If you drink Magic Staff for a long time, will it become addictive? Is there an addiction? Magic Staff Forte - description and instructions for use

Magic Staff Forte- an innovative drug for modern men, created according to recipes that were used in ancient Tibet for the treatment of sexual disorders. Capsules for the treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction are made from natural ingredients, are absolutely safe to use, and also do not cause harmful influence on the male body. The most important advantage this drug is the speed. The expected effect begins to appear after the first dose, which will especially please men who are depressed by their sexual impotence.
Composition of capsules to increase potency Magic Staff Forte:
Extract from the cartilaginous part of young sika deer antlers - 100 mg per 1 capsule.
This extract is one of the most expensive aphrodisiacs in the world, as it is extracted from the still immature antlers of a sika deer during its sexual activity. Deer antlers are most popular as a means to increase libido and increase sexual stamina. Young sika deer antlers contain 18 amino acids out of 22 known in the world, as well as many active substances, such as fat-soluble vitamins.
The most important advantage is that the antlers of the sika deer contain an analogue of male sex hormones - androgens, which can become a worthy alternative synthetic hormones.
Virilis Application Blend (Chinese Cordyceps Extract) - 180 mg per 1 capsule.
Modern researchers believe that the effect of taking Chinese cordyceps is similar to that of ginseng. Chinese cordyceps has a mild tonic property that helps to increase strength or recover from serious illnesses.
Tibetan wolfberry extract Fructus Lycii (Lycium barbarum) - 64 mg per 1 capsule.
Thanks to your unique properties, Chinese wolfberry berries have a positive effect on liver function, increase immunity, relieve fatigue and elevate mood.
Common bead seed extract (Coix Lachryma jobi) - 45 mg per 1 capsule.
This extract is used as a general sedative and also has an antihistamine effect.
In turn, bead seeds are effective in the treatment and prevention of allergies and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
Royal jelly extract - 11 mg per 1 capsule.
This is a unique component in terms of pharmaceutical action and production method. Royal jelly is collected by hand from apiaries in an ecologically safe region of mountainous Tibet. It is a powerful biogenic stimulant that has a unique tonic effect and also accelerates metabolism and cell regeneration.

Indications for use

Magic Staff Forte capsules are alternative means, which will ideally replace artificial drugs to increase potency (Cialis, Levitra, Viagra, etc.). This drug actively affects not only the psychogenic component, but also increases potency, helps to quickly restore and strengthen natural erection, which is its distinctive feature from synthetic products, causing only a mechanical erection. This drug can be used absolutely healthy men V for preventive purposes, since Magic Staff Forte promotes the active production of the main hormone male body- testosterone.

Directions for use

Oral dosage: 1 capsule 60 minutes before activity. It is recommended not to take full stomach. In this case, the action occurs faster.
If the drug Magic Staff Forte taken for the first time, the first dose is recommended in the amount of 2 capsules. In the future, you will select your individual dose yourself, depending on the effect obtained.
For more pronounced results, it is also recommended to take 2 capsules 30-60 minutes before activity.
IN medicinal purposes, when treating erectile dysfunction, it is recommended to take a course of the drug. Take 2 capsules every 5 days for a month (3 packs). Repeat the course of taking the drug after 1 month.


Contraindications to the use of the drug Magic Staff Forte are: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, cardiac arrhythmias, insomnia, high blood pressure, severe atherosclerosis.

Storage conditions

Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 C. Shelf life - 2 years.

Release form

Pack of 4 capsules of 500 mg.


1 capsule Magic Staff Forte contains: Chinese cordyceps - 140 mg; deer antlers - 120 mg; Tibetan wolfberry fruit extract - 60 mg; Common bead seed extract - 60 mg; royal jelly - 20 mg.

