, in agreement with a higher organization, sent to the institution from which they were received.

Medicines that have become unusable and cannot be processed, medicines suitable for processing, but for some reason not delivered industrial enterprises, destroyed on site by burning.

The act of writing off list A and B medicines is drawn up by a commission with the participation of the head of the institution (organization) and the person responsible for storing these funds.

5. Storage, accounting and dispensing of medicines

list A and B in pharmacies of disease control stations

animals, district, inter-district (city)

veterinary hospitals, regional, regional

and republican clinics

In pharmacies of animal disease control stations, district (city) veterinary hospitals, regional, regional and republican veterinary clinics medicinal products belonging to list A, regardless of the dosage form (with the exception of lapis pencils), are stored in compliance with the requirements stipulated by these rules. List A drugs are stored in pharmacies, veterinary institutions listed above, in safes, metal or iron-lined wooden cabinets under lock and key. Pharmacy windows must be equipped with metal bars.

List B medicines are allowed to be stored in the same room with other (non-strong) medicines, but always in separate cabinets and under lock and key.

Medicines of list A and B in pharmacies are stored separately in groups on separate shelves of cabinets, depending on the method of their use.

The stock of drugs of list A and B in veterinary institutions should not exceed the standards established for the relevant veterinary institutions.

Stations for the control of animal diseases purchase drugs of list A and B, taking into account the need for them in veterinary institutions of districts (regions).

List A of medicines, attached to the inside of the doors of the cabinet (safe, drawer) in which these medicines are stored, indicates the highest single and daily doses of medicines for different types of animals.

6. Storage, accounting and dispensing of medicines

lists A and B in local veterinary hospitals,

at veterinary sites and points, as well as on collective farms,

state farms and other enterprises and organizations,

having animals, regardless of ownership

It is prohibited to store in veterinary hospitals (except for regional and city ones), at veterinary sites, points, on collective farms, state farms, experimental, educational and other farms, as well as in other organizations and institutions, regardless of the form of ownership. medicinal list And in their pure form, as well as to make medicines from them for veterinary purposes.

List B medicinal products (in the form of finished forms) are stored in institutions, organizations and enterprises in accordance with these rules.

In the absence of a special premises (pharmacy), storage of list A drugs in an institution (on a farm) is not allowed.

When storing, dispensing and handling medications, veterinarian(paramedic) of an institution of the state veterinary network, collective farm, state farm, other enterprise (organization, institution), regardless of the form of ownership, must be guided by the requirements set out in these rules.

List A drugs stored in institutions, organizations and farms are subject to subject-quantitative (except accounting) accounting in a special form.

The accounting book and receipt and expenditure documents for list A medications are stored in a closet, safe or drawer.

Medicines on list A and B in pharmacies of veterinary institutions, collective farms and state farms are written off according to prescriptions or requirements prescribed by veterinarians or veterinary assistants holding the position of heads of veterinary areas, points, hospitals.

All documents for recording the receipt, storage, dispensing and consumption of list A drugs are kept separately from documents for other documents and goods and are stored under conditions that guarantee their safety within the established time frame.

In pharmacies of veterinary institutions, tables of daily and one-time medicines of List A for animals of different species and ages, as well as tables of antidotes for poisoning, are posted in a prominent place.

It is strictly prohibited to purchase, store and sell List A medicinal products to owners of private trade pavilions (tents) licensed to trade veterinary drugs, food and accessories for animals.

Control over compliance with trade rules in these pavilions rests with local state veterinary inspection authorities. If cases of trade in List A drugs are detected, the owner’s trade license is confiscated and local internal affairs authorities are notified.

7. Storage, accounting and dispensing of medicines

list A and B in veterinary research

institutes (stations, laboratories, veterinary

educational institutions)

Veterinary research institutes, stations, laboratories purchase drugs of list A and B in quantities corresponding to the approved thematic plans for research work, and veterinary educational institutions - in quantities necessary for laboratory practical classes provided for training programs and to carry out the approved topics of research work.

In research institutes, stations, laboratories and veterinary educational institutions, medicinal products of list A and B for veterinary purposes are stored in compliance with the requirements set out in these rules.

In research institutes, stations, laboratories with a small volume of work with drugs of list A and B, they are allowed to be stored in a room with other medications and reagents, but in separate safes, metal or iron-lined wooden cabinets or boxes under lock and key. Storage of these funds in the classrooms of educational institutions is prohibited.

Responsibility for the use of List A equipment issued for practical classes with students lies with the teacher leading the class.

List A drugs at an institute (department, department, laboratory, department) for current work are dispensed only with the written permission of the head of the institution or his deputy and only upon request from the pharmacy with a prescription signed by the head of the laboratory (department, department, office, department) , indicating in it the name of the person receiving this remedy.

List A medicinal products used in research institutions and educational institutions are subject to subject-quantitative recording using special forms.

