What is another name for a chiropractor? Who sets the spine and which doctor. What is the name of the doctor who treats osteochondrosis? List of suitable specialists

Unfortunately, today chiropractor telephone numbers can be found on every post.

Yes, yes, unfortunately: how great is the temptation to call the first chiropractor you come across, who helpfully placed an advertisement about his services right in front of your eyes!

Meanwhile, a hasty call can become a serious oversight.

Those who think that manual therapy is available to everyone and that six-month courses are enough to afford treating people are deeply mistaken.

The first and most important rule of contacting a chiropractor must be performed by patients impeccably: only a doctor should refer them to a chiropractor! You are not able to make a diagnosis yourself; back pain is not always pain in the spine. And without laboratory tests going to a chiropractor is not only wrong, but also dangerous!

Second, no less important rule, reads: Not everyone who calls themselves a chiropractor is one in reality. To know for sure whether you can trust your bones to this particular specialist, find out his opinion about him from his regular patients.

If a chiropractor practices in medical institution, whether it’s a clinic or a good private medical center, you can safely contact him: as a rule, they receive certified, trained specialists.

In principle, you should not call advertisements on a pole or in a newspaper: if you really want to contact some home-grown healer, consult with your doctor and interview maximum quantity patients who used the services of an “illegal” chiropractor. Although, I repeat, this option is not the best: you are unlikely to be able to save money, and there are no guarantees of help or special control.

Becoming a chiropractor is not that easy. In addition to the desire to work and special knowledge, both theoretical and practical, chiropractor must have special qualities that are not inherent in everyone.

A real chiropractor must have not only physical strength, not only a thorough and perfect knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, but also must have high tactile sensitivity of the fingers, with a light hand and a loving heart, must accurately and often only intuitively assess and analyze the condition internal organs And musculoskeletal system patient.

In Ancient China, for example, only someone who, in addition to impeccable knowledge of the structure and functioning of the human body, performed a complex test could become a chiropractor: a clay pot, thickly coated with glue, was lowered into a leather bag, then it was smashed inside the bag; the subject had to glue the pot together blindly without untying the bag. Only such a specialist was allowed to see a person.

Chiropractor's code of honor

The chiropractor's code of honor is based on the well-known principle of any healer: “do no harm.” That is why a real healer will not undertake treatment without knowing the fullest possible clinical picture all diseases of your patient. Manual influence on the spine is extremely effective procedure, so you need to know as much as possible about the patient so as not to cause harm through ignorance.

So, after your attending physician, surgeon or osteopath, refers you to an appointment with a chiropractor, after the need for manual procedures has been clearly established, the patient will undergo a course of manual treatment - a course after which the pain syndrome, some acquired spinal defects will be corrected, discs will be realigned and obvious back problems will be eliminated.

In the chiropractor's room, the patient is asked to undress to the waist and lie head down on the couch. The most favorable position is with your head to the north and your feet to the south (corresponding to the course of the Earth’s magnetic meridian).

The success of treatment largely depends on correct behavior patient. The patient should relax, breathe slowly and evenly, and not make sudden movements during, between, or after manipulations.

Treatment by a chiropractor

Any treatment by a chiropractor begins with a review of the patient’s medical history, medical record, and then an examination. The chiropractor “gets acquainted” with the spine, figuring it out individual characteristics And specific manifestations diseases.

Further manipulations depend on the diagnosis and the degree of neglect of the disease: the first and second stages of the development of osteochondrosis will most likely require local manipulations focused around the problem vertebrae, the third and fourth stages involve treatment of the entire spinal column.

If, when pressing on a vertebra, a characteristic crunch or click is heard (chiropractors call it an “acoustic phenomenon”), the doctor is convinced that the patient really has osteochondrosis. It is the “clicking” vertebrae that will be examined first.

As a rule, after the crunch, the patient feels great relief; a feeling of warmth may appear throughout the body or in the spine itself. When exposed to the cervical spine, a feeling of warmth may appear in the neck, back of the head, face, and the ears may burn.

During manipulations on the thoracic region- breathing becomes easy and free, heart function improves and spasms are relieved, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, in the lumbosacral tract - neuralgic pain in the legs and attacks of radiculitis are relieved, breathing becomes easier. During the manipulation, patients may suddenly and profusely sweat, which in folk medicine serves as a sign of “the release of the disease.”

Chiropractors often use the so-called “impact technique,” ​​so a patient who comes to see a chiropractor needs to be prepared for a more noticeable impact. In the treatment of osteochondrosis, if necessary, three types of blows are used: a clap with the palm of the hand is applied to the spinous and transverse processes, excluding the cervical spine; a blow with a fist on the back of the hand is applied in the same areas, but with greater force; a blow with an open fist is applied to places of accumulation of autonomic nerves - sympathetic and parasympathetic (places of accumulation of bioenergy).

