How to maintain hair as you age: simple rules. How age-related changes in hair and nails manifest themselves

When we talk about aging, we usually think about the condition of our skin. It's about O age spots and wrinkles that appear over the years, about protective products and ingredients that can stop the aging process.

At the same time, few people think about hair, which also undergoes changes. However, their aging also manifests itself differently. Let's understand this process in detail.

Your hair is turning gray

It's worth starting with the most obvious and well-known change - hair turns gray with age. There are several reasons why this happens. Most common cause is genetics. People who go gray prematurely can confidently assume that the reason is due to their parents. All this is determined by genetics. In addition, premature gray hair can be associated with stress, poor diet, extreme lifestyle, lack of sleep or serious illnesses. Hair turns gray because at a certain age melanin is no longer produced. Gray strands lack color and certain proteins. In essence, gray hair is not a color, it is the absence of color. You can dye your hair any color, however, it is worth considering that gray hair tolerates coloring in its own way. Important to use special shampoo, conditioner and other products to keep your hair healthy and well-groomed. Choose products from fatty acids Omega-3, suitable for the care of colored hair. They will allow you to minimize the appearance of age on your hair.

Strands become sparse

Another common change with age is thinning hair. There are several reasons for this situation. Firstly, hair density decreases, and secondly, it simply becomes thinner. Studies have shown that at the age of forty, a woman's hair begins to thin. Because of this, the hair appears to be thinning, although there may be little to no hair loss. However, loss is also a problem. As you age, you lose not a hundred hairs a day, but more - sometimes it becomes very noticeable. Hair follicles are no longer able to replace lost hair quickly. Hair loss and inability to grow it back leads to widening of the parting or raising the hairline.

Hair loses volume

This is directly related to thinning hair. It is worth understanding that a decrease in hair density leads to a loss of volume and expressiveness. As a result, many women try to pay more attention to styling. It's not too much good decision On the contrary, it can even be considered a mistake. Styling disrupts the hair structure and makes it dull and more prone to breakage. This causes additional problems, which also do not improve appearance your hairstyle.

Hair becomes brittle

The loss of proteins in the hair structure not only affects the color, but also affects the structure. Decreased protein levels make hair weaker and less elastic. This leads to breakage with every intense impact. In addition, the cells on the outer layer of the hair become more fragile - breakage becomes inevitable. Thin hair is more prone to breakage than others. There are care products that contain the necessary proteins - they can help strengthen the hair and return it to its previous structure. Regular use can greatly help, so be sure to pay attention to such cosmetic products.

Hair growth slows down

The rate of hair growth decreases over the years, hairs spend more time in a resting state than in the growth stage, so achieving long curls becomes more difficult. This has to do with the scalp and not the hair itself. To keep your skin healthy and hair growth stable, cleanse it with special products. In this case, the years will not prevent you from growing luxurious curls.

Hair becomes drier

Over the years, your hair begins to look drier and lifeless - this by-effect thinning. In addition, the use of hot styling devices can have a negative impact. The heat causes the scalp to suffer, becoming dry and irritated, and the pores produce more oil to protect it. This also happens when you wash your hair too often. All this causes excessive dryness. If you don't want your hair to dry out, use a hair mask regularly and stay away from hot styling products. This will help you save normal level moisturizing and prolonging the youth of your hairstyle.

Hair texture changes

Changes in texture occur due to loss of proteins. Without protein, hair becomes different. Wavy ones can become straight, and straight ones, on the contrary, can start to curl. Gray hair also has a coarser texture. You can't fix this, just try to take care of the health of your curls - they will look quite attractive even if they turn completely grey.

Hair becomes dull

Dull strands lacking shine also become a problem as you age. Grey hair do not reflect light as well as others. Plus, the drier your hair gets, the drier it will look. Loss of keratin and natural fats robs your locks of their healthy glow.

Take care of your hair health

There is no way to completely stop the aging process, nor can you protect your hair from this process. It's a natural part of life that you have to come to terms with. All you can do is keep your hair healthy and give it the nutrients it needs. Among the best substances to combat signs of aging - caffeine, panthenol and niacin.

There is an old and reliable rule: to make your hair bigger, add volume to it. This is truly a solution for fine hair. As you age, your hair becomes thinner, making your hair look sparser. But we don’t want that, do we?

If the thickness of your tail is inexorably decreasing, sparse hair has appeared, what to do with this problem has become your pressing question, you should not immediately think that it is falling out, because this is not always the case, thinning hair may be the culprit. "The diameter of the hair shaft decreases as we get older," explains Zoe Draelos. clinical assistant professor in Dermatology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. This means that you can have the same number of follicles, but thin, sparse strands will give your ponytail less volume.

