Ultraviolet radiation: application in medicine. Ultraviolet irradiation (UV)

Rash in a child.

It is necessary to urgently call the child if, when a rash appears, the child has a temperature above 39 degrees, shortness of breath, swelling of the face or tongue, drowsiness, headache if the child starts vomiting or faints.

Ultraviolet rays are considered very harmful, but sometimes they can help. In autumn, when there is very little sun in the North and central Russia, ultraviolet lamps can help prevent influenza and ARVI.

UV irradiation for prevention

Naturally, the first rule is clear skin, because ultraviolet rays affect the body precisely through it.

Since radiation is harmful to the eyes, you should wear dark glasses. During treatment you must eat food rich in vitamins And minerals. Especially close attention you need to turn to products with vitamin C, because when irradiated, the kidneys remove it from the body very quickly.

During the procedure, the child is undressed, glasses are put on and placed at a distance of 70-150 cm from the lamp. Ultraviolet rays should hit the skin at a 90-degree angle. If the child's condition allows, he can stand during the procedure. In this case, the emitter should be located in the area of ​​the child's upper abdomen.

The air temperature in the room should not be lower than 22 degrees. After the procedure, the room must be ventilated, because ultraviolet rays contribute to the formation of ozone. Keep in mind that there are now “ozone-free” lamps. They prevent ozone from appearing due to special material flasks (coated quartz glass) or special designs. So it makes sense to ask doctors what kind of lamps they have. And traditional mercury-quartz lamps in some cases can be replaced with xenon short-pulse lamps.

Typically, a course of general ultraviolet irradiation (UVR) consists of 15-20 procedures. The duration of one procedure is 10-15 minutes. If 2–3 sessions are missed, irradiation begins with the last dose.

To strengthen the immune system and prevent ARVI, non-erythemal (this means, without redness of the skin) general UV irradiation is carried out with long and medium waves from a distance of 50-100 cm. The anterior, posterior and side surfaces bodies.

You can use ultraviolet radiation for prevention from the first years of a child’s life.

UV irradiation for treatment

In addition to general irradiation, local irradiation can be used to treat specific diseases. Flu. The face, chest and back are irradiated with erythema doses for 2-3 days. Biodose is the time of ultraviolet irradiation during which the weakest, but uniform and clear erythema (redness of the skin) appears on the skin. The dose is determined using a biodosimeter. This is a plate made of aluminum, tin or foil, in which six holes are cut. It is applied to the skin of the abdomen on the side of the navel. The biological dose is established by irradiating the plate area for half a minute from a distance of 50 cm.

ARVI. In the first days of the disease, ultraviolet irradiation of the nasal mucosa is prescribed in suberythemal doses.

Acute rhinitis. In this case, the soles of the feet are irradiated. The dose for one procedure is 5-6 biodoses. The course of treatment is 4-5 procedures.

Otitis externa. Ultraviolet radiation is performed through the ear canal tube. Dose - 1-2 biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 6 procedures.

Acute laryngotracheitis. The tracheal area and the skin of the back of the neck are irradiated. Radiation dose - 1 biodose. Irradiation is carried out every other day, adding 1 biodose, the course of treatment is 4 procedures.

Acute bronchitis (tracheobronchitis). From the first days of illness, the neck in front, chest and back between the shoulder blades are irradiated. Dose - 3-4 biodoses. During treatment, irradiation of the chest and back is alternated. The course of treatment is 4 procedures.

Chronic bronchitis. UV irradiation of the chest begins 5-6 days after the onset of the disease. Dose - 2-3 biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 5 procedures.

Bronchial asthma. The chest is divided into 10 sections, each measuring 12 x 5 centimeters. Every day, only one area is irradiated with erythemal doses, limited by the line connecting bottom corners shoulder blades, and on the chest - a line passing 2 cm below the nipples.

When should UFO not be used?

Sometimes children's skin can react unusually - swelling appears under the eyes, the skin begins to itch. Then the irradiation must be stopped.

This method is contraindicated for diathesis and allergic rhinitis, active tuberculosis, nephroso-nephritis and severe exhaustion.

Children should not be irradiated after preventive vaccinations, tuberculin tests, combine irradiation and prophylactic vitamin D intake.

Remember that only a doctor can decide whether it is beneficial to at the moment ultraviolet radiation to your child.

Ultraviolet radiation from the Sun and artificial sources is a spectrum of electromagnetic oscillations in the range of 180-400 nm. By biological effect on the body and depending on the wavelength, the UV spectrum is divided into three parts:
A (400-320nm) - long-wave UV radiation (LUV)
B (320-280 nm) - mid-wave (SUV);
C - (280-180 nm) - short-wave (SWF).

