Female douching. Algorithm for douching in gynecology. Gynecological douche: price

Almost every woman has resorted to a procedure such as douching at least once in her life. Many people try to prevent unwanted pregnancy, contracting sexually transmitted infections, or simply use douching as a preventative measure. Is it really necessary?

What is douching?

Douching is a therapeutic and prophylactic manipulation during which water is poured into the vagina. various solutions medicines or herbal decoctions. To perform this manipulation, you need to arm yourself with a syringe (a rubber bulb with a tip) or (even better) an Esmarch mug. The essence of the procedure is active leaching vaginal discharge, microorganisms and ejaculate from the vagina. Gynecologists insist on using douching only in medicinal purposes, How preventive method it has no tangible benefit, and is even harmful.

However, before you begin such a fairly aggressive vaginal cleansing, you need to remember the properties of the latter. Why aggressive? Most doctors have refused to prescribe douching to patients, and not without reason. The vagina has the ability to clean itself. This is achieved by natural secretions, along with which the desquamated cells of the mucosal epithelium, dead and/or pathogenic microorganisms, as well as their metabolic products leave the vagina. Thus, the vagina is initially “clean”, except in cases where its normal microflora is suppressed by pathological microbes.

How to do douching correctly

Gynecological douche for douching Before you begin the douching procedure, you should familiarize yourself with its rules:

Temperature of the solution/decoction
The liquid used should be at room temperature (easy to check: dip your elbow into the solution). In no case should the water be hot, this can lead to a burn to the mucous membrane, or cold, which will cause discomfort.

Timing of douching
Gynecologists believe that when treating, for example, vaginitis, a five-day course of douching is sufficient, that is, to relieve severe symptoms. The maximum course can be 7 – 10 days.

Douching scheme
During treatment, they douche twice a day (in the morning and before bedtime), for about three days, then carry out the procedure only before bedtime (this is another 2-3 days), and finally, once a week.

Duration of manipulation
The time spent douching should not exceed 15 minutes.

How to administer fluid
The flow of fluid into the vagina should be free, without pressure. A tight stream of solution will easily overcome the cervical barrier, which can lead to inflammation of the internal genital organs. Therefore, for manipulation, it is more advisable to use an Esmarch mug (in the form of a rubber balloon, a plastic tube and a tip) rather than a syringe, since in the Esmarch mug it is easy to control the pressure of the jet, just raise or lower it. When using a rubber bulb, you need to squeeze it, and the solution will flow into the vagina under pressure.

Maintaining asepsis
Before using an Esmarch mug or syringe, the tip should be washed and boiled. After each manipulation, the rubber vessels (balloon or bulb) are washed, not forgetting about the cleanliness of the tip. The devices used for douching should serve only this purpose. Under no circumstances should they be used for enemas or microenemas.

Exercise caution
The procedure must be carried out extremely carefully and slowly. To insert the tip into the vagina, you can lubricate it with sterile Vaseline to make insertion easier. During douching, you should not strain, manipulation should not cause pain. If the movements are jerky and abrupt, it is easy to damage the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix.

Douching position
It is best to douche while lying in the bath. At the same time, the legs are thrown over its sides. An alternative is to sit on the toilet, but the rubber balloon should be above your waist. Infusion of the solution ensures cleansing of the vaginal walls, and it pours out independently, under the influence of gravity.

Preparation of the solution
If the solution contains active chemicals, such as soda, boric acid, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and others, you should strictly follow the instructions for preparing the solution. Otherwise, you can not only make the vagina absolutely sterile, which leads to the development of infectious colpitis, but also cause a burn to the mucous membrane. If decoctions are prescribed for douching medicinal herbs, then they should be prepared immediately before the procedure.

Contraindications to douching

Using an Esmarch mug It is strictly forbidden to douche in the following cases:
  • It is not recommended to douche for “cleanliness”, that is, for the purpose of prevention, this washes out the normal microflora from the vagina and provides a “testing ground” for pathogenic bacteria;
  • without consulting a gynecologist in case of itching, burning, spotting, or unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • before visiting a gynecologist, you must refrain from the procedure, otherwise the results of the smears will be unreliable;
  • during exacerbation chronic diseases or during an acute process of inflammation of the uterus, appendages and cervix;
  • during menstruation (the solution will easily penetrate the uterus through free cervical canal, and pathogens will follow);
  • during pregnancy (the risk of washing out the mucus plug from the cervical canal, which can provoke a threat of miscarriage or infection of the fetus, toxic effect drugs for it and embolism of the uterine vessels);
  • V postpartum period while lochia persists and the cervix is ​​open (about 1.5 months);
  • after curettage of the uterus (about two weeks).

