What if you don’t have your period and the test is negative? Delayed menstruation - negative test

According to women, the most common reason for a missed period is pregnancy. To get a quick and unambiguous answer, special tests are done. With their help, it is possible to accurately determine the fact of conception. Despite this, there is often a delay in menstruation, but the test is negative. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon.

In situations where there is no period and the test is negative, you should not immediately rule out a possible pregnancy. It is possible that conception did occur. To verify or refute this this fact, the test needs to be done again, but after a few days.

In addition to pregnancy, there are many reasons for delay. Some are caused by the development of serious pathology, others are caused by external factors.

Reason for delayed menstruation negative test, not related to the disease, may lie in the following:

  • cycle disruption after childbirth. Intensive production of prolactin leads to the fact that menstruation disappears for a long time;
  • weight problems, following a strict diet, incorrect organized diet nutrition;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • exhausting physical activity and overwork;
  • exposure to stress, recent illnesses;
  • taking certain medications that cause problems hormonal levels body.

A delay that occurs once does not always indicate the presence of pathology and can lead to serious complications. If the cycle failure recurs, then the doctor must find out the cause.

The reasons for the absence of menstruation may be the following:

  • diseases thyroid gland;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • abortion procedures carried out;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • inflammatory processes genitourinary system;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • tumors in the uterus, ovaries.

How to accurately confirm the absence of pregnancy

It often happens that your period does not start, but the test is negative. It is extremely important to determine whether in fact there was no conception. The simplest solution is to repeat the test in a week. If it shows a negative result, then most likely there is no pregnancy.

Testing must be done in the morning. When a barely noticeable second line appears, the test is called doubtful. The result is considered conditionally positive - and long delay may be caused by pregnancy. To clarify this information, you need to consult a doctor.

The fact of conception can be detected in the early stages using ultrasound. In addition, women need to donate blood for hCG (pregnancy hormone) and urine tests. Only with a full examination will it be possible to confirm the absence or presence of pregnancy.

At home, successful fertilization can be determined by the following signs:

  • mark basal temperature gets taller;
  • the chest swells;
  • the mood is constantly changing;
  • the mucous membranes of the genitals and vagina acquire a bluish color;
  • pain appears in the abdominal area.

What delays require doctors' attention

The problem when the test shows one line, but no menstruation, does not always require an immediate solution. In some cases this is considered normal. For example, if, then there is no reason to panic. A delay that occurs every month should cause concern. If a woman is bothered a lot painful sensations in the abdominal area, it is possible that urgent hospitalization will be required.

Frequent delays indicate disturbances in the body that need to be promptly identified and eliminated. Often the cause of regular cycle failures are conditions threatening life: new developments in the field reproductive organs and ectopic pregnancy.

A long delay in menstruation (for example) with a negative pregnancy test should not be ignored. Against the background of this violation, more serious problems may arise. It is possible that in the future you will need treatment for infertility, diseases cardiovascular system. IN neglected form such failures can lead to early menopause and the development of diabetes mellitus.

Medical consultation is needed in the following cases:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • or very heavy discharge;
  • cycle failure for more than 35 days;
  • the appearance of brown discharge with an unnatural odor;
  • pain during intimacy;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

A one-time delay is not a concern. If violations are observed constantly, you definitely need to consult a gynecologist.

What to do if there is a delay

When there is a slight delay in menstruation, the test is negative and nothing hurts, then there is no reason to visit a gynecologist. You just need to do a follow-up test after a few days. A short failure is not dangerous and is considered normal.

If the test is negative, but your period still does not come on time and the delay is more than 10 days, medical consultation necessary.

It is strictly forbidden to induce menstruation on your own. These actions may lead to bleeding and worsening general condition body. The cycle is controlled by sex hormones, which can only be influenced by medications. The doctor selects them after full diagnostics. If therapy is started in a timely manner, the cycle can be restored in a short time.

In case of violations reproductive function, regardless of the cause of their occurrence, is carried out thorough examination. If the test is negative, a blood test for hCG is taken to rule out the possibility of pregnancy. Reveal possible reason helps ultrasound examination pelvic organs. It is quite possible that a woman will need to keep a basal temperature calendar to get an accurate picture.

If hormonal imbalance is suspected, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary. The cycle will be restored immediately after treatment of the underlying pathology. Having identified provoking factors, they are immediately eliminated.

In some cases, it is sufficient to adjust the diet and follow a daily routine. It is extremely important to stop smoking and using alcoholic drinks to quickly restore the cycle.

The absence of menstruation on time is not always a sign of pregnancy. First of all, you need to do a test and rule out the possibility of conception. If you receive a negative result, you need to seek help from a gynecologist. Only an experienced doctor after carrying out all the necessary diagnostic measures will be able to identify the cause of the failure menstrual cycle and quickly restore reproductive function.

The menstrual cycle is an integral part of women's health. This process is natural and accompanies the woman throughout many years. Critical days begin at approximately 12-14 years of age and continue until approximately 50 years of age. The first day of a new cycle begins with menstruation - bloody discharge, as a result of rejection of the inner layer of the uterus associated with the failure of fertilization. A common reason for the absence of regular menstruation is pregnancy. This is confirmed by a routine pregnancy test. If there is a delay in menstruation, the test is negative, which may indicate possible problems with health or pathology of pregnancy.

