Where they teach dogs commands. Dog training at home: teaching basic commands. How to teach a puppy the “give paw” command at home: training and gestures

Techniques for teaching basic commands to puppies.

If you have been dreaming of a puppy for a long time, and suddenly became the owner of a soft and plush animal, you should think about socializing the animal. This means that the dog needs to be taught certain skills, this will help eliminate aggressive or overly active behavior.

In general, from the moment the baby was brought into the house. Initially, it is worth raising the dog, explaining to it where to go to the toilet and what not to do. Many problems arise with toilet training a puppy. The dog should get used to what time you walk it. Try to always go outside with your dog at the same time.

As for training, it is worth teaching the dog commands and gestures from the age of three months. By this point, the dog should know where his place is and not mess up the house.

There are two approaches to training:

  • Punishment
  • Promotion

The reward doesn't have to be a treat. You can simply pet the puppy, praise him and play with him. You shouldn't punish your dog often. To determine if your dog has learned his lesson, look at him after you punish him. If the puppy lowers his head and assumes a submissive pose, then everything is fine. If the dog grins and is indignant, you should continue to punish the dog.

You cannot beat a puppy; if you want to punish, express your dissatisfaction in a stern voice. You can grab the dog by the scruff of the neck and lift it up. Express your dissatisfaction in a harsh voice. After this, put the dog on the floor and send it to its place. You should not punish the dog for anything, or 2 hours after the harm. In this case, the dog will not be able to understand why he is being punished and will grow up aggressive.

First principles of training:

  • Accustom your puppy to a collar and leash
  • Let me get used to the nickname
  • Commands: place, come to me, fu

What treat should you give your puppy during training?

As a treat, you need to use a product that you do not give your dog often. That is, it should not be dry food. It is best if it is something sweet, for example, biscuits or dry bread. It is also allowed to give small pieces of sausage. Don't overfeed your pet harmful products. Remember, what is used for training should be rare in the dog's diet.

As soon as the puppy was brought into the house, 5-6 days after adaptation, put a collar on the dog. He may pull it off and whine. Don't give in. You can only remove the collar before going to bed. The next day, attach the leash. The puppy may grab the leash with its teeth and try to tear it out of your hands. Don’t give in, despite the puppy’s dissatisfaction, take him out for a walk on a leash.

If your puppy is 1.5 months old, he has successfully mastered his name, got used to the leash and collar, it’s time to teach him the simplest commands. There are several command blocks in total. Each block lasts approximately 3 months. That is, in 90 days the dog must master all the commands from the first block.

List of commands from the first block:

  • To me
  • Place

This is a fairly common command that can be mastered as soon as the puppy has learned the most simple commands and fulfills them unquestioningly.


  • Take a treat and call your puppy over. Let him smell the treat and gradually, slowly lift the treat over the dog’s nose.
  • After this, as the treat rises, the dog will be forced to sit down on its own. You can help the animal a little by patting it on the butt.
  • After this, say “sit” and praise the dog, pet it and give it a treat. The command is considered learned when the dog quickly follows it and sits as directed. At the same time, he does not get up until the owner says so.

How to teach a puppy the “sit” command at home: training and gestures

The teaching order is similar to the "sit" command. But still the principle itself is different.


  • Take a treat and give it to a friend to sniff
  • Now slowly lower the treat, place it on the floor, but do not let the dog eat it
  • Press down on your dog's shoulder blades until he lies down. Give a treat and praise

How to teach a puppy the “lie down” command at home: training and gestures

Teaching a dog a command is not difficult at all. But still worth knowing certain rules. You should be especially careful on the street when your dog picks up something and brings it to you. You should not immediately take away the prey and shout at the animal. It is necessary to say “ugh” even before the dog grabs some nonsense.


  • As soon as you notice that your pet is mischievous, shout “ugh” and take the dog away.
  • You need to prevent the action, it is better to do this before the offense is committed. There is no point in hitting the dog and shouting afterwards.
  • This also applies to the toilet, there is no need to punish the dog 2 hours after the Skoda, he will not understand why he is being reprimanded. As soon as you see at home that the dog is about to commit mischief, pull him away.
  • If your dog chews on your slippers, take them away and punish the dog. Shout “ew” and reprimand the animal. You need to get your pet to hang his head and take a guilty pose.

The trick is to teach the dog not to pick up anything on the street, because it could be a poisoned piece of bait. To do this, place a piece of treat in front of the dog, he will try to grab and eat it. But your task is to prevent this from happening. Shout ugh and lightly slap him in the face. You can also use a fly swatter or rolled up newspaper. Next, repeat the procedure until the dog learns to ignore the treat. After this, take a piece and give it to the dog from your own hand.

