How to correctly write an application to a dental clinic. Unsatisfied with your dentist's services? Complain! How to sue a dentist if a tooth was treated incorrectly and as a result the tooth had to be removed

A dentist belongs to that group of doctors that every person has to deal with sooner or later. Someone meets a dentist back in early childhood, some only in adulthood. However, sooner or later, any person’s teeth begin to need repair, and then we have only one option left - to consult a dentist.

Dental services today are provided by both public medical institutions and private clinics. But, as practice shows, in both types of medical institutions, the patient may encounter unqualified services. What to do in such cases, where to turn for assistance?

When choosing a particular dental clinic, most citizens rely on two main criteria:

  • Cost of services.
  • Quality of services.

Contacting public clinic, a person, first of all, expects to receive free medical services in accordance with the compulsory health insurance policy (CHI). As for private clinics, the majority of citizens believe that they can get dental services for more high quality than in state ones. This is partly true - privately practicing dentists value their medical reputation, since their financial well-being depends 100% on the number of clients.

But neither private dentist, nor the “state” are insured against medical errors. And sometimes both doctors simply lack medical experience and qualifications. Accordingly, patients run the risk of receiving low-quality dental services both in a public clinic and in a commercial establishment. Here's just the procedure for filing a complaint wrong actions The dentist in these cases will differ, since the provision of public and commercial medical services is regulated by different supervisory authorities.

A dentist in a state (municipal) clinic is obliged to perform his work in accordance with the requirements for medical employees established by the relevant federal legislation. Thus, he does not have the right to demand from a patient who has compulsory medical insurance policy, treatment fee. He also does not have the right to refuse to provide a visitor to the clinic with dental care. In case of provision poor quality treatment he is obliged to correct the mistakes made.

Accordingly, if a dentist in a clinic begins to openly extort monetary or other “gratitude” from a patient for his services, this is a direct reason to file a complaint against him. A similar case is if he obsessively offers to purchase from him certain “very good medicine"at exorbitant prices. Most often, therefore, he works part-time as a commercial agent for an affiliated pharmaceutical company, or is engaged in outright speculation in medicines.

Complaint to the head physician or department head

But the most common case that causes a patient to file a complaint is poor-quality dental repair. In all of the above cases, a clinic visitor has the right to write a complaint against such a negligent dentist. You should start filing an application with claims against the actions of the state dentist from his immediate superiors - the head dental department or the head physician of the clinic. A complaint about a doctor’s unprofessional actions can be submitted to his superiors in writing or orally.

Filing a complaint with the clinic administration is advisable only in a situation where the dentist’s actions did not cause great harm to your health, and they can be easily corrected. The fact is that the head physician has the right to apply only disciplinary measures to his subordinates: issue a reprimand or warning, deprive of bonuses, etc. But he will no longer be able to demand that the dentist pay you compensation for the damage caused to your health and nerves.

Our state has a special federal service responsible for supervision in the healthcare sector - Roszdravnadzor. Similar health departments are located in each subject of the federation. You can find out their address in your city through the information desk, or using an Internet search engine. Unlike the head of a clinic, this is a different level. Roszdravnadzor employees are obliged, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Citizens' Appeals,” to respond to every complaint filed. But a complaint in this situation is accepted only in the prescribed manner - in writing or electronic form, drawn up in accordance with all the rules of domestic office work.

In each application, you should indicate your data (anonymous documents are not considered by federal authorities), clearly describe the essence of your claims, and also attach to the document all information you have. evidence base. This is a copy of the hospital record page, written prescriptions, names and addresses of witnesses. If a consultation or medical examination has already been conducted on your issue, the conclusions of the specialists should be attached to the complaint.

In response to formal complaint Department employees are required to conduct an inspection check of the received signal, and if it is confirmed, apply necessary measures To to this doctor or the management of the clinic. Officials are required to notify the complainant about the results of the inspection in writing (by registered mail or by e-mail).

Private dentist, as opposed to an employee state clinic, provides its services to on a commercial basis. That is, he has the right to refuse service to a patient who does not have money to pay for his work. But, having taken payment, he is obliged to provide the client with dental services of the appropriate level. Despite his commercial orientation, private clinics must meet the same standard requirements as other medical institutions.

But, since the services of a private dentist are provided on a reimbursable basis, in addition to Roszdravnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor is also involved in monitoring the activities of such institutions. This responsibility was imposed on this federal service by decree of the Russian government of 2012. Thus, the client of a private dentist is a consumer commercial goods, and the dentist himself is the supplier paid services. If provided poor quality services, he is obliged to return the client’s money or correct the mistake at his own expense.