The mechanism of action of UV rays is based on the ability of certain atoms and molecules to selectively absorb light energy. As a result, tissue molecules enter an excited state, which triggers photochemical processes in UV-sensitive protein, DNA and RNA molecules.

Photolysis of epidermal cell proteins leads to the release of biologically active substances (histamine, acetylcholine, prostaglandins, etc.), which, when entering the bloodstream, cause vasodilation and migration of leukocytes. Of no less importance are reflex reactions caused by the activation of numerous receptors by photolysis products and biologically active substances, as well as humoral effects on the nervous, endocrine, immune and other systems of the body. Naturally, UV radiation causes responses from the human body, which form the basis for the physiological and therapeutic effects of UV rays.

One of the main components of this therapeutic effect is the effects associated with the formation of ultraviolet (or photochemical) erythema. SUV radiation with a wavelength of 297 nm has the maximum erythema-forming property.

UV erythema has anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, trophic-regenerative, and analgesic effects. The antirachitic effect of UV rays lies in the fact that, under the influence of this radiation, vitamin D is formed in the irradiated skin. Therefore, UV irradiation is a specific therapeutic and preventive procedure for children suffering from rickets.

The bactericidal effect of ultraviolet radiation is widely used. There are direct and indirect bactericidal effects of UV rays. As a result direct action coagulation and denaturation of microorganism proteins occurs on the surface of the wound, mucous membrane, which leads to death bacterial cell. Indirect action UV radiation is associated with changes in the immunobiological reactivity of the body under the influence of UV rays.

UV rays actively affect lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Under the influence of their suberythemal doses, vitamin D3 is synthesized in the skin from cholesterol derivatives, which controls phosphorus-calcium metabolism. They reduce the content of atherogenic blood cholesterol in patients with atherosclerosis.

UV rays in small doses improve the processes of higher nervous activity, improve cerebral circulation, affect the tone of cerebral vessels, increase the body’s resistance to adverse factors environment. The tone of the autonomic nervous system changes depending on the dose of UV radiation: large doses reduce tone sympathetic system, and small ones activate the sympathoadrenal system, the adrenal cortex, the function of the pituitary gland, and the thyroid gland.

Due to its diverse action, UV irradiation (along with UHF therapy and ultrasound therapy) found wide application for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases.

Determination of biodose
UV radiation is dosed biological method Gorbachev-Dakfeld. The method is simple and is based on the property of UV rays to cause erythema when irradiating the skin. The unit of measurement in this method is one biodose. One biodose is the minimum time of irradiation of a given patient from a certain distance with a certain source of UV rays, which is necessary to obtain a weak, but clearly defined erythema. Time is measured in seconds or minutes.

The biodose is determined in the abdomen, buttocks or on back side forearm of any hand from a distance of 10-50 cm from the emitter to the irradiated part of the body. The biodosimeter is fixed on the body. Alternately after 30-60 seconds. The skin is irradiated through six holes of the biodosimeter by opening the shutter in front of the windows (previously closed by it). Thus, if each window is opened after 60 seconds, the skin in the area of ​​the first window will be irradiated for 6 minutes, in the area of ​​the second - 5 minutes. etc., in the sixth zone - 1 min.

The result of biodosometry is checked after 24 hours. One biodose will be considered the weakest skin hyperemia. With a change in the distance from the emitted surface to obtain the same biodose, the irradiation time changes in inverse proportion to the square of the distance. For example, if the time to receive one biodose from a distance of 20 cm is 2 minutes, then from a distance of 40 cm it will take 8 minutes. The irradiation time can be selected discretely from 30 seconds. up to 60 seconds, and the distance from the body (its skin) to the emitter is from 10 cm to 50 cm. It all depends on the type of skin, but you need to choose these parameters in such a way as to get a clear picture of skin erythema.

Skin sensitivity to UV rays depends on many reasons, among which the most important are the location of exposure, skin color, time of year, age and initial condition of the patient. The diseases that a person suffers also play a significant role. With photodermatoses, eczema, gout, liver diseases, hyperthyroidism, etc., the sensitivity of the skin to UV rays is increased, with other pathologies (bedsores, frostbite, trophic wounds, gas gangrene, erysipelas, diseases peripheral nerves And spinal cord below the level of the lesion, etc.) the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, on the contrary, is reduced. In addition, there is a large list of contraindications for treatment with UV rays that you need to know. Therefore, in order to successfully and correctly apply ultraviolet irradiation treatment, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, a specialist in the field. physical methods treatment.

Indications for UV irradiation
General UFO is used for:

  • increasing the body's resistance to various infections, including influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections
  • prevention and treatment of rickets in children, pregnant and lactating women;
  • treatment of pyoderma, common pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;
  • normalization of immune status in chronic sluggish inflammatory processes;
  • stimulation of hematopoiesis;
  • improvement of reparative processes for bone fractures;
  • hardening;
  • compensation for ultraviolet (solar) deficiency.

