Alcoholic coma and its consequences. What is an alcoholic coma, how long does it last and how to help the patient

Alcoholic coma is associated with excessive drinking. But not only alcoholics can be susceptible to it. What is alcoholic coma? This is a condition that occurs as a result of intoxication of the body. Calls him overuse alcoholic drinks. But someone who drank vodka for the first time in their life can also fall into a coma if there was an overdose of ethyl alcohol. With an alcoholic coma, the likelihood fatal outcome high. Without medical assistance, saving a person’s life is often impossible. Coma goes through three stages, the last is the most severe, and the likelihood of a favorable prognosis is minimal. Light form coma lasts about 6 hours. The human body is capable of getting out of it on its own. But the coma state can be unpredictable. It can begin with signs of lung disturbances in the functioning of the body, and develop into severe ones.

Two phases of state

The response to pain at this degree of coma manifests itself in the form of mild hypertonicity of the muscles of the arms and legs. A moderate increase in blood pressure and involuntary urination accompany poisoning. Stage III is deeper, during which it dominates neurological symptoms, manifested in severe poisoning. The patient is in a deep comatose state. His pupils do not respond to external stimuli. Corneal, pharyngeal, and tendon reflexes are no longer observed in this coma. If you bring ammonia to the patient's nose, there will be no reaction. Symptom this state is pallor skin with signs of acrocyanosis. When poisoned, a person’s skin will be cold, wet, sticky, and body temperature will be low. Breathing will become shallow and rare. Symptoms III stages are tachycardia and hypotension. Low frequency heartbeat is also an easily identifiable symptom.

Possible complications

The condition entails a list of complications that can progress as individual diseases and violations. Swelling during poisoning is not uncommon, as are compressed limbs whose functioning is impaired. Reduced sensitivity and impaired coordination of movements caused by poisoning do not go away long time. Urine changes composition, it becomes brown-black and bloody. While a person is in a coma, protein, myoglobin, and toxins accumulate in the urine. At the same time, the formation of renal failure syndrome occurs. Poisoning is closely associated with an increase in the level of residual nitrogen and urea in the blood. Acute renal failure caused by poisoning is accompanied by a list of pathological conditions, among which are:

  • muscle atrophy;
  • trophic changes;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome.

If someone is accompanied by uremia, the likelihood of death is high.

It is generally accepted that the less alcoholic substances in the blood become, the more effective treatment is underway. This statement is partially true. An indicator of the level of alcohol-containing substances in the blood is necessary to determine the severity of the consequences and the depth of the damage. For accurate diagnosis doctors still need to analyze clinical picture the phase in which the coma is located, the degree of intoxication of the body.

If alcoholic substances were mixed with drugs, medications, who is diagnosed using a differential approach. When the condition is accompanied by a disorder cerebral circulation, coma is even more difficult to diagnose. In such cases, doctors compare changing neurological data and, based on them, choose a strategy for how to treat the person. It is very difficult to save the patient's life in such cases.

Is it possible to stop coma?

Who can be stopped if the absorption of alcoholic substances into the tissue stops. To interrupt the coma, gastric lavage is performed using a tube that is inserted through the trachea. In parallel with this treatment, intravenously hypertonic solution glucose with insulin. The composition is necessary to prevent complications that coma entails. To solve this problem, a sodium bicarbonate solution is also used. To ensure that body tissues are restored, treatment includes injection vitamins and nicotinic acid. If the therapy is carried out effectively, the treatment will bring its first results within a few hours.

But at the same time, the use of a number of classical drugs for intoxication of the body does not make the treatment effective. For example, the usual strychnine is unable to help a person. There is no point in using Corazol and Bemegride. It turns out to be impossible to treat conditions inherent in alcohol intoxication with them.

Poisoned people often develop aspiration pneumonia To treat it, antibiotic therapy is used. When dysfunction occurs respiratory organs, required artificial ventilation lungs. Hormonal and cardiovascular drugs are also used in procedures related to the treatment of comatose conditions. To prevent renal failure, novocaine blockade is performed. However, with everything listed treatment There is another important problem: these measures may be in vain.

It is impossible to guarantee 100% that it will be possible to save a person in a comatose state.