Thrush is caused by the colonization of the vaginal microflora by fungi of the genus Candida, which are normally also present there, but in smaller quantities. Their increase occurs under the influence various factors: decreased immunity, intestinal dysbiosis, stress, hormonal imbalances.

Perhaps every woman in the post-Soviet space knows what douching is. But not everyone knows how to properly douche for thrush at home, and in an effort to achieve good goals, do not cause additional harm to your body.

Treating thrush with douching: to do or not?

What is it? At its core, douching for thrush in women is a therapeutic procedure that involves treating the vaginal mucosa with one or another medicinal solution. Properly performed douching is convenient and in a safe way treatment that has virtually no restrictions and does not affect internal organs and systems.

Nevertheless, douching is strictly not recommended:

  • during pregnancy (this disrupts the natural microflora of the vagina and can cause increased dysbiosis or excessive dryness, which negatively affects the mother and baby);
  • before visiting a gynecologist (washing out the microflora threatens you with incorrect test results);
  • during menstruation (this poses a threat of infection of the uterus and promotes the spread of pathogenic microorganisms);
  • at acute inflammations, after abortion and childbirth.

Also have similar treatment and a significant drawback - douching for thrush, chosen as self-treatment at home will not lead to full recovery. In addition, most gynecologists around the world, based on many clinical trials, claims that self-medication by douching is a very risky activity:

  1. Douching promotes the spread of infection and the development of inflammation of the uterine appendages, endometritis.
  2. When douching the natural composition is disrupted normal microflora vagina, which provokes thrush itself.

Remember that there are special effective treatments for thrush. medicines in the form of suppositories or tablets, such as Livarol, Clotrimazole, Terzhinan and others. These are more reasonable, desirable treatment options than dubious douching with chamomile or soda.

How to do douching at home?

First of all, it is advisable to start the procedure twice a day - after sleep in the morning and in the evening, before bed. Then you can gradually move on to one time. The usual number of procedures is generally 8-10 times per course.

  1. Before douching, be sure to wash your genitals.
  2. You will need a regular syringe, or better yet an Esmarch mug, which is a container with a hose and two tips: vaginal and rectal. Boil the tip, rinse the rubber container well, pour it with hot water, and rinse it with boiled water.
  3. The prepared solution should be at body temperature, approximately 37 degrees.
  4. You can carry out irrigation for thrush right in the bathroom. Place Esmarch's mug on a wall or door, at a height of about 75 cm from your lower back, taking into account that you are lying in the bathtub. Lie on your back, make yourself comfortable. Bend your knees and spread them slightly to the sides. Lubricate the tip with Vaseline to avoid microtrauma to the mucous membrane. Insert it into the vagina to a depth of 5–7 cm, gradually open the clamp. The stream of solution should be weak and not cause discomfort. The healing solution will flow in and out of the vagina on its own, washing its walls.
  5. For the effectiveness of treatment, after washing the vagina, it is recommended to lie down for 15-20 minutes.
  6. For one douching, take 200 - 300 ml, a glass medicinal solution or herbal infusion.

There are several options for douching at home, and each woman must decide for herself which one to choose. Whichever is convenient for you. If you do not dare to carry out the procedure at home yourself, then it will be done by a gynecologist in a hospital setting.

How to do douching for thrush?

To prepare any medicinal solution, you must use only boiled water at room temperature. The course of treatment ranges from several days to 1 week, until all symptoms of the disease disappear completely. The frequency of application is 1-2 times a day.

In addition to chamomile and soda, the following solutions can be used to treat thrush by douching:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Add a tablespoon of peroxide to a 0.5 liter jar of water and stir well.
  2. St. John's wort and onion. Add two tablespoons of St. John's wort to a liter of boiled water, leave for two hours and filter. The juice of half an onion is added to the resulting broth.
  3. Tea tree. Oil tea tree(1 tsp) and medical alcohol are mixed and five drops of the mixture are added to a glass of boiled water.
  4. Lemon. The juice from half a lemon is dissolved in a liter of water.
  5. Potassium permanganate. Several crystals are diluted in a glass of water; the solution should have a pale pink color.

Douching with soda is one of the more common methods home treatment thrush. Soda solution is made from acidic environment The vagina, which Candida fungi love, is alkaline. During the procedure, the development and destruction of pathogenic microorganisms is stopped. Baking soda also helps get rid of unpleasant discharge and itching.

However, if you use soda solutions excessively, you can get the exact opposite effect. The vaginal mucosa becomes dry and an inflammatory-allergic reaction occurs. Douching with sodium bicarbonate is contraindicated during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth, especially if severe inflammation genital organs or erosions.