    Local ultraviolet radiation has a wider range of indications and is used:

  • in therapy - for the treatment of arthritis of various etiologies, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma;
  • in surgery - for treatment purulent wounds and ulcers, bedsores, burns and frostbite, infiltrates, purulent inflammatory lesions skin and subcutaneous tissue, mastitis, osteomyelitis, erysipelas, initial stages obliterating lesions of the vessels of the extremities;
  • in neurology - for the treatment of acute pain syndrome in pathology peripheral part nervous system, consequences of traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, polyradiculoneuritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism, hypertension syndrome, causalgic and phantom pain;
  • in dentistry - for treatment aphthous stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, infiltrates after tooth extraction;
  • in gynecology - in complex treatment acute and subacute inflammatory processes, with cracked nipples;
  • in ENT practice - for the treatment of rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, peritonsillar abscesses;
  • in pediatrics - for the treatment of neonatal mastitis, weeping navel, limited forms of staphyloderma and exudative diathesis, pneumonia;
  • in dermatology - in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma, etc.

    With regard to the differentiated use of UV rays of different wavelengths, the following can be noted. Indications for long-wave ultraviolet irradiation (UV-400 nm * 320 nm) are acute inflammatory diseases internal organs(especially respiratory system), diseases of joints and bones of various etiologies, burns and frostbite, slow-healing wounds and ulcers, psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, seborrhea. (Equipment: OUFk-01 and OUFk-03 "Solnyshko")

    General UFOs are appointed taking into account individual characteristics and skin sensitivity to UV irradiation according to the main or accelerated scheme. To normalize the immune status in chronic sluggish inflammatory processes, as well as for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, non-erythema general ultraviolet irradiation is carried out with long and medium waves from a distance of 50-100 cm.

    The front, back and side surfaces of the body are irradiated successively. During all procedures, protective glasses are worn over the eyes. UV irradiation using the PUVA therapy method (or photochemotherapy) is carried out as follows. Patients with psoriasis or parapsoriatic diseases are given orally or externally furocoumarin preparations (puvalen, psoralen, beroxan, etc.) in an appropriate dose. The drugs are taken only on the day of the procedure, 1 time 2 hours before irradiation after a meal, washed down with milk. The patient's individual photosensitivity is determined in the usual way with a biodosimeter, but also 2 hours after taking the drug. The procedure begins with minimal suberythemal doses.

    Mid-wave ultraviolet irradiation is indicated for acute and subacute inflammatory diseases internal organs, consequences of injuries to the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the peripheral nervous system of vertebrogenic etiology with pronounced pain syndrome, rickets, secondary anemia, metabolic disorders, erysipelas. (Equipment: OUFd-01, OUFv-02 “Solnyshko”).

    Short-wave ultraviolet irradiation is used for acute and subacute diseases of the skin, nasopharynx, inner ear, for the treatment of wounds with danger of joining anaerobic infection, skin tuberculosis. (Equipment: OUFb-04 "Sun").

    Contraindications for local and general UV irradiation are malignant neoplasms, systemic diseases connective tissue, active form of pulmonary tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism, febrile conditions, tendency to bleeding, circulatory failure of degrees II and III, arterial hypertension III degree, severe atherosclerosis, kidney and liver diseases with insufficiency of their function, cachexia, malaria, increased sensitivity to UV rays, photodermatoses, myocardial infarction (first 2-3 weeks), acute disorder cerebral circulation.

    Some private methods of ultraviolet therapy

    The face, chest and back are irradiated daily with erythema doses for 2-3 days. For catarrhal phenomena in the pharynx, the pharynx is irradiated for 4 days through a tube. In the latter case, irradiation begins with 1/2 biodose, adding 1-1/2 biodoses in subsequent irradiations.

    Infectious and allergic diseases.
    Application of ultraviolet radiation to the skin of the chest using a perforated oilcloth localizer (PCL). The PCL determines the area to be irradiated (prescribed by the attending physician). Dose - 1-3 biodoses. Irradiation every other day, 5-6 procedures.

    Acute respiratory diseases.
    In the first days of the disease, ultraviolet irradiation of the nasal mucosa in suberythemal doses is prescribed, counting on the bactericidal effect of UV radiation.

    Rhinitis is acute.
    UV irradiation of the plantar surfaces of the feet is prescribed. Dose 5-6 biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 4-5 procedures. UV irradiation through a tube of the nasal mucosa in the stage of attenuation of exudative phenomena. Irradiation begins with one biodose. By adding 1/2 biodose daily, the irradiation intensity is increased to 4 biodoses.