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    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for treatment alcohol addiction is really not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores to avoid overpricing. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried it? traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    Which ones folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law still drinks

Too much alcohol can lead to serious health consequences. A long hangover is far from the worst thing and unpleasant consequence drunken party. The most life-threatening condition is alcoholic coma. It can occur both in a chronic alcoholic and in a person who has tried alcohol for the first time. What is an alcoholic coma? It means severe ethanol poisoning, which is accompanied by depression of breathing and the functioning of the nervous system. A person may choke on vomit or stop breathing. In this case, emergency medical care cannot be avoided.

Few people know how an alcoholic coma forms. Risk to life may arise not only after consumption large quantity alcohol .

The pathological condition occurs at a 3% concentration of ethyl in the blood. To do this, it is enough to drink 400-500 ml of vodka in a short period of time.

The likelihood of death after drinking alcohol increases when the concentration of ethyl in the blood is 5 g/l. At the same time great value have health indicators, age and gender of a person.

Reasons for the development of pathological conditions

An innocent feast can turn into a hospital bed. The consequences of an alcoholic coma can be irreversible, and treatment requires the use of serious drugs. Ethyl is quickly absorbed into the blood, poisoning the human body. However, with the same amount of alcohol of the same strength drunk, the condition will vary in people of different genders and ages.

There are also provoking factors that contribute to the development of coma:

  • drinking alcohol on an empty stomach - the lack of food in the stomach speeds up the process of ethyl absorption;
  • strength of the drink - despite the fact that alcohol-containing compounds with a strength of 40% and above lead to rapid intoxication, drinks with a strength of up to 30% are absorbed much faster;
  • the volume of alcohol consumed - if the body does not have time to process ethyl, the alcohol goes directly into the blood.

The reaction to ethyl is different for all people, in addition, the use fatty foods shortly before drinking alcohol, it slows down the absorption of ethyl into the blood, allowing toxic products to be removed from the body before the alcohol concentration reaches dangerous indicators. Not without reason to prevent a hangover and toxic poisoning body before the feast, drink a glass of milk or eat a piece butter, however, lean on excessively fatty foods should not be done, since the liver may not be able to cope with the increased load.

Alcohol poisoning leads to loss of fluid in the body, and the total blood volume decreases. Against this background, a decrease in temperature, muscle rigidity, tremors and convulsions occur. With a decrease in blood viscosity and sharp drop blood pressure the person may lose consciousness. At the same time, the concentration of sugar in the blood decreases, and hypoglycemia occurs. Drinking alcohol in conditions of low temperature environment. In this case, glucose consumption increases and insulin production activity increases. In case of acute intoxication, a coma develops.

Symptoms and stages of development of coma

In a comatose state, a person does not react to ammonia and other products that bring consciousness into normal conditions. There are three stages of coma:

  • initial - the drinker loses consciousness, his limbs make chaotic movements, and muscle contractions may occur. Vomiting or involuntary urination often occurs. The skin of the face becomes purple or bluish in color, the pupils contract, but react to light. Breathing is rapid, pulse is slightly elevated, as is blood pressure;
  • medium - muscle relaxation occurs, pressure drops sharply, pulse slows down. The pupils stop responding to light, breathing slows down and becomes shallow;
  • deep - breathing is suppressed, becomes rare, due to the reduction in oxygen concentration in the tissues, the skin acquires a bluish tint, the patient turns pale, and a cold sensation is released sticky sweat. The heart slows down, the pulse is difficult to palpate, the pressure drops sharply, reaching critical levels. Urine color changes, may be spotting. There is an acute renal failure which often causes death. At deep stage alcoholic coma occurs cardiac or respiratory failure, which can also be fatal.

Symptoms when severe poisoning ethyl are quite expressive and difficult to ignore. Beyond the signs alcohol intoxication, the following take place:

  • constriction of the pupils and weakness;
  • convulsive muscle twitching;
  • paleness of the skin.

These are the main signs preceding a comatose state. Then loss of consciousness occurs and breathing problems arise. Alcoholic coma initial stage usually lasts up to 6 hours, after which the person comes to his senses on his own.