Menstrual cycle, periods

The cyclicity of menstruation is a hormone-dependent process. With the normal functioning of the female body, the menstrual cycle lasts a certain number of days. There are 2 phases that are separated by a special process - ovulation. The first phase is responsible for the development of the egg - then a mature egg is released, ready for conception - the second phase is responsible for the preparation female organs to possible conception.

Causes of cycle disruption

There is a delay, but the test is negative. What is the real reason?

Delayed menstruation is an unnatural condition that requires correction.

Reasons for a negative test during a delay

  • · Incorrect use of the tool can distort the result, i.e. show a negative answer if pregnant. There are quite a few types of tests, and some have their own “subtleties” of use that should definitely be taken into account. The types of tests and their use are described in detail in the article.
  • · Poor quality test may give false results. There are tests of reputable brands, the quality of which has been tested by time. But along with them, tests from little-known or completely unknown brands regularly appear on the shelves. You should be wary of such tests, and choose a well-known brand to use.
  • ·At irregular cycle a negative test result may be false. A woman, noticing the expected delay, assumes pregnancy, but the test says the opposite. In this situation, the period may be shorter than expected, then it should be repeated in a few days.
  • ·Unintended pregnancy, i.e. ectopic (the embryo is outside the uterus, often in the tube) or frozen, can cause a negative test, although a delay in menstruation occurs. The causes and symptoms of these pathologies are revealed in the topics: and.
  • ·If the cycle failure is caused by a disease, the test will be negative.
  • In rare cases, but it still happens negative test when delayed, due to the low concentration of hCG in the urine, due to the large amount of fluid drunk before bed.

Delayed menstruation, test negative. What to do?

If there is a delay with a negative test, you should:

  1. Consult a doctor, because some conditions that cause a delay in menstruation may require urgent help. Based on the anamnesis (the woman's health history) and examination, it will confirm or deny the presence of pregnancy. If necessary, he will prescribe tests, on the basis of which a consultation with specialized specialists will be scheduled.
  2. Get an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. In some cases, pathology, such as polycystic ovary syndrome or ectopic pregnancy, is key.

To determine the criticality of the delay, a woman should keep a monthly calendar. It records the start and end dates of menstruation, so it is not difficult to determine the length of the menstrual cycle and consistency.

Treatment for delay is to get rid of the cause of its occurrence.

How to prevent menstrual irregularities?

To prevent this condition, a woman needs.

1) Pay attention to your health, paying attention to even the slightest disruptions.

2) visit regularly, at least once a year antenatal clinic. In case of any violations, consult a doctor unscheduled.

3) maintain a “Women’s Calendar”.

5) Relieve yourself as much as possible from stress and fatigue, find a little time just for yourself.

6) Observe the rules of sexual behavior.

If your period is late, a negative test can cause panic. However, there is no need to panic. Before visiting a doctor, you can do one or two more tests, strictly following all the rules of use, preferably from different brands, and compare the results. In some cases this will provide clarity.

Author of the publication: Margarita Ignatova

In the absence of pregnancy, a two-week delay may be a sign of hormonal disorders, corpus luteum cysts, adnexitis, or ovarian hypofunction. This condition is possible after ARVI or stress.

What does a 2 week delay indicate with a negative pregnancy test?

In addition, lifestyle also influences the menstrual cycle. For example, a history of acute respiratory viral infection or a strict diet can cause a delay. With anorexia and a woman’s weight loss below a critical point, menstruation stops altogether. Menstrual irregularities begin when the amount of adipose tissue decreases to less than 20% of body weight.

Abortion can also cause a delay. If the menstrual cycle does not return within several months, you should consult a gynecologist. The normal physiological state is only with delays during lactation. This is due to high levels of the hormone prolactin, which inhibits ovulation.

Ectopic pregnancy

During fertilization, the egg develops into a zygote, which gives rise to an embryo, and exits the fallopian tube to implant in the uterus. Sometimes the fertilized egg remains in the tube and on the seventh day is attached to its walls. This condition is called an ectopic pregnancy.

In such cases, the test is positive, but hCG is not produced in the body as quickly as during normal conception. Therefore, when a woman is 2 weeks late, the analysis may show one line or the second will be unclear. Characteristic features is nagging pain lower abdomen, spotting. Typical symptoms of pregnancy may also be present: nausea, drowsiness, frequent urination, swelling of the mammary glands.

If the pathology is not detected in time, then spontaneous termination occurs at 7–8 weeks. pathological pregnancy which is accompanied by bleeding and acute pain. This condition is dangerous for a woman; you need to call emergency help as soon as possible.

Diseases of the reproductive system

A delay of menstruation for 2 weeks can occur with the development of an acute inflammatory process in the organs reproductive system. The most common pathology is adnexitis or inflammation of the uterine appendages.

In women, the temperature rises to 39°, they are worried sharp pains in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region. After a long delay, periods may come with clots, intermenstrual bleeding may appear heavier than usual, purulent discharge. Painful sensations accompany sexual intercourse, and discomfort persists for some time after it.

Acute adnexitis can lead to peritonitis of the abdominal cavity, the formation of adhesions, and infertility. Increased risk ectopic pregnancy.