Pain syndrome due to osteochondrosis, as a rule, is relieved after the first procedure. The manual therapy method is very effective - in approximately 95% of its use excellent results are achieved. It is worth noting that the patient’s recovery, as always in medical practice, depends on the duration of the disease and on the type of the patient’s nervous system.

It should be remembered that, as with any medical procedure, manual therapy has its own indications and contraindications. Indications for manual procedures are: migraine, cervical syndrome vertebral artery, tonsillitis, frontal sinusitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, diseases of the upper and lower extremities, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system(including frigidity and impotence), diseases of the liver, pancreas, bile ducts, the entire musculoskeletal system and impaired hearing and vision.

Contraindications for a visit to a chiropractor are any surgical interventions on the spine, spinal fracture, or complicated spinal injuries.

Traditional methods of relieving pain in osteochondrosis

Many people know the traditional “bone-setting” methods of relieving pain due to osteochondrosis.

Knowing them and mastering them very well, the main thing is to use them in a timely and competent manner. Be sure to discuss with your doctor what you can do to help yourself if pain strikes you in the evening or on vacation: simple, but very effective methods They will definitely relieve pain if you use them correctly.

When aching, dull ache in the thoracic spine, people have long asked someone close to them to “trample”: to walk on their back with their feet. This method is really good if you follow the well-known safety precautions: the one who walks on his back must have support so that in case of extreme load he can instantly transfer his weight to it; he only needs to trample on the area thoracic spine, on the lumbar spine or standing next to it, much less stomping on it, is under no circumstances allowed. It’s good not just to step in the spine area, but to move your toes, while simultaneously massaging the vertebrae and shoulder blades.

At aching pain in the lumbosacral region, massage of the vertebrae with clockwise rotational movements helps. Gently massage each vertebra for 2-3 minutes, pressing lightly and trying to capture the paravertebral areas.

For pain in cervical spine spine, which most often extend to the back of the head or are manifested by a feeling of “stiff neck”, massage the protruding vertebrae (usually the sixth and seventh): thumbs Using your hands, knead the areas near the vertebrae, try to massage the lumps that form just around the neck of those who sit for hours at a table in one position.

Anyone who has problems with the spine needs to hang on the horizontal bars more often or, at worst, reach for the door frame and bend over, straightening the vertebrae, compressed by walking and lifting weights. And in general, it’s a good idea to do gymnastics - morning or evening, whichever is more convenient for you.

There are specially designed sets of exercises for patients with spinal diseases. Of course, any of the complexes must be agreed upon with a doctor - concomitant diseases and the condition of your spine at the time you decided to engage in physical therapy must be taken into account. However, there are several complexes that can be safely recommended to anyone diagnosed with osteochondrosis.

At first glance, this set of exercises will seem simple to you, but observations show that people with osteochondrosis, after exercising for 2 or 3 months, feel a decrease in pain in the spine or their absence. By doing these exercises regularly, you will appreciate their good healing qualities. They can be performed both during exacerbation of pain and during remission. A set of exercises should become part of your life and should be performed every day. Exercising once a week or month can only bother the spine.

The complex should not be performed on a cold floor; a mat should be placed under your back. Before starting classes, you should not strain your muscles unnecessarily, you should breathe deeply and freely, and sudden movements should be avoided. It is not recommended to raise your legs above 45° during exercises, as a high range of motion can lead to a large load on the spine and cause pain.

During an exacerbation of the disease, you should choose the easiest exercises of the complex. With minor pain in a healthy state, the entire complex is performed. The time spent on classes is initially 5-8 minutes, then it increases: in the first week by 5 minutes, in the second - by 10 minutes. When mastering the complex, it takes 30-40 minutes or more to complete it. Exercises should be done lying on your back, stomach and side.

Dakhovsky A., Stogova N.

Chiropractic care (in a broad sense) combines the methods of traditional (called alternative) medicine, which in modern times are called “manual therapy”, “osteopathy”, “chiropractic”, various types massage, all sorts of independent exercises... What's the point?

The point here is that the spine is the main “load-bearing structure” human body, it is also the “main energy highway” of the body, and any disturbances in this system will not slow down to affect a person’s well-being, mood and health.

Chiropractic care is a set of methods for correcting ailments, and to a greater extent intended to prevent the very “falling” into an unhealthy state, based on the fact that any problems in the functioning of the ridge always lead to corresponding problems in the body. These “problems” themselves may consist of displacement of the vertebral discs, in which “clamping” of the nerve fibers passing there occurs, disruption of the normal mobility of individual vertebrae (weakness, or vice versa, “looseness”), even severe deposition of salts in places with limited mobility. All this is accompanied by an uneven muscular load on individual “intervertebral” muscles, which affects posture, spoils gait, reduces height... which in turn gives large number accumulating complications and inconveniences “create the ground” for deterioration of health.

