Diseases of young cattle and methods of their treatment. Rickets in calves: treatment, prevention Why rickets is a concern

Absorption of macroelements (calcium and phosphorus); restructuring of bone tissue during the growth of the body; transport of calcium across cell membranes; cell division; formation of immunity.

The main localization of calcium in the body is bone tissue; in addition, it is found in blood plasma and intercellular fluid. Calcium plays important role in the regulation of permeability cell membranes.

Phosphorus, in turn, is no less important in absorption nutrients from the intestines, oxidation of glucose, carbohydrates, transport of fats, metabolism of amino acids. Almost all metabolic processes in the body occur with the participation of transformations phosphoric acid. Thanks to phosphorus compounds, energy exchange and bone tissue formation occur.

In case of a lack of these elements, their amount decreases not only in the blood, but also in the bones. This process is accompanied by excessive formation of cartilage with a vesicular structure, destruction of proper cartilage tissue, pain in the joints, changes and softening of bones that cannot support the weight of the animal’s body.

A dysfunction of blood formation appears – anemia develops. The muscles weaken, due to this the volume of the abdomen increases and it sags. Hernias are often observed.


The cause of the disease is a lack of vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus or a metabolic disorder of these elements. Very often the disease manifests itself in the winter-spring period, with a lack of sunlight and vitamin-poor feeds. Contributing to the development of the disease are crowded housing of animals, high humidity, drafts, low temperature and insufficient lighting in the premises where animals are kept during the first months of life.

Main types of diseases in calves

Diseases of calves are non-contagious and contagious. Each group has its own symptoms and treatment regimen. Therapy is carried out using traditional and unconventional methods. If infected with a contagious disease, the animal is quarantined to prevent infection of healthy individuals.

There are several types of diseases in newborn calves and young animals:

  1. Respiratory - affects respiratory system.
  2. Diseases of calves caused by malfunction gastrointestinal tract. They are dangerous to the life of the animal, quickly spread to healthy individuals and can lead to death large quantity heads
  3. Eye diseases.

Depending on the pathogen and method of spread, sores are divided into three groups:

There are two ways to systematize diseases:

  • symptomatic;
  • etiological.


Diseases are classified according to their effect on organs and systems:

  • respiratory;
  • nutritional;
  • eye diseases;
  • others.


In the following presentation of the material, the etiological classification will be used.

Today in veterinary medicine There are several dozen diseases that occur in calves. Moreover, for ease of study, they are all divided into certain types. So, depending on the location of the infection in the body, the following types of diseases are distinguished:

  • Intestinal. Assume defeat digestive tract in the offspring, as a result of which the function of the stomach and intestines is disrupted.
  • Respiratory. The infection causes inflammation and necrotic processes in the respiratory organs.
  • Eye diseases. Manifest in lesions of the conjunctiva or cornea.
  • Other diseases.

Also, depending on the nature and method of spread of the diseases that young cattle suffer from, they can be divided into:

Navel diseases can appear in calves in the first months of life. The causes of such diseases lie in improper care of the newborn or unprofessional cutting of the umbilical cord. It is not difficult to recognize the disease, since all the signs appear externally:

  • the calf becomes weak;
  • his breathing slows down;
  • the umbilical canal begins to fester;
  • swelling of the umbilical canal occurs, which worries the animal;
  • when not timely treatment the umbilical canal turns into a mass of pus.

If you notice any of these signs, you should immediately treat the wound with an antiseptic and call a veterinarian. In addition to infection, umbilical disease may cause improper healing of the umbilical cord, which leads to the formation of ulcers. In this case, the umbilical canal must be cleaned surgically.

If you notice these signs, then you need to examine the animal. Most often, lice collect in the neck and tail area. To destroy lice, it is recommended to treat the sick individual with insecticides.


Symptoms of the disease are not always immediately visible. At first, there is a slight lethargy, a decrease in appetite (often a perversion). Animals often begin to lick walls, the ground, and the excrement of other animals. Later, digestive dysfunction begins, accompanied by diarrhea and constipation. Teeth change more slowly, animals grow and develop worse than healthy ones. Sick animals lie down a lot, as their joints hurt and lameness develops.