Basic parameters


Magic Staff Forte is an innovative drug for modern men, created according to recipes that were used in ancient Tibet for the treatment of sexual disorders. Capsules for the treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction are made from natural ingredients, are absolutely safe to use, and do not have a harmful effect on the male body. The most important advantage of this drug is its speed. The expected effect begins to appear after the first dose, which will especially please men who are depressed by their sexual impotence.

Indications for use

Magic Staff Forte capsules are an alternative remedy that will ideally replace artificial drugs to increase potency (Cialis, Levitra, Viagra, etc.). This drug actively affects not only the psychogenic component, but also increases potency, helps to quickly restore and strengthen natural erection, which is its distinguishing feature from synthetic drugs that cause only a mechanical erection. This drug can be used by absolutely healthy men for preventive purposes, since Magic Staff Forte promotes the active production of the main hormone of the male body - testosterone. The unique formula of Magic Staff capsules can help men increase their stamina in intimate matters, enrich the range of sensations from sexual intercourse, and also find strength and energy for repeated sexual intercourse.

Some of the main advantages are: absolute compatibility with alcoholic drinks, as well as complete safety for health.


1) Extract from the cartilaginous part of young sika deer antlers – 100 mg per 1 capsule.

This extract is one of the most expensive aphrodisiacs in the world, as it is extracted from the still immature antlers of a sika deer during its sexual activity. Deer antlers are most popular as a means to increase libido and increase sexual stamina. Young sika deer antlers contain 18 amino acids out of 22 known in the world, as well as many active substances, such as fat-soluble vitamins.

The most important advantage is that the antlers of sika deer contain an analogue of male sex hormones - androgens, which can become a worthy alternative to synthetic hormones.

2) Virilis Application mixture (Chinese cordyceps extract) - 180 mg per 1 capsule.

Modern researchers believe that the effect of taking Chinese cordyceps is similar to that of ginseng. Chinese cordyceps has a mild tonic property that helps to increase strength or recover from serious illnesses.

3) Tibetan wolfberry extract Fructus Lycii (Lycium barbarum) – 64 mg per 1 capsule.

Thanks to its unique properties, Chinese wolfberry berries have a positive effect on liver function, increase immunity, relieve fatigue and elevate mood.

4) Common bead seed extract (Coix Lachryma jobi) – 45 mg per 1 capsule.

This extract is used as a general sedative and also has an antihistamine effect.

In turn, bead seeds are effective in the treatment and prevention of allergies and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

5) Royal jelly extract – 11 mg per 1 capsule.

This is a unique component in terms of pharmaceutical action and production method. Royal jelly is collected by hand from apiaries in an ecologically safe region of mountainous Tibet. It is a powerful biogenic stimulant that has a unique tonic effect and also accelerates metabolism and cell regeneration.


individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The unique formula of capsules for increasing potency helps a man achieve a strong erection and sexual arousal for a period of time from 36 to 72 hours, which is unique and the most for a long time actions among others similar means. This does not mean that the male sexual organ is erect for the entire specified period of time. Maximum erection occurs only in case of desire for intimacy or during stimulation. The drug begins to act within 2-3 hours after administration, so if you have planned intimacy for the evening, it is recommended to take the drug during the day.

Magic Staff Forte capsules recommended Professional Association Andrologists of Russia (PAAR) and became the winner clinical trials V Russian Federation and Ukraine. This is the first natural preparation, which is the best alternative synthetic inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type 5.

Directions for use and doses

Pharmacological action

  • Not specified. See instructions

Description of pharmacological action

A mild, tonic that supports and maintains arousal and erection for more than 72 hours. During this time, the drug manifests its effect only if you desire intimacy. Does not cause priapism.

Clinically studied in Russia, the drug is effectively used in the treatment of chronic prostaitis, as well as in the treatment of sexual dysfunction due to diabetes mellitus and symptoms of diabetes itself.

The drug is completely safe and has no side effects, perfectly compatible with alcohol intake. Unlike popular synthetic drugs(Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and other PDE 5 inhibitors), actively affects the psychogenic component, unusually increasing libido and expanding the range of sexual sensations and orgasm.