    Acute laryngotracheitis.
    UV irradiation is carried out on the trachea area and on the skin of the back of the neck. Radiation dose - 1 biodose. Irradiation is carried out every other day, adding 1 biodose each, the course of treatment is 4 procedures. If the disease is prolonged, then after 10 days a UV irradiation of the chest is prescribed through an oilcloth perforated localizer. Dose - 2-3 biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 5 procedures.

    Acute bronchitis (tracheobronchitis).
    UV irradiation is prescribed from the first days of the disease on the anterior surface of the neck, sternum, and interscapular region. Dose - 3-4 biodoses. Irradiation alternates every other day on the posterior and anterior surfaces of the chest. Course of treatment 4 procedures.

    Chronic catarrhal bronchitis.
    UV irradiation of the chest is prescribed 5-6 days after the onset of the disease. UV irradiation is carried out through a localizer. Dose - 2-3 biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 5 irradiations. During the period of remission of the disease, general ultraviolet radiation is prescribed according to the basic regimen daily. The course of treatment is 12 procedures.

    Bronchial asthma.
    Both general and local irradiation can be used. The chest is divided into 10 sections, each measuring 12x5 centimeters. Every day, only one area is irradiated with erythema doses, limited by a line connecting the lower corners of the shoulder blades, and on the chest - by a line passing 2 cm below the nipples.

    Lung abscess
    (Carried out in combination with UHF, SMV, infrared and magnetotherapy). IN early stage(before formation purulent cavity) ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed. Dose - 2-3 biodoses. Irradiation every other day. Course of treatment 3 procedures.

    Hidradenitis axillary
    (In combination with SMV, UHF, infrared, laser and magnetotherapy). In the infiltration stage, ultraviolet irradiation of the axillary area every other day. Radiation dose - 1-2-3 biodoses successively. Treatment course: 3 irradiations.

    Purulent wounds.
    Irradiation is carried out with a dose of 4-8 biodoses in order to create conditions for the best rejection of disintegrated tissues. In the second phase - in order to stimulate epithelization - irradiation is carried out in small suberythemal (i.e., not causing erythema) doses. The irradiation is repeated after 3-5 days. UV irradiation is carried out after primary surgical treatment. Dose - 0.5-2 biodoses, course of treatment 5-6 irradiations.

    Clean wounds.
    Irradiation is used in 2-3 biodoses, and the surface of undamaged skin surrounding the wound is also irradiated at a distance of 3-5 cm. Irradiation is repeated after 2-3 days.

    Ligament and muscle ruptures.
    UV irradiation is used in the same way as when irradiating clean wounds.

    Bone fractures.
    UV bactericidal radiation of the fracture site or segmented zones is carried out after 2-3 days, each time increasing the dose by 2 biodoses, the initial one - 2 biodoses. Treatment course: 3 procedures for each zone.
    General ultraviolet radiation is prescribed 10 days after the fracture according to the basic regimen daily. The course of treatment is 20 procedures.

    UV irradiation in the postoperative period.
    Ultraviolet radiation after tonsillectomy of the tonsil niches is prescribed 2 days after the operation. Irradiation is prescribed with 1/2 biodose on each side. Daily increasing the dose by 1/2 biodose, the irradiation intensity is increased to 3 biodoses. The course of treatment is 6-7 procedures.

    Boils, hidradenitis, phlegmon and mastitis.
    UFO begins with a suberythemal dose and quickly increases to 5 biodoses. Radiation dose - 2-3 biodoses. The procedures are carried out after 2-3 days. The lesion is protected from healthy areas of the skin using a sheet or towel.

    Chronic tonsillitis.
    UV irradiation of the tonsils through a tube with a 45% cut bevel begins with 1/2 biodose, daily increased by 1/2 biodose every 2 procedures. Courses are held 2 times a year. A sterile tube is used to press the tongue through the patient’s wide open mouth so that the tonsil becomes accessible to UV irradiation. The right and left tonsils are irradiated alternately.

    Otitis externa.
    UV irradiation through the ear canal tube. Dose - 1-2 biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 6 procedures.

    Furuncle of the nose.
    UV exposure of the nasal vestibule through a tube. Dose - 2-3 biodoses every other day. The course of treatment is 5 procedures.

    Tuberculosis of bones.
    UV irradiation with the long-wave part of the spectrum is prescribed according to a slow scheme. The course of treatment is 5 procedures.

    UFO is prescribed according to the basic scheme daily. The course of treatment is 18-20 procedures.