READ ALSO: Rickets in infants - Infants (children)

Later, the curvature of the bones begins, especially the limbs, spinal column, chest. Thicken cartilage tissue chest - the so-called “rachitic rosary” appears. Breathing becomes frequent and intermittent, tachycardia is noted. Body temperature does not change. In seriously ill calves, an increase and change in the shape of the head are noted. At the same time, the jaws increase, but do not coincide with each other, the teeth sit deep in the gums, but are very loose. The nasal passages are reduced, which entails a violation respiratory function. Fractures of the limbs are noted, especially in the hip area.

Of the older (6-8 months and older) fattening calves, the largest animals are the first to get sick. The first signs are loss of growth, changes in gait. In piglets especially a clear sign is a perverted appetite, later they stand on their wrists for a long time, squeal when rising to their feet, in addition, there is an unsteadiness of gait and lameness. In severe cases, convulsions and laryngospasms begin, which can lead to the death of animals from suffocation.

The birds' feathers are ruffled and there is a delay in the change of plumage. The beak is easily pressed through, the keel and leg bones soften. Diarrhea and loss of coordination of movement are observed. In severe cases, osteomalacia begins, the birds lie practically motionless, weakened, and die after a short time. The disease most often affects young animals two to three weeks old. In the case of rickets in laying hens, thinning and softening of the egg walls are observed, in severe cases, complete cessation of egg laying and fractures of the limbs.

Puppies eat greedily, but then regurgitate some of the food, and over time, small cramps and lethargy appear. Subsequently, the puppies lose weight, there is a “sagging” of the abdomen and carpal bones, softening of the bones, and thickening of the tendons.

Signs of manifestation are as follows:

  • general fatigue and malaise;
  • the calf’s limbs often tremble and it is not stable on its feet;
  • convulsions, paralysis;
  • mucous membranes are pale in color;
  • breathing is rapid and heavy;
  • significant retardation in growth and development.


To determine rickets, it is necessary to assess the condition of the limbs by palpation. In calves sick with rickets, they are weak, hip joints thickened, they are marked pain points. Also, an animal with rickets is characterized by incorrect positioning of the skeleton and an atypical shape of the skull.

The disease also affects the behavior of calves. They are inactive and their joints “crunch” when they move. Often these calves lame and have various digestive problems. Also, many individuals behave inappropriately - they chew walls, lick relatives or drink urine.

Non-communicable diseases

Young cattle suffer not only from viral and bacterial infections. Non-contagious diseases are no less harmful to calves, so every farmer should remember that just because a disease is not contagious does not mean it does not pose a health hazard. Their main symptoms sometimes coincide with those characteristic of some other infections. But the similarity of symptoms does not mean that they will have the same treatment, so before you start medical procedures, the disease must be diagnosed. And for this you will have to contact a veterinarian.

There are a number of non-contagious diseases that most often affect young cattle. Here are some of these diseases that every farmer should be aware of:

  • white muscle disease;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • rickets;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • bezoar disease;
  • tympany.

None of these illnesses are infections, but each can lead to fatal outcome. The main difference between non-communicable diseases and viral and bacterial infections is that prevention plays an even greater role here. You can eliminate the risk of developing a particular disease by using proper nutrition and caring for young animals. Thoughtful management of calves can, at a minimum, reduce risks to a minimum level.

White muscle disease

This disease is associated with improper feeding and poor living conditions for dairy calves, and those young animals that have only recently been weaned from the udder. The second name for this disease is muscular dystrophy. In the winter months, more than half of the offspring may die due to this disease, so the damage from white muscle disease is comparable to that caused to livestock by the most dangerous viral infections. But here the reason is not in the external pathogen, but in wrong conditions content.

The list of diseases that cannot be contracted is also quite extensive. But unlike infectious diseases, they do not cause much damage to large livestock cattle and do not require quarantine.