Not only are obvious bone pains associated with the ridge (such as “back aches,” “neck hurts,” or “leg can’t walk”), but various internal organs suffer, and symptoms of a wide variety of diseases, including “nervous” diseases, may appear even before how organic (and noticeable to the doctor) changes will appear in the “sick” organs. That is, something already hurts, worries, but in fact is not yet sick... this is where the help of a chiropractor will be most effective. Such a “new disease” as a syndrome chronic fatigue, allergies, as well as other problems associated with failures immune system- also turn out to be directly related to the condition of the spine.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to meet a person on the street whose back is all right: at a minimum, there are only changes noticeable to the chiropractor, and usually there are scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other “non-diseases” known to the “owner” that are abhorred by modern medicine. She does not pay any effective attention to them, and rarely connects these distortions with diseases “attached” to them, which are treated with pills, injections, or surgically. However, pills and “warming” alone will not return the popped vertebra to its proper place, and the process of creating the disease continues little by little... but by actively tidying up your back, you can eliminate headaches, back pain, and even fight such things as allergies and decreased performance immune system, heart and brain problems.

Principles of chiropractic care

Modern medicine does not deny the connection of any kidney disease with problems in the corresponding part of the spine - there are corresponding terms, such as “ radicular syndrome“, indicating problems with nerve endings that are pinched in the ridge and “reach” the same kidneys, sending “wrong” signals to them. To put it simply, the “control system” of the same kidneys somehow passes through the spine, and if due to problems in the spine this “communication channel” ceases to function normally, then the effect of a “damaged phone” is obtained. By restoring the connection, the “control system” is also restored, and the remaining viable protective and self-regulatory systems of the body can work effectively... however, modern medicine does not recognize the possibility of treating diseases by correcting problems of the musculoskeletal system.

A chiropractor does not treat a disease “symptomatically” (by eliminating the symptoms of the disease) - he eliminates the cause and effect of the disease inherent in the spine. There is a reverse relationship here - problems in the organs themselves lead to characteristic displacements in the corresponding parts of the spine, and problems in the spine initiate all kinds of diseases. So chiropractic is effective in both cases.

However, chiropractic care in general is not limited to working only on the spine (this is within the competence of chiropractic), because the spine itself is curved due to, for example, a leg injury - a person begins to subconsciously, out of habit, “protect” the once injured leg, transferring the load to the second. At the same time, the position of the pelvis changes, and the load on the entire spine is redistributed - it bends, “twists with a screw,” and from the asymmetrical muscle load on individual vertebrae their independent displacement begins.

How is the correction made?

Spinal straightening is done through physical manipulation of the patient's body; this can be an effect on individual vertebrae or entire sections of the spine. As a rule, no mechanical devices or tools are used - the entire “toolkit” of a chiropractor comes down to his hands, fingers, some kind of couch (or rug), chair or stool.

During manipulations, the patient is required to relax the indicated muscle groups as much as possible, not hold his breath, and not help, but also not interfere with the chiropractor’s manipulations. The most favorable moment for conducting a “session” is when the patient is in his “comfortable” state, that is, unable to nervous tension, not in a state of exhaustion and fatigue - the best state of “reduced muscle tone”, which naturally occurs in the state of “light alcohol intoxication"or recently woken up smoothly.

After the manipulations, it is required that the patient does not catch a cold in his back (does not sit in a draft), and loads the back muscles in doses (i.e., does not “relax”). The chiropractor often recommends doing certain exercises at home, and you should do them whenever possible. Also, watch your posture, that is, out of habit, do not return to incorrect postures that have become habitual.

Who needs the services of a chiropractor?

Not to mention those to whom it is already clear that not everything is in order with the spine (“radiculitis sufferers”, suffering from curvature of the spine, experiencing pain in the back, lower back, persons with incorrect posture, osteochondrosis, lumbago, sciatica, etc.), should outline less obvious options where the help of a chiropractor will have a very noticeable positive effect:
  1. All women who have given birth, as a rule, have very significant negative changes in the lower back. In the process of bearing a child, the center of gravity of the body “shifts,” which leads to a redistribution of the load on the vertebrae. Next, fussing with the baby (raise and lower this weight, and everything is tilted) also greatly overloads the back, which in existing reality inevitably leads to displacement of the vertebrae.
  2. Everyone who is forced to “shake in transport” for a long time (both drivers and passengers) - uncomfortable posture, vibration, weight in the arms, on the shoulder - all together leads to very sad consequences for the spine.
  3. “Sedentary” workers - this is understandable; after sitting hunched over the table, you “creakly” straighten back up.
  4. Separately, “those who sit at the keyboard for a long time and ‘poke at the buttons’.” Here the whole complex negative factors, including the notorious “irradiation” and “tunnel syndrome”.
  5. “Gardeners” who either dig a lot, bend their backs, poke around in the beds upside down, carry heavy things in their hands.
  6. Users of myostimulators and some types of “figure-improving” exercise equipment experience an unbalanced “pumping” of the muscles, which themselves are able to push the vertebrae and other bones out of their place. Myostimulators are generally a separate problem... In short, muscles learn to respond to external electrical impulses to such an extent that they are “lazy” to recognize impulses from their own body.
  7. Bodybuilders (in common parlance - “jocks”) who work out with “iron” for a long time, athletes “strongmen” - they usually have certain problems in the spine.
In addition, it makes sense to consult a chiropractor for those who “have something in pain, but the doctors can’t find anything.” It happens that the heart or kidney quite frankly hurts... but no illness is discovered that would explain the presence of these pains. This also includes those suffering from migraine-type headaches that are difficult to relieve with painkillers. All this is very often associated only with problems of the spine.

