The knee pops out of the socket. What to do if your kneecap pops out

Sometimes a person feels like his knee is going out after physical activity or independently of them. Loss occurs due to chronic dislocation of the knee joint or its instability due to injury to the ligaments or meniscus. Lunge occurs when displaced articular surfaces bones that form the movable knee joint.

Why is there a problem?

If the patient feels that he is moving kneecap, then it is worth finding out the cause of the violation. Loose knee joint on the leg is associated with injuries that damage the ligaments or muscles surrounding it. Due to blows delivered directly to the knee area or sudden movements, displacement is observed bone structures primary type.

Often the joints of the leg in the knee area pop out in professional athletes who engage in traumatic sports or do not calculate the load on the lower limbs.

U ordinary people the knee joint falls out due to a previously received and unhealed injury. A knocked out knee can be caused by the following reasons:

  • fall or blow to the movable knee joint;
  • overweight;
  • careless movements or twisting of the leg;
  • flat feet;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • age-related changes in the knee joints.

Predisposing factors

Some patients experience the problem of a dropped knee much more frequently than others. Therefore, it is customary to identify several risk factors:

Weak ligaments may lead to frequent relapses injuries.
  • high location of the patella;
  • hypertrophy or atrophy of the medial femoral muscle;
  • deformation processes in the knee joint;
  • bowed leg;
  • weak ligamentous apparatus;
  • muscle imbalance.

Additional signs

If the knee comes out constantly, the patient will be bothered by other symptoms. If a person constantly loses movable knee joints, then it is felt sharp pain in the damaged area. The disorder is accompanied by swelling. A knocked-out joint also leads to stretching and rupture of connective tissue formations. If the knee comes out, the patient may have different symptoms, which also depends on which ligament is more injured. When the knee joint falls out, the patient will have the following clinical picture:

  • crackling and crunching in the sore limb;
  • painful sensations in the legs;
  • the knee dangles and pathological mobility is noted;
  • It is problematic to climb the stairs.


If you receive such an injury, your doctor will first examine your knee.

If your knee joint is loose, you should consult a doctor who can accurately diagnose and set the knocked-out knee. First, an examination of the injured lower limb is performed and an anamnesis is collected. To find out the full clinical picture It is worth undergoing some instrumental examinations:

  • X-ray. Such diagnostic method may not be sufficient for severe injuries that cause the knee to drop out.
  • Computed tomography. Knee damage is determined as accurately as possible ligamentous apparatus due to photographs in different projections.

What to do if your knee pops out of the socket?

Traditional healing measures

When a knee pops out, you should start treatment immediately, otherwise complications will arise that are more difficult to treat. Without surgery, it is possible to treat a prolapsed knee initial stages. It is important that there are no ruptures of the ligamentous apparatus or cartilage. Conservative treatment is not carried out if the prolapse is associated with habitual dislocation.

Therapy consists of next steps:

Before performing other medical procedures, the patient is given an injection of an anesthetic.
  • The anesthetic “Novocaine” or “Lidocaine” is injected into the sore area of ​​the knee.
  • A puncture is prescribed when an accumulation of blood fluid is detected in the joint cavity.
  • Reduction is carried out according to an individual technique by the attending physician.
  • Providing immobility to the sore leg.
  • Fixation of the knee with a cast, which is worn from several weeks to a month. If the injury is serious, the period of wearing the plaster cast may increase.

And also prescribed medications, allowing to eliminate painful sensations, swelling and inflammatory reaction. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are important in the treatment of knee prolapse. Doctors prescribe medications that have a decongestant effect and improve blood flow. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also performed to normalize blood circulation and allow for a faster recovery. Physiotherapy includes:

  • electrophoresis;
  • cryo- and magnetic therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • mud therapy;
  • use of paraffin;
  • electrical stimulation.

As a child, everyone has experienced an injury when you run, fall and severe pain shoots through your knee. This is the so-called one that flew out. Everyone knew that the knee joint sometimes pops out, so no one was particularly worried about the injury. But is she so harmless? And what if the knocked out cup does not fall back into place?