Bezoar disease

This disease can appear in calves that are weaned from their mother. In the animal's abomasum, lumps (bezoars) of wool, plant fibers and casein are formed.
Signs. Calves with this disease lag behind others in development, they are weak and thin, their skin is dry and inelastic, and problems with hair arise. Sick individuals lick fur and urine. Diarrhea may occur.

Treatment. Veterinarians usually prescribe medications that provide the body with essential minerals and vitamins. These, for example, include the dry additive “Biotan 3Z” produced in Bulgaria (added to feed) or the complex “MI Forte PLUS” produced in Poland in liquid form (added to drink). Also required additional funds which help the digestion process.

Prevention. It is very important to strictly follow feeding technology and keep the livestock clean. In addition, calves must exercise sufficiently. Clean drinking water must be available.

White muscle disease

Another name is muscular dystrophy. It can occur in young animals only a few days old and during cold periods.
Signs. Sick calves are weak, depressed, and exhibit muscle tremors. Their movements are abnormal, convulsions and paralysis occur periodically. Mucous membranes are pale, breathing is rapid.

Treatment. To solve the problem, it is necessary to take selenium, tocopherol, sulfur-containing amino acids, protein hydrolysates and trivitamin.

Prevention. To prevent newborn calves from having this disease, it is recommended that cows that bear offspring introduce selenium and tocopherol into their diet.


This disease most often occurs in the cold months of the year due to improper conditions for keeping young animals (dampness, drafts, lack of ventilation, poor bedding, etc.).
Signs. A sick calf has difficulty breathing with a cough, and the temperature rises (40–42 °C). Discharge from the nose and eyes and diarrhea may appear.

READ ALSO: Symptoms of rickets in infants and treatment of rickets

Treatment. Sick animals should be kept separately in warm rooms, get enhanced good nutrition. Among medications, it is advisable to use antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs. Good results show certified veterinary products"Nitox-200" and "Floridox", which are administered intravenously.

Prevention. As a rule, if created the right conditions If calves are kept well cared for and receive adequate nutrition, then diseases such as bronchopneumonia do not occur.


This pathology occurs when using poor-quality feed and sour milk and is manifested by indigestion.
Signs. Long-term diarrhea.

Treatment. Medicines won't be needed. It is necessary to feed the calf 1% aqueous solution salt (boiled water) up to 6 times during the first day. On the second day saline solution diluted with milk (1:1), on the third - increase the amount of milk to normal.

Prevention. To avoid such stomach upsets, it is necessary to monitor the quality of feed and the freshness of milk.

This pathology can occur due to injury or hereditary reasons.
Signs. IN initial stage a hernia can be detected during an external examination of the calf in the form of a small protrusion in the navel area. Later, more serious symptoms appear: the animal experiences pain, loses appetite, becomes restless, and has problems with bowel movements. A slight increase in temperature is possible.

Treatment. There are 2 methods: conservative and surgical. The first is practiced for minor problems and involves manually reducing the hernia and fixing it. In more difficult cases the calf will have to be taken to the veterinary clinic and left there for several days for surgery.

Prevention. Periodic examination of young animals will help identify pathology on early stages and take action before serious symptoms appear.


The second name for the disease is bloating. Problems arise during the transition of young animals to succulent and roughage, as well as when feeding low-quality products.
Signs. The left side is swollen, shortness of breath and loss of appetite are observed.

Treatment. Massage the area of ​​swelling with a fist until belching occurs or gases are released. Next, the sick animal is given vegetable oil or castor oil (100–150 g). Be sure to walk the calf for at least half an hour.

Prevention. Limit the movement of livestock in areas where there is a lot of alfalfa, especially when there has been rain or dew. Do not feed animals immediately after they have eaten concentrates or green grass.

The presence of this pathology indicates a lack of vitamin D due to keeping young animals in dark and damp barns or the lack of a sufficient number of walks. fresh air.
Signs. The growth of the young individual slows down, the bones become bent and thinner.

Treatment. Therapeutic doses of vitamin D are used (from 700 to 5000 IU depending on age and breed), fish oil(15 g per day), chalk (10–15 g per day), bone meal (3 to 5% of the total feed weight), which are simply added to food or drink. Be sure to add regular table salt to the feeders - the calves will eat as much as they need. All these supplements must be used until the signs of rickets disappear, and preferably during the cold season.

