How to do douching with soda solution to conceive a baby at home. Soda solution for douching

Douching with soda

Douching is cleaning with various herbs, medicines, and in our case, soda, washing the vagina. Douching with a soda solution is intended for girls and women who have certain problems, diseases associated with disruption of the vaginal microflora. Douching can also serve as preventive measures to combat diseases and infections associated with the female reproductive system. A solution of soda for douching is used to protect against unwanted pregnancy However, as is often the case, contraceptives can also serve to stimulate pregnancy. In our case douching with soda serves as aid for conception. In this article we will consider the following questions:

  • What are the contraindications for douching with soda and who should not douche with soda at all?
  • What happens in the body of a woman or girl when douching with soda
  • Douching as a method conducive to conception
  • How to prepare a solution for douching with soda and when to do it?

The main thing to remember is that Before starting the procedure, be sure to consult your doctor, whom you trust, and even better, get tested to find out for sure whether douching with soda will harm you.

Contraindications and important points of douching with soda:

  • No way don't douche soda for conception, if you have suspicions or have already been diagnosed with cervical erosion!
  • When to douche, at this stage of time or trying to get pregnant, alcohol is contraindicated. This applies not only to women, but also to men.
  • Doctors do not advise during the douching period take baths with elevated temperature water, so if you like to swim in “boiling water”, you will have to be patient. And of course saunas too.
  • Maintain good hygiene. Rinse the syringe well before and after the procedure. Otherwise, the effect will be completely opposite. Not only will you not improve the condition of the vaginal microflora, but you will also introduce all sorts of sores and bacteria to yourself. So be careful with disinfection.
  • As a replacement for douching, you can, but first consult your doctor.

What happens during douching with soda?

The process of douching produces a change in the acid-base balance in a woman’s body, and particularly in the vagina. Depending on changes in the balance of microelements, douching can either promote or inhibit the development and reproduction of microorganisms. Therefore, it is very important to consider your personal condition. The condition of your body. Therefore, there are clear cases when douching with soda is extremely undesirable:

  • in case of inflammation of the reproductive system
  • during pregnancy
  • immediately after birth

Douching with soda as a procedure to promote conception. How to douche with soda correctly?

When to douche with soda for conception? Of course, douching is used after sexual intercourse, as, on the contrary, a method of contraception against pregnancy and unwanted conception. However, if we talk about this method, it is extremely ineffective, since it is almost certain that the sperm will reach the target much faster than you have time to neutralize them.

But if we talk about douching as a method for successfully getting pregnant, then everything is more effective here. This is a method just for those couples who are unable to get pregnant, despite the fact that both partners are fine and there are no diseases as such, the tests are normal. Future parents are wondering: what is the reason? And the reason may be very simple. More likely The microflora in the female body is too acidic and therefore very successfully destroys hordes of sperm on the way. So, douching with soda is used precisely for this: to neutralize such an overly oxidized vaginal environment in order to create a more favorable conditions for sperm. So you can try everything on yourself, but let me remind you once again that you definitely consult a doctor. So, how does douching with soda happen?

How to prepare a soda solution for douching with soda and what to do after?

How to douche with soda for conception? The whole procedure takes place as follows:

  1. quench half a teaspoon of baking soda with boiling water
  2. dissolve the resulting quenched soda in warm water, volume 1 liter
  3. pour the resulting solution into a syringe, which can be purchased at any pharmacy
  4. sit or lie down in the bath (if you have one, if not, not necessarily in the bath) and slowly introduce the entire volume of the solution into the vagina.
  5. the procedure must be carried out half an hour before sexual intercourse.
  6. Douching with soda for conception is best done from the 11th to the 18th day of the cycle. You can read about it. You can also search online or download the iPhone or Android app to find optimal period for yourself, when the likelihood of getting pregnant is greatest.
  7. After douching with soda, be sure to rinse the syringe thoroughly in order to minimize the likelihood of bacteria developing. Before douching, you also need to rinse well.