However, it is almost impossible to determine offhand what degree of poisoning is taking place, and qualified medical assistance is required here. In the absence of adequate therapy, death cannot be ruled out.

Alcoholic coma, the symptoms of which are described above, is the most difficult test for the patient’s body. Often in the background alcohol poisoning Irreversible processes occur that leave an imprint on a person’s future life.

Emergency treatment measures

If you find a person who has fallen into a coma, you must call an ambulance. Treatment of alcoholic coma in hospital may include indirect massage heart, artificial respiration, comprehensive detoxification of the body.

While the doctors are traveling, it is necessary to help the patient. A drunk person should be placed on their stomach - this will reduce the risk of respiratory arrest due to vomiting or cramps. Since alcohol poisoning implies a violation of thermoregulation, the patient must be covered with a blanket and warmed up. At the initial stage of the disease, ammonia can help out, but if a person does not react to it for a long time, then there is no point in insisting.

If the patient has regained consciousness, he can be offered weakly brewed sweet tea, which will replenish the fluid deficiency in the body and help increase glucose levels. If a person is an alcohol addict, then after he is brought out of a coma, he should start taking anti-alcoholism medications. The choice of these drugs is unusually large on the Internet, and a qualified specialist will help you choose the optimal drug for a particular case.

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One of the most serious complications Alcoholic coma occurs due to alcohol abuse.

Sometimes it develops not only in people who drink little, but also in people who drink little.

The main reasons for the development of alcoholic coma

Alcoholic coma develops when the human body cannot cope with an overdose of alcohol. This is observed against the background of rapid and severe poisoning.

The main causes of alcoholic coma include:

  1. Hypoglycemia.
  2. Hypovolemia.
  3. Impact on the brain.

To develop an alcoholic coma, 400 grams of vodka is enough. But it all depends on the characteristics of the organism.

Features of hypoglycemia

With the use of alcoholic beverages, the concentration of glucose in the blood changes.

This occurs due to the fact that the enzyme that maintains glycogen reserves in the liver actively breaks down ethyl alcohol molecules.

Alcoholic coma can be caused by a sharp decrease in blood glucose concentration.

Ethanol provokes insulin activity. This leads to a change in the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Hypoglycemia is provoked not only by vodka, but also by less strong alcoholic drinks.

Teenagers who are fond of drinking beer and cocktails are at risk.

Features of hypovolemia

Under the influence of ethyl alcohol on tissues, their swelling is provoked. There is a risk of fluid loss. Against this background, the total blood volume decreases sharply.

Signs such as:

  • severe weakness;
  • decrease in temperature;
  • convulsive muscle twitching.

These disorders contribute to lowering blood pressure. Blood viscosity increases.

Later appears in the abdominal area pain syndrome. Heart pain occurs. Against this background, the person loses consciousness.

Effects on the brain

Ethyl alcohol has a neurotoxic effect on the brain. At first, ethanol provokes excitement.

Over time, it gives way to inhibition of activity respiratory center.

The activity of the centers responsible for the functioning of the autonomic nervous system is also slowed down.

The main stages of alcoholic coma

At acute poisoning alcoholic beverages disrupt the functioning of nerve centers.

A person loses the ability to react to everything that happens around him. There are 3 stages of this life-threatening condition.

First degree

Stage 1 refers to superficial alcoholic coma.

The following signs are observed:

  1. constriction of the pupils;
  2. hypertonicity of the muscles of the lower and upper extremities;
  3. cyanosis of the skin of the face;
  4. heavy sweating;
  5. decrease in overall temperature.

Against this background, preservation of the basic reflexes is observed. The patient groans and moves his arms or legs involuntarily.

But he cannot stay upright and sit on his own. Painful sensations does not occur upon impact.

Second degree

This is a short stage of alcoholic coma. The pressure drops sharply, breathing becomes rare and intermittent.

The pulse slows down and weakens. Brain functions are suppressed.

The person loses consciousness, his muscles relax. Involuntary movement of the limbs stops.

There is no pain, the pupils do not react to bright light. Involuntary urination is observed.

Third degree

This stage is also called deep alcoholic coma. Pulse and blood pressure drop to critical levels minimum indicators. All reflexes fade away.

The skin becomes pale blue, and feels sticky and cool to the touch.