Prevention. Proper care And balanced diet.

Most often, such diseases in newborn calves and older animals develop due to the lack of proper housing and feeding conditions. They are not transmitted to other members of the herd, but may well cause the death of young animals. The diagnosis and treatment of such ailments is complicated by the fact that their symptoms are similar to many infectious diseases.

White muscle disease

White muscle disease or myopathy, newborn calves are most susceptible. It develops against the background of a disorder metabolic processes in the body. As a result, dystrophy, rapid exhaustion, damage to the heart and skeletal muscles. The mortality rate for the disease is more than 60%.

Clinical picture illness involves:

  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • rapid exhaustion;
  • shallow breathing;
  • pallor of the mucous membranes.

Presumably the disease occurs as a result of a deficiency in the body of selenium, vitamins and some amino acids. Treatment is based on tocopherol, selenium injections, trivitamin.

Rickets develops in calves when there is a lack of vitamin D in the body. As a result, mineral metabolism in the tissues is disrupted, which causes negative changes in the bone tissue of the skeleton. The joints are also affected, which is why the animal cannot move normally, often lies down, and upon palpation reacts sharply to touch.

Rickets is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • disturbances in intestinal function;
  • curvature of limbs and other parts of the skeleton;
  • unusual behavior of the baby (attempts to gnaw through the walls of the stall, lick the nearest animal).

Treatment consists of irradiating the calf with UV rays, introducing vitamin D into the body, feeding chalk, salt and bone meal. Prevention involves taking the same substances, but in smaller quantities.


This disease manifests itself in acute disorder stomach and intestines, accompanied severe diarrhea. Develops when using low-quality feed and milk. It can be traced due to an incorrect transition to other types of feed.

The clinical picture appears prolonged diarrhea.

As a treatment on the first day, milk for young animals is replaced with salted milk. warm water. On the second day, the ratio of salt water and milk is changed to 1:1. On the third day, add 1 serving of water with salt to 4 servings of milk. To prevent dehydration and salt imbalance, the calf is fed 5-6 times a day. At the same time, the baby is given strong tea with salt (10% of the total liquid volume) and chicken yolks.

Bezoar disease


For rickets, treatment should always be comprehensive. First of all, it is necessary to improve the living conditions of the animals, review the diet and balance it - the feed should be easily digestible and fortified. Dairy products and feed rich in calcium, phosphorus, and protein are added to the diet. If possible, they organize active exercise in the fresh air, and if this is not possible (for example, during severe frosts in the cold season), the young animals are irradiated with ultraviolet emitters.

Medicines containing vitamin D are administered subcutaneously vitamin preparations– Tetravit, Aminovit, Trivitam and others. Good effect obtained by using the water-soluble form D3. Bone meal, chalk, calcium chloride. Add according to indications symptomatic treatment to eliminate gastroenteritis, convulsions, and so on. To prevent rickets, it is necessary to properly balance the diet of animals and provide them with sufficient exercise, this is especially important in the winter-spring period, when animals are most vulnerable and feed is poor in vitamins.

About the causes, symptoms and methods of treating this non-communicable disease livestock is told by a permanent expert of the AgroInfo newspaper in the field of veterinary medicine.

When raising young animals, livestock farmers are faced with a lot of various problems. There are a number of diseases that are not only difficult to diagnose, but also difficult to treat. A number of such diseases are included in the group “Metabolic disorders”. Today we will consider such a disease as rickets.

Rickets is a chronic disease with a deficiency of vitamins D (vitamin D hypovitaminosis). The disease most often occurs in animals under one year of age. In the body of a young animal, phosphorus-calcium metabolism is disrupted, the process of bone formation and their mineralization is disrupted.

The importance of calcium in the body

Calcium is important trace element, and its sufficient content in the animal’s body indicates:

A strong skeleton (bones that are maximally protected from fractures and other damage);

Adjusted acid-base balance in body fluids;

Stable functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems;

good ones protective functions body;

Stress resistance.

