How a hCG injection stimulates ovulation and why an egg is released. The drug Pregnil for stimulating ovulation: effectiveness and features

Many women today suffer from infertility. Thanks to modern medical drugs you can solve the problem and feel the joy of motherhood. One of the popular and proven drugs can be called “Pregnil”. Reviews are left by almost all happy patients.

Release formula and composition of the drug

This recombinant is administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly. The leophilisate of the drug has white. It comes with a bottle of solvent. It is transparent in color and colorless. The main substance of the drug "Pregnil" is human chorionic gonadotropin. Auxiliary components are magnesium hydrogen phosphate, sodium carmellose, mannitol, sodium dihydrogen phosphate.

The solvent contains sodium chloride. The drug is available in a dosage of 2 ml. The box contains three ampoules of dry substance and the same number of ampoules for dissolving the Pregnil medicine. Reviews show that achieving the desired pregnancy is possible in 60% of cases after undergoing therapy.

Pharmacological action

The drug "Pregnil" contains human chorionic gonadotropin. It has a high degree of similarity to the action of luteinizing hormone. This substance is essential for normal height and maturation of male and female gametes. LH is also needed to create sex hormones. It is equally useful for both women and the stronger sex. For representatives of the fairer sex, the drug "Pregnil" replaces the formation of endogenous luteinizing hormone in the middle of the cycle to help complete the phase of follicle formation, which is responsible for ovulation.

The medicine is also prescribed as a substitute for endogenous LH in the luteal phase. It is no coincidence that the drug “Pregnil” often has positive reviews. Those who become pregnant immediately after treatment try to recommend the medication to others.

For men, the medicine "Pregnil" stimulates production Thanks to timely treatment, it is possible to normalize the level of testosterone in the blood of representatives of the stronger sex.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

Human chorionic gonadotropin reaches its highest peak in blood plasma after injection after eight hours in men and 20 hours in women. Observed big difference between the absorption of the substance after an injection in different sexes. In women, the concentration of the hormone in the body is delayed. This reaction is most associated with increased thickness of adipose tissue in the body.

Almost 80% of the drug is broken down in the kidneys. After one injection, the substance is eliminated after 33 hours. This is how it works in the feminine and male body medicine "Pregnil". Instructions, reviews, correct dosage- All this information should be studied before starting therapy.


After diluting the dry substance with a solvent, it is necessary to inject it intramuscularly or subcutaneously. To create ovulation in case of infertility with its complete absence or impaired follicle maturation, a woman is administered from 5,000 to 10,000 IU of the drug Pregnil.

To complete treatment with follicle-stimulating agents, it will be enough to give one injection of Pregnyl. Reviews from doctors show that the therapeutic effect occurs within a month. The medicine is administered before ovarian puncture when undergoing a hyperstimulation control program. To maintain the formation phase corpus luteum, you need to give an injection in a dosage of 1000 to 3000 IU. Injections are given on the third, sixth and ninth days of artificially induced ovulation.

In men with reduced content testosterone in the body is injected in a dose of 1000 to 2000 IU twice a week. If infertility develops, it is necessary to add Pregnil to the drug. additional medications. For example, the substance “Phyllitropin”. It also needs to be injected twice a week. The course can last up to 3 months. In this case, you will have to count on an increase in spermatogenesis. When treating with Pregnil, you should avoid replacement therapy testosterone.

Dosage of the drug in childhood

In boys with delayed puberty, Pregnil is administered at a dose of 1500 IU twice a week for six months. IN childhood up to 2 years of age, the drug is administered at a dosage of 250 IU twice a week for 6 weeks. Up to 6 years, the dosage is 500-1000 IU. The course of treatment can be quite long. After 6 years, the dose of the drug reaches 1500 IU.

In case of insufficient therapeutic effect It is recommended to repeat the treatment.

Side effects

Very in rare cases A generalized rash or fever may develop. Also at the injection site there is local reaction. It manifests itself as swelling, pain and itching. Women do not often develop thromboembolism after taking a course of Pregnil 5000. Reviews show that side effects are temporary and pass quickly.

In rare cases, hydrothorox develops, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, breast tenderness, small cysts. Weight gain is another unpleasant symptom.

In men and adolescents during treatment large doses Pregnil may cause water and sodium retention in the body. This occurs as a result of excess androgens. Enlargement of the mammary glands may be observed.