Untimely treatment contributes to the progression of the disease to chronic stage, symptoms become less pronounced, but relapses occur periodically.

Corpus luteum cyst

Menstruation may be delayed by up to 14 days if a luteal cyst forms. Every month after ovulation, in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the corpus luteum is formed in the ovary; it synthesizes progesterone, which is necessary to maintain pregnancy if fertilization of the egg occurs. Responsible for the formation of the corpus luteum.

Under the influence unfavorable factors yellow-red liquid begins to accumulate in the mature follicle and a cyst forms. The pathology is most often unilateral. Causes of the disease: hormonal imbalance, blood circulation.

Corpus luteum cyst develops almost asymptomatically over several months. As the size of the tumor increases, a feeling of heaviness and distension appears in the lower abdomen. Delays in menstruation often occur - this is caused by uneven shedding of the endometrium.

Luteal cysts in most cases do not require treatment and resolve spontaneously after 2–3 months.

When the course is complicated, the cyst pedicle becomes torsion and hemorrhages into its cavity. There are acute cramping attacks, diffuse pain, general deterioration well-being. Treatment is with anti-inflammatory drugs, hormone replacement therapy, or surgical removal of the cyst.

Ovarian dysfunction

Causes of ovarian dysfunction are endocrine disorder or a hormonal imbalance that inhibits ovulation, disrupts the menstrual cycle, and causes a delay in menstruation by 2 weeks or more. In women, progesterone levels decrease and the concentration of estrogen in the blood increases.

The main symptoms of the pathology include the following:

  • heavy periods that last longer than 7 days, or too little discharge;
  • miscarriage;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

Ovarian dysfunction, in which there is a delay of 1–2 weeks with a negative test, may be a sign of an oncological tumor or ectopic pregnancy. At long term pathology leads to endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and breast cancer, especially in women over 45 years of age. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of dysfunction, restoring the balance of sex hormones, and normalizing the menstrual cycle.

What to do if your period is late for a long time

First of all, you need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. Additionally, ultrasound examination is performed, biochemical analysis blood for hormone levels.

If there is a delay of 2 weeks and the test is negative, a repeat test must be done. False result can be obtained due to low quality of the test or incorrect analysis. If the gestation period is less than 2 weeks, the blood produces insufficient quantity hCG, so the answer may be no.

Taking certain medications, chronic diseases internal organs can also distort test results. Pregnancy can be confirmed with a blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and an examination with a doctor.

A delay of two weeks may be a sign of ovarian dysfunction, inflammation of the genitourinary system, disorders hormonal balance, ectopic pregnancy. To determine correct diagnosis you need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

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Any woman knows her individual norm for delayed menstruation. The absence of delays in menstruation indicates normal healthy condition reproductive system. Women and girls of different ages may have their own acceptable period of delayed menstrual flow.

According to doctors, a delay in bloody vaginal discharge can be considered normal for 1-7 days if, against the background of this female body doesn't experience " side symptoms" If a representative of the fairer sex feels well and does not suffer from discomfort, then such delays are considered acceptable. But each age segment has its own limit on such expectations.

Pay attention! In girls, menarche (first regula) is expected at age category 11-15 years old. And during the first two years it will be difficult to expect the regularity of these discharges. At a young age, a 5-day delay in discharge should not cause concern.

If after two years your periods have not stabilized, you should contact a gynecologist to determine normal operation uterus and ovaries. The “dry” period for a healthy woman and girl is 28-35 days. It is after this time that they appear monthly spotting.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

In older women, sexual function declines, which is a natural and inevitable process. With each new month there will be a delay in menstruation, which will gradually increase until it stops altogether.

The average age for menopause in women is 44-50 years. But there are exceptions to climacteric ovarian dysfunction in one direction or the other.

Reasons for missed periods

Delayed menstruation (main reasons, besides pregnancy, why is there a delay in menstruation):

  • Gynecological reasons;
  • Not gynecological reasons.

The reasons for long waits for menstruation are gynecological (with the exception of pregnancy) and non-gynecological in nature.

Delayed menstruation may have gynecological or non-gynecological reasons. gynecological nature

Gynecological reasons:

  1. puberty;
  2. diseases (polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst);
  3. menopause;
  4. long-term use of contraceptives;
  5. lactation.

Non-gynecological reasons:

  1. stress;
  2. climate change;
  3. diet;
  4. anorexia;
  5. poor environment;
  6. diseases (ARVI, gastritis, thyroid and kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus);
  7. intoxication;
  8. excessive physical activity;
  9. overweight.

Important to remember! Some medications that are used to treat the genitourinary system, stomach ulcers and depression can delay menstruation.

Leading an unhealthy lifestyle, using narcotic drugs, large doses of alcohol and smoking - all this can change the regular monthly arrival of menstruation.

There are times when a negative test result results in a significant delay in the cycle. Such a failure, lasting more than 7-15 days, may be a consequence of taking hormonal drugs.

There may also be a test error if your period is late and the test is negative.

Reasons why your period is late and the test is negative

As soon as a delay in regulation occurs, women use rapid tests to determine pregnancy. All tests work on the same principle - they determine the level of hCG in female urine. If this indicator is normal, the result does not exceed 5 MIU/ml. Starting from the 7th day of pregnancy, this figure increases 5 times.

