Law on hookah establishments. New business ideas. Where you can't smoke hookah

What will change in the lives of Russians from January 1, 2019? Much, and in particular there is every reason to believe that a ban on the use of hookahs in places catering. All catering establishments fall under this category - from affordable canteens to bars, cafes and restaurants.

Hookah smoking ban law

The ban on hookah in Russia falls under the law “On protecting the health of citizens from environmental influences.” tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption”, where appropriate amendments will be made in order to reduce the rate of consumption of tobacco and its derivatives. The ban on hookah smoking will increase the number of locations where smoking is prohibited from June 2018. It is important to note that the ban will include those establishments where, in addition to hookah services, they feed people

The tightening of measures related to hookah in Russia is due to a number of reasons:

Where can you not smoke hookah?

The ban on smoking narghile will be in effect in public catering establishments where children under 18 years of age are not prohibited from entering. Ban on vaping and electronic cigarettes will be valid in bars, restaurants, cafes, communal apartments and private cars, provided that there is a minor in the car.

Is it possible to smoke hookah in public places? It is forbidden. This is the essence of the ban. Only in specialized establishments - hookah bars. The ban on smoking regular tobacco on buses and trolleybuses, at bus stops and at a distance of 3 meters around them will continue to apply. At the same distance there is a no-smoking area entrance doors to shopping and entertainment centers. Smoking is prohibited in underground and overpasses.

The Ministry of Health is also introducing a ban on hookah bars in residential buildings St. Petersburg. After the bill comes into force, it will be prohibited to organize hookah bars in premises where people live, due to the potential fire hazard and background noise.

Where can you smoke hookah? This will be allowed only in specialized establishments - hookah bars, where food is not prepared, entry is prohibited to persons under 18 years of age and an enhanced ventilation system is in place.

Punishment for violation

There are fines for violating the law: for example, for someone who likes to smoke in a public place, his hobby will cost 500 – 1,500 rubles. If someone lights a cigarette on the playground, they will have to pay 2,000–3,000 rubles of their hard-earned money. Penalties for placing hookah bars in residential premises will be: RUB 50,000. for legal entities and 20,000 for civil servants.

Who can be banned from hookah and vaping? The new bill is intended to potentially limit smoking presence and access to establishments for persons under 18 years of age. Is it possible to smoke outside? Taking into account the new amendments, smoking vapes and electronic cigarettes will be punishable by a fine similar to conventional tobacco products.

Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg proposed to ban hookah smoking in public places throughout the country under penalty of a fine of 1.5 to 300 thousand rubles. Gennady Onishchenko approves

Saint Petersburg. October 26. website - Deputies Legislative Assembly Petersburg, at a regular meeting of the chamber on Wednesday, they approved a draft appeal to their federal colleagues with a request to impose a ban on hookah smoking in public places. According to parliamentarians, hookah smoke causes enormous harm to the health of not only the lover of the exotic method of smoking, but also the people around him.

Speaker of the city parliament Vadim Tyulpanov, commenting on the anti-tobacco initiative to journalists, noted that hookah is much worse than even cigarettes. “Hookah exhaust is almost 100 times more harmful than regular cigarettes,” he said, emphasizing that in many public places in both capitals one can easily find hookahs, the smoke from which is harmful to non-smokers.

V. Tyulpanov noted that if federal deputies support the people’s representatives from St. Petersburg, then they will be severely fined for smoking a hookah: legal entities for 350 thousand rubles, and physical ones up to one and a half thousand rubles. “We want to fight this evil,” the speaker concluded.

The head of Rospotrebnadzor, chief state sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko supported the idea of ​​the St. Petersburg deputies. "Absolutely right decision, which deserves all support and respect,” Onishchenko told Interfax. “It (hookah - IF) should be banned altogether as a type of smoking. It is quite new for us, it didn’t exist before. To the huge misfortune that we have because of smoking cigarettes, they added hookah. Essentially, this is uncontrolled smoking of drugs."

“The hookah contains obvious drugs. The hookah contains everything depending on the recipe added. What is added cannot be verified,” Onishchenko said.

Previously, the Ministry of Health and Social Development developed a bill that would introduce strict restrictions on smoking in public places and the sale of cigarettes. The bill assumes that starting from 2014, smoking will be completely prohibited on passenger transport - on long-distance trains, on long-distance passenger ships, as well as in areas of airports associated with passenger services, including at the entrances to train stations and airports within a radius of 10 meters .