Samples of List A medicinal products received for analysis at research institutions and institutions upon completion of analysis are stored for 3 months. The remains of the specified products suitable for use are left at the institution and handed over to the person responsible for storage. With the permission of a higher veterinary authority, they are used in this institution.

The Rules for the storage, accounting and dispensing of poisonous and potent drugs intended for veterinary purposes, approved by the Main Veterinary Directorate of the State Agricultural Industry of the USSR on June 7, 1988, shall be considered invalid.

Appendix No. 1

List A

Arecoline hydrobromide (arecoline hydrobromide)

Atropine sulfate (atropine sulfate)





Pilocarpine hydrochloride (pilocarpine hydrochloride)

Platyphylline hydrotartrate (platyphylline bitartrate)



Appendix No. 2

List B

Drug name

Aversect (pharmacin)




Azinox plus



Albadri plus<*>






Albipen L.A. e.d.s.<*>




Amoxicillin trihydrate p.<*>


Ampivet v.r.p.<*>



Ampicillin sodium salt

Amprol plus<*>


Amuril v.r.p.













Benzylpenicillin sodium salt


Bilozin-200 r.d.i.<*>

Bimoksil L.A. s.d.i.<*>



Biosul 70% p<*>












Vetrim r.d.n.<*>



Virginiamycin 50 p.<*>

Intrauterine sticks with oxytetracycline hydrochloride<*>

Intrauterine sticks with gentamicin<*>

Intrauterine sticks with furazolidone

Gallimicin 200 and 50 r.d.i.<*>

Gamma-plant., solution for injections



Gentaral r.d.i.<*>





Geomycin + vitamins<*>

Geotilin n.<*>



Deadtril r.d.o.p.<*>

Desistrep p.<*>






Dihydrostreptomycin sulfate r.d.i.<*>

Dinolptik (Lutaliz)<*>



Ditrivet t.<*>

Difurol A

Difurol B










Intramycin s.d.i.<*>

Iodine monochloride



Iodotriethylene glycol





Katalin r.d.<*>


Kitasamicin c. R. powder<*>




Kloksavet M









Kolivet p.<*>

Coliprim r.d.o.p.<*>


Kolmik E - r.d.o.p.<*>

Combi-Kel s.d.i.<*>

Cospiravit r.d.o.p.<*>

Cosumix plus<*>


Lambivet T.<*>












Aversectin ointment"

Yam ointment

Mastitis Forte<*>


Mastisept A


Mastogal ZK<*>

Mepatar p.d.o.p.<*>



Metrigent 200<*>


Mikotil r.d.i.


Multimast susp. in powder<*>


Neodiar s.d.o.p.<*>

Neomycin sulfate






Niratil pur-on<*>




Norodin-24 r.d.i.<*>


Nutricin sulfate 140 p.<*>

Oxacillin sodium salt

Oxyvert r.d.i.<*>

Oxygel L.A.<*>




Olaquindox 10% pr.<*>


Optitrim 48% s.d.i.<*>











Pentard s.d.i.<*>







Polymyxin sulfate<*>


Polzomicin n.<*>



Primazine p.<*>


Will get stuck<*>




Rimoks L.A.<*>

Rodovet 25 p.d.o.p.<*>



Romet 30<*>

Ronidazole 10% v.p.<*>

Ronidazole 10%<*>





Salocin 120 micro granules<*>








Spectolin r.d.i.<*>

Stapenor retard<*>



Streptomycin sulfate









Sulfetrim r.d.i.<*>


Takelan P.<*>



Tetravet E-691<*>



Tetracycline chloride for injection


Tiamulin Sandoz<*>

Thiamutin 10%<*>


Tilanik - 5% and 20% injection solution








Triprim r.d.i.<*>

Trisulfone r.d.i.<*>





Ursometronide p.d.o.p.<*>


Urcycline 5% r.d.i.<*>









Flubactin n.<*>

Flubactin r.d.o.p.<*>


Flumisol r.d.o.p.<*>





Furagalli 20/20 w.r.p.<*>

Furazol 50 MB<*>




Chemical coccide

Chloramphene - 50 MB p.d.o.p.<*>

Chloramphenicol 20% p.d.o.p.

Chlorvet p.<*>


Chronitsin r.d.i.


Celbar 4.5% s.d.o.l.<*>



Cycloferon 12.5% ​​solution for injection


Shanacycline r.d.i.<*>



Excelel p.d.i.<*>

Elankogran Ave.<*>



Enromycin n.<*>

Enrobioflox 10% r.d.o.p.<*>


Enrotil 10% pp.<*>




Estradiol benzoate<*>







<*>- foreign drugs

R.d.i. - injection

P. - powder

V.r.p. - water-soluble powder

R.d.o.p. - solution for oral use

S.d.i. - suspension for injection

E.d.i. - emulsion for injection

P.d.o.p. - powder for oral use

The association assists in providing services in the sale of timber: favorable prices on an ongoing basis. Forest products of excellent quality.