How to teach a puppy at home the command “fu”, “no”: training and gestures

The command is easy to teach; it will allow you to keep your dog in sight and instantly bring him back to you.


  • Conduct the lesson after a walk, when the dog is a little tired. This way he will be more willing to follow commands.
  • After this, when the dog is at a distance, call it by name and give it a treat. Say "to me." Pat the dog.
  • Gradually move away from the dog, that is, you need to increase the distance between the animal and yourself. Now shout the name and “come to me.” Show me the treat. Give it to your dog and praise him.

How to teach a puppy the “come to me” command at home: training and gestures

How to teach a puppy the “voice” command at home: training and gestures

This command is quite difficult to learn and optional. Dogs engaged in patrol or search service are required to bark on command. That is, the dog gives a voice when it has found something or when it has seen a stranger approaching.

The easiest way to teach the “voice” command is to dogs with a sanguine or choleric psychotype. These dogs tend to bark a lot, but it is necessary to teach the dog to be quiet and bark only when necessary. It is considered a sign of lack of training if the dog barks for no reason. The video shows how to quickly teach a dog the “voice” command.

VIDEO: Training the “voice” command

This is one of the very first commands that a dog should master. You should not allow your dog to sleep anywhere. This is especially true for the hostess’s bed. No matter how much you love your dog, you should not allow him to sleep on the bed.


  • The “Place” command is mastered immediately after the puppy gets into the house. You should bring the puppy to his mat, lay him down and say “place.”
  • In the evening, you will see that the puppy goes to sleep where it is comfortable for him. Pick up the puppy and carry it to the mat. Say “place” in a quiet voice.
  • You should not put food there; in this case, the principle of encouraging food should not be used. The dog may misunderstand you.
  • Over time, the dog may begin to carry food to this place. Therefore, there should be no associations between “place” and food.

How to teach a puppy the “place” command at home: training and gestures


  • Having said “near”, use a leash to bring the animal to your left leg, at the same time slapping it with your left palm, and position it so that its head touches your leg.
  • When he gets into this position, give the puppy a treat. For a service dog, it is critical to follow this command, walking around the owner in a circle clockwise, so it will be easier for him to take the right place.
  • Help the dog with this with a leash. The mongrel does not need to be taught to walk around its owner in a circle. She should just come and stand on the left side.

How to teach a puppy the “near” command at home: training and gestures

How to teach a puppy the “give paw” command at home: training and gestures

The command is optional and has no special value or meaning. Training a dog is quite simple. The video tells more about how to teach a dog to give a paw on command.

VIDEO: “Give me your paw” command

The “fetch” command is performed in conjunction with the “give” command. The dog must learn to obey you. To do this at home, when your dog is playing with his toy, say “give” and pull the toy. To get your dog to give it to you, distract him with a treat. Then, when the dog lets go of the toy, praise it.

Next, you should teach your dog to give you a bowl of food without resistance. This is a kind of indicator of “who is the boss of the house.” Remember, you are the master and don’t let the dog boss you around. When the dog eats, take the bowl away from him. If the dog resists, growls and grins, put pressure on his shoulder blades, pressing him to the floor. Do not release the pressure until the dog stops growling and grinning.


  • Most often, the command is carried out on the street and after the dog has mastered the “give” command. You need to take a stick or your favorite toy and throw it away, shouting “fetch.” The dog's instinct will tell you that it is worth grabbing the object.
  • Call the dog to you and on the command “give!” make him release the object from his mouth. Give a treat and praise.
  • Training service dogs happens according to approximately the same algorithm, only they are looking for a specific object. Small dogs are not usually taught the fetch command.

How to teach a puppy the “fetch” command at home: training and gestures

How to teach a puppy the “stand” command at home: training and gestures

The command to stand or lie down is a way to develop endurance in your dog. That is, do not get up from the specified position without a specific command and action. Initially, you need to teach the dog to lie down. The command is given when it is necessary to force the dog to remain motionless for 5-10 seconds. You should apply pressure on your pet's shoulder blades or back while repeating the command. Ideally, the dog should be able to lie down or sit or stand for up to 30 minutes. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Teaching the “stand” command

How to teach a puppy the “front” command at home: training and gestures

This is one of the most responsible and complex teams. Ideally, you should achieve complete obedience and submission from your dog. When the pet has stopped resisting, gives you the bowl, does not growl, fetch the stick while walking, and gives it back, you can begin teaching the “face” command. This command necessary for guard or guard breeds.