Features of the pathology

The knee is difficult anatomical structure which provides uninterrupted operation this organ. Every day a person walks, squats, jumps, runs and even falls. Therefore, it is very necessary heavy load. And if you also take into account excess weight and lack of vitamins in the body, then it is clear that the knee “suffers.” Therefore, it is not surprising that under heavy loads the cup pops out.

It happens that the knee falls out and comes back on its own. But to do this, you need to immediately leave your leg alone and possibly apply an ice compress to the affected area. You still need to consult a specialist, since such an injury cannot go unnoticed. And sooner or later it will remind itself again - with rupture of ligaments, and many other signs.


May be caused by the following reasons:

  1. A blow to the knee joint or a fall.
  2. Excessive load on the leg.
  3. Overweight.
  4. Awkward movements, stumbling, tucking.
  5. Flat feet.
  6. Uncomfortable shoes.
  7. Changes in joints with age.

Over time, if you do not pay attention to the injury, it develops into a chronic dislocation, which is fraught with consequences, especially in old age.

Associated symptoms

The symptoms of injury are quite common and familiar to almost everyone. First there is pain. It can have different intensity and duration depending on the extent of the damage. Also, a hematoma or bruise (from a blow or fall), redness and bruising may appear on the sore spot.

It is important to provide first aid. That is, apply something cold (preferably ice). Keep your leg slightly elevated if there is a hematoma or bruises.


Before wondering what to do with such an injury, you need to carefully diagnose it. How to determine at home that the cup has flown out:

  1. The pain radiates to the groin, thigh.
  2. It is not possible to fully straighten the leg.
  3. In addition to hematomas and bruises, a hole may appear. This immediately means that the joint is not in its place.
  4. When moving, the leg seems to squint and twist.

What tests does the doctor conduct?

  • X-ray. The method may not always be informative. Sometimes it is not enough for diagnosis and treatment.
  • Computed tomography. The method allows you to determine damage to the ligamentous apparatus.

Treatment methods

First of all, it is carried out drug therapy, which is prescribed for minor injuries. In this case, restorative ointments and gels, ice compresses, and limb immobilization are necessary. Severe injuries may require surgery. A method is needed if the joint is severely damaged and simply immobilizing the limb will not help.

In addition, they use traditional treatment. Used when there is no allergy to natural ingredients and there is an opportunity to lie down all the time when using these recipes.

First aid

First of all, you need to remember first aid. It will greatly help a person and ease his lot.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Put the patient down.
  2. Apply ice to the sore spot.
  3. Apply anesthetic ointment to the affected area - Ibuprofen, Voltaren.
  4. You should immediately call an ambulance or take the patient to the hospital to provide qualified assistance.

For minor injuries, the doctor prescribes bed rest, reducing the load on the knee. Also for removing pain syndrome and swelling, ointments and targeted gels can be used. To reduce joint activity, you can use orthoses, bandages, elastic bandage. In more severe and serious cases, a cast may be applied to immobilize the joints. The period of wearing such an attribute is up to one month.

Surgical intervention

If, due to an injury or fall, not only does the cup fly out, but also the ligaments and tendons are damaged, then surgery is prescribed. One of the most gentle and effective methods is arthroscopy. The intervention consists of making three incisions, into one of which a device for lighting is inserted, into the other two for the operation itself. After the intervention, all incisions are carefully sutured. Therefore, the rehabilitation period for such an operation is short and practically painless.

If the joint constantly falls out and then comes back, but there is still pain and discomfort when walking, then endoprosthetics will be needed. This is a rather serious and expensive operation. Therefore, it is advisable not to progress the pathology to such a state. It is better to get rid of it earlier and not have such consequences and complications. But one of the most important advantages of such an operation is that after implantation of the plate, a person retains his former activity for thirty years.

Physiotherapy, exercise therapy

After treatment, it is important to begin to recover properly. The rehabilitation period involves the use of the following procedures:

  • Therapeutic gymnastics. Exercise therapy helps prevent the formation of stagnant processes. Also in postoperative period Thanks to gymnastics, there are no adhesions, muscle tone increases.
  • Massage. Can be done either by a professional or independently. But it is worth noting that the first sessions should be carried out by a massage therapist who will tell you everything in detail, show you and not put a lot of stress on the joint at first. It is advisable to conduct sessions in the morning and evening for no more than ten minutes.
  • Electrophoresis. Also a very useful physiotherapeutic procedure. It can be carried out only in a hospital and only with the recommendation of a doctor.

