Why can adults’ permanent teeth fall out, and what can be done about it? My front tooth fell out, what can I do?

The absence of a tooth, especially the front one, always provokes a lot of problems. The main one is a decrease in a person’s self-esteem, because in the absence of a beautiful smile, everyone will avoid communication. At the same time, tooth loss can be accompanied by numerous physiological problems. The contours of the face may noticeably change, and insufficient chewing of food can even provoke disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, although even this is not the worst consequence.

Photo after restoration of the dentition using implants

Restoring one missing tooth with a dental implant

New job, Kirill 55 years old.

Avoid serious problems with teeth is possible if you take proper care of your oral cavity and know about appropriate ways prevention of tooth loss. In this article, we will tell you about the causes of tooth loss, including how to avoid discomfort and improve your oral health.

Why do teeth fall out

If your teeth begin to fall out, think about the reason for their loss. There are several common reasons why teeth fall out in humans:


If the patient has lost front tooth, and also if it was intentionally deleted, restore beautiful smile possible with the help of a bridge. A similar solution is appropriate if the result is a constant lower tooth, which bears the greatest load when eating food. The use of a bridge is also appropriate if you have lost false teeth, not constants.

Why does a filling fall out?

Filling loss is an equally common problem with the human oral cavity. It also creates an uncomfortable feeling, especially when eating: it becomes more difficult chewing process, pain symptoms begin. If a filling has fallen out of your tooth, be sure to seek help from professional dentist of your city.

There are a wide variety of reasons why a filling may suddenly fall out of a tooth. The most common among them is the use of low quality materials in the filling, as well as improper shrinkage of the filling inside the tooth. This can cause a small hole to form between the tooth and the filling, which becomes clogged with food and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Often this situation is complicated by the appearance of secondary caries.

Filling loss is often associated with at the end of its service life. On average, based on installation technology and manufacturing material, a filling lasts about 7 years. Regular visits to the dental clinic will help determine when the need to replace the filling arises.

Other reasons why fillings can fall out are a lot of pressure on the tooth (in particular, when strong blows or cracking a nut), as well as non-compliance

Tooth loss in children aged 6-8 years – normal condition. In adults, loss of elements of the series - real problem and stress, especially if we're talking about about the loss of teeth included in the smile zone. In addition to the spoiled appearance, the problem affects a person’s diction and his ability to chew food normally. You can prevent the disease in a timely manner if you know about the causes of its occurrence and the first signs of its manifestation.

Causes of tooth loss and risk groups

It should be noted separately the reasons why teeth fall out in adults and children. The main cause of pathology in adults is periodontitis or gum inflammation. The first sign of a disorder is bleeding gums when eating food and brushing teeth. Due to a pathological process soft fabrics cannot securely hold the unit in the hole.

Another common reason is advanced caries. When the disease occurs, a large cavity forms inside the tooth. If untimely measures are taken, the element will begin to crumble, and the dentist will have to remove its remains from the hole.

Can lead to a problem chronic disorders in the body – pathologies thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, hypertension. These violations create favorable conditions for the development of gum inflammation.

Why do teeth fall out? The condition of teeth is affected by a person’s diet. Abuse of citrus fruits and carbonated drinks leads to thinning of the enamel and gradual destruction of tooth dentin. Edentulism often develops when consuming rough and hard foods - nuts, crackers.

Insufficient oral care leads to the development of caries and tartar.

Plaque on enamel creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic flora and the development of the inflammatory process. If hygiene measures are not carried out correctly, molars are the first to fall out.

The condition of the enamel is negatively affected by bad habits - smoking, alcohol consumption. The habit of opening lids with teeth leads to mechanical injury to dentin. As a result of such actions, a person may lose one or more elements of the series.

The following categories of citizens may encounter edentulism:

  • people involved in hazardous sports;
  • patients who do not undergo a dental examination in a timely manner;
  • patients who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • persons with weak immune system or chronic diseases;
  • elderly people.