The active ingredients are varied in strength of pharmacological activity and composition. In terms of composition, pharmaceutical substances can be in the form of individual medicinal substances, medicinal plant or animal raw materials, or a sum of active substances. Among medicines, depending on their pharmacological activity, 3 groups are distinguished: substances of list A (poisonous), substances of list B (potent) and non-potent.

This separation is important for preventing the danger of overdose in the process of manufacturing drugs and their use.



By nature of origin Medicines are classified into mineral and organic (obtained by chemical or biological synthesis, including from animal or plant materials).



Active ingredients and pharmaceutical preparations are divided into 3 types:

1) medicines (list A);

2) medicines (list B);

3) non-potent.

List A funds - medicines, the dosage and use of which require special caution due to their high toxicity. These lists also include drugs that can cause addiction.

List B funds - medicines for which therapeutic, higher single and daily doses are established and which are stored with precautions to avoid possible complications.

Mild drugs - a wide group of drugs, relatively safe, used in various therapeutic doses.

To the poisonous (venena) and potent (heroica) include those medicines that are included in lists A and B, established by the order of December 31, 1999? 472 “On the list of medicines of lists A and B.”



From the standpoint of orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation regarding the writing of prescriptions medicines divided into 3 types:

Included in the list of medicines dispensed on prescription from a doctor (paramedic) when providing additional free medical care to certain categories of citizens entitled to receive state social assistance, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation from

September 28, 2005? 601;

Included in the list of medicines dispensed without a doctor's prescription, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated

September 13, 2005? 578;

Included in the list of medicines subject to subject-quantitative registration, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2005? 785 “On the procedure for vacation...”.



From the standpoint of the order of the Ministry of Health? 377 November 13, 1996 “On approval of requirements for storage organization...” all medicines, depending on their physical and physicochemical properties, the impact of various factors on them external environment divided into 8 types:

Requiring protection from light;

Requiring protection from moisture;

Requiring protection from volatilization and drying out;

Requiring protection from exposure to elevated temperatures;

Requiring protection from exposure to low temperatures;

Requiring protection from exposure to gases contained in the environment;

Odorous, coloring;




From the standpoint of the Federal Drug Control Service, medicinal funds are divided into 3 classes:

1. Narcotic drugs(NS) - synthetic substances or natural origin, drugs, plants included in the list narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties Russian Federation, including the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961.

2. Psychotropic substances(PS) - substances of synthetic or natural origin, drugs, natural materials included in the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, including the Convention on psychotropic substances 1971

3. Precursors of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

(hereinafter referred to as precursors) - substances often used in the production, manufacture, processing of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, included in the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation Federation, including the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988.


In accordance with Federal law? 3-FZ “On narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances” All narcotic substances, depending on the control measures applied by the state, are included in the following lists:

2. List of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the circulation of which is limited in the Russian Federation and in respect of which control measures are established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation (List II).

4. List of precursors, the circulation of which is limited in the Russian Federation and in respect of which control measures are established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation (list IV).

Trafficking in substances whose names are included in the “List of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors Subject to Control in the Russian Federation”, approved

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 1998? 681 is considered from the standpoint of Art. 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


Dose- a certain amount of medicine ( active substance), introduced into the body.

Toxic (dosis toxica);

Lethal (dosis letalis);

Therapeutic or medicinal (dosis curativa).Therapeutic or medicinal doses are divided into 3 types (dosis cu-


1) threshold (cause the initial effect of the substance);

2) maximum - highest (cause the greatest or maximum action);

3) average (determine pharmachologic effect medium degree). The average dose is approximately 1/3 or 1/2 of the maximum (highest) dose. It is usually contained in a unit dosage form (tablet, ampoule, capsule).

For substances included in lists A and B, government bodies (Pharmacological, Pharmacopoeial committees) establish the highest (maximum) and therapeutic doses:

Single dose ( pro dosi) for children, adults and animals;

Daily intake (pro die) for children and adults (hereinafter in the text

VRD and VSD).


Rule 1

Therapeutic doses are based on medication intake by an adult of middle age and weight

70 kg.

Rule 2

For patients over 60 years of age, the dose of medicinal substances is reduced by 1/2-1/3 of the adult dose.

Rule 3

Children are prescribed a dose:

According to the table of GF doses by age;

Recalculated per 1 kg of body weight according to the formula:



The pharmacy employee is obliged to give the patient the drug in the quantity and dose prescribed by the doctor.