“From 2015, it will be prohibited to smoke in hotels, cafes, nightclubs, including hookahs. The project provides for the possibility of installing smoking areas in the entrances of residential buildings, but for this, smokers will have to collect signatures from all homeowners. In addition, new law The project provides protection from tobacco smoke for persons in prisons and pre-trial detention centers,” the Ministry of Health and Social Development previously told Interfax.

The bill envisages tightening requirements for the space of retail outlets that sell tobacco products starting from the summer of 2013; their sale will be carried out without display, and the buyer will be able to choose goods according to a special price list.

“Regions will have the right to establish even more stringent restrictions on places and conditions of sales, as well as places where smoking is prohibited, at their discretion. Snuff and chewing tobacco will be outlawed,” the bill says.

“To reduce the demand for tobacco products, the bill provides for the establishment of minimum retail prices for tobacco products, but the specific amount will be established by a government act, which will provide for their annual increase at a level exceeding the price index for food products. At the same time, excise taxes are set in accordance with Tax Code, in which the corresponding changes will be prepared by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The draft law does not contain specific prices for tobacco products,” the bill notes.

Smoking hookah- has become a traditional feature of passive recreation in Russia and the CIS countries. However, from June 1, 2014, the “smoking ban” law has come into full effect - which limits smoking in public places, including catering establishments. From now on, smoking hookah in a cafe or restaurant is prohibited, or is it still possible? Let's look into this issue.

Laws Russian Federation about the ban on hookahs

All parts came into force on June 1, 2014 Federal Law Russian Federation dated February 23, 2013 N 15-FZ “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption”, we will pay special attention to clause 6, part 1, article 12 - the ban on smoking in the premises of public catering establishments.

There is not a word in the law about cigarettes, hookahs, cigars, etc. According to clause 1, part 1, article 2 - smoking tobacco- usage tobacco products for the purpose of inhaling smoke arising from their smoldering. That is, according to this law, smoking tobacco in any form forbidden. Including smoking hookah.

We open a hookah bar. What is prohibited and what is allowed

Smoking a hookah has become one of the main sources of income for many catering establishments, and not a single owner wanted to give up income just like that. Although the law is not on their side.

In Russia it is prohibited:

  • Smoking tobacco is prohibited, and therefore a hookah with tobacco, inside any catering establishment;
  • The creation of smoking and hookah rooms at catering establishments is prohibited. If the room belongs to a cafe or restaurant, then this room falls under the prohibitive Federal Law of the Russian Federation of February 23, 2013 N 15-FZ. And there are no exceptions to it. The creation of smoking rooms in public catering is prohibited.
  • Smoking hookah with tobacco is prohibited on terraces, cafes and restaurants. Although, through the court, you can prove to Rospotrebnadzor that the terraces are not premises, however, this will cost time, money and nerves. For now, this issue remains open and lies on the conscience of the owner, Rospotrebnadzor and the judicial institutions of the Russian Federation. Each case is individual, and there is a reason to issue you a fine.

In Russia it is allowed:

  • Smoking is allowed in catering establishments. Yes. If smoking is carried out without the use of tobacco and other prohibited substances. Tobacco-free mixtures, stones, syrups and other similar smoking products - you can smoke if they do not contain tobacco. But not all visitors like this nicotine-free hookah. The fact is that there is smoke, but there is no relaxing effect from tobacco. Consequently, such a hookah can no longer be called the main source of income.
  • Smoking tobacco is allowed outside cafes and restaurants, in special places. Some owners interpret this permission in their own way - they open a separate room with hookahs, decorated as a separate establishment, and arrange food and drinks as delivery. Of course, according to the letter of the smoking ban law, this is allowed. But there is high probability that this action is interpreted as a sham transaction, in accordance with Article 170 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation with subsequent sanctions.

In practice, each hookah establishment follows its own logic and desires of the owner - nicotine-free hookahs, smoking hookahs on terraces, organizing separate rooms with separate registration and much more.

How to open a closed hookah club within the framework of the smoking ban law

Today, there is the only legal way to open a classic hookah bar that serves hookahs with tobacco - in fact, to organize a closed hookah club. This establishment will no longer be a cafe or restaurant. It should not be a catering establishment at all, because smoking is prohibited in them. This means that your hookah bar should not sell food or drinks..

Please pay attention to this requirement. If your hookah bar has even a piece of bread and a bottle of water on sale, your establishment will violate the smoking ban law. Forget about the scheme - buy a hookah, get tea as a gift- in fact, there is no sale of ready-made food, but Rospotrebnadzor will already have the right to sue you. On the other hand, you can allow your guests to order a variety of fast food and bring food and drinks with them, provided that your guests have receipts that, if verified, will prove that the food was not purchased at your establishment.