Finally, I would like to once again emphasize the need for observation by a doctor. And only if there are no contraindications for you, you can try this method as it promotes conception :) Believe, don’t lose hope, and you will definitely succeed! It will also help identify problems with your husband, maybe this is the problem. We hope this article will help you get answers to your questions. By the way one more good way control the microflora - this is also. You can find all this on ours! And also, for those who became pregnant after douching with soda, you are welcome to unsubscribe in the comments and tell your story :)

Douching with soda for conception is an effective method that is used by women to speed up the process of pregnancy. Despite all the effectiveness, it is important to know the basics of how to douche with soda for conception. Improper implementation of the procedure can lead to irritation and various side effects.

The whole secret is that getting soda into the vagina creates the most favorable environment for pregnancy. As a rule, the acidity of a woman’s microflora decreases with the onset of ovulation, but in practice this does not always work.

A woman’s microflora always remains acidic, and the use of soda helps bring it to neutral levels. This increases your chances of getting pregnant because when increased acidity sperm die without reaching their goal. This is the main reason why pregnancy does not occur, even if both partners do not have any diseases or pathologies.

Features of the procedure

To carry out the procedure, you need to create a soda solution for douching for conception. You should take a spoonful of soda and dissolve it in a liter of water. The liquid must be boiled and purified, and its temperature, ideally, must reach normal temperature person. This volume is enough for just one procedure. To insert contents into the vagina, an ordinary rubber bulb is sufficient, which must be sterilized before starting.

How to do douching correctly

Before carrying out the procedure, you must carefully familiarize yourself with how to do douching with soda correctly for conception.

Washing should occur according to a number of rules, including:

  • you should clearly know the period of ovulation. If you administer the solution a few days before the start, this enhances the effect several times and increases the chances of conception. Experts also recommend using the liquid for several days after ovulation;
  • reviews of soda for conception indicate that the procedure should not be repeated more than once a day, and should not be used during the period of ovulation. This negatively affects the vaginal microflora and can lead to disorders;
  • Douching can be done in two ways: sitting on the toilet or in the bathroom. The first method is intended for those women who have previously undergone similar procedures. The second is suitable for beginners, and with it you need to spread your legs wide;
  • if it is difficult for a girl to do douching herself, her partner can help her;
  • It is not recommended to have sex immediately after the procedure; this should take at least 30 minutes. Failure to comply with this recommendation may result in allergic reaction at the partner's. To reduce risks, it is better to wipe the penis with a herbal tincture;
  • before making love, the partner needs to take an additional shower, because when the acidity of the microflora decreases, the likelihood of exposure to harmful microorganisms increases;
  • a woman, in turn, after sexual intercourse, will be able to wash herself no earlier than an hour later. This is necessary to increase the chances of getting pregnant, because during this time the sperm reach their goal.

You should also not use douching too often, because the consequence of this can be a disruption of the natural microflora of the vagina or even drying it out.

Additionally, the procedure can also help with thrush, however, it does not cure the disease, but only helps to temporarily eliminate all unpleasant symptoms.

Contraindications for the procedure

Reviews about douching with soda for conception indicate that this method is not suitable for everyone. However, in addition to the fact that the remedy may simply not work on a particular girl, there are a number of recommendations when you have to abandon the process:

  1. Infectious diseases.
  2. Availability inflammatory processes.
  3. Erosion.
  4. Low acidity.
  5. Postpartum period.
  6. Disturbance of microflora.
  7. Individual intolerance to the substance.

It is important to additionally consult with your doctor before the procedure and undergo full examination before starting, to make sure that douching cannot harm the woman’s health.

Unpleasant effects may be as follows:

  • Health problems. Due to too frequent exposure to the microflora, all those infections that were hidden can suddenly become inflamed. Due to the fact that resistance to bacteria will also decrease, inflammatory processes may begin.
  • Burning and itching caused by excessive vaginal dryness.
  • The occurrence of benign tumors. This effect is quite rare, but it is also worth knowing about this risk.

Such side effects often occur solely due to the fact that the patient does not comply with the specialist’s recommendations or does not follow the instructions for use.

In addition, doctors have proven that douching can help in the following cases:

  1. at high rates acidity;
  2. with a small amount of sperm, due to which sperm cannot independently lower the pH level;
  3. a decrease in acidity does not occur even during the period of ovulation;
  4. in the vaginal environment, sperm are destroyed or die.

It is also important to remember that douching may not help from the first cycle; sometimes it has to be used several times in a row. It is believed that only in these cases the procedure will have results, and in others it is strictly not recommended.