It is worth starting training when the dog is 10-12 months old. It is best to do this in a training center that has special suits and bondages. You must understand that after giving a command, the dog can harm another person, so all responsibility falls on you. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Team "fas"

Any owner of a four-legged friend should understand that not all dogs are well trained. It depends on the dog's temperament and breed. For some, it is enough to say the command once and the dog will carry it out, but for others, tedious and constant training is needed.

Best learner German shepherd and Caucasian. These breeds themselves are very smart and ready to serve their owner. The most difficult breeds to teach commands are small breeds such as Yorkies or Spitz. The nervous system of such dogs is easily excitable, so you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to train the dog.

Easy enough with poodles and labradors. All dogs should be taught commands from a certain age. Three months of age is considered ideal. But teaching the simplest skills should be done from the moment the puppy arrives at your home. The commands differ depending on the dog breed. Dogs such as a Yorkie or Spitz do not need to learn the “voice” command. But as practice shows, these dogs love to bark constantly and just like that. Therefore, so that barking does not irritate you, and you want a discreet pet, it is still worth teaching the “voice” command.

It’s not enough to have a dog and enjoy your plush friend; you need to spend a lot of effort and time adapting the dog to society.

VIDEO: Dog training


First of all, you should get used to it. For the puppy, it is associated with the “Attention!” signal. Usually the nickname is followed by an action in relation or some kind of command. Never distort the name of an animal, do not give it a diminutive or other connotation. And do not repeat it aimlessly and very often.

When you give your puppy food, give him the command “Come to me!” When he approaches, pet him or give him his favorite treat, rewarding your pet for coming to you. The command “Come to me!” Let's use a moderately affectionate but firm tone, but not in any way threatening. If the puppy does not listen to you, switch his attention and distract him. Then repeat the command, but in a clearer tone, force it to be carried out. As soon as the command is completed, pet and treat the puppy with a treat.

There are always many temptations for a growing dog. Therefore, secure from the very early age precise execution of the command “Come to me!” Reward your gourmand for each execution of a command with a cracker or a piece of sugar. If your puppy is attentive and affectionate, pet him and scratch behind the ears. A mischievous person will be delighted with playing with a ball or another hobby.

When going for a walk, stock up on treats. Give this treat to the puppy for each execution of the “Come to me!” command, then let him run further with the “Walk!” command. Just don’t call him often, otherwise the puppy will get tired and stop responding to commands. Do not call your puppy to you when you need to go home and he has not yet walked. He will quickly figure out what the matter is and next time he may not respond to your call.

There are times when a puppy happily runs up to the call for a treat, but is not given into your hands. Don't catch him, but give him a treat only when he stops near you and allows himself to be petted.

If your dog misbehaves while away from you, do not punish it after calling. Dogs have a short memory, so your puppy can correlate the punishment with the approach to the call. If a dog needs to be punished, then this should be done by approaching from behind and catching it while committing an offense or immediately after it. If the puppy is away from you, throw something light at him so that he immediately notices you and calls him. As soon as the puppy approaches, you can reprimand him, but in the end you need to reward him for approaching and cuddle him. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve obedience.

Video on the topic

If you decide to get a dog, then remember that a dog is not just a friend, a protector, or, as is often the case in lately maybe an accessory. This is an intelligent animal that needs to be raised and trained, otherwise instead true friend you will get an ill-mannered and disobedient bully who will not be so easy to deal with. A dog must obey its owner unquestioningly. To achieve this, from the first days the dog is in your home, start working with it and training it. How to do this is in the instructions below.


Learn to respond to your name. This is the first and most important thing to teach your four-legged friend. To make it easier to learn how to respond to a nickname, choose a short and sonorous name for it. A monosyllabic one, like Rex, is best. When communicating with a dog, try not to distort its name, otherwise it will simply get confused. Do not repeat the nickname before each command - in this case, the command will be executed only after its nickname is called.

Train your dog to use a collar, leash and muzzle. Start accustoming your little one to the collar - at first he will not like the collar, but then he will get used to it. Start your walks on a long walk so that nothing restricts the puppy’s movements. Do not allow your dog to chew on the leash or play with it.

When your dog gets older, start training him to wear a muzzle. To do this, first put something tasty in the muzzle - let the dog feel that the muzzle is not scary and can be trusted. If the dog doesn't like the muzzle at all, play with it while it's in it, feed it something tasty through it.

The first and fairly simple command that you need to teach your dog is the “Come to me” command. To teach it to your dog, while walking you say: “Come to me!” and at the same time gently pull the dog towards you. Do not constantly repeat the dog’s name and do not hurt it in any way. Over time, the dog will understand what you want from it and learn the command.