Appeal to the court and prosecutor's office

The judiciary and the prosecutor's office are “universal” authorities to which patients and private practitioners can file a complaint. municipal dentist. This should be addressed in situations where the dentist’s actions have caused significant harm to your health, and you intend to seek administrative or criminal punishment for him, or compensation for the moral, financial and physical damage caused.

If you have enough good reasons To file a complaint, you can demand through the court or the prosecutor's office the payment of monetary compensation, the imposition of a ban on medical practice, or even the closure of a private clinic. However, domestic legal proceedings provide for the adversarial nature of the proceedings. That is, each of the litigants has the right to defend their point of view, using all the arguments they have.

Also, the current procedural legislation provides for a presumption of innocence for the defendant. That is, the complainant will need to prove to the judge the dentist’s guilt in providing poor-quality medical services. To do this, you will need to provide convincing evidence to the court:

  • Medical expert's conclusion on the dentist's fault in the admitted medical error. Such a conclusion is issued by the territorial body of Roszdravnadzor, or by a forensic medical examination appointed at the request of a judge.
  • Video and audio recordings of your conversations with a negligent doctor.
  • Testimony from which the judge can draw conclusions about the real deterioration in your health after visiting the dentist.
  • When making a complaint against a private dentist, you should also attach an agreement for the provision of medical services indicating the amount of money paid for them.

To increase the chances of a successful outcome of the litigation, it is recommended to seek assistance from a professional lawyer. He will be able to provide you with the full range legal services– from filing a complaint against a dentist to presenting your case in court.

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Where to complain about a dental clinic if the client stays dissatisfied with the services medical private or public center? In order for complaints and applications submitted for consideration to be effective and bring results, it is necessary to consider each case separately and take into account a number of circumstantial factors. Dentistry today is the most popular type of medical services, which offers a huge range of opportunities. A thorough study of the problem does not always guarantee a positive outcome, so you should always be prepared for unexpected circumstances.

Clean floors, new equipment, friendly staff, robes and even hats are not always the key to quality service and a guarantee of excellent results. If the dentist does not know how to use the equipment and cannot consistently perform manipulations, then problems and complications arise.

The most common problems are:

  • misreading of x-rays;
  • lack of equipment;
  • insufficient qualifications of personnel.

The most important evidence will be an x-ray and a receipt for payment for services. For example, a client went to a private clinic to receive dental services, presenting your x-ray. The doctor carried out the treatment, however, after this the client felt pain and malaise. Having taken a repeat picture after the intervention, the hospital discovered that the dentist had missed the granuloma. If it is not treated, the tooth must be sawed down to create two roots, or completely removed.

Thus, in order to prove that services were provided at this particular clinic, you must provide a receipt or request a log entry from the database.

But difficulties can arise here too:

  1. It is necessary to prove that after the unscrupulous doctor the person no longer sought services from other clinics.
  2. It is necessary to prove that all the doctor’s instructions were followed, and that the patient himself did not cause the injury due to poor quality preventive measures after the intervention.
  3. We also need testimony from other persons who examined the data reflected on the X-ray.

If it is possible to obtain an opinion, then you need to contact the higher authorities to which dentistry is subordinate within the framework of compulsory medical insurance.

First, you need to figure out who the client is going to complain about: a specific doctor or medical institution. If this is not a private institution, and the doctor is not a private practitioner, then first, you can send an application to the administration. You must submit a claim in the prescribed manner, registering the appeal in the local office.

If the authorized actions are not taken against the doctor, the patient can contact other organizations:

  1. If there is no response from management, the complaint is submitted to Roszdravnadzor.
  2. The application is sent by mail indicating the reasons.
  3. You can also use the online form to submit an appeal.

If here again the complaint against the dental clinic to Roszdravnadzor is ignored, the client has the right to appeal to the court or the prosecutor’s office.

The reason and basis for initiating a case will be claims for services not fully provided or low-quality products that were used for treatment. There is a hierarchy in the healthcare system unless the clinic is private. It turns out that first the motives for the committed act are established, only after that each unit structure checks the clinic for the presence and detection of violations.

In addition, if the client is not given a check, he has every right to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. There you can also find out about the sanctions and tax penalties imposed on the clinic or a specific dentist.