Older patients often face this problem. Age degenerative changes lead to increased dry mouth, destruction of fillings and reduction in gum size.

Loss of a wisdom tooth is the least common occurrence. This is due to the fact that the element has 3 roots and is securely held in the gum cavity. In some cases, dentists recommend prompt elimination eights with their abnormal growth or premature destruction. Before the intervention, the surgeon must perform X-ray examination to assess the location of wisdom tooth roots.

Causes of tooth loss in children

Tooth loss is also diagnosed in children. In the vast majority of cases, they experience loss of baby teeth. This process is considered physiologically normal and has nothing to do with the loss of indigenous elements.

What causes baby teeth to fall out? The unit becomes unstable due to loss of connection with bone tissue. In children, permanent teeth subsequently grow in place of lost baby teeth.

If a child over 8-9 years old loses his front teeth, this indicates health problems or unfavorable external factors. Tooth loss in children can be caused by:

  • Hereditary predisposition. Dental diseases can be transmitted from parents to children.
  • Frequent fights. Children's molars have small roots, so they easily fall out of the socket even with a slight impact.
  • Caries. It takes less time for non-permanent elements to break down than for molars. The situation is aggravated by the fact that children cannot thoroughly clean the oral cavity of plaque and food debris.
  • Chronic diseases or lack of vitamins in the body. If the body fights serious illness, then he has no resources left to form bone tissue.

Damage to primary and molar teeth in children requires a visit to the dentist. The loss of one unit threatens malocclusion and other problems in the future. If a tooth falls out on its own, the child will be given temporary dentures.

The first signs of pathology

A number of symptoms signal the development of a problem to a person. With due attention to your health, you will be able to prevent violation of the integrity of the row.

A characteristic symptom of developing edentulism is bleeding gums. On initial stages pathology, the sign occurs when biting into apples or other hard foods. As the disease progresses, the symptom also appears in a calm state.

Another symptom indicating possible tooth loss is bad breath. 2-3 hours after hygiene procedures the smell reappears and becomes noticeable to others. The symptom is additionally manifested by swelling of the soft tissues and an increase in the size of the gums. Microdamages are observed on the surface of the mucous membranes due to their insufficient hydration with saliva.

A sign of a problem that a dentist may notice is the appearance of periodontal pockets. It is difficult to identify the problem on your own, since detachment of the gums from the bone tissue most often occurs on the lingual (inner) side.

At advanced stages of pathology, patients exhibit distortion taste sensations(food becomes fresh) and the elements become loose. The presence of one of the listed signs is a reason to contact a specialist. It is impossible to completely cope with periodontitis, but timely assistance reduces the risk of tooth loss.

Treatment methods

What can be done if signs of edentulism arise? The dentist, together with specialists from other fields (endocrinologist, oncologist, therapist), develop a treatment regimen aimed at preserving the remaining units. Treatment also includes informing the patient about possible reasons tooth loss, consequences of the problem, as well as preventive measures.

If the disease is progressive and the loss of elements is inevitable, the dentist offers the patient the following ways to solve the problem:

  • Placement of dental implants. The devices are metal pins, replacing the roots of the element. They look and function just like natural elements. Some people require preliminary bone tissue augmentation, which takes from 2 to 6 months, to receive an implant. During treatment, the patient is offered the installation of a temporary removable denture. Latest developments allow you to install a prosthesis immediately after tooth loss.
  • Dentures or removable appliances that replace lost units and adjacent tissue. Partial devices fill the void in the row and prevent the remaining elements from falling out. If you have lost most of your teeth, it is recommended to use complete dentures. Instant devices are installed immediately after a tooth falls out, and conventional devices are installed after 3-6 months.
  • A dental bridge is used to fill an empty space in the mouth. Crowns holding the product are attached on both sides to adjacent units.