If there is not enough calcium, then all of the above signs are weakened.

Phosphorus value

Phosphorus is part of supporting tissue, complex proteins, fats and carbohydrates. From minerals this is the second after table salt the element that animals need most. The activity of phosphorus in the animal's body is very high. Phosphorus is involved in the processes of absorption, transportation and exchange of organic nutrients in the body, as well as in cell division and growth processes, and affects the quality of meat. Meat from bulls raised on diets with high content phosphorus, more aromatic, more tender, juicier. When feeding cows with phosphates during the stall period, barrenness is reduced, and calves are born strong and large.

Lack of an element causes deterioration general condition, perverted appetite and bone diseases (rickets, osteomalacia). With a constant deficiency, metabolic disorders, decreased productivity and fertility are observed. Phosphorus starvation usually results in a decrease in the body's ability to absorb food. At the same time, the nutrition and health of animals deteriorate. The energy exchange that underlies the vital activity of an animal’s body is impossible without the participation of phosphoric acid.


To the reasons causing rickets, can be attributed to:

Insufficient exposure of the body to ultraviolet radiation;

Lack of vitamin D, imbalance of calcium and phosphorus;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Lack of other micro- and macroelements.

AcidosisThis form of violation acid-base balance in the body, which is characterized by an absolute excess or relative excess of acids, as well as an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions.

Rickets progresses very slowly, so symptoms develop gradually. At the onset of the disease, there is a decrease and perversion of appetite. Animals chew on inedible objects, lick walls and each other. Diarrhea, bloating, and gastroenteritis are also observed. Animals are stunted in growth and development. Sometimes convulsions and tetany appear. The coat loses its shine and the skin loses its elasticity.

Then there is weakness of the limbs, a tense gait, frequent stepping over the limbs, and lameness appears. 3-4 weeks after the onset of the disease, the following are detected: pain and curvature of the limbs, thickening of the joints, thickening at the ends of the true ribs, rosary beads on the ribs. The bones of the limbs, skull, pelvis and ribs are deformed. With severe rickets, young animals spend most of the time in supine position. Shortness of breath, tachycardia, cardiac weakness, and anemia appear.

Tetanynervous disease V acute form, characterized by rapidly occurring and frequently recurring seizures.

It is not difficult for specialists who know the main symptoms of rickets to make a diagnosis. You can also use laboratory diagnostics.

Treatment and prevention

With timely treatment, the animal fully recovers without loss of productivity in the future. Treatment is carried out comprehensively, namely:

Exercise. Full livestock walks in sunny days for ultraviolet irradiation (synthesis of 7-dehydrocholesterol from provitamin D3);

Feeding easily digestible foods (carrots, vitamin flour, yeast);

Injected subcutaneously oil solutions containing vitamin D (trivit, tetravit, ADE complex, nitamine and others).

Animals are also given injections of calcium-containing drugs (calcium borgluconate, calfoset, calcitate and others). Fish oil, meat and bone meal, chalk, vitamin and mineral supplements and premixes are added to the feed.

Prevention consists of eliminating the causes causing disease. Animals should be given nutritious food, balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and constantly fed vitamins and minerals. IN summer time the diet should be stable, in winter time Irradiation with ultraviolet lamps should be used.

Rickets, or vitamin D hypovitaminosis (Rhachitis) is a disease of young animals characterized by impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism, impaired bone formation and insufficient mineralization, caused mainly by a deficiency of vitamin D and its forms. The disease occurs in young animals, most often in piglets, lambs, kids, puppies, calves and foals. Traditionally in Russia, rickets is any local thickenings, curvature of bones in puppies. It has been scientifically proven that true rickets (vitamin D deficiency) is extremely rare in dogs and is difficult to simulate even in experiments.

Unlike rickets, secondary feeding hyperparathyroidism (SCH) occurs very often in puppies, and it is its manifestations that are usually called rickets. The cause of ICH is insufficient intake of calcium into the body, often aggravated by excess calories in the diet. This situation occurs when the puppy is fed meat, fish, and porridge without the addition of calcium-containing preparations. Puppies are especially susceptible to the disease. large breeds dogs (Great Danes, Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, Rottweilers, etc.).