As one can understand, it has a lot side effects drug "Pregnil". Reviews from experts show that the symptoms presented are not dangerous to health. However, you should definitely inform your doctor about them.

Contraindications to drug treatment

Some patients may develop increased sensitivity to the main substance of the drug "Pregnil" (gonadotropin) and its auxiliary components. The drug should not be prescribed if tumors are suspected or present in women of different etiologies.

In children with early puberty, the medication is not used. For women with abnormal location and development of organs incompatible with pregnancy, the drug is also contraindicated. Caution should be used when prescribing the medicine if the body is prone to thrombosis. The drug is not used for cardiac and renal failure. All these contraindications must be taken into account before starting therapy with Pregnil. Feedback from experts shows that a positive effect will only occur if the patient first undergoes

Planning a pregnancy can sometimes drag on for a long time, and this is not a personal whim, but a fault women's health. As a rule, pregnancy does not occur due to lack of ovulation, which must be changed to achieve the goal. Pregnyl for ovulation is one of the most effective means, according to the doctor's words. But is this really so?

Characteristics of Pregnil

The drug is based on hCG, which was obtained from the urine of a pregnant woman. Stimulation of growth of steroid hormones in reproductive organs occurs due to LH. During the treatment period, the patient's number of male hormones. However, the introduction of hormones can cause a response from the body - antibodies. What can we say about some of the risks when prescribing Pregnil.

Pregnil is administered under the strict supervision of a gynecologist!

Pregnil is prescribed by a doctor when planning pregnancy for those girls who have problems conceiving. But the testimony does not apply to all expectant mothers. The drug has a narrow range of properties, namely:

  • assistance in the luteal phase menstrual cycle;
  • providing follicles proper development;
  • stimulation of ovulation in its absence (anovulation) and promotion of follicle growth.

Pregnil, as a drug whose action is aimed only at the egg, for problems with fallopian tubes won't give desired result. In addition, in case of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, Pregnil is contraindicated. Contraindications also apply to other ailments, or more precisely:

  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • ovarian cancer;
  • allergic reactions to Pregnil components.

If a girl is planning to have a second child, and at this stage is a nursing mother, then she is not recommended to resort to this tool or stop feeding.

For girls who have a tendency to thrombosis, the drug is prescribed with extreme caution.

As an overdose, women may experience ovarian hyperstimulation. But if everything is done correctly, then ovulation occurs on average after 36 hours, maybe earlier.

Duration of treatment

Now it is important to understand how long it takes to be treated. It is logical that much depends on the diagnosis itself and the severity of the disease. But, still, I would like to know how long the course lasts. If it is necessary to maintain the luteal phase, then injections are administered 2-3 times over 9 days. For example, the first injection is on the 3rd day, the second on the 6th, the last on the 9th. Each dose ranges from 1000 to 3000 IU.

If a girl does not ovulate at all or has problems associated with follicle maturation, then usually a Pregnil injection is given once. The dose ranges from 5000 to 10000 IU.

After using Pregnil for 10 days, it is not recommended to trust pregnancy tests. The bottom line is that the drug is designed to raise hCG levels. And as you know, it is this hormone that tests react to. Therefore, it is possible that the test answer will be false. You also need to be side effects hormonal agent.

Pregnyl affects immune system. As a result, fever or rash is likely.

Side effects

The drug has an effect on vascular system. Also capable of causing hydrothorax, respiratory, gastrointestinal disorders and problems related to the reproductive system, for example, ovarian hyperstimulation, cyst formation on the ovaries, ovarian enlargement. In some cases, patients complained of breast tenderness.

In addition to the above, other manifestations at the injection site are possible:

  • redness;
  • bruise;
  • painful sensations;
  • swelling.

But that's not all! There are a number of caveats:

  • exists high probability multiple pregnancy. Yes, such a surprise can be great news for someone;
  • risk ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, girls, especially those who are trying to get pregnant using IVF, should undergo an ultrasound examination immediately after confirming the pregnancy test;
  • the threat of miscarriage cannot be ruled out;
  • ovarian hyperstimulation;
  • in isolated cases, treatment with Pregnil leads to a risk to the patient’s life;
  • Women with kidney disease should be under strict medical supervision during treatment with Pregnil.

As it turned out, contraindications, warnings and side effects much more than useful properties. Although, we can say for sure only after analyzing the reviews of those who have already completed the course of treatment. But, in any case, the decision is yours!