Removal from a comatose state using “improvised means” is impossible. As breathing stops, death occurs.

Establishing a diagnosis

In alcoholic coma, the symptoms are quite specific. Therefore, a diagnosis can be made based on the leading syndrome.

During preliminary diagnosis, the specialist undertakes to differentiate this condition from the following types com:

  • Neurological.
  • Somatic.
  • Toxic.

How can you help a person in an alcoholic coma?

If alcohol coma is not diagnosed in a timely manner, the consequences can be tragic.

Against the background of this condition, the following pathologies may develop:

  1. dementia;
  2. pneumonia;
  3. acute renal failure.

Both traditional and alternative medicine can help a person.

First aid for superficial alcoholic coma

When specific signs, you need to call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of doctors, it is necessary that first aid for an alcoholic coma be provided to those who are near the victim.

The patient should be placed face down. The head, slightly turned to the side, should hang down slightly. This will prevent the person from suffocating when vomit comes out.

Pay attention!

Alcohol contributes to decreased functioning important centers in the brain.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide the human body with warmth. To do this, you need to wrap him in a blanket. If necessary, a heater is installed in the room where it is located.

Then you need to bring a cotton pad moistened with ammonia to the victim’s nose. When the person comes to his senses, he needs to be given something to drink warm milk or weak, slightly sweetened tea.

Warm, non-alcoholic liquid will help prevent dehydration. It also helps restore water and electrolyte balance.

First aid for deep alcoholic coma

If the victim has lost consciousness and cannot control his reflexes, it is necessary to begin resuscitation measures.

will need to be done artificial respiration. Indirect cardiac massage may also help.

These manipulations are performed only by a specialist.

Upon admission to hospital

The emergency care algorithm for alcoholic coma looks like this:

  • Gastric lavage.
  • Adjustment of blood pressure.
  • Restoring breathing.
  • Correction of nervous system cells.

The stomach is washed using a special probe. If the victim’s blood pressure drops sharply, he is given hormonal or vascular drugs.

In order to correct the cells of the nervous system, a person is prescribed nicotinic acid, as well as vitamins C, B.

When aspirating vomit, an endotracheal tube is inserted into the patient's trachea.

It helps cleanse the bronchi and pulmonary trunk. After this, the patient is prescribed antibiotic drugs.

Antishock medications and plasma expanders

With an alcoholic coma urgent Care assumes the purpose:

  1. Gelatinol.
  2. Hemodesa.
  3. Reopoliglyukina.
  4. Polyvinol.
  5. Poliglyukina.

The use of Gelatinol helps stabilize the movement of blood through the vessels. Hemodesis is prescribed to neutralize hazardous substances.

The main contraindication is cerebral hemorrhage. Also, the medicine is not prescribed to persons suffering from bronchial asthma.

In order to reduce the risk of developing thrombosis, the use of

Reopoliglyukina. This is anti-shock medicine helps maintain the functioning of vital organs.

In case of severe intoxication, Polyvinol is prescribed. The medicine helps to quickly remove toxins from the body. If diagnosed very severe intoxication, then the patient is prescribed the use

Poliglyukina. Taking this medication helps to avoid severe blood loss. It also prevents platelets and red blood cells from sticking together.

Cardiovascular drugs

The doctor undertakes to prescribe the use of:

  • Prednisone.
  • Strophantina.
  • Cordiamine.
  • Ephedrine.

Taking Prednisolone helps normalize blood glucose. The drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

The main contraindication is hypersensitivity to its components.

With the help of Strophanthin, the frequency and strength of myocardial contractions increases. Thanks to the effects of Cordiamine, the functioning of the central nervous system is normalized.

Not prescribed for convulsive muscle twitching and symptoms.

The frequency and strength of heart contractions are normalized thanks to Ephedrine. With this drug you can normalize blood pressure. The drug is not prescribed for tachycardia.

The use of folk remedies

Alcoholic coma is a dangerous condition. The use of folk remedies is possible only after the patient is discharged from the hospital.

Under the supervision of a doctor, it is allowed to treat the patient:

  1. lemon juice;
  2. black radish juice;
  3. cranberries;
  4. currants or lingonberries;
  5. cabbage juice;
  6. rose hips.