Etiology. Lack of calferol (vitamin D), calcium, phosphorus in the diet, insufficient irradiation of animals ultraviolet rays(decreased synthesis of vitamin D in the body), diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract (decreased absorption of the vitamin), unsatisfactory living conditions for animals (dark, damp rooms and insufficient ventilation). Poor nutrition contributes to the development of rickets.

Clinical signs. At the onset of the disease, a decrease and perversion of appetite is observed. Animals chew inedible objects, lick walls, etc. Diarrhea, bloating, gastroenteritis, stunted growth and development are observed. There may be convulsions and tetany. The coat loses its shine and the skin loses its elasticity.

Later there is weakness of the limbs, tense gait, frequent stepping of limbs, lameness appears. 3-4 weeks after the onset of the disease, palpation reveals pain in the limbs, thickening of the joints, thickening at the ends of the true ribs, rosary beads on the ribs, and curvature of the limbs. The bones of the limbs, skull, pelvis and ribs are deformed. With severe rickets, young animals, and especially puppies, lie down more. The change of teeth is delayed. Shortness of breath, tachycardia, cardiac weakness, and anemia appear.

An increase in alkaline phosphatase activity, a decrease in reserve alkalinity, and calcium and phosphorus content are found in the blood serum. X-rays of bones diagnose osteoporosis and bone deformities.

Flow. The disease usually occurs in chronic form. Among the complications, following symptoms, bronchopneumonia, myocardial dystrophy, catarrh of the stomach and intestines.

Forecast. When the causes are eliminated - favorable. Growing animals at balanced diet in mineral and protein components they recover quickly.

Treatment. Complex. Whenever possible, animals are provided with walks on sunny days and exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Prescribe easily digestible foods rich in vitamins (A, D) and minerals - vitamin flour, carrots, yeast feed, milk. For treatment, fortified fish oil is used orally at 0.4 - 0.5 g per kg of body weight 3 times a day for 7-10 days. Vitamins are prescribed intramuscularly.

Prevention. It consists of feeding animals complete in protein, vitamins and minerals during pregnancy, and UV irradiation. Animals should be walked regularly, especially on sunny days, and given vitamin and mineral preparations. Fish oil or tetravit is regularly given inside.

Rickets is called chronic illness young animals (piglets, puppies, lambs, calves, fur-bearing animals on state farms and poultry). The basis of the disease is a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

Reasons. Rickets develops when there is insufficient intake of calcium and phosphorus salts into the body. In piglets, kids and puppies, the disease occurs when artificial feeding their cow's milk- it contains less calcium and phosphorus than these animals require.

In puppies, rickets appears when they are fed boiled meat and do not have ground bones in their diet. The cause of rickets may be insufficient intake of vitamin D into the body, as a result of which the absorption of calcium and phosphorus salts is impaired.

Signs. At the onset of the disease, many animals are noticed to lick themselves. Piglets may even chew the ears and tails of other piglets. Soon weakness of the limbs appears. Animals lie down more, and when rising, they stand on bent wrist joints, limping when moving.

The articular ends of the bones of the limbs thicken, the limbs become curved, and the animals grow slowly and lose weight. Often with rickets, animals develop diarrhea and cough.

Course and prognosis. The disease usually occurs in a chronic form. With timely treatment, animals recover, but this takes several weeks.

Treatment. Treatment of animals with rickets is to ensure that the body receives a sufficient amount of calcium and phosphorus salts, as well as vitamin D.

Calves, lambs and piglets are kept in camps in the summer. IN winter period calves and lambs are given good meadow hay, piglets - alfalfa meal, birds - fresh grass, nettles, fish meal, puppies - finely ground bones. Calcium salts are added to the diets of piglets and calves.