Folk remedies

You can also try one of traditional methods. Let's look at the most effective ones:

  1. Make a compress from lemon. Squeeze the citrus and dip the gauze in it. Apply to the knee.
  2. The same can only be done with raw potatoes. Grate the peeled potatoes on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice and apply the cake to the sore joint.
  3. You can have a massage session and then apply honey to the damaged area. Cover with cellophane and wrap a woolen scarf on top. Keep for at least half an hour.
  4. IN summer time can be used fresh leaves burdock, applying them to sore spots.

Video “How to straighten your knee”

From this video you will learn how to correctly set a knocked-out kneecap.

Dislocations are a fairly common type of injury in everyday life. No one is safe from them. Knee dislocation is not a very common occurrence in traumatology, but cases of such injury are not uncommon. Knee dislocations can be caused by impacts, accidents, or other mechanical impacts.

In medical terminology, a dislocation is a displacement of intra-articular bones. In other words, when dislocated, the bones of the joint occupy incorrect position, however, their integrity is not violated.

As is known, kneecap serves to transfer the femoral muscle strength on the lower leg and determines the flexion function of the quadriceps muscle. Thus, when flexing or extending, it bears the predominant load.

The knee joint consists of two, the first of which is located between the thigh and the kneecap, and the second - between the bones of the leg and thigh. Each part can become the object of injury. If there is a violation of centralization, which when normal functioning is provided by ligaments in the sliding groove, then overload of the knee is noted. This often leads to unstable functioning and luxation of the kneecap.

The cause may be a direct blow to the kneecap area, or a sharp contraction of the femoral quadriceps muscle during any movement.

Risk factors predisposing to the occurrence of this pathology may also include some congenital anomalies and deformations of the musculoskeletal system, previous diseases. Among these are excessive elasticity of the ligaments, abnormally high location of the patella, and improper fusion of the patellar ligaments with various injuries.

Structural anomalies lower limbs They occur most often in girls or in women after childbirth. Treatment and correction of such pathologies is carried out by fixing the joint with splints, plaster casts or splints. In rare, especially severe cases, surgical intervention is justified, especially in cases of the disease in children over three months of age. Timely non-intervention in the situation can provoke problems with walking in the future.

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Division into types

Anyone can cause dislocations, which are divided into:

  1. Dislocations of the kneecap or patella, during which a characteristic click may be observed. In this case, damage occurs to the popliteal vessels, articular capsule, peroneal nerve, meniscus.
  2. Habitual dislocations of the patella, in which there is a characteristic periodic slippage of the kneecap from the sliding channel. Such injuries can cause disease -.
  3. Subluxations of the patella, which occur not in the joint itself, but in the kneecap. The causes of this injury may be weakness of the thigh muscles, rupture of the ligaments that support the patella, or abnormalities anatomical structure legs

Main symptoms of dislocation

A dislocated knee joint, regardless of its shape, has some characteristic symptoms, among which the following can be noted:

  • sharp pain in the knee area;
  • swelling formation;
  • a change in the traditional shape of the knee joint, in which a floating patella is observed;
  • a feeling of loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​injury;
  • hemarthrosis or intra-articular hemorrhage, which occurs quite often with this injury;
  • limited joint mobility, and sometimes complete absence;
  • V in rare cases increase in temperature and fever in the patient.

It should also be noted that if the patency of the vessels located in the popliteal region is impaired, patients experience symptoms such as pale feet and coldness to the touch. In addition, pulsation of the dorsal artery will be faintly palpable or absent altogether.

First aid

The main measures aimed at reducing the consequences and localizing all unpleasant symptoms, are the following:

  • complete immobilization of the injured leg;
  • applying a splint or any other fixing bandage;
  • if, as a result of displacement of the bones, a disturbance in the circulatory system is observed, you should carefully try to reduce the displacement of the bones, for which you can easily pull the leg by the foot, placing a slight emphasis in the direction opposite to the displacement;
  • exposure of the injured area to cold.

All movements to provide first aid to victims should be carried out very slowly and smoothly so as not to harm the patient.

How is the treatment carried out?