The next simple command that will be very useful is the “Ugh!” command. You will say it when you want to stop some unwanted behavior from your dog. In order to teach your dog a command, choose a place where there are some irritants (for example, pigeons in the park or something else). When the dog tries to approach the object, pull the leash toward you and say, “Ugh!” The moment the dog stops paying attention to the object, give it something tasty and praise it.

Now that the dog has mastered the most basic commands, begin teaching more complex ones. For example, the command “Sit”. To teach your dog this command, say: “Sit!” and sit the dog down on the ground. For a completed command, treat your dog with a treat.

Teach your dog the “Place” command. The dog must have its own place, for example, a bedding, where you will send it, so that it does not get in the way and does not play around. In order for the dog to master the command, place a treat on the bedding and say: “Place!” and push the dog towards the bedding. Continue to do this every day until the dog understands the command.

You can teach your dog many more useful commands: “Voice!”, “Give me a paw!”, “Lie down!” and so on. The main thing is focus and systematicity. Teach your dog patience and learn it yourself if you want to achieve good results. Good luck to you!

Video on the topic

Well trained service breeds dogs - shepherds and labradors. From time immemorial, during the selection of these species, individuals were selected that best understood and carried out human commands. There are also quite intelligent and easily trained mongrels, schnauzers, fighting and guard dogs. You can train almost any dog, the main thing is to know the basic principles of training.


When you place a bowl of food on the floor, call your dog by name. Very soon your pet will understand his name and will come running to you when you say his name.

The second required lesson is the “fu” command. When the puppy starts chewing your furniture or legs or barking at random, be sure to say “ugh” or “no” in a stern voice. Gently remove the object from your puppy's mouth or close his jaws with your hand if he barks. Be firm, but not harsh.

If the puppy does not understand the words and continues to be mischievous, you can lightly slap him on the back with a newspaper. Do not hit him with your hand under any circumstances. Firstly, you can harm your pet severe pain. And secondly, the dog may become angry with you and generally refuse to follow commands.

The next lesson is the “sit” command. Take a treat in your hand and call your dog to you. Raise the food above the dog's head. With the other hand, gently press on the sacrum, repeating “sit.” Very quickly the puppy will understand what is required of him.

The “down” command is taught in almost the same way. Just first press the dog on the sacrum so that he sits down. And then gently stretch your paws forward so that she lies down. Repeat the command “lie down.” If done correctly, reward your pet with a tasty morsel.

The “fetch” command can be taught to a puppy during the game. Throw the dog a ball or a stick. At the same time, say “fetch” loudly and clearly. When the puppy takes the object in his teeth, call him to you. If he came and brought the right thing, give him a tasty piece.

When training your dog, be gentle but persistent. Don't let your puppy get the better of you. From the first days of being in the house, the dog should feel that you are the leader. Otherwise, when the dog matures, he may become aggressive and harm family members.

Training a puppy is a very responsible task that will require patience, endurance and special knowledge from you. You can start classes when your pet is one and a half to two months old. To achieve results in training your dog, you need to know several basic principles of training.


“Come to me!”
When the puppy is not doing something, call him. If your pet doesn’t run up right away, don’t get annoyed or nervous. Call him until he obeys the command. When the goal is achieved, praise your pet well. Give your dog a treat and pet him. Repeat the exercise several times, just don't overdo it. The first workouts should be no more than 10-15 minutes.

You can teach your puppy this command at the same time as the command “Come to me!” As soon as your pet runs up to you and receives a well-deserved treat and affection, release him and command: “Go for a walk!”

IN right hand take the treat and squeeze it thumb. Call your dog and let him smell the treat. At the same time, hold your hand with an open palm facing forward next to the puppy’s nose. When the puppy becomes interested, slowly raise your hand and place it behind the puppy's head. He will have to sit down because the treat is above his head. If the pet twirls around a lot, jumps, or tries to get the treat with its paws, hold it from below by the collar with your left hand. Saying the “sit” command is useless for now; there is no need to command it during the first training session. When the puppy sits down, immediately say “good” and please him with a treat and petting.

It is necessary to move on to mastering this command after the well-learned command “Sit!” When the puppy sits, bring the treat to his nose and as soon as he reaches for it, move your hand forward and down, while pressing on the withers. Most likely, you will have to repeat this exercise more than once before your pet begins to obey the command, but be decisive and do not stop there.

This command is quite complex for young dog. The workout should be done at home. It will be easier for your pet to learn the command if you hide treats or toys under the bedding. Then the dog’s definition will be fixed: “place” is interesting and pleasant, and he will gladly carry out the command.

Dog training is of paramount importance in education pet. Studying a basic course of commands not only makes it easier to control the animal, but also establishes good contact between the owner and the dog. In the process of training a dog, the owner himself develops and learns correct interpretation animal behavior. All this, combined with the pet’s obedience, ensures a problem-free tandem – man-dog.