To do this, use exhausted chalk, which is obtained in the following way: 1 kg of chalk is poured into a bucket of water and stirred with a clean stick. In a few minutes, when the water becomes milky, and the rocky part of the chalk settles to the bottom, the liquid is poured into another bucket and wait until fine, clean (exhausted) chalk settles from it to the bottom.

A good mineral supplement is also crushed eggshell, bone meal and tricalcium phosphate. They are given in a dose of 1 to 10 g (depending on the age and weight of the animal). Simultaneously with mineral nutrition, animals are given vitamin D in the form of fortified fish oil in an amount of 20-30 ml orally.

good therapeutic effect provides ultraviolet irradiation. Cows are irradiated in pens, calves and foals - in cages or tied by a collar, piglets and birds - in special boxes, fur-bearing animals - in special boxes covered with mesh on top.

The PRK-2 burner is installed at a distance of 1.5 m from the animal’s back. The irradiation time for cows and adult pigs is from 20 to 40 minutes, for young animals - from 5 to 15 minutes, for birds - from 10 to 20 minutes, for fur-bearing animals - from 20 to 30 minutes. Irradiation is carried out once in the first days, and several times a day in subsequent days.

Prevention. It is necessary to provide the diets of adult animals with sufficient amounts of minerals. Calcium and phosphorus salts are especially necessary for animals during pregnancy and while feeding young animals with colostrum and milk.

Important summer preventive condition is keeping young animals in camps, and in winter - on sunny, windless days - regular walks in the open air.

Rickets is a disorder caused by a deficiency of calcium and phosphorus in the body. It is characterized by softening of the skeleton, changes in bone structure, and disruption of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

The disease affects cats, dogs, farm animals, tame rodents (mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits), primates (including humans), birds (canaries, parrots), fish.

Rickets is most common in kittens and puppies; the disease is rare in animals older than one year. In adulthood, females suffer from rickets after feeding their offspring.

Main signs of rickets

In the early stages of the disease, symptoms are invisible. The gait becomes cautious, and over time lameness appears. When you feel the bones of the paws, irregularities are felt. The bones are thin, with ring-shaped thickenings (so-called “bracelets”). Paws are curved late stages unnaturally twisted. The ribs feel worn to the touch. Rows of tubercles, the so-called, are felt on the ribs. "beads".

The appetite is increased, the stool is soft, with the remains of undigested food. Constipation occurs periodically and goes away on its own.

The eyes are sunken, the muscles are not developed. On late stages illness, thinness develops, and convulsions appear.

Rickets is most common in kittens and puppies; the disease is rare in animals older than one year.

If your animal's gait changes, gluttony appears, or good appetite If your pet's growth slows down, contact your veterinarian. The animal urgently needs help.

Causes and course of rickets in animals

The disease is caused by:

  • improper feeding;
  • incorrect content;
  • disturbances in the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D.

Improper feeding consists of a lack of calcium, a lack or excess of phosphorus in the diet. In puppies and kittens, rickets is caused by a lack of meat and dairy products, fish, and animal fats. In some cases, rickets is caused by the wrong choice of dry and canned food.

In rodents, food initially contains few minerals. They constantly need fortified chalk, which is sold in pet stores. Important correct ratio calcium and phosphorus in feed. You should remember about the absorption of minerals. Sodium, potassium and magnesium influence the absorption of phosphorus by animals.

In addition, the absorption of these minerals occurs with the participation of vitamin D. More precisely, one of its forms, D3. Vitamin D2 and cholesterol found in fats do not affect the absorption of minerals from the intestines. To influence the metabolism of calcium, other minerals, proteins and carbohydrates, these compounds are converted into vitamin D3 when exposed to sunlight and physical activity. The latter promotes acceleration chemical reactions in the body.

Improper keeping of animals, in rooms with high humidity and low light, slows down the metabolism. Bone growth activity decreases. The activity of converting vitamin D contained in fats weakens, namely its forms, D2 and cholesterol. Increased humidity further slows down the conversion different forms vitamin

Absorption disorders of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D appear when chronic inflammation stomach and intestines, liver diseases, hormonal disorders.

These factors lead to limitation and sometimes even cessation of calcium intake into the body. Meanwhile, the mineral is excreted along with the metabolic products of proteins and fats.