Prolongs sexual intercourse, prevents premature ejaculation. Increases production and improves the quality of seminal fluid.


Chinese cordyceps, antlers, Chinese wolfberry fruit extract, common bead seed extract, royal jelly.

Indications for use

As a biologically active food supplement - a source of flavonoids.

Release form

capsules 500 mg; blister 4, cardboard pack 1;

Contraindications for use

Individual intolerance components,
-increased nervous excitability,
-high blood pressure,
- cardiac arrhythmia,
- pronounced atherosclerosis.

Directions for use and doses

Adults: 1 capsule in the morning during meals with water.


Not described.

Precautions for use

Storage conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

The description of vitamin Magic Staff Forte is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. To get more complete information Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Instructions for the medicine Majik Staff, contraindications and methods of use, side effects and reviews about this drug. Doctors' opinions and the opportunity to discuss on the forum.


Instructions for use

Composition of Majik staff

1 capsule contains: Chinese cordyceps (Chinese silkworm threads) - 140 mg; deer antlers - 120 mg; Tibetan wolfberry fruit extract - 60 mg; Common bead seed extract - 60 mg; royal jelly (royal jelly) - 20 mg.

Pharmacological action

Magic Staff - 100% natural, Tibetan remedy for increasing potency and improving quality intimate relationships. The composition of the drug includes plants and animal components originating exclusively from the territory of the mountainous part of Tibet. Effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. A super-potent drug without side effects creates arousal and a powerful erection for a period of more than 72 hours. This does not mean that a man's penis is erect for 72 hours. A powerful erection occurs solely depending on a man’s desire for intimacy or sexual stimulation.
Magic Staff not only provides a stable erection, but also makes you experience strong arousal. This happens because Magic Staff has a beneficial effect on all functions of the body, including psychological ones. Thanks to its unique natural composition, a Magic Staff product, has a pronounced antidepressant effect, which has a very beneficial effect on potency and sexual desire. The healing effect of the product accelerates vital processes; it does not deplete the body, but, on the contrary, saturates it with energy.
Magic Staff capsules are not medicine and therefore does not require a doctor's prescription. Compatible with alcohol intake without losing the effect. Prevents premature ejaculation.

Source of flavonoids. Has a general strengthening and mild tonic effect

Indications for use Magic Staff

Information on what Magic Staff helps with:

Sexual disorders, erectile dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation in men.

We warn you! You should not prescribe medication to yourself using the information in this section. The effect of drugs is very individual, and only a doctor should prescribe them.

Contraindications Magic Staff

Individual intolerance to dietary supplement components, increased nervous excitability, insomnia, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, severe atherosclerosis.

Directions for use and dosage: Magic Staff

Adults take 1 capsule orally 60 minutes before activity. It is recommended not to take it on a full stomach. In this case, the action occurs faster.

If you are taking the drug for the first time, we recommend the first dose of 2 capsules. In the future, you will select your individual dose yourself, depending on the effect obtained.

For more pronounced results, it is also recommended to take 2 capsules 30-60 minutes before activity.

When treating ED (erectile dysfunction), the recommended course is: 2 capsules every 5 days for a month. Total 12 capsules. Repeat the course - after 1 month.

1 capsule weighing 500 mg contains: Cordyceps extract 180 mg, Tibetan wolfberry extract 64 mg, Common bead seed extract 45 mg, Royal jelly extract 11 mg, Deer antlers powder 100 mg.

Pack of 4 pieces.

Magic Staff (Magic Staff Forte) – natural remedy to strengthen erections, increase libido, improve the quality and enhance the severity of intimate relationships.