Thin hair, what to do?

Hair is prone to breakage, and as hair growth slows with age, damage becomes more obvious.

"Even if you see sparse hair in your brush or in the shower, you don't necessarily need to worry. Although 40 percent of women experience sparse hair loss with menopause, losing about 100 hairs per day is normal," reports Pavel M. Friedman, MD, clinical assistant professor. Dermatology at the University of Texas medical school in Houston.

If you feel like you're losing more hair, consult a doctor - problems with thinning hair may be associated with decreased estrogen levels, iron deficiency, or stress. Once these problems are eliminated, the hair will grow again.

How to treat thinning hair?

A 2 percent minoxidil solution (available over the counter as Rogaine) can help combat thinning hair. There are also many other ways to increase the thickness of your thinning hair.

Start with volumizing shampoos, look for ingredients like rice or wheat proteins that thicken sparse strands.

How to prevent hair thinning

Limit your use of hairsprays - they promote breakage and make your hair thin when you wash it.

Avoid ponytails that are too tight, or other hairstyles that put excess stress on the hair, causing it to become thin—you'll just invite breakage, says Dr. Friedman.

Keep in mind that hair dye or perms penetrate fine, sparse hair at a faster rate, says Dr. Draelos. To avoid unnecessary damage when dyeing your hair at home, she recommends applying the dye only to the roots, and combing them five minutes before rinsing the dye off.

Also reconsider your diet, because of this you may also have sparse curls. You may need to exclude some foods from your daily diet, which will also affect the health of your hair.

Since childhood, everyone has known about the benefits of fish oil. But not many people know that it is useful not only when taken orally, but also when used externally; in particular, a fish oil mask is very useful for hair.

Benefits of fish oil for hair

Fish oil contains vitamin A (retinol), which is indispensable for the strength and beauty of hair, as well as vitamin D, bromine, iodine, sulfur, and phosphorus. Products such as a hair mask with vinegar or fish oil will help restore hair after dyeing or perming. Helps deal with split ends and brittle hair.

A fish oil hair mask is very effective. And you fish fat, both in a mask and when taken orally, is sometimes not only useful for hair, but also necessary.

It is very easy to make such a mask at home. To do this, you need to purchase a bottle of liquid fish oil at the pharmacy.

Why has there been less hair and it has become thinner?

After forty years, many women complain that their hair has become thinner. And this is not necessarily noticeable hair loss associated with hormonal changes or stress.

It’s just that as we age, there is less hair, and many of us could use some extra volume in our hair. So we turned to stylist Andreas Wilde (from John Frieda salon in Mayfair, London) for advice, who has been quite successful in keeping our hairstyles in check.

So, what to do with thin and/or sparse hair?

Get a blood test to find out if there are any deficiencies nutrients. If your hair is thinning due to menopause, you may be lacking iron.

What to do to get more hair? Good haircut!

Work with what you have. Talk to your stylist about the best cut for your face and the amount of hair you have. Bring along photos of hairstyles you like (this is helpful for any haircut), but ask your stylist how practical the style will be for your individual hair thickness and thickness.

WITH short hair easier. Moreover, the shorter the hair, the more voluminous the hairstyle. A very short bob or boyish cut is more suitable for women with a heart-shaped face (think Judi Dench). But they will not decorate women with long faces.

There is a very simple way to find out if a short haircut suits you. If there is more than 5.5 cm from your earlobe to your jawline, then a short haircut is not for you.

A chin-length bob looks great on thinner hair (but remember that dry hair will be shorter, so wet hair should be a good centimeter longer than the chin).

If you are tall, you have broad shoulders and everything else that is not too graceful, remember that there should be enough hair on the head to balance the figure.

Styling features for more hair

Conceal hair loss along your hairline. The hairline is the first thing people notice. Therefore, if the hair recedes above the forehead, try calm graduated bangs. If you want, you can comb it to the side. In the morning, wet your hair with water and roll it into a pair of large rollers to maintain volume.

Don't try to add too much volume to your hair. On some heads it will “lie down” in a couple of hours. It is better to choose a sleeker hairstyle that requires less attention and less combing.

Prep your hair for styling with volumizing shampoo and conditioner. And then use a special lotion to give your hair density or mousse to create volume.

Backcombing can help. But don't overdo it. Ask your stylist to teach you how to tease your hair at the roots before you put it in curlers and when you take them out.