Errors during testing can be primarily due to non-compliance with instructions and a low-quality product. There are many known tests that show errors in cases of kidney disease and hormonal imbalance. Violation of the integrity of the packaging and expired expiration date also do not promise reliable result testing.

A woman may receive a false negative test result if there is a slight delay, when 3 days have not passed since the missed period. Another reason for false information may be late ovulation previous cycle. Insufficient concentration of urine composition gives an unreliable result.

Therefore, testing should be done at the first urination of the day. A pathological pregnancy (frozen or ectopic) will not indicate an increase in the level of hCG in the blood.

False positive result happens less often than a false negative. This result can occur in the case of termination of pregnancy at a very early, which showed the actual hCG level at the time of pregnancy. Tumors formed due to hormonal imbalance contribute to the production of hCG, which can mislead a woman.

A positive response to testing may occur in the event of a recent termination of pregnancy (miscarriage, abortion). The use of certain drugs in the treatment of infertility can also cause false results.

A pale and unclear second line of the test gives rise to re-testing after 3-5 days, and in the case of IVF you will need to wait 10-15 days. Test error is undoubtedly possible, which is why doctors recommend mandatory recheck the result two more times.

How many days can a missed period last without pregnancy?

Not raising concerns the delay in regulation is 5-7 days in a young and middle-aged woman reproductive age. In the case of older women during menopause maximum term delays can be about six months. The acceptable period for delaying the arrival of menstruation after the first sexual intercourse is considered to be 2-4 days.

What and how affects the menstrual period in women

On women's health many factors influence: external environment habitat, age, physiological state and others. The table below shows the factors, conditions and moments and how they affect the regularity and nature of menstruation in women.

Taking antibiotics, antidepressants, hormonal drugs and other potent drugsIf the hormonal drug is chosen incorrectly, a delay in menstruation may occur. Only those pills that contain exclusively progestogen do not affect the length of the cycle. Long-term use oral contraceptive reduces the intensity of discharge. Antidepressants, according to doctors, rarely cause a delay in menstruation. This group of drugs reduces the intensity of menstrual blood secreted. During treatment with antiulcer medications, the regularity of the menstrual cycle is sometimes disrupted.
Homeopathic medicinesHomeopathic medicines are often prescribed by gynecologists to their patients in order to normalize a woman’s hormonal levels. This group of drugs rarely causes a delay in menstruation, since they do not contain potent substances and hormones. Most often, periods are late due to pathological condition, in which the specialist prescribes homeopathic remedy- depressive state, severe stress etc.
Hog queenThe boron uterus contains phytohormones (phytoprogesterone and phytoestrogen), so the plant affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle. With the help of such a remedy, you can normalize a woman’s hormonal levels, eliminate inflammation in the pelvic organs and increase local immunity. If you approach the treatment process irresponsibly, side effects may occur, which manifest themselves in the form of hormonal imbalance and deterioration general well-being. Girls claim that after consuming boron uterus, there is a delay due to successful conception. It should be remembered that the herb suppresses ovulation if the therapy is not carried out correctly. healing agent. The plant is necessary to maintain the second phase of the cycle - progesterone.
TranexamGynecologists claim that Tranexam is an effective hemostatic drug and does not cause delays. This medication is prescribed to patients if there is hormonal imbalance. "Lag" critical days in this situation indicates that the cycle has not yet recovered after Tranexam therapy.
Premenopausal syndromeMenstrual irregularities are main feature menopause for women after 50. Due to the decline of reproductive function, a delay in menstruation is observed. Over time, the volume of blood released during menstrual periods decreases. The main symptoms of menopause include: hot flashes, weakness, insomnia, depression. During menopause, problems arise with the absorption of calcium, so the condition of the skeletal system worsens.
Folic acidFolic acid is a vitamin, not a hormone. This drug does not affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. The medication is absolutely safe and does not cause side effects. Vitamin B9 strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the circulatory system.
Edas 927The drug "Mastiol Edas 927" belongs to homeopathic medicines. Prescribed for mastopathy. Gynecologists say that taking the medicine does not affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Granulated sugar, calcium fluoride, creosote, spotted hemlock - these are the substances that make up this tool. The elements do not adversely affect the functioning of the female reproductive system.
Oxyprogesterone capronateInjections of oxyprogesterone capronate are prescribed to those girls who have been diagnosed with a long delay in menstruation. Reviews from women indicate that this substance is administered intravenously to patients to normalize hormonal levels. If you self-medicate and choose the wrong dosage, your menstruation may be delayed. Only a doctor must develop an individual treatment regimen, depending on the physiological characteristics of the patient’s body and the severity of the pathology.
Mirena hormonal deviceLevonorgestrel is a hormonal substance contained in the Mirena spiral. This item are released into the uterus. Under such conditions, the process of growth and rejection of the endometrium is blocked. Since the action of the hormone occurs only internally reproductive organ, the risk of hormonal imbalance is reduced. The spiral suppresses sperm motility and blocks ovulation, but does not in any way affect a woman’s hormonal levels. Side effects manifest themselves exclusively in the form of headaches, acne, and heart pain. Intrauterine device does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, which often disrupt the menstrual cycle. The installed coil, if there are contraindications, sometimes causes the development of an inflammatory process. In this situation, the length of the menstrual cycle may be disrupted.
Sports loadsIf you actively engage in sports and go on a diet, then a person will rapidly lose weight. Extreme weight loss can cause a delay in menstruation. A sharp jump in weight is a lot of stress for the body. New and unusual stress on the body sometimes affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle. In this case, doctors recommend eating a healthy and balanced diet - after a few months the cycle returns to normal.
Climate changeThe female body is too vulnerable to any negative impact environment. Moving to another country sometimes provokes headaches, weakness, drowsiness, irritability, nausea and apathy. The duration of adaptation to a new place of residence is 13 days. Atmospheric pressure and temperature differences are factors that can cause a delay in menstruation.
Heat, saunaDue to sharp increase atmospheric pressure and temperature, the female body experiences stress. Under such conditions, a delay in menstruation may occur.
StressSystematic stress and anxiety often provoke the development of serious gynecological diseases. Under such conditions, menstruation becomes profuse and accompanied by painful sensations. Due to hormonal imbalance, which was caused emotional stress problems may arise in the functioning of the girl’s reproductive system. A change in lifestyle stability is reflected in the functioning of the female body.
ColdFlu and colds are very stressful for the body. Under such conditions it decreases protective function body and the regularity of menstruation is disrupted. It is possible to resume full functioning of a woman’s reproductive system without additional therapy—it takes 1.5 months to normalize.
ThrushIf the body's protective function is weakened, candidiasis may occur. The disease develops as a result of pregnancy, exposure to medicinal product, overwork, systematic stress - these factors affect the functioning of the reproductive system of women. If thrush occurs due to hormonal imbalance, then the duration of the menstrual cycle is disrupted.
CystitisWith cystitis, a delay in menstruation is often observed. This is due to generalized inflammation, which affects not only the mucous membranes bladder, but also the pelvic organs.
Ovarian cystWhenever follicular cyst there is a delay in menstruation. This neoplasm is benign. After the cyst resolves, critical days begin - this process takes from 6 to 20 days.
Cervical erosionThe pathology itself does not affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle. But if cervical erosion develops actively, then the uterus begins to change. Under what conditions is a cycle failure possible? Infection may cause a delay.
EndometriosisWith this disease, the endometrium begins to grow. During the development of the disease, there is often a delay in menstruation and pain in the pelvic organs. This disease often causes infertility. Gynecological diseases have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the female genital organs. Under such conditions, hormonal disruption occurs.