8. Almost everyone who has reached the age of 30 - 35 years is recommended to at least see a chiropractor, so that by the age of 50 they will not have well-known and very common health problems. (see article about osteochondrosis)

Are chiropractic procedures painful?

As a rule ( from a good chiropractor), compared to the torment of problems “this is nothing at all”... It’s really scary - BONES CRUNCH!!! - this is what it seems to the patient out of habit. In fact, the bones do not crunch, this sound and sensation are similar to how some people themselves like to “crunch their fingers,” and in subsequent sessions all this fear disappears.

However, there are also quite painful procedures associated with the correction of serious disorders - for example, correction of severe old scoliosis, chronic dislocation of a joint... but here at least you know why you are suffering.

One more thing - usually after a session muscle pain appears in those areas of the back where something was corrected. This is natural, some muscle groups begin to work, tense, and hurt just like muscles feel after an intense workout. Other muscles, on the contrary, got rid of the constant excessive load, and this is where the effect works similar to that, as if he had “served his time”, he straightened his leg, and a lot of unpleasant sensations formed in it. All these effects quickly pass on their own, but you can speed up the relief of unpleasant sensations with a local massage, or simply by “working” sore muscles, stretching and straining in every possible way separate groups muscles. The only thing that is highly not recommended to do in such situations is to fall into bed and wait for it to pass, imagining yourself sick and weak.

What are the contraindications?

There are contraindications, for example osteoporosis, bone sarcoma, bone tuberculosis and the whole other set of organic diseases that lead to bones losing their strength. Also, a chiropractor should not associate with convinced vegetarians.

Also, you should handle with extreme care bottom spine on later pregnancy, in cases mechanical damage spine... that is, a chiropractor should always be warned about all injuries, fractures, and suspected illnesses that are significant in this matter.

Also, in no case should convinced vegetarians, paranoids, or people convinced of “anti-science” turn to a chiropractor. this method, persons suffering from suspiciousness (who listen with fear to every movement in their body or see the machinations of the Antichrist in everything)! It is forbidden! - They better go to the doctors. And for those whom faith does not allow, trust in the saints.

Is it possible to “self-medicate”

As they say, “not mona, but noona!” Because this is the only way to keep your spine in working condition, without regularly going to chiropractors and chiropractors for every reason. There is a wild misconception, expressed, for example, in the phrase “my whole back was CORRECTED half a year ago!” They may have fixed it, but in half a year without independent or “external” support for the desired state, everything has probably already shifted back... or not everything, but something has definitely shifted.

Now the question is how to get better yourself? ...and here it’s more complicated - there are no problems, or almost no problems with self-correction only for those whose spine has already been brought into an active, “working” state. Here, not only is the slightest “jump” of any vertebra immediately felt, but also the back muscles are able to clearly obey their owner in order to correct the problem “on the spot.” However, having successfully completed the required course of manipulations by a chiropractor, the patient usually receives a comprehensive set of instructions, exercises and “tricks” with which he can help himself in the event of a problem. However, not all of these exercises will immediately give results - they need to be “felt” for them to become effective, but nevertheless, until such a skill has been developed, you should follow the recommendations to one degree or another “formally”.

It is very important to learn all this, since, at least little by little, throughout the day, under the influence of certain unusual loads, various small displacements of the vertebrae occur, and it is desirable to keep the spine in the correct state for as long as possible. Then, in the end, the muscular system of the back will be “tuned” and will be able to easily withstand those loads that were extreme in the “usually broken” state.

Effects of chiropractic care

In “mild” cases, the positive effect of the manipulation is felt literally immediately - the pain goes away, the head “lightens up”, allergies disappear, a surge of strength is felt, the mood improves and all that... this is the first impression of visiting a competent chiropractor. There are other interesting effects, for example, as a rule, an increase in height appears, breathing becomes easier, and greater freedom of movement appears. Often, an allergy attack (if there was one) immediately stops, sleep improves, and fatigue decreases.