Photo of a dental bridge on pins


What to do if your teeth are loose? You can prevent edentulism by caring for them carefully and visiting your dentist regularly. If your gums are bleeding, it is better to replace regular pastes with chlorophyll-containing compounds. If visible on the enamel dark coating, then it is better to choose pastes aimed at removing and dissolving tartar. For sensitive enamel select pastes with phosphates.

If gums are prone to inflammation, use hygiene products with herbal ingredients(pastes, rinses). Dentists advise patients to regularly change toothpastes, as the oral cavity gradually gets used to them. It is additionally recommended to massage weak gums after cleaning using special pads. Strengthen your immune system oral cavity allows changing the water temperature during hygiene procedures.

If a tooth falls out but the root remains, you should immediately consult a dentist. The doctor must remove any remaining element to pathological process did not spread to the soft tissues and bones of the jaw. Quitting smoking can reduce the likelihood of developing edentulism; additional use of dental floss to clean the space between units; good nutrition; strengthening the immune system.

If a person has lost a tooth, this is a reason to seriously think about his health. Do not postpone the examination until long time, the situation must be resolved as early as possible. In most cases, natural loss of units is considered normal only in childhood. If an adult is left without an incisor, molar, or canine, this is a disaster. It is necessary to determine the causes of the unpleasant situation as early as possible and begin to prevent premature adentia. Unfortunately, with the acceleration of the pace of life, with the emergence of many problems and material worries, people forget to monitor their health and are forced to resort to the services of prosthetists even at a young age.

Causes of oral pathologies

Why do teeth fall out in adults?

Here are the most common reasons:

  • Damage to tissue units by caries. If the crown is completely destroyed, the remaining bone tissue is easily removed from its proper place and the person may think that the tooth has fallen out on its own, but this is not the case. If root system remains in the jaw, an inflammatory process occurs. In order to eliminate it, it is removed. During extirpation in this case, the bone tissue is black, loose, and disintegrates in the dentist's forceps. If the root has caries and there is no crown, it is difficult for the surgeon to carry out the procedure quickly. For complete removal it is necessary to use special excavators and tongs;
  • Mechanical injury. Tooth loss is quite common after car accidents, falls from heights, or violent fights. Despite the fact that the bone tissue is firmly located in the socket, when force is applied to it, the integrity of the tissue is disrupted. After an accident, if the jaw gets into the impact zone, mandatory carry out an examination. The doctor will examine the patient and then send him to take an x-ray. If a front tooth falls out, a person’s face immediately loses its attractiveness. Losing one at a young age causes ridicule from peers and contributes to the development of psychological problems;

What teeth fall out between the ages of 7 and 15, young patients ask? Dairy units are completely changed to radical ones. The physiological process occurs almost painlessly and is considered the norm.

  • Periodontal disease is a disease of the gums. Neglect of hygiene skills, passion for sweets and baked goods, poor diet are the main factors leading to the development of dangerous pathology. The accumulation of hard and soft bacterial plaque contributes to the formation of gum pockets. Subsequently they increase and flow here inflammatory processes. Man notices unpleasant symptoms: bleeding, purulent discharge from the gums, bad smell from the mouth, soreness and increased sensitivity of the units. Launched form Periodontitis is accompanied by the appearance of mobility. If you don't timely treatment and further neglecting the disease, a person may encounter an unpleasant fact called tooth loss;
  • Periodontitis is a chronic pathology. In most cases, it develops in older people suffering from chronic diseases. An important role is played by: heredity, presence bad habits, lack of vitamins, metabolic disorders. Some people experience the problem at a young age. If they monitor their health and constantly preventive treatment, the chances of maintaining a healthy smile are high. If you neglect the problem and let the disease take its course, a slow but inevitable progression of periodontal disease is observed in the future. It consists of: gum recession, exposure of the necks of the units, and the appearance of sensitivity while eating. Pain also appears when exposed to external factors: reaction to cold air, wind.