    Ural irradiation is prescribed as RUVA therapy (photochemotherapy). Long-wave UV irradiation is performed in combination with the patient taking a photosensitizer (puvalene, aminefurin) 2 hours before irradiation at a dose of 0.6 mg per kilogram of body weight. The dose of radiation is prescribed depending on the sensitivity of the patient’s skin to UV rays. On average, ultraviolet radiation begins with a dose of 2-3 J/cm 2 and is increased to 15 J/cm 2 by the end of the course of treatment. Irradiation is carried out for 2 consecutive days with a rest day. The course of treatment is 20 procedures.
    Ultraviolet radiation with a mid-wave spectrum (SUV) starts with 1/2 according to an accelerated scheme. The course of treatment is 20-25 irradiations.

    Gastritis is chronic.
    UV irradiation is prescribed for the anterior abdominal skin and skin of the back. UFO is carried out in zones with an area of ​​400 cm2. Dose - 2-3 biodoses for each area every other day. The course of treatment is 6 irradiations.

    1. Ultraviolet irradiation external genitalia. Irradiation is carried out daily or every other day, starting with 1 biodose. Gradually adding 1/2 biodoses, the intensity of the effect is increased to 3 biodoses. The course of treatment is 10 irradiations.
    2. General ultraviolet irradiation according to an accelerated scheme. Irradiation is carried out daily, starting with 1/2 biodose. Gradually adding 1/2 biodoses, the intensity of the effect is increased to 3-5 biodoses. The course of treatment is 15-20 irradiations.

    Ultraviolet irradiation of the external genitalia is prescribed. Radiation dose - 1-3 biodoses daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 5-6 irradiations.

    Ultraviolet irradiation using a tube is prescribed. Dose - 1/2-2 biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 10 procedures. Cervical erosion. Ultraviolet irradiation of the cervical area is prescribed using a tube and a gynecological speculum. Dose - 1/2-2 biodoses daily. Doses are increased every two procedures by 1/2 biodose. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

    With inflammation of the uterus, appendages, pelvic peritoneum and fiber
    Ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed skin pelvic area along the fields. Dose - 2-5 biodoses for each field. Irradiation is carried out daily. Each field is irradiated 3 times with a break of 2-3 days. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

    In the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with various diseases A large place is occupied by therapeutic physical factors, both natural and artificially obtained.
    Therapeutic physical factors have a homeostatic effect on various organs and systems help increase the body's resistance to adverse effects, enhance its protective and adaptive mechanisms, have a pronounced sanogenic effect, increase the effectiveness of other therapeutic agents and reduce the side effects of drugs. Their use is accessible, highly effective and cost-effective.

    It is very important to understand that ultraviolet physiotherapy is one of the essential components the whole complex of physical methods of treatment and rehabilitation of patients. The advantage of medicinal physical factors is fully realized with their correct use and combination with other treatment, preventive and rehabilitation measures.

  • Among the various treatment methods, there are those that involve taking medications. UV blood is a procedure aimed at improving general condition human health. This method of therapy has not yet been studied enough, so it is considered new, but it has already been proven positive influence on many body functions.

    Ultraviolet blood irradiation has gained popularity due to its effectiveness. The therapeutic effect of such manipulations persists throughout long period, which is also important.

    Why is UFO useful?

    Indications and contraindications for the use of this technique should be taken into account by physicians in each specific case. The procedure can not only bring tangible benefits to the human body, but also cause harm.

    Benefits of the method:

    1. The level of acids and alkalis in the body is normalized.
    2. There is an increase in the volume of hemoglobin in the blood.
    3. The activity of leukocytes is activated.
    4. There is a detrimental effect on viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
    5. Ural irradiation helps improve the functioning of red blood cells.
    6. There is an increase in immune defense.
    7. There is a decrease in the manifestations of allergies.
    8. There is a resolving effect on blood clots.
    9. Acid metabolism is balanced at the cellular level.
    10. The blood thins.
    11. The activity of any inflammatory processes decreases.
    12. Swelling decreases.
    13. UVR promotes cell membrane renewal.

    As statistics show, this method of influencing the human body can significantly improve many processes in it, although it has not been sufficiently studied. In addition, when comparing the results of treatment with medications and the method of ultraviolet irradiation of the blood, it becomes clear that ultraviolet irradiation is much more effective, and also does not have such a large number side effects.

    For a disease of any etiology, the patient’s condition can be improved using this method of treatment. By improving metabolic processes, strengthening immune protection and by correcting many more functions of the body, any ailment can be cured much faster.

    That's why drug treatment can be carried out simultaneously with ultraviolet irradiation of the blood, this will speed up the onset therapeutic effect.

    In what cases is this method necessary?

    Due to the fact that the technique affects the blood, it can be used for almost any disease. In addition, ultraviolet radiation of blood is used as a preventive treatment if the patient suffers from chronic diseases, has a predisposition to any illness.