I don’t recommend this crap to anyone! Not only did the pregnancy occur, but the cyst will now have to be treated. But before treatment it was not there. And even when I was being treated, I was all exhausted.
Lu-lu, 23.

One of effective methods to stimulate ovulation, used in natural or artificial insemination (IVF), is the introduction of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The medicine is used in complex hormone therapy which is carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor. It is necessary to know exactly when to give an hCG injection, how long after ovulation occurs, and how the luteal body is maintained.

In preparation for conception, about 20 different schemes are used complex treatment, providing ovulatory release, so you must consistently and accurately follow the doctor’s recommendations.

After an hCG injection, ovulation occurs in the vast majority of cases: it is important to detect a ready egg in time and create conditions for maintaining pregnancy, both during natural conception and after an IVF program.

Stimulation of natural ovulation

At the stage of preconception preparation, the doctor conducts full examination spouses to exclude possible problems and unpleasant complications. Stimulation of ovulation for normal conception is carried out under the following conditions:

  • good patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • there are no abnormalities in the husband’s spermogram;
  • the FSH level on days 2-3 of the menstrual cycle does not exceed 12.5 mIU/ml;
  • age under 35 years;
  • no history of long-term infertility with ineffective IVF programs.

In difficult cases and according to indications, hCG injections to stimulate ovulation are used only in programs artificial insemination when conception occurs in vitro.

Main purposes of drug administration

Timely injection medicine provides the following important effects:

  • maturation of the dominant follicle;
  • precise programming of the moment of ovulation;
  • release of an egg ready for fertilization;
  • maintaining hormonal function luteal body.

Essentially, the hCG injection is a trigger factor or trigger for ovulation. Therefore, injections of this drug are used for any infertility treatment options when it is necessary to ensure the ovulatory release of an egg.

Drugs used

There are several options for hCG drugs, the name of which does not change the dose and essence of the drug. Your doctor may prescribe an injection of one of the following medications:

  • Decayed;
  • Ovitrel;
  • Profasi;
  • Horagon.

The dose of the medicine is always selected individually. You cannot decide on your own how much of the drug is needed and when to give the injection.

Before injecting the drug

TO important conditions For timely injection of hCG the following factors include:

  • daily ultrasound monitoring to monitor the appearance and growth of follicles during the administration of FSH drugs;
  • determining the presence of a dominant follicle;
  • measuring endometrial thickness.

Only when the leading follicle has completely formed, reaching a size of 18 mm, and the endometrial thickness has been ensured at least 8 mm, can an hCG injection be given.

Egg release time

Ovulation after an hCG injection occurs within 36 hours. This is why the drug injection is good - the doctor knows exactly when ovulation will occur. Usually, after stimulation, it is necessary to ensure the meeting of the egg and sperm, for which the following is used:

  • normal sexual intercourse for natural conception;
  • intrauterine insemination (IUI);
  • in vitro fertilization (IVF).

The doctor will explain how long it will take for the possibility of pregnancy to occur optimally. It is important to follow the instructions exactly so that the dream of conceiving the desired baby comes true.

Luteal Body Support

The hCG injection performs the important task of forming a full-fledged corpus luteum. However, after the injection it is necessary to carry out treatment to prevent progesterone deficiency. To do this, the doctor will prescribe one of the following medications:

  • Duphaston;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Iprozhin.

Any of these drugs can provide the female body with a sufficient amount of phase 2 hormone, which is necessary to maintain the luteal body and maintain pregnancy. After the injection, you must strictly follow the specialist’s recommendations regarding the dosage of the medicine used.

Determining conception and maintaining pregnancy

Successful conception can be determined using a pregnancy test or blood test. It is advisable to conduct all studies after a missed period. When receiving results indicating that after all the procedures the miracle of the birth of a new life has occurred, everything possible must be done to ensure normal operation corpus luteum and preserving the life of the embryo. The doctor will prescribe therapy to progress the pregnancy.

IVF is a method that proves that anovulation is not a death sentence. There are many drugs to stimulate ovulation, and one of the most famous is Pregnil. The effectiveness of this method is from 60% to 75% (success depends on various factors). During the procedure, one or a pair of eggs are stimulated, ready for fertilization by sperm.

Composition of the drug

The composition of the drug includes:

  1. The main component of the drug is 5000 IU human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) in powder form.
  2. Solvent– sodium chloride solution (0.9%).

Human chorionic gonadotropin helps eggs mature. In other words, it is necessary for the formation of the corpus luteum.