You will need

  • - leash;
  • - a treat.


According to tradition, at the beginning general course training, “Sit” is studied. Take the treat in your hand and show it to your pet. Then slowly raise your hand with the treat, slightly behind your head. At this point say “Sit.” In order not to lose sight of the treat, she will be forced to sit down. Immediately repeat the command, then praise and give her a tasty piece. Repeat these steps immediately and after 10-15 minutes. In the future, to consolidate, practice the “Sit” command 4-6 times during the day.

The “Lie down” command is learned using a similar method. Holding the treat in your hand where your dog can see it, lower your hand in front of your dog's nose toward the floor and say “Down.” Reaching for a treat, she will lie down. Repeat the command several times and give the treat.

The “Place” command is very important in everyday life; you should start practicing it after learning the “Sit” command. To indicate a place, you can use your dog’s home bed or any of your things if the command is being practiced during a walk. When studying at home, take a treat in your hand, show it to the dog and command “Place.” At the same time, bring your hand to your pet’s bed, place a tasty piece on it, repeating the command. When the dog ends up on the bed while going for a piece, praise him and let him eat the treat. Place her in this place with the “Sit” command and hold for a few seconds, again praise her for her endurance and release her from her place with the “Walk” command.

Useful advice

If you cannot find an approach to the dog or your pet is a representative of an extremely serious breed, consult a dog trainer. Perhaps it will be more useful for you to study under his guidance.

Positive reinforcement of the dog should be done no later than 3-4 seconds after a correctly performed action. Otherwise, the expected effect of consolidating the team will not happen.

Tip 6: Dog training at home: simple rules and techniques

Training a dog involves teaching it discipline, some exercises, and commands. You need to start preparing from the first day your pet arrives in the house. The dog must learn one thing important rule- Always obey your master.

Teaching first commands

The first call signs that you need to familiarize the puppy with are: “Come to me!”, “Place!”. The owner must pronounce them in a commanding voice to interest the pet. After correct execution encouragement should follow in the form of petting, the word “Okay” or treats. Teaching the word “Place” should be accompanied by showing that very place of residence. This should be a bedding or rug that the dog will get used to over time.

The command “Come to me” is repeated along with the nickname. If the dog is walking very slowly, then you need to run back, this will speed up its movement. Violent actions are unacceptable here; they can only shake the animal’s nervous system. There is no need to feed your dog before training; it is better to let him be a little hungry.

At two months you can already switch to the new command “Sit”. You need to take a treat, call your pet, raise the goodies to such a height that the dog can only see them while sitting. When the pet sits, you need to loudly give the command “Sit” and feed it. If the dog does not want to sit, then you can push it slightly. The command “Lie down” is given from a sitting position. At first, you need to hold the dog by the withers and push the front paws forward, while repeating the command and do not forget to reward. The “Stand” command is trained from a lying position. The animal must be held by the belly and raised to its feet, giving the appropriate command.

At three months, the skill of walking next to the owner is already developed. For these purposes you need short leash. The dog must walk left side from a person. While moving, when the dog moves away, you need to command “Nearby”, tighten the leash, then loosen it so that the dog can move freely. Repeat the action when the animal moves away.

The need for timely training

If the owner has not started training before a year, then you can end up with a completely uncontrollable animal. Of course, you can take care of a pet after a year, but it will be more difficult. The above commands can actually be learned on your own. But only an experienced instructor will help you complete a more complex training course.

Video on the topic

Anyone who decides to have a four-legged friend always faces the question of how to teach a dog commands. First of all, you need to decide for yourself why you will train your dog. After all, every person, having a pet, pursues his own goals. One needs an affectionate friend, another needs a faithful guard, and someone is looking for a companion for sports.

Why does a dog need to know commands?

A dog living in the company of people must be trained so that its behavior does not cause inconvenience to either the owner or others. Agree, it is very unpleasant when your beloved dog, having met your good friends on a walk, without a twinge of conscience, joyfully puts his dirty paws on your friend’s clean clothes. Or when your husky chases the neighbor’s cat into a tree, digs a hole right in the middle of a well-groomed flowerbed, raises its paw in the entrance, or barks at a woman with a baby passing by.

This article is devoted to how to teach a dog commands and what is needed for this. This way your shaggy friend will become a pleasant companion with whom you are not ashamed to go out in public.

What commands should you teach your dog?

Of course, what your pet will be accustomed to depends on you. But it is generally accepted that trained dog must know: “Place!”, “Lie down!”, “Come to me!”, “Nearby!”, “Sit!”, “Stand!”, “Aport!”, “Ugh!”. Well, it’s up to you to decide what to teach your dog.