Lemon juice helps revive liver cells. Thanks to high content vitamins, poisons are quickly removed from the body.

Drinking black radish juice helps cleanse the liver. To improve the effect, it should be mixed with fresh honey. Optimal dosage— 40 drops/2 times in 24 hours.

To normalize liver function, you need to grind 20 grams of cranberries with 1 spoon of honey. The medicine is taken before meals.

With the help cabbage juice You can get rid of liver pain. Rose hips purify the blood.

Among herbs, preference should be given to St. John's wort, immortelle, milk thistle, knotweed, and artichoke. These funds can be used in the preparation of infusions and decoctions.


In order to prevent alcoholic coma, you need to reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages. Persons suffering from gastrointestinal pathologies should not drink alcohol.

Do not take medications at the same time. You can't mix alcohol. After each dose of alcohol you need to have a good snack.

Video: First aid: alcoholic coma

Excessive intake of alcoholic beverages often leads to a serious condition, such as acute alcohol intoxication, which is known to many. There are cases when, under the influence of alcohol on the body, serious condition like an alcoholic coma. It is dangerous because, unlike simple alcohol poisoning, this condition is characterized by death. According to today's data, along with other poisonings, it is the most insidious.

Alcoholic coma is severe poisoning with ethyl alcohol; as a result of this exposure, the reaction to external stimuli is lost, the nerve centers and breathing are significantly depressed, and the thermoregulation of the human body is also disrupted. The word "coma" means sleep. But in modern medicine this term under the influence of alcohol poisoning is not at all like a normal dream. In this condition, the swallowing and cough reflex is impaired, and the muscles that control the movement of the tongue weaken. Due to this failure, vomit can enter the body through the trachea.

Alcoholic coma affects the body in such a way that most often the ventilation of the lungs is reduced and breathing is suppressed. People suffering from alcoholism or those who drink alcohol for the first time can provoke this life-threatening condition. The cause of this condition is neurotoxic effect ethanol on the brain, which is first characterized by excitation, then gives way to a slowdown of all activity of the respiratory center.

Ethanol provokes tissue swelling, which reduces fluid in the body and total blood volume. This process is called hypovolemia, it contributes to the occurrence of muscle cramps, a decrease in temperature and general weakness. All these disorders lead to a decrease in blood pressure, which increases viscosity in the blood. A concentration in the blood of 3 g/l can provoke coma; a concentration of up to 5 g/l is close to the probability of death.

Condition Clinic

Conditions caused by coma are accompanied by a whole list, some of them develop as serious illnesses of the body, while others are characterized by dysfunction of organs. When intoxicated, swelling occurs, limbs weaken, coordination of movements is impaired, sensitivity is impaired, protein and toxins accumulate in the urine. There is a renal problem, and acute failure, in which kidney function is impaired and their filtration is reduced. Aqueous, nitrogenous and electrolyte metabolism, symptoms develop such as:

  • muscle atrophy;
  • trophic changes in the body;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • symptoms of uremia.

Drinking too much alcohol leads to coma. It depends on the strength of the alcoholic drink; naturally, a strength of more than 12 percent is more likely to poison the body. It also depends on the human body and the reaction; it can occur individually for everyone. Alcohol poisoning is also affected by the amount of food eaten. The consequences of a coma are usually a catastrophic diagnosis, especially for the brain. As a result of this condition, complete degradation of the personality occurs.

Alcoholic coma causes the process of myoglobinuria, which damages the striated muscles. They are affected when they are compressed for a long time under the weight of the patient. Due to this, muscle fibers are destroyed and renal failure develops, which is manifested by anemia. If this process is started, then it can develop rapidly, in which case the probability of death is very high. Victims suffer severe muscle pain after emerging from a coma. The tissues that surround the muscles become denser with large swelling.

Characteristics of stages

Alcoholic coma is one of the conditions that occurs against the background of alcohol abuse and destroys the human body. First of all, you need to take care of your health and think about the inevitable consequences that can occur as a result of a coma. The coma state is a difficult process, it has three stages. During the first stage, which is initial and superficial, all cortical and subcortical functions are disrupted due to a malfunction of all brain functions.