No menstruation: wait or act?

The absence of the onset of critical days within 1 week against the background of symptoms of their appearance can be considered the norm. If the acceptable delay period has expired, action should be taken. The first step in the plan should be pregnancy testing.

If pregnancy is not confirmed, and the normal waiting period has passed, you should immediately go to an antenatal clinic. At the appointment, you will need to talk about how you are feeling, the appearance of new symptoms, and be examined and tested.

Doctors are paying attention! A significant delay in regulation cannot be attributed to external factors and ordinary physiological processes. This signals the start pathological processes, which should be intervened as quickly as possible.

If your chest hurts, but you don’t have your period, what does this mean?

Before the onset of menstruation, a significant number of women notice swelling, pain and sensitivity of the mammary glands. If your chest hurts, but your period has not arrived, then this may be a signal of the beginning of a new life.

This happens in 70% of cases. If pregnancy never occurs, and the mammary glands continue to bother you, then in 20% of cases the problem is associated with mastopathy.

The remaining 10% is attributed to: the presence of infection in the mammary glands:

  • oncology of these organs;
  • ovulation process;
  • consequences of active physical exercise (muscle strain);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • shingles.

Why does my stomach hurt but I don’t have my period?

You may also experience pain in the abdomen in the absence of menstruation. Some women experience pain during ovulation when the follicle ruptures. This is a normal process that is attributed to individual characteristics body.

Gynecological problems can also be accompanied by pain. Women begin to pay attention to inflammatory processes after the appearance severe pain. If such inflammations are ignored and not treated, they can later give rise to serious diseases.

Abdominal pain can be caused by accumulation of fallopian tubes liquid, which will prevent the appearance of menstruation.

Acyclic pain in most cases cause urolithiasis. Adhesions, cystitis, and colitis can cause trouble. If, in addition to the abdomen, a woman is bothered by a bursting sensation in the mammary glands, fibroids can be suspected. If you have abdominal pain and lack of regulation, you should undergo an examination to rule out an ectopic pregnancy.

How long can you not worry?

Important to remember! For every woman, the duration of the menstrual cycle can last different period time. Most often, an established cycle (21-35 days) accompanies a woman throughout her reproductive age from 18 to 45 years.

The countdown begins on the first day of discharge and lasts until the arrival of the next ones.
A healthy woman has regular periods for 1-3 days and there is no reason to worry.

Delay of menstruation 1-4 days: reasons

The most common reasons delays (1-4 days) are as follows:

  1. recent cold;
  2. excessive physical activity;
  3. climate change;
  4. sudden change in diet;
  5. emotional, nervous breakdown.

If your period is 5 days late (the test is negative): is there a problem or not?

With a 5-day wait for the arrival of menstruation, it is too early to talk about any pathology, because it is within normal limits. A woman has time before taking active steps.