If your hair has lost volume, try to quickly correct the situation. Lower your head down and rub your scalp vigorously with your fingers. The resulting volume will not last long, but you will instantly lift your hair.

Hairstyles for thin hair: video tutorials

Proper care for more hair

The Kerastase brand produces a special Extreme Strengthening line, which is recommended by many stylists, including Andreas.

Don't get carried away with heat styling. Hair dryers, straighteners, curling irons and other “equipment” weaken and damage hair.

Dry according to this scheme: pat your hair dry with a towel and lift it at the roots with a brush or fingers. Use medium-sized rollers to curl hair on top and around the head. Let your hair dry while you apply your makeup. Remove the curlers and comb your hair with your fingers or a brush.

Try Mason Pearson Sensitive Pure Bristle Brush. They were created specifically for people with thinning or very fine hair. Use dry shampoo between washes. It adds volume.

How to care for thinning hair: personal experience

Coloring to increase hair volume

Consider dyeing your hair. The dye visually makes the hair thicker.

A good option for non-gray or partially gray hair is full coloring, differing from your natural color by only one or two tones (very important), using balayage for visual volume and more natural look hair.

Gray hair also has its advantages. They are naturally thicker and coarser than pigmented hair. So don't fight gray hair, but focus on maintaining your hair. good condition.

Depending on your complexion, consider adding soft blonde highlights.

NB: If you have gray hair, never go for an old-fashioned haircut, and remember that the right makeup will help you blend into the background.

Now you know what to do to make your hair grow, and how to give it thin hair volume!

Gray hair often appears around age 30, although this varies widely. Gray hair usually appears at the temples and extends to top part heads. The hair becomes lighter, turning white. Many people have only a few gray hairs on their scalp from the time they first appear until they are 40 or more years old.

The hair on the face and body does turn grey, but usually later than the hair on the head. Hair in armpit, chest and pubic area may be relatively dark in relation to the hair on the head and body, but not everyone.

Gray hair is determined genetically. Gray hair usually appears first in people from the Caucasus, and then in the Asian race. The European race tends to go gray later.

Nutritional supplements, vitamins and other products are unable to stop or reduce the rate of graying.

Changes in hair thickness

Hair is a protein thread that grows through an opening (follicle) in the skin. One hair has normal duration life is about 4 or 5 years. The hair then falls out and is replaced by new hair.

How much hair you have on your body and head is determined by your genes. However, almost everyone experiences some hair loss as they age. This is due to the fact that with age, the rate of hair growth slows down.

Hair strands become thinner and there is less pigment, resulting in thick, coarse hair young man eventually become thin and light blonde hair. Many hair follicles stop producing new hair altogether.

About a quarter of men begin to notice signs of baldness by the time they reach age 30, and about two-thirds of men have significant baldness by age 60. Typical picture male pattern baldness associated with decreased production male hormone testosterone (alopecia male type). Hair may be lost in the area of ​​the frontal ridges or at the top of the head at the crown.

Women may also develop the typical pattern of hair loss as they age (female pattern baldness). The hair becomes less dense and gaps may become noticeable throughout the scalp.

Body and facial hair also thins, but the hair that remains may become coarser. Some women may notice loss of body hair, but may find that they have coarse facial hair, especially on the chin and around the lips. Men may find long and coarse hairs in the eyebrows, ears and nose.

Nails also change with age. They grow more slowly and may become dull and brittle. It is not uncommon for nails to become yellowed and opaque.

Nails may become hard and thick. Ingrown toenail old age- a common phenomenon. The tips of the nails may be shortened and fragmented.

Sometimes you can observe longitudinal bumps on the nails. This may be a change from normal aging. However, some nail changes can be caused by infections, lack of nutrition and vitamins, injury and other problems.

Consult your healthcare professional if your nails begin to change, have bumps, depressions, breaks, lines, changes in shape, or other changes. They may be associated with iron deficiency, kidney disease, and malnutrition.

We all know that the hair on our scalp turns gray and becomes thinner as we age. What are age-related changes what happens to body hair?

Body hair undergoes age-related changes and ages in its own way. During puberty, hair growth on the body (armpits, genitals, as well as the chest and face in boys) occurs under the influence of actively produced hormones. As a person reaches adulthood, estrogen levels in the body decrease and hair becomes thinner and weaker. For some, hair growth stops altogether, especially on the arms and legs. In addition, your skin also changes with age. As it becomes thinner, the hair follicles also become smaller and the blood supply to the follicles decreases. This also causes the hairs to become thinner, weaker and less rigid.