By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Security? 110 of 02/12/2007 established: single, daily and course doses when prescribing medications are determined by the attending physician based on the patient’s age, severity and nature of the disease in accordance with the standards of medical care. When prescribing a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance of lists II and III, other drugs subject to subject-quantitative recording, the dose of which exceeds the highest single dose, the doctor must write the dose of this drug or substance in words and put an exclamation point. A recipe that does not meet this requirement is considered invalid.

If it is possible to clarify the dosage and compatibility with the doctor who wrote the prescription, the pharmacy employee can dispense the medicine to the patient.

Rule 4

Lineup changes dosage forms(if necessary) must be carried out only with the consent of the doctor, except for cases established by the current State Pharmacopoeia, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Health of Russia, and must be noted on the request, prescription (copy of the prescription, label).

In the absence of the specified mark on the request, prescription (copy of the prescription, label), the quality of production of the dosage form is assessed as “Unsatisfactory”. Changes in the quantity of the drug dispensed or the dispensing of tablets instead of powders must also be noted on the request, prescription (copy of the prescription, label).

Rule 5

When issuing medicines with lists NS, PV, A and B in the written control passport and on back side of the prescription, the persons who issued and received the substance sign, date, and indicate the name, weight or volume of what was received in words.

Issued: Atropini sulfatis 0.9 (nine decigrams) Date... Signature... Received: Atropini sulfatis 0.9 (nine decigrams) Date... Signature...

Rule 6

If the prescription exceeds the dispensing norm, the pharmacy must reduce the number of doses of the dosed drug or the volume (weight) of the non-dosed drug in order to maintain the dispensing norm.

The norms for the dispensing of medicines are presented in the order

MOH? 110.

Rule 7

Pharmaceutical substances are dosed in units of mass (gram, milligram, microgram), volume units (milliliter, drops) and in the form of activity units (IU - international or IE - international units).

The definition of units of action for various medicinal substances is indicated in the relevant articles of the pharmacopoeia. When dosing by mass, doses of medicinal substances are indicated in the decimal system of measurement (the unit of mass is 1 g). When dosing substances weighing less than 1 g (1.0), the following designations are used:

0.1 - 1 decigram;

0.01 - 1 centigram;

0.001 - 1 milligram;

0.0001 - 1 decimilligram;

0.00001- 1 centigram;

0.000001 - 1 microgram.


7.10.1. The amounts of substances in the prescription are prescribed by distribution method

Verification algorithm:

1. Find according to the GF the highest single dose (HSD) and the highest daily dose (HDD), respectively. The highest single and daily doses for adults, children and animals are established in the State Fund X, p. 1021, 1037, 1045 respectively.

2. Compare the found VRD with the single dose (SD) prescribed in the prescription.

3. Compare the found IRR with the daily dose (DD) prescribed in the prescription.

4. In the event that the RD and SD are exceeded without the corresponding registration of a prescription in comparison with the VDV and VSD, the pharmacy employee contacts the doctor and clarifies the dose and conditions of administration; correct RD and SD. In this case, it is recommended to adopt a RD equal to half of the GFD according to the Global Fund.

Rule 8

By order M3 and SR RF? 110 of 02/12/2007 established: “If it is possible to clarify with the doctor or other medical professional who wrote the prescription the name of the drug, its dosage, compatibility, etc., the employee of the pharmacy institution (organization) may dispense the drug to the patient.” .

Example 1

Rp.: Atropini sulphatis 0.002 Sacchari 0.25

M. ut f. pulv. D.t.d. ? 10

1. The maximum permissible dose of atropine sulfate subcutaneously and orally is 0.001.

2. IRR of atropine sulfate is 0.003.

3. The RD of atropine sulfate is 0.002.

4. The SD of atropine sulfate is 0.002. 3 = 0.006.

5. Single and daily doses are overestimated (without the appropriate prescription from a doctor).

As a result of consultation between the pharmacist and the doctor, it was decided to give the patient atropine sulfate in a dose equal to half the highest single dose.

6. The corrected RD is equal to: VRD:2 = 0.00:2 = 0.0005.

7. Corrected SD is equal to: 0.0005. 3 = 0.0015.

Rp.: Atropini sulphatis 0.0005 Sacchari 0.25 M. ut f. pulv. D.t.d. ? 10

S. 1 powder 3 times a day.

7.10.2. The masses of substances in the prescription are written out using a separating method

A. Dosage per dosage form

Solution algorithm:

1. Find according to the GF the highest single dose (HSD) and the highest daily dose (HDD), respectively.

2. Determine the RD for one appointment. To do this, divide the prescribed amount of the medicinal substance by the number of prescribed doses (powders, suppositories, pills, etc.).

3. Determine diabetes. To do this, the RD is multiplied by the number of doses per day.

4. Compare RD and SD with VRD and VSD.

5. If the RD and SD exceed the VDV and VSD, agree on the dose with the doctor; correct the RD and SD and calculate the mass of the medicinal substance that must be taken to prepare the dosage form. To do this, multiply the corrected RD by the number of prescribed doses (powders, suppositories, pills, etc.).