The patient loses consciousness. He is unable to feel pain, work protective reflexes absent, but despite this, a temporary revival of reflexes that slow down the muscles is recorded chest. At this stage, the body temperature is not elevated, the pupils are slightly constricted, and facial expressions are poorly expressed. Shortness of breath, tachycardia, hoarse breathing are also observed, vomiting and involuntary urination are often present. Exposure of the patient to an ammonia solution in the form of inhalation produces a facial reaction and weak defensive movements are noticed.

The second stage is characterized by deterioration of the patient’s condition and a sharp suppression of all brain functions. Complete oppression of everyone tendon centers, sharp decline pupillary, pharyngeal and cough reflexes are accompanied by a decrease in muscle tone. With strong pressure on pain points weak sensitivity of the upper and lower limbs, which goes away very quickly. At therapeutic measures, and in response to painful stimuli, muscle twitching occurs, which immediately disappears at rest.

Of all the stages of coma, the third is the most dangerous. Symptoms of neurological etiology predominate, the stage is deeper than the first and second. Its manifestation usually occurs during the most severe poisoning. The patient's condition is in deep coma, complete absence radical, pharyngeal and tendon reflexes; the pupils do not respond to their action from the outside. In this case, the skin is pale, cold, damp, and at a low body temperature. There is a rare breathing rate with interruptions, heart contractions with a very low frequency. Medical examination provided data showing that among all poisonings, alcohol leads in mortality rate.

Help with coma

If symptoms of coma appear in a patient, it is necessary to immediately call ambulance, while specialists have not arrived, the victim needs to provide assistance independently. Medical care for severe coma is the removal of alcohol from the body. Doctors stop the process of alcohol absorption from digestive system into the blood by gastric lavage using a tube. At the same time, a hypertonic glucose solution with insulin is administered intravenously.

Then it is injected into a vein saline solution, which contains glucose, insulin, soda, as well as vitamins B1, B6, and ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid helps prevent alcohol from entering the body. This composition of drugs helps the body fight the consequences caused by coma. The introduction of caffeine to the patient serves to support the work of the heart, and an injection of atropine serves to reduce salivation and helps prevent saliva from flowing into the trachea. Against the background of these complications, a disease such as aspiration pneumonia can occur.

Doctors usually prescribe antibiotic therapy to prevent the diagnosis of pneumonia, as respiratory dysfunction occurs and urgent mechanical ventilation is required.

Doctors prescribe a number of procedures that are carried out using medicines, prevent these comatose states. It is unknown how long alcohol intoxication can last, depending on the age of the person, his gender, and the amount of alcohol taken in the body.

The manifestation of severe alcohol intoxication usually occurs when a huge amount of alcohol enters the human body, as a result of which coma occurs, since a big blow is dealt to the nervous system, a decrease in blood pressure, and asphyxia can develop. You can never guess what consequences a coma will entail, very often irreversible. If the patient is not provided prompt and complex treatment, then one of the consequences will be inevitable death.

The consequences of alcoholic coma occur when alcohol abuse occurs, which often leads to alcoholic coma. With a craving for alcohol, which affects the organs human body, and is accompanied by systematic consumption of alcohol, and also forms a pathological attraction to them, physical and mental dependence, coma can occur. Which causes harm to the body and many diseases. Most often, patients die from diseases caused by this addiction.

Alcoholic coma is severe poisoning with ethyl alcohol, accompanied by loss of response to external stimuli, depression of the respiratory and nerve centers, and impaired thermoregulation.

Alcohol coma

The meaning of the word "coma" translated from Greek language- “sleep, doze.” Modern medical term“Alcohol coma” has little in common with drowsiness.

In a state of alcoholic coma, the swallowing and cough reflex is impaired, and the tone of the muscles that control the movement of the tongue is weakened. This creates dangerous conditions when the patient cannot cough up saliva or vomit that has entered the trachea.

Alcoholic coma is accompanied by respiratory depression and decreased ventilation. These signs can develop not only in patients suffering from alcoholism. A life-threatening condition can occur in a completely non-drinking person who tries alcohol for the first time.

To develop a coma, it is enough to drink 420 g of vodka. But this figure only reflects the approximate amount of alcohol that can cause a coma. This amount is different for each person, depending on the state of health, the functioning of the digestive system, and age.