The reason for the failure of the regularity of the cycle may be the consequences of workaholism., which lead to exhaustion of the body, lack of sleep and decreased vitality. In the absence feeling unwell and unpleasant symptoms, we can say there is no problem.

Delay of menstruation by 6 - 10 days. Reasons other than pregnancy

Doctors pay attention! A delay of 6-10 days in menstruation is the first call for a woman. It can signal borderline state, pregnancy or illness.

If pregnancy is excluded, doctors call this delay secondary amenorrhea. Very dangerous condition women, which should be excluded first of all - ectopic pregnancy.

Symptoms of this pregnancy are:

  • pain in the area lumbar region and lower abdomen;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of vaginal discharge of a brown, brown color.

If these symptoms are detected, you should immediately visit an antenatal clinic. Ignoring an ectopic pregnancy causes heavy bleeding and infertility.

Delay in menstruation for 10 days or more: start looking for the cause with your doctor!

A woman’s good health and the presence of a partner obliges her to undergo testing. When the fact of pregnancy is not confirmed, you must consult a doctor to undergo an examination and identify the causes.

Based on the survey results, A gynecologist will be able to detect or exclude diseases:

  1. Vaginitis;
  2. Polycystic disease;
  3. Candidiasis;
  4. Thrush;
  5. Adnexitis;
  6. Myoma, tumors.

If gynecological problems the doctor did not find it, you should go to his colleagues. The delay can be caused by illness:

  1. Pancreatitis;
  2. Duodenitis;
  3. Chronic gastritis;
  4. Diabetes mellitus;
  5. Pyelonephritis;
  6. Adrenal diseases;
  7. Anorexia.

Delay 2 weeks or more

Waiting for critical days longer than two weeks no longer leaves hope that everything is in order with the woman’s body. This condition cannot be ignored, even if the woman is not bothered by anything. A trip to the antenatal clinic should be organized as a matter of urgency.

What to do if you haven’t had your period for 2 (two) months, but you’re not pregnant

If the regulations have not arrived after 2 months, you need to be examined for ovarian dysfunction. This disease is not independent, as it is caused by factors such as viral or infectious disease; diseases of the genital organs, kidneys, thyroid gland, stomach.

As soon as the woman discovered vaginal discharge symptoms that do not resemble menstruation should be taken to the clinic. After stopping taking contraceptives, your period should come in 2-3 months; if this does not happen, and you feel discomfort down there, don’t put off going to the antenatal clinic.

No period for 3 months, but not pregnant

Waiting for the arrival of menstruation for 3-6 months received the medical name - amenorrhea. Its cause is a serious gynecological disease, which requires examination and examination by a specialist.

Why are there no periods after an abortion?

Important to remember! Every woman recovers her menstrual cycle differently after an abortion.

In this situation, it is worth taking into account the timing and method of termination of pregnancy, physiological characteristics patients. Provided the outcome of the operation is normal, after 1 month. After an abortion, regulation should begin. The first day of the cycle should be considered the date of the operation.

Doctors are paying attention! If 31 days after surgical termination If you are not pregnant, you are not having your period, it is recommended to visit a doctor to avoid health problems.

Delayed menstruation while breastfeeding

The return of menstruation in recent women will depend on the lactation process, during which there is a high level of the hormone prolactin in the blood, which is responsible for breast milk. If the natural process of lactation does not occur ( C-section, refusal to breastfeed, other reasons), then the cycle will be restored after 1 month.

In this case, the maximum delay after childbirth can last approximately 8 weeks. During lactation, normalization of the menstrual cycle is a purely individual process. This may take 2-3 years.

Important to remember! To accurately predict the time at which the menstrual cycle begins to resume after childbirth, it is necessary to take into account:

  • feeding cycle;
  • type of feeding (mixed, on demand, regular).

If the mother feeds the baby at the child's request, the menstrual flow will be restored one year after birth. With mixed feeding, you can expect your period to return after 3-4 months. For 80% of women giving birth, their critical days come after weaning their baby.

Attention: Dangerous Causes of Delay

Dangerous reasons for delay:

  • Andexit;
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • Endometriosis.

Gynecological and endocrine diseases are at risk. Diseases of the ovaries, adrenal glands and thyroid glands can cause polycystic ovary syndrome and lead to infertility.

Adnexitis is an inflammatory process in uterine appendages causes hormonal imbalance. Endometriosis or uterine fibroids is a benign tumor that can develop into a malignant neoplasm.

What are the dangers of frequent delays in menstruation?

It is not recommended to ignore periodic delays. And if they become frequent, it is absolutely impossible to show a negligent attitude towards a woman’s health.

Gynecologists insist! Ignoring regular and frequent delays is fraught with the appearance of chronic diseases, infertility, and oncology of the genital organs.

What to do if you don't have your period?

The delay forces the woman to wait agonizingly for a week and then go to medical institution. Any deviation of the menstrual cycle from the norm is a reason to contact an antenatal clinic.

Together with the gynecologist, the cause of the menstrual cycle failure will be determined. To do this, you will need to take tests, undergo pregnancy testing, and be examined by an endocrinologist and an ultrasound specialist.

In the case of an unstable menstrual cycle in a girl (duration less than 2 years), the onset of menopause in an older woman and an acceptable one-week delay, do not panic and try to induce menstruation.