Example 2

Rp.: Novocain 6.0

Ol. cocoa 60.0

M. ut f. supp.

Div. in p. aeq. ? 20

1. The VRD of novocaine is 0.2.

2. IRR of novocaine is 0.6.

3. RD is equal to 6.0:20 = 0 3.

4. SD is 0.3. 2 = 0.6.

5. RD is overestimated compared to the pharmacopoeia, SD is not overestimated.

6. The RD corrected in agreement with the doctor is equal to half

WFD: 0.2:2 = 0.1.

To prepare candles you need to take 0.1 novocaine. 20 = 2.0.

Recipe view after correction:

Rp.: Novocaini 2.0

Ol. cocoa 60.0

M. ut f. supp.

Div. in p. aeq. ? 20

D.S. 1 candle in the morning and evening.

B. Checking doses in liquid non-dose dosage forms taken by spoon

Solution algorithm:

1. Find the VRD and VSD according to the GF.

2. Determine the RD of the medicinal substance for 1 dose. To do this, establish the number of doses of the drug (NPS) by dividing the volume of the dosage form by the volume of the spoon (volume of a tablespoon - 15 ml, volume of a dessert spoon - 10 ml, volume of a teaspoon - 5 ml); find the RD of a medicinal substance by dividing its mass (volume) by the number of doses.

3. Determine the SD of the drug substance. To do this, the RD is multiplied by the number of doses per day.

4. Compare the found RD and SD with the table values

VRD and VSD.

5. If the RD and SD exceed the VDV and VSD, agree on the dose with the doctor. RD and SD are corrected accordingly. Calculate the amount of medicinal substance (pharmaceuticals)

tic substance), which must be taken to prepare the dosage form. To do this, multiply the RD of the drug by the number of doses of the drug.

Example 3

Rp.: Apomorphini hydrochloridi 2.5 Aq. pur. 100 ml

Solution algorithm:

1. The VFD of apomorphine hydrochloride is 0.01.

2. IRR - 0.03.

3. The number of doses of the drug (NPS) is 100 ml / 10 ml = 10 dessert spoons (1 spoon of water - 10 ml).

4. The RD of apomorphine hydrochloride is 2.5:10 = 0.25>0.01 (WRD).

5. The SD of apomorphine hydrochloride is 0.25. 3 = 0.25>0.03 (VSD).

6. RD and SD are overestimated without the corresponding registration of the prescription.

In agreement with the doctor, take a single dose equal to half the highest single dose; correct RD and SD.

7. Corrected RD (corrected) of apomorphine hydrochloride is 0.01/2 = 0.005.

8. The corrected SD is 0.005. 3 = 0.015.

9. Calculation of the corrected mass of the drug:

To prepare the dosage form, you need to take apomorphine hydrochloride:

RD (correction) x number of drug doses: 0.005. 10 = 0.05.

Recipe view after correction: Rp.: Apomorphini hydrochloridi 0.05 Aq. pur. 100 ml

M.D.S. 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day.

B. Checking doses of liquid potent or toxic substances prescribed in mixture with other liquids and taken in drops

Solution algorithm:

1. Find the VRD and VSD according to the GF.

2. Determine the number of drops in 1 ml of the drug according to the table of drops (see Table 6.3).

3. Define total number drops in dosage form.

4. Determine the number of doses of the drug (NPDS) by dividing the number of drops in the entire dosage form by the number of drops of 1 dose.

5. Find the RD of a drug by dividing its amount in drops by the number of doses of the drug.

6. Determine the SD of the drug substance. To do this, the RD is multiplied by the number of doses per day.

7. Compare the found RD and SD with the VRD and VSD.

8. If the RD and SD are exceeded in comparison with the VDP, the RD and SD are corrected in consultation with the doctor.

9. Calculate the amount of medicinal substance that must be taken to prepare the dosage form.

Rule 9

The number of drops in the entire dosage form is equal to the sum of the drops of each ingredient.

Example 4

Rp.: Tinct. Conv. Tinct.

Val. ana 10 ml Tinct.

Belladonnae 40 ml Mentholi 0.2 M.D.S.

40 drops 3 times a day.

1. The VRD of belladonna tincture is 23 drops, the VVD is 70 drops.

2. Using the table of drops (see Table 6.3), determine: 1 ml of lily of the valley tincture - 50 drops; 10 ml tincture of lily of the valley - 500 drops; 1 ml of valerian tincture - 51 drops; 10 ml of valerian tincture - 510 drops; 1 ml of belladonna tincture - 44 drops; 40 ml belladonna tincture - 1760 drops. The total number of drops is: 500+510+ +1760 = 2770 drops.