Based on the law, all hookah bars are closed enterprises, that is, access to them is limited ordinary people from the street. Also pay attention to the age limit if you let minors in - you shouldn’t even think about how to open a hookah bar. IN mandatory you should have a reception organized with an administrator who will decide who is allowed into the room with hookahs and who is not. Each guest must sign an agreement stating that he is not against smoking tobacco in the hookah bar and present a document proving the guest’s age. You can also organize some kind of membership in your hookah bar. Only a club member will have access to your hookahs, if the guest is not a club member... he must fill out a form and become a full member of the club. Everything is legal. So, remember - only an adult club member who has nothing against smoking tobacco in a hookah bar can enter your hookah premises and use your services.

Nuances of opening a hookah bar, business plan

The hookah room should be comfortable and spacious. We recommend considering premises of 100 m² or more with a separate exit and the possibility of wiring utilities. Your closed smoking club should not disturb the neighbors and residents of the building where your hookah bar will be located. Also, the premises must meet the requirements of the SES and comply fire safety, that is, pass a check at the Fire Inspectorate.

The most important and expensive thing in your establishment is the hood. It must work. It should create a comfortable atmosphere for every visitor. So give her some time special attention. By the way, since there is no limit to perfection, the cost of a good hood for a good hookah bar varies from 250 to 1,000 thousand rubles. Yes, it's just a hood.

But on consumables, hookahs and tobacco, you will save a lot - everything on a turnkey basis costs no more than 200-300 thousand rubles.

Use cheap "fast" hookahs, usually made in Egypt. They are easy and quick to prepare. This means the time from order to delivery is reduced, which has a positive effect on the business as a whole.

Work only with legal and excise tobacco. Otherwise you will have very big problems.

The basic principle of any hookah bar is “fast table”. That is, when your guests do not stay with you for more than two hours, orders are served quickly, and customers leave satisfied. Two hours is enough for guests to enjoy themselves and free up the table. Therefore, try to stop “long” tables and in every possible way prevent their organization. “Long” tables include those where guests sit and “draw” one hookah, play some kind of board games, eat and do everything else except the main thing - smoking. And your profit depends on the amount of tobacco smoked, not time. There are several effective methods against such “long” tables.

  • The more hookahs, the faster guests will leave. When ordering for the first time, guests are offered not one, but several hookahs to choose from at a lower cost (for example, the second hookah for half the price). Given the low cost of hookah, any owner can afford this method. This approach works on the principle - than more people smokes, the faster you will get pleasure and be “satiated” with smoke. One hookah can last a long time, two hookahs will satisfy an average company in 3-4 hours, three hookahs will satisfy the same company in 1-2 hours.
  • Time limit. In such hookah bars, payment is made not for the hookah, but for the time spent at the table. Scales the first method. Guests pay for the time spent in the club, the amount smoked is not limited, but you need to make a calculation so that several hookahs “fit” in 1-2 hours.

With the average cost of one hookah being 50-200 rubles and the cost for guests being 500-2000 rubles, what is more profitable to sell? Selling several hookahs every hour? Or sell one hookah in a few hours? The minimum markup in a hookah bar is 500%. Such a markup is common for public establishments and is not discussed below at all.

Calculation of a hookah bar according to the principle - several hookahs at a reduced price

Let's make a theoretical calculation using the first method - we offer our guests several hookahs at once at a discounted price. Room with useful seating area 100 square meters accommodates about 25 tables (total area of ​​the room is more than 150 m²). Serving means 3 hookahs per table. Visitors at the tables change every 2 hours, so the load on the hookah bar is about 50%. The establishment is open for at least 12 hours. Let’s assume the cost of 1 hookah is 100 rubles.

Costs of this approach for 1 working day: 25 tables * 3 hookahs * 100 rubles * 12/2 = 45,000 rubles.

We will accept a markup in the establishment of 500%. The cost of the first hookah for a visitor (table) will be - 500 rubles. Taking into account that we use the principle - more hookahs, less time for the visitor - the next two hookahs will be for them for the price of one - 500 rubles. In total, three hookahs for one table will cost 1,000 rubles.

The profit will be for 1 day: 25 tables * 1,000 rubles * 12/2 = 150,000 rubles.

Profit minus the cost of hookahs will be: 150,000 - 45,000 = 105,000 rubles per day.