That is, when a woman is given an injection of Pregnil, she is stimulated to the last phase of follicle maturation, after which ovulation occurs. And when fertilization has occurred, this hormone supports the embryo.

Gynecologists prescribe this drug to their patients for:

  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome);
  • infertility caused by anovulation;
  • to induce ovulation, which was disrupted due to a problem in the development of follicles.


According to experts, this medicinal substance is one of the most effective injections for inducing ovulation. It was created from human chorionic gonadotropin. Due to luteotropin, the growth of male hormones (steroids) is provoked in reproductive organs girls. But it is worth considering that a reverse reaction of the body is possible - the appearance of antibodies. This is one of the reasons why you should not self-medicate.

The drug is not suitable for everyone, as it has a very narrow range of properties:

  • provoking growth follicles, stimulation of ovulation, if it is absent;
  • security proper development for follicle;
  • assistance in the third phase of the menstrual cycle.

Therefore, if a woman cannot give birth due to problems with the fallopian tubes, the injections will be pointless.

In order not to harm your body and prevent an overdose, you must adhere to the regimen established by the gynecologist, the consequence of which is ovarian hyperstimulation.

And then the most main question: How long does it take for ovulation to occur after Pregnil? If everything is done according to the recommendations, 36 hours after the injection, and sometimes earlier.

Injections for IVF

HCG is an indispensable assistant for in vitro fertilization. The principle of the method is to collect eggs during a puncture. But first you need to grow the follicles in which they will mature.

This requires the hormones lutropin and human chorionic gonadotropin. If the body does not produce a sufficient amount of them, then the entire scheme of the protocol will fail. in vitro fertilization.

Permissible dosage

If planning a child, both partners must pass various tests and be examined by specialists. If pregnancy does not result in anovulation, the gynecologist may suggest artificially inducing days favorable for conception. There is no specific dose that would suit all patients; it is prescribed only by a doctor, but there is a dosage regimen, you can roughly navigate it:

  1. Infertility caused by anovulation or impaired maturation of follicles - 1 injection 5,000-10,000 IU;
  2. Preparation follicle to puncture – 1 injection 5,000-10,000 IU;
  3. Maintenance luteal phase - from 2 to 3 injections additionally over 9 days, 1,000-3,000 IU.

How to prick

Before administering the drug, you must add sodium chloride to it using a 2 mm needle and syringe (it is in the package).

Mixing process

The needle pack contains large pink or orange needles for mixing and small ones for injecting.

  1. Place the yellow or pink needle on the syringe and remove the cap.
  2. Then pick up the ampoule with the solution and check if there is any water on its spout. If there is one, tap the tips with your finger to force the water down.
  3. Put thumb on the indication line on the spout and break it off with a quick movement of your hand. Use a napkin to avoid cutting yourself.
  4. Place the sodium chloride ampoule on a flat surface, insert the syringe into it and pull the plunger back completely to absorb all the liquid. This is easier to do if you carry out the manipulation at a slight angle.
  5. In the same way, break off the spout of the second ampoule, slowly inject into it the sodium chloride that you collected into the syringe. To remove powder that has stuck to the sides of the ampoule and therefore has not dissolved, gently shake it, but do not shake it.
  6. Without removing the needle from the ampoule, move it back and forth a little, then pull back the plunger so that all the medicine enters. You have prepared a dose of 5,000 ppm.

After this, give an injection intramuscularly. Important point– The procedure must be carried out slowly. Do not store the solution for a long time, because it will become unsterile and therefore unusable.

Useful video

We invite you to visually familiarize yourself with the instructions in the video:

How long does it take to leave the body?

The highest concentration of hCG in the blood after the injection is observed 20 hours after the procedure. Excess substance is removed from female body along with urine for several days after the injection. It all depends on the dose that was prescribed - the higher it is, the longer it will take to be eliminated.

On average, the medicine lasts from 10 to 14 days, but if you drink a lot of fluids, as well as foods that act as diuretics, the period is reduced. Due to excessive amounts of gonadotropin in the urine, pregnancy tests cannot be performed, as it will show a false positive result.

Use during pregnancy

Doctors prescribe this medicine if the pregnant patient has progesterone deficiency or if the hCG level is too low for her pregnancy.

Along with taking the drug, doctors monitor the level of the hormone in the blood plasma every week. But it is possible to record that the results are real no earlier than 11 days after starting to use the medication. The picture obtained by comparing previous analyzes can be either false negative or false positive.