How to quickly teach a dog the commands “Come to me!” and “Place!”

An obedient and well-mannered dog should come to you at the first call or order. “Come to me!” - this is the most core team, your “pupil” will hear it more often than any others. Before we begin training, we will discuss with you how to teach your dog the “Come!” command. and “Place!”

The dog must be confident that approaching its owner will always end in something good for it. Either they will give you something tasty, or they will pet you. You are required to ensure that your dog does not agree to exchange the call of his beloved owner for anything else.

To teach your dog the “Come!” command, hold something tasty in your hand. While at a distance of about two meters from the animal, call it by name and show it a treat. When your pet pays attention to you, say his name and order: “Come to me!” For example: “Dick, come to me!”

Encourage the dog heading in your direction. Be sure to pet the dog that comes up to you and reward it with a treat. After some time, when the command “Come to me!” will be firmly internalized by your pet, replace the treat with praise and affection.

Remember! You should never use the command “Come to me!” if you want to call the offending dog in this way and punish it. This can harm your animal's psyche!

Once you bring your puppy into your home, be sure to give him his own place. This could be a basket or shallow box. The main thing is that the puppy feels safe there.

Never disturb the puppy if he has gone to his place to rest. Only in in rare cases you can pull him out of the corner in order to scold or punish him for doing something dirty.

Such intrusions into the dog's territory deprive it of a sense of security and make it nervous. If you have children, do not allow them to approach the puppy while he is in his place. Such unceremonious intrusions tire dogs, make them nervous and timid.

Explain to children that a dog is not a toy, but living creature who needs rest and peace. Teach children to wait for the animal to come out of its corner on its own.

In order to accustom the puppy to his place, simply pick him up and take him to the corner assigned to him, accompanying these actions by repeating the command “Place!” Repeat these steps several times throughout the day. Until the dog understands what is required of him.

How to teach your dog the commands “Give!” and “Aport!”

Dog training is not an easy task. And before you start, you need to figure out how to do it more effectively. To answer the question of how to teach a dog the commands “Fetch!” and “Give!”, we just need to remember their natural inclinations.

In nature wild dogs bring prey to their lair. In order to feed the offspring and eat ourselves. A puppy living in the house, having received a bone or found an old shoe, will definitely drag the prey to its corner. And on a walk in a field or forest, he will be happy to bring his finds to you. With the help of training, you just need to develop the dog’s natural inclinations.

Start teaching the puppy the command “Fetch!” possible from a very tender age. Just throw a small ball or soft toy in the room next to him. The baby will definitely run after the toy and grab it with his teeth.

After that, call him with the command “Come to me!”, and when he runs up to you, gently stroke him and at the same time praise him with delight in your voice. Don't forget that dogs are very sensitive to both the mood and expression of emotions of their owner. So praise as enthusiastically as possible.

After praising the puppy, command “Give!” and carefully, but at the same time decisively, release the brought toy from his teeth. But under no circumstances make sudden jerks or use force.

After picking up the toy, praise your pet and immediately throw it back, encouraging him to bring it to you again. This way, your puppy will soon understand that in order for the game to continue, you need to give the toy to the owner.

Having learned how to teach a dog commands, “Fetch!” including, hurry to apply knowledge in practice. A dog is best trained in infancy.

How to quickly teach your dog the command “Sit!” And


Training is complex procedure, which will require a lot of patience and endurance from you. Before we figure out how to teach a dog the commands “Sit!”, “Place!”, let us remind you why they are needed.

Teaching your pet the commands “Sit!” and “Place!” - this is extremely useful method for initial training. Knowing them will help protect your pet from injury and sometimes death under the wheels of a car.

The easiest way to teach a dog is the command “Sit!” To do this, you need to simultaneously say “Sit!” and press your palm on the croup of the dog standing next to you, forcing it to sit. As soon as your four-legged sits down, immediately give him a treat and praise him.

To reinforce the skill during a walk, call the watchdog and, praising him for coming up to you, order him to sit down. Don't forget to reward your pet for accurately following the command. This way you will strengthen your dog’s new skills.

Features of the learning process

A dog is an animal that is very trainable. Using the command “Sit!” make your pet sit down. Place your palm in front of his nose. Without removing your palms, say “Place!” and stand facing him. Hold the leash with your free hand and prepare to yank the moment he starts to walk away. If the dog does get up, start practicing the command all over again.

Your dog must obey you. To do this, you need to get the animal to respond to the command “Sit!”/ “Place!” it immediately sat down and did not move, even if you moved away from it.