To prepare a solution for douching against thrush, mix 1 tsp in 500 ml of boiled water. soda The manipulation should be carried out in the morning and evening. Douching with a soda solution is performed in the absence of an allergy to alkalis. In addition, it is desirable that the woman does not take contraceptives.

Traditional medicine also suggests douching with chamomile infusion.

To prepare the decoction, take 2 tablespoons of dried flowers per 1 liter. boiling water. Pour boiling water over the flowers, put on the fire and bring to a boil. After the infusion has cooled to 37-38 degrees, it can be used for douching.

Such a wonderful natural antiseptic pharmaceutical chamomile to enhance the effect, it can be combined with oak bark, taken in equal proportions. Douching with chamomile can be alternated with soda treatment.

It's not as common, but no less effective method. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antioxidant that destroys almost everything known species pathogenic bacteria, including viral and fungal infections. This solution inhibits the viability anaerobic microorganisms, living inside the vagina, which greatly facilitates general condition in case of illness.

In order to prepare the liquid for the procedure, mix a tablespoon of peroxide and 0.5 liters of water (warm and boiled) and douche. If a fungal infection was present copious discharge, the procedure helps almost immediately. However, if you are not sure of the cause of the discharge, you should not use the method without first consulting a gynecologist.


Using furatsilin solution as a douching composition will relieve the unpleasant manifestations of thrush - itching, burning, irritation, swelling and inflammation.

To prepare the solution, five furatsilin tablets are diluted in 500 ml of boiling water or hot water (dissolves better).

Malavit is a popular remedy plant origin. It can be bought at a pharmacy. The drug relieves swelling, destroys aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms.

The douching solution is prepared as follows: dilute 15 ml of solution in 300 ml of boiled water. The course of treatment is 5 days or more at the discretion of the attending physician.

The ready-made solution can be found in any pharmacy for quite affordable price. Initially, this drug comes in a convenient package that does not require the use of a syringe - the bottle is equipped with its own spout for convenient administration of the solution.

You should take a horizontal position and insert the spout of the bottle into the vagina. After squeezing out a little chlorhexidine, you need to lie down for a few minutes. Constant douching with this medicine is not recommended. Otherwise, bacterial vaginosis may occur.

Also, very often, douching with this substance provokes allergic reactions.

Many years ago, douching was the only method of treating diseases gynecological nature. With the development of medicine and modern technologies this method has lost its former relevance, but still remains a good addition to the main therapy. Douching is extremely effective in inflammatory processes, as well as as an antifungal and antibacterial agent treatment.

Before learning how to properly do douching at home, you need to make sure there are indications and contraindications for this procedure, and also choose only the best ingredients for it. The most effective are: infusion of chamomile, calendula, aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine and Miramistin. Also good results gives douching with soda at home.

Description of the procedure

It consists of a manipulation in which various infusions or solutions are introduced into the vagina. Douching can be done for both therapeutic and preventive purposes, but only after the appointment of a gynecologist. For the procedure, you need to purchase a syringe at the pharmacy, intended for repeated use.

They release her in blue color And different volumes. The tip of the syringe can be soft or hard. For gynecological purposes, a soft and elastic tip with two or more holes is required to ensure deeper and more intense irrigation.

Rules for performing the procedure

For the procedure to be successful, you need to know how to properly do douching at home. It will not bring any complications or difficulties if you follow the following algorithm:

  • sterilize the syringe;
  • prepare the solution necessary for treatment;
  • prepare the place for douching;
  • do the procedure itself;
  • follow further treatment recommendations from doctors.

If you do douching according to these rules, the main treatment will be much more effective, and unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching or burning will go away after just a couple of vaginal irrigations. Especially if you douche with Chlorhexidine. It is not difficult to do this procedure at home, since its aqueous solution is sold in any pharmacy.

Features of douching

Although douching seems at first glance to be a simple procedure, it has many nuances, without which the treatment will pass not as effective. First of all, you need to thoroughly disinfect the syringe. To do this you need to do next steps:

  • Release the air from the pear by squeezing it in your hand.
  • Fill it up boiled water room temperature.
  • Place the syringe in a small saucepan with water and keep on fire for about 15 minutes.
  • The tip is treated with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

After boiling, the syringe must be collected and rinsed again in boiled water. The solution to be used for douching should not be hot or cold. It must be brought to room temperature. Then you should release all the air from the pear and fill it medicinal solution. The syringe should contain at least 200-300 ml.

To make the procedure as comfortable as possible, you need to choose the appropriate place for it. This should be the bathroom. The success of douching depends on the correct technique of its implementation. You need to do it with your legs wide apart and relaxed so that the tip of the pear can easily reach its destination. It should be placed 5-7 cm inside. Do not press or squeeze the syringe too much.