    For what diseases is it prescribed:

    • urological diseases (urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis);
    • gynecological pathologies(vaginitis, endometritis, colpitis) and others;
    • in proctology (perianal fissures, paraproctitis) and others;
    • diseases of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, adnexitis, sinusitis) and others;
    • illnesses cardiovascular system(as a prevention of heart attack and stroke);
    • in case of poisoning of various etiologies (alcohol, drugs);
    • ailments digestive tract;
    • diseases of the respiratory system;
    • skin problems.

    Often, ultraviolet irradiation of blood is used to improve a person’s condition with sepsis, despite severe course Given this pathology, the effectiveness of ultrasound irradiation of blood is noticeable.

    Indications for use also include diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Blood stimulation during this procedure improves the activity of the endocrine glands, which is necessary for diabetics.

    Often the use of this technique is prescribed to patients with impaired potency and disorder menstrual cycle. Despite the fact that the cause of these ailments lies in hormonal imbalance, this method of treatment gives tangible positive results.

    Many people do not know about the existence of this method of therapy or do not understand why they are doing this procedure. Only a doctor can provide all necessary information in this regard, based on the health status of the individual patient.

    How is the procedure performed?

    To conduct a UVB blood session, special equipment is required. The specialist uses a device that performs ultraviolet irradiation of blood, which is a multi-wave irradiator operating in all light spectra.

    • During a therapy session, the patient enters a sterile room, lies down on a couch, the doctor takes his blood from a vein and adds a medicine called Hepatrin to it. This medicine necessary to prevent blood from clotting.
    • Through a special tube, the blood flows into a vessel called a “cuvette,” which is located in the irradiator itself.
    • After a certain exposure, the blood flow returns back to the patient's vein.
    • The session time is usually 1 hour. The course of such treatment should consist of 7-8 procedures.

    Many people, not knowing how ultraviolet irradiation of blood is performed, are afraid to go to such a therapeutic session, but these manipulations are painless, practically no discomfort No.

    Who is this treatment contraindicated for?

    Despite his beneficial effect on the human body, ultraviolet radiation can be dangerous. Only the doctor decides whether a prescription is necessary this method treatment, taking into account all the patient’s health characteristics.

    The technique has contraindications, which, if ignored, can cause harm to the body.

    Since this technique has not been fully studied, doctors fear that, under certain circumstances, ultraviolet irradiation of the blood may provoke a negative reaction of the body, especially with regard to serious illnesses person. Since it remains unknown how the body will respond to such treatment when serious illnesses, it is better to avoid using this therapy.

    Under what conditions is use prohibited:

    1. Tumor formations of malignant and benign course.
    2. AIDS.
    3. Tuberculosis in the active stage.
    4. Syphilis.
    5. Problems with blood clotting (hemophilia).
    6. Mental disorders.
    7. Epileptic seizures.
    8. Chronic bleeding.
    9. Hemorrhagic, ischemic stroke.
    10. There are medications, causing sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, which also serves as a contraindication to the use of this therapeutic method.

    Due to the uncertainty of the consequences of the method of ultraviolet irradiation of blood, this method of treatment is not used in such circumstances.

    Sometimes there are people who have individual intolerance This kind of impact on the body, they are also included in the group of patients with a contraindication to ultraviolet irradiation of blood.

    Is it possible for pregnant women to undergo ultraviolet irradiation of blood?

    In gynecology, the method of ultraviolet irradiation of blood is most often used. Sometimes drug treatment is ineffective, so doctors prescribe ultraviolet irradiation. Diseases such as uterine fibroids, genital endometriosis, infertility, menopausal disorders and many others are indications for use. this method therapy.

    The period of bearing a child can also be complicated by illnesses. Often problems arise associated with late toxicosis, when a woman feels very unwell. In addition, placental insufficiency threatens the life and health of the fetus, which is also considered a complication of this period.

    In such cases, women are prescribed treatment with ultraviolet irradiation. Among other things, such procedures are actively used if complications arise after childbirth.

    Pregnancy is not a contraindication for prescribing ultraviolet irradiation of blood, provided that the procedure is performed by a professional. Today, such therapy is quite often prescribed to pregnant women in order to improve their condition, well-being, and also to prevent pathology of fetal development and the threat of miscarriage.

    Complications and consequences

    Any treatment method can not only help, but also harm. Side effects from ultrasonic irradiation of blood are extremely rare, nevertheless they exist. Often complications of this method of treatment are allergic reactions that appear while taking certain medications.

    What drugs should not be taken during ultraviolet irradiation of blood:

    1. Phenothiazines.
    2. Tetracyclines.
    3. Sulfonamides.
    4. Fluoroquinolones.

    These drugs are photosensitizers, so simultaneous treatment with these drugs and ultrasound irradiation is impossible.

    Sometimes an overdose of ultraviolet radiation occurs, to which the body can respond by suppressing the excretory function of the adrenal glands, as well as suppressing the activity of the spinal cord.