The approximate concentration of alcohol in the blood that can provoke a coma is considered to be 3 g/l. When this value increases to 5 g/l, the probability of death increases many times over.

Effect on the brain

The main cause of alcoholic coma is the neurotoxic effect of ethyl alcohol on the brain. The initial excitation caused by the action of ethanol is replaced by inhibition of the activity of the respiratory center, centers responsible for the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, and thermoregulation.

Ethyl alcohol causes tissue swelling and leads to hypovolemia, a condition in which the total blood volume decreases due to loss of fluid in the body. Hypovolemia is expressed in muscle cramps, weakness, drop in temperature.

These disorders cause a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in blood viscosity. The patient develops pain in the abdomen and heart area, and loses consciousness.


Drinking alcohol causes changes in the amount of glucose in the blood. A decrease in sugar concentration occurs due to the fact that the breakdown of the ethyl alcohol molecule consumes the enzyme necessary to maintain glycogen reserves in the liver.

A sharp decrease in blood glucose levels can cause a coma when drinking alcohol. This condition can develop not only when taking strong drinks, but also when drinking wine and beer by teenagers.

Ethanol enhances insulin activity, accelerating the decrease in blood sugar levels, accelerating the development of hypoglycemic alcoholic coma (in 15% of cases). Hypoglycemia is provoked by the patient's exposure to the cold. This occurs due to an increase in glucose consumption for thermoregulation.


Acute alcohol intoxication is accompanied by disruption of the functioning of nerve centers, loss of the ability to react to what is happening, loss of consciousness and coma. Coma may develop at a concentration of 3 ppm.

This condition is life-threatening and goes through three stages in its development.

Superficial coma 1st degree

This stage is characterized by the following signs:

  • The pupils are constricted;
  • facial expressions are impaired;
  • there is a reaction to light;
  • are saved defensive reactions to inhale ammonia.

After gastric lavage at this stage of coma, the person comes to his senses. Uncomplicated superficial coma lasts up to 6 hours. This stage is called resorption. Ethanol is absorbed by the cells of the body and begins its destructive activity.

The concentration of ethyl alcohol increases at this time; if it does not exceed 5 ppm, then there is a possibility independent exit from coma. In this case, the patient's condition may improve without treatment. The amount of alcohol in the blood at this stage corresponds to 4 ppm.

Superficial coma 2nd degree

The second degree of alcoholic coma has the following characteristic symptoms:

  • Muscle tone is relaxed;
  • the protective reaction to inhalation of ammonia vapors is almost not manifested;
  • after gastric lavage the condition is not restored.

In stage 2 coma, the ethanol content in the victim’s blood reaches 6.5 ppm. How many days does this condition last? Superficial coma of the 2nd degree lasts only 12 hours, corresponds to the elimination phase, in which alcohol is gradually broken down in the body and its concentration decreases.

Deep coma

The following signs will help distinguish a deep coma in a patient:

  • Tendon-muscle reflexes are absent;
  • no pain or tactile reaction;
  • no reaction to inhalation of ammonia;
  • no reaction to light;
  • pupils are constricted;
  • breathing is impaired;
  • convulsions may occur.

The progression of coma at the first stage is quite possible to stop on our own. A victim of alcohol poisoning should have his stomach rinsed to restore his condition.

In stage 2 coma, those around you are no longer able to help the patient. He requires emergency hospitalization. At the third stage of coma, the patient must be taken to the toxicology department and assisted.


The first symptoms of a progressive alcoholic coma are manifested by changes in reflexes, sensory organs, respiratory system, loss of consciousness. In superficial coma of the 1st degree, the patient’s functions of the nerve centers of the cerebral cortex are disrupted, pain sensitivity is reduced, salivation increases, and the sphincters of the urethra relax.

Alcohol poisoning causes the heart to beat faster, but blood pressure does not yet exceed normal values. When the victim breathes, wheezing is heard and shortness of breath appears.

In superficial coma, there is an increase in muscle tone in the limbs, masticatory muscles. The patient's jaw is so tight that he cannot speak and has difficulty breathing.