The final stage in the development of the disease is complete adentia. A person loses a tooth, without pain, with any minor mechanical impact. In this situation, it is no longer possible to fight for natural units; it is recommended to carry out high-quality prosthetics;

  • Somatic diseases are one of the reasons for the weakening of the body’s resistance and resistance to external factors. If a patient has at least one pathology, a new one inevitably rushes to join it. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your body and treat any disease, even one that does not manifest itself as pain. Subject to availability chronic pathologies, there is a high risk of spreading the infection hematogenously. With somatic diseases, blood circulation in the gums worsens and metabolism is disrupted. The tissues do not receive proper nutrition, and the risk of developing periodontal disease increases. Lost teeth will aggravate the situation and bring new problems;
  • Senile age. Not many people can boast healthy smile in old age. This is due to natural physiological processes, occurring in the body. With age, the jaw undergoes a number of changes: the gums atrophy, they shrink, the necks of the units become exposed, mobility appears, increased sensitivity, units begin to fall one after another. At the age of 65 - 70 years, many people suffer from complete edentia. Teeth in an elderly adult fall out on their own due to mechanical stress, most often when chewing food.

Regardless of the reason for the loss of the beauty and health of your smile, you need to seek help from a dentist. If your teeth have fallen out, but there is no way to pay for expensive treatment, do not despair. After a thorough examination and preliminary examination, the dentist will definitely find and offer you best way solving the problem.

Helping a patient in trouble

From the article described above, it became clear why people’s teeth fall out. Not everyone knows how to solve the problem. Some men and women, afraid of going to the clinic, endure pain and inconvenience for a long time. As a result, diseases develop and manifest themselves in full force. Only after the symptoms completely disrupt life functions does a person seek help from a doctor.

If your teeth fall out, an experienced dentist will tell you what to do. The solution to the problem depends on the cause of the pathology.

To improve oral health, patients are recommended to:

  1. Pass comprehensive examination, fight chronic diseases, be observed by specialized specialists.
  2. News healthy image life, eliminate bad habits.
  3. Eat properly and rationally, remove sweets from the menu, products containing preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers.
  4. Have a preventive checkup with your dentist every 6-7 months. Get rid of pathological diseases: caries, pulpitis, periodontitis.
  5. If a tooth has fallen out due to periodontitis or periodontal disease, it is recommended to undergo gum treatment. It is advisable to carry out professional hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity in order to get rid of plaque and deposits. Patients must carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and use special medicinal ointments, creams, rinses at home.

While using the irrigator, the gums are massaged to improve blood circulation.

  • If at least 1 unit is missing, prosthetics must be performed. The issue can be resolved by creating a bridge prosthesis. To carry out orthopedic treatment they turn adjacent units, take impressions and create a unique design. After a number of fittings and completion technical work, the bridge is installed using cement. Subject to availability cash person, he can independently choose the material of the future product. Crowns and dentures are made from: ceramics, metal-ceramics, metal, plastic.
  • Get examined by an orthodontist and have your pathological bite corrected.

If a person loses a tooth, this is a very unpleasant event, but you should not be too upset. See your dentist for help and prevent further tooth loss. An experienced doctor will certainly offer a plan for restoring the lost unit, and soon your smile will once again delight you and those around you with beauty and health.

Teeth fall out due to diabetes. In Family dental center"Dial-Dent" solves this issue!

Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease that affects, among other things, the dental system. Signs of diabetes mellitus in the mouth can vary. One of the most unpleasant symptoms can be tooth loss. If the situation is not controlled, you can lose all your teeth. This note is about how the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center resolves the issue tooth loss with diabetes mellitus.

The main point to preserve teeth and prevent them from falling out is to control blood sugar. We will not dwell on this point in detail. Any person with diabetes knows this. The second most important point is careful and regular attention to the situation with your gums. A patient with diabetes mellitus also needs regular professional cleaning teeth Stability of sugar levels and lack of tartar And plaque- a guarantee that teeth will not fall out.