Opinion of gynecologists

Gynecologists insist that before starting such a course it is worth undergoing a full examination and finding out the causes of infertility. If none have been identified, it is recommended to carry out additional tests which will help determine whether the girl has any contraindications to douching.

It is important to consult with your doctor not only regarding douching itself, but also dosages and frequency of use. The doctor will be able to give additional recommendations to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

According to experts, simple steps will help speed up the process:

  1. Completely clear your diet of harmful substances, including sweet, fatty and fried foods, switch to proper nutrition.
  2. Play sports, but do not do it too actively, because physical exercise exhausting.
  3. Avoid visiting places with high humidity and temperature at the same time, for example, baths and saunas.
  4. Forget about bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol.
  5. The water temperature in the shower should not exceed room temperature.
  6. You should avoid tight underwear or trousers and give preference to natural fabrics.
  7. Avoid caffeine.
  8. You need to start the procedure only after completing the course of taking any medication.
  9. A woman should add dairy products to her diet, which only strengthen the acidity of the vaginal microflora.

There is also an opinion that douching with soda helps to conceive a boy, but reviews from doctors cannot confirm or refute this fact. The thing is that chromosomes alone are responsible for the sex of a child, but real examples it can be seen that this method is indeed effective in some cases.

In conclusion

Thus, douching with soda for conception can be considered effective method, because even experts admit that the procedure can have an impact. What is important is only a preliminary examination of both partners, and then careful use of the product.

If douching is done strictly according to the instructions, it will not lead to any negative results for the health of the woman and her partner, but will only speed up the process of conception.

Douching with soda for conception is one of the most famous folk methods used by women who dream of motherhood. This procedure can really speed up conception. To get the desired result, you need to know how to properly prepare the solution and carry out the procedure. Manipulation is effective even if there is various diseases. Official medicine focuses on the inconsistency of douching. This method has a number of contraindications. Improper use of soda can lead to side effects. Before turning to traditional methods, you need to undergo an examination to find out the causes of infertility and identify contraindications to certain manipulations, including douching.

Before starting douching, you should consult a specialist.

How can baking soda help speed up conception? It helps create a vaginal environment that is considered most favorable for pregnancy. Normally, the vaginal microflora has an acidic pH. This is a kind of protective barrier female organs. They cannot develop in such an environment pathogenic microorganisms. Microflora with high acidity reduces the risks of developing various female diseases.

For successful conception neutralization of the acidic environment is required. Otherwise, sperm may die without reaching their goal. Nature intended it this way that during ovulation the pH drops to alkaline level. These days female body regards reproductive function as the main one, and reduces protection. But if the acidity is ovulatory period is greatly increased, then the sperm cannot reach the egg and die halfway. Because of this, pregnancy may not occur, despite all attempts and the absence of diseases in partners.

To normalize the acid-base balance traditional medicine recommends using baking soda. Using a soda solution, you can reduce the level of acidity during the most favorable period for conception. This makes it easier for sperm to travel and increases the chances of pregnancy.

What other problems does douching solve?

Soda solution used not only by women who dream of getting pregnant. Soda douching is indicated for inflammatory processes in the vagina and the presence of fungal infections. The procedure is effective for cystitis - as a way to clean the urinary canal.

Douching with soda helps defeat thrush

Washing the vagina with a soda solution is recognized as an effective method of combating thrush. The change from acidic microflora to alkaline, which is facilitated by the procedure, starts the process of destruction of microfibers of yeast fungi. After douching, the burning and itching characteristic of thrush disappear. By washing, you can get rid of the cheesy discharge characteristic of candidal diseases.

You should use this method of treating female diseases only with the approval of a doctor. In gynecology, such manipulation is considered as therapeutic, preventive or hygienic. However, despite the versatility of the procedure, it is recommended to carry it out according to indications.

Features of manipulation

To douche with soda, a special water-soda solution is required. Preparing the mixture is simple: you need to take an incomplete teaspoon of soda, mix it thoroughly in a liter of water (this volume is for one time). The water must be purified and boiled. The optimal temperature of the solution is equal to the human body temperature (normal). To carry out the manipulation, you can use a regular syringe (pharmacy rubber bulb) or an Esmarch mug. The tip of the “instrument” must be sterilized immediately before douching.