Superficial alcoholic coma of the 2nd degree is characterized by a lack of muscle tone and increased blood pressure. The patient's breathing is weakened, it becomes frequent and superficial. The pulse increases to 100 beats per minute.

A symptom of deep alcoholic coma is impaired peripheral circulation, increased acrocyanosis - capillary circulation failure. Acrocyanosis is manifested by blueness of the skin of the extremities, nasolabial triangle, and pallor of the face.

The temperature drops to 35 0C, the pulse is rare, thread-like, blood flow decreases due to a decrease in blood pressure. Suffering respiratory function, the water-salt balance is disturbed, signs of heart failure and dehydration increase.

First aid

If the patient shows signs of a superficial coma, he needs to immediately call an ambulance. Bye medical workers did not arrive, the victim’s relatives must act independently and provide first aid to the patient.

With superficial coma

The victim must be placed on his stomach, turned slightly to his side, with his head hanging down slightly. In this position there is less risk of suffocation.

It is important to remember that alcohol inhibits the functioning of the thermoregulation center in the brain; the victim’s body temperature decreases. To support the body, it is necessary to provide warmth - bring the patient into a warm room, cover him with a blanket.

  • Need to wet the cloth ammonia, bring it to the patient’s face and offer to smell it.
  • Offer the patient a warm drink - weak sweet tea, milk.

With alcohol poisoning, the body becomes severely dehydrated; a warm drink is necessary to replenish the lack of fluid and restore water and electrolyte balance.

In severe coma

The deterioration of the condition of a victim of alcohol poisoning is especially dangerous if the patient has lost consciousness, does not react to what is happening, cannot swallow independently, and does not control reflexes.

Before the emergency arrives specialized assistance in the absence of breathing, begin resuscitation measures - perform artificial respiration, indirect cardiac massage.
First aid for alcoholic coma:


First medical care In case of a severe alcoholic coma, alcohol must be removed from the body and its absorption from the digestive system into the blood must cease.

To do this, the patient’s stomach is washed through a tube, and then a physiological solution containing glucose, insulin, soda, and vitamins B1, B6, and C is injected into a vein.

Vitamin C prevents the conversion of ethyl alcohol to acetaldehyde, thereby stopping the flow of ethanol into the body.

To reduce salivation, the patient is given an injection of atropine, this will help prevent saliva from flowing into the trachea. To support the work of the heart, the patient is given caffeine.

The most important task for removing the victim from an alcoholic coma is restoring ventilation. To do this you need to clean oral cavity patient from vomiting, improve patency respiratory tract by straightening the head back and applying an oxygen mask.

The patient undergoes repeated gastric lavage using a nasogastric tube. Then it is introduced through the probe activated carbon for the absorption of toxins contained in the stomach.

Patients are prescribed glucose, vitamin B1 to prevent hypovitaminosis, and drugs to restore tone blood vessels and hearts, after emerging from a coma.

Recovery period

After a coma lasting no more than 6 hours, the patient has a chance to restore health, provided, of course, he refuses to drink alcohol in the future.

If the alcoholic coma lasted more than 12 hours, the prognosis is difficult. Special attention the patient should be referred for restoration of functions circulatory system, hearts.

He needs to take vitamin complexes with minerals, restore the water-salt balance disturbed by dehydration. Drugs are required to improve liver function, blood circulation, and brain function.

You can only cope with the destructive effects of alcohol caused by coma by turning to professionals who can provide a full range of specialized medical care.


One of severe consequences alcoholic coma is myoglobinuria - damage to striated muscles due to prolonged compression by the weight of one’s own body.

Compression of muscles causes destruction muscle fibers. With myoglobinuria, myoglobin is detected in the urine, renal failure develops, manifested by anemia, hemorrhagic syndrome. IN advanced cases uremia develops.

After emerging from a coma, victims experience severe pain in constricted muscles, the surrounding tissues swell and thicken. Subsequently, degradation and muscle necrosis develop. From the respiratory system, after emerging from an alcoholic coma, pneumonia and tracheobronchitis occur.

And the central part suffers most from alcoholic coma nervous system. The consequences of coma for the cerebral cortex are simply catastrophic. After an alcoholic coma, personality degradation is almost inevitable.