But the use of the medicine is advisable only from the beginning of gestation to 12 weeks. Further, the hCG capacity will become lower and lower, and injections will become pointless.

Contraindications for use

Like any medicine, Pregnil has a number of contraindications:

  1. The patient has endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, hyperprolactinemia);
  2. Consequence of surgery;
  3. Personal intolerance to the components that make up the substance;
  4. Ovarian cyst or ovarian enlargement not associated with;
  5. Congenital pathology of the genital organs, in which pregnancy is prohibited;
  6. Infertility in women caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

The medicine is used with extreme caution in the following cases:

  • There is a risk of thrombosis;
  • Impaired kidney function.

Side effects

The drug does not have many side effects, but they should be mentioned:

  1. Blood clot formation.
  2. Abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  3. Manifestation of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, pain in the mammary glands;
  4. Accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity.
  5. Obesity, increased risk of multiple pregnancy, swelling.

Prices in Russia and Ukraine

Here average cost medicines in Ukrainian pharmacies:

  • Pregnyl 5,000 – 389.80-433.15 UAH;
  • Pregnyl 15,000 – 668.28-731.44 UAH.

The medicine is also sold in Russia:

  • Pregnil 5,000 – 3,500-4,500 rubles;
  • Pregnil 15,000 – 8,500 – 10,500 rub.

But if you do not want to overpay, or this medication is not in stock, you can consult a doctor and purchase analogues of Pregnil. They differ only in name and cost. So, these are the drugs:

  1. Horagon;
  2. Ovitrel;
  3. Profasi;
  4. Ecostimulin;
  5. Chorionic gonadotropin.


With the help of in vitro fertilization, today's medicine helps many couples have a child. This procedure is practiced in many clinics around the world. More than 5 million children have already been born through IVF.

Every year, about 1 million patients are successfully treated for infertility using this method. Most effective drug, based on hCG – Pregnil to stimulate ovulation. After a girl undergoes treatment, her chances of giving birth to a baby increase significantly.

I really need it!!!

18.03.2004, 15:33

Is it harmful (not very harmful)?
Who was injected?
Thank you.

18.03.2004, 16:10

Pregnyl is hCG. What is the question in connection with? Are you on stimulation?

18.03.2004, 18:40

I quote from the description found by the search engine: “Pharmacological action

Pregnil has a stimulating effect on steroidogenesis in the gonads, similar to the effect of luteinizing hormone. In men, it stimulates the production of testosterone, and in women, the production of estrogen and especially progesterone after ovulation.
The drug can be used in combination with puregon (recombinant FSH) to induce ovulation.


In men
– hypogonadotropic hypogonadism;
– isolated cases of spermatogenesis disorders;
– delay in the rate of puberty due to insufficiency of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland;
– cryptorchidism not associated with anatomical obstruction.
In women
– for induction of ovulation and superovulation, incl. before puncture of follicles;
- maintaining the function of the corpus luteum."

I really need it

18.03.2004, 21:13

the ovary was 14 mm, it was said that as soon as it was 18 mm, we would inject Pregnil so that it would burst and cysts would not form?! In response to my questions, they said that don’t get into it, that’s the way it should be! Wow, that's why it's interesting! you need to buy 2 ampoules of 5000 each.

I really need it

18.03.2004, 21:15

I realized that they would inject me with it so that the follicle would burst “well.” Is 18mm a sufficient size?

19.03.2004, 08:00

Your question is very confusing. If you are not on stimulation, then in what connection are you getting an ultrasound? If this is monitoring the fallicles, then Pregnil is injected to ensure that ovulation takes place. After an injection of Pregnil, ovulation should be guaranteed to occur within 12 hours and sexual intercourse should be performed at this time to guarantee conception. But in what connection you are doing these manipulations is completely unclear to me. For conception or what? or for another reason. I don't understand

19.03.2004, 08:23

Not in 12 hours, but in 40-48 hours.

19.03.2004, 10:13

I thought so too, mine started right after about 12. Masha, why could this be, do you know? Pricked 5000 units.