Upon successful completion of the required course of therapy (following the recommendations and learning methods of self-correction), big changes in the entire appearance of the patient - the gait changes, the posture straightens, many health problems that have already become habitual go away... the person, perhaps even for the first time in his life, learns to control his body. For example, he stops slipping on ice, if he falls, it is in a non-traumatic way, he stops spraining his ankles when he falls off his heels, and so on. All this, in turn, is very important for how your future life will turn out - how you feel is how you live.

Are “training” methods good?

IN lately you hear about “vibration traction of the spine”, electrical stimulation various groups muscles, about various “modern scientific methods” of good old chiropractic care... Well, maybe in some places this is good, but in practice it is more often necessary to correct the consequences of using similar methods. True, from the position of the corrector, such an impression is understandable - those for whom everything has been “fixed” will not seek salvation somewhere else. However, it can be stated with complete certainty that no “hardware” can work as accurately as a living creature, and an integrated approach is quite applicable, when therapy is carried out not only with hardware, but they are used within a holistic course.

Electromyostimulators deserve a separate discussion - everything is very sad here... The operating principle of such devices is based on the “replacement” of the body’s electrical signals that cause the muscles to fire, with signals from a device that imitates these impulses. It turns out the following - the device generates signals that are almost “ideal” in shape and quite powerful in strength, against the background of which its own, “native” impulses seem almost like noise. As a result, it is actually violated normal operation muscular system, and normal response to sent nervous system signals. In addition, after intense loads on the muscles created by the devices (which actually force the muscles to “convulse”), in a real situation these same muscles turn out to be unloaded, and without regular repetition of the procedure they begin to quickly lose tone. There are other specific negative factors, such as the established frequency of forced reductions - it, as a rule, much exceeds the natural one (well, that’s how “many reductions in short term"), and such frequencies are already akin to the same “transport vibrations” that “pour the spine into your pants.” 06/16/2009
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It is known that he offers his methods for treating back problems. The main difference between such methods and traditional medicine is an individual approach.

Chiropractic treatment refers to non-traditional methods traditional medicine. It has a centuries-old history and has not yet lost its relevance.

Each chiropractor uses his own methods, applies them intuitively, based on his knowledge and experience.

It can alleviate and sometimes cure:

  • scoliosis, including long-standing;
  • remove pinched nerve;
  • set the slipped vertebra back into place;
  • remove salt deposits;
  • restore flexibility of the spine.

The spine is important!

Connected to all other organs by nerve endings. If a nerve is pinched, the organ “attached” to it suffers. Therefore, many patients note that having cured back pain, they were able to get rid of other diseases, the body as a whole.

But it should be taken into account that there are several diseases for which treatment by a chiropractor is contraindicated. These are tuberculosis or bone sarcoma, osteoporosis and anything else that leads to the destruction of bone tissue.

A chiropractor treats the spine using manual therapy. This massage is done only with your hands, without using any aids. Gentle pressure, stroking - the technique seems very simple, but the effect is amazing. After a course of treatment, a person’s gait changes and their posture improves. By straightening the spine, you can even become 2-4 cm taller.

Watch the video of how a chiropractor diagnoses the spine:

Old illnesses and severe pain

Of course, if the illnesses are old and serious, during treatment the patient will experience discomfort, up to severe pain. After the session, pain often appears in the muscles returning to their normal position. All unpleasant manifestations must be endured; treatment cannot be abandoned halfway. Disturbed but not corrected curvatures of the spine will only get worse in the future.

Traditional medicine is based not only on the physical, but also on the mental component of a person. During the session, it is advisable to relax your muscles as much as possible and not think about anything. After the manipulations, you need to avoid stress for some time. Be sure to dress warmly to avoid catching a cold on your back. The chiropractor will also select a course special exercises. To achieve results, these exercises must be performed regularly.

Also be sure to read.

The history of the use of chiropractic care in Slavic folk medicine goes back many, many centuries. However, in recent years There are fewer and fewer people who can rightfully consider themselves chiropractors. Why is this happening and is it possible to preserve this most valuable heritage of Russian healing traditions? Let's think about this together.

First of all: what is chiropractic and who can call himself chiropractor? Modern dictionaries do not give a clear answer to this question. From the banal definition of “a doctor who sets dislocations and treats fractures” to a true understanding of the essence of this phenomenon is about as far as it is from your apartment to the nearest star.

In fact, everything is not that difficult. Approach taken chiropractors, different from professional medical systems that everyone has chiropractor has his own vision of how to treat a particular patient. Let us emphasize - it is the patient, and not his illness. Chiropractic- a skill that cannot be learned in courses or at an institute. It requires a gift and, in particularly fortunate circumstances, a competent mentor. Working chiropractor each in his own way too. There are healers for whom a visual examination is sufficient for initial diagnosis; there are those who use light palpation (palpation).