Once the dog understands exactly what you want from it, place the leash on the floor and gradually move away. Do not lower your hand so that it remains in the dog’s field of vision. Order “Sit! Place!" as many times as necessary. Gradually increase the distance between you and the dog.

Should a dog be taught the commands “Fast!” or “Take it!”?

It is known that no one loves aggressive dogs. Especially if it is a family pet and will be in frequent contact with children. Despite this, many owners of four-legged friends, especially large breeds, are thinking about how to teach a dog the commands “Fast!” or “Take it!” so that their dog, on their order, would boldly rush to the defense of its owner.

Training must be carried out only under the guidance of a competent canine instructor.

There is no need to try to provoke aggression in your dog on your own. This will harm her psyche. Not to mention the fact that not every breed of dog is suitable for training guard skills.

It must be said that any dog, devoted to its owner, boldly rushes to his defense even without training in the “Take!” command. But there are also exceptions. It wouldn’t hurt to learn how to teach your dog the commands “Fast!” and “Take it!”, and, if necessary, apply this knowledge in practice. We hope that you will not need this in everyday life.

Teaching a dog the command “Fu!”

Often puppies start playing naughty and try to tear the pillow, pull off the blanket, and so on. Team "Ugh!" - this is what your puppy hears from early childhood. As soon as your little dog starts doing something inappropriate, sternly say “Ugh!” and to reinforce your words, lightly slap him in the face.

But keep in mind that the slap on the face should be light. It is best to use rolled up newspaper for these purposes. Never cause your puppy severe pain. This can intimidate the dog.

Only small puppies should be given a nose tap. A teenage dog can be pulled back with a sharp tug on the leash. Most effective way punishment for an older dog is to take it by the collar, lift it and shake it properly. Don't forget to say "Ugh!"

It must be said that this is practically the same way that a mother dog raises insolent puppies.

Teaching your dog the commands “Voice!” and “Nearby!”

During a walk, it is advisable for the dog to walk alongside and not try to catch up with some cat. This is especially true big dogs. You want this, but you don’t know how to teach your dog the commands “Voice!” or “Nearby!”? It's actually very simple. To teach your dog the “Voice!” command, sit him down and raise a treat over his head. Hold the treat high up so he can't reach and snatch it from your hands.

At the same time say: “Voice!” As soon as four-legged friend makes a sound, immediately give him a treat and praise him. Some dogs do not immediately understand what is required of them. Most often they try to jump up to get a tasty morsel. As soon as your pet tries to jump, tell him: “Ugh! Sit!" And repeat the lesson from the beginning.

It happens that instead of barking loudly, an animal begins to timidly yelp or whine. This should also be rewarded. Over time, the dog will learn to bark loudly. Now you know how to teach your dog commands (“Voice!” and others)? There is very little left.

As for the next one, it's a little more complicated. But before you learn how to teach your dog the commands “Near!” and “Voice!”, you need to know why this is needed. They will be needed when you need your pet to walk calmly next to you without a leash or start barking to attract attention.

This command should be taught on a walk, when your animal is running around and is slightly tired. While your dog is walking next to you on a leash, do not let it run ahead or trail behind you. Easily pull it back or pull it towards you, while simultaneously saying: “Near!”

If your dog walks closely next to you for any length of time, encourage him with praise and a treat. Such training should be carried out every day.

When your pet understands what you want from him and the skill is reinforced, continue training without a leash.

How to properly teach a dog to commands?

Many owners of watchdogs ask the dog handler: “How to teach a dog to commands?” But there is nothing super complicated about this. To ensure that your pet learns new skills well and gets used to performing them without question, train every day. Exercise at home and on the go. Classes must be regular. Make your pet happy and don't tire him out with training. It's best to do it in between.

What commands to teach your dog is up to you, but do not forget to call the animal from time to time and order it to perform the trick you are learning. For good job Don't forget to thank them with a treat. Now you know how to teach your dog commands.

But finally, I would like to add that regular exercises combined with affection, care and good care will do their job. And in the end, as a reward for your work, you will receive a perfectly trained, loyal friend and protector.


The first thing you should learn is his nickname. The dog must know its name. Until she begins to respond to him, you should not teach her anything.

Training should begin with the command “Come to me.” She is the most important. An approach to the owner should always be perceived only with positive feelings. The “Come to me” command is very easy to teach a puppy. When you call your puppy to you, say this command, for example: “Jack, come to me!” To make the puppy come faster, attract his attention, for this you can clap your hands or knock on the floor.