If you initially file a complaint against a dentist from a clinic, it must be sent to court for compensation for material and moral damage. You need to apply to the district court with a claim drawn up in a standard manner. Below is a complaint against a clinic dentist, a sample application can be taken as a basis:

I, _______________, went to the clinic with my child to get a consultation and make an appointment for my son to see a dentist. We were received by a physician _________________, position/category ___________. He said that the child urgently needs to remove the 7th tooth, as it interferes with the development of the others and the bite is disturbed. We took all the necessary measures on ______________ (date). After 2 days the child complained of acute pain. The emergency room said there was an infection. All planned measures to remove it were carried out in the hospital _____________ (address).

Later we went to the children's clinic to find out what had been done to the child. Based on the entries in the patient logs, my son was examined. Appointed additional treatment, after which the child was admitted to the hospital again with acute toothache. In this regard, I suspect that the medical services provided were provided negligently and incorrectly. The child was twice admitted to the hospital to eliminate the consequences of medical interventions.

Return to judicial procedure money spent on treatment, moral compensation for the damage and stress caused to the child, as well as money for the forced removal of 2 teeth. In general, the funds I spent in the amount of ___________ rubles will be reimbursed and the amount of damage will be increased to ___________ rubles.

Signature ________, date ________.

If you don’t know where to file complaints about dental clinics, then first you need to find out whether the institution belongs to the supervisory agency. Often, such issues are dealt with by parents whose children’s dentists gave incorrect advice to them and committed unlawful actions: they pulled out a tooth that could have been cured, or put the wrong filling.

If the health committee keeps records of the activities of a private company, then children's doctors first undergo checks to ensure compliance with the license in the area in which they operate.

Physicians and doctors of non-departmental clinics and hospitals are subject to certification checks. If violations are found, the organization is fined. Dental centers also respond by civil cases in court for their doctors. To apply for an institution, fill out a form that is issued by a higher authority. Below is a typical complaint about a dental clinic.

The sample is taken as the basis for initiating a case to return funds:

Government organization _____________

Actual registration address __________

From ______________ (full name of the party applying)

Residence or registration address _____________

I, _______________, applied to the private clinic __________ (name, address) with acute pain. I had an x-ray with me, in which the doctor saw that one tooth should be removed due to the process of decay. The seventh tooth from the top on the right really hurt, however, it was not necessary to remove it. I was not offered to install an implant, after which I paid ________ rubles for removal. In another clinic, based on the x-ray, I was told that the tooth could be saved by removing the nerve and one root _______________ (number of the report or examination). The doctor's order is attached to the file. The application was sent to Rospotrebnadzor on the basis of the provision of poor quality services.

Due to the fact that I had _________ (which tooth, reason) _____________ removed, however, the measures were chosen incorrectly, I was left without a tooth and money.

Based on the above, I ask:

Restore justice and impose punishment for the doctor’s negligent attitude towards patients __________ (reasonable basis), demand compensation for damages in the form of money spent in the amount of __________ rubles, and also pay moral compensation in the amount of _______ rubles for the fact that now it is impossible to install an implant in place of the pulled out tooth .

Signature ________, date ___________.

Based on such requests, patients won many cases and returned money. Unfortunately, dental health cannot be restored, however, it is worth fighting for quality dental care.

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Consumer rights in case of poor-quality medical service provided

The quality of service provision and the nature of such services are determined by the contract. According to the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, the contractor must act in accordance with such an agreement. When talking about dental services, you should remember that the same principles apply.

Attention! If the consumer is dissatisfied with the work of the dentist, the citizen may demand the following:

  • elimination of deficiencies caused by the dentist free of charge;
  • reduction in the cost of the service in proportion to the nature of the shortcomings;
  • repeated provision of services free of charge;
  • reimbursement of expenses incurred as a result of eliminating deficiencies in the dentist’s work.

Also, the consumer can always completely terminate the contractual relationship if the dentist does not eliminate the defects within the period of time established by the agreement. In such a situation, there will also be full compensation for losses on the part of the violator of the contract.

Making a demand to correct deficiencies or reduce the cost of a service can occur either during the dentist’s work, or upon acceptance of the result of the service, or within the period established by the contract, after acceptance of the work, but provided that it was not possible to immediately identify the shortcomings.

Speaking about the deadlines for submitting demands to the dentist, you should remember that this applies general rule about the warranty period, which must be indicated in the contract. If there is no such clause, then the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation apply, and a reasonable period for making a claim will be two years.