It is worth considering that staff salaries vary from duties performed and positions. So, if the administrator and the cleaning lady can receive a set salary. It is better to pay a hookah operator on a piecework basis. Thanks to this approach, you will be sure that the hookah man is working and not “sleeping for money” and he is interested in your guests changing hookahs more often. To do this, an experienced hookah man has his own tricks and techniques.

Salaries for average establishments are:

  • waiters - 500...1,500 rubles per shift (you also leave them a tip), additionally, in order to save on cleaning the premises, waiters can delegate the functions of cleaners for an additional fee,
  • security and administrator - from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles per month,
  • hookah man - from 20 to 200 rubles per hookah.

Your establishment must be open every day, therefore, your staff must work in shifts due to the fact that, according to the law, working week should be no more than 40 hours. Therefore, in ideal conditions you should have 3 shifts per next quantity for one shift:

  • from three to five waiters (for 25 tables),
  • from one to three hall guards,
  • one or two hookah men,
  • one administrator at the reception.

Their salary will be, for a 10-day period (1 shift):

  • 3 waiters * 1000 rubles * 10 = 30,000 rubles;
  • 1 security guard * 15,000 rubles = 15,000 rubles;
  • 1 administrator * 25,000 rubles = 25,000 rubles;
  • 1 hookah man * 20 rubles per hookah * 3 hookahs * 25 tables * 12/2 * 10 = 90,000 rubles.

In total, the salary for one shift will be 160 thousand rubles. Therefore, the wages of three shifts are equal to - 480,000 rubles per month.

Utility payments will be no more than 50...80 thousand rubles per month. Maximum rent for premises - 300,000 per month(at the rate of 2 tr. per m², in practice we have not seen more than 1.2 tr. per 1 m²).

Total income for 30 days, taking into account the deduction of the cost of hookahs - 3,150,000 rubles.

Expense for wages And utility bills — 480 000 + 80 000 + 300 000 = 860,000 rubles.

The net profit of a closed hookah club, at 50% occupancy, is 2.3 million rubles per month. Of course it is ideal conditions, but even at 10-20% club occupancy (more realistic conditions), net profit amounts to 400 thousand rubles per month.

  • Do not experiment with tobacco flavors and expensive brands; offer a wide but familiar range of tastes of inexpensive Egyptian tobaccos. You still won't please delicate taste lovers.
  • Don't use expensive hookahs. They smoke basically the same way as inexpensive professional ones, since the price does not affect the quality, but the materials used. However, for the cost of one expensive hookah you can buy 10-15 inexpensive ones. But don’t use outright cheap stuff either.
  • Forget the word - alcohol. There should be no alcohol in your establishment. Even if you brought it with you. Firstly, a drunk guest - headache. Secondly, in the event of an audit, you will not be able to avoid punishment.
  • No minors, drunks or people who can stir up conflict out of nowhere, introduce strict face control. It’s better that you don’t let in 5-10 people a day than in a couple of days you will have a sudden inspection that will reveal minors in your establishment. What will happen big problem. Because of which you will lose all your regular guests.
  • Never follow the lead of guests, you must have strict rules behavior in your establishment. However, remember, it is better to replace a hookah that is “bitter” - because it will give pleasure to the guest, and you will spend no more than 100 rubles, otherwise you will get a scandal and a bad reputation in the future.
  • Try to organize the work so that the service takes place very quickly. The faster guests receive their hookah, the faster they will leave. Waiting for a hookah for 20-30 minutes reduces the number of guests served by up to 50% per day. Try to reduce the order completion time to 3-5 minutes.
  • Use entertainment that helps, but does not interfere. For example, a set-top box or broadcast of a sports match is a disturbing entertainment that takes up time, preventing the audience from changing. On the contrary, backgammon, checkers and other fast board games help you smoke a hookah much faster.
  • Your main promotion tools are: social media and word of mouth.
  • If you don’t know some of the subtleties or nuances, use a ready-made hookah bar franchise, this will allow you to bypass many problems.
  • Place several vending machines in your hookah bar to sell snacks and soft drinks. It's completely legal. The main thing is that the vending machines are not registered in your name. They will also bring good profits.
Video - details on how to open a successful hookah bar

Within the framework of which it is planned to ban hookahs and vapes in all restaurants and cafes. Smoking and vaping will be possible only in specially designated areas. We talked to an industry guru, restaurateur, time cafe owner and hookah bar manager to find out how they plan to make up for the losses from the ban, and whether hookah can be equated to vaping
and whether hookah smokers will go underground.