The puppy should be accustomed to and taken for a walk after all the necessary vaccinations. Choose a soft leather collar, its width should be 2-2.5 cm. A long leash made of leather is better. First, put a collar on the puppy and leave it until the evening. Then you can fasten the leash and go for a walk. Go in the direction the puppy wants, not you. Never tug or pull on the leash, as this may cause negative perception of the collar and leash and may result in injury. Over time, the pet will get used to the leash and will perceive it as a signal to go for a walk.

Now start learning the “Nearby” command. It is very difficult to accustom it, especially for inexperienced dog owners. On a walk, when the puppy runs around, take him by the leash. Lead him to your left. In your right hand, hold a treat or his favorite toy. Start the movement, while holding the treat at the level at which the puppy should walk, and repeat the command “Nearby”. Do not pull the leash under any circumstances; the pet must walk on its own. If the dog walks at least a few meters correctly, then praise him and give him a treat. Trying not to overtire the puppy, repeat everything from the beginning. After a few days, start going without the treat. Don't forget to praise him if he does everything right. Never get angry or scold your pet if it doesn’t work out. After a few days of training, he will learn.

After the puppy has fully mastered the “Near” command, proceed to teaching the “Sit” command. After giving your pet the “Near” command, walk a few meters and stop. Show the puppy a treat and hold it above your head so that it sits, while saying the command “Sit”. As soon as he sits, praise him and give him a treat. Repeat these steps 3-4 more times. During the next lessons, do without treats. After mastering this command while walking, begin practicing it without the “Near” command. To do this, call the puppy to you and say the command “Sit”. Perhaps the dog will sit down right away, if this does not happen, help him by raising the treat above his head. Repeat several times with a treat, and then without it. Over time, the pet will learn this command and will carry it out in any case.

To teach your puppy the “Lie Down” command, take a treat in your right hand, place your left hand on your pet’s shoulder blades, and release the treat down so that the puppy lies down, while saying the “Lie Down” command. The dog should be on your left. Do not put pressure on your puppy's back or force him to lie down. When your pet lies down, hold him in this position for a few seconds without unclenching your hand with the treat. Then give the treat and praise the puppy. To consolidate the result, repeat these steps several times.

When teaching the “Stay” command, the puppy should be in a lying or sitting position to your left. Take the treat in your right hand, and place your left hand under your pet’s belly. Bring a treat to the dog's nose, say the command "Stay" and lift the treat up and forward so that the puppy stands up. Repeat these steps until you achieve results.

The desire to caress, pamper and simply love little puppy quite natural and more pleasant than the desire to educate him. Why? Because at first this little living and so defenseless lump is simply pitiful. It is not clear how and what can be taught to him at such a tender age. He'll grow up...

The biggest mistake new owners make is waiting for the puppy to grow up. This will happen much faster than you think, and by that time the grown-up puppy will begin to train you. The age of a dog is not comparable to the age of a person, so we must know how our puppy grows and develops.

A 2-3 month old puppy is quite ready to absorb information at the level of a 4-5 year old child. Training a puppy is a process that is necessary from the first days of being in the house. Let these be the simplest commands: “Place”, “Lie down”, “No”, “Ugh”, “Come to me”. By 6 months, the puppy will have already mastered them, and during a walk you will only have to consolidate the results obtained.

A 6 month old puppy is approximately the same age as a 10 year old child. Active exploration of the surrounding world continues. The puppy is already more confident in himself, and he is capable of more complex tasks - the commands “Sit”, “Stand” and “Near”. Perseverance is still not enough, but everything is remembered quite quickly. Gradually you can teach your puppy to fetch. And, of course, all classes should be carried out in the form of a game, making sure to take breaks and not overtire the puppy. After all, at such a young age he nervous system extremely mobile.

Classes should be alternated with playing with other dogs, communicating with people and walking in different places unfamiliar to the puppy. This allows him to be socialized and accustoms him to obedience in different conditions and unfamiliar places.

The biggest mistake new owners make is waiting for the puppy to grow up. This will happen much faster than you think, and by that time the grown-up puppy will begin to train you.

From 6 to 10 months, the puppy turns into a young dog. His teeth have already changed. He is physically stronger and puberty forces him to decide on his status in his own pack - your family. This is where what you painstakingly put into his young head from the first days of his life in your house will come in handy.

The main task is to explain to the young dog that you, the owner, are the leader of the pack. That all family members, including the youngest and the oldest, have unquestioned authority. And that from now on the dog will be treated with respect, but not equal. If the owner was able to set priorities correctly, without humiliating the dog or treating it rudely, then the dog will grow up obedient, even if it has not undergone special training courses.

It is important to remember that a dog, like a person, values ​​justice. She will humbly accept punishment if it is on time and for the cause. Will gladly accept praise. He will appreciate the owner's respect and will not forgive lies.