A diagnosis can be made after fluoroscopy, which can rule out a violation of the integrity of the bones. To check for possible damage to the arteries, arteriography, Dopplerography or ultrasound is performed. The state of blood circulation can be examined using pulsometry.

Knee dislocation can only be adjusted by a qualified specialist. This procedure is medical practice called relocation. IN medical institution it is performed under anesthesia. Even in the mildest cases of damage, it is not recommended to do this yourself, since you can only aggravate the situation, or even even provoke a fracture of the articular ends.

The algorithm according to which this injury is treated, in most cases comes down to the following steps:

  • elimination of hemarthrosis by puncture of the joint;
  • using cold compresses to relieve swelling and pain;
  • application of an immobilizing plaster splint.

In most cases, the patient's plaster splint is removed after three weeks. After this, it is recommended to rehabilitation measures, in which it is necessary to gradually increase the load, perform therapeutic exercises and expand the range of possible movements for the injured limb.

The main goal of the measures is to resume flexion-extension movements of the knee joint, strengthening the muscles and ligaments. The recovery period can range from 3 to 4 months depending on the degree of injury and individual characteristics patient.

If the patient suffers a tendon injury as a result of a dislocation, it is recommended that he undergo surgical treatment. Modern surgical interventions involve the use of an arthroscope. The operation is also justified in some cases when stabilization of the joint is required after the ineffectiveness of the applied conservative treatment dislocation.

If the injury is associated with structural anomalies of the lower extremities, then patients It is recommended to use orthopedic devices, developed taking into account the needs of the patient.

The set of measures to restore joint function and normalize trophism also includes the use of physiotherapeutic procedures. Subject to obtaining a qualified complex treatment, full recovery perhaps in a few months.

Regarding improper treatment or complete absence treatment, the injury in question may even cause disability. The best way prevention of this injury can be called strengthening muscles through regular hiking, swimming or cycling.

Have you injured your knee? I think that everyone has had a bruise or abrasion on their knee at least once. Especially in childhood, everyone often falls :-)

But then you got on roller skates, and your life changed... falling is now common. Learn to ride and fall, learn to brake and fall, jump, slalom or just stand still, you still fall. Protection important thing, but it doesn’t always save.

And here you are once again They greeted the asphalt with their knees, and not very kindly. The question arises: “What hurts there? This is a bone!

First, let's look at the knee itself and what it consists of.

Knee joint- most large joint human body. The femoral, tibia and patella. In addition to the articular surfaces of these bones, covered with cartilage, the knee joint is strengthened by a number of strong ligaments. Sliding in it is made easier due to the presence joint fluid, “bags” of the joint. The stability of the joint when walking and running depends not only on the ligaments and muscles of the joint, but also on the intra-articular cartilaginous lamellar bodies - the menisci. The main ligaments of the knee joint are the quadriceps tendon, the collateral ligaments and the intra-articular cruciate ligaments.

Contusion of the knee joint.

Just severe bruise- a common thing, but when severe pain and tumors, it is better to go to the emergency room. Only by doing x-ray, the doctor will definitely say that it’s just a bruise.

Meniscus injury.

The menisci of the knee joint are semilunar-shaped cartilaginous pads that perform the function of shock absorption and load distribution, as well as a sensitive function that provides a sense of the position of the knee joint in space.

Menisci may tear various directions: along or across. The meniscus may tear. If the tear is small (when the torn part does not move in the joint), there is a feeling of pain and constant swelling of the knee joint.

The menisci may tear or come off completely. When the meniscus is completely torn, it becomes tucked in, causing the knee to “jam” and not fully straighten. Often, a tucked piece of meniscus will spontaneously reduce, but will not grow back into place. Therefore, the “jams” are repeated. With any unsuccessful turn or deep squat, the knee flies out and locks. In addition, there is constant pain in the knee on the side of the torn meniscus. At partial rupture the knee does not fall out, the leading symptom is constant pain in the knee. Knee protrusion is the main indicator of what is needed. surgical intervention. The torn meniscus is sutured, if technically possible, to remove the torn fragment, leaving the intact part in place. If you do not operate on the damaged meniscus, you will have to forget about any stress on your leg.

Rupture of ligaments (not muscles!) of the knee joint.