Sergey Surgaev

Supplier of hookahs to Samara restaurants, owner of the hookah bar SK Lounge

Nowadays, in many restaurants, people aged 25+ are sure to check if there are hookahs there. For example, I don't smoke cigarettes,
I don’t drink alcohol, but I like to drink tea while talking
and smoke a hookah. For me and many others, it's just a way to relax. In addition, hookah lovers rarely smoke cigarettes, so I don’t really understand this legislative initiative. If we had already allocated that kind of money - 3.5 billion rubles, it would have been possible to build sports centers so that people could play sports for free - the effect would have been greater.

I don’t know what eastern establishments, where hookah is part of the culture, will do. Moscow's Chaikhona No. 1, for example, which is due to open in Samara in the fall. How will such a restaurant, which bought a franchise for a lot of money, operate without its main concept? My greatest indignation is the incompetence of government officials. The article of the new law stipulates “remove hookahs from all cafes and restaurants,” and some deputies say: “Let them smoke in their hookah bars.” But the point is
that the concept of “hookah bar” according to the law does not exist at all, this is purely popular name, and all hookah bars, including mine, pay taxes just like cafes. It would be better if the legislation in this area were regulated!

All food establishments with hookah have licenses, special areas, and an exhaust hood. If you don't want to smoke, sit in the non-smoking area, there is no smell of smoke there at all. In eastern restaurants, revenue from hookahs is approximately 30%, and given the fact that visitors order hookah very often, I think that establishments will look for any way to supply them - by involving lawyers
and defend your rights.

There are too many people in Russia for whom a hookah is more than just a can and a stick. In fact, the culture of hookah smoking came to us from eastern countries- Turkey, Egypt, but there
shocked by how much it has stepped up in our country: Russian tobaccos and hookahs have appeared that are superior to Egyptian ones
and Turkish in all respects. Therefore, it is unlikely that all this will disappear -
in extreme cases, it will simply go underground. According to the law, we have the right to create closed clubs - perhaps this will happen. In general, hookah bars as such are already underground: no one can advertise us
does not promote smoking, and that's okay.

In general, it is not clear what the allocated money will be used for. To remove hookah from restaurants, you just need to snap your fingers.

Artem Efremov

Director of the restaurant YaR Bar & Terrace

People come to our restaurant not only for hookahs - we have
And evening programs, And delicious food. Therefore, if this law does come into force, we will not try to go against the system
and come up with something - just remove hookahs completely. In our case, they are only an addition for those interested, and the loss of revenue will have a minor impact on overall income.

Vaping doesn’t particularly interest me as a restaurateur. Yes, guests sometimes come with their own devices, but a fire detector
It has never worked on vapers. In general, I think they are not so harmless, and they are not cool at all. From this point of view, I don’t see any difference between hookahs and electronic cigarettes: the process is similar, both have a bad effect on the body in one way or another, only one device is simpler, the other more complex, and everyone chooses what is more pleasant and convenient for him. Only when ten-year-old boys walk and smoke, you want to take them to their mother so that she can give them the first day.

It is not yet clear how the new law will work and which establishments it will apply to, so it is difficult to predict the process of recycling hookahs. If the ban only applies
in restaurants and cafes, but will not affect specialized establishments, we will sell our hookahs to them. If smoking is banned everywhere, we’ll probably hold an auction.

Pavel Galyuk

Director of the chain of time cafes "Speloe Mesto"

At the "Ripe Place" we do not produce food - we have a buffet
with purchased products such as chips and bottled lemonade, board games, consoles, tennis and hookahs. Therefore, a time cafe cannot be called a catering establishment, and, if you think logically, it should not have anything to do with this law.
I don’t think that we will be forced to remove hookahs; here they are just a detail, one of the ways to spend time. If hookah were the basis, we would be a hookah bar, but we are just a place of leisure. The basis of revenue is payment for time spent,
We get 25 percent from smoking.

We do not promote healthy lifestyle. In general, I think that places like ours are an excellent alternative to dubious recreation for young people: it’s better to spend time here than wandering around the streets, drinking beer on benches and doing who knows what. Here you can get together with friends, play, talk. Nobody nobody
doesn’t force you to order a hookah, so it’s unclear how such a place could have a bad influence on a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, we prohibit vapes. I think vaping is much worse than hookah: vape -
this is chemistry.

Alexey Kopytin

Head of hookah bar Gravity Lounge

In Gravity, in addition to hookahs, there are snacks, so here you can not only smoke, but also have a snack. However, mostly guests come to us precisely for the hookah: sometimes they take a long time to choose it, but even
They don’t open the menu and don’t order anything else.