You need to release the air from it slowly and carefully. The lighter the pressure, the better the irrigation of the vaginal walls will be and the solution will not immediately pour out. The procedure should not cause discomfort or discomfort. If pain appears, it means that the algorithm of actions was violated somewhere. After squeezing, the fingers cannot be unclenched until the bulb is completely removed.

Douching is usually done 1-2 times a day for a week. After this, suppositories are usually placed to treat the disease. To evaluate the effect of douching and subsequent therapy, the doctor performs a smear. It is impossible to determine the state of the microflora on your own.

Why douching is needed?

They are appointed as for preventive purposes infectious complications before the surgical interventions. They are also done immediately after these manipulations to reduce the risks of inflammation and other postoperative complications. Knowing how to do douching with soda at home, you can prevent many unpleasant consequences that often occur after serious gynecological operations.

Douching is also one of the methods of preventing diseases transmitted through sexual contact. In this case, it should be done within two hours after intimacy. To do this, you can use the Miramistin solution.

Indications for douching

The main indication for douching is the treatment of inflammation in gynecology. These include diseases such as inflammation in the uterus, appendages, ovaries, as well as thrush and colpitis. All pathologies accompanied by itching, burning, discharge and unpleasant odor will be treated much faster if you add drug therapy douching at home.

Every woman should know how to do it correctly. After all, this procedure has long proven itself with the best side. But it must be remembered that douching should not be done too often. This procedure also has negative side, which is revealed if you do not pay attention to contraindications.

Contraindications to douching

Doctors prohibit douching in the following situations:

  • In acute inflammatory process in reproductive organs.
  • During menstruation.
  • In the first week after childbirth or abortion.
  • Pregnant.
  • Women over 40 years old.

Over the age of 40, douching is not done due to the fact that such a procedure can cause dryness and a decrease in vaginal discharge. Such changes will lead to irritation of the genitals.

Douching should not be done immediately before a visit to the gynecologist. The solution will wash away all microflora from the mucous membrane, and the doctor will not be able to correctly assess the state of health and make accurate analyzes. This is especially important in cases where unpleasant symptoms in the form of discharge and itching are disturbing.

If you do rinsing during treatment of an illness and neglect the doctor’s instructions about the duration of douching, you can seriously disturb the microflora. Too much frequent douching change its structure, cause irritation and increase the risk of infection.

Douching with Miramistin

This remedy is used for douching at home for thrush. For one procedure you will need approximately 10 ml. The course of treatment usually consists of 7-10 procedures. Miramistin is also used to restore the balance of microflora after taking antibiotics. They also use it to prevent sexually transmitted infections. The effectiveness of the drug is ensured by its following properties:

  • The ability to destroy and kill harmful bacteria.
  • Elimination of sexually transmitted infections.
  • There are no contraindications for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Preventing the development of infectious disease.

Douching with Miramistin can be done on initial stage thrush. The chronic and advanced stage will require the use of additional drugs in the form of antibiotics and vaginal suppositories. In this case, douching will only help stop the itching and burning in the genital area.

Douching with calendula

With information on how to properly do douching at home, you don’t have to worry about possible complications. The main thing is to observe the measure and not overuse rinsing. Otherwise they may cause harm. Even herbal infusions can wash away beneficial microflora and contribute to the spread of infection. You can use calendula in douching for the following diseases:

  • Cervical erosions.
  • Pain syndrome in the vagina.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes.
  • Fungal skin infections.

Rinsing with calendula solution can only be done after a doctor’s prescription. He should also determine the duration of the course of these procedures. Home douching should be combined with drug treatment, the exclusion of which is strictly prohibited. They should not be given to pregnant women, since calendula inflorescences are very allergenic product, which can also cause premature birth.

Douching with chamomile

To treat fungal infections in the genital area, douching with chamomile at home is necessary. Your gynecologist will tell you how to do this procedure. Fortunately, this medicinal plant can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is publicly available and is completely compatible with other medications. You cannot use chamomile decoction for douching if acute and chronic inflammatory processes occur in the body. Doctors prescribe rinsing with this decoction only at the initial stage. gynecological diseases, as well as during discharge.

Douching with chamomile at home soothes, relieves pain in the inflamed vaginal mucosa, and also works as an antiseptic. The solution acts carefully and delicately. After washing, the itching, burning sensation, irritation and redness on the skin immediately disappears.

Douching with Chlorhexidine

Knowing how to do douching at home, we must not forget about pharmaceutical drugs With antimicrobial effect. This tool is one of the best antiseptics presented in the pharmacy chain. It is used in various branches of medicine, including in the treatment of gynecological diseases. When used in douching, Chlorhexidine perfectly penetrates the upper layers of the skin and mucous membranes, killing bacteria and pathogenic infections. The drug is not absorbed into the blood and has no toxic effect on the body.