What to do if, after all, trouble occurs and the tooth is lost!? At the Family Dental Center, after thoroughly assessing your situation, they will decide on a method for replacing the missing tooth.

Using an example of work performed in our center, we will talk about replacing a lost front tooth.

A young woman contacted the head doctor of the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center with a complaint about the mobility and change in the position of her upper front tooth. The tooth had a high degree of mobility. The gums around the tooth were so inflamed that it was not possible to save the tooth. The tooth was removed to prevent inflammation from progressing to adjacent teeth. The situation was complicated by the fact that the patient had diabetes.

After liquidation, it was necessary to replace the lost tooth. in the anterior part of the upper jaw - difficult task. Implantation for diabetes mellitus– a procedure with a high risk of non-engraftment dental implant. Therefore, in this patient we decided not to take risks, and dental implantation, as a method of tooth replacement, was rejected. The patient did not want to grind down her teeth in order to make crowns on them and replace the missing tooth bridge. Based on this, we had two options left: the first -, the second - a bridge without turning. We decided to use the second option - bridge without drilling your teeth. See the result:

A tooth fell out. What to do?

Replacement of a lost front tooth with a bridge without turning

Smile “Before” and “After”

Our specialists have fixed the defect lost tooth, while neither the right nor the left teeth bordering the one that had fallen out were ground down.

It is clear that the patient could not remain without a tooth for long. Our specialists made this bridge without grinding teeth in two days. Such speed and precision of production bridges without grinding is possible because we have our own, and the dental technician is involved in direct contact with patients.

Some technical nuances of making bridges without grinding teeth

For this and similar work we use. The color determination step is very important. In our center it is carried out jointly: doctor-technician-patient. Joint color determination eliminates misunderstandings after production bridge prosthesis without turning. After all, everyone knows that color perception is different people a little different.

Causes of tooth loss

Experts name many reasons for thinning teeth. Among them:

  1. Periodontitis
    This is a pathological process, which is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth. It begins with bleeding gums and may be accompanied by bad breath. Without the intervention of a doctor, the destruction of the bone tissue that holds the tooth subsequently begins, as a result of which the tooth becomes loose and falls out.
  2. Caries
    At an advanced stage, it not only contributes to the destruction of dentin, but also causes damage to the nerve, and later to the peri-root area, which can also result in tooth extraction.
  3. Malocclusion
    This problem also often leads to damage to the tissues that support teeth and further tooth loss.
  4. Injuries
    If mechanical damage tooth has led to its partial loss, it is required to restore it as soon as possible, and if impossible, remove it in a dental clinic.
  5. Some serious illnesses
    Chronic diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and even hypertension.
  6. Poor oral hygiene
    It is necessary to use toothpaste twice a day, as well as additional funds hygiene (for example, special thread) in agreement with the dentist.

Make an appointment

Don't delay treatment, sign up for free inspection at the dentist at the clinic “All Yours!”

Symptoms of tooth loss

There are certain signs that indicate an increased risk of hair loss healthy teeth. Among them:

  • change appearance gums (for example, swelling or redness);
  • the appearance of bad breath;
  • bleeding gums (for example, when biting hard food);
  • tooth mobility;
  • discharge of pus when pressing on the gums;
  • change in enamel color.

If any of them appear, it is better to contact a specialist as soon as possible: after diagnosis, he (if necessary) will prescribe medicines or therapeutic techniques that will help you quickly (and most importantly, without loss) cope with the existing problem.

Prevention of tooth loss in adults

Even though modern dentistry has wide possibilities for artificial restoration of the dentition, it is best to preserve it for as long as possible natural beauty smiles. To avoid the need for implants, it is recommended:

  • give up bad habits, especially smoking;
  • normalize your diet;
  • carry out regular and careful hygiene oral cavity;
  • apply for timely dental care, and also do not neglect scheduled visits even in the absence of complaints;
  • if available chronic diseases undergo regular examinations.

Compliance with these simple rules With a large share will likely protect you from many dental problems.