Calcium is actively used in metabolism, conduction of impulses through nerve cells, and the functioning of muscles and glands.

With low intake, the necessary metal begins to be washed out of the bones and cartilage. The periosteum and joints are the first to suffer. Bone growth slows down, cartilage loses elasticity, and joints become inflamed.

At the same time, protein synthesis and liver function are disrupted. The composition of bile changes. Changes in the composition of bile disrupt digestion. Lack of calcium reduces the activity of gastric and intestinal enzymes. The rhythm of contraction of the intestinal muscles responsible for the movement of food in digestive system. The changes impair fat absorption; the absorption of some vitamins deteriorates. This is followed by changes in the breakdown of carbohydrates and the absorption of proteins. Calcium intake decreases even more or stops. Constipation develops.

As a result of calcium leaching, bones lose structural elements. Bone tissue becomes thinner, gains flexibility and loses strength. The limbs bend under the weight of the body.

Due to poor absorption of fats, the body's reserves are included in the metabolism. First, the subcutaneous layer is consumed. The fat surrounding the innards and lastly the eyes are then used.

Impulse conduction changes between nerve cells. Neurons cannot maintain a state of rest or excitation for long, which leads to spontaneous muscle contractions.

Heart function deteriorates. The heart muscle, the myocardium, cannot contract and pump normally needed by the body blood volume. Shortness of breath occurs.

The gait becomes cautious, and over time lameness appears.

Treatment of rickets in animals

Treatment of rickets is carried out under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian. Most procedures can be performed at home, but a number of manipulations are performed only in a veterinary clinic.

When treating rickets, efforts are aimed at:

  • replenishment of calcium reserves in the body;
  • restoration of the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • restoration of heart function;
  • prevention of bone and joint diseases;
  • recovery proper development.

Replenishing calcium reserves in the body achieved in several ways. Used intravenous administration solutions of gluconate and calcium chloride. It is believed that calcium gluconate solution can be administered intramuscularly. However, such injections are very painful and are rarely tolerated without consequences.

The animal’s diet must be adjusted. Fish oil is added. The proportion of animal fats in the feed is increasing. It is recommended to increase the proportion of dairy products in the diet.

Tablets of calcium gluconate and glycerophosphate are absorbed by 3 - 7% and are therefore used very rarely.

If you use dry or canned food, you need to reconsider their choice. Type ready-made feed must correspond to the age and breed of the animal. You cannot mix food of different brands and (or) manufacturers. Be sure to keep the animal in the fresh air.

Restoration of the stomach and intestines requires special attention. On the one hand without using enzyme preparations(pancreatin, mezim, etc.) cannot be avoided. On the other hand, these medications must be accurately dosed and gradually withdrawn so that the body maintains the production of its own enzymes.

At the same time, enveloping (flax seed) and astringent (oak bark extract) drugs are prescribed. Additionally, medications are used that improve liver function (karsil, gepabene, galstena).

Restoring heart function requires thorough examination. Medicines that enhance myocardial contractions (strophanin, adonizide) or improve the blood supply to the heart muscle (mildronate, prestarium) may be prescribed. The choice of medication, dose and duration of use depend on the condition of the animal.

Prevention of bone and joint diseases carried out in several directions. Firstly, physical activity is carefully dosed. Secondly, they use feed additives containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 complexes fatty acids. Additionally, chondroitin and glucosamine preparations are used to restore cartilage.

Restoring proper development depends on the degree of changes caused by the disease. May require adjustment physical activity. Based on the condition of the animal, an approximate or exact schedule of walks during daylight hours is drawn up. Developmental stimulants can be used, for example bioglobin, bionormalizer, etc. The purpose of using these drugs is to increase the metabolic rate. Riboxin and trimetazidine can be used for the same purpose.

In case of severe exhaustion full recovery impossible.

Rickets leaves deep consequences both in the animal’s body and in the psyche. Many dogs, after illness, continue to have gluttony or the desire to swallow for the rest of their lives. food waste on walks.