Preparing everything you need for the procedure will not be difficult. Due to its simplicity, this method has become so widespread. However, in order for the water-soda mixture to really promote conception, it is important to follow a number of rules:

The main rule of douching is a preliminary consultation with a doctor. Only a specialist can give qualified answers about the advisability of a home procedure in each specific case.

How to increase your chances of conceiving

Although douching with soda increases the chances of conception, it does not guarantee that long-awaited pregnancy will come. The effectiveness of the procedure can be increased if, during the period of manipulation, you refuse:

  • active training in the gym;
  • synthetic underwear, tight trousers;
  • solarium, baths/saunas;
  • hot shower/bath (it is optimal if the water temperature is slightly higher than room temperature).

When planning, it is important to include healthy foods in the menu

During the planning period, spouses should completely abstain from alcohol, caffeine-containing products, and energy drinks. A woman who dreams of motherhood needs to reconsider her diet. Fried, salty, spicy, as well as fatty foods, flour and sweets are taboo during this period. All this leads to an increase in the acidity of the vaginal environment, and it is more difficult for sperm to reach their goal. Antibiotics, antidepressants, and antipsychotics change the microflora. To get the long-awaited result, you need to wait until the end of the course of taking such drugs, and only then do soda rinses.

They will help reinforce the effect of douching fermented milk products, which contain lacto- and bifidobacteria. They contribute to the creation of optimal microflora for conception.

Who will benefit from douching?

Although douching with soda is a popular folk method of combating infertility, the procedure cannot always achieve the desired result. Women who decide to douche with a soda solution should understand that the effectiveness of this method directly depends on the causes of infertility. Before carrying out the procedure at home, you need to consult a doctor to find out the reason why conception does not occur. You should express to your gynecologist your desire to try alternative methods treatment. The doctor will tell you in detail about the risks and determine whether the patient has any contraindications for such a procedure.

Official medicine, although it has an ambivalent attitude towards this method of combating infertility, recognizes that in some cases the procedure (subject to the rules of implementation) can really help. Douching with soda is acceptable for the following medical conditions:

  • during the ovulatory period, a natural decrease in acidity does not occur in the vagina;
  • cervical fluid destroys male reproductive cells;
  • seminal fluid is characterized by low pH;
  • The volume of ejaculate is too small, so sperm cannot neutralize the vaginal acidic environment on their own.

Only with such problems can a soda solution help. However, douching does not always lead to conception immediately: sometimes the rinsing procedure must be repeated in several cycles. In other cases, the method will be useless, and in some cases even dangerous.

Contraindications for the procedure

For certain diseases, douching with soda for conception is strictly prohibited. The procedure can only worsen the situation. It is important to first find out whether there are any contraindications for using the washing method, and only then make a decision regarding the manipulation. Douching with a soda solution is prohibited when:

It is important to follow the rules for preparing a therapeutic and prophylactic solution. Increasing the amount of soda is unacceptable. This may lead to negative consequences. Before washing, the syringe must be disinfected. If disinfection is not carried out, the risks increase infectious diseases. This is due to the fact that under the influence of soda solution protective functions microflora are reduced, as a result, bacteria easily penetrate the vagina.

Just because douching with soda is considered a popular and effective method of accelerating conception does not mean that it is suitable for everyone. In pursuit of the dream of becoming a mother, it is important not to harm your own health. And this can only be done if you know what causes infertility and discuss with your doctor the possibility of using traditional methods of treatment.

Side effects

Can rinsing the vagina with baking soda cause harm? women's health? Despite its effectiveness, the procedure is associated with a number of risks and side effects. Therefore, doctors’ opinions on this method contradictory.

Side effects arise mainly due to the fact that women violate the rules of the procedure or use douching if there are contraindications. TO negative consequences include:

  • The emergence of health problems. As a result frequent douching Soda solution reduces the body's resistance to bacteria. Because of this in reproductive organs inflammatory processes occur. Frequent rinsing vaginal soda solution can lead to exacerbation of infections that were hidden. This occurs due to interference with the natural processes of microflora change during one cycle.
  • Excessive vaginal dryness, and as a result burning, itching, discomfort. Symptoms are due to high content active substance in the composition for washing.
  • Education benign tumors. This side effect is rare, but you should also be aware of these consequences. The development of tumors is associated with a large number pathogens in the vagina. The concentration of bacteria and/or microbes is facilitated by neutralizing the natural acidic environment using a soda solution.