19.03.2004, 10:23

The normal size of a mature follicle is 18-22 mm. At this size, the follicle normally bursts on its own. There are, however, deviations when this does not happen - the follicle outgrows and does not burst (the so-called overripe follicles). Pregnyl can actually provoke ovulation, that is, if ovulation occurs on its own, then it additionally helps it occur or accelerates it so that it occurs after a certain time. But if ovulation itself does not occur, then decay does not always provoke ovulation, especially at a time corresponding to the description - sometimes later - and it is not always possible to correctly guess the required dose (the greater the likelihood that ovulation itself will not occur and the more follicles mature , the higher the dose should be). My opinion is that if there is no doubt that ovulation usually occurs in you, and only one follicle is ripening, then it is better not to inject the follicle, because no one really knows its negative effects, and it is better to track ovulation with ovulation tests. A doctor who doesn’t answer questions is a waste of time! They probably want to do insemination for you?

19.03.2004, 10:24

Either your natural ovulation began earlier, or rotten still takes effect after 12 hours - you need to look at the description.

Tiger cub

19.03.2004, 10:52

I asked Kornilov how long before insemination the rotnil injection should be given. He told me: 32, maximum 38 hours before the procedure. I always injected 36 hours before the procedure. During the first insemination, I had already ovulated by the time of the procedure (and all 3 follicles). During the second insemination, ovulation of the 1st follicle occurred somewhere 43-45 hours after the injection, and the other 2 even later, perhaps the next day (I didn’t look at the ultrasound again, but since there were no cysts left, I conclude that all 3 follicles burst). During the third insemination, ovulation of the 1st follicle occurred somewhere 40-43 hours after the injection, the remaining 2, I hope, also burst, only later again. So, in my opinion, this is all individual and depends on the specific organism, the number and size of follicles. Here.

19.03.2004, 11:03

And the doses rotted. If you increased it, you would probably ovulate earlier. But the indicated dates are quite suitable, and Kornilov probably prescribed pregnyl not with the goal of bringing ovulation to a certain date, but to ensure that it will happen, because all several follicles may not ovulate themselves. The egg is guaranteed to live for 10 hours (actually a day), and the sperm inside is for sure 2 days (maybe 5), but it’s better if they enter the body less than a day before ovulation or within a few hours after it, so there’s such a fluctuation in hours it is completely unimportant.

Tiger cub

19.03.2004, 11:14

After the 2nd attempt, my dose was increased from 5000 to 10000, however, ovulation also occurred with a delay of two follicles. And on the first attempt, 5000 was enough for all 3 follicles to ovulate earlier and together.

19.03.2004, 12:04

Does Kornilov usually carry out one insemination procedure per cycle or more? And, if it’s not a secret, what is your situation and results?

Tiger cub

19.03.2004, 12:31

There is one insemination in one cycle, NV thinks that it is no longer necessary, I asked him. In the evening after the procedure, an ultrasound checks the fact of ovulation. I already described my situation to you in the “Insemination” topic, when you conducted a survey of who is prescribed it and for what indications. The result from the 1st insemination is biochemical pregnancy (hCG 20), from the 2nd insemination - 0, the result of the 3rd insemination (last) will be on March 22. Kornilov said that it doesn’t make sense to do more than 3, then IVF. We were prompted for the 2nd and 3rd insemination by the biochemical pregnancy from the first attempt.

19.03.2004, 13:07

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you (-)

Tiger cub

19.03.2004, 13:09

Thank you! :-)

I really need it

19.03.2004, 15:58

I really need it

19.03.2004, 16:07

Regarding ovulation, there is no clear certainty and no certainty at all. Now 29 b.c., and the measurements.... And they say about ovulation tests that they are not super informative, right?

I really need it

19.03.2004, 16:20

whether something is ripening or not. The cycle seemed to get better after giving birth, but then went wrong beyond recognition.

19.03.2004, 16:25

By the end of the cycle, the follicle may remain the right size, without ovulating, but he will not give a full-fledged egg if you provoke ovulation or if it suddenly bursts on its own. A full-fledged egg is obtained only if all the dynamics are correct - in right time the follicle correctly increased in size and burst in time or ovulation was triggered. Ovulation tests are usually informative. But if there is a problem with the functioning of the ovaries, then you will need to use several packages, and what exactly is the problem with the functioning of the ovaries, they will not give an answer - this is only ultrasound and hormones. Ovulation tests “work” on the fact that a sharp release of a certain hormone always occurs 24-36 hours before ovulation, so you need to start doing tests daily a few days before expected ovulation, first the tests must be negative, and the first positive test means that ovulation will occur soon. If negative tests not received, but immediately positive or doubtful, then it is impossible to say with certainty whether ovulation occurred and when exactly.