Indications for use

Douching with Chlorhexidine is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Vulvovaginitis.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Vaginitis.
  • Colpitis.
  • Herpes.
  • Infectious diseases sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Cervicitis.

Not everyone knows how to do douching with Chlorhexidine at home. Some people believe that it needs to be diluted with water. However, this is not true. An aqueous solution of the drug is a complete douching product. Therefore, you need to pour it into a glass, fill the syringe and perform the standard steps for washing the vagina described above.

Gynecologists cannot give a clear description of this procedure. Some of them are of the opinion about the benefits of such sanitation, while others talk about the undeniable harm of douching for the health of the female genital area. However, both sides agree that in certain situations, douching is justified and advisable if there are indications for it and it is only part of the therapeutic complex.

What is douching: necessary manipulations and precautions

In essence, vaginal douching is the deliberate introduction of various aqueous solutions. Typically, women use a rubber bulb with a plastic top for these purposes. If a syringe is not available, then many simply use an enema, that is, an Esmarch mug. In particular cases, even twenty-cc syringes without needles can be used, but such a procedure is fraught increased risk mucosal injury. How to protect your own body from risks and carry out all manipulations correctly?

The basis for douching is always liquid. Douching with water is carried out according to certain rules. Firstly, the water should always be at a comfortable temperature. Precisely warm, not cool or hot. It should be remembered that you need to determine the water temperature with a thermometer, and not back side palms. Because the sensitivity of the skin on the hand is much lower than the sensitivity of the lining epithelium in the vagina. Secondly, the timing of such treatment cannot be delayed. Optimally, they should be from three to five days, in some cases - perhaps a week, but no more. Otherwise, absolutely everything is “washed out” of the vagina, and internal “sterility” does not bode well. Constant sanitation leads to desquamation of the upper layer of the epithelium, which contains glycogen, which helps restore a positive microbalance. And thirdly, the douching itself should not be delayed for more than ten minutes.

There are several more important nuances:

  • Frequency of reorganization. Typically, the attending physician independently prescribes recommendations on the number, duration and scope of the procedure. Standard regimen: in the first days, at the time of exacerbation of the disease, douching is carried out in the morning and before bedtime. After improvement occurs - only in the evening;
  • Under no circumstances should the solution be allowed to enter the vagina under pressure. Otherwise, the fluid may get outside the cervix and trigger the onset of an inflammatory process. Therefore, it is best to use special syringes, the design of which allows a woman to control the intensity of the injection. The position should be such that the liquid flows into the vagina, and is not injected into it under pressure;
  • Instruments must be thoroughly cleaned before each procedure. Douching at home involves not only thoroughly rinsing the douche or Esmarch's mug, but also boiling the plastic top for two minutes. The entire instrument should be used exclusively for douching purposes and for one woman only. Under no circumstances should you use the same instrument for other cleaning procedures. It is better to completely exclude disposable syringes from the list of tools, but if there are no other options, then the syringe should be new every time;
  • All manipulations must be carried out slowly, with caution and with extreme care. There is no need to exert force when inserting the tip. If the actions cause discomfort or pain, then the procedure should be stopped. In any case, the vaginal muscles should be relaxed. If the movements are sharp and fast, there is a danger of damaging the vaginal walls or scratching the bladder;
  • The pose must certainly be comfortable. The most convenient way to douche is in the bathroom, taking supine position and placing your feet on the side. How to do douching correctly if it is not possible to sit in the bathroom? Then you need to take a comfortable position on the toilet seat, and raise the filled syringe just above waist level. In this position, the liquid will freely penetrate into the vagina and also calmly exit it. Subject to the laws of gravity, it will not fall into the cervical area;
  • You need to prepare the solution correctly. You cannot include in its recipe components that were not originally present in it. In addition, all prescribed proportions must be observed. Particular care should be taken when treating the vagina with preparations based on boric acid, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and soda. If you deviate from the recipe, it is easy to get burns to the vaginal mucosa. Naturally, this will only worsen the general state of intimate health;
  • Douching for thrush involves the use of infusions and decoctions from medicinal plants. These products should be used immediately after preparation and should not be stored for more than two hours.

How to do douching during the treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system

There is no need to rely on this procedure as a panacea for everything. gynecological problems. She also cannot act as prophylactic. Clean the vagina, trying to rid it of completely natural secretions– a fundamentally wrong approach to one’s own health. Constant washing out of the mucous membrane is dangerous; the vagina is capable of cleaning itself, producing a viscous secretion that has protective function. Therefore, mucous discharge, if it is not too abundant, does not have blood or purulent inclusions, and does not emit an unpleasant odor, is quite natural for women reproductive age.