Historically, it has been mostly chiropractor were engaged in the treatment of mechanical damage to the spine, joints and bones. Accordingly, they acted exclusively by mechanical influence, based on their own abilities and their inherent gift of healing. For example, the famous Ukrainian healer and chiropractor Nikolai Kasyan used a powerful shock wave technique that instantly destroyed adhesions and blocks in joints or bone joints. But he had a very clear idea of ​​how and where to hit, how to place his hand, thanks to which trauma during his sessions was kept to a minimum...

But to what extent he managed to transfer his abilities to someone else is a big question. Today many people call themselves students and followers of Kasyan. But, let’s say, the Belarusian healer Maria Demyanovna, who communicated with Kasyan many times, said more than once that his gift was unique and inimitable. So today we can only talk about using the brand, and not about replicating Kasyanov’s achievements. The fact is that manual therapy can be learned if you have certain physical abilities - and that is why this area of ​​​​medicine is considered officially recognized today. And only a person who has been given this ability from birth can become a chiropractor.

Or from God, if you like...

“During those times” - that is, when chiropractor were considered a kind of national treasure, and their work was widely in demand not only by residents of nearby villages, but also, say, in the army, for the needs of which people with similar abilities were specially sought out. One of the pre-revolutionary sources concerning traditional medicine methods indicated that approximately one in 10,000 such people are born, and of these, best case scenario one in ten turns out to be able to fully reveal their potential... This is understandable: after all, chiropractors, say, in the families of serfs, so it was impossible for them to receive the necessary theoretical training at the same university. And it turned out that, say, some talented chiropractor at best, he worked in the stables, helping to nurse the master's horses, not realizing that his gift could help hundreds of sick people.

However, it is known that almost every Cossack regiment had its own staff chiropractor- and the regiment was not even supposed to go on a campaign without him. There are official documents, say, on the structure of cuirassier regiments of the early 19th century (we emphasize that this is a regular army, not a Cossack army!). There the medical service, serving more than 750 people, consisted of the following specialists: regimental doctor, junior doctor, regimental paramedic and regimental chiropractor…

Such people were treated with great respect and, so to speak, with reverence: after all, doctors were needed mainly in case of battle wounds or illnesses, but chiropractor has always found application, both in peacetime and in wartime. After the end of service life, experienced chiropractors, as a rule, they received “freedom” and could go to live in any region Russian Empire- by the way, it was especially encouraged if they expressed a desire to live in sparsely populated regions where there was a problem with certified doctors.

It is interesting that the Church chiropractors has always been more than loyal - unlike the same healers, shamans or, as they say now, psychics. After all chiropractic- this is the most ancient Slavic art of healing, proven over centuries, and no one would think of subjecting it to “anathema”...

It is quite possible that similar nuggets are also appearing today - but a much smaller number of them find themselves in conditions favorable for their work. Here the problem is not in the remnants of serfdom, but in the attitude towards this kind of methods from the outside official medicine. In other words, the faster modern high-tech medicine develops, the fewer practitioners there are. chiropractors- although, most likely, total quantity the number of people with the corresponding gift is by no means decreasing.

Why did this direction turn out to be so developed in Russia? Again, for historical reasons. In the East there existed and still exists a huge number of healing methods, tied, among other things, to various philosophical and religious practices. But the fundamental difference is precisely in philosophy. Our people and the Slavs in general have never had a contemplative position in life. Our climate is different, “thanks to” which every day was a struggle for survival, and statehood developed differently than in the East - therefore, the principles of attitude to life developed completely different. The closest thing to Russian bone-setting traditions was Europe, where these or similar methods were practiced both in the “wild” version, in remote villages, and in a more cultivated version - in monasteries. But the European school was unable to survive the era of the Inquisition, when almost all of these healers, herbalists and other people with unusual abilities were simply physically exterminated.

In Russia, as you know, with all our - from a European point of view - “savages”, people were not burned at the stake en masse. And this, coupled with an undeveloped system state medicine, allowed us to save chiropractic as a system of healing, and not as a memory of it.

Both in ancient times and today it is believed that the real chiropractor can only become a person who has enough high level spirituality. The latter, by the way, does not mean religiosity at all (not all chiropractor are necessarily churchgoers), but something more. More than is even interpreted in the classical definition of this concept - “Spirituality is detachment from base, crudely sensual interests, the desire for internal improvement, heights of spirit.” (Dictionary Russian language D.N.Ushakova).

As they say, no offense to the representatives of the stronger sex, but men are born with animalistic, “baboon” instincts to a much greater extent. Sacrifice in a man can be a consequence of a conscious step or a reaction to some external circumstances. For women, this is embedded at the subconscious level. A simple example: unlike many fathers, for any normal mother to sacrifice anything (including - own life) for the sake of your child is a completely natural act...