3. The number of drug doses is: 2770:40 = 69.

4. The RD of belladonna tincture is (40...44): 69 = 1760:69 = 25 drops.

5. The SD of belladonna tincture is 25. 3 = 75 drops.

6. SD and RD are overestimated compared to VRD and VSD.

7. A modified dose (S from the highest single dose) has been agreed with the doctor. The corrected RD is 23:2 = 11.5 drops.

8. The corrected SD is 13. 3 = 39 drops.

9. Then you need to change the total amount of belladonna tincture so that there are 11.5 drops per dose, i.e. 11.5. 69/44 = 18 ml.

A single dose of the dosage form contains:

Belladonna tincture - 12 drops (see above);

Lily of the valley tincture - 500/69 = 7.3 drops;

Valerian tincture - 510/69 = 7.4 drops.

Thus, a mixture of tinctures of belladonna, valerian and lily of the valley for 1 dose should be prescribed: 11.5 + 7.3 + 7.4 = 26.2 drops.

Recipe view after correction: Rp.: Tinct. Conv. Tinct. Val. ana 10 ml Tinct. Belladonnae 20 ml Mentholi 0.2

M.D.S. 26 drops 3 times a day.


In pharmacy, it is customary to store medicines in glass, tightly closed containers (shtanglas). An inscription indicating the contents is glued or engraved on the side of the rod.

Rule 10

On rods with poisonous medicinal substances(list A) there must be white inscriptions on a black background. The highest single and daily doses must be indicated.

On bars with potent substances (list B), the inscriptions are made in red on a white background. Indicate the single and daily dose of the substance.

Rule 11

In the storage premises of the pharmacy, all containers with medicines must indicate: the batch number of the manufacturer, the analysis number of the control and analytical laboratory (medicine quality control center), expiration date, date of filling and the signature of the person who filled the container. Bars containing medicinal products containing cardiac glycosides must indicate the number of units of action in 1 g of medicinal plant material or in 1 ml of the medicinal product.

In the assistant's rooms, all containers with medicinal substances must indicate: the date of filling, the signature of the person who filled the container and the person who verified the authenticity of the medicinal substance. The highest single and daily doses must be indicated on the bars with medicinal substances of lists A&B, and on the bars with medicinal substances intended for the manufacture of sterile dosage forms there should be warning notice"For sterile dosage forms."

Barbells with solutions, tinctures and liquid semi-finished products should be provided with normal drop meters or empirical pipettes. The number of drops in a certain volume must be determined by weighing 20 drops 5 times and indicated on the label.

Control questions

1. What is the need for classification of medicines?

2. For what purpose is the classification of medicines used from the standpoint of accounting and storage?

3. What is the significance of the classification of drugs from the standpoint of PCCN?

4. What groups are medicines divided into depending on their strength?

5. How are medicines stored and what inscriptions should be on the shelves?


1. According to the nature of origin, medicines are classified into:

1. Mineral.

2. Synthetic.

3. Organic (obtained by chemical or biological synthesis, including from animal or plant materials).

2. List A funds are:

1. Medicines, the dosage and use of which require special caution due to their high toxicity.

2. These lists also include medications that can cause drug addiction.

3. List B drugs are drugs:

1. For which therapeutic doses have been established.

2. For which the highest single doses are established.

3. For which daily doses have been established.

4. Stored with caution to avoid possible complications.

5. Included in the list of potent substances.

4. Depending on the physical and physico-chemical properties, the impact of various environmental factors on them, medicines are classified into:

1. Requiring protection from light.

2. Requiring protection from moisture.

3. Requiring protection from volatilization and drying out.

4. Requiring protection from exposure to elevated temperatures.

5. Requiring protection from low temperatures.

6. Requiring protection from exposure to gases contained in the environment.

7. Smelling, coloring.

8. Disinfectants.

5. In accordance with Federal law? 3-FZ “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances”, all narcotic substances, depending on the control measures applied by the state, are included in the following lists:

1. List of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the circulation of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation (list I).

2. List of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the circulation of which is limited in the Russian Federation and in respect of which control measures are established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation (List II).

3. List of psychotropic substances, the circulation of which is limited in the Russian Federation and in respect of which certain control measures may be excluded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation (List III).

4. List of psychotropic substances, the circulation of which is permitted in the Russian Federation and in respect of which certain control measures may be excluded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation (List III).

5. List of precursors, the circulation of which is limited in the Russian Federation and in respect of which control measures are established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation (list IV).