When the contract does not imply a warranty period and it is necessary to resort to the provisions Civil Code, it is necessary to understand that this option is possible only if the shortcomings arose before the acceptance of the result of the work.

In this case, the dental clinic will be responsible for errors unless it proves that the defects arose due to the fault of the customer, third parties or force majeure.

There may also be situations in which the warranty period expires. And the client only discovered the shortcomings after that. Here it is allowed, as a general rule, to demand compensation and reimbursement from the dentist within two years, but only on the condition that it is proven that errors were made before accepting the result of the work.

It is possible for the consumer to make claims even after the expiration of two years. This is allowed only if significant deficiencies in the service provided are identified and such are identified before the client accepts the work.

In this case, the consumer is also given a limited time to make demands. The period in this case increases to ten years.

If the demand presented to the dentist has not been satisfied within twenty days, or the deficiencies cannot be corrected in principle, then the consumer has the right to demand the following:

  • reduce the cost of services in proportion to the identified shortcomings;
  • reimburse the costs incurred by the client by eliminating the shortcomings of the work result.

The consumer can also refuse and terminate the contractual relationship, while demanding compensation for losses.

Sample complaint to dentistry

Important! To resolve the situation with the dentist, you should first pay attention to the prescribed procedure:

  • You should try to resolve the conflict verbally and come to an agreement on the spot. If there is no peace agreement, then other means of influence should be used on the violator;
  • filing a claim in writing. It is sent by registered mail or delivered in person to confirm receipt;
  • preparing a complaint to Roszdravnadzor;
  • a statement of claim to the court sent immediately after a satisfactory resolution of the complaint.

Preparing a complaint is the main stage, because a correctly drawn up document will lead to satisfaction of the requirements. To file a complaint, you can contact a lawyer or do the survey yourself.

To correctly convey information about the current situation, a person only needs to follow the structure of the complaint or use ready-made sample. Initially, the header always contains information about the body to which the complaint is sent, then about the applicant with detailed information about the person, down to the contact phone number.

The main part of the document should fully reflect the situation, the reasons for the occurrence of deficiencies, the timing of their identification, measures taken before this, and so on. Next, the requirement for measures that must be applied to the dentist is recorded. The document ends with the date of preparation and the personal signature of the applicant, that is, the injured person.

The document must be drawn up in two copies. This is necessary so that one copy remains with the applicant with a mark of receipt, and the second copy remains with the addressee. When the complaint is sent by mail, you must keep the receipt of the registered letter.

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample complaint to the chief physician against a doctor:

What documents need to be provided

The facts stated in the complaint must be documentary evidence, only in this case the appeal will be satisfied.

Accordingly, you will need to attach the following documents:

  • agreement on the provision of medical services;
  • treatment plan;
  • an extract from the medical record about the fact of medical measures, diagnosis, result of treatment;
  • certificate of work performed, if provided;
  • checks or bills confirming payment for the service;
  • applicant's details.

Only copies of documents should be provided; the originals should remain in the hands of the victim. Only a government agency or court can request them.

When a claim is sent directly to a dental clinic, it is enough to submit only the application; the remaining papers in the form of copies must be kept in the administration medical institution.

Attention! Our qualified lawyers will assist you free of charge and around the clock on any issues.

When a complaint is not satisfied

Satisfaction of a complaint involves complex procedure. Since the basis for collecting money from a dental clinic will be the recognition of the services provided as being of poor quality.

Work performed properly will be recognized as such in the following situations:

  • the agreement does not provide for a specific result and allows for its intended use;
  • the service complies with the standards proposed by Rosstandart;
  • the result of the service fully corresponds to the initially stated goals.

The degree of service quality is determined by an independent examination. All conclusions are formalized in the conclusion. If the complaint ultimately results in a refusal, then it will be possible to obtain compensation only through the court.

Watch the video. Where to complain about negligent doctors:

Complaint to Roszdravnadzor

Roszdravnadzor, at the request of a citizen who was injured by the actions of a dentist, carries out verification activities. The body has the right to instruct the clinic’s doctors, as well as conduct a study that would determine the level and quality of the services provided.

Since the federal service must have certain grounds for such actions, the applicant must prepare full list documents that would serve as evidence of a violation.