Until the law comes into force, there is no problem. It’s not a fact that it will be accepted, because they’ve been scaring us about it for three years now, but nothing has happened yet. I believe that the whole movement began because of vapes - they are illegal, there is no excise duty on them, and the use of liquid is not limited in any way. Moreover, with their appearance, the demand for tobacco products fell by 30% - a colossal blow to the business of the tobacco sector. It seems to me that the authorities decided to somehow resolve the current situation, and hookahs were piled up.

I have a very negative attitude towards the fact that vapers sometimes come to Gravity: I try not to prohibit vaping in my establishment, but I can politely ask to stop or hint that not everyone around me likes it. In order for vapes not to disturb other people, you need a very powerful exhaust: a huge amount of glycerin and flavorings make the smoke very heavy, unlike hookah smoke, which is lighter and therefore disappears quickly. So the authorities’ desire to legalize the use of electronic cigarettes is a good initiative, and it’s long overdue.

In turn, it would be rational to legalize hookah in Russia.
It is much harmless than vaping: the tobacco market is now gaining momentum, which means you can find high-quality raw materials; Besides,
a filtration process takes place in the flask, which purifies the smoke from harmful substances. I have been smoking hookah for four years almost every day, while doing sports - and there are no harmful consequences
I don't notice. Either way, I don't think the law will fundamentally change people's tastes or impact the hookah industry. For example, in our case, hookah is the basis of the establishment, it brings in about 40% of the revenue, and we definitely won’t remove it. We will think about how to obtain permission - we will do everything possible.

The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova called for a ban on the use of hookahs and vapes in cafes, bars and restaurants as soon as possible. Popova clarified that it was her department that proposed this rule

The ban on hookahs and vapes in cafes, restaurants and bars needs to be implemented “as quickly as possible.” Rospotrebnadzor not only supports this proposal, but was also its initiator, said the head of the department, Anna Popova.

“The strategy [of the Ministry of Health on a healthy lifestyle] is the result of the work of several federal bodies executive branch, representatives of the scientific community, expert community. Yes, this was our proposal, and we continue to insist on it. We believe that this needs to be done and done as quickly as possible,” RIA Novosti quotes Popova.

Earlier, the Izvestia newspaper reported that by 2018 in Russian enterprises public catering, since this is required by the Ministry of Health project “Formation of a healthy lifestyle among Russians”. According to the project passport, by February 2018, “regulatory legal acts aimed at combating the consumption of electronic cigarettes and hookahs.” The Ministry of Health stated that they intend to equate vapes and hookahs with regular cigarettes, prohibiting their sale to persons under 18 years of age. “Now many teenagers use both hookahs and vapes, and this is not regulated by law,” the ministry explained.

“Formation of a healthy lifestyle among Russians” is a priority project Russian government​, his passport was published on the Cabinet of Ministers website on Monday, August 7. Key Goal project - “increase the share of citizens committed to healthy image life up to 50% by 2020 and up to 60% by 2025,” the document description says.

The Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers fears that the ban on smoking hookahs and vapes. According to the vice-president of the association, Vadim Prasov, many public catering establishments are not doing well. in the best possible way" “If legislators want the number of restaurants to decrease even further, then they can continue to introduce bans,” he told RBC. According to Prasov, establishments that specialize in hookah smoking will suffer “to a greater extent” from the ban.

The State Duma, on the contrary, is confident that the ban on the use of hookahs and vapes in restaurants will have little impact on business. According to Sergei Zhigarev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry and Entrepreneurship, hookah smoking is a “youth hobby” that does “nothing good.” “Regarding electronic cigarettes, it is not yet very clear whether they are more harmful than regular cigarettes or less,” he said in a conversation with RBC.

Earlier, on July 23, Popova stated that Rospotrebnadzor is in favor of introducing (vapes) and hookahs to tobacco and applying similar restrictions to them. A bill on this was introduced in March 2017. "On the site State Duma a bill is being considered, which we warmly supported,” Popova said then. She clarified that Rospotrebnazdor proposed to include steam generators in the draft law.

The text of the bill, which has already received positive feedback profile committee of the State Duma and is awaiting consideration by deputies in the first reading, there is a definition of “electronic smoking product”, which means electronic device, which produces “an aerosol, vapor or smoke, including by heating a liquid, for the purpose of inhalation.”

At the same time, the Russian government in May 2017 gave a negative statement on the ban on vaping in walking areas: parks, pedestrian areas, squares.