Same for chiropractor: For him, the full development of his talent and gift is possible only when he finds in himself the power of love and sacrifice, similar to a mother’s, and is able to direct it to his patients. This power cannot be summoned for money, and that is why it cannot be chiropractor a person who views his gift solely as a means of personal enrichment...

However, every time has its own laws, and today, when the number chiropractor specialists is rapidly declining, the question is quite acute about how it is possible, if not to replicate, then at least to study and systematize their experience. An attempt to do this today is being made at the ARTROTON Center, where methods chiropractic are successfully combined with the approaches used by certified doctors (each of whom, by the way, has an academic degree of at least a candidate of medical sciences). Such a tandem allows not only to make the work of traditional medicine specialists more reliable (for example, they no longer need to spend time and effort on diagnostics in cases where this can be done much more easily using hardware methods), but also significantly expands the arsenal of capabilities modern doctors. This means it helps to accumulate invaluable experience, which may be of interest in the future to other chiropractors who want to develop and improve their gift.

Perhaps, as we study data on real and properly documented cases of healing of people previously considered “hopeless,” it will be possible to form a more loyal attitude towards chiropractors from official medical science. This is one of the tasks that the staff of the ARTROTON Center sets for itself. In this direction, we are ready to cooperate with every specialist who believes that he has an innate ability to chiropractic It's not about comparison clinical practitioners or methods (this activity is useless by definition, since everyone’s gift chiropractor individual), but about the fundamental possibility of achieving one or another result with the help of this type of therapy.

That's why, dear colleagues, if any of you have a desire to communicate on a similar professional topic, we will be glad to see you at the ARTROTON Center!

In the old days, a person who knew how to set and replace dislocated bones, as well as correctly position broken bones, was called a chiropractor. Many people are interested in what is the correct name of a chiropractor (doctor) these days? Today it is a chiropractor. He now knows how not only to set bones, but also to solve many problems related to bones and the spine. Manual therapy (“hand treatment”) is a whole system where the doctor performs therapeutic manipulations with his hands. A competent specialist can use them to treat not only joints and the spine, but also muscle disorders, and even diseases of internal organs.

Chiropractor (doctor) - what is the correct name?

A chiropractor (the old-fashioned chiropractor) uses own hands. His competence includes the treatment of pathologies of the spinal column, including its curvature, as well as various joints.

Before preparing a restorative individual course, a good chiropractor conducts a full diagnosis. After this, the doctor begins to implement his miraculous techniques.

The main advantage of undergoing a course of treatment with a chiropractor compared to other methods is that in this case there is no need to use medicines. And besides this, manual therapy can sometimes help even in cases where conservative methods are already powerless and completely ineffective.

What methods does it use?

A modern chiropractor (a doctor, as we have found out is correctly called) is a doctor who uses the most modern techniques, both diagnosis and treatment. Manual therapy sessions are carried out in combination with physiotherapy, massage, and hardware methods. As a result, a lasting effect even with such the most complex diseases, such as arthrosis of the joints, intervertebral hernias, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia and others.

Some patients feel some changes and even improvements after the first session. After exposure to the manipulations of a chiropractor, blood circulation immediately improves, muscles are toned, tissue trophism is enhanced and metabolism is accelerated. Of course, one session will not be enough to cure. Most often, you need to visit a specialist 10 to 20 times. Everything is individual. If already on initial stages If you notice improvements, you must complete the course. Under no circumstances should you stop halfway to recovery. Listen to your doctor's recommendations.

What does a chiropractor do?

Who is a chiropractor (doctor)? It’s clear what it’s called correctly nowadays. How does a competent chiropractor work? A chiropractor, like no one else, is well versed in the physiology of the human body and knows all its functional capabilities. He bases his approach and treatment method not only on the underlying disease. Be sure to take into account psychological state patient. The main goal of his manipulations (impacts on the body with his hands) is to eliminate pain, as a result, compensation for frozen functions (joints, spine, internal organs).

In the chiropractor's office, all problems associated with musculoskeletal system, both congenital and acquired. A full course of manual therapy can restore health to many, and not only to the joints and spine. After treatment, the functioning of the endocrine and respiratory systems, gastrointestinal tract, blood supply to all organs, as well as the brain, increases, immunity increases, and the patient’s emotional and psychological mood improves.

Who is most likely to become a chiropractor? The specialist may have a diploma in an orthopedist or neurologist. In addition to this, he must also obtain a qualification in manual therapy.

The diagnosis is made by a doctor not only based on the results of examination, patient complaints, and palpation. Often required additional examinations, X-ray images. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to monitor the patient’s condition, monitor the dynamics of the disease, and focus on well-being.