To maintain microbiological balance, no additional tricks are needed, but only personal sexual hygiene. Regular washing and daily shower. Only if there is a burning sensation, itching, or bad smell, the doctor may prescribe douching. Solutions are prescribed according to the diagnosis, so you cannot prescribe treatment yourself. A woman should visit a gynecological consultation and undergo a full cycle of tests. Most often, douching is prescribed for bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis and other diseases with fungal pathogens.

Douching with chamomile is not used as monotherapy for thrush, since the effectiveness of such a procedure will be insignificant. But when integrated approach to therapy the local effect will be good help. One should not hope that serious pathologies such as internal inflammation or fungal infection, can be cured with just one douching. The method itself looks quite accessible and cheap, and many see it as an excellent alternative to taking antibiotics. But this is not true: without serious medications, treatment of sexually transmitted infections is impossible.

But there are also special compositions for sanitation that were developed by pharmacists. How to do douching for thrush so that it is truly effective? To do this, use pharmaceutical solutions that have antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. These include “Vagotil”, “Chlorophyllite” and “Miramistin”. But, even taking into account the high concentration of active antimicrobial substances they contain, it is more than impractical to use these drugs alone for treatment. As a preventative measure if you are at risk of contracting an STD after unprotected sex, these medications will come in handy. In this case, sanitation is necessary as quickly as possible, then the likelihood of infection will decrease by approximately 75%. But this method loses its effectiveness with constant use.

Douching with soda: effectiveness of sanitation

This method of treating thrush was known long before medicine acquired the status of a natural science. How to do douching with this substance? There is no doubt about the effectiveness of soda baths, since they really can save a woman from external manifestations diseases, for example, from itching and burning. Douching with soda is easy to do and has virtually no contraindications, but when sanitizing with soda-containing solutions, the result may be slightly different than when taking baths. Treatment with soda is not always safe and not always useful. However, there is an opinion that a soda solution for thrush is no less effective than antibiotics. Most women are confident that baking soda not only helps suppress the growth of fungal colonies, but also increases the likelihood of conception.

Washing up soda solution twice a day, and treat the vagina once using an Esmarch mug. This should help completely remove the curdled discharge, but if you do not take antifungal medications, the unpleasant symptoms will return the very next day. Soda can be called a universal ingredient in sanitation solutions, but the solution must be prepared according to all the rules. How to douche with soda? The dry substance is taken in the amount of one teaspoon and diluted in 250 ml of warm boiled water. This concentration of the solution makes it possible to destroy pathogenic colonies, but douching in this way must be carried out in a course. After pouring the liquid into the vagina, the woman needs to raise her pelvis and hold this position for several minutes. Soda promotes alkalization of the surface layer of the epithelium and this is detrimental to the fungus. After douching, you need to use ointment with high content nystatin or levorin.

Douching with chamomile: procedural feature

Douching with chamomile decoction is prepared from three full dessert spoons of plant material and one liter of warm boiled water. The dry plant should be poured into a mug with enamel walls, pour boiling water on top, and simmer over low heat, slowly bringing the decoction to a boil. In some recipes you can find a recommendation to add other herbs to the decoction that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. This could be calendula, the dried flowers of which are poured into boiling water in the amount of one spoon. Douching with chamomile infusion is possible only after cooling the liquid to a temperature of 37C. The resulting solution is carefully filtered using gauze and poured into a syringe.

How to do douching at home? It is best to carry out this procedure while lying down. In this case, a woman can choose one of two options: lie on her back on the sofa, and place a basin or a special hospital bed under her pelvis. The second way is to take a horizontal position in the bathroom, raise your legs and, bending at the knee, place them on its side. Before douching with chamomile, you need to relax the pelvic muscles as much as possible. The decoction is introduced carefully, without pressure or effort. The main thing is that the liquid should not get into the cervical area, otherwise the inflammation will only worsen. How to do douching with chamomile correctly? The entire liter of prepared liquid should be introduced gradually; the procedure takes at least ten minutes. It's best to do this just before bed.

What can a woman expect after douching?

Frequent use Such “washing” will lead to disruption of the production of natural lubrication, changes in the level of acidity in the vagina, disruption of the balance of microflora and accelerated proliferation of colonies of pathogenic pathogens. Uncontrolled douching with chamomile at home in its destructive effect is comparable only to the abuse of systemic antibiotics. Regular intervention in the internal environment of the vagina often leads to the development of allergies.