It should be noted that the ligaments of the knee joint are inextensible by their physical nature. Therefore, in fact, we are not talking about a sprain, but about small, incomplete tears of the ligaments.

Grade 1 - No weakness in the ligament during exercise. Few, if any, fibers of the ligament were torn.

Grade 2 - Slight weakness of the ligament, but there is a certain end current. Some, but not all, of the ligament fibers have torn.

3rd degree - Full flexibility of the ligament. All fibers are torn.

With a complete rupture of the external or internal collateral ligament, gait is significantly impaired - the leg becomes unstable in the joint. Characteristic swelling with internal or outside, and 3-5 days after the injury a bruise may become visible, i.e. bruise. When the lateral ligaments are torn main symptom– significant lateral mobility of the lower leg.

When breaking cruciate ligaments, which are located inside the joint, internal hemorrhage often occurs. Therefore, diagnosing rupture of these ligaments is very difficult. Only after 3-5 days or after the blood is removed, the doctor will be able to accurately say whether there is a rupture of these ligaments.

Gap own ligament Patellar or quadriceps tendon damage can occur with a direct blow to the front of the joint. The gait is sharply disrupted: the victim’s leg bends when supported, and with a complete rupture, the person cannot raise a straight leg - the thigh rises, but the lower leg remains at an angle to the thigh. There is no internal hemorrhage with this injury.

Fracture of the patella and bones that form the knee joint.

The most severe injury. It is characterized by internal hemorrhage and the inability to keep the leg straight in the knee joint. It is treated, you know, surgically.

Tumor and internal bleeding

Mild swelling is usually inevitable with almost all knee injuries, usually appearing within twenty-four hours of injury. The appearance of serious swelling (i.e. the knee looks like balloon!) during the first 24 hours after the injury indicates that, most likely, internal bleeding has appeared in the knee joint. In all cases of internal bleeding, you must contact a surgeon for accurate diagnosis and possible release of blood from the joint.

First actions

Inspection. The examination is carried out in comparison with the healthy leg. Carefully check the joint area and the entire limb for curvature of the leg axis. Pay attention to the shape of the knee: with many injuries, internal bleeding occurs, due to which all contours are smoothed out.

If there is no tumor, you should try to fully bend and straighten the knee joint. This is how they are discovered serious injuries(torn meniscus, torn ligaments).

How to treat a knee

1) Don't put any weight on your leg

2) Tight bandage applied for at least the first 24 hours.

3) Crutches, if needed.

4) Anti-inflammatory medications, unless contraindicated (allergy). They must be taken for at least 5 days (even if the knee condition has improved). Take only in case of inflammation, after consulting a doctor.

5) Apply ice

6) The most important thing is to see a surgeon. Most injuries can only be treated with surgery.

As a conclusion: wear protection, let it make you sweat, and it is not always comfortable, and often does not look nice, but your knees are more expensive. Take care of them!

Ultrahigh-frequency therapy helps to recover faster and is used throughout the entire course of treatment. This is heat treatment. Other physical procedures may also be prescribed. It all depends on the specific case.

The doctor may also prescribe massage, which will improve blood circulation and help you recover faster. Physical therapy is mandatory for recovery from injury. After just a few days, the patient should gradually get up and develop his leg.

Fact! With such damage, visiting sanatoriums has a very beneficial effect.

As for surgery, such therapy is used in severe and advanced cases. With its help, you can quickly restore knee function and avoid various unpleasant consequences and complications. At surgical intervention Physiotherapy, massage and gymnastics are usually also necessary.


For speedy recovery it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's instructions. If the patient removes the bandage on his own and puts a strong load on the cup, a reverse reaction may occur - repeated prolapse. Relapse may also occur if certain medications are stopped or physical therapy. In addition, if the joint is not adjusted correctly, there may be various diseases cartilage and bones, discomfort and pain will be felt. Therefore, it is necessary to contact an experienced doctor.

To stay healthy after a kneecap dislocation, you must strictly follow your doctor's recommendations. In general, it is better to avoid this problem. Moderate exercise and support will help with this normal weight. The legs should rest, that is, you should not overload. For any minor injury, you should immediately contact a doctor, this will help reduce the risk of further complications, including dislocation of the cup.