    Such medical procedure should only be carried out under conditions medical institution and only a specialist in this field, then the risk of any side effects can be reduced to zero.

    Today, ultraviolet irradiation is becoming increasingly popular, people are looking for safe methods of treatment so as not to harm the body. Such procedures can well be considered as such if they are carried out correctly. What is important is that ultraviolet irradiation of blood can be carried out on children without fear for their health.

    What it is - UV irradiation of blood is described above. Accurate scientific data on the benefits of this method of therapy are sufficient to actively use it. These procedures will relieve many ailments, including those arising during pregnancy, but you should not rely entirely on ultrasound irradiation; it is not a panacea.

    In any case, before treatment, the doctor examines the patient and prescribes a complex medicines, A additional way therapy can become ultraviolet irradiation of the blood.

    Treatment of ENT diseases is carried out in various ways. The therapy may include both medication and various procedures, among which ultraviolet radiation occupies a special place. Ultraviolet radiation of the nose is very often performed.

    UFO, or as it is also called Tube-quartz, helps cope with various unpleasant symptoms ENT diseases. The principle of the method is based on the application ultraviolet radiation. Many studies have shown that ultraviolet light in moderate quantities can provide a good therapeutic effect. It has a bactericidal effect, which allows you to get rid of germs and viruses that cause various diseases.

    Using ultraviolet radiation, irradiation of the throat, throat, nose and other parts of the body is performed. Ultraviolet radiation has a shallow penetration method, which avoids negative consequences, but at the same time this effect is enough to activate organic bioprocesses.

    Tube-quartz provides the most useful short rays that have the following positive effects:

    • Elimination of the inflammatory process.
    • Relieving pain syndrome.
    • Improved blood circulation.
    • Increasing general organic resistance to the action of unfavorable factors.
    • Promoting tissue regeneration.
    • Acceleration of recovery processes after injuries.
    • Bactericidal effect to suppress pathogenic microflora.
    • Normalization of metabolic processes.

    When exposed to tissue ultraviolet rays, biologically released active ingredients, which enter the bloodstream, increase blood flow to the affected area, transporting leukocytes to sites of the inflammatory process.

    Thanks to this wide range actions, physiotherapy is successfully used in the treatment of various ENT diseases. Very often, UV irradiation of the nose and pharynx is performed, since these areas are most susceptible to the inflammatory process.


    UV irradiation of the pharynx and nose is necessary to eliminate the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms during various diseases. It is used in the following cases:

    1. Inflammation maxillary sinuses. The procedure is performed after washing the sinuses. The action of ultraviolet rays is aimed at the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.
    2. Salpingootitis. This disease is a consequence of rhinitis acute form. Tube-quartz affects the mucous membrane in the treatment of disease back wall pharynx, as well as on the nasal passages. Separately, irradiation of the external auditory canal can be performed.
    3. Tonsillitis chronic form. The action of the rays is directed towards tonsils using a tube that has an oblique cut.
    4. ORZ. The treatment method is used at the very beginning of the development of the disease. The pharynx and nose are irradiated.
    5. Flu. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the procedure is not performed. It is appointed after all the acute symptoms to prevent the development of complications. The places where ultraviolet rays are exposed are the throat and nose.
    6. Angina. The procedure is prescribed in the first days of the development of the disease. In this case, the patient should not have purulent plaque and high temperature. When the disease is in catarrhal form, you can prevent further complications of sore throat. The procedure is also relevant in recovery period, after clearing the tonsils of pus. This allows for faster recovery.
    7. Acute rhinitis. Tube-quartz is prescribed both at the beginning of the development of the disease and during its subsidence. This allows you to exclude a secondary type of infection, as well as avoid various complications. The throat and nose are irradiated.
    8. Sinusitis and sinusitis. The method is relevant only for the catarrhal form of the disease. When performing it, it is important that there is no pus; it is also prescribed during the recovery period.
    9. Adenoids. With the help of ultraviolet irradiation, you can remove swelling and disinfect the mucous membranes. Helps avoid the development of inflammation.
    10. Rhinitis. The method is very effective for any form bacterial rhinitis. It actively eliminates inflammation, suppressing pathogenic microflora.

    Ultraviolet therapy is also effective in the treatment of otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other ENT diseases.


    The UFO procedure is performed in the clinic and hospital. There are also devices that can be used at home, but following all the doctor’s recommendations and strictly following the instructions.

    The procedure is carried out as follows:

    1. Special sterile tubes are selected for each patient. They can have different shapes and diameters, this is necessary for convenient use of the element for the nose, pharynx and ears.
    2. When the tube is selected, the lamp turns on and heats up to the set temperature.
    3. You need to start the course of treatment in a few minutes. Further, the duration of the session increases.
    4. When the procedure is completed, the quartz is turned off.