In addition, if safety precautions are not followed, the bladder, neck and internal walls of the organ can be injured. Health care organizations have repeatedly conducted scientific research on this topic, and based on their results it has been established that frequent sanitation only increases the risk of inflammation. Women who abuse sanitization often suffer from salpingitis, bacterial vaginitis, endometriosis, and endometritis, since excessive flushing of natural mucus leads to the resorption of the protective plug in the cervix. It dissolves, giving the infectious pathogen the opportunity to get from the cervix into the uterus itself. Medical statistics claim that 60% of women who suffer from chronic diseases of the genital area previously douched at least two to three times a week.

It is strictly forbidden to douche during acute inflammatory processes in the uterus or vagina, for example, with adnexitis, diseases of the appendages and endometritis. During menstruation, during pregnancy and after forty days after the birth of the child, a few days before and a few days after surgical intervention- You can’t douche. You must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, adhere to the established course of treatment and not show excessive independence by changing the components of the formulation and the duration of the procedures.

A procedure such as douching is quite popular among women. It is used not only as preventative measure in the fight against infections, but also for medicinal purposes. Very often, douching can be prescribed as an additional measure during the treatment of gynecological diseases, when necessary additional care and disinfection. And although the procedure seems quite simple to perform, only a doctor can prescribe it. There are many options for carrying it out, possible medications that apply in this case, as well as the mandatory rules.

Why is douching done?

The procedure is prescribed as part of complex therapy in the treatment of the internal genital organs of women. Most often it is used in the fight against thrush or other bacterial diseases. Douching can also be prescribed when the acidity of the vagina increases. This procedure allows you to restore acid-base balance, helps flush out secretions, ejaculate and pathogens, including fungi, from the vagina.

Did you know? Often women use douching as a method of combating unwanted pregnancy, since the use special solutions helps to wash out ejaculate from the vagina. But it is better to carry out such a procedure only for therapeutic purposes, since its use for preventive purposes rarely gives a tangible and reliable result, and sometimes can even cause harm.

What you need for douching at home

To do douching, you need several essential tools. It is advisable to prepare them in advance.

  1. Esmarch's cup or syringe. They can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  2. Plastic tip for a syringe or Esmarch cup.

  3. Distilled water, if drugs need to be diluted in it. You can take plain water, but before use it must be boiled.

  4. Medicine added to water.

  5. How to prepare a syringe for first use

    Before using the cup or syringe, the plastic tip must be boiled. It should be completely immersed in boiling water for at least 5-7 minutes. You also need to disinfect the main part of the syringe - for this you can use chlorhexidine or miramistin. If you are using a simple rubber bulb, it is better to buy a tip for the Esmarch cup; it has the correct shape and is more suitable for the procedure.

    The water is first boiled and then allowed to cool. Cannot be used hot water, as you can get a burn to the mucous membranes. It's better to wait until it reaches room temperature. As the water becomes warm enough for douching, components of medications and other agents are added to it, thoroughly diluting or mixing them. In this case, be sure to follow the instructions for using these products.

    After each procedure, the rubber balloon must be washed along with the tip.

    Important! The syringe used for douching should under no circumstances be used for enemas! It is also important to remember that no one should use it or the Esmarch Cup except you.

    Rules and technique

    The water temperature should not be very hot - it is best if it is approximately the same as body temperature. The flow of fluid should be smooth, since a sharp or tight stream can get above the cervix and cause inflammation of the internal genital organs. This is why it is better to use a bowl rather than a simple pump, since it is easier to operate and easier to control the fluid pressure. If you use a blower, you just need to apply pressure.

    The procedure should last no more than 10-15 minutes.

    Procedure diagram: the first three days, douching is carried out twice (in the morning and before bedtime), after which it is continued for another two or three days, but only in the evenings. If necessary, the course is continued by douching once a week. It is not recommended to extend the course for more than ten days. Seven days or even less is completely enough for the treatment of simple and non-complicated running forms diseases.

    The procedure itself must be carried out carefully. Do not forcefully insert the nozzle abruptly - you can not only damage the mucous membranes, but also injure the cervix. The tip itself should be inserted slowly, calmly and carefully. To facilitate insertion, it can be lubricated with Vaseline, which must be sterile.

    It is convenient to do douching in the bathroom, lying on your back and spreading your legs over the sides. You can also douche in sitting position on the toilet. In this case, the pump or cup must be kept at waist level - this way the liquid will wash the walls of the vagina and, under the influence of gravity, quietly pour out on its own.

    What can you douche with?

    In preparing the solution for douching, active chemical components are used - salt or soda, boric acid, potassium permanganate. It is also carried out by specially appointed doctors. medicinal products and solutions, depending on the symptoms and nature of the disease. Often used and natural ingredients, which are prepared immediately before the procedure.

    Important! When adding an active substance, you must follow the instructions, since such aggressive components can make the vaginal area completely sterile, which leads to the appearance and development of infectious and inflammatory processes such as colpitis. This may also cause chemical burn mucous membranes.