Body hair turns gray just like the hair on your head. This depends on a decrease in the production of melanin pigment, which is responsible for hair color. How early or late age you will start to go gray depends on genetics. However, factors such as stress, hormonal disorders, bad habits and so on. may accelerate the appearance of gray hair. It is noteworthy that hair on the head begins to turn gray earlier (sometimes many years earlier) than hair on the body.

Exist different ways combating unwanted hair, however, not everyone is suitable for skin and hair that have undergone age-related changes. For example, laser hair removal may turn out to be absolutely useless, because In order for this procedure to be effective, you must have dark hairs. The device may simply “not pick up” gray hairs. Wax, with all its advantages, can have Negative influence on older skin, which becomes thinner and more vulnerable with age. Too thin and sensitive skin prone to injuries from mechanical impact. Therefore, the wax, sticking too firmly to surface layers skin, can remove not only dead cells, but also tear off living ones. In the case of young, elastic skin, there is no risk. But as for the skin of older people, it is more preferable

Luxurious curls are the adornment of any woman. But, unfortunately, the passage of time affects the condition of the curls. With age, hair follicles become closer to the scalp and this makes curls less stable and more vulnerable. But the possibilities of follicles are not limitless - during a lifetime, one follicle can produce about 10 hairs approximately once every 6 years.

We should not forget that hormonal changes in the body, all kinds of stress, poor nutrition, environmental conditions and physical impact on hair during drying, coloring, straightening and other procedures. So, even if you inherited gorgeous braids from your grandmother, you shouldn’t think that they can’t be ruined.

The result of improper handling and care of hair can be brittleness, dryness, split ends and even hair loss.

With age, the intensity of hair growth and its structure changes.

Curls grow fastest at ages 18-25, when metabolism is at its best. On average, hair grows by 1-3 cm per month, but with age, it takes more and more time to grow a braid. There are various ways to speed up this process. This directly stimulates hair follicle, if the hair has fallen out, but its bulb is alive and can still function.

Hair color also changes throughout life. As a rule, hair is lightest in childhood, and then darkens due to the accumulation of melanin. Then, with age, this pigment is replaced by oxygen granules - this is how gray hair turns out. The appearance of gray hair is genetically determined, so just look at close relatives to know approximately at what age to expect gray hair.

Hair condition when you are between 20 and 30 years old

So, Golden time for the growth of chic curls - from 20 years. The body works like a clock, hormones are fine, sebaceous glands are functioning correctly. Hair is beautiful, shiny and silky without much effort. Sometimes, however, the sebaceous glands try too hard because of the same hormones, so the hair can quickly become oily at the roots. But this can be easily eliminated by choosing the right shampoo and conditioner. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with styling products, because the structure of young hair is porous and all these foams and varnishes are quickly absorbed, weighing down the hair.

Hair after 30 years

After age 30, hair may become drier and thinner. Under the influence of the sun, hot air from a hair dryer and other factors, the keratin protein in the hair shaft is destroyed. Stress also has a destructive effect on hair and its regeneration. From nervous tension hair follicles become weak and poorly maintained - the curls thin out.

Hair loss can also be caused by a lack of iron and other minerals in the body. necessary substances. The first gray strands may also appear. In order to delay such troubles as much as possible, it is enough to follow some rules. Must be proper care for hairstyle. Worth using special means for care, supporting vitality hair and stimulating their growth. N

Various masks for strengthening hair, as well as masks with keratin, would be useful. The menu plays an important role - it must be complete and varied in order to provide nutrition to the hair from the inside. It is also important to dry and style your hair gently and using special heat styling products. The first gray hairs can be masked by highlighting or tinting.

After 40 years

Ladies over 40 may already face intense hair loss hair. Hormonal changes not before menopause in the best possible way affect the beauty of hair. Various ailments acquired by this age and a careless attitude towards beauty and health in youth make themselves felt.

You have to color your hair constantly and this also makes it dry and brittle. Now hair care is moving to a therapeutic and preventative level. Vitamin complexes necessary, vitamins B, C, D and E are especially important, as well as folic acid. Also positive result They will give you a massage of the cervical-collar area and a contrast shower.

You are 50

By the age of 50, the hair becomes drier and brittle, the hair shaft splits due to the fact that the follicles are located under different angles. Reduced activity affects thyroid gland and metabolism. Hair needs constant hydration and care with medicinal drugs. Decoctions for rinsing hair from chamomile and nettle would be useful. You definitely need to monitor your health as much as possible and visit an endocrinologist.

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