The occurrence of side effects after washing is an individual matter. In many ways, the occurrence of adverse events after the procedure is associated with the characteristics of the microflora even before the start of douching. You can reduce the risk of side effects if you follow the recipe for preparing the solution and strictly adhere to the rules of the procedure. But the main condition is to undergo examination by a specialist.

Many traditional methods for conceiving a baby have really proven their effectiveness. And douching with soda is one of these methods. However, to alternative ways Solutions to the problem of infertility need to be approached wisely, only then they will not harm women’s health and will help them quickly experience the happiness of motherhood.

Having a child is the cherished desire of every woman. But, unfortunately, sometimes the desired pregnancy does not occur. Experts recommend douching with soda for conception - this will help speed up the onset of pregnancy.

To understand whether it is possible to get pregnant after douching with a soda solution, you first need to understand how exactly the method works.

The vaginal microflora of women includes Dederlein's bacilli - lactobacilli belonging to the genus Lactobacillus. They are a component positive microflora vagina and secrete lactic acid, which is necessary to maintain normal environment. With a number of pathogenic factors (weakened immunity, changes in hormonal levels with an increase in progesterone, infection, etc.) Dederlein's rods begin to more actively produce lactic acid, disrupting the natural acid-base balance microflora.

Spermatozoa are able to live and move in a slightly alkaline environment. When acidity increases, sperm die, reducing the likelihood of conception to zero. That is why it is important to normalize the pH for successful conception. Soda solution successfully copes with this task. Due to the slightly alkaline environment, the acidity caused by increased activity Lactobacillus returns to normal levels.

Some women believe that soda solutions are ideal for conceiving a boy, not a girl. However, this assumption has not been tested in practice and scientific justification does not have.

Which women will benefit from douching with soda?

In the absence of contraindications, douching with soda is suitable for any woman. The procedure will be effective if:

  • Increased acidity of the mucous membranes of the vagina. In this case, you must first find out whether the acidity in the in good condition or the change in pH was a consequence of the inflammatory process.
  • When the pH of the ejaculate is below 7.2.
  • At correct implementation procedures before conception and compliance with subsequent preventive measures.

How to douche with soda to get pregnant?

To prepare a soda solution, use a simple recipe:

  • Take 5 g. baking soda and dissolve in 1 liter. well boiled warm water. The temperature of the solution should not be higher than 38 degrees.
  • You can douche using an Esmarch mug or using gynecological douche, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  • After introducing the solution, the product is kept inside for 10-15 minutes.


In some cases, douching with soda is strictly prohibited. Such cases include:

  • Cervical erosion. In this case, you first need to cure the erosion, and only then try to get pregnant.
  • Reduced acidity of the mucous membranes of the vagina.
  • Any inflammatory processes: adnexitis, endometriosis, parametritis, etc.
  • Presence of infectious diseases.
  • Allergy to sodium bicarbonate.
  • Weakened immunity, presence chronic diseases in acute form.

Additional preventive measures

To increase your chances of conceiving and avoid side effects, follow a few simple rules:

  • It is necessary to make the solution only from boiled water;
  • During the course of procedures, refrain from active sports, and you should also not visit baths, saunas and swimming pools;
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine and energy drinks. The partner should also refrain from drinking alcohol;
  • Do not wear underwear made of synthetic materials, try to give preference to natural fabrics and loose clothing;
  • If there are inflammatory processes, first treat the inflammation, and only then proceed to douching;
  • Choose the right method of treatment - only douching can reduce the acidity in the vagina; washing or baths will not help.

Almost every woman planning a pregnancy faces a number of problems that interfere with a quick and successful conception. One of them is an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the vagina, which causes sperm to die before they reach their target. The cause of disruption of this balance, which in itself is not stable, is usually thrush. But thrush is not a death sentence: once you deal with it, you have every chance of getting pregnant. And that is why douching for conception is very popular among people.