Magic Staff forte - biologically active additive to food, a source of flavonoids. It has a general strengthening and mild tonic effect, helps improve erectile function and enhance sexual desire in men. Magic Staff is a 100% natural, Tibetan remedy for increasing potency and improving the quality of intimate relationships. The composition of the drug includes plants and animal components originating exclusively from the territory of the mountainous part of Tibet. Effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. A super-potent drug without side effects creates arousal and a powerful erection for a period of more than 72 hours. This does not mean that a man's penis is erect for 72 hours. A powerful erection occurs solely depending on a man’s desire for intimacy or sexual stimulation. Magic Staff not only provides a stable erection, but also makes you experience strong arousal. This happens because Magic Staff has a beneficial effect on all functions of the body, including psychological ones. Thanks to its unique natural composition, Magic Staff has a pronounced antidepressant effect, which has a very beneficial effect on potency and sexual desire. The healing effect of the product accelerates vital processes; it does not deplete the body, but, on the contrary, saturates it with energy.

Not described.

All plant and animal components of the drug come exclusively from the mountainous part of Tibet.

1. Deer antlers (extract from the cartilaginous part of young sika deer antlers)– 100 mg; (in 2 capsules 200 mg.)

Pharmaceutical name: Cornu Cervi Pantocrichum

A very expensive aphrodisiac ( specific remedy to awaken love passion and enhance sexual desire).

It is produced from the tissue of not yet hardened sika deer antlers - antlers - during the period of sexual activity of the deer. Deer antlers have gained the greatest popularity as a specific remedy for awakening love passion and enhancing sexual desire, although men use this drug not only for sexual disorders, but also to increase stamina.

Reindeer antlers contain a variety of pharmacological active substances, such as essential amino acids, fat-soluble vitamins.

But most importantly that the component contains an analogue of male sex hormones (androgens), being a worthy natural alternative to synthetic steroids.

The mechanism of action is realized through the vegetative nervous system, is expressed in a significant increase in sexual desire (libido).

2. Cordyceps chinensis (microscopic organism - microbe; extract from a culture of microorganisms)– 180 mg; (in 2 capsules 360 mg.)

Pharmaceutical name: Cordyseps sinensis

A traditional drug actively used in Chinese and Tibetan medicine for centuries.

Scientists believe that the effect is similar to that of another valuable Chinese tonic, Ginseng, with the difference that ginseng is a plant, and cordyceps is a microscopic organism (microbe).

Used primarily as a mild tonic to increase strength or recover from serious illness. Also helps to cure male erectile dysfunction = increases blood flow to the muscles and penis.

3. Tibetan wolfberry fruit extract– 64 mg; (in 2 capsules 128 mg.)

Pharmaceutical name: Fructus Lycii (Lycium barbarum)

100 grams fresh berries wolfberries contain:

Crude proteins 5.8 g; fat 1 g; calcium 155 mg; phosphorus 67 mg; iron 3.4 mg; carotene 3.96 mg; vitamin B1 10.23 mg; vitamin B2 20.33 mg; vitamin C 3 mg; betaine - about 1%.

Wolfberry berries increase immunity, have a mild anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate liver function, improve mood, and relieve fatigue. In addition, it has a positive effect on sperm quality. This is one of the best natural health products.

4. Common beadweed (coix) seed extract– 45 mg; (in 2 capsules 90 mg.)

Pharmaceutical name: Coix Lachryma jobi

Used as antispasmodic, enveloping, tonic, has an antihistamine effect, prescribed for the treatment of various allergic inflammations. Prescribed including inflammatory diseases bladder and urethra.

5. Royal jelly– 11 mg; (in 2 capsules 22 mg.)

An exclusive component, both in terms of production method and pharmaceutical effect. The product is collected by hand in the apiaries of mountainous Tibet - a truly environmentally friendly area.

In its action it is biogenic stimulant. It has a general tonic effect, stimulates cellular metabolism and regenerative processes, improves tissue trophism, thereby preventing aging.

Rich Source nutrients to maintain energy and health. Royal jelly important source amino acids, vitamins, minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, including sulfur - an important structural component of sperm proteins. Besides, natural source fatty acids, sugar, sterol, acetylcholine (neuronal transmitter), and contains natural antioxidants.