    Quartzization methods will directly depend on the type of disease. For example, for acute pharyngitis, irradiation of the back of the pharynx is performed. This therapy should be carried out once every 1–2 days. The initial biodose is 0.5. Then it is gradually increased to 1–2 biodoses. The frequency of exposure is determined individually.

    In the case of chronic tonsillitis, a tube with an oblique cut is used. The procedure begins at a biodose of 0.5, after which it is increased to 2 biodoses. The right and left tonsils are irradiated in turn. The course of treatment is 2 times a year.

    UV irradiation of the nose can be done when various forms rhinitis The tube is inserted alternately into each nasal passage. For chronic rhinitis, the method is used several times a year.

    Use at home

    You can also use Tube-quartz at home. For this purpose, a special device “Sun” is provided. It provides safe doses ultraviolet irradiation. Before starting treatment with such a device, you should consult your doctor, as contraindications may be identified.

    As for children, their treatment is carried out with special care. A course of quartz therapy should last no more than 5–6 days. The session is performed once a day or every other day. The method can be used more often, depending on the nature of the disease. To conduct such therapy for a child, it is important to visit a pediatrician and find out if this is possible if you decide to use quartz at home.

    Also a prerequisite for the procedure is the absence of high temperature. In some cases, the session will be canceled even if low-grade fever. For example, when a patient has a temperature of 37.2 degrees, but there is a purulent runny nose.

    The nature of treatment and its duration are determined only by a doctor, after a thorough diagnosis and diagnosis.


    Despite high efficiency UVB may be contraindicated. In such cases, it is better to abandon the ultraviolet treatment method so as not to cause negative consequences.

    The main contraindications are:

    1. Presence of oncological diseases.
    2. Increased sensitivity to light.
    3. Nosebleeds.
    4. Tuberculosis.
    5. High temperature.
    6. Acute purulent inflammation.
    7. Intoxication of the body and fever.
    8. Increased fragility of blood vessels.
    9. Arterial hypertension.
    10. Gastric ulcer.

    The presented list of contraindications is far from complete, so you should consult your doctor before using the procedure.

    The effectiveness of therapy directly depends on the correctness of its implementation. Self-medication is very dangerous.

    It is also called photohemotherapy or is designated as an abbreviation for ultraviolet irradiation of blood. It is a dosed irradiation of blood with ultraviolet rays.

    Irradiation of the human body with ultraviolet light has been used for a long time. IN clinical practice Methods of ultraviolet irradiation of blood are used for various skin, surgical infections and other diseases.

    The main problem of this method is insufficient clinical trial ultraviolet influence on the human body. The popularity and prevalence of the method is based solely on the experience of its application.

    Ultraviolet irradiation has the following therapeutic effects:

    Bactericidal (antiseptic) effect;

    Anti-inflammatory effect;

    Correction of humoral and cellular immunity;

    Acceleration of tissue regeneration (healing);

    Vasodilator effect;

    Improving the acid-base state of the blood;

    Erythropoiesis (stimulation of red blood cell formation);

    Desensitizing (antiallergic) effect;

    Normalization of antioxidant and proteolytic activity of blood;

    Detoxification effect.

    Methods for conducting ultraviolet irradiation of blood

    There are two methods of blood irradiation - extravascular and intravascular.

    Photohemotherapy is carried out in a specially equipped room, close to the surgical box (operating room). The patient is placed on the couch in a supine position. A vein is punctured with a needle upper limb. Intravascular irradiation is carried out by introducing a light guide needle into the vessel through the cavity. Extracorporeal, i.e. extravascular irradiation occurs by passing previously collected blood through a quartz cuvette with heparin. After the blood is irradiated, it returns back to the bloodstream. The session lasts 45-55 minutes. To achieve a therapeutic effect, 6-10 courses of ultraviolet irradiation of blood are prescribed.

    Before the UVB blood session

    IN special training the patient does not need it. It is only necessary to do a general and, in some cases, biochemical, coagulogram (condition On the day of the procedure it is necessary good nutrition with enough sweets before the procedure, as well as after it and throughout the day.

    Indications for photohemotherapy:

    Peptic ulcer;

    Diseases of the ENT organs;

    Diseases of the urinary system: pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis;


    Violation of the blood coagulation system;

    Prolonged bleeding;

    Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke;

    Increased sensitivity to solar radiation;

    Malignant neoplasms;


    Active tuberculosis, AIDS (HIV).

    Possible complications

    No age restrictions for carrying out ultraviolet irradiation of blood. Reviews from patients who underwent radiation sessions are mixed. Some note an improvement in their well-being, while others did not see a significant effect for them.