    Folk remedies

    Traditional healers advise douching with several medicinal herbs, which include aloe and chamomile. Antibacterial agents are often used herbal teas, which are brewed before the procedure. Also the most simple means considered soda or salt.

    Baking soda

    Soda is diluted in water in the following proportions: teaspoon of soda per 500 ml warm water. The solution helps fight itching and eliminates inflammation. Salt diluted in water has the same effect. You can use it no more than one course once a month, that is, 5-7 days of treatment, after which a break for at least a month.


    Honey is also often used, to which a little boric acid is added. The spectrum of action of this remedy is quite wide: it treats trichomonas colpitis, vaginitis and vaginosis, chlamydia, thrush, gonorrhea and even reduces erosion. Take 5 spoons of honey and 5 spoons boric alcohol, which are diluted in 1 liter of warm water.


    A solution with aloe helps get rid of itching, ulcers and other inflammations, restores microflora. To prepare the solution, you need to choose a fresh aloe leaf that is at least 2 years old. Its juice is squeezed out and mixed in a ratio of 1 to 10.


    Chamomile is one of those plants that are used very widely. It is safe and has a wide spectrum of action. A tablespoon of flowers is brewed in 2 glasses of water, cooled and douched.

    Herbal collection

    This collection helps to get rid of any female diseases. It necessarily includes lavender, chamomile, calendula, elm bark, cudweed, lovage and raspberry leaves. You can make everything yourself, taking herbs in equal quantities, or buy a ready-made mixture. Brew in a ratio of 2 tablespoons to 1 sheet of water.

    Pharmacy drugs

    Modern medicine also offers a large arsenal of tools to help fight any ailment. You can use both simple antiseptics and specialized means(necessarily after consultation with a doctor).


    The drug has broad action and is used against fungi and many bacteria. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor after examination. In case of overdose, vaginosis may develop. You can buy it at any pharmacy. It is sold in plastic bottles with a special dispenser spout.


    Douching with the drug is carried out for fibroids, cancer, venereal diseases and inflammatory processes. It is often used as a means to improve the functions of the genital organs, in the fight against cystic manifestations. Douching is carried out as follows: 35 drops of the product are diluted in 0.5 liters of warm water.

    Did you know? The "ASD" remedy is not very well known. He is unlikely to be appointedto you in the hospital. The fact is that it was invented by a doctor of veterinary sciences, so many doctors believehis unwanted. But wide range actions and beneficial properties make it effective in many cases, even with infertility.


    The medicine contains chlorhexidine, hexamidine and chlorocresol. It is used for thrush, cervitis, vulvitis and other diseases. The drug is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10 with warm water.


    Helps in the treatment of fungal infections, purulent processes, bacterial infections. The product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 or 1 to 5.


    This remedy does not help in the fight against fungal infections, but relieves discomfort, reduces burning and itching. It is necessary to dilute 1 tablet, after crushing it, in 200 ml of water.

    Is it possible to do

    The question often arises: Is it possible to do douching during pregnancy or critical days, because this delicate condition of a woman can contribute to the spread of infection.


    Pregnant women are often tormented by candidiasis. And although you can use some components, for example, salt or herbs, it is better not to douche. This can harm the baby as it enters the uterus. large number foreign active substances. In addition, you can not only not cure infections, but also pass them on to your child. And douching on early stages threatens miscarriage.

    During menstruation

    The procedure is also prohibited during menstruation. Any solution very easily passes from the vagina into the uterus and can contribute to the spread of bacteria or infections.

    When not to douche

    The question of whether it is possible to douche arises in almost every woman. Douching is not only possible, but in some cases it is simply necessary, especially if it is part of a treatment package. But the procedure must be carried out correctly and always after consultation with a doctor.

    However, there are several reasons why this procedure may be prohibited:

    1. Douching for cleanliness or “just in case”, for preventive purposes and without consulting a doctor is prohibited. IN best case scenario they simply will not bring the expected effect; at worst, they can cause inflammation and disease.
    2. To treat strange discharge, burning or itching, you cannot prescribe the procedure yourself, since the cause of the symptoms may be different.
    3. You should avoid douching if you are planning to go for a consultation or get tested. Test results may be unreliable or incomplete.
    4. With exacerbation of inflammatory processes in chronic form fluid administration is not advisable.
    5. Douching during menstruation is prohibited.
    6. During pregnancy, in the period after childbirth, after the curettage procedure, you cannot douche.

    Douching- useful and required procedure, since it not only helps to get rid of unwanted symptoms and discharge, but also helps treat many gynecological diseases. However, it is very important to carry it out wisely, following all the rules and using only those products prescribed by your doctor.