6. Dose - a certain amount of a drug:

1. Injected into the body.

2. Caller positive influence on the course of the disease.

7. Depending on the strength of the pharmacological action, doses are distinguished:

1. Toxic (dosis toxica).

2. Lethal (dosis letalis).

3. Therapeutic or curative (dosis curativa).

4. For children and adults.

8. Therapeutic or therapeutic doses divided into 3 types:

1. Threshold (causes the initial effect of the substance).

2. Maximum - highest (cause the greatest or ultimate action).

3. Medium (determine a moderate pharmacological effect).

9. Changes in the composition of dosage forms should be made only with the consent of:

1. Pharmacist-technologist.

2. Doctor.

10. All changes in the composition of the medicinal product must be noted on:

1. Requirements.

2. Recipe.

3. Copies of the prescription.

4. Label.

5. Passport of written control.

11. When issuing medicines with lists NS, PV, A and B in the written control passport and on the back of the prescription l And those who issued and received the substance put:

1. Signature.

2. Date.

3. Indicate the name.

4. The mass or volume of the product received in words.

12. 0.00001 is:

1. 1 milligram.

2. 1 decimilligram.

3. 1 centi-milligram.

13. If the dosage of a medicinal product is exceeded without appropriate registration, the pharmacy employee:

1. May dispense medication to the patient.

2. Cannot dispense medication.

3. Can dispense a drug in a dose equal to 1/2 of the highest single dose.

14. The number of drops in the entire dosage form is:

1. The amount of drops of each ingredient.

2. The sum of the volumes of medicines divided by the sum of drops of each ingredient.

15. In the assistant's rooms, all medicinal substances must be marked with the following:

1. Date of completion.

2. Signature of the person who filled out the bar.

3. Signature of the person who verified the authenticity of the medicinal substance.

4. Analysis number according to the packing work log.

16. Bars containing medicinal substances of lists A and B must indicate:

1. Higher single and daily doses.

2. Name of the manufacturer and date of manufacture.

17. Bars containing medicinal substances intended for the manufacture of sterile dosage forms must bear the following warning notice:

1. Sterile.

2. Non-pyrogenic.

3. For sterile dosage forms.

18. Barbells containing toxic medicinal substances (list A) must bear the following inscriptions:

19. Barbells containing potent substances (list B) must bear the following inscriptions:

1. Black on a white background.

2. Red on a white background.

3. White on a black background.

4. Be sure to indicate the highest single and daily doses.

Among pharmaceutical drugs There is a group of medicines, small doses of which already have a significant effect on the body. A slight overdose of such drugs leads to irreversible processes in the body and fatal outcome. These drugs are included in the List of Poisonous and Potent Medicines and are subject to special accounting and storage rules. In the instructions for use medical supplies The drug's belonging to a specific group is always indicated.

Poisonous and potent drugs belong to Lists A and B, which are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. They require careful handling and careful adherence to doctor's instructions in order to avoid accidents due to negligence or intentional harm to health.

Basic provisions of the List of toxic and potent substances

The list of toxic and potent substances is approved by the Standing Committee on Narcotics Control (PCDN) and is periodically reviewed and updated.

  • It is compiled taking into account:
  • physiological effects of natural or chemical substances on humans;
  • recommendations of the World Health Organization;
  • current international legislative acts and protocols preventing the illegal distribution of narcotic drugs;

The lists of potent and toxic substances differ from Lists A and B, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, since they include not only drugs used in medical institutions to treat various diseases, but also substances not included in State Register medicines (prohibited for use by health authorities).

All substances listed in the PKKN Lists are listed in accordance with their international generic names, all known synonyms are also indicated.

Lists of toxic substances and medications

The List of Toxic Substances (Sheet 2 of the PKKN List) includes 65 names of substances of plant, animal or synthesized origin, which, when exposed to a living organism, cause acute or chronic poisoning, often leading to death. These are mainly poisons of natural or chemical origin, For example:

  • serpentine;
  • bee;
  • arsenic;
  • potassium cyanide (calcium, cadmium, sodium, copper);
  • mercury;
  • hydrocyanic acid;
  • aconite;
  • sum of belladonna alkaloids and other substances.

List A of medicines (Venena) includes 116 medicines produced on the basis of toxic and narcotic substances included in the List of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances or the List of Poisonous Substances of the PKKN. These include the following groups of funds:

  • antitumor (Bleomycin, Vincristine, Imifos);
  • cardiac glycosides (Digotoxin, Cordigit, Methyldigoxin);
  • anesthetics (Ketamine, Butorphanol, Tetracoin);
  • psychostimulants (Methylphenidate)
  • immunosuppressive (Azathioprine);
  • muscle relaxants (Alcuronium chloride, Mivacurium chloride, Pipecuromium bromide);
  • m-anticholinergic agents (Atropine, Metocinium iodide, Platiphylline) and others.

Such medications are dispensed from pharmacies strictly according to a prescription with a stamp from the medical institution that prescribed it. It is impossible to find drugs in the public domain.

The label of all toxic pharmaceutical drugs must indicate:

  • mode of application;
  • composition of the drug;
  • date of manufacture;
  • best before date;
  • place of manufacture;
  • signatures of persons who took part in the process of its preparation.