Notice! Therefore, the following materials must be attached to the complaint:

  • document confirming a visit to the dentist. This could be a medical card, a coupon, an extract, and so on. A citizen cannot fail to present such documents;
  • the results of an examination that would establish the fact that the services were provided with poor quality. First, the applicant must independently initiate the research, only after that the federal service will check the information received.

Some types of violations cannot be confirmed in this way, so you will have to conduct your own investigation and identify violations. For example, to establish the fact of extortion by doctors, fraud, and so on.

The complaint, which will be submitted to Roszdravnadzor, must also comply with the rules for observing the structure of the document.

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample complaint to Roszdravnadzor against a doctor:

The following elements are included in this appeal:

  • cap. This will include information about the body to which the citizen applies, personal data of the applicant;
  • main part. This assumes a description of the offense with reference to the evidence reflected in the application. It is necessary to indicate in which medical institution the doctor works, full name and the position of such;
  • operative part. The information presented ends with a specifically defined requirement, reflecting the nature of the measures that must be applied to the dentist. It is not necessary to make references to legislative acts;
  • application. At the end of the document, you must list the papers that will be submitted along with the complaint.

The appeal ends with the date of preparation and the personal signature of the affected person.

How to send

There are several ways to send a complaint to Roszdravnadzor. If you use mail, you will need an address government agency: 109074, Moscow, Slavyanskaya Square, 4, building 1. You can also use the electronic resource - the official website of the federal service .

Please note! To do this you will need to go through the following steps:

  • determine the type of appeal - “Organization of verification of the proposed facts”;
  • log in account or log in through the State Services website;
  • fill out the information in the form provided and enter the text of the complaint in the special field;
  • upload scanned copies and photographs of the attached papers;
  • send a message.

The time frame for consideration of a complaint is established by the Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” and is thirty days. The response comes in the form specified when sending the complaint (by mail, electronically).

Where to complain about a private dentist

Private dental clinics will be held liable for violations on the same basis as public medical institutions. The principle of filing complaints against the actions of such doctors will not be different.

At work private dental clinics The federal service, Roszdravnadzor, is also monitoring. Personal appeal or by mail is allowed by registered letters or in electronic form.

To file a complaint will also apply general principles. The need to comply with the structure of the document, prepare a list of necessary documentation, and register on the State Services website if an electronic version of the application is being implemented.

A positive response will lead to an unscheduled inspection of the private clinic and a conclusion based on its results.

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample complaint against a doctor at a private clinic:

Appeal to the Prosecutor's Office and the court

Practice determines such offenses that are considered significant and require contacting law enforcement agencies, namely the court or the prosecutor's office. This option makes it possible to achieve not only compensation for losses, but also to bring violators to administrative or criminal liability.

It will not matter whether the doctor provided medical services for a fee or free of charge. It also does not matter whether the clinic exists as an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. In any case, the violated interests of consumers must be protected.

Please note! It should be understood that the prosecutor’s office and judicial authorities must receive a good evidence base, which includes the following:

  • conclusion of medical experts. The study can be carried out by contacting Roszdravnadzor, or waiting for a request from a judicial authority, but this option will require waiting for the start of the trial, which is not always convenient;
  • agreement for the provision of medical services, coupon, extract from outpatient card, check, payment or other papers confirming the provision of services and payment for them by the consumer.

You can also provide videos, photos and other materials that can serve as evidence in the case.

ATTENTION! View the completed sample statement of claim for a doctor:

The application to both the prosecutor's office and the judicial authority must also be drawn up in accordance with the rules and in compliance with the structure:

  • introductory part, including information about the authority, the applicant and the respondent;
  • the descriptive part, which involves a detailed presentation of information about the incident, an indication of the shortcomings and the reasons for their occurrence;
  • the pleading part, which records the requirements regarding the measures that need to be applied to the violator.

Complaint against a dentist official document, establishing the patient’s requirements and describing the essence of the emergence of such requirements. According to complaint– a citizen’s request for restoration or protection of his violated rights, freedoms or legitimate interests or the rights, freedoms or legitimate interests of other persons. Responding to a written complaint is mandatory for official bodies and organizations. In addition, the consideration of the complaint must be carried out in full accordance with the procedures and deadlines established by this .

We offer our sample complaint, in which we tried to take into account all typical situations. You can correct and supplement specified sample– the complaint does not have a mandatory prescribed form.

Before writing and filing a complaint against a dentist we recommend you:

  • receive free legal advice on patient rights, which will save your time;
  • familiarize yourself with the following materials on our resource: and.