Important to know! In women who have not reached menopause and have passed the age of menerche, constant delays in menopause are abnormal. Therefore, having established the reasons for the delay, measures should be taken to restore the cyclicity of the regulation.

Is it possible to induce menstruation if there is a delay?

It is possible to provoke monthly bleeding if it is delayed both under medical supervision and at home. Almost all medications used to restore the menstrual cycle are hormonal.

You can get the desired effect from taking them if a woman has problems with hormonal levels and a deficiency of a certain substance in the body.

How to induce menstruation if you are late at home

Having established the patient’s hormonal picture, the gynecologist prescribes special medications according to the regimen. Often women use herbal infusions that provoke the onset of menstruation. You can induce menstruation at home medicines, decoctions medicinal herbs, hot baths, a large dose of vitamin C and active physical exercise.

Decoction of medicinal herbs:

  1. Elecampane;
  2. Oregano;
  3. Nettles;
  4. Rosehip;
  5. Yarrow;
  6. Sporysha.

Herbs taken 2 tbsp. l., and filled with 1 l. boiling water, consume after 12 hours of exposure for one day. To induce menstruation, they also drink a decoction of onion peel, ginger.

Drugs for hormonal imbalance (Duphaston and others for delayed menstruation)

In the event that serious problems no health problems have been identified, doctors prescribe special drugs, which stimulate the arrival of critical days.

Such drugs include:

  • Duphaston;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Pulsatilla;
  • Postinor;
  • Mifegin.

Duphaston is prescribed 1 tablet twice a day for a course of 5 days. If serious health problems are detected, the endocrinologist may prescribe a different treatment regimen. Most often, the long-awaited discharge appears on the 2-3rd day of taking the drug.

The expected effect of Duphaston is ensured by the concentration of progesterone. In case of pregnancy, this drug will not cause harm to the fetus, and it will not be able to terminate the pregnancy. Duphaston will give results only if a hormonal imbalance is detected.

If the delay occurs due to stress, then Pulsatilla will help speed up the onset of menstruation, 6 granules of which thin the blood. Taking Postinor can urgently induce menstruation.

The emerging problem of delayed periods should not provoke women to look for ways to speed them up without determining the cause of this condition.

Important to remember! Any delay in the menstrual cycle is a failure, the cause of which should be found out.

Contact a specialist when frequent delays menstruation is mandatory to exclude serious illnesses, including malignant formations, mental disorders, infertility and other gynecological diseases.

Video about the reasons for a delay in menstruation with a negative test

Delayed menstruation test negative. Why and what to do:

About the reasons for a delay in menstruation, if the test is negative in adolescents and women:

At what stage will a pregnancy test accurately show a 100% result:

Menstruation is a cyclically repeating process that occurs in healthy body every woman. Many people associate a delay in menstruation with pregnancy. What to do if the test shows a negative result? If fertilization has not occurred, but menstrual bleeding no, you should seek medical help.

What is the menstrual cycle

The process that ensures the reproductive function of every woman is usually called the menstrual cycle. The duration of this period will vary in each specific case. On averageethe duration isfrom 23 to 35 days.

The cerebral cortex is responsible for reproductive function. Information is transmitted to the pituitary gland allowing it to produce hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the ovaries and uterus.

Menstruation is a cyclical process. The absence of another bleeding is a reason to think

The entire cycle is usually divided into two phases, between which ovulation occurs:

  1. Follicular - begins on the first day of menstrual bleeding. During this period, the female body prepares for possible pregnancy. The process of maturation of a new egg occurs in the ovaries. The duration of this phase is 15–20 days.
  2. Luteal or phase corpus luteum- occurs after ovulation and lasts 12–16 days. The mature egg is released into abdominal cavity. It is during this period that fertilization can occur if a female cell meets a sperm. The cycle ends with the onset of the next menstrual bleeding.

As a rule, most women have a fixed cycle length (on average 28 days). Therefore, it is easy to calculate when menstrual bleeding will begin next. A deviation of 2–3 days is considered normal. If there is a delay of more than 5 days, you should first take a pregnancy test. Negative result- a reason to seek advice from a gynecologist.

Why doesn't my next period come? There may be several reasons.

Reasons for missing periods with a negative pregnancy test

Drug therapy

Some medications may affect the length of your menstrual cycle:

  1. Birth control pills. Minor deviations from the norm during the use of such medications are considered normal. Drugs that can cause a delay in menstruation include:
    • Diana is 35;
    • Novinet;
  2. Yarina;
  3. Lindineth.
  4. Hormonal drugs (Duphaston, Cyclodinone, Clostilbegit). Medicines from this group should be used strictly under the supervision of a specialist.
  5. Means emergency contraception(Escapelle, Postinor, Genale). Bleeding may linger for 3–10 days.

    Medicine knows cases of pregnancy even after taking emergency contraception. Therefore, it is worth contacting your local gynecologist.

  6. Antidepressants, drugs for the treatment of oncology, as well as antibiotics. However, some experts have their own opinion on this matter. The absence of menstruation can develop against the background of pathological processes occurring in the body. The medications used, in their opinion, have nothing to do with it. Some hormonal drugs (Duphaston, Cyclodinone, Clostilbegit) can affect reproductive function. Medicines from this group can be used strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

If there is a delay in the background drug therapy, no special actions should be taken. The situation will be restored after stopping treatment with the listed drugs. But it is still worth informing the gynecologist about the situation that has arisen.