With the help of vaginal douching, you can completely get rid of thrush and all the troubles associated with it. For this procedure, you need to use only a special bulb for vaginal douching, and it must be filled only with a warm solution prepared on the basis of pure boiled water. And be sure to take note of everyone else useful tips from this article - it was written by a professional gynecologist.

Five effective douching solutions

1. Soda. The simplest, most common and accessible solution for douching is soda dissolved in warm water. Add two teaspoons of soda to a liter of boiled water and mix well until it dissolves completely. The process of douching for conception itself is as follows: first you need to fill the pear with the prepared solution. Then you need to squat down or lie on your back, bending your knees, and carefully insert the tip of the bulb into the vagina. Carefully and very slowly, without creating pressure, you should inject its contents inside. It is best to do this in the bath.

2. Chamomile. You can buy a ready-made chamomile infusion at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To do this, put one liter of water in a small saucepan and put it on the fire; as soon as the water starts to boil, add two tablespoons of medicinal chamomile to it. If you purchased chamomile in tea bags, then two perforations will be enough for you. There is no need to boil the flowers, just let them simmer for one minute and feel free to remove the pan from the stove. There is no need to specially infuse chamomile flowers, just cover them with a lid, wait until the water cools to 25 - 30 degrees and you can draw the resulting infusion into a syringe.

3. Potassium permanganate. Add a few small crystals of potassium permanganate to warm boiled water so that the water acquires a barely visible pinkish tint. You can douche with potassium permanganate immediately before sexual intercourse, but not more than twice a week. Manganese is very drying to the skin. The skin of the genital organs is no exception, and due to dryness, cracks may appear: if any infection penetrates them, the inflammatory process cannot be avoided.

4. Tea tree. The most useful solution for conception is a mixture of water and oil. tea tree. To prepare it, you need to mix one tablespoon of tea tree oil with half a liter of warm boiled water. This solution can also be douched before sexual intercourse, but unlike potassium permanganate, it does not dry out the skin, and even on the contrary, it protects the vaginal walls from microcracks, which are simply inevitable during intimacy.

5. Calendula. To prepare the solution, you need to pour two tablespoons of calendula with a liter of boiling water and let it brew well (at least five hours), it is best to do this in a thermos, so the infusion will be richer. You can only douche with calendula infusion, but it is best to mix it with medicinal chamomile infusion, in one to one proportions. This solution will help cope with thrush and return the acid-base balance of the vagina to normal, thereby increasing your chances of getting pregnant.

When not to douche for conception

Douching is a delicate procedure, and it is not recommended for all women. No matter how great your desire to get pregnant as quickly as possible, this method should be abandoned under the following circumstances:

  • First of all, it is strictly forbidden to douche immediately after sexual intercourse. Thus, the sperm will simply be washed away, and pregnancy will clearly not occur. There's no need to wash yourself. It’s not without reason that in ancient times, washing the vagina served as a method emergency contraception, although it was not always effective. The best thing you can do after sex to increase your chances of getting pregnant is to lie on your back with your legs tucked or raised up for 30 minutes.
  • You should not douche if you are already pregnant. The solution can enter the cervix and become a catalyst for inflammatory processes, leading to miscarriage or other undesirable consequences. There is also a possibility of inserting the tip of the bulb too deeply and damaging it. soft fabrics, which again can lead to miscarriage or pathologies.
  • There is no need to do this procedure if you are absolutely healthy and do not have thrush or other problems. Douching medical solutions is a way to return the acid-base balance of the vagina to normal so that sperm have an increased chance of survival. If you wash a healthy environment, for example, with a soda solution, then the alkali in it will be more acidic, which will also negatively affect your chances of getting pregnant.
  • Other contraindications to vaginal douching– this is the presence of damage (ulcers, wounds) and menstruation. This is especially not worth doing in the first two months after childbirth or after an abortion. Also, you should not wash the vagina before going to the gynecologist; this can significantly complicate the doctor’s work, since some of the microflora will be washed out, which will make the test results unreliable.
  • Douching is not difficult, and any representative of the fairer sex can handle it without leaving home. With the right approach, thanks to this procedure, women can significantly increase their chances of becoming pregnant, but this must be done correctly so as not to harm the body. And then, in nine months, perhaps you will meet the cutest, most beautiful and most long-awaited little toddler.

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