Sample complaint against a dentist

Chief physician of a state (municipal (private) health care institution (name) (address)

Ministry of Health (name of authority executive branch subject Russian Federation with authority in the field of health protection) (address)

Prosecutor's office (name of the subject of the Russian Federation) (address)

Territorial body Federal service for supervision in the field of healthcare according to (name of the subject of the Russian Federation) (address)

from Last Name First Name Patronymic, residential address

(for example: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, Moscow, Moskovskaya st., 134, apt. 35)

Complaint about a dentist

I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (indicate your last name, first name and patronymic - the latter if available), September 25, 2017 (indicate exact date events) felt unwell, namely (specify specific symptoms disease) and decided that I would need a dentist.

This circumstance served as the basis for my application to a medical healthcare institution (indicate the type of medical institution and its name, for example city ​​clinic No. 9) for helping me medical care.

At the same time, the following unlawful actions (inactions) were taken against me in this institution, namely (select the one you need, and also add to your complaint detailed description situations and attach evidence):

  • I was denied medical services for next reason(describe the situation and the reason for the refusal, for example, “after it became clear that I applied to the place of temporary stay, I was denied medical care,” etc.);
  • I was provided with poor quality medical service;
  • medical assistance was provided untimely;
  • I was misdiagnosed;
  • the dentist refused to see the patient;
    the doctor was negligent;
  • I was prescribed the wrong therapy;
  • after visiting the dentist, your health deteriorated;
  • had to bear excessive financial costs;
  • the doctor treated me rudely;
  • the dentist violated medical confidentiality

In accordance with Article 4 Federal Law“On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” the main principles of health protection are: respect for the rights of citizens in the field of health protection and ensuring state guarantees associated with these rights; priority of the patient's interests in the provision of medical care; accessibility and quality of medical care; inadmissibility of refusal to provide medical care; priority of prevention in the field of health care; maintaining medical confidentiality.

Based on the above, I request(select the one you need):

  • take action against the dentist (indicate the surname, first name and patronymic of the dentist),
  • reimburse me for expenses incurred,
  • correct the situation.

Date, personal signature of the person filing a complaint against the dentist

Poor quality care can be divided into two categories: poor work done and harm caused to health as a result of the treatment. In order to protect your rights, you need to study the laws “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and “On Health Care”.

1. If the work was performed poorly and the warranty period has not yet expired

For example, filling, crown. Under warranty, the clinic is obligated to do the work or return its full cost. It is advisable to keep the contract and receipt, although the clinic should have information about your visit. They usually redo the work under warranty without any problems. But for the return cash you need to write an application addressed to general director(chief physician). But few people know that by law you have the right to demand reimbursement for the cost of correcting the work in another, more expensive clinic.

2. If poorly performed work entails more serious consequences

For example, an incorrectly placed crown led to a crack in the root of the tooth and the need to remove it and install an implant. In this case, it is important to be able to prove that it was the installation of the crown that led to the loss of the tooth. How to proceed in this case.

Do not make a scandal or swear under any circumstances - this will not achieve anything, but on the contrary, you will give the unscrupulous clinic time to “prepare” for your claims.

If you are determined, go to paid consultation to a lawyer (free ones are usually uninformative), it is advisable to find a lawyer or company that specializes specifically in medical matters. During the consultation, the lawyer will tell you in what sequence you need to act in your specific situation. Sometimes it is possible to settle everything at the pre-trial stage.

To request medical records, you need to write an application in two copies, on one of them the clinic representative must sign that he accepted it. Provide copies medical documents and medical history upon written request is the responsibility of any medical institution.

Before starting treatment for the consequences in another clinic, ask your doctor to do oral cavity, this will be needed to file a claim.

You can claim compensation for the cost of treatment in this clinic, the cost of subsequent treatment, moral damages (usually from 20 to 50,000 rubles), and all related expenses. The court also imposes a fine equal to the cost of the poor-quality services provided.

Realistically assess your chances if the matter comes to trial. The most difficult thing is to prove the connection between improper treatment and the problems that have arisen, this makes medical examination. Initially, all expenses are paid by you; in case of a positive court decision, they are recovered from the clinic.

Do not enter into polemics with representatives of the clinic. They must appeal all claims and conclusions only in writing.

When paying for expensive work by lawyers, assess the risks. If it's small private clinic, then it is quite possible that she will close legal entity, and there will simply be no one to sue. Also, do not forget that behind each clinic there is a lawyer who will protect its interests.