Drugs that can cause delay - gallery

Emergency contraception Postinor
Hormonal drug Duphaston
Birth control pills Jess

Intrauterine device

One of the most popular methods of contraception in recent years considered an intrauterine device. This device prevents fertilization, but does not protect against infection. As a result, disruption of the menstrual cycle can often occur.

The presence of infection will be indicated by discharge from unpleasant smell and pain in the lower abdomen.

In addition, the intrauterine device is often the cause of intrauterine pregnancy. The test will show a negative result.

The cause of menstrual irregularities is often the intrauterine device.

The choice of spiral should be approached with special attention. A specialist should advise a suitable model based on anatomical features female reproductive organs. The device can remain in the uterus for no more than 5 years.

If there is a delay in menstruation with the described method of contraception, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. The intrauterine device often leads to the development of serious complications.

Neuroses and stress

Exams, problems at work, quarrels with loved ones - all this can lead to changes in a woman’s hormonal levels, and at the same time to a delay in menstruation by more than a week. Physical fatigue can also provoke depression of reproductive function. Additionally, the following symptoms appear:

  • headaches;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • sleep disorders;
  • rapid weight loss.

40% of women who play sports professionally have problems with reproductive function.

In this case, women are shown good nutrition and rest. In the most difficult situations have to take antidepressants. Treatment is carried out by a therapist.

As a rule, after normalization of psychological and physical condition the menstrual cycle is restored.

Weight problems

Many overweight women face reproductive dysfunction. Menstrual bleeding comes irregularly or completely absent.

The hypothalamus is a section of the brain responsible for the performance of all organs and tissues of the body, in particular for reproductive function

If you weigh more than 100 kg, the hypothalamus (a part of the brain) completely blocks the production of estrogen by the ovaries.

Estrogens (female sex hormones) are normally produced not only in the ovaries, but also in the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

A proper weight loss program developed by a nutritionist will help correct the situation. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Sudden weight loss cannot be called beneficial either. The body perceives this situation as exhaustion. At the same time, female sex hormones begin to be produced in smaller quantities. Fashionable diets can lead to the development of vitamin deficiency, which also affects reproductive function. To solve the problem, you need to start eating properly.

Postpartum period and lactation

After the baby is born, the female body must restore reproductive function. Therefore, there is no menstruation for several months after childbirth. In most cases, bleeding is not observed throughout the entire period of lactation (breastfeeding).

There is a chance, albeit small, of becoming pregnant during lactation. Therefore, a woman who does not plan to conceive in the near future after childbirth should think about good method contraception.

During lactation, reproductive function is suppressed, so there are no periods

As a rule, the menstrual cycle returns to normal after stopping breastfeeding. However, immediately plan next pregnancy experts do not recommend. The female body is fully restored only 2 years after childbirth.


Menopause (menopause) is the decline of a woman’s reproductive function. For many, this process begins with a delay in menstruation for weeks or even months. To others unpleasant symptoms can be attributed:

  • sleep disorders;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • increased sweating;
  • mood swings;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

The menopausal condition is not pathological. This is a normal life process. If the described symptoms do not allow a woman to lead a normal life, it is worth seeking help from a gynecologist who will prescribe suitable vitamins and herbal medicines.


Many pathologies of the genital area can lead to reproductive dysfunction. It can be fungal, viral or bacterial infections. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the presence of such additional symptoms, How:

  • general deterioration of health;
  • brown, pink, bloody, yellow, or white vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, lower back;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • itching of the labia;
  • increased body temperature;
  • frequent urination.

A rapid deterioration in health along with the absence of regular menstrual bleeding is a reason for immediate appeal to the gynecologist. There can be several reasons for this condition - from ordinary thrush to syphilis or gonorrhea.

The following diseases can lead to a prolonged delay of menstruation (more than a month):

  1. Uterine fibroids. Benign tumor endometrium. Therapy is carried out by a gynecologist. Surgery is often indicated.
  2. Endometriosis. The disease can cause both the absence of menstruation and heavy uterine bleeding. Typical symptom- pain during defecation. Also observed frequent urination. Treatment is carried out by a gynecologist.
  3. Adnexitis. Inflammatory process appendages. Characteristic yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor, pain in the lower abdomen, bloating.
  4. Polycystic ovary syndrome. Pathology leads to hormonal disorders and disruptions of the menstrual cycle. There may be delays from several days to a month. The specialist conducts hormone therapy. In the most difficult cases surgical intervention is indicated.


Medical abortion often leads to long delay menstrual bleeding (from a week to several months). The following factors may contribute to this:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • adhesive process;
  • infection acquired during surgical intervention;
  • stress;
  • damage to the uterus.

After an abortion, a woman must be under the supervision of a doctor. If menstruation does not occur one month after surgery, the gynecologist should conduct additional examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Other reasons

The following factors can also lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle:

  • decreased immunity;
  • change of scenery;
  • moving to a country with a different climate.

If any deviations from the norm appear, it is advisable to contact your local gynecologist.