Children's chiropractor

People of all ages turn to specialists. Infants are often brought to appointments. Common injuries are displacement of the cervical vertebrae during childbirth, congenital dislocations joints, hip dislocation. To prevent these pathologies from affecting the quality of life in the future, a chiropractor can help solve the problem. Moscow is a huge metropolis, and finding a good chiropractor here is not difficult. In the regions, many turn to such specialists based on recommendations, reviews former patients doctors A chiropractor has in his arsenal a variety of gentle techniques that are specially designed for young patients.

In children's and adolescence various diseases accompanied by a whole series various symptoms. At home, it is simply impossible to independently identify the exact symptoms in infants; it is better to visit a chiropractic office with your child. Here the doctor will be able to accurately diagnose. The first sign of any abnormalities in infants will be loud crying during some kind of physical influence: turns, simple exercises, light massage. Older children may already complain of pain in any part of the spine, joints, headache(it can also be a consequence of problems with the spine). In addition, for kyphosis, scoliosis, torticollis strong changes posture and incorrect head position are immediately noticeable. A pediatric chiropractor knows how to help your child in these cases; after the first consultation, he will give recommendations on what needs to be done. A timely diagnosis and targeted treatment will make it possible to get rid of the disease. To confirm such diagnoses, the doctor will order an MRI, radiography, CT scan or magnetic resonance angiography. Any laboratory tests are possible.

Indications for children

A good chiropractor was able to help many children, as any grateful review proves this: a chiropractor, according to parents, creates simply wonderful transformations with the child’s body with his manipulations. The main thing is to contact on time and immediately begin a course of treatment after diagnosis. In what cases does a pediatric chiropractor really help? If a child is found to have:

Incorrect development of the spine in infants or infantile torticollis. Kyphosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis in older children. In infants, birth injuries. In adolescents, schoolchildren, incorrect posture, scoliosis. In average and school age various dislocations and injuries. Joint diseases. Some diseases of internal organs. Muscular pathologies.

Relief from pain

Of course, it is possible to get rid of a vertebral hernia with the help of surgical intervention. However, a chiropractor will help you overcome the pain. Moscow is exactly the city where you can easily find a highly qualified specialist. Pain is the leading symptom of spinal diseases; a chiropractor is able to restore biochemical processes at the site of injury.

Every chiropractor has knowledge of the principle that the leading disease leads to disruption of the work of others important systems organism, since it is a single whole. For example, if on lower limb a finger is damaged, this will lead to a change in gait, and as a result, arthrosis of the hip joint is possible. This will be followed by disruption of the functions of internal organs, displacement of the vertebrae, poor posture, and so on. It is for this reason that even minor diseases should be detected in the early stages and treated promptly.

What diseases does a chiropractor treat?

During an examination, any doctor may decide that you need advice from a chiropractor. The price of a given doctor’s services may vary and depend on the level of qualification of the specialist. The most common diseases that a chiropractor works with:

Migraine. Osteochondrosis with severe painful manifestations, with infringement sciatic nerve, radiculitis, etc. Poor posture. Kyphosis. Lordosis. Intervertebral hernia. Hypertension. Vegetovascular dystonia. Scoliosis.

In most cases, a person can decide for himself that he needs to consult a chiropractor. Alarming indicators may include: frequent headaches that occur when turning the head, dizziness, pain in chest, joints, as well as stiffness of the spine and joints.

Contraindications to manual therapy include the following:

Oncology. Systemic diseases. Osteoporosis.

When is it necessary to contact a chiropractor?

Do you need a chiropractor (the price for doctor's services varies in Moscow from 700 to 1800 rubles per session)? Listen to your body. If you notice the following symptoms, you should consider visiting a chiropractor:

During breathing, a feeling of stiffness occurs. There is numbness in the lower or upper limbs, their fingers. Dizziness, as well as headaches associated with them. Impaired hearing, vision, memory problems. When turning the head, a headache occurs.

How is an appointment with a chiropractor?

You can understand how an appointment with this doctor goes by reading any review. At your first appointment, the chiropractor will listen carefully to all your complaints. The doctor will find out if you have diseases of the internal organs and various concomitant diseases. In addition, you must bring the following results to the doctor, if any:

CT scan of the spine. MRI. X-ray images. Conclusion of a neurologist.

After studying them, the doctor will begin the examination. Know that manual therapy uses not only therapeutic, but also diagnostic techniques. The doctor will definitely use them at the first appointment. The chiropractor will also feel your spinal column, determining all its deformations, bends, will determine where the muscles are less, more tense, and determine hypertonicity. During the examination, the doctor may ask you to take one position or another (lie down, stand up, walk around), while at the same time he will look closely.

What types of palpation are used by a chiropractor?

Tick, superficial, sliding, deep, pinching. Some types of techniques resemble massage movements, and this should not be surprising. Sometimes, to make the final decision on choosing a technique, a chiropractor (osteopath) can refer you to additional diagnostics. This may be BAK, AS, CT, MRI of the spine, electromyography, x-ray of the spine.