Medicines containing poisons, psychotropic substances or narcotics must be stamped on the label with the warning “Poison”.

Lists of potent substances and medicines

Substances of natural or synthetic origin, small doses of which have a noticeable effect on the body, are called potent substances.

They are included in Sheet 1 of the List of Poisonous and Potent Medicines and number 126 items.

  • Based on this list, List B (Heroica) was compiled of 326 finished medicinal products in various forms (tinctures, tablets, dietary supplements, ampoules, suppositories, etc.) These include, for example:
  • NSAIDs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin);
  • antibiotics (Azithromycin, Gentamicin, Oxacillin);
  • sleeping pills (Zolpidem tartrate, Zopiclone);
  • glucocorticosteroids (Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone);
  • antidepressants (Clomipramine, Maprotiline, Metralindole);
  • hormone-containing drugs (Clomiphene, Mestranol, Testosterone);

vitamins (Hydroxocobalamin, Calcium pantothenate, Nicotinic acid) and other groups of drugs.

All potent ready-made medicines, like poisonous ones, must be sold with a doctor’s prescription, but in practice, most often pharmacists do not require a prescription when selling most of them; they can be freely purchased at any pharmacy chain. This is their danger to the population during self-medication.

How to store poisonous and potent drugs To prevent poisoning or abuse for personal or criminal purposes, the Ministry of Health has established Rules for the storage of poisons, drugs and potent drugs from Lists A and B. For these groups of drugs, the following must be observed: special conditions

storage, ensuring their quality and safety when used as prescribed by a doctor. When storing poisonous and potent drugs in a pharmacy, the organization must have necessary premises

  1. , equipment and inventory that meet all legal requirements.
  2. The pharmacy storage of medicines is equipped with a multi-level alarm system connected to the 24-hour monitoring console of a licensed security organization. A fire alarm is required.
  3. The storage facility must be equipped with an iron entrance door or a wooden one, but upholstered with metal (the thickness of which is at least 40 mm) with a doorway made of a steel profile.

The storage of potent and toxic drugs is carried out on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 1997. The pharmacy has special cabinets and safes for this purpose. Particularly toxic substances are stored separately from other poisons and drugs in the inner, locked compartment of the safe.

Narcotic and poisonous drugs are stored in a safe marked: “A.Venena” indicating the names of all drugs stored in it and their quantity. Also in this cabinet they store the necessary equipment and tools used for preparing prescription medications. The safe must be closed during the day (it is opened only if necessary by a pharmacy employee authorized by order or by the manager who holds the key). At night the safe is sealed and sealed.

Entrance to the room in which this safe is located is restricted. Access to it is granted with the permission of the Internal Affairs Directorate only for people whose work is directly related to the preparation of medicines from toxic, psychotropic and narcotic substances.

The doors of the safe in which potent drugs are stored are marked: “B. Heroica." The quantity and name of the drugs contained in it must be indicated. There are no such strict requirements as for storing toxic substances - authorized pharmacists have access to the cabinet, and the safe is locked with a key only at night.

Precautions when handling toxic and potent substances

Handling toxic substances requires increased caution. It is important to adhere to and comply with the following rules.

  1. Only specially trained personnel over 18 years of age who are well aware of the effects of toxic substances on the body and the risks associated with such work can work with potent, narcotic and toxic drugs.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from working with poisons and narcotic substances.
  3. Poisonous drugs are issued to the public or medical institutions only on a specially established form - a prescription. It is written out in legible handwriting without errors or corrections by a qualified specialist indicating his surname and initial. Inaccuracies or errors made in the recipe may cause an accident.
  4. Devices used to prepare prescription medications must be constantly checked and adjusted, instruments and devices must be thoroughly washed and disinfected.
  5. Poisonous and narcotic substances are prescribed only in extreme cases, and the dose, which is accurately calculated by the doctor taking into account the age and weight of the patient, is strictly prohibited from being exceeded during treatment.
  6. In case of accidental or intentional use high dose medications from List A, the victim should be taken to a medical facility as soon as possible (minutes count) medical institution to provide emergency assistance. Without resuscitation measures (connection to the device artificial ventilation lungs, hemodialysis, intravenous administration of solutions and diuretics) the life of a person poisoned by poisons cannot be saved.

Potent medications when exceeding the recommended one-time or daily dose cause symptoms of severe poisoning. With long-term use of such drugs, changes in the functioning of internal organs and body systems, addiction and withdrawal syndrome, sometimes leading to death, can be observed.

Poisonous and potent drugs in small doses have a therapeutic effect, but even their slight excess and abuse cause extremely Negative consequences for health, leading to disability and death. When handling any medications ( a large number of potent drugs used by humans in Everyday life to relieve the symptoms of various diseases and is prescribed independently) one must be careful and exercise caution.

Abuse of poisonous, narcotic or